all righty everybody Welcome To Late Night RPG limit break uh we are still getting set up so stick with us for just a little bit uh as we reminder we are here benefiting Nami which is the National Alliance on Mental Illness uh all your donations will be going straight there as a reminder if you have any donations if all your donations over the course of the event add up to $30 or more you'll be entered in a drawing for a PS4 [Music] [Music] so I mean you're not actually opening the Friday runs anymore oh dang okay awesome you said before that two of us are alive Yeah by PX dang I like I'm actually running this game or anything no nobody runs this game what are you talking about I know who runs this game it's all about resenting we have like eight people now the thing oh God eight people and only two of them one of them actively run none of them actively run it yeah what do you mean actively exactly you thought you wanted Mario Maker blind races but what you actually wanted this eternal It's a Mario Maker blind race where you blindfold yourself and run left dude so should just make a Mario Maker level where you're actually blind a Mario Maker level about Chon's life oh man that sounds oh yeah we're about to learn dude we got history um it sounds fine right now um yeah it should be fine reminder that if we don't skip the cut scenes the VOD the VOD will get muted I actually don't know if those get flagged they actually do do they yeah not bad no SK cut skipping cut scene don't worry apparently Japan's music is copyrighted I me not imagined it would be oh God all right I'm good all right so I just I'll just go on go so three two one go all right so this is Eternal Sonata uh it's I would say a lesser known uh jrpg but it's it's from the same developers who did fragile dreams on the Wii uh they helped co-develop um the newest Smash Brothers games they helped co-develop Boton kaidos among other things um they also published this through Bandy Namco who did all the tales games and things like that um and actually that's one of the biggest comparisons I would make with this game is to the tals games um the best way I would describe the combat is like a simplified turn-based version of the tales games combat um with the key thing with this game being a light and dark mechanic so every single character has two special attacks right off the bat um one that they'll use if they're standing in the light and one that they'll use if they're standing in the dark um eventually they'll get more options later and you can equip up to two but we'll get to that later um so basically your options in cobat are boiled down to four things um you have your a button which is just basic attacks that um everyone can do um you have the B button which is your guard and it works very much like you know any kind of game like Paper Mario or anything with like Action commands where when an enemy attacks you you can press the button to um just reduce the amount of damage you take but it's you have it's a very tight timing yeah sometimes the timing is like not even half a second yeah you have to really pre it in a lot of times um and then you have your y button which is your special attacks um and those are the ones like I said that um which one you use is based on where you're standing dude we got past Po and then you have the x button which is just items and you can rotate through them uh with the bumpers um and basically how items work is you can only bring a set number of the ones you have uh in your entire inventory with you into battle um so there's a lot of um routing that goes into which items we actually bring with us into fights um and basically as the game goes on we can bring more and more items with us um but early on it's really really tight um so we have to be a little bit more careful with what we bring with us thankfully um we don't have we don't really have money at all so we don't really buy too much items till later on when we actually just get all the money we need yeah we'll get to that later too but basically money is not an issue in this game at all um unless you're playing the PS3 version yeah uh one of the two characters that you'll see in this fight named beat uh has a like gun Hammer that also uh like he also has a camera um and he basically will take eight photos in a single fight and that will fund the entire run uh so it's not going to be an issue at all but that'll be in a little bit yeah do you want to explain why you're playing on a 360 version that okay so I won't completely in depth on the differences between the 360 and the PS3 version they'll probably come up along the Run um but there's actually technically two categories for this game there's 360 and PS3 um PS3 did battle camera turn itself off no because um because the uh main menu the main screen went to a AFK reset it reset isn't an issue nice all right well I need to fix my settings really quick it happen to me before I was wondering why the sound balance is really bad okay sorry about that that happens sometimes where like you'll do your settings outside of the main menu and if it goes to like one of the cut scenes at the beginning it resets pretty great and I know what just happened basically is how I could tell that I didn't have the settings on um is there's a setting called battle camera that if you have it on it tries to do these cool cinematic cameras for all your special attacks and sometimes you'll get your character to do like a little monologue at the start of their special attack where they just say a bunch of garbage that doesn't make any sense uh and it wastes a bunch of time so we don't want that on at all think it stops the timer as well yeah it does so it's just was so it'll waste like 5 to 10 seconds every time it happens and it's completely random so we don't want that at all um so already we're getting into the first boss which is really awful like this is probably the worst boss in the game he and a huge reset Point um there's basically just a lot of things that can go wrong here um nothing will actually kill you but you'll just lose a lot of time to it so we'll see what we can get here yeah this boss has around I think 26,000 HP and we deal about 4,000 damage around if he doesn't guard which usually doesn't happen dude you got the crit nice and he can also randomly heal for about 4,000 4,600 to be exact so he heals around 1/5 of his HP which is about what both of your characters do in a single turn so if any of your characters are dead he can basically just infinitely heal himself and the fight will never end he infin heal himself even if both your characters are alive yeah if you get bad damage rolls and he is faster than you so he will double turn you lot as well which just makes everything so much worse so right now the way our turns work is their time so I have 5 Seconds to take each of my turns um and I can sit and think about what I want to do on my turn for as long as I want um in addition to that the timer will stop for my turn whenever I'm not taking an action and because of that reason spamming our special attacks is basically the best way of doing damage here which this is the only fight that that's the case yeah cuz not only is H the timer stop so you can spam supers but your character's damages are really low now and um Alig greto with perfect positioning could actually hit uh bread gank twice with the ROM wave which just doubles the damage he does with it yeah and one version difference that I'll note right away um on the PS3 version this fight is great um a lot of uh fights in the PS3 version the bosses have a lot less Health um all their other stats were buffed to basically what they are in New Game Plus on the 360 version dude what is his luck um but he has really low HP and Al Phantom wave got ridiculously buffed to the point where it does about double damage as it's doing here so this fight goes super quick on PS3 but unfortunately on 360 it's just really really slow um the PS3 version is slower for a lot of other reasons as well um as you'd imagine the enemies having New Game Plus stats is really really brutal like they do a lot of damage um the way your guards scale is actually a lot less than your favor so guarding is a lot less beneficial it's still going to reduce the damage You Take by a lot but you're still taking a lot of damage um in addition as I said earlier uh our entire run is going to be funded MoneyWise by some photos we're going to take on a boss later on um and on the PS3 version photos sell for about 10% roughly of what they do on 360 a lot less than 10% yeah and they're a lot harder to get good enough photos like um basically depending on a lot of factors that are very similar to Pokemon Snap in a way but um based on a lot of factors get ranked on how good your photos are and basically your photos sell for a different amount of money based on how high that rank is and your photos basically sell for like five gold each if you get the same rank that you do on this version whereas on this version they sell for about 11,000 yeah um so it's it's really awful and that's like the main reason that um basically me and like every other person in the community that's worked on the PS3 route there's one heal all right I was about to say I'm just sketched about the luck You' be having this this so far yeah that's our huge road block right now is just figuring out the money um and it's been just a huge detracting factor for me wanting to Route the game um I've like tried to mess with it on multiple occasions and just lost interest every single time uh another really bad thing about the PS3 version is uh it loads really really poorly um just opening the menu lags the game a ton and it just takes forever to open your menu okay he didn't heal again yet he should be dead here he might not I'm probably going to heal yeah I'm going to heal beat for safety here I wouldn't I'd rather not have him dead be honest you're getting a lot of crit here man yeah if he blocks though and he's still dead okay yeah that was a lot of crit on the last SP spam so that was actually a pretty good first boss he healed once uh which loses about 10 to 15 seconds each time um but that's fairly acceptable the rest of the fight went really really well uh those first two mice in the fight that I killed can randomly troll you and not die because of various reasons and that can lose you a lot of time so that all went pretty smoothly so I'll take it yeah but how much variance is there in that fight just TimeWise um probably like a minute and a half that I usually accept like my time's still to the point where like I'll accept a pretty bad bread gang but like like I said if any of your characters die and you try to continue through it like that fight can theoretically go on forever yeah if the boss actually just spams heal completely he will basically wear you out till you die cuz you're out of healing yeah you basically like he heals for 4600 um and he can only do that heal when he's in that like weaken phase that's uh like you can see the animation of when he's in lower health and every enemy has that but he only can do use his heal when um an enemy in the fight is at that range um but like I said he heals for 4600 and the amount that you deal uh per turn with both of your characters assuming he doesn't block anything is around like 43 to 4500 so like non uh assuming you don't get any crits so they can be really bad or also mentioned the ads at the beginning of the fight you actually need to crit one of them to kill them in a single yeah that one that I killed with beat um I actually do a bit of movement manipulation to make him not guard but in addition to that uh he needed to get full two uh two fully unguarded rapid Shooters in as well as one of the hits of one of the two of them being a critical hit yeah you just need one out the eight hits to be crit so um this part of the game we're actually going to be doing a little bit of grinding and this is going to be the only grinding for the rest of the run with uh one small with one enemy that we actually fight out of our way just for a little bit experience to hit level three but we're basically getting our characters level three because if we're not level three or at least level three the next boss fight is it's awful awful it's already awful enough yeah it doesn't need be worse so basically these uh loer Knights that I'm killing I need to kill seven of them to hit level three um there are several Encounters in this area that are guaranteed to have two enemies uh but these two that I just walked by um can also have one they have a chance of being one or two so I'm going to fight one of them and hope it's only one enemy because I need to kill seven so if I fought uh four groups of four that would be slightly suboptimal so we're going to see if this guy on top of that we go for a back attack on all these because um we have a iic strategy which manipulates the AI to basically just stand right in front of us at the end of the turn yeah and ideally we won't take any damage in this area this one's going to be a little sketchy because um he tried to find the enemy yeah uh PO is probably not going to kill him so we got a bit okay also these guys are really annoying to guard okay that's fine they have a spinning attack that they can do that really like baits out your guard and you you usually get hit by it and it does about half your HP at this point of the game so it burns through basically one your healing items before the next boss which is not good oh yeah and paa's hair is a miracle at the universe yeah the physics on P's hair are something else I don't know what programming went behind them but sometimes one will just randomly flail about and just I swear to God it's just controlled by aliens or something it's Havoc engine quality yeah so I saw you grab a pair of chests what was in those um so those were poison White Caps we're going to be using those on the next boss and hopefully the boss after that if I have any left um basically they have a chance to poison the enemy when used on them and it will basically at the start of every one of their turns deal damage equal to a percentage of their HP uh which ends up doing a lot to obviously bosses with high HP numbers such as the next boss and the one after that um so I have three of them and I'm going to bring all three of them into the next fight because not having a poison on this next fight is brutal it will lose multiple minutes um it's acceptable to not have a poison on a fight after that so if I use all three I'm going to keep going and it's just fine um but if I don't get a poison here I'm going to have to reload the fight unfortunately but on top of that uh poison taks at the start of the turn which causes them to go like a a damage animation which also Wass about second at their time as well so it B takes L attacks and we're not too sure on exactly how the AI Works um but basically if an enemy has less time in their turn than they would otherwise their AI behaves a little bit differently because it's trying to make the most use out of uh the time that it has and because of that enemies often times end up being a lot less aggressive when they're poisoned which doesn't so much come into play on this next boss but it will on a boss that we're going to poison later on in the run if we poison him oh and PO is the worst character in the game she is mostly useless yep like this next fight is the last time you're going to see you're used ever so I basically just put on some healing items and the poison white cap that we picked up and this is the next boss all right so this boss almost always starts off with a charge after that you never want to see charge again yep even on the first turn it's pretty bad cuz you usually get baited and don't block it properly which I didn't so dude nice that's actually a pretty good start he didn't punish you on the back attack yeah that's one interesting thing to note about guarding in this game is you can only guard when you're facing the enemy that's attacking you so enemies a lot of times will try to get behind you and make it so that you can't block uh okay we're good we're in there so I won't have a poison for the next fight but that's fine that only loses about 25 to 30 seconds so um just like the last battle U we could span specials because our timer doesn't run out until we actually do something but their specials are so bad that it's not worth it and like um P's and for her dark special like that's the only one that deals damage both these characters have a heal on their Light Special so we don't want to be using that and the animation for p dark special just takes forever so we' probably only be able to get three in and it only hits once oh boy good that's fine though uh wow that did no damage on Frederick yeah this is why charges are bad uh basically you just have to follow the boss across the arena every single time he charges and it wastes like half of your turn every single time not only that but it knocks you down so that you also waste time getting back up yeah I'm sorry we also don't want to see this boss get knocked down by shade Comet because every single time he gets up it wastes like a second that's not you want to see him get hit by knock down no no it wastes like a second to have him get up because his turn doesn't start right away it starts once he gets up no it actually starts uh when he starts getting up it actually Waits part watch it the watch it the next time it doesn't start until he actually like gets up off the ground I swear it waste time on his turn now you will rest the poison animation does but him actually getting up off the ground doesn't okay yeah oh it starts when he's starting to get up yeah yeah it still Wast a little bit of time it's pretty negligible but it's worth noting nonetheless all right so the two healing items he has right here floral powder it heals half the max HP of the character and the peach cookie just straight up heals a th uh the Peach cookies are generally better but we start off with a bunch of floor powder so we just want to get rid of them right away M I'm sorry cuz we won't be using any of these items later on so they're still