ETS (English) | 03.09.2021 Journey With Christ Part 6

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[Music] the holy spirit one god amen we thank our lord and savior jesus christ for his infinite love mercy and compassion uh for always given us this um priceless opportunity to be in his holy house in this church of saint shaman barcelo and the holy mother mary the mother of all saints for another bible preach session and this blessed friday evening 7 p.m all the way from sydney australia we pray all of you our beloveds who are watching us through live streaming we pray that you are always in good health and in good spirit amen let us all stand for the lord's prayer in the name of the father of the son and of the holy spirit one god amen our father who art in heaven hallowed be your name your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us today our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgave our debtors and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever amen psalm number 91 he who dwells in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the almighty i will say of the lord he is my refuge and my fortress my god in him i will trust surely he shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the perilous pestilence he shall cover you with his feathers and under his wings you shall take refuge his truth shall be your shield and buckler you shall not be afraid of the terror by night nor of the arrow that flies by day not of the pestilence that walks in darkness nor of the destruction that lays waste at noon day a thousand may fall at your side and ten thousand at your right hand but it shall not come near you only with your eyes shall you look and see the reward of the wicked because you have made the lord who is my refuge even the most high your dwelling place no evil shall befall you nor shall any plague come near your dwelling for he shall give his angels charge over you to keep you in all your ways in their hands they shall bear you up lest you dash your foot against the stone you shall tread upon the lion and the cobra the young lion and the serpent you shall trample underfoot because he has set his love upon me therefore i will deliver him i will set him on high because he has known my name he shall call upon me and i will answer him i will be with him in trouble i will deliver him and honor him with long life i will satisfy him and show him my salvation and all glory be to our lord and savior jesus christ forever and ever amen please be seated we thank our lord and savior jesus christ always my beloved before we go into our session this evening i'll let us all come into contemplation with this church hymn god bless lord i'm standing here before you knowing you are in control resting in your heavenly glory let [Music] knowing you [Music] i know victory [Music] let us [Music] [Music] there are times [Music] through my darkest days you're with [Music] [Music] i'm trusting in your blood [Music] i'm [Music] [Music] let us [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] hallelujah [Music] all of heaven sings [Music] forever [Music] [Music] jesus christ forever [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i meant to that the great i am and what a wonderful voice by our beloved son in christ lincoln and a beautiful piece of piano playing by our beloved son sargon may god bless them and bless you all my beloveds and bless every soul that does great work for the lord jesus to glorify his holy name through these wonderful deeds well this evening it's a continuation with our journey with christ and today i believe it's the sixth stage of journey with christ and we are talking about the book of genesis chapter three the garden of eden just a nutshell of an introduction so we can go into this and hopefully we can finalize what we were going to finish last friday and we only got stuck on the number one point we said there were 10 points that took place in the garden of eden and i was hoping that i could finish the 10 points but i only elaborated on the first point and that took about an hour and a half so we hope we can finish the other nine in the next an hour and a half we're praying for that um last friday we were talking about the family and we said the family was the first thing the almighty god elohim established on earth marriage was the first thing instituted by the almighty god on earth and through marriage the lord the almighty god wanted a family and we said that god himself is family and family to god is the number one priority because out of family the church is established out of family society race everything comes out of the family and this family is comes together through marriage between a man and a woman adam and eve so um we talked about this for for uh for in for quite a lengthy talk last friday and we went into details i just want to mention something and i'll go on to the other nine points this evening and that is family is built on love the the almighty god created everything and everyone based on true divine love for love to exist it requires two and more persons for love to come into existence love cannot exist with only one unit that is why when some people say to the christian believers that you believe in more than one god we say that is not true because the holy bible is very clear that god is as one or israel your god is one remember this it is written absolutely in total clarity in the holy bible that god is one however this one god cannot be just one unit he he cannot be just one unit he is one in three and three in one at the same time but when we say three persons in that in the nature of god we are not claiming that god is three like three gods far from that god is one but this one cannot be just one it is one in three and three in one when we come to the human being since god created us in his image according to his likeness we see that we are not just one we are one in three and three in one in the epistle of saint paul to the the thessalonians thessalonians 1 chapter 5 verse 23 or first thessalonians 5 23 saint paul very clearly says that a human being is made out of body soul and spirit made out of body soul and spirit so this human being is one but is he really one in the sense of just one unit no he is made out of body soul and spirit at the same time we exist that's one we have an intellect that's two and we have a life that's three but does that make us three people no we are one but this one is not just one i have an existence i have a brain and i have a life my existence is not my brain and neither my brain is my existence or nor my life each one is unique but the three make one human being i'm not three i am one in three and three and one if we ask anyone who believes in the true divine god and the almighty god creator of heaven and earth everything that is visible and invisible do you believe that god exists they're going to say yes otherwise where did this existence come from if god did not exist you know prior to that so god exists they'll say yes do you believe god has a brain he is wise he is intelligent they're going to say yes otherwise how did this complex and intelligent universe come about if there was not a brain behind all this in intelligent universe and complex universe so god is wise do you believe god is the living god of course they're going to say yes otherwise where did life come from and when we read in the book of genesis it says that the lord god breathed into the nostrils of adam the breath of life and adam became a living soul so the breath of life came from god god is the source of life he is the living god and he is the life giver so now god exists god is intelligent has a brain and god is the living god but it is one god but