Eternals Post Credit Scene Explained: Who Is The Black Knight?

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- This show is sponsored by Better Help Online Therapy. Everyone needs to unload to someone who's unbiased and who isn't judging. Visit and unload the stress. This video contains spoilers for The Eternals. Hey brother, well, you guys, I just saw The Eternals for the first time, a couple nights ago. And I have to say, I really missed Game of Thrones. I mean, that show always kept you on your toes. But the love triangle between Rob and John and Cersei, whoa, I did not see it coming. No, but despite the deviant dragons, use of the same characters, and some of the same names, it's obviously way different from Game of Thrones. And I really enjoyed it. I mean, there is now a canon character whose literal power is finger guns. I mean, what more could you ask for? But I have to say, when it comes to Kit Harrington's character of Dane Whitman, there's just no way they weren't trying to capitalize on some John Snow love. I mean, for one he's dating a super powerful woman who he knows just nothing about. - You know nothing, John Snow. - But the real kicker is in the post credit scene, where just moments after failing to reveal a family secret to Cersei because, you know, she got whisked off to space by a giant six-eyed celestial to be scolded. We, the audience, get a little hint as to what that secret was going to be, Kit, sorry, John, sorry, Dane is seen in his room opening an ancient magical looking box, which contains an equally magical looking black sword. And he is just about to touch it when he gets a warning from an offscreen character, asking if he's sure he's ready for that. And then it cuts to black, which is honestly all too fitting because the character they introduced is none other than The Black Knight. To which you might be saying, who? Don't worry, today we find out, and I assure you he's as John Snow as ever. (suspenseful music) ♪ Hey, brother ♪ - Guys, before we dive on, we need to give a huge thank you to today's sponsor, Express VPN. Alright, let me break it down for you. Using the internet without Express VPN is like leaving your house unlocked when you leave for the day. You trust your neighbors and most of the time, yeah, it's probably fine. But what if you come back one day and all your stuff is gone? And not just like your expensive gadgets, but also your personal documents and financial information. If only you'd remembered to deadbolt the door. Because that's what Express VPN does for your data, except way better. It's way more effective than just dead bolting the door. It creates a secure encrypted tunnel between your device and the internet. So hackers can't get to your information. Because anytime you're online at all and connected to an un-encrypted network, like at a coffee shop or a hotel or at the airport, a hacker can get on that same network and gain access to your data. 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Thena, Druig, and Makkari are all chilling out on their spaceship, you know, in space. When they suddenly noticed a disturbance, and then a troll teleports himself onto their ship. Said troll has clearly had quite a few libations and is in the process of consuming yet another. This character is Pip Gofern, or Pip the Troll. And he's basically serving as a hype man for his companion, who he proceeds to stumble through introducing. But we'll get to him in a second. Because Pip himself has some unique abilities, most notable of which is teleporting, which obviously he used to get on the ship. But the real question might be, how did he know where the ship was? And in fact, that is the second half of his powers. He can locate anyone, anywhere. Which if you ask me, sounds super useful. I mean, imagine if the Avengers had Pip there when they were looking for Thanos. But if that power sounds a little bit overpowered well that's because it is because typically Pip's powers come from exposure to Marvel's favorite power giving MacGuffin, the space stone. Those are at least his powers in the comics anyway, but I think both of them are in play again here, because again, they found the ship and him and his companion claim to have found the Eternals' friends who are in trouble. And that brings us to his companion, whom Pip introduces as Star Fox or Eros, the brother of Thanos. Which like as soon as he said that I was scratching my head a little, because I mean, for one Eros doesn't look anything like Thanos at all. Like he's not like a giant purple dude. They don't even look like the same species, honestly, but it turns out this is in fact the case, they are full on biological brothers with shared parents and everything. Comics wise, their parents are both Eternals as well. Their father Alars is an eternal from Earth, which might not be true in the MCU since we met all the Eternals from Earth and he wasn't one of them. My personal guess is that both parents are just going to end up being from Titan where Thanos is from, because that's also where their mother is from. Her name is Susan and she is an Eternal from Titan. And typically the way it works is that because they're both Eternals from different planets, their offspring are extra powerful because they have cosmic energy from both planets. That said though, you may have just noticed that Alars and Susan looked like regular humans. So, what accounts for Thanos being such a giant purple dude, and actually they kind of touch on it a little in the Eternals movie with Thena. Throughout the movie, Thena is