in our inventory when we uh get better items they're going to just screw up our menuing a little bit yeah these first few boss fights are like the only ones that we're actually going to care what items we have left because we're just going to have so many items later on that we don't care what we consume oh nice one there so yeah that's that one really hard to guard cuz you pretty much have to predict he's using it and guard immediately that's the issue with this boss charging too is a lot of his attacks you kind of have to preemptively be ready for you can't react to them necessarily um so like his charge uh block timing is really really late so often times uh you'll press the B button and when you press the B button too early it lock like it just does a normal guard which still reduces the damage you take slightly but it's not like the one that you get from pressing it at the right time yeah uh so it just kind of erects you yeah this game is pretty brutal if you don't learn how to guard yeah like a lot of the fights in the Run are basically impossible if you can't block them especially with how under level we are cuz we steal every enemy we can yeah oh God that's fine fine he should be close to dead so he's not in critical anaging is he you can't tell cuz he's poisoned that's the other issue with uh trying to see if a boss is low on HP because you have no other way of telling where a boss's health is at other than counting um Counting is whenever a boss or an enemy in general is under a status condition so in this case poison okay cool um you can't tell when they're a low HP because it's the same animation that they're in yeah so yeah poison can also kill which is great yeah [Music] frame all right so now we're going to get our first party level up and basically party level ups are scripted throughout the game uh you'll get them after certain uh boss fights and they basically just Advance how combat work Works um so in this case we'll lose our infinite tactical time so we won't be able to think about what we're going to do on turn we still keep infinite tactical that's right I always like I don't really pay attention to what the party levels do mostly we uh lose um infinite uh I forgot what it's called but it's like action time I think yeah the timer will no longer freeze in between actions so once our timer starts our turn is going to last for 5 seconds no matter what we do yeah um the main thing that we get from this party level though as we're about to get a tutorial on um is Echoes and basically how Echoes work is you build them up by doing your a button attacks and you build them in increments of four and then eight so you'll build them uh after four hits 8 hits 12 hits 16 hits 24 and 32 uh and based on how many Echo you have when you go to use a special attack it will consume all of them and uh increase the amount of damage that your special attack will do based on how many you consumed um and in this game it doesn't too much matter uh between like 24 and 32 for instance like there isn't too much of a ramping up effect between um like the different thresholds on PS3 that's uh accentuated a lot more um but we're still going to be trying to do um special moves at 32 whenever possible because it just does a lot of damage so yeah that's another reason why we turn off battle camera because these how did he guard me I have no idea it's okay I get another turn it's okay they do zero damage to you so basically we're killing these enemies because we need 10 experience yes a whopping 10 experience to hit level three um and it basically just saves a little bit of time on this next fight it's nowhere near necessary but it just is basically worth going for cuz we don't need that much and that's basically the last unnecessary encounter we do everything else is pretty much everything else we fight is pretty much in our way or won't let us pass yep and actually on that note I will mention that um I'm having PX count for me as well so I can focus but uh for every he's trying to make it the first he got the first all right so for every unnecessary encounter that I get into I'm going to be donating $10 to NAMI so oh good so these enemies are really annoying cuz when they go into darkness they become really big and powerful and scary but right now they do zero to one damage to us so they're pretty adorable and do nothing like you see that giant palm tree thing in the back that that's what they turn into a lot of enemies will also I didn't mention that earlier but a lot of enemies will transform based on whether they're standing the light or the dark all right so we're going to give aligo the weapon that we got from killing Forest boore right now and put on the rest of the healing items we have which we don't have too much but it should be fine it's fine this fight is not the PS3 version yeah this fight is brutal on the PS3 version um basically the boss will always get the first turn here basically um and he goes straight for beat and beat isn't facing him right away so the first attack he like does you're always going to take the full damage from and on PS3 version if he does a certain combo it will one shot beat almost it will do like 90% of his health this boss also has really aggressive AI in the PS3 version which he luckily doesn't have here he'll like try to get behind you constantly and just fly all the around the arena and it's it's a nightmare he's pretty controllable here though all bre one attack you just don't want to see Ever yeah so the main strategy here is we're going to be using beat to just build Echoes we're not going to be using rapid shooter at all um and we're going to be be using Sun slash with aletto when we have as high of echo as possible so basically whenever aletto's turn ends so we're basically just going to hope to have as many Echo as possible yeah rapid shooter is a lot less ineffective than Suns slash and Sun slash does six attacks and beats four top of that Alo is basically the stronger character right now because he has got a better weapon at better stats um however beat will have to use later on sadly yeah I mean he is pretty good when we have to use to be fair oh that's cuz we basically do everything in our power to make them better yeah that's like we had to go out our way to actually make him decent dude this guy do Ham on fiery breaths yeah basically every single time he does fiery breath and ends the turn there I have to run and chase him and it wastes time yeah especially since we don't have infinite action time anymore we had to chase after him that just loses a bit of bit more time than we would normally oh the other trick with this fight too that can sometimes be an issue is that I need to be standing in the light to do sun slash I don't want to do Phantom wave because it's awful right now um and this boss can easily just run away into that big Shady patch at the top of the arena and at that case like you pretty much just have to try to bait him out or just deal with it and it's really bad yeah they believe you know how the AI usually works it's pretty easy to bait them out because you just walk into an area you want them to be in this is going to end up at 3 when Echo yeah unfortunately aleto cannot get 16 echo on his own in a single turn he can only get 15 hits a lot of characters cannot actually because most okay that's good most tech combos are in uh threes but some characters manag to get like a fourth hit in on the third attack as well so just it's PR good so here's a 32 Echo Sun slash it does quite a bit of damage yeah like I was saying earlier this boss should be getting or we should have poisoned ideally but unfortunately we didn't get lucky so this boss takes about 800 damage on each one of his turns from Poison and because he gets a uh two turns in a row a lot he just takes a lot of damage from it and it's great uh what use that with beat I'll still get to 32 or 24 I wouldn't have gotten to 32 anyway so yeah did that scare you okay okay okay we can pause right now I mean we can yeah we'll just do that I'm trying to refrain from making an echo's joke oh my God these aren't dark Echoes though I really wanted to these aren't dark Echoes that's later on when we actually use Darkness [Music] yeah man good twitch what league tournament is going on at this hour of the night oh God I could jack dude someone was streaming Echo earlier you mentioned that and they probably all left to that stream let's see Riot games midseason Invitational oh my God gosh that's probably what's why are they streaming at 1:00 a. so uh we can officially blame all our problems on right games and League of Legends I'm okay with that oh God even though I play the game a lot oh my God why do you play the game a lot it's fun why do you play Hearthstone that's a better question fun as Hearthstone is uh okay you guys should just play Echoes dude maybe at some kicked my ass earlier wait does Vin actually work for blizzard yeah yeah for like a year now dude do you not believe us I think he got the job at sgq last or like he moved to take the job SQ last year yeah yeah dude we're literally being sabotaged by by RI games baby dragon's just staring at me men singly right now quick someone get a Time Wizard and go back in time and delete riot all right sorry we're having a couple technical difficulties so bear with us for just a little bit while we fix these up real quick so he's just staring at you so intensely look at those eyes he's just like why are you get you why are you killing me go ahead the stream is live now we are streaming again yes but if it keeps oh yeah Rob's got work for twitch he could probably um fix some of these ride problems if we're live guys please do not Riot the stream goes down it's Riot's fault I I would yeah well we're already paused Texas might be the best uh we're going to switch stream servers real quick so as soon as we do that we're GNA be down for just a little bit we'll be right back so don't go anywhere dang is this the first time this has happened cuz like it was happening during disia well I mean like with disa yeah that was the first time as far as I know anyway dang nice oh man twitch chat is now talking about P3 girls the Sonata will be Eternal dude oh my God if it actually H in this game dude this is important who cares I literally we'll see at the end of the run if it's not the usual difference that it is cuz I actually have no idea how it works IGT is based like it seems consistent but I have no idea how it uh we are back so all righty I will do countdown for yall and then we'll keep on going all right well we got like a 4 second buffer on a timer all right we'll start okay all right wait you guys started 4 seconds late we're going to lose four more seconds it just whatever all right three two 1 go yeah whatever just go this run is spliced they'll never know we're just timing it an IGT dude yeah IGT it's a good meme or something dude IGT is B dude baby dragon stop guarding I wasn't going to get to 24 there anyway I had to move oh he might have be gets 14 gets I think 14 attacks off no it's barely 12 oh right yeah I'm probably going to have okay okay he's dead good awesome all right that's the fight I kind of lost track of how dead he was yeah we didn't have to use our one Revival item so um we still got that in case killer goad cuz that's the last fight we actually need to use iton until we actually buy a giant hor I don't use I me I guess there's ogre champ and Mal adors but those aren't no it's fine those aren't fights those are just tutorials tutorial how broken Viola is and tutorial on how to make money and you know I'm not wrong yeah and a t tutorial on how to skip goats oh man goats the worst kind of oh okay that wasting wow they're really trying hard here also when do we decide to Al Cy oh when I asked you before the Run oh my God thought you had someone else can help Plum can help too I'll like say when they're unnecessary where's ortha we need a I think orso's actually sleeping someone get Lou dolphin in here he's a math teacher I heard oh there we go calculous professor and a math teacher and a world record holder for multiple categories in a single game heck yeah yeah all right Plum this is your time to shine this cut scene all right have fun all right this is officially cop right now this fight is really hard and Plum is way better at this game than me so I think he's got this handled so this boss is called J young BOS he do us yeah this is one reason I like the English voice cast is because Johnny Young BOS voices this guy we just don't like calling him by his actual name it's more fun to call him jyb man oh what are you doing you're ruining my oh my God give me this oh man we got to reset now I just got outskilled dude look at that now we're whaiting out man we lose half our money I'm sorry guys back thankfully the the day just passed now so yeah that fight is scripted to lose um that boss I don't know how his health works but his attack is scripted to do your health plus a certain percentage so he will always onot you you can guard it to survive but you'll just die eventually so basically like I haven't talked too much about the story but I'll get more into that story is something um basically the whole reason we fought him is because he's wandering through the forest on a mission given by the main antagonist and he sees these people who have no like we have no reason to be like against him right now and he just sees us and he's angry and he's like I want you to die he's really nice he's a swell gentleman yeah he has a monacle man yeah a lot of this plot is very non-coherent basically the whole world of this game takes place in uh Frederick shopan the actual pist dying dreams um and there's basically this whole thing going on where uh the count who's like in charge of everything is creating this alternative medicine that is way cheaper but basically turns people into mindless magic using zombies so he's just trying to raise an army basically and it doesn't get more complex than that really there's a few extra things that I'll mention as they come up but that's about the gist of it yeah it roughly it roughly like shapes the uh story around chapon's own life mhm and the the character that we've been playing as called Frederick is shopan in his own dream yes he's dying so he decided to just jump into his dream that yep that actually becomes a plot point so now we have the next boss which is ogre champ which actually we have a fairly new Strat for this um at the beginning shout outs to frock andok who picked this game up after I did um this community is actually grown a lot um recently we have like eight Runners I think on the leader boards now and I think there's more that don't have their time submitted but um basically when I picked up this game there were two people that I knew of uh one of them actually sent in a donation earlier by the name of Valor uh he's a really cool guy and he did a lot of the initial routing for this game uh he started it all with a gamefx article um and basically everything just evolved from there um another one of the early community members that helped me like he didn't do too many runs himself but he helped me with a lot of the ideas for a lot of the tweaks that I made to the route uh his name is azer symphony I don't know what happened to him so hopefully come back from the dead we miss you but um there's also PX over here on the other side of the couch uh he picked this up recently frock andok like I said uh mocha who's a Japanese Runner and Kia who has been doing a lot of work with the PS3 version uh a lot of the stuff that we have as far as info on changes and a lot of the initial route was due to him so um if you saw the menu we equit Frederick with a better weapon that's not so Frederick can do more damage it's so he can actually deal damage yeah that's the one thing with uh building Echoes if your character doesn't actually do any damage to the enemy you won't build any Echoes for that hit so and Frederick will randomly just deal zero damage if he don't replace his weapon at this point so we need him to have another weapon so that we actually can build Echo and that's about all he's good for right now is just building Echo so that Alig can use sunl that's about what he's good for for the rest of the actually yeah that's accurate and soaking up damage yeah he's pretty much the uh neat tank at this point but he doesn't really do a good job at it yeah one unfortunate thing about the speedrun too is that since this whole game is based around Chon's life um each of the like chapters of the game is titled after one of his pieces and every single chapter is started with a like educational cut scene about like the history of his life and it plays the song that's associated with the chapter and they're actually really cool they show a lot of um uh basically just scenes around France and it's it's really pretty um so if you ever play this game casually definitely take the time to watch them yeah on top of that the uh chapters are also themed around the SAG itself so it's basically roughly based around his life mhm all right that was Prett good that was a boss yep that fight's pretty consistent there isn't too much that can go wrong there so I did it yeah it's pretty easy and um you really should not be much trouble after your first try yep we also get a free heal after this fight so beat who is almost dead is now going to be not as in Peril thankfully that's the end of chapter one so um yep so now I have chapter 2 Revolution which is pretty awful yeah the start of this chapter is not not great um so this is an area that is very notorious for its goats so we have these like Angel looking goats with wings and they're very aggressive enemies that we don't want to touch because they'll just waste a bunch of time cuz they're faster than us and we have to sit through a bunch of their turns to run away and we just don't want to deal with it they're also faster than us on the world maps so they see us they will catch up to us until unless their AI just givs up right behind it and a lot of them can see with their butts so it's also really bad in that regard at least in the PS3 version in this version most of