this one god cannot be just one unit it is one in three and three and one the existence of god is the father the brain of god is the son s o n and the life of god is the holy spirit god is holy and god is spirit in his nature so the the spirit of god the holy spirit is the source of life the intelligence of god the brain of god is the son and the existence of god is the father the word father in the hebrew or aramaic language syriac is depending on the pronunciation or on the accent of the language so the pronunciation is literally means the foundation to all foundations the root to all roots and the essence of all essence so when we say when we say the lord's prayer our father the word father in aramaic is meaning the source to every source the foundation to every foundation the existence to every existence that what the word father means so god is trinity father son holy spirit but one god father and son and the relationship between the father and son the bond between the father and the son is through the holy spirit and that is why love is made possible to exist because love cannot exist with one unit if i'm just one i one cannot love itself love can only come into existence when there is someone else with me in a relationship love the love comes into existence when i get to know another person the moment i get to know another person i be i begin to love that person but the reason why i can love myself as well because i am not just one i am three in one i exist i have a brain and i have a life i have a body i have a soul and i have a spirit these three make one human being but because there is more than one inside of this being therefore i am able to love myself and then when some when another person comes in my life i'm able to love that person unless there is two and more love cannot exist period so when we claim that god is only one and one only well one can't love itself there has to be someone else i'll leave that for another topic because it's very deep that's to do with the gospel of john chapter one verse one in the beginning was the word now the word in the greek language is logos logos means intellect brain in the beginning was the brain and the brain was with god and the brain was god and that will be another topic for a later stage now love can only exist where there is two or more family begins with male and female husband and wife adam and eve when the two came together love came and existed between the two and the love was the bond between these two when they came together they produced children family came into existence based on love where there is two people and more now you see in adam and eve love made that family come into existence a marriage through marriage family was brought to into existence there are three kinds of churches there is what we call the personal church there is what we call the family church and there is what we call the universal church the personal church is me i am that personal church i i myself am a church of christ the family husband and wife father and mother and children this family is also another church and there is the universal church meaning the one we go to on sundays usually where we receive the body and the blood of christ from the holy altar and i pray that day is very very very very soon where all of our beloveds come back to the church and praise the lord one more time and receive him and the truth in the body and the blood of christ and the truth now in these three churches they are all made out of three because the one who created us is trinity is three in one and one in three so he created everything in three i am made out of three i am body soul and spirit three in one and one in three the family church there is the father there is the mother and there is the children three trinity and the universal church is also made out of three there is the priest there is the deacon and there is the congregation three and do you notice one thing unless the three come together there is no love and if there is no love there is no life so when the three get together there is love and through love there is life so i am body soul and spirit together in one this came because of love and through love i am living the family father mother and children got together based built on love there is life and the universal church when the priest comes and the deacons and the congregations it is a complete perfect picture of the true church of christ then there is life the body and the blood of christ is giving to the faithful to all the priests the deacon and the congregation for the remission of sins i.e to gain eternal life i need to move on the number one thing that happened in the garden of eden was the enemy put suspicion in the mind and the heart of our mother eve and through suspicion we said it killed faith and by killing faith fear entered the human race and we're still experiencing that till this very day number two the woman said god has said you shall not eat nor shall you touch it you shall not eat it nor shall you touch it lest you die genesis 3 2. when when the serpent came and whispered into the ear of our mother eve said did really god say you know you can't eat from all the trees which obviously god did not say god only said from one tree you cannot eat and that is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil but look at eve what she said to the serpent she said no the lord god said you cannot you shall not eat it nor shall you touch it the lord god did not mention touching he only said to adam don't eat from the tree he did not say to adam don't touch the tree but you see what happens because our mother eve was walking alone meaning she kept her distance from god every time we walk away from god and we go alone on our own journey away from god what do we do we begin to add and subtract to the word of god we begin to change things we begin to falsify the truth because the only way i can preserve that truth when i am connected and bonded to jesus christ the moment i walk alone away from christ i begin to add and subtract from his word so mother eve she said to the serpent yeah the lord god said don't eat from it and don't touch it oh eve you've just added to the word of god and look when we read in the book of proverbs chapter 30 verse 6 proverbs 36 what does it say do not add to his words meaning to god do not add to his words or he will reprove you and you will be proved a liar if we add to god's word he will prove that we are lying so when our mother eve added to the word of god by saying and god also said do not touch the tree she added to the word of god i was seen in the eyes of god as a liar and that's why our mother eve fell and through her adam also fell and the entire human race do not lie one of the ten commandments do not lie now satan brings suspicion we added to the word of god by keeping our distance from him number three the enemy we see in genesis 3 5 for god knows look at the enemy how he how deceptive he is genesis 3 5 for god knows that in the day you eat of it that tree of the knowledge of good and evil for god knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened and you will be like god knowing good and evil what the enemy the serpent satan what he was trying to deceive the human race with he was trying to say that look god is very selfish god he is depicting a very ugly picture of god into our imagination and our thoughts the enemy always wants to reveal god to us as the judging one as the harsh one as the selfish one as someone that does not that wants to enslave us he always depicts a very false picture of the true divine god he wants us to go against him that is his job so he said you know why eve he said don't eat from this tree he is a selfish god he doesn't