suffering from a condition known as Mahd Wy'ry. That's M A H D W Y apostrophe R Y which until I saw it written down, I had no idea what they were saying. Mahd Wy'ry though, is a kind of disease Eternals specifically are able to suffer from if they have been around for an extra long time. This is because even though they have God-like bodies, they still have a human-like minds. And after millenniums of experiences and memories, it can all start to just like drive them a little mad. It's, it's too much. But that is not the only kind of disease an eternal can have. They can also suffer from what is known as deviant syndrome, which I have to imagine has something to do with, you know, the deviants we saw in Eternals. So the main effect of that on the Eternals is that it causes a really mutated appearance. Hence, why Thanos looks like Thanos. But so anyway, let's get back to Eros. Who is he? Well, basically he is the exact opposite of Thanos and this was a very deliberate choice by both characters, creator, Jim Starlin, who wanted to create a set of brothers who had the opposing Freudian ideals of Eros and Thanatos. Oh boy, Freud. Let's go. So according to Freud, humans have both a life instinct and a death drive. Guess which one Thanos is? Yeah. Thanatos is the death drive. And again according to Freud, this is what causes humans to engage in risky behaviors. Behaviors that could end in your own death. And this tracks pretty well with Thanos. I mean, after all we know he does kill half the population of the entire universe. And then in the comics, he is literally in love with the physical embodiment of death. Eros on the other hand, is the life force. The will to live and to create life. If you know what I mean. And fittingly, Eros's character is the exact opposite of Thanos. While Thanos is the universe's most calm, calculated, and driven cynic. Eros is just completely carefree and mostly concerned with just having a good time, which explains why Pip, the troll shows up in his libation state. But don't be fooled. Eros is extremely powerful. He can fly and has super strength and a myriad of other cosmic abilities. His main issue though, is being motivated enough to hone those skills into something useful. Not that he doesn't try, but he's often slipped up by his one unique psychic power that allows him to (clears throat) stimulate the pleasure centers of the brains of people within 25 feet of himself. So, basically he's just a total party boy, who has tons of potential, but who has put just very little effort into developing those skills. Speaking of party boys though, I think it's pretty possible we end up seeing Eros and Pip with the Eternals, meet up with the Guardians in Guardians 3. I mean, after all they are in space. But we also know the Guardians will be looking for Gamora who actually would be Eros's niece. And then Peter himself is also the son of a celestial, Ego. Plus then on top of that Guardians 2 also tease the character of Adam Warlock, who Eros has had some crossover with in the comics. But from there let's head back to the post credit scene, where I feel pretty confident. We're going to see Dane Whitman returned with the Eternals as the Black Knight. If you will recall earlier in Eternal, Cersei and Dane are chatting in a stairwell where she is promptly turning down his invitation to live together. But she does give him a rare ring that belonged to his family and reminds him that he really needs to call his uncle. He sighs heavily and says, he knows he should and will, but it's obviously something he's been putting off doing, but clearly by the end of the movie, he has called his uncle and learned quite a bit about his family. And he's about to reveal everything he's learned to Cersei, but then she gets whisked away into space. What he would have said though, if Cersei hadn't been whisked away, is that he did call his uncle and his uncle told him a lot of interesting family secrets, including that he owns a very powerful, magical sword known as the Ebony blade. And that the Ebony blade was actually created by Merlin and Sir Percy, who is their shared ancestor and who served on the Knights of the Round Table. In fact, the Ebony blade was created as the counterpoint to Excalibur, the sword of King Arthur that we saw Thena wielding earlier in the Eternals. And not only that, but this blade offers whoever wields it, a certain amount of superpowers. First of all, it can cut through anything. It can deflect any magic and it can be summoned telekinetically by whatever user it's presently linked to, kind of like Thor with Mjolnir. Not only that, it can also heal its user to prevent them from dying or even resurrect them in some cases. And also, also actually, actually, when it's at full power, it will encase its user in a suit of black armor. So, basically Dane Whitman is basically going to end up a guy with a really cool special sword, dressed in black, have a secret Royal lineage and probably get resurrected at some point. I mean, for goodness sakes, it's just John Snow. Like I honestly can't believe they didn't just give him an Albino Husky to go take care of. Wow, my hair is amazing. You know what, actually it says here, he usually has a winged horse. So, that's cool. John did ride a dragon though. (dragon wings flapping) Anyway, obviously there's a lot of perks to holding the sword, but if you will recall, Dane is awfully cautious and quite nervous about actually touching and linking himself to it. And that is because the blade also carries with it a curse. (imitates surprise sound