them don't yeah on the PS3 version a lot of the AI for Overworld enemies was ramped up quite a lot and there's basically no getting away from a lot of the Encounters in addition on the PS3 version enemy encounters not bosses but enemy encounters the enemies will spawn in random locations on the arena as will your party whereas on this uh version everything is entirely fixed so everyone starts in that like that triangle formation that you've been seeing so far actually uh it's more bit of it's like a V but it's a bit of a v but it's mostly it's kind of like the shape you've been seeing whatever you want to call it but yeah the random position on PS3 really throws everything off it's silly so basically in this area there's these three goats that are blocking this bridge and we need to feed them pieces of paper that we couldn't pick up until we realize that they wanted paper so we have to go back through the area we just walked through and pick up all this paper and then spend like a minute feeding it to them and in typical uh troll fashion they're guarding like the smallest bridge on the smallest river possible so we can't just walk over it yep so while we're moving we have time for a quick donation we have a $5 donation from critical Sid saying Su Oro best of luck on your run man here's hoping the game throws you a bone for once even though it probably won't dude it's the critical Cyd also I have a question for you what 3DS emulator are you using for this oh my God oh my God put money towards level one teror and K2 FM PS ghoul give Oro a hug for me after the run please oh what a memer that's a solid meme though all right so uh basically that joke came from I ran Pokemon Alpha Sapphire for a bit when the game came out and we had a lot of people in chat like asking if I was emulating the game and it basically just became a bad recurring joke uh so for text Bing his game um for Reg reg talking text you mash B but for anything involving like gaining or losing items you have to press a to advance that so op mashing through these cut scenes is pretty much mashing both buttons especially if you don't want to pay attention while you're mashing which I never do I just want to stare at chat dude he's mashing so fast I don't even see the text box appear oh my God uh that's another thing I'll note too is um most RPGs you would think would have faster text on Japanese because less characters and things like that um which is pretty a pretty common thing in speedr running but in this case uh textbox is Advance instantly with the exception of two dialogue boxes later in the run for whatever reason um so it really doesn't matter which language you play on and the 360 is region locked so if I played on three or Japanese I'd have to you know buy a completely different console there's also one other reason that we don't want to play on Japanese um and it's related to taking photos basically when we go to sell the photos that we're about to take um there's basically just a random chance that the photographer is not going to be at the shop even though it's not like an extra MPC um we're basically just not going to be able to sell our photo for very much and it basically just means your run has a 50% chance to die when you get to the next area which is going to be in about like 15 to 20 minutes so basically an hour into the run you have a chance to just have your run die all right first off stop saying basically you're going you're going to I do that deal with it you're going to ruin the chat although you probably already did but uh yeah um also um uh Japanese affecting text it normally just old RPGs like more RPGs don't do that anymore so um this this go is really annoying he's very fast he sees behind him and if you get into encounter with them it wastes a ton of time yep so basically we have to do that weird way to manipulate him so that he doesn't and this dragon is a real jerk cuz he just keeps turning around and you just never know when to pass basically if you walk up the right side you're pretty much always fine but if you walk up the left side he's pretty much always going to get you and turn around instantly it's really silly so we're going to switch Frederick and Alig greto here because uh we're going to have a new party member join us here named Viola she's really overpowered she's going to be the first good party member we see and whenever a new party member joins you through a cut scene which is what just happens here they will place the character in the third slot in your party and shove your party back all right we got good luck here yep so these enemies we want to move back because Viola's main source of doing damage is with her bow and she does more damage as this is great um the far away the enemies are she'll deal more damage with her bow see how much damage this does I've actually never seen that top guy Target a Frederick before it's yeah it just sometimes happens so we're doing about 4,500 damage per arrow and this is just her basic attack so we don't need to build Echoes or anything oh yeah and here's the photos they're going to fund the entire run all right done we have enough money for the entire run once we sell those oh he's staying back there nice yeah these enemies on their next turns have a chance to move back forward which is bad but usually if they move backwards on the first turn you're fine and he's blocking so I'm going to take another turn to kill this guy unfortunately oh wait dude go for rapo yeah I could uh he he was guarding too much yeah yeah I feel BL actually loses more time against these guys cuz they wait for you to get up before they do their second attack so that was a really good fight there's actually a lot of variant to that fight if they get close at all you have to move Viola like to other parts of the map and like beat will have to be far away for his photos as well so you need two of your characters to be far away from these enemies that can just walk right up to you and it basically just loses like 45 seconds upwards and on the PS3 version just fight completely non-existent nonexistent whatever the word is yeah for whatever reason on the PS3 version one of the Buffs that they decided to give to a character was they decided to double Viola's bow damage when it was already busted more more than double it's ridiculous it's absurd like those shots would do around 11k on the P3 version instead of 4K they are doing now Viola is not going to stay this busted the entire run we're going to be using her for our primary damage source for most of the game but she's going to basically fall off later on so she'll get her time in the Sun and then we'll have another character take the spotlight but we'll see her a little bit later actually a lot later all right so this uh path upwards has the waterfalls that make no sense whatsoever I don't know where they're coming from I don't know where they're going look they're really pretty though that they are dude there's even a rainbow yeah it's like where's the water coming from the water it's coming from down there obviously that's how water works H all right so um I don't remember what this uh dungeon is called but it's really awful casually yeah so this is Fort formata uh this dungeon is meant to be an entire big Labyrinth that has these switches that you can press to like rotate the like platforms that you're going to be walking around on and for the speedrun luckily we only have to press one switch and basically everything's laid out for us as exactly as we need it but if you're trying to go through casually and pick up every single item this place is so confusing like whenever I played this game I would spend half an hour to an hour here easily if not way more we actually have time for a few donations if we have any all righty uh once again just want to give you guys a quick reminder this is RPG limit break 2016 we are live from Salt Lake City Utah uh late night shift of course uh we're raising money for the National Alliance on Mental Illness Nami uh if you want to find out a bit more about what Nami does and how they're really awesome uh go check out so also want to give you guys a reminder we do have some awesome t-shirts available at the yeti uh go to uh the or uh let's see hold on let me pull the link it's the yeti T he ye te RPG limit break uh there are some pretty awesome designs I'm personally a fan of the White Mage but there's a pretty awesome Kingdom Hearts one there's a demon Chocobo one go check them out three $3 of each of those uh sales will go straight to the charity so uh yeah right back over to y'all all right so there's a bunch of mice here that are really aggressive and they're very random WEA they standing and a couple of them almost got me already uh they're also really hard to see a lot of the time yeah the camera in this game is not the best yeah I have absolutely no control over it it's entirely fixed and a lot of the times it's really zoomed out in areas like this yeah like towards the end of the game you'll actually see an area where we'll actually be walking off screen because the camera is down so here's the only switch we're going to be pressing to move the Platforms in here I think they put them in rooms just so they wouldn't have to have an animation for everything moving pretty much uh for whatever reason on the PS3 version there's they added an animation for this button oops where it like just glows and goes crazy so I don't it's just random stuff they added yeah they made it more colorful on a PS3 version yeah there's a lot of random stuff that they added that's pretty cool I definitely for any of you looking to play this game casually for the first time I would definitely recommend the PS3 version even though we've said a lot of the stuff is worse for the speedrun uh it's definitely the more challenging and more rewarding casual game this game casually is or this version I should say is a lot on the easier side so if you're looking for a challenge you won't really find too much of one here casually I mean Lizzie intentionally challenged herself to use characters like POA Frederick and uh yeah who awful uh those are pretty much the two worst ones everyone else is actually pretty decent I guess or Al grle God forbid that PS3 version also has two additional characters that you can use one of them is awful and one of them is really really good um unfortunately we really won't get to see them they they are Story related but we're going to be skipping pretty much every single cut scene they're in we'll see them sitting around like 2 hours into the run but that's pretty much all we'll see of them yeah about two more hours in so you get this uh I think it's Al rea's name right on the world you want to change that at any point or is it no actually unfortunately yeah no basically there's a priority system in place um between Alig paa and beat based on whoever's in your party so if you have aligo in your party any time you're always going to control him followed by paa followed by beat and they're basically the really important Story characters that they want you to be like immersing yourselves in I guess so they force you to control them at all times I don't know why Alig greto is one of them honestly because there's romance sub plot between him and paa there's almost nothing involving him in cut scenes for most of the game the plot does a revolver on them look they fall in secret love it's okay I know it makes no sense yeah the end like this game is worth playing casually just to see the like really really weird ending it's the last like after you beat the last boss there's like an hour or two worth of cut scenes and credits that just makes no sense and it's really really weird you don't understand it and then there's a art book I believe that actually explains more of the story and it still doesn't make any still doesn't make sense to be fair he is dying yeah yeah but so uh spoilers but uh POA is supposed to be uh Brembo is a dead younger sister who died at the age of 14 so she never ages past 14 yeah there's a lot of parallels that they try to draw there's a lot of cut scenes that take place in the real world as shopon on his deathbed and they try to draw a lot of parallels between the characters in the real world and the characters in his life and as you can tell by the names of the characters as well as if if you're at all musically inclined everything in this game pretty much is a musical pun or something everything every location every character name everything except for enemies a lot of enemies don't have anything to do except for like regular enemies but like anything that's a location or a character uh yeah we're fine yeah so this is an Xbox killer Knight there's also a lot of Randomness to this guy so we'll see if he cooperates yeah like sometimes he'll just randomly cause you to be unable to block for whatever reason stupid a lot of times in this game if you miss one block you'll get locked out and sometimes on this boss it just locks you out for no reason uh this boss also we want to be really far away from Viola because she's going to be doing all of our damage so if he decides to not walk away properly uh he's going to waste a lot of time luckily we have some manipulation that we can do to uh force him to move how we want BL yeah yep usually I can get the shot through here he usually we want this enemy to back up first but turn order didn't allow for that turn order isn't entirely consistent in this game which is really annoying as far as routing but it is what it is and you kind of just have to adapt to it when you get bad luck and thankfully we have multiple strategies for fight that um depending on turn order and then sometimes you just wing it like this fight you pretty much just wing it no matter what happens mhm okay so uh in this fight beats and Frederick's joh basically to Lear the boss farther away from Viola as possible while Viola just kills everything let's actually get this guy dead now thankfully these guys are a lot weaker than the bosses we fought earlier yep even though they're technically the exact same enemy they have the same name and everything they just have a lot less Health dude where this is really weird yeah he uh he going to do this yeah he was stuck so he had to take it off to the direction uh yeah this damage is really bad right now so we want him to be way farther away than this yeah it's probably good to heal now oh man what angle is he going weird you might want to turn him yeah I'm going to try I mean I can't really control whether he goes after beater Frederick and that's kind of what just head to the right side of his speed yeah the other thing is uh Viola's bow will do more damage to enemies in their head or basically their upper body um so by standing both beat and Frederick by his feet I'm trying to manipulate him to not turn around and stay turned around because then I can't hit his head and I lose a lot of damage I think another reason is that um for some reason it also makes their hit boxes farther away so the TR the arrow travels a bit farther on top of that when they're getting hit like they see them getting knocked back that also moves their hit box backwards so your arrows start doing more damage than before mhm it's really weird there's a lot of f there's a lot of wonky physics that you wouldn't think would actually matter but they do now he's about where we want on him finally yeah he's doing a lot of zigzagging he can also get C caught on the Torches that are in this room too and it's really annoying yeah that's pretty bad so occasionally you'll get a head shot with Viola where you hit the head precisely it'll just do a ton a massive spiking damage for no reason like it's pretty random if you get him or not but it's really noce well when you get them so the turn after this one should yeah he should be getting a doubt dead from this is the damage I should have been doing ideally crits are insane that was a crit head shot right there nice crit head shot on that though easily makes up for everything earlier not really eh as far as just seeing big numbers I'm okay with it okay he's dead all right don't get mad at me I'm not mad at you I'm mad at the boss yeah pretty much uh this is pretty much the uh last of the beginning boss after this start having actual strategies cuz we have set items that we're going to buy the next time we're going to be buying all the items that we need well most of the items we the next few boxes are going to be pretty straightforward until we get to a pretty awful part in the game so now we get party level three it doesn't do a whole lot uh party level three you lose infinite tactical time so you actually have to think fast on top of that which we're trying to go fast so that doesn't really matter on top of that we actually double the sides of the items we can carry so um pry helpful uh another thing I'll bring up to you as far as bringing items with you into battle basically every single item has a point value assigned to it based on how strong they deemed the item to be so for instance our uh items that bring people back from the de uh they cost two points uh the Peach cookies that we've been using cost one uh and a lot of routing goes into like uh how we're going to balance like the items that cost a lot and are really useful versus the cheaper ones yeah generally the better the item the more it costs to put in your inventory yeah for instance there's a buffing item we're going to be using later on in the run that costs four uh however by the time we are using them we have enough points available to us because of our party level that it doesn't really matter too much yeah and on top of that by we get time we get to that point we start using killings left because we have so much HP yeah we're just killing bosses so much faster from this point on bosses are going to start dying a lot faster just because we have a lot more resources available to us oh boy this guy yeah he can see that's fine so yeah these guys are dangerous cuz if they see you they will chase after you and they will catch up to you unless they give up right before they hit you which you can walk outside enemies have like a specific box that