want you to be like him he doesn't want you to be like god knowing good and evil he always wants you under his control he is a selfish god but look at god prior to genesis chapter 3 when we read in genesis chapter 1 the very beginning chapter 1 verse 26 look what god had said then god said let us father son holy spirit let us trinity let us make man in our image according to our likeness what was the intention of elohim what was the intention of the almighty god from the very beginning prior to creating us his intention was to create this man like him so that was the very intention of god from the very beginning he wanted to create adam and make adam like him but look at satan you see god said to you don't eat from that tree because he doesn't want you to be like him but god had said it from the very start look how the enemy enters our thoughts through deception he's a snake very sneaky when when eve aid our mother eve ate and gave to adam to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil the moment adam ate what happened they lost their innocence they lost their innocence they saw themselves naked i mean they were always naked beforehand but they didn't realize what nakedness is they were not ashamed or embarrassed of being naked before the fall after they ate and broke god's word their eyes opened and they saw themselves naked and they got embarrassed and ashamed and they hid behind the tree well adam and eve you were always naked beforehand how come you were not embarrassed because we were innocent a little baby a child a little baby you make that baby stand fully naked in front of a thousand people and those people are laughing and enjoying themselves and this baby is fully naked and you see the baby laughing jumping and uh you know for joy big smile on the baby's face the baby is not ashamed is not embarrassed before a thousand people being fully naked why isn't the baby embarrassed or ashamed because the baby is still holding that innocence the moment the baby grows older and becomes mature we become embarrassed to reveal our nakedness even to our own mother and our own dad yet they used to bath us they used to change us all the time but now i'm embarrassed please mom don't come in i'm naked dad don't come and i'm naked why because as we grew older we lost our innocence we lost our innocence and i'll need to elaborate on this for a moment when you read in the gospel of saint matthew chapter 10 verse 16 the lord jesus is talking here he said to his 12 disciples he said i am sending you like sheep in the midst of wolves i am sending you like sheep in the midst of wolves be wise as a serpent and be innocent as a dove be wise as a serpent and be innocent as a dove wow adam and eve when they ate from the forbidden tree they lost their innocence they were embarrassed they saw themselves naked they were embarrassed they hid themselves from god the lord in the gospel of matthew the new testament he said i'm sending you like sheep to the disciples i'm sending you like sheep in the midst of wolves be wise as a serpent innocent as a dove now someone would wonder what does the word innocence mean here what does the lord mean be innocent as a dove innocence my beloved it doesn't mean that i am simple i am humble i am like a little baby i don't know any better no i don't know any better it's called ignorance the lord jesus does not want you to be ignorant like the intellectual capacity of a little child but he wants you to be innocent like a child and that's why the lord said unless you come back and be like a little kid you will not enter the kingdom of heaven to come back as a kid he's talking about innocence not wisdom no no you need to be wise as a serpent not ignorant you need to be wise as a servant but you need to be innocent as a dove now why a dove relates to innocence out of the entire entire birds of the sky out of the entire birds of the sky when any bird comes and builds a nest and begin to establish a family as well they lay their eggs the moment that bird just feels there is a danger approaching not not seeing feeling there is a danger approaching the first thing that bird does takes that nest and moves it elsewhere they change their spot the only bird of the sky that never changes the nest is the dove the dove builds a nest lays the eggs have babies the dove goes flying searching for food to come and feed those babies as the as the dove goes searching for food the enemy comes an eagle or a snake climb up the tree an eagle comes from above and they devour that nest they eat some of those babies kill some of those babies and leave him in the nest the mother dove comes back with food to feed her children when she sees the some of the babies are missing gone some of them dead in the nest the only bird out of the sky that dove sits in that nest mourns mourns for the loss of the babies and those who were killed and those who got lost the dove cries like a human being my beloveds the dove cries like a human being mourning for the loss of her of her babies but one thing that dove never does the dove never changes the location of the nest the dove brings lays eggs again and remains there till death remains there when the lord jesus said to the apostles i'm sending you like sheep in the midst of wolves i want you to be wise as a serpent innocent as a dove meaning when a sheep goes into the wolf the wolf will devour you the wolf will persecute you you are going to be persecuted for my name's sake some of you will be killed some of you will be thrown in prison some of you will be kicked punched lat you know whipped and thrown out you will be ridiculed for my name i want you to be standing steadfast in my way don't ever change your nest and go to another path christ has placed you in his path no matter what persecutions come your way i want you to be faithful and loyal to your christ remain in the path and in the way of christ be like the dove innocent meaning never changing your path because of tribulations persecutions and and being killed for the name of christ learn from the dove stay where you are steadfast firm in the lord don't change your path this is innocence wow looks like i'm not going to finish the ten points i have to elaborate so you understand why the lord jesus said wise as a serpent innocent as a dove the lord speaks of duetto dual language he says in the gospel of matthew chapter 5 you are the light of the world you are the salt of the earth too about the lord himself he is the lamb of god and he is the lion of the tribe of judah he is the lamb and he's the lion too now they are two parallel lines never meet two parallel lines never meet for every orthodoxy is paradoxy paradoxy there are paradox lines two parallel lines never meet it doesn't make sense god brings out of the grave life god brings out of death life they are two parallel lines they will never meet life is life and death is death death will never be life life will never be death life cannot die and death cannot live but god said out of death i'll bring life for this is god what is impossible to man is possible to god i bring out of the two parallel lines my mightiness i am the lamb and i am the lion two parallel lines don't meet the lamps so weak the lion's so powerful salt and light light comes from heaven salt comes from the ocean from below light from above salt from below two different two parallel lines never meet wise as a serpent innocent as a dove two parallel lines but these two parallel lines are amazing when you have them together body and spirit body and spirit and by the way salt is is made out of two substances and these two substances when you take them on their own separately they can be very fatal they are poison um sodium and chlor chlorine or