Ethan Reacts to Horrible Balenciaga Scandal

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so you guys know Valencia it's a massive uh designer brand that's like super in I mean it was burning hot they just did a huge ad campaign with Kim Kardashian they had posters up everywhere you know that ain't cheap also Kanye was working with them they dropped for the anti and then they go in this hole campaign crazy oh is this where where's the Balenciaga uh let me see she was in a blue dress in it they like how'd they like scour the internet I said Kim Kardashian it's all gone like are you serious it seems like nobody wants to work these days did she really scrub the [ __ ] internet no it's just all the news articles about it yeah I found it add photos yeah here like this this was massive it was all over the place Kim Kardashian for Balenciaga this was like right before all this [ __ ] happened they were just burning hot they were on top of the faster world like really man every celebrity was wearing them I had just uh let's just say I bought something Balenciaga and then I returned it because I was like there's no [ __ ] way I can go out in public like this it's just such a fat L and then people even in like ela's comments are like when hey Ela uh so what's your plan for your Balenciaga are you gonna burn it like people are not down I think this company is going to be so severely damaged by this it's astonishing I don't know that they'll survive it I don't it inshallah it's a tough label to have I mean like I just going some all over the weekend there's spray paint on the side of the mall saying Balenciaga supports child whatever I don't know if I can say but yeah it's wild yeah so here's what happened um there was kind of three main things that happened it kept getting worse and worse so the first thing is they did this photo shoot with kids and I I do think like I want to preface this by saying that there was a lot of fashion companies doing shots with kids I think it was something that was kind of end quote unquote like uh where's that kith one yeah so kith did it and I thought theirs was really cool it's for a kids line they're not selling adult clothing but kith did like their usual kind of Photography with kids and like the kids look so sick dude look how [ __ ] cool this kid looks it says so so I love this photo I thought it was so cool and the kids look so awesome like such little Ballers look at this and so I think what Balenciaga was trying to do was to hit this hit this note but the the difference is kith actually is making kids clothing dude this is so baller these are like the most baller kids on Earth so it was kind of a Vibe and so I I think they saw that and we're like okay let's have kids do our usual stuff but the thing Balenciaga is kind of like sexy and edgy and like goth I don't know if it's goth but is everything like edgy and very sexual so the thing with kids is kind of a poorly conceived so people got mad because there's like a goth maybe I'm doing a show here bro this [ __ ] just drives me insane I just want to [ __ ] rip off my mic arm I hate this av's mic just collapsed here I'll come help you mute me and so um you could I can see you saying this this was in poor taste you know but I don't think by itself is really a big deal this one but it keeps getting worse and worse so it's like okay you know this is this is a little corny with the Bears kind of an adult looking mesh top I don't know but then there's another one this one was a little weirder because it's like a BDSM leather it's like a gag right does the bear have a gag I couldn't tell because it's got well it's got a face a smile here and a nose is that a ball gag I don't know Maybe I don't think it's a guy I don't think it's the Joker in the leather bondage gear now I think people were saying it was a gag I don't think it was a gag yeah I think that's just part of the bear's face but these pigs they just did not do it as good as kith and anyway it's definitely like BDSM bear and it's like weird right so but yeah it's a harness a beauty so you know again on face value I think you definitely would have a right to be like this shit's weird like don't do that but on its face value I don't think it would really cause the brand any damage but it keeps getting worse okay so once they posted these images internet users started looking more into balenciaga's ads to try to find if there was other Easter eggs and interestingly they were right there were other [ __ ] so when they looked back and found Balenciaga spring campaign here's the image this was so [ __ ] weird and disturbing like like I thought this was I saw that stuff and I was like yeah that's kind of weird and gross but when I saw this I was like yo what the [ __ ] so it features a printout of the scotus ruling related to p word child p word they found this an excerpt of the opinion and what's super weird about this opinion is that it made I and correct me if I'm wrong but I think as I understand it it made an exemption it allowed more space for tasteful nudes of children it was something about is tasteful nudes of children considered pee and like how like if it's within the context of like like if it's like a paper where does art end and the child p word okay begin it's about like that right now why the [ __ ] yeah why a psychotic thing to put it would you put that there it's right and so that's what this is somehow somehow they figure that out man and I mean dude so that's that was super disturbing well right then just maybe don't die on this shut up ninja don't die on this hill hey are you just really defending Valencia Balenciaga you would keep going on how dare you it's unsurprising that a Nazi would defend Balenciaga just like dude what it's crazy because you think of all these like pizzagate Cycles they're like oh a p word uh uh uh conspiracies and [ __ ] but then they go and do this in the face of all that I mean it's like whoa so also with peace and love the fashion industry is a lot more uh believable to be uh involved in this sort of thing than some random uh pizza parlor a suburb of Washington that's true there is a lot of scandals with designers and