they'll walk around in so if you walk outside of that invisible box they'll just ignore you so now I have to save this guy's cart from this Dragon that's attacking him which turns out to be two dragons in the goat yep how pitiful which normally would be a scary encounter but uh we can manipulate the AI in that they will basically do nothing to us and another note about the PS3 version here um basically at the point based on what level you are here when you get here you basically do no damage to anything and it's really bad so we're kind of trying to work around that too I'm not close enough that's fine doesn't really matter what beat does on this turn yeah so this go ideally is just going to walk up here and do nothing or just sit there and do nothing he basically just go around a circle and decide to go after Viola sometimes he just gives up halfway and decides to go to be but it's too late for that point enemy a in this game is really interesting sometimes okay it's not dead quite yet but that's fine but be gets next turn he get two rap scoters and just kill them [Music] yep sounds pretty good no we're not impressed beat never impressed by you I am impressed when he crits bosses later in the game for oh my God that doj F was ridiculous that was actually [Music] impressive uh okay there's a goat that comes from off screen and a little branching path to the left there that sometimes just sees you and guns for you and you just can't can't even see him coming and these goats still way outspeed us so if we get in any encounters here we're losing a lot of time yeah they will take if they get back attacked they basic take like five actions before you get get a chance to run away and if you screw up run run away you need like two more actions it's stupid luckily running away in this game is basically guaranteed as long as the game doesn't drop an input uh all you have to do to run away in this game is hold both of the bumpers for the entirety of one of your character's turns so as long as the game doesn't think that you let go of one of the buttons at any point you just run away all the time on top of that you actually have to be holding them before your turn starts you can't like decide you want to run away you have to be deciding before your turn so it's really annoying also that Dragon doesn't exist on the PS3 version yeah they just took him out I guess they realized on this version you could just run away from him and walk past him they probably intended him to be not optional but oh boy this go might be trouble uh okay we're good one more goat left and that's it and this one's yeah I shouldn't say anything right now this guy's cut if I say something he'll get me okay he gave up okay that was actually pretty good road there yeah so now we have to do a little side thing basically the whole reason we've come here as a this whole group is because we're trying to talk to the count um to get him to fix his this uh cheap medicine okay okay oh boy twitch oh you want to pause the timer dude this is awful oh man dude riots please get good walk in the run to make up for awful twitch luck we have been this actually decent we have been getting good luck that's the funny thing there's only so much you guys can do yeah Texas is probably a good idea don't let me down Texas oh man G stupid old Texas G you got standards now maybe we should just stream on hitbox instead are we back up okay all right uh sorry about the technical difficulties guys we are should be back live again so we will be going again right now all right right okay all right so um we go into the end because it's basically getting dark and we have nowhere to stay and it turns out that um the son of the owner has gone missing so we're now got to find him in exchange for getting a free state at the end and this is a shop right here but we have to get this MRA out of the way all right he's trying to be a jerk yeah before we interrupted um the overall arcing storyline right now is that um the characters meet meet up and they're trying to go here to talk to the count of the entire country to basically get them to reduce taxes on Mineral powder so that everything else can start making money yep and that's about it honestly so now we have a bunch of arbitrary story triggers we have to talk to this Tipsy old man four times four times why all right now I'm going to do some shopping really quick yeah you should show them the text for the photo it's pretty funny yeah and like what I was saying earlier oh yeah this what is this junk you can't even use it for scrap paper I'll give you 11,000 gold for it it's pretty great he's clearly trying to like bid you down like oh no it's terrible it's terrible it's terrible here whatever you know he really was willing to pay about you know 100 million for them but but yeah these quality photos on PS3 would net me about seven yeah pretty much compared to 11,223 yeah it's pretty consistent uh as long as the M move backwards you're going to get that much gold on time Y and most of the time if you get weird photos they actually are better ranked than rank c yeah like in practice like those guys moved around a lot so I'd take better photos they were B Rank and he still gave me 11,223 yeah the conditions aren't too stringent that's the main stopper for the PS3 route right now just kidding those photos to sell so yeah basically from talking to all the people in town we learned that the boy was last seen on this cliff side and we just found his shoe on the cliff so when you find a little boy's shoe at the edge of a cliff the only natural like assumption is that he fell off so we're going down this four story I think it's four story Cliff it's more than four story four screens four screens yes but Cliff so this boy we think is down at the bottom so we're going to go look for him and actually this is another pretty large section of downtime love that climbing animation by the way just like SL down a little bit and then stops then slides a bit more and then stops again you should see it's climbing up animation it's pretty great he that really quick so uh yeah guys uh thank you guys so much for sticking with us I know we've had a couple technical difficulties but we're uh plugging through and doing the best we can uh as reminded this is RPG Limit Break in Salt Lake City Utah uh we're raising money for Nami uh we love the donations please keep them coming but however please remember that's not the only way to help us out share us on Twitter talk about us on Facebook please get the word out there let's keep pushing let's keep doing better guys uh and yeah stay around this is a great run so far let's keep it going all right so the rope climbing animation is so slow we go out our way to jump down those Cliffs instead cuz it's slightly faster very slightly but yeah it's definitely worth doing so yeah these Cliffs are very very um exciting pretty much dude can we get the bat cycle no dang I tried to make it on the bottom but I think ever make it on the bottom should just waited more money for charity oh my God I think this is what two or three now that's two seconds okay I thought so so have you talked about running away from encounters yet how it's pretty awful but it's also great at the same time since yeah it's a guaranteed Escape unless the game decides no it's not a guaranteed Escape which it really shouldn't as long as your controller is properly functioning yeah like I remember when I was doing early rids for some re didn't it was just not Escape for whatever reason but ever since it got better apparently decided that oh you're actually escaping this game just has a lot of weird quirks like that so that's bad I need to wait on to get past him you could just take a back attack I could have but that's a little bit slower cuz I have to wait for all of their turns to be able to run away where I can just wait so that's screen number two here's screen number three there's one more after this yep there isn't too much to the last there's a pretty big circle here where we just jump down these Cliffs toste climbing down more ropes and if I get any encounters on these bats since they do a lot of damage to us and attack first it doesn't really matter because we get a free heal after this anyway because we're staying at the end for the night uh another problem you may be seeing is that we were jumping on cliffs there's no way to jump back up yep so navigating this area and trying to find all the items can be pretty timec consuming that's a pretty common theme for a lot of the areas in this game actually so we got any donations going on right now uh let me check real quick uh at the moment we are waiting for some more to come in uh do want to thank uh a lot of uh our community artists especially llk and Carrie fry uh who made a lot of our emotes for our sub uh also want to thank uh Orin and nomix who won at making our stream overlay or yeah stream overlay Orin of course being the guy right there hello so he really does a lot of awesome work uh as do all of our artists so please go check them out uh at at Orin and at namx srl respectively so and shout outs to vagan for being a slave to JavaScript for like a month um do we have any U any prizes to plug in right now yeah guarding these things are awful yeah and I just don't really care to block them if I if anybody dies it doesn't really matter yeah as long as V doesn't die it's fine and she shouldn't die cuz she have no damage taken fight's required by the way there's no way around that you kind of just have to take it away this cave is amazing just look at that steeve drop yeah these caves are kind of weird to navigate if you don't know where you're going cuz you can't see behind the wall obviously uh all right so if you didn't see what oral did in that shopping menu back then um what he did was buy a bunch of healing items and some other items to uh use in combat one of the important ones is going to be a hell mustard which inflicts a status called burst which doubles your damage output but also doubles the damage you take as well y so it's basically G Cannon item on top of that he bought a bow for viola because she's the only character that matters right now and another interesting thing about hell mustards too is that enemies a lot of enemies AI will work in such a way that they target the character with the lowest defense uh if they're in if if their line of sight of that character is not being blocked so there's a lot of times where the character we use a hell mustard on is just going to be Gunn down if we don't do anything about it but a lot of the times we can manipulate that so that's not an issue so that boy that fell in the cliff did he actually survive yes he was just fine we're bringing him back to the end yeah and thankfully the cut scene teleports off the cliff cuz there's no other way back up yep it's a oneway trip and that area at the bottom is actually really pretty it's a shame that it's wasted on just running around and doing nothing yeah and it's weird cuz like the trigger the trigger for that cut scene like you just got to run to the left or right all the way out it's dumb so we're going to do one more quick menu here for the next boss oops so we're going to give Viola her new bow put on these hell mustards that we just made mentioned I'm putting on so many I should only need one here but I'm putting on uh so many because this boss can screw you over and you end up needing to use two on I normally just use one cuz even without the H monster he still dies usually he's almost dead but if we only use one well even if we use two the next boss we can just not menu before if we well uh spoilers but spoilers but the next boss is the same boss yeah they this is the only boss that you refight technically and you fight him right in a row re version [Music] yeah I'll let that be a surprise for people to play it unless I decide to bring it up when we get there but we'll see what I'm feeling yeah we shouldn't bring it up leave surprise the vers true speaking of the PS3 version this boss has a huge difficulty Spike on the PS3 version this boss is just brutal really I not be able to just kill them he do well she does but not if you're playing casually you're not going to know to break Viola I mean you do now but if no one told you yeah it's like The via's Arrow aiming thing you would never know about it unless you accidentally held the button down another really interesting PS3 360 version difference is that Viola's aiming is inverted vertically on 360 and they made it not inverted on PS3 for whatever reason and there's no setting to change it and she and beat with his photo taking are the only characters who have like first person aiming mechanics uh at the end of your turn it actually shows you how much damage you a turn if you saw violo just did 51,000 damage in a single turn yeah this boss kind of just ridiculous oh man so now we have the best character in the game yeah so we just got a new party member named salsa and she's one of the main reasons that I was really hoping that English would win the bid War because they gave her a really weird random southern accent kind of thing and a lot of her lines have to do with pounding people and it's it's really funny yeah you're going to hear that from us a lot she's just a really cool character actually says one we're going to repeat it cuz it's fun this next area is also really really awful as far as getting extra encounters that don't make any sense this area and the area after this are just notorious for losing you a bunch of time because enemies can just block you and these scorpion enemies have awful hit boxes that can just get in your way all right so I'm going to switch salsa into our party here not because we're going to be using her in combat but because she's a lot faster than other characters so if we get into an encounter like here uh which this one is also not NE um we we can just have a higher chance of out speeding them and running away yeah so we're going to be invoking the luck of the god the Greek God himself frck yeah frock gets a lot of secret passages where he just gets no encounters and it's I hate him so much and the last time AR did that he uh basically got the worst cave ever yeah he basically just stole all my luck and it's awful oh my God okay so yeah the scor are awful yeah a lot of times the best way past an enemy here is just to brute force your way past them take the encounter and run away if an enemy doesn't see you you can't do anything to reset their AI Loop so they're just going to sit there and do nothing a lot of the time so you kind of just have to wait an undetermined amount of time for them to move so yeah hit boxes are dumb that's what it so that's what five or six encounters five right now we do have a $10 donation from Melrose just says simply hi PX oh boy oh boy Aros is a great member of good friend to all of us actually y fun member of the speed running Community all right so that six and like half of them are scorpions yeah scorpions are really just not okay if they turn around too and you're trying to run away from them they'll you'll get caught on their pincers a lot of the time and it's really bad I'm going to come down you there are some instances you can just get caught on an encounter you try to run away from and you just have to fight your way out and it loses a lot of time come down on you like a mountain range that's one of her greater lines I love salsa she's great I don't remember was that six or seven uh six that was should been seven I don't know was eight oh yeah it was seven so yeah this is eight did you oh man back attack it's fine yeah we're also not going to be having Sals on the next fight so it really doesn't matter where her HP is at I can heal people before the next fight too cuz I have a bunch of healing items you usually don't have to though yeah I mean even if you take some damage from these fights it doesn't matter the next boss not too troubling Yeah so basically for story reasons on the next boss be is going to be forced into our party so again the third person in our party is going to be forced out which is salsa in this case yeah salsa while she's still a good character in combat we don't really need her to gain levels at all cuz she's pretty much equipped for everything she needs already so um we're going to be ling up beat and El be and Frederick because they kind of need the experience right now to t h later on yeah the pretty much the only thing we're going to be using saw for later in the run is the dark special that she starts with called Shadow silhouette and basically what shadow silhouette does is when you use it on an enemy like and it successfully hits um it puts a buff on every character in a radius around her that increases the damage of the next special move and that's going to be very very useful to us later on yeah on top of that she builds Echo really really fast yeah one of the best Echo builders in the game yeah she would be the best if not for a certain item for a certain character later on oh man these bats are actually behaving except for that first one that first one's awful can't wait to get Road blocked there's three enemies here right at the end that can just sit in your way and it's uh that's a good spot yeah that's fine all right so that's eight right now yeah that was a decent secret passage I got away from every re encounter pretty fast yeah that can go a lot worse it could go so bad if a scorpion just decides to be a giant jerk and sit in the middle of the path there's no way around until he mov yeah a lot of the paths here are just super narrow and it's really unclear where you can actually walk and how much distance you have I just have really bad depth perception to begin with too so it's really hard to tell and this is is the worst area the worst area comes next yeah you ain't say nothing yet next one is pretty notorious it's got some of the best music in the game though so really I never noticed it I'm too bad being mad too busy being mad at the game it's literally the most peaceful song in the entire game and the most infuriating area in the entire game oh my God it's so bad it's pretty solid irony like in practice actually