chlorine chlor and sodium sodium is poisonous and chlorine is poisonous on its own but when you mix them together sodium and chlor become salt and when you put salt in your food wow food without salt they are tasteless no matter how beautiful they are but they have no taste what brings flavor to that food is the salt but the salt is made out of too poisonous substance if you take them separately but the two together gives you flavor taste and nourishment and life the body and the spirit two different substance body on its own fatal spirit honor on its own is very poisonous and it's very fatal but when the body and the spirit are together when you bring jesus into the equation he'll make sure that the that the level or the measure of claw and the measure of sodium is perfect measures so that that way it is not poison to kill you the lord will make sure the measures of the chlor and sodium are perfect measures it is the only one it is the lord jesus who brings the body and the spirit into harmony and make these two different um substances he brings them into unity and make them live together in unity it is christ who gives the perfect measure to the body and the spirit to make him live in harmony an absolute perfect union wise as a serpent now what is the serpent we've been talking about the serpent the serpent is the enemy satan came into the serpent the serpent is the enemy but the lord actually commanded the enemy for for for the wisdom that that the enemy has he said learn from the enemy is very wise the snake my beloveds when it encounters an enemy the snake realizes when it when the snake realizes that it cannot win the battle with this enemy so if it engages in a fight with the enemy the enemy is stronger than the snake the snake does one thing it actually hides its head and and rotates the body on top of that head when the enemy comes and devours the body of the snake rips into it cuts it to pieces that is fine the snake never dies until the head is crushed you can cut the snake in half as long as the head is not crushed the the body of the snake will regrow again and will live the snake will not die the only time the snake is dead when you crush the head so the snake covers the head with the body and it says very wise it says let the enemy eat my body the body will grow again when the enemy eats the body and sees that it's shredded to pieces the enemy thinks i'm dead the enemy goes after a little while my body will regrow again and i will live i i overcame the enemy with wisdom the lord jesus says you are sheep being sent by me in the midst of wolves protect your head what does it mean protect your head like the snake the lord says the word i have bestowed i have given you bestowed upon you the word that i that you heard through your ease i want my word to remain in your head don't ever let no one to brainwash you and take you away from the truth protect your head like the snake what you heard from your jesus hold on to it don't let any false teachings to come and brainwash you and take the true word from your head and with it take your soul spirit and body into perdition what i gave you my disciples is the truth protect your head from the enemy don't let the enemy deceive you and brainwash you be wise as a serpent protect your head be innocent as a dove remain faithful in my way don't veer off the road when you are persecuted don't veer off the road when you are having it tough don't veer off the road because you are being you are going through tribulation for the lord's sake no matter how much they persecute you for my sake remain faithful to me like like a dove be innocent remain in your path innocence on its own is ignorance wisdom on its own is evilness but the lord put it together be wise as a serpent be innocent as a dove together not one on its own no innocence only ignorance wisdom only evil satan that is why he is called the evil one please pay attention the holy bible refers to us as sinners not evil who is the evil one satan why because satan was given wisdom but that wisdom he lost it because he wanted to be like god he wanted to be another god in heaven so wisdom alone becomes evil he lost innocence that's why he made eve and adam lose their innocence because he lost it he was once upon a time in heaven as an innocent angel the moment he broke god's word he lost that innocence he he did not lose his wisdom but he lost his innocence as a dove so he he only ended up with wisdom wisdom alone is evil so now satan uses his wisdom for evil things because he doesn't have innocence anymore innocence only ignorance but when the lord jesus gave us innocence and wisdom together it is the power of god what is the power of god the holy cross the holy cross crushed the head of the serpent jesus the perfect man whatever his father in heaven gave him jesus protected his head he was tempted by the tempter but jesus never failed because whatever his daddy instilled in his head that head was protected by the lord his body was shredded on the cross but he preserved the head for as long as the head is preferred preserved the body will will will resurrect you can crush this body i'll be given the glorified body satan i have crushed your head you crushed my body but i crushed your head for as long as the head is protected the body can grow again but once the head is gone even if the body is intact it will be dead what gives life to the body is the head the moment the head is gone the body is gone automatically so the lord jesus on the cross is innocence as the dove and wisdom as a serpent at the same time this is the power of god the holy cross jesus he remained loyal to his daddy he remained faithful to his daddy he came to do the will of his daddy and he did it till the end the death of the cross he never veered off the road no matter what came his way that is the innocence of the dove and whatever came his way was put to shame because he protected his head he never let nothing and no one to brainwash him and take the word of god from his head he was wise like a serpent protected his faith protected his mission till the very end this is the power of god christ hanged on the cross innocence and wisdom at the same time but when we lose our innocence we have lost the way of christ we have veered off from the way of christ because innocence is the dove and the dove remains in the path never changes the path my goodness point number three the enemy said you're gonna be like god don't worry eat from the tree god said i've already make you like me before i created you in genesis 1 26 that that was the only reason why i came to create you to make you like me we forgot we forgot what god has said number five the man what did they do they sought thick leaves and made for themselves coverings genesis 3 7 when adam and eve saw themselves their naked they got embarrassed so what to cover themselves they took the leaves of a fig tree because normally the leaves of a victory they're very big other trees their leaves are are very small but but the fig tree leaves are fairly big so they made out of the fig leaves covering to cover their nakedness obviously whatever we do to cover our own mistakes eventually it's not going to work because the genius adam and eve thought that they can fix their problems by their own way so they decided to cover themselves with fig leaves but the leaf is going to wither it's going to dry and it's going to fall apart and your nakedness will resurface once again this is the dilemma of the human race till this very day we are trying to fix our mistakes we are trying to fix our errors with our own ways not guards please give up stop fixing your issues by yourself stop saying i can do it i can fix it you cannot the more you try the more you're