effect) And the curse is a pretty vicious loop. Basically, if the user ever does anything evil with it or kill anybody, it will make the sword crave more blood, which will make the user then do more evil things which will make the sword crave more blood, which will make the user do more, you get it. And really, this is kind of another way, it's like Mjolnir, like only a truly worthy person would be able to wield the sword without succumbing to its darker desires because only a truly worthy person would never do anything evil with the sword. The obvious difference being that only worthy people can even pick up Mjolnir to begin with. Whereas anyone could just pick up the sword and start succumbing to its power and wreaking havoc. Now comics wise, the reason Dane decides to finally pick up the sword is because his uncle reveals to him that he was indeed not worthy that he tried picking up the blade, but it turned him into a super villain. And I have to imagine since Dane's uncle is in play again, that that's probably going to be the case. Maybe he's even going to be the villain, Dane has to overcome. But that in a nutshell is the Black Knight. I'm sure Dane will have to overcome some inner demons of feeling like he is indeed not worthy before realizing that he is worthy and you know, saves the day. The other big question though, of course, is who was talking to him off screen? Who warns him about picking up the blade? But actually, it's no mystery at all. The director of the Eternals has come out since the movie was released and just revealed that the character is none other than Blade to be played by Mahershala Ali. And Blade if you don't know is a half man, half vampire hero who will soon be gracing the MCU with his presence. That's said I have no idea what him and Dane are going to be getting up to. I mean, comics wise, they have been on a team together before MI 13. And MI 13 is a British agency that handles paranormal problems and is typically led by a character called Captain Britain. And I only bring them up because Captain Britain's alter ego is guy named Brian Braddock. And in Endgame, you can hear Peggy where she says, (suspenseful violin music) So, who knows, maybe MI 13 is the team up we can be looking forward to including Dane, Brian Braddock and Blade. But there you go, guys, that is the end credit scene of the Eternals explained. I am honestly really looking forward to seeing John Snow in the MCU. It's going to be, I think it's going to be awesome. But then, of course, it for you and everyone else's, what did you think of the Eternals? Did you like it? Did you love it? Let me know all your thoughts in the comment section down below. And before you guys go, I have a big announcement for you guys. In case, you missed it yesterday, my family vlog is back over on the Jonathan Carlin vlogs channel. We've been dormant for a while because I had twins and almost the exact same time, you know, the pandemic hit and that was a lot to deal with. But we're back. In fact, here's a little post video trailer for you. Enjoy. (film roll rolls ) (gentle music) Hello. (keyboard clacks) Are you, are you there? (keyboard clacks) Does that mean things are finally starting to go back to normal? Six Forty-three on Saturday morning and we're already awake. This is starting into like a Pokemon card vlog. Whooo. Things, I don't think will ever be normal, normal. - So they have like this twice a month, bread day. - Bread day. Don't. Just be really careful. - [Speaker 1] Can you say, "Wheeee". - I just, I would really like to show you my current favorite coffee mug. (people talking) - It's got all these different colored Mickey mice on them. But really, - It's so good. - It's my favorite because (whispers) it's the one that has coffee in it. (keyboard clacks) (film roll rolls) Now you may have noticed I said November 8th in the trailer, but great news today is November 9th, which means the first episode is already up and live for you to go watch right now. And, and the fun doesn't stop there because it's not just the return of my vlog. It is the launching of Ben's. Ben is going to be launching his own vlog channel. It is called With The Carlin's. The first episode is going to drop later this week on Friday and we'll document the birth of his first daughter, Addison. Link to both vlogs are in the description down below. But guys as always, thank you so much for watching today's video. Please leave a like on it if you haven't already and subscribe so, you don't miss any future Marvel action from us. If you want to check out my first new vlog you can check out this video right here, or do you want to go subscribe to Ben's channel you can click right here. Honestly, (whispers) I think you should do both. But otherwise until next time, Ben, I will see you in another life brother.
Channel: SuperCarlinBrothers
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Keywords: SuperCarlinBrothers, Eternals Post Credit Scene Explained, Who Is The Black Knight, the eternals, eternals post credit scene, dane whitman, john snow, game of thrones, the ebony blade, eternals post credit scene blade, eros, is eros thanos’ brother, who is starfox in eternals, is harry styles in the eternals, the eternals rotten tomatoes, the black knight, marvel black knight, the black knight marvel, jonathan carlin, j carlin, ben carlin, pip the troll, kit harrington
Id: TwbvTEJPM_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 39sec (939 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 09 2021
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