no in a I don't remember was practice or Race by I actually just ran into everything cuz everything got in my way that was dumb and that's not super uncommon no that is super uncommon like hitting everything that's not uncommon at all no I usually get into like half of everything but everything decided to block me so this is one of the few instances of actually going back through an area that secret passage that we went to uh was the secret passage of spy organization that joined our uh party just now um and you're seeing them right now uh the one on the left is named Jazz the one on the far right is falsetto and then the one with pink hair behind her is claves um they're actually all really really good characters um and we're going to be using two of them for a considerable amount of the run one of them we don't really have the option to um but I'll get into that in a little bit um so basically the plot here is that we run into this spy organization who's telling us the real things that the count is up to and they're trying to stop him basically from the Shadows yeah so you go up to meet Walt and then tuba who is the guard says no we're capturing you for being spies even though we just showed up and they throw us in prison even though we beat the hell out of them pretty much yeah unfortunately we can't skip this so we just have to sit through them talking and but it's fine cuz falsetto is the cutest character in the game not going to argue that okay yeah uh uh thankfully um their prison guards are really inep because they're just just giant hole in the wall of prison I don't know why they let that down it's a great secret passage that's totally hidden by a gaping hole in the wall well to be fair it' be very boring uh video game if you were just stuck in prison for yeah like half the FF games I think the other side of the tunnel too is hidden by a giant marked wall with giant runes on it yeah they don't really understand what secret means unfortunately but that's fine uh you didn't really need to do that via's not Viola needs no healing I'm a pansy it's okay she never going to get hit and you have it for comat that marathon is a thing you have items for combat anyways oh my God so big shock now we're fighting tuba again I know he he failed his mission cuz we got away so now he said to chase us you won't get away got it I'm going to get you back so basically beat joins us because he has this personal gripe with tuba because he just doesn't like him I guess tuba is a giant jerk as well yeah beats like eight8 years old I think so he's a very very ignorant low boy yeah very innocent low boy I should say damn this is nothing so this fight is exactly the same as last time just move a character around yep now we're manipulating him to the other corner just because it works out a little bit better gig oh boy J Slam why didn't break the bridge it might it might I mean it's made out of wood he's setting it on fire I mean the bridge did get like three times bigger though yeah have to men these clouds just appeared out nowhere so do those Echoes affect her arrows at all or no these are technically just her basic attacks from range she has a separate basic attack when she's in melee range uh so they'll build Echo but they don't actually do anything with them dude he's not using demonic Embrace which is the worst thing ever yeah demonic Embrace is a like a flamethrower type attack that he has that does a lot of damage through guard is dude these crits that fight was really both of those tuba fights were incredible just K were uh okay yeah I'll take them they could have been way worse all right so the next area first off um two actually going to break the bridge with a gig and this Cuts scene he snaps this bridge in half and basically this huge Ravine separates the party yeah so we got the good party and then we got the really really bad party yeah they separate the party pretty much like by characters who are good and characters oops I want to use you claves but not right now claves is the one of the three characters that we really don't get to use but we'll talk about that so this is a doggio swamp and a doggio translate to literally go slow yep like Adagio in musical terms means going slow and the swamp makes you go very very SL it perfectly oh God I hate this swamp so you're going to see more scorpions but the corridors are very are much smaller in the cavern and these fish also have really awful to deal with hit boxes they're also aggressive as theu yep uh he should be he should be fine uh you might not be able to pass him also I think I lost counts at nine I think it's nine yeah okay he sto turning cuz you're invulnerable oh God this guy that's fine that's 10 oh never mind okay he waited long enough yeah I get Pati just run into I usually do too but oh boy fish right in the pathway yeah this song is probably one of my favorite in the game it's really comfy okay there's the aggressive fish right there oh and there's Jazz by the way he's actually really good but we're never we're going to use him uh well we use it for one fight we use him cuz he's in our party and he's actually just barely good enough to be used for the rest of the game um he builds Echo like he has a giant great swword and all of his attack Auto attacks hit for uh two hits so they build Echo really fast he's just kind of clunky to use and a lot of his uh specials are kind of iffy his his starting Light Special is really good though yeah although his attack speed is something something yeah it's kind of it's kind of weird to build Echo with him a lot of the times but he's a very very good character on top of that he's not really accessible I believe yeah he's he gets cut off from us for a while all right so that should be 12 or uh something like I think it's 11 no it's 10 cuz the last one was nine really I don't know oh my God this is bad I got to wait for this guy to move yeah so it should be 11 and 12 again oh my gosh I like actually can't do anything with this yeah the AI will not reset unless he sees you and know or he just decides to move okay there he is that's a rare spot I'm going to wait till okay I can work with this so the next enemy after this is technically required you can get past it but it's really really finicky it's only ever happened to People by accident I actually managed to get in practice earlier this week once um just trying it randomly it's really stum you have to wait a while and you had to clip at the perfect time it's stupid yeah so you're better off just fighting this yeah dude that fish is going next what the heck yeah I didn't get a back attack oh okay yeah yeah basically this enemy will either be facing up or down and if it's facing down you get a back attack so you get the preemptive uh here and if you get to kill everything before it even gets a chance to do anything psycho didn't work because uh we had to wait for the other the other one to move yeah but uh here can see example of jazz yeah his dark special's really weird pretty much any special attack that doesn't hit a lot of times is pretty generally bad yeah that's that one's pretty bad it does a ton of damage though which is nice yeah that was a good fight it was okay yeah it was okay fight that's the worst when falsetto says you got a good fight when it was awful it's just insulting all right so actually be 13 now yeah I think so and half of those are scorpions just yeah this area was oh boy Bo knowingly going to rack up the counter a lot 14 this area is rude yeah this guy um that the the Bic see at the end of this it's four scorpion in a row and um they're all pretty awful Yep this one could be nice or awful um he's I'm going to have to get oh got passed he was at a really bad angle it's sometimes really hard to tell he has at a bad angle but that was just just enough to get past them okay so now we just got that really cool claves character that we didn't use and in that cut scene she died so she's not dead she's technically dead no she doesn't she's still in your party when does she die then when you actually get to the when you actually get to the base that's right actually no it's right after um right after the death SC that's right dude spoilers oh get the score get SC thank you you I was too busy focusing on claves dying she has the longest death scene ever and it's so dumb yeah it's like a half hour cut scene and she's just groaning on the ground having flashbacks for like I was watching it my casual play through I'm like why is she taking so long to die it's pretty comical well the cut scene where paa Falls for 10 minutes is pretty bad too oh she falls into the past don't spoil the incredibly spoilery ending we're not going to show you anyways cuz it's like an hour and a half long of unskippable cutscene all I'll say is if you do play this game casually and you do like see the ending cut scenes wait on the like ending screen that says Finn for like five minutes or so until like just wait until it does something else because there's more and you'll enjoy it English voice acting and it is pretty good it's pretty great we were watching in the practice room and like everyone was turning their heads pretty hilarious finished to run and show it yeah so yeah just like the Marvel movies after this they made a cut scene after the credits and it doesn't hint at a sequel or anything it's just weird and it's just interesting I mean the credits is actually really nice cuz you see Frederick in the background playing along to the credits which is really really nice yeah this game is pretty much well regarded for its soundtrack uh who was done by matoy sakuraba who also did the Golden Sun soundtracks uh most of the soundtracks for the soul series among others he's just a really great composer which I mean I guess fits a game that's all about music I mean it's pretty easy as well when you have a really good source material to start with oh man you get to Hear jazz talk about arle who you never see oh yeah so this area every single like well in battles here you're poisoned uh and Jazz takes an entire screen to realize hey we're getting poisoned the entire time actually yeah it is two um so he gives you this neutralizing Stone wait you go backwards yeah oh my God have you not been doing the route right through here you I literally never seen you go backwards there before so yeah he gives you this neutralizing stone that lowers the amount of damage you take from Poison by a lot 90% actually you take uh 10% instead of you take 10% of the damage you normally would yeah so it doesn't it doesn't exact do what it's advertised to do it doesn't neutralize but and it's really really bad because you'll see in next screen yeah it doesn't exactly last forever yeah so the reason he savs it for a while because basically it's the poison is supposed to get stronger around the closer you get to the uh base which is actually a really nice idea putting a rebel base in a poison swap poison Mar yeah that's a pretty good way to hide it it's better than the giant gaping hole in the wall for the secret passageway that apparently the guards knew about so yeah starting at this point of the game too we just had the Adagio swamp which is really awful as far as encounters because the enemies are really aggressive and have awful hit boxes I don't know why you don't do this menu when you switch characters I mean you don't ever go to a good point actually I never thought of doing that saes very minc that the entire time have you yeah like no point not doing that I just never even thought of that dang small optimizations found right here dude I'm always one finding small optimizations that's my thing so this fight is Trick or Treat he has really really bad hit boxes like when he's jumping his move box his hit box moves with him dude how is he not dead because of damage rolls oh my God yeah this boss can also resurrect his additional enemies and lose a lot of time they're really annoying yeah this is also one fight where every single character is going to be useful for damage while we have Viola which is not a common thing okay and he's going straight for viola I think he always like goes straight for viola yeah the AI in this game is really weird it doesn't make any sense sometimes so yeah Jaz is actually really good yeah like he does a ton of damage like he didn't need have much there but whatever it's the best time to put it on that's true so yeah fallo does a ton of damage yep unfortunately her dark oh my gosh unfortunately her dark special is really really bad uh hello punch the mushrooms yeah sometimes when you uh press the button too fast it thinks you're holding on to it and does that really really dumb the game just tries to decide when you press the a button with theola whether you're in melee range or the worst is when you the worst is when the game does it with beat oh my gosh yeah beat also could do that kind of it's just that his is really really bad yeah also this boss is an attack called mushroom party which is pretty great yeah this boss is trigger treat uh dude nice time w here yeah these enemies will randomly just do that at the end of their turn and it does nothing but waste time because it doesn't technically go on during the timer of their turn so as good as Fett is right now she actually gets much better way later in the game much much better but we'll see that when we get there that's not for a little while yet well right now she's only buting 5 Max is 9 Gold you could build up to like 22 later on yeah it's really dumb much more when you're playing the game casually oh my God we'll get into that later though all right so J actually do a ton of damage here yeah this he is going to do a ton I don't think I've ever seen a 32 EO he blade on his boss with with the I can't say the last time I have I honestly never used uh I almost never use jazz on the boss cuz he just keeps raising that one guy yeah it's most efficient here to like just use your special move at the end of every character's turn except for violas obviously yeah as long as you press it while your character is while it's technically still your turn your character would do the special mhm you can buffer and at the end of your turn quite a lot Nice kill that was actually decent considering he rest twice oh man we got the floral extract the best item ever basically that item just clogs up your inventory and makes menuing annoying it does heal 85% of your HP though yeah so we just see can kind of work it in we just want to use it as soon as possible yeah which now will probably be a good time to use it that depends on what happens in the cemetery well you're still got to heal right now so um dude that's some nice music I never noticed so now we're in on Dante which is the secret little base area now we have to do a couple more little story trigger things in another shop and then we're going to head on to the next area uh we actually have time for a few more donations if you've got any uh at the moment we are still waiting for some more to come in uh as one more time this is uh RPG 2016 this is the night shift of course so uh we're in Sal Lake City we're raising money for Nami which is the National Alliance and mental illness uh please keep those donations coming in we are like $250 off hitting that $35,000 Mark I'd love to see that done within the next like hour or so so uh send your donation at a cute little comment we'll go ahead and read it on the air so uh yeah um are there any donation s that's coming up uh there are me one second to look these up so yeah coming up soon we've got our Final Fantasy 4 uh no credits Warp we've got a incentive that hasn't been met for that yet which is fight the big CBR doll uh that is at $32 out of 500 we also have naming incentives for Cle and Kane uh cile has uh $35 for Bick and $30 for meanie in all caps uh Kane is at or Kane is a lot more popular actually he's got geni with weeding the charge with $55 my God and Arby's is trying and struggling with $38 33 cents so all right so here's another trapping menu we're just going to basically upgrade our weapons for our two characters that matter and get armor for everybody else along with that we're going to be getting a couple of cookies which as you saw earlier are kind of good items oh and uh some uh some items called L Mains um they'll be useful later yeah they're another attack buffing item much like hell mustards uh all they do is increase your attack power by 10% but they stack infinitely uh we we we won't be stacking them quite that much we'll never use more than four in a single fight but yeah we don't use them now because um they kind of take a lot of inventory space these are the items that I was talking about earlier that take up four points yeah the hell mustard D does the damage boov much better right now it takes up a lot less slots so this area is basically one giant puzzle it's not even a puzzle it kind it confused me when I first play count as Theo it's so linear so basically this fog gate in front of us this green one is blocking another fog gate to the boss um and we need the green flame to open it the the red Flame's already there but we need to use the red flame to do the rest of the area so we're going to grab the red flame with us from this cut scene and basically use it to get the rest of the Flames that we need to get to the green flame and then once we do that we have to go all the way back around this area put it back here just so we can bring one of the blue flames to the boss door right or the door right in front of the boss yeah it's dumb it's really weirdly designed and convoluted you you just go around a circle and they run all the way back if someone wants to figure out a way to skip this fog please be my guest cuz I've tried I'll big is the bounty on it uh I don't know a lot of money please this would save like five minutes because basically all you have to do is grab the blue flame get through this fog and then fight the boss you get the red flame you get the blue flame you got the red flame again you go get a red flame with those two flames you grab those Flames back you grab another blue flame then you go all the way around to grab the green flame go all the way back grab a red