underage yeah that industry is yeah but this is marketing and this is like some Ad Agency so this is another this is one part already that's [ __ ] up and weird and gross but there's actually even a third part that have surfaced check this out so apparently this guy here's someone modeling this is also from last year and in the back there's a book from a guy named Michael Borman Borman is a Belgian artist whose fire from the Sun Painting shows a group of toddlers some of them blood staining their skin and some of the images they toddlers appear castrated right like the guy is I guess known for really disgusting child freaking p word art it's [ __ ] horrific did you I didn't look at any of the art no every article I read about it they were like look at your own like I'm warning you don't even look it up really yeah the or the main article was like do it if you want to but it's more so why the [ __ ] would this book be there this is like an obscure artist it's so [ __ ] gross who what is going on here dude yeah and like uh every item has to be itemized too for a shoot like this like everything has to be oh yeah it's definitely all very nice no question about it I'm [ __ ] know so the question becomes like obviously Balenciaga apologized I don't think the bigwigs of the company had any idea I mean that would be insane why are you running a business and putting that in there it doesn't make sense but clearly somebody there either in the marketing team or the Ad Agency did this intentionally yeah I can't imagine the money people who own it you know what I mean like well I mean they certainly would have signed off on like that photo shoot and stuff but yeah they probably didn't listen to this it is if you will Robin Mason balenciaga's Global PR director says there's no connection whatsoever between Balenciaga and Borman none of the suggestions are factual why is it there why the [ __ ] is it there and where every detail is crafted dude denying this is not good enough I feel like I need an explanation like I actually I need to know why this happened somebody needs to explain what the [ __ ] who did this there's got to be someone who put that book there who put that scotus ruling on the desk it'd have to be the uh like whoever the creative director art director creative director since he was yeah I need to know like this this needs an explanation it's not good enough to just be like oh man that's crazy let's not buy Balenciaga anymore I I need to know like who did this so you guys think it's just one one who's like slipping it in I don't know maybe I have no idea I have one individual or a group of individuals but I mean certainly somebody that was on the set that you know was involved directly with the creative of like laying out uh what these shoots were gonna be and yeah I mean I agree like even if it was there and if the higher upset the agency we're reviewing this to send it out or whatever they would not probably wouldn't have picked up on all of the weird little Easter eggs so yeah I I'd assume it was people directly involved in the shoot yes so Kim Kardashian was in the midst of this huge campaign with them so they had to scrub all that [ __ ] they re-shot stuff with other models they had to like scrub cam out of all of it I'm sure by her demanding and um here they addressing the situation but like the the potential motives for doing something like this is like either it's like corporate espionage oh like sabotage I mean they're trying to get them in trouble yeah yeah I mean Kanye said that that's his theory when Alex Jones asked him about it it's not it's like kind of the most plausible thing if the other alternative is like there's a there's like a child predator who's winking to his homies like that yeah like why would you risk that I don't have a very uh charitable opinion of uh that whole industry personally so I I lean more towards something like that than some sort of sabotage thing but like you just have nothing to gain it's it's not really plausible explanation at least as far as I can understand because there's nothing to gain these people are doing stuff that is so [ __ ] illegal and so universally loathed like why would you stick your neck out like that just to say what up to your home is and I'm just spitballing here I don't know but I'm just saying like it's like it's just weird but it could be it could be I don't know I I don't know it's just weird yeah it's so weird it's beyond weird it's it's so here's Balenciaga they posted a story not even a [ __ ] post someone wanted to cause a stir to me that makes the most sense because like there's a there's a cause and effect someone did this with the attention and then they could leak it they could post it it'd be easy for them to point it out yeah but I mean this oh the child p word one was on their big Adidas collab too I forgot they did a huge collab with Adidas and that one was on the desk of the Adidas collab and so Adidas lost their [ __ ] and had to [ __ ] scrub all that too so this happened in basically the worst time possible for them were they with Kim Kardashian and Adidas on one side right before right before like the biggest sales time of the whole year this couldn't have [ __ ] them any harder any harder can't drive me uh uh it's weird man you know what I mean it's just so weird if it was sabotage though they'll find out I'm sure they're they're I'm sure they're trying to figure out what the [ __ ] happened to them what would somebody stand again for sabotage though that's that's my question okay but so let me let me talk about that but I see one comment because this is kind of the conspiracy theory stuff they say to slowly integrate this weird mentality into mainstream I don't believe that that's I don't believe that that's what it is you could you don't just like casually put like a scotus ruling Easter egg that's not doesn't fed people's subconscious you know what I mean I don't think right you can maybe make that argument for the the photo shoots with the kids or whatever yeah yeah yeah yeah Easter egg things like it yeah it nobody unless they're heavily scrutinizing it which in this case they did would even notice that