gonna make it worse on yourself the more you're gonna cause damage for yourself because whatever way you do to fix your errors you will fail and the leaf will fall and you'll be seen naked i.e you'll be ashamed and embarrassed before the whole world and above all before your god let god cover your nakedness let god wash away your sins let god fix your problems come to him as you are naked don't hide from god some people say i'll go to church when i'm ready that is a deceptive statement by satan because neither me nor you my beloved will ever be ready to go to church we are never ready to go to god it is only god who can make us ready when we just ask for his help if we say when i'll go to church when i'm ready that day will never come go to christ your god as you are with your filth with your nakedness with your sins with your errors with your mishaps with your shortfalls go to him as you are stop trying to fix it yourself you cannot it is only through our lord and savior jesus christ we are made ready to face god it is only through christ what he had done on calvary made us ready to face god when we accept the lamb of god as savior and redeemer for our lives then jesus will make us ready to be in the presence of the almighty god outside of that forget it you can never be ready never now in genesis 3 7 men covered themselves with the fig leaves brilliant genius people my goodness and isn't it the same case what is happening in our time and age look at the world the world is trying to cover itself by itself and the more they try to fix it their way the more embarrassment they are bringing upon themselves and they are putting themselves to shame what is happening on a global level with this so-called pandemic is absolute childish behavior from governments childish behavior it's a laughable matter enough enough putting fig leaves on yourselves government and cover yourselves you're running out of options so how many how many fig leaves are you gonna bring stop stop bringing fig leaves and covering your nakedness every now and then you're coming up with a different excuse the first time it was the coronavirus now it's the delta and i don't know you're going to use the entire greek alphabets are you stop it this is a game enough please you're embarrassing yourselves you're supposed to be mature adults not little kids but when when when a mature adult acts like a kid they call this childish behavior because you are not supposed to be a kid you're an adult governments are behaving like a little kid with the so-called pandemic they keep on putting fig leaves they want to cover their nakedness they want to try and fix this game they are running out of options or the vaccine or now there are side effects okay so what are we going to do so because satan is laughing at you satan is making fun of you enough chasing satan come back to the lord and and give your country give yourselves as government to the hand of god so that you are seen wise not ignorant until when you're gonna cover this pandemic please it's a lovable meta now we're making others laugh at us haven't we learned from what is happening in israel in great britain in america and other parts of the world they've taken the jab what has become of them until when are you gonna cover yourself with fig leaves until when they are drying and falling give up on this game for god's sake come back acknowledge that you've made a mistake acknowledge that this is an evil agenda acknowledge that you've been deceived by the enemy acknowledge that you secret societies who worship satan look what satan is doing to you until when are you gonna follow satan he's gonna take you to the heart of hell and then he's gonna laugh at you and say i won i deceived you i made fun of you now look where i got you i made you lose the true divine god you made me your god but i'm satan i'm the false god but now it's too late you can't go back to the divine god because you chose satan to be your god look what satan is doing to you i wonder bill gates are you living comfortable i want everyone to hear this every human being to hear this anyone whether you believe in the true divine god or not whether you believe in him or not you my dear friend you will never have the inner peace in you until you come back to the true divine god who created you an atheist that has no god has no peace a billionaire that has no god has no inner peace anyone that does not have the true encounter with the true divine god you will never understand what inner peace truly mean you can you can own the whole world but there is no rest inside of you you know why because there is god in heaven and this god is very fair and very just god will make sure you will never have that inner peace for as long as you are ignoring him you are denying him and you are walking away from him god in heaven will make sure that there is no peace in you you know why because peace inner tranquility inner serenity inner peace and unity only god can give no one else and definitely satan cannot give it to you so what kind of a life you're living hiding [Music] you are living in darkness you are doing your rituals in hiding my goodness christ is the light of the world everything is clear vivid when you come to jesus you will no longer hide you will no longer look behind you when you're walking because you're always afraid someone might come and kill you or hurt you when you put your head on the pillow your conscience gives you hell because you've killed so many people you've destroyed so many lives to become what you have become you will never have peace you will never have that rest until you repent of your sinful life and come back to christ there is no peace my dear friend what are you achieving stop covering yourselves with fig leaves let christ cover you with his with his with his precious body the dress of righteousness the dress of holiness the dress of purity that dress of serenity the dress of light the dress of life the address of dignity the dress of glory the dress of the son not a slave my goodness my goodness how much in darkness are you government and for what because you want to do it your way not god's wow wow greed money when saint paul says that the love of money is the root to all evil money and its own is not evil but when you love money then it becomes evil because love was only intended to be given to god no one else first that is why the lord god said you need to love god first and then your neighbor like yourself so don't say love your neighbor by getting the jab you're showing an act of love for your neighbor what happened to the first half of the verse you need to love god my dear friend because unless you you learn how to love god you can never know and learn how to love your neighbor like yourself because without god neighbor doesn't exist i don't exist it is god who gives me that existence and their essence and that dignity and that identity without god everything is nothing if you believe in nothing you'll end up with nothing atheism is a belief in nothing so whatever you believe in that's what you're going to be in the end believe in nothing you'll be nothing without god there is nothing everything makes sense when there is god governments and church leaders you need to come back to the true divine god my dear friends my dear friends stop covering yourselves with thick leaves let the lamb of god who was slained for the redemption of the entire world let the lamb of god cover him cover you with himself because this is the only outfit that the almighty god the father recognizes his beloved son jesus christ of nazareth you cover yourself with another outfit outside of jesus god says i don't know who you are go to hell where it was made a place made for satan and