and blue flame back and then use the red and green to go through and use the blue flame open the boss yep that's a puzzle it's pretty much just a check to make sure you go through these four side cemeteries in the right order there isn't really a puzzle here um going through this uh going through this area is uh two things you got remember one is how to avoid enemies and two how to not get bored death yeah a lot of the enemies here are facing the wall when you get on screen like that guy and then a lot of the enemies are also on Cycles so this enemy right here will just Patrol the area it won't pay any attention to you unless you touch it a lot of the enemies here just start by facing the wall so I don't I don't know if they're just like mourning the deceased or what but oh yeah it is a cemetery uh and the plot reason why we're here is actually really stupid so uh when we went down to a Dante we went down to a room in there is a flower that only grows with water from the end of the of the cemetery um so the flower flower started witing so the kid runs into the graveyard to try to get more water from it and then we come in like oh no it's dangerous let us do it cuz we got nothing else to do and there's this giant fog wall on the way for some reason yeah I don't know how they got the water in the first place considering there's a bunch of monsters there stupid fog puzzle and a giant boss at the end of it how did they ever go through that in the first place I couldn't figure this out when I this game came out so I don't know how a kid that young would the K got blocked by the wall oh yeah oh my yeah these enemies are really great by the way because because of the way they're designed you can't see which way they're facing unless they're moving because they're completely identical on all sides so you kind of just have to guess in a lot of cases which way they're facing yeah antiques are something special you're going to see a lot of them later on yeah they get reskinned a lot in this game I just they I guess they just thought they were really tricky and devious which I guess they are they're just as bad they're pretty terrible they're also really fast so they have a chance to out you in almost every single time you encounter them and they they like to aggressively chase you yep so we just got the blue flame and we got to take the red flame back to uh oh we just got another red flame so now we got to go back got the blue flame and use those to grab another blue flame cuz the next Cemetery we go to is blocked by a single red flame and then a red and a blue uh yeah and then we get the second blue flame and then there's two gates in the last Cemetery that are blocked by a red and a blue and and then we go get the green and then come back around and I assume now is a good time for donation yes please we have a $30 Anonymous donation saying I never got to beat this game when I was younger because my 360 broke and I just never felt like replacing it I'm so glad to watch a speedrun of it it's awesome you guys are amazing keep up the marathon and keep up the great work thank you oh yeah shout outs to being the only 360 uh game on the marathon yeah I actually funny story didn't own an Xbox 360 anymore when I wanted to pick this game up so I ended up having to buy new 360 just to run this game and this is to this day the only game I really rebot I own this game in Sonic 06 which I also ran at one point oh man Sonic 06 why don't we talk about that instead hey it's my favorite Sonic game leave me alone is that the only song game you played no of course not I ran Heroes please oh man and colors okay you know everybody who runs Heroes does not like the game it's a good game it's just mean okay what are you you doing he's being dumb yeah a lot of enemies at this point of the game too will see you and just kind of stand there and figure out what they're going to do about you it's like I feel like I should attack you but I'm just going to stand here and oh yeah this place is actually pretty bad for camera angles cuz when you get to the uh ending at the uh areas around here where you pick a little flame it normally zooms the camera in a weird angle and when you try to leave it takes forever to zoom out so you actually just walking blindly into an enemy yeah and a lot of times they put enemies behind like environmental objects and things like that so you just can't see them and you kind of just have to wing it a lot of the time yeah a lot of times I'll just run into antique CU I cannot see them at all either that or inch your way forward and try to get the camera to move I don't even try that that's just dumb dang calling my strats [Music] dumb ni stres being a baby you're not wrong but they don't need to know that God all right all right so this is getting towards the end of this puzzle kind of cuz we got to go all the way to the end and then go all the way back to the beginning so we're going to walk right past the Blue Fog door that I was talking about too we'll get to see it and we don't have any blue flames with us so we can't do anything about it dude just do the puzzle Skip and load the save that's not how this works oh my God I just wish we could do that because I don't want to do this part ever then you just load a save at the end of the game and beat the final ball that Skips a lot of the okay actually no that Skips a lot of the fun part at the Run we have an anonymous $5 donation that just says Hey Oro when is mysterious Unison percent happening uh funny story while I was here I actually finally made a save file to mess with that so maybe someday basically there's an extra dungeon that you can do uh you gain access to it after defeating the second to last boss and it's intended as like a postgame area but you're supposed to do it before the last boss because like after the last boss you just launched immediately into new game plus uh and that's actually how um since clavus dies pretty early on after you get her that's the way to get her back is by going in there you get her right away um you also get party level six from completing that area um which it's a really fun party level U it's entirely optional but what it does is whenever you execute a special attack uh it shuffles around your uh ab and Y buttons so you constantly have to be paying attention to what buttons your controls are on uh in addition to that um a later party level that we're about to get allows us to chain together our special attacks so we're going to have two slots for light attacks and two slots for dark attacks that we can set and we can chain between them and what party level six will do is allows us to chain between all six of the equipped ones that we have on our entire party but every single one shuffles your controls so you have to pay attention constantly yeah it's pretty crazy but it adds a lot to the game yeah higher party levels generally just make the combat some more fun as well cuz it's a lot more hectic there's more stuff to deal with um I believe that prob six you can actually choose what party level you play at for the rest of the game is that how it works yes okay so you can actually go back to one if you want to be a baby yeah but if I remember that's a new game like you have to be a new game plus to do that but I don't I haven't messed with new game plus stuff in a long time so party level one is actually pretty slow especially if you're trying to run away cuz you had to wait you had to spend a whole 5 Seconds to run away as opposed to later on where you have like 3 seconds yeah oops dude that floral extract in there get rid of it I'll do that eventually if I remember yeah so this boss is death Crow he's pretty awful he also has enemies that he can resurrect he does a lot of damage and keeping Buffs up here is really really important um a lot of this arena is in the dark so since faletto is a lot of our damage at this point uh we want her to be in the light as much as possible so those two uh glowing tails that I set will put a light AA around her so that every uh special attack she does yeah I wasn't going to die he wasn't going to die he blocked the first hit yeah so every special attack she does will be snow claw which is her good special attack dude they're both going up there that's no oh never mind I got baited all right this guy so to kill this one I actually have to move Viola out of uh the light Ora around him is fine those c g fine thank you so most of what algo is going to be doing in this fight is just buffing other people he doesn't do like any semblance of damage here that's really okay oh pause oh my God this going to happen oh God sing on the Gable oh twitch why Riot why it's always happens when Riot streams a tournament every single time easy about saying that on the air by the way all right I know I'm saying when if we go live don't make a joke about to hit box it's probably not smart I need to remember to heal faletto as soon as this comes back uh she's like at 1% are you guarding the curdle right now uh it's on her turn oh okay all right okay yeah so uh sorry about the technical difficulties guys uh there's nothing we can do about them on our end we will try to pause and make sure you guys don't miss any of the action so uh Oro whenever you're ready uh all right all right so there's a death craw this K this fight could be really horrible if he decides to be a giant jerk which happens a lot actually dude intake nice oh my gosh it's fine it's Alig r that was a cheap shot it is a cheap shot but you don't care a little but this is the last time you're going to see El ever he just kind of stops being good well he's still good after this point he's just not good enough I don't ever remember him being good in first place he's pretty good casually yeah so his only job in this fight is actually throw items he's like and take out anti are Reviving oh my God yeah I just wasn't paying attention for that that's fine you take no damage actually with false shettle that's all that matters dude nice hit box yes can be really finicky or this boss can be reallyy I guess now we should explain the nice Echo glitch in case it ever happens oh yeah there's a glitch in this game where basically if the game doesn't think you're hitting the enemy when you execute a special attack it won't actually consume your Echoes and it wastes a lot of time cuz you're just not doing any damage with your special attacks all should take out the bomb antique yep unfortunately he's going to use up all your Echo yeah did that scare you time loss does scare me so yeah I mean when this boss fight goes nicely like it looks really good it's just really polarizing between a bad fight and a good fight and it can happen like anytime [Music] honestly buffer it's fine I would just went forward and have Alig throw those on the next turn and this boss does a ton of damage if you don't guard yeah and so have really tricky timing and the trickiest timings are the ones that do the most damage to you like the curdle saw ear curtle intake intake has a really easy to though because he walks towards you MH so you can easy predict it in which case you have like the very minimal time to guard it but um curle is really annoying cuz you might get like screwed if you're predicting another attack when he does it than his animations are all easy to read though this sera's turn should finish him off yeah he's getting low on yet oh no h moner hopefully he get a good head shot that's good enough get mad oh man we were doing a race uh the other day and I got a massive head shot crit on this guy it was insane yeah it was ridiculous 18,000 to one shot this boss has a really weird head so it's really hard to hit it deliberately I didn't I don't even know why I went for it that was dumb all right so we now we get to one of the worst parts of the run in which your party is really really bad yeah so basically our party split a little bit ago this is the other half of our party and basically every character we have here is not as good as the ones that we just had we don't have fetto we don't have Viola beat's pretty good but he's not quite as good as the other two no be's not that good like we give everything in our power to make beat manageable actually good on the PS3 version I don't know about surprisingly enough I don't know about that they he do less damage you should have seen the root lurker Strat that we came up with it's pretty good God I don't it's basically like the one we do now but it's uh with beat instead why I just SN with Viola like every she falls off really bad really come on it's that fight's actually miserable if you do it the same way oh my God at least with the current because you can't really use your Hawkeye Echo combo whatever yeah um there's also another glitch that I'll get to in a bit uh I'll actually explain that when we get there uh oh my gosh so yeah I did a little menu there for this next area uh we have to do one forc encounter here when we enter this pirate ship uh every other encounter here is optional but we also need that menu for the next boss so yeah our party is pretty bad so here's our roles um salsa is here to basically be fast and go up Echo Fred is the tank and beat has to be our damage dealer because we have no other option like he is actually the best option for damage which sucks dude sh nice that should wake you up kill oh these guys have P are also pretty great yeah oh man they're just very stereotypical [Music] Pirates oh he also replaced beza light attack with uh fire blast which is basically rapid shooter but in light yep cuz we no longer need to take autra so we have no need for vivid shot yeah and also so in case you ever get stuck in light when you're trying to do a special attack you don't have to do something stupid a lot of characters have um Mir that might be a back attack boy that might be a back attack it's taking forever to load the um a lot of characters have mirrored versions of their specials so they'll have a light and a dark version um but several all times their light or dark version will be stronger than the other for beat they're pretty close uh rapid shooter is just slightly stronger than fire blast but it's prettyy negligible and we don't really make an extra effort to put him in the shade all right so I believe that's 15 right now yeah so what kind of version are you using you said that that was a weird kind of a long load is there any difference in like the digital versus the disc copy um not that I've really tested it feels like it lows fast around digital and on different models of 360s but it's negligible at best dude beat's getting wrecked here dude the triple and I think I mentioned it earlier but the PS3 version of this game has awful loads like every single fight that you get into will hang for that long without doing anything yeah and the menu like I can open the menu really quick like that and it takes like 5 seconds on the PS3 version it takes like two seconds like that's that's exaggerated but yeah I'm just going to wait for this guy dude nice and I not even paying I always do this me too yeah this pirate ship is uh tough to navigate we don't know where you're going yeah everything just kind of looks the same and it's kind of hard to remember where you're going oh man you're going to see everything looks same jum pretty a bit into the r it's gets it gets ridiculous so right now we're taking a slight dour into the pirate ship to use that score piece that I picked up just before uh trick- or- treats area um we're going to play this score piece with this musician uh there's a lot of NPCs around the game that you can play these score pieces with and if you play what sounds good I don't really think this sounds good like it matches but um if you play well with this person they'll give you an item in this case we're going to get the dark brooch uh which is an accessory that makes the character that it's on always have a dark Ora around them and since Salsa's main use is using her dark special we're going to be giving it to salsa for most of the game so that she can always use it no matter where she is yeah and any other character that you have in your party that's standing in that aura also gets their dark special which is going to be very very useful for us as well also I agree with you I don't understand what it makes that so good like that doesn't sound too good for me either yeah all right so here you actually yeah I struggled I struggled trying to figure out the score pieces casually a lot because there's I think 32 of them in the game and I would sit there like trying to test all of them that I thought sounded good like looking at the notes and it just the ones that sounded good are like that sucked that's a d I'm like okay yeah not only that but in order to get them all you pretty much had to go to New Game Plus as well mhm there's certain ones that are locked behind new game plus you sess creatures I don't remember is that 17 or 16 uh 17 I think okay we'll just say it's 17 that's higher are we including the ones that you actually cannot skip even though it's not mandatory anything that is not mandatory like any encounter that could be theoretically skipped oh so in that case 18 yeah but like the dragon on the bridge like earlier like that doesn't count because I have to get in that encounter yeah I'm talking about like the ones on the ice path cuz some those you just straight up get a Dodge yeah those you have to so those don't count oh boy man I'm counting every single fail uh stbu skip actually don't cut bble because it's so free see the entire reason we have to go through the pirate ship like that is to get the key to the Captain's Quarters which is right up here you use the floral powder I could I'm going to dude nice so now it's out of our inventory so it's a bit easier to menu in a couple instances so we're going to give the salsa the dark Ro here and give uh Frederick the lace veil that we had that increases his defense all right here's one of oro's favorite characters that only gets like four lines in the entire game yep and here's one one of the most notorious characters in the game casually uh this boss has a huge difficulty Spike on the 360 version and a huge Road Block