so it's not that's not like programming people uh nobody would even have realized it was there uh so anyway uh I guess we're not done with the Balenciaga thing so let me finish this first we sincerely apologize for any offense our holiday campaign may have caused our plush bear bags should not have been featured with children in this campaign we have immediately removed the campaign from all platforms it's like what that yeah the kids then when you go back and look at it through this lens then it's really [ __ ] up right yeah super disturbing so just uh so the product being sold in that wasn't the close it was specifically the bags oh so apparently the teddy bear is actually a bag and it opens it has a zipper because elos was explaining to me that it's actually like a cool bag okay and that was like the primary thing that was being sold yes yes see if it was just that even though it's obviously in poor taste you could it's like okay it's a teddy bear product you could see like the thought process they were like oh let's like have kids with like these teddy bears even if like the teddy bears are kind of edgy but then you throw them out call you what Easton cheese thin dick cheese oh God those are disgusting shame on you oh uh she is in the lobby of the zoom so should I uh um I guess we could if there's anything let me just finish this if you don't mind uh morgue pie he said we apologize for displaying unsettling documents in our campaign we take this matter very seriously our taking legal action against the party's responsible creating the set and including unapproved items for our spring campaigns who we strongly condemn abuse of children in any form so that's all they said on it because they didn't even address the book or right oh wait no they did address the book I read something about how we have no affiliation with that artist well other than that there's stuff well we know that that's Affiliated I mean no you didn't we know they don't work for you it's like duh dude so um goofy so yeah Kim Kim uh let's see uh we strong remove the ads they named the company North six who did the design production apparently they've dropped their lawsuit now uh they were suing them for like 25 million which they're going to lose way more money than that the inclusion of these unimproved doctors result of Reckless negligence for which Balenciaga has filed a complaint was also in the news recently after a cut ties with yay I mean yay would have benefited from putting that [ __ ] there a Kanye fan just to throw mud in their face for dropping yay I suppose that's true it's just it's just a theory I mean that happened not that long ago though and you have to imagine this campaign was probably planned for the photo shoot nah no you don't think so I don't think it happened that long ago okay probably happened right before um so why did they drop the suit I see that uh I don't know why that the suit two days ago yeah I find that weird yeah so here's a guy who's summarizing the the court thing says read the Supreme Court dock it's basically saying that c p is illegal but producing and distributing sexually graphic images of C is okay as long as it's not obscene so Valencia is basically acknowledging the graphic images but that it's okay for Supreme Court it's like a loophole for CP it's [ __ ] Disturbed [ __ ] dude so [ __ ] weird and gross and then of course the the right is going crazy and somehow when the conservatives they go this is the left this is the world the left wants everybody's mad about it of course this European High fashion house this is what like the left wants like in America like what what are we even talking about well here's Tucker's um take on it this is such a like Niche thing but it makes sense in their narrative they say that LGBT they all love Kanye this dude was working with them until like a week ago right well they all love Kanye too a week ago that's what I'm saying it's just like what does it happen okay I have no interest in covering the sexualization of children Warren Jeff didn't marry underage girls he's in prison for facilities the rapist in this case has made a lifelong commitment to live and take care of the person I would anyone defend this Divinity Behavior many are defending it make no mistake they're absolutely defending it I'm just telling you I'm raising a marriage between the 16 year old and a 27 year old is not the same as I'm telling a stranger off the street right here that's [ __ ] protecting children from adults who want to sexually exploit them is a basic human instinct and it's a noble Instinct and these little girls start experimenting around next thing you know what's going on in the comb dormitory nothing I don't got a PSP to play I ain't got nothing going on I ain't got my Mom and Dad here to tell me that they love me and then Tech man tucked me in bed so here's Trixie she wants to explore my body a little bit so you know what I don't need to listen to this I know Tucker's a creep yeah so they're suing the production company for 25 mil they dropped it I don't know why and so I just really want to know how who did this I gotta know why did this happen yeah I'm quickly speed reading this article about the drop lawsuit it doesn't really give a reason there's like a weird little side note Balenciaga has said it suspects the background documents came from the filming of a TV drama [ __ ] shut up dude they were laid out so carefully yeah no [ __ ] stop it see statements like that makes me more suspect of them just kind of obviously lying stop it because you you have like this almost perfect p word conspiracy theory that people fantasize is happening all over the place all the time so here we have it and we've caught it and we've got it so let's figure it the [ __ ] out yeah I need answers now [Music]
Channel: H3 Podcast Highlights
Views: 44,470
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Keywords: h3 podcast, podcast, h3h3, h3h3productions, ethan klein, ethan and hila
Id: 8VDa3UiWxD8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 5sec (1325 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 08 2022
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