his fallen angels my goodness governments are chasing their tails with this coronavirus anthony fauci doesn't know what other lie to come up with aren't you ashamed of yourself anthony fauci aren't you embarrassed honestly to be sitting in congress and facing those people that are questioning you and every time you lie for what for money to be wealthy to please those secret societies of yours is that it where is augustus caesar the ruler of the world where is he dead rotted in the grave whereas caiaphas the high priest dead rotted in the grave where is the kings of the world dead rotted in the graves where is pharaoh where is where is all the empires of the world where are they i just want to know do you have a brain that's still ticking and thinking do you what did they take with them for you and i to take with us from this world they went with nothing same thing will happen to us no matter how much wealth we have we are going empty-handed to the grave my dear friend and that casket that casket has no pockets has no vents has no windows it is fully sealed you can't take none of your possessions with you the only thing you're gonna take is your deeds whether good or bad and then you will face your creator the only true judge and what you gonna say when he says show me what have you done for me then what you gonna do the freemason are gonna come to your rescue sorry your wealth is gonna come to your rescue sorry your prestigious lifestyle is gonna come to your rescue sorry your throne as a pope as a patriarch as an as a cardinal as a bishop is going to come to your rescue sorry the only one the only one that is going to come to the rescue of everyone is jesus christ of nazareth all glory to his holy name this man perfect god perfect man christ the messiah this one is the only one he's the only one so stop covering your lies with a fig leave come to christ as you are repent what is government a group of people who are these people creation of god what are you with that god nothing who am i without god nothing all of us are nothing without god entrust australia in the hands of jesus christ i can assure you no one can touch australia i can assure you this i will put my life on the line for this i promise you when you entrust australia to the hand of jesus christ australia will be will be glorious [Music] and america and every country you entrusted to the hand of jesus christ that country will be glorious man i watch i watch some of the some of the country leaders and church leaders they speak childish things childish some of the country leaders the way they behave absolutely childish and church leaders some of them i'm not going to say oh no but some of them they do they do you know why they speak childish because they lost their innocence they veered off the road they did not remain in the in the way of christ the moment you lose christ you're an ignorant person and you'll behave like one time flies when you're having fun [Music] the men saw that they saw clothes for themselves out of fig leaves what does the lord god do also for adam and his wife the lord god made tunics of skin and clothed them genesis 3 21 he made them tunics shirts out of skin and clawed them not leaves that wither away and fall he made shirts that stays on you forever and where does this tunics of skin come from in the new testament the gospel of john chapter 1 verse 29 it says the next day john john the baptist the next day john saw jesus coming toward him and said behold the lamb of god who takes away the sin of the world this is the lamb that was slain and his skin was taken stripped of him and may and god made a tunic out of it to cover our nakedness jesus went up on the cross fully naked to cover our nakedness he took his his righteous outfit he took his clothes his holiness his holy clothes he took it off him accepted for himself to be naked so that my nakedness and your nakedness be covered so that way our shame is covered and we are no longer shamed before the whole world he went up on the cross fully naked he accepted the shame of ours on himself he swapped us our place we should have been crucified we should have been put to shame but the son of god the true son of god came took our shameful status on himself he became naked the one who is the holy of holies the righteous one of god he took on himself our nakedness and gave us his clothes and covered our nakedness he took our sin gave us his holiness he took our darkness he gave us his light he took our death he gave us his eternal life he swapped us this is the tunic that god made out of skin jesus flesh being shredded to pieces with those whips of the roman soldiers by the roman soldiers i think i'm going to leave it at that maybe we'll leave the other five points for next week god is the creator of everything and everyone love is the supreme ethic love is the supreme ethics it is love that makes life life love is the supreme ethic christianity says that god is love so therefore this love is the foundation to everything without love there is no life without love there is hell can i encounter hell on earth before i go and i pray nobody goes to hell because definitely it's not a place anyone wants to be there definitely not but can i encounter hell on earth yes whenever i live a life that has no love in it it is absolutely hell life without love is hell that's why love always precedes life what we are missing in our time and age what we are missing in our time and age is true love and true humility true love and true humility true love innocence true humility wisdom be wise as a serpent be innocent as a dove true love innocence and true humility is wisdom and without love and wisdom there is one thing childish behavior and what we see in the world it is telling me one thing there is no love there is no humility that's why they are acting in a childish way they are acting in a childish way love i gain through knowledge and wisdom i gained through humility what leads to that love is knowledge and what leads to wisdom is humility when i get to know the person i love them but to protect that love to preserve that love to enhance that love to expand that love i need wisdom and in order to gain wisdom i need to be humble without the two who am i what am i i am no longer that being that human being which god had created me according to his image in in his image according to his likeness i am no longer that human being when we come back to our origin who is god acknowledge god as our creator acknowledge that we are made by this god confess our mistakes and our sins before him then he will come and fix every error that we have made and every foolishness that we have done in our life this pandemic wouldn't have been here the coronavirus wouldn't have been here if we truly acknowledge the true divine god who is all love and all wisdom he is all knowledge and all humility we gained a different knowledge we became greedy people money we began to love money and everything that you love outside of god that thing becomes your god and any god outside of jesus christ is a false god is an idol god you are worshiping a false god so when you begin to love money money becomes your god and let me see where that money is going to lead you to absolute hell it is the greed of the human being that made people suffer made other people even starve and die from starvation the human greed has blinded us blinded us all that is happening now p some people want to be richer because when they become richer they become more powerful they can control more you see they need power and to gain that power money money gives that power because when you are rich you can do a lot of things you can buy people with money you can buy people in high places with money