for a lot of people but hopefully we're going to not have too much trouble with her honestly the worst part about this it's just that your party so bad and her AI is really aggressive this is one of the first enemies that tries actively to run behind you and make sure you can't block any of her attacks she also has one attack that has really delayed block timing that can basically onot anyone she uses it on oh man time for Dead's tail this is on English we don't get to hear Dead's tail yeah on the Japanese version her one shot attack is called uh it's called Dead Man's tail but on the Japanese version she always says Dead's tail for some reason dude a double that's actually pretty bad it does not feel good that's pretty bad cuz um she's far out now yeah this is workable she might go to me though I actually might be able to do the shadow Sol Strat here like if this works out all right Frederick do your best also yeah she likes to go for Beat lot yeah so we're going to try to block her line of sight of him a lot okay you got the 12 you're fine on this guy right here yep yeah this is like one of the hardest fights when you're learning the game straight up cuz you pretty much have to learn how to block and she locked me out and you're dead y dude I she got beat that was one instance of what I was talking about earlier where if you just miss one block you're going to miss their entire string and you just can't do anything about it and the devil St this line these Powers have fun lin their attacks she loves going for beat it's dumb not going to die we'll get to do Shadow Silo it's fine oh man Shadow silhouette and he's not dead I did I don't know why you did it early yeah I don't know okay there we go oh my God one hit away oh yeah exact her d for your back and if you try to block with a character who's got their back to the enemy it'll the game will try to the game will try to turn them around but it's not super reliable unfortunately your character turns around pretty slowly dude Tempest roll she going to beind burning spindle I did not enjoy that bit far away for that yeah where are you going I don't know Rick is probably one of the it's one of the better characters to build up eeko cuz he pretty much gets uh 20 attacks a turn if you're right next to him cuz it's basically three three hit combo does four hits so and he Tes pretty bad as well pretty nice crits we can't hope for that to ever happen again so now beats hell mustard ran out so we want to apply that on Salsa's next turn and hopefully not accidentally use it on the wrong person which can happen very easily the targeting system sometimes work yeah it tries to use items on whoever the character is facing but sometimes it thinks you're not facing anybody and it just uses it on whoever you're using the item with and then sometimes it thinks they're facing way too far dude she's going at their feet again that's fine she's telegraphing these really easily like she's not trying to sneak them in at all she can mix Dead Man's Tails into her Combos and stuff and just really mix you up but she's getting pretty nice right now she's getting low so won't worry about R shooter Yep this fight's actually going pretty well bur okay nice got there that wasit close I almost missed it I know I could have just done a rapid shooter that just off yeah and she de yeah okay that was actually pretty good fight like that's about a typical do fight it can get much worse where you barely survive of one character with no HP and no items left yeah that's happened plenty of times actually to both of us there's just lots of times where you'll accidentally use a hell mustard on the wrong character and beat will do no damage and this fight just takes way too long and you run out of healing items and it's it can be really bad but that was that was very good yeah there's a lot of variant in that fight like a lot of different things happen you just got wingy on the fly yeah that's a lot of the fights in this game you kind of just have to have plans for everything that can happen because there is a lot that can happen plans where are those all right so um Fly this part stupid yeah I don't even remember exactly what's going on here so um you got wash ashore and you got rescued on the ship of the prince of this area here Baro um so um they're currently neutral with uh whatever whatever K Walts owns and um the princess this area is currently engaged to the princess of a sovereignty of that country who using her as basically a spy for this area to make sure that they never get into a war and um The Rebel Army wants to enlist their help to a rebell against some so here you just got rescued by them and you're enti and you're thankful and now you're going back to your village yep but that just happens to go through a giant Snowy Mountain that is topped with a volcano yeah makes cuz a volcano right next to a forest seems like a great idea all right last count we at 17 yeah I believe so oh god dude this dragon is a thing that's fine this is actually really good Pace yeah it's actually not a bad run so far nothing really went awful like anything sub 145 on killing Dolce is what I would consider decent so yeah the only thing going awful so far I've been T the technical issues with the twitch yeah which control dude and we were doing a race earlier and this guy sniped me from behind when I was invulnerable that was so dumb you have to get in an encounter with this guy once but PX got sniped he turned around he turned around and got him again he turned around walked with me and hit me the instant I got out I wish I had seen that that was so dumb so now we have the this weird gimmick in this area it's these slidy slopes I tried to figure out like some kind of movement Tech up these where you'd like zigzag up them cuz I thought at one point it looked faster and it timed out to be the exact same ice physics more enemies that we can just run away from that we kind of have to and this guy can also um decide to just turn around and snipe you from behind cuz he's super fast yep that's definitely happened to me before now we have one more of these guys this is the one that does it right here enemy designs at this point start getting really weird too they just they're just weird fish things that have like I don't even know I don't even know either so we star 17 yep so now since this mountain is so cold we can't tolerate it so we're going to go into this little Shack to hide out and warm up despite the fact that there's a volcano right outside the shack yeah so we're going to grab a new gun for beat that just happens to be in here makes the next fight go a little bit smoother this fight is also very or this next fight is also very rough also saves us from having to go shopping as well yes it's just a volcano here and it makes I don't know how it's not melting any of the snow but I know video game Dream World logic we'll just chalk it that like the inside it's still frozen here for some reason know it was just burning outside and now it's red hot oh man cut scene so this area is awful it's filled with red reskinned Antiques and and you can't tell which direction they're facing and you kind of just have to wing it past a lot of them and there's dragons luckily they're kind of just standing and blocking items and things so you don't have to deal with them yeah for whatever reason it might be showing up on the C you might be able to see it on the capture as well but uh no matter what TV I play this on no matter what I like capture with there's a weird like Distortion line along the right side of the screen and like it's actually not showing up on this TV surprisingly but it's always there and it's really weird I'm assuming it's just a graphical bug all right so thisne count right here is forced there's no way R it come on come um also another good thing is if you ever get back attacked they usually like just triple focus on PO which is hilarious mhm a lot of times I just let her die because I hate paa and you don't need her alive for anything yeah you actually just take her out after this she's just there because it's slower to menu right now or not slower it's just there's no point in menuing her out right now yeah dude that guy wanted you it's better to heal when you know you're done taking damage all right and uh right here is a chest with better armor for salsa I believe yeah this isn't necessary but it just makes again the next fight a little bit safer and it's right in your like the fastest path through here so it wastes no time to get it Wast some time to get but yeah yeah it's like a second four seconds yeah I mean it takes time to equip it as well so there's that but uh really yeah dude get right poga like like there's salsa now let's go after poga she wasn't even facing him it oh man these giant flaming antique things that are awful Ander attacks are actually really annoying to guard cuz the timing on it is so yeah they delay a lot of their attacks and pretty much any delay block timing in this game just trips you up really badly cuz you anticipate it and it just never happens yeah there's a lot of blocks that you have to guard like as soon as they start attacking and you most of the time will guess those yeah it's actually pretty hard trying to block off sound cues alone you just don't have enough time to react yeah you got to know like when it's going to happen round win and just react instantly you hear it so we got some more eight 19 yeah a lot of these guys you just kind of have to run past and hope they're not facing oh man Po's going to die why am I blocking I want her to die oh man it's a now why didn't I have a sa kill POA incentive oh my God I probably would have accidentally let her die so we have an anonymous $5 donation thank you very much please continue to get those in guys uh we need to really make a push to get that fight the big doll incentive in Final Fantasy 4 met it's still about $200 off we hit that $200 we'll be right around that uh 3,000 or yeah $335,000 Mark so please continue to get those in please continue to share us on social media thank you so much for being here guys all right so we're finally done with the volcano here and we're going to go we have this really long section of jumping down rocks yeah so we're going to so we're going to exit and we're going to be conveniently in the Google Forest which we're at the very beginning of the game yeah that's where we fought ogre champ yeah but we're going to have a nice old friend meet us there the best part of this is watching what paa's hair decides to do yeah this is the last time you're going to see PA move around so just enjoy it uh so uh the next boss fight is actually straight up probably the worst fight in this entire run it's a lot like Dolce he has attacks that can basically one shot you he runs behind you he's really aggressive a lot of the things that were problems with Dolce but he's just infinitely harder oh you supposed to swap those too yeah I don't I remember doing that and you also don't bring that much healing into the fight just because we want to poison this boss it makes them a lot easier to deal with as I mentioned earlier it messes with their AI a bit sometimes and this is the main boss that that's the case that's the only reason why you buy poison White Caps yep and you buy 11 just because it's faster to men you that many instead of buying the five that we equip here oh man it's jining young BOS again this time he's not impossible to beat and he calls Our Lives pathetic which is insulting you foolish creatures he went out to the front man oh nice okay good so yeah he has a lot of doing very fast attacks let's get [Music] going let's get going uh please there we go okay we got the poison so now be's going to run off into the corner here and then put a hel muster on himself and we're just going to start dealing damage beats our main sour of damage here still so this is actually one of the hardest attacks to block cuz it's just so off it's nice though because it's really really slow it eats up his entire turn and it doesn't do that much damage if you block it if you don't block it it does a ton of damage and it knocks you down this is the attack that will almost one- shot you if you miss it and he just wants to spam it apparently it even does a lot if you block it that attack is just really devastating but dark pres is actually really tricky cuz uh if you have you do a safety Strat where be just hides in the corner the entire time then he'll use it on be where he's off screen and the timing on is just a lot more precise it's dumb this is oh I missed it uh yeah it's the timing on it really really tight and easy to miss even if you're used to it like you can press the button when it the effect is still up there and you'll still miss the block for some stupid reason yeah it's just really finicky all right 32 Echo no crits oops I'm just going to heal Frederick as I can yeah it's good idea this fight isn't long for this world so oh boy you're did that's fine yeah when he kicks you down he likes to use a special attack right afterwards and you just can't do anything about it this is not good this isy bad he's dead okay who did that oh man it's AA I don't know the only other guy that's trying to hit you also is dead yep luckily that didn't hit too like this fight go awfully like this luckily got him poison though so it's not too bad as long as you just keep killing you should be fine shout oh boy yeah she's dead yeah she's dead y all right Fredick go tank unfortunately characters that die at the end of a fight uh don't get any experience but we really don't need her to have levels sother nether do characters that aren in the battle actually which is the reason why like characters that we don't use just fall off even harder than did Death the poison dude poison kill nice so that actually went fairly smoothly I kind of beefed the end but all right I played the beginning of that fight really well all right so this is pretty much the biggest of the r killers at this the rest of the Run should be smooth sailing all right party level four we unlock a new mechanic called Harmony chain I'll let you go into that yeah so basically Harmony chains I alluded to earlier um what they do is when you're at 24 or 32 Echoes and you try to use a special attack um you can press the special button again at the end of it and it will chain into the other light or dark special that you have equipped depending on which one you used um there's actually a glitch with it which is the only glitch that we're aware of in the game um the only good glitch yeah um that basically the way you do it casually or like the way you would do it naturally is um using your echo on the like basically the only the first special attack in the chain will get your Echo bonus that you originally started it with so what you would do casually is set your uh attack that hits the most times uh first because it would scale the best with Echo um but if you start a chain with a special attack that has three hits or less you'll maintain the echo bonus from your uh first hit into the second hit as well oh it actually makes sense why that happens cuz you don't generate any extra Echo when you do that yeah I guess that would make sense that would actually fix they fixed it on the PS3 version however so we don't have access to that there yeah cuzz your special attacks still generate Echoes when they hitting so um I guess you do three or less hits you never generate the four Echoes so you keep your Echo bonus mhm so this is the only area that we control beat and there's three encounters here that we have to do uh it's RNG whether you get two or three encounters luckily here we got or uh enemies I mean luckily we got two here so that's good and slam uh also he equipped the weapon for salsa that gives her the L Aura and in this game weapon priorities take over accessories so even though she still has the dark brid the dark brid equipped she has the light Ora instead of the dark AA actually the way it works it's even weirder than that um God if you have a light Aura on anyone it overrides dark Aura like light is just automatically better than dark for whatever reason all right oh nice you got the a CR yep so that was a pretty good first fight so uh Mar is actually really good it's just U not good enough yeah the Run used to use her at the end instead of salsa they're twins by the way in case you could tell um just because she can build Echoes incredibly well it's just we realized we didn't really need her for that and having Shadow silhouett is just infinitely more useful oh there's a triple spawn there another good Sal Salan I'll hit you so hard your brains will fly inside out or fly L about pounding yet we've got a couple I think we've talked over them though unfortunately I don't remember hear one yeah about like if you look on a Wiki or something and look at a list of her lines dude was that I think it's seven of them have to do with pounding you somewhere around there than these guys are pretty weak y I don't remember they get stronger or weaker in light they're basically the same enemy they just look a little different oh my God all right so here's Supernova it's really good supera if I line this up right it should kill both of them nice that it's really good we time for a quick donation yeah we have a $10 donation from sweepy that says sweepy is roing rooting for you I hear that speed has a great calamari bar oh my gosh please that's one of my friends from City oh yeah that's the only one of these encounters actually skip past some weird reason and we got two three enemy encounters so that's a little bit of time loss not a big deal though yeah it's like it doesn't really cost too much time but uh another reason why we take these fights is that they give oh my god wow I got really bad rules there they give Yola an extra level in which learns a really good ability called Hawkeye basically what Hawkeye does is it hits the enemy a single time so we can abuse it with Harmony chain glitch and it debuffs the enemy that you use it on to make it so that the next special attack you use on them will do a considerably increased amount of damage and we're going to