but then my dear friend when death conquers you and you go to the pit what are you going to do with that money what are you going to do with those places that you you you reached what are you going to do what are you going to do unbelievable some church leaders have sold themselves for money because they became the hiring instead of a true leader some politicians have sold themselves for money some government leaders have sold themselves for money in every aspect of life you will see people that have sold themselves for money they have swapped eternity for a temporal filthy world they have swapped holiness with the pig's field for the picks field they said the picks field is much better than holiness eternal life they chose the dark alleys instead of the light child trafficking child sacrifices how are you going to escape the wrath of god you have too much blood on your hands you have too much blood on your hands children in the millions are disappearing from the face of this planet and no one is talking about it no one governments police force army are hiding the truth and the reality of this [Music] poor children being slain offered at sacrifices for their satan and no one is talking about it but god sees everything and woe unto you for your time is very near at hand it is almost over for you guys jesus christ will never accept such evilness well never and by the way you can go in in those dark tunnels you can go underground and you can put on the outfit of the lamb from outside yet from inside you are vicious wolves and i'm talking to church leaders here you can put the outfit of the lamb of god but from inside you are vicious wolves but guess what you can falsify the truth before the world but how can you fake it before god how can you oh you cannot lie to jesus christ you cannot bribe jesus christ for jesus christ is the true divine god revealed in the flesh he is the truth and all the truth and nothing but the truth and jesus sees everything you can hide in those dark alleys underground behind the scenes and behind closed doors but everything is in the open before the eyes of the lord jesus you can run but you cannot hide my dear friend whoa so many people have destroyed their lives for power for greed for prison for prestige for fame so many hollywood celebrities they began their life in the church choir they began their life in the church where did they end up because money can destroy you it can get to your head and make you boostful and make you so greedy it can blind you the enemy is nothing but poison he is the snake and what comes out of the snake except poison so what did fame do to you what did money do to you what did this prestige do to you what did this hollywood celebrity do to you they can put a star on the ground what what a nonsense let jesus put that star for you and say this is my son in whom i am pleased [Music] let jesus give you that star not the world like jesus governments come back from this evil way repent repent before your god repent look what has become of america are we blind does it take a genius to figure out what is happening the day america goes back to jesus christ i can assure you there is no power in this entire world that can touch america it is not your weapon weaponry power it is not your weapons that can protect you it is god who can my dear friend it is god and this god is jesus christ and i encourage you as the president i don't know i am yet to see a king a president a prime minister to stand and say may jesus christ bless this country i'm yet to see that well actually donald trump said it once but next time i know america or the president of america always they end up their speech with may god bless america can you please this is my request and my advice and i'm i'm very i'm begging you mr president next time you stand not this one not joe biden please i pray for him i pray for him but their intentions is evil him and that kamala harris whatever her name is well the whole administration forget it forget it but the president of any country and especially america because mainly we see america says may god bless america next time please do yourself a favor and your country and the whole world a favor when you say may god can you please specify which god that is because there are so many gods so which one are you referring to next time say may god who is jesus christ of nazareth bless the united states of america then i will upload you then i will upload you then i will respect you then i will say you are truly invoking the true name of the true divine god because there's only one there's only one and please those church leaders that say all humanity worship the same god excuse me until when are you gonna stand up and speak the truth until when is everyone worship does everyone worship the same god as you as a christian you bring me any any other human being and non-christian and i'm saying it out of love and respect please don't get me wrong but i'm talking to the christians here you bring me anyone that is a non-christian and believes that your jesus is god you bring me anyone else so stop saying everybody worship the same god no it's not jesus christ is totally different than any other god because what is written in the holy bible is not written in any other book we are one in humanity but we are not one in our faith and we need to acknowledge it with love and respect without heart feelings and without reservations and without hypocrisy we enough enough being a hypocritical people enough you entrust australia to the hand of jesus christ i'll put my life on the line i can assure you australia will live happily ever after but is there a man is there a man that stands up and says my god is jesus christ and i'm gonna say the prayer before i open the parliament our father who art in heaven what has become of people [Music] feared of the road they might say it in their god and look what satan is doing lock downs mask satan will come and shut your mouth satan will come and enslave you and lock you in a prison and satan is going to say be careful there is a new variant it's delta and there is m and there is c and there is d it's never going to end because satan will never end up his lies he is the father of all lies enough of this nonsense we need to come back to jesus we need to come back to the lord we need to come back to the lord my goodness i'll leave you with this and i'm so sorry i said i was going to finish i don't know there's something insiding me inside of me burning please don't get me wrong i love everyone but the truth has to be said whether people love me or hate me it's beside the point it doesn't really matter as long as the truth is told and said that's what really matters that's what really matters that what really matters the lord jesus i'll leave you with this the lord jesus said every tree is known by its fruits and every human being is known by the way they behave and the way they talk what is happening in the world we could see the fruits of it is absolutely of evil of evil descent evil satan divides and conquers jesus christ the true divine god comes unites satan divides jesus unites satan puts poison jesus gives life he is the antidote to the poison the blood of the lamb of god shed on calvary on the cross look what has become of this great nation australia and so many countries because of this so-called coronavirus pandemic my goodness this is an absolute fruits of satan nothing else we have made people go against one another dear governments the premier is coming out and saying if anybody comes to your house neighbor call the crime stoppers now all of a sudden if somebody comes to my house he is a criminal i'm a criminal now amazing amazing what a great what a great democracy i mean we've even surpassed the communist party in china we've surpassed them man we should need now we are an expert to teach china how to be communist so somebody comes and says hello to me my son my daughter my grandson my family member oh call the cr crime stoppers these these people are breaking the law they are criminals and you're coming out and saying those who have been vaccinated they'll get more freedom those unvaccinated they'll stay in lockdowns you're not going to get the same freedom who are you to decide who is to be free and who is not who do you think you are you're definitely not god it is only god that gave me that freedom how dare you to tell me that i am not free or i am free how dare you who do you think you're you are premier and prime minister for that matter no one has the right to tell me that i am free or not only god can how dare you how dare you you have caused family to be divided vaccinated unvaccinated now even brothers sisters have gone against each other the vaccinated are saying to the other ones you are the enemy don't come to our house you're gonna give us the the virus well the vaccinated are carrying the virus but beside the point you chose to be vaccinated fine or well it's not fine actually but you chose but even those who chose not to be vaccinated that's their choice leave people to be free on how to choose and what to choose leave them free don't make enemies you have divided family members that you've made them go against each other you've made neighbors go against neighbors now neighbors are not saying hello to their neighbor anymore because everyone is afraid this is another fruit of satan he he pushes fear into people's hearts and make people go go against each other look what you've done of this country you know what you need to repent politicians premieres prime ministers presidents kings you need to repent you know what don't ever think that you're doing this to so you can secure a future for yourself there is no future my darling one day sooner or later you're gonna die i'm gonna die and when you're gonna die my sweetheart you're gonna face jesus believe me i'm not saying this because i'm a christian i'm saying this because i know this truth jesus christ is the only god he exists whether you like her or not he exists believe me any human being when you die you're not going to see anyone else except jesus believe you me you're gonna remember this but i pray it's not too late it's not too late for some i pray for this come back to the lord jesus he's the only one he's the only one led people to to be able to use their freedom freely and that freedom is given by god look what you've done with people my goodness are you worried about a virus that is going to come and kill people yet i want to know what is the death rates now why aren't you telling the truth that's a joke that is a joke you know what's killing people it's not the coronavirus it's the division you've caused in people's lives it is the fear that you've driven through these so-called mainstream media will give you nothing but lies you have divided people and you made them go against each other shame on you stop covering yourself with fig leaves your nakedness very very soon is going to be revealed before the whole world and what are you going to do then premiere prime minister president king what are you going to do then church leader what are you going to do then let jesus christ cover your nakedness otherwise neither me nor you will have a life there is no future without god there is no future so don't don't secure your pension for the future what pension what pension my sweetheart what pension the only security for your future is jesus christ of nazareth is there anybody home believe me i'm not your enemy believe me i love you believe me i pray for you believe me i pray for this country i love this country i am proud to be an aussie yes i may not look it but hey as the saying goes do not judge the book by its cover i am an aussie from inside maybe not from outside but for inside i can show you i am a true blue down under brother a fair income bro i'm proud to be aussie i love this nation i am proud of this nation but i'm not so much proud i couldn't say that for this government unfortunately but it's not too late come back jesus is the only solution jesus is the only answer let us stand for the finale pray please in the name of the father and of the son of the holy spirit one god amen lord make me an instrument of your peace where there is hatred let me so love where there is injury pardon where there is doubt faith where there is despair hope where there is darkness light where there is sadness joy or divine master grant that i may not so much seek to be consoled as to console to be understood as to understand to be loved as to love for it is in giving that we receive it is important that we are pardoned it is in dying that we are born again to eternal life amen may the lord jesus bless you guide you and protect you all the days of your life now and forevermore amen before i leave you with the hymn again just to remind them this coming wednesday we are also giving food hampers for free again so it's going to be this wednesday from 12 midday here at the church location may the lord jesus guide you bless you protect you forgive your sins bring you back to the truth bring you back to the light bring you back to the only way who is jesus christ the way the truth and the life may the lord bless your families may the lord bless your household may the lord bless your life bless everything that you have so that way you can glorify him with whatever god has given you whatever he's given you give it back to him your family your children your wife your husband give the whole family back to him and say lord you run it for us you manage it for us you control it for us you protect us lord from the snares of this of the enemy and from the poison of the snake satan lord you are the only way to our salvation and redemption jesus christ we entrust you with everything we entrust you with our all whole being and with everything that we have for you are the only one that in him eternal life was guaranteed jesus christ our lord our god our savior our redeemer the king of kings and the lord of all lords the alpha and the omega that surpasses every delta and every coronavirus everything is under the foot of christ jesus is the answer to every question is the solution to every problem is the cure to every illness embrace him and have him in your life and see what the lord is going to do for you may god bless you and protect you now and forevermore amen i'll leave you with the hymn god bless [Music] lord i'm standing here before you knowing you are in control resting in your heavenly glory let your will be done for me [Music] knowing you will take them i'm trusting in your bloody shed for me [Music] [Music] [Music] jesus christ forever [Music] [Applause] [Music] knowing you will take them all i'm trusting in your blood you share for me i know [Music] me [Music] let us [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus christ forever [Music] [Music] all of heaven sings and prays worshiping your holy pain forever [Music] let us breathe [Music] [Music] [Music] the greatest [Music] [Music] the greatest [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Christ The Good Shepherd Church
Views: 6,745
Rating: 4.9575596 out of 5
Keywords: Christ The Good Shepherd Church, H.G. Mar Mari Emmanuel, Mar Mari, Jesus, Christ, Lord, God, Christian, Holy Bible, Sermon, Love, Mercy, Unity
Id: -3vcqZjlfkU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 36sec (6336 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 03 2021
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