be abusing that a lot oh man wow this encounter is trolling uh Hawkeye also has a fun side effect too that we won't make use of in the speedrun but it also increases the size of the hit box of enemies uh when Viola is sniping them with her regular attacks and that doesn't consume the mark Which special attacks otherwise would so just a fun tip for your casual playthroughs uh that thing dropped the Goddess bque that like full res yeah cuz I literally never seen that before they cost like a million points to put in battle though so even if you get them dropped it's really not useful yeah I've actually never seen that drop for me I get them occasionally and they also clog up your menu but unlike floral extract there's no way to get rid of them yeah so you kind of just have to menu around this item that you're not used to having and it's really annoying we're going to get an accessory heal C the power ring which is basically an accessory version of lions Mains it's just a permanent 10% attack increase it's pretty good not as good as the accessory we're going to get from this next boss but we'll get to that ah the Crimson br so these enemies don't really do too much to attack you you can kind of just walk by them enemies at this point in the game are just so lazy yeah there's just one enemy though that could be a major troll yeah and he's coming up shortly there's basically a little that uh little Gap that we have to get through and there's an enemy that they put right by it and he can sometimes just be blocking it which like that oh boy which direction is running okay that's 20 now no you could have just ran around back yeah I could have waited or something something but okay yeah you know you got wait uh I can slip through this actually D nice so that's another encounter there but yeah apparently there was a big enough gap for that all right so don't forget to equip Hawkeye please no I will not do not forget oh my God yeah there was run one run not too long ago that I forgot to equip Hawkeye here and this fight takes a long time if you don't how do you finish that uh I just did a couple Combos and it was fine all right so this is the first example of Hell must of lion me get out of here goddess bouquet you're screwing with me but yeah our party level is now big enough where we can actually uh use consider am items I forgot to give V the power ring that's what I forgot to do yeah that's that's pretty that's not a big deal though that's only a 10% damage increase so basically this boss should die in a single Harmony chain uh but I'll probably just have to do a little bit of extra damage which is fine just keep smacking with also and Mar be fine dude this boss is not trolling for once this boss also has a charge attack much like the B does and there's a pretty tight setup for this like quick kill and if he does the charge at all like that setup is just gone to you like you can't do it at all you can kind of like try to piece it together afterwards but it's really really slow but it's still your best option oh boy so there's 10% more damage that I don't have just keep SM that's another weird like that's the perfect example of weird targeting in this game like I didn't move at all after I used the first one and then it just decided that I wasn't facing away anymore I think he just decided that you were no longer facing the direction so it towards her so this will not kill but it'll get pretty close dude nice crits actually yeah March should be able to finish this off yeah that was a really bad roll those are good crits though Supernova should finishes dude there's a run charge yeah at least he gave it to me then yeah he didn't go too far all right let's just go super super no was still amazing oh never mind not quiet shall Sol it nice okay we'll take that so that wasn't too bad if that boss charges around it can just be really really bad so all right just remember we give R the power ring back may it's time to upgrade all right so now our party is back together and we decided to go back to uh Baro to meet up with the prince and ask him to help the Rebellion and um he basically just tells us um wait a bit just do whatever so we you're doing whatever we're going to go talk to a priest and learn some random things everybody's just bored at this point that's actually the story line they're just bored waiting also apparently there's like a love quadrangle or something going on yeah basically like pretty much everyone in the like all the that spy group is in love with each other and it's a mess and go jumping in there as well yep jazz is just beautiful everybody just likes jazzers we time for a couple quick donations yeah definitely we have a $30 donation from Frozen truly that just says cat boo cat boo cat boo what's up frozen so we have $5 from Tevin that says so we're watching the ending cut scene right no way that would be some donation incentive oh God so cat blo is actually oro's most popular emote on franker Z by far and it is amazing and um Kirby Master is a massive jerk for donating against it even though he also loves it but he apparently loves the cat more jaban is literally a cat Boo and he's just not respecting the lore see now we just talked to this priest and he's telling us random garbage that I don't even remember uh he's telling you about a ice cat so I believe yeah I think he's talking to you about ARA Temple yeah cuz you just you guys just sit literally saying doing nothing like beat and sa are playing cards seems pretty [Music] fun yeah I don't remember a lot of the plot intricacies of this game plot is just dumb it's just dumb in this way yeah it is usually RPGs are known for their really good stories this is one of this game's weaker points but the soundtrack and the gameplay usually make up for in my opinion all right so um I forgot what the Pres name was is it crescend or serenade Crescendo crescendo's the prince seren princess Crescendo and serenade princess so seren's the spy and Crescendo gets a note that basically says that she is a spy so they B together inside let's just go sacrifice ourselves to cut Walts yeah so they're just kind of gone right now and we need to go find them and tell them to stop I swear to God I swear to God you get into this car two times so there's a small little I guess sequence break here where there's a chest that we have to pick up for a spell book that we need to give to a a guy to get the key to the next dungeon and there's an enemy just fixed in place in front of it if we interact with the chest at a certain angle we can skip one of the two encounters that it would take to get oh just one encounter yeah um also gain the Spellbook early is also another sequence break cuz you're not supposed to know about it until you talk to the guy but you just pick it up I didn't mess it up there's actually a special dude you haven't messed it up yet yet what do I mess up from here you press a too much okay you're not wrong there you go you have to mash a to like skip the running away cut scene that happens and mash it just press it once oh yeah I just mash it because I like mashing buttons that's why you mess it up but yeah you can interact with the chest again when it's empty and it says oh the chest is empty and then your eye frames will wear off and you'll get another encounter yeah so yeah it's happened to me multiple times oh my God so yeah you can get the Spellbook early before you turn before you talk to the guy who ask you to get it and there's actually a special line in there when you like he asked you to get the spell book like oh is this it like oh cool thanks he just get key so now we have to go all the way back to Baro Castle which is all the way through Baroque to give the Spellbook to this guy to get the key and then we have to backtrack all the way back through here to go to ARA temp but there is item in some barrels that are guarded to by some dogs so we going go get that get out the way I'm going to be grabbing The Feathered hat which is an item that increases your speed by 5% and basically all it's going to do for us is guarantee some and give us a better chance of getting some first turn runaways later in the Run speed is kind of a silly stat in this game and that I I mentioned earlier turn order is slightly random yeah um basically the way that I've gathered that it works is that your speed stat kind of has a window around it that it treats it as so say I have 105 speed on a character it kind of pretends I got blocked by a dog um it'll pretend that I have between 95 and 115 speeds so there's some slight variance to what turn order will end up being uh because of that enemies can sometimes get the jump on you and you can't run away from some encounters force on you right away and that extra 5% speed in addition to another item we're going to be picking up in the next dungeon that increases our speed by 10% those two items will push us over a threshold that will get us out of a lot of encounters instantly and remove a lot of RNG yeah there's a there's a notorious uh enemy in the uh next in the Arya Temple that's basically a scorpion standing on his tail so it's pretty awful yeah this game likes it scorpion type enemies H so yeah now we have to go talk to the magician Alchemist dude that's in here and he's going to give us the key he's got a really big cauldron it's pretty cool yeah I don't know what he's cooking up in here but it looks magical and he has a GI book for whatever reason this room is like one of my favorite areas in the game it's just really cool looking dude why are you mashing a early because I can just habit I guess a lot of these masching sequences I take to like catch up on chat in my stream and things like that so I just kind of do lazy mashing methods so I don't have to pay attention pretty much don't have to pay attention at all for most of these dude ni hello I was pressing the V button it just in advance we have a $5 donation that just says umaru sleeper I can almost guarantee who that is H that's another one of oro's emotes and I don't know why he still has it sleep tight hammers oh yeah another thing that this game could do is when you try to skip cut scenes you actually try skipp it too fast or it just repeatedly PA in the game for no reason you still don't skip the cut scene yeah it happens a lot actually yeah it does it's really annoying when you can get it cuz you could just like pause five times in a row it's also kind of weird too CU you can skip cut scenes without even seeing the like pause thing come up that asks if you want to skip the cut scene and a lot of times I'll keep mashing uh to skip the cut scene because I haven't seen that I've skipped the cut scene so I'll just end up pausing when I get control of my character again and it wastes time oh so now we got to go back through the ice road again to go to the temple yep and we're going to see oro's favorite boss I do kind of like that we get to walk through this area a lot cuz the music here is really pretty it's really pretty just in general design as well yeah this this game has great artistic and music Direction it's probably one of my favorite games in that regard yeah and as a story progr resses chapon gets closer to death so normally things get like even more crazy yep so we'll see that to Extremes in a little bit this is actually a big twist that you would never understand unless you actually read more of the storyline yeah I mean the game hints at it but he's just like what there's a lot of instances where this game kind of tries to pretend it has a more complex plot than it does and it's sometimes cool sometimes kind of just over complicated but it's cool nonetheless I also don't really understand what these enemies are supposed to be they're like narwhals with Dragons attached to them I I and they fly I didn't know they're awful yeah they can they have a hip box that extends all the way across that horn in their chest so they can get you from pretty far away but these fish thingss with giant horns on them are also really bad they also look really ridiculous when they're chasing you they just kind of Wiggle at you oh that actually that actually slow them down too which is great mhm dude more M dictors like we haven't seen but they have a cooler color scheme this time white instead of red literally oh God I just got that I wasn't intending that but I wasn't going to let it pass by also this dungeon from the outside looks really cool it's just like a giant shell so uh po thinks she sees someone enter the thing which is what that cut scene is yep and we may or may not find out who it is if there was anyone at all yeah so you unlock the door like see there's no one here um dang it I forgot what I was going to say but oh yeah you're literally here because there's just nothing else to do for the party there's nothing better to do so just want to check it out this area is also very oddly vacated there's really one like I mean there's that enemy right there that's kind of chilling but more puns that I'm not even intending to make oh man man there's really only two enemies we really going to pass by that will even do anything to us these enemies will just stand there oh man you got qu down with these puns all right let's not force them dude it's actually kind of chilly in this room though oh my it it actually is AC's on pretty hard in here so here's the other speed increasing item we're going to be giving them both to March just not that she is the fastest character in the party right now I gave her the power you the power ring cuz it's not on yeah it's not on viola so that menu is in a different place that's a good reason to remember to put the power ring on viola even though I'm going to immediately be taking it back off so I actually didn't need to do that but it's fine you keep it up for this next fight yeah oh wait do you give her the Crimson BR and the uh you end up you end up giving her the Crimson brooch and the bubbly hat for this fight just because of how turn works out uh I didn't even mention that either uh we got a accessory from uh root lurker which is uh the last boss called the Crimson brooch that basically just gives us the hel mustard passive burst just passively so we never have to use hell mustards ever again which is really really nice us a lot of time at this point only one character will be doing damage for right now on y actually it's been that way ever since um do yeah it's just that we have better deal damage dealers than beat yeah so that encounter right there you have a chance to not run away right away if you don't have that extra 5% speed item 15% well oh the 5% yeah with just the bubbly cuz the old Route used to use just the bubbly hat and then I added in The Feathered hat because I'm a baby and I don't like RNG oh man I can easy see like 20 seconds I not going for that then yeah basically like optimally you would not get the feathered hat and just get really good luck but this game just likes giving you bad luck everywhere luck is a lie yeah there's just luck that can happen like every 5 seconds so removing as much of it as possible is just really nice you have time for a quick donation yeah definitely we have a $5 donation from fro no saying hey people fro no here Oro I heard you called me a lucky something for the secret passage obviously no encounters is the way to go cat Bo also the dog that dog is evil in case in any case good luck with the rest of the game man and awesome Marathon everyone put the donation to whatever Orin wants so thank you very much for your gener donations please keep those coming in let's hit that $35,000 Mark let's make that fight the big doll incent for Final Fantasy 4 any% happen to fix this I put on three lines that got his Boutique right there yeah also I just saw that tweet that's amazing quote I got blocked by a dog at [Laughter] or so here's the next boss she's the person who killed clavis we haven't seen her yet because I've been skipping all the she looks exactly like her though she's also a huge jerk this is one of my roughest fights I'm just really bad at this fight like everyone has a one fight that really sucks at them this is one of them this is oros she just has really I okay it's fine bad it's fine oh boy that's bad oh boy S is doing damage now uh be close up well it should be fine honestly I don't know when like I don't even know how that happens to be honest oh what she got another one yeah this is really iffy yeah I don't even know why she was there like she shouldn't even be in this fight if I did that menu wrong well I guess we're doing this fight uh ad lived a bit that's fine got get shot to L again yeah I'd probably have been better off going Al without it there but sure you missing damage so a little bit more will help yeah dude nice 12 EOS dude she really hates what is going on yeah I resisted the debuff though that's good cuz Grand Venom can put a debuff on you that slow your movement and you just crawl around the arena and it's really awful yeah oh God go next so this is about the last time you can see V start doing damage that's final special attack cuz she's Grand Venom or Venom she's actually being pretty nice right now or Venom Grand in the Japanese version yeah jaes text yeah she's still doing a decent amount of damage you don't look all right so one more thankfully because of the Crimson brooch we're not losing a ton of damage if we were still using H mustards we' lose the buff every single time the character died but because this is just on passively we don't have to worry about that much nice double turn was uh awesome so fast all right they should kill her yeah it might I'm short a lot of damage I would have smed her with salsa cuz she has two h moners on her might as well use them yeah that's true but it should be fine oh God so L damage that's it wow she still died CR I was short a lot of damage there like I've really never been in a situation where I've been short that much damage but that went actually pretty fine so that much better than the average fight yeah a lot of her attacks are just really hard to dodge she's really aggressive that fight and your healing items here are really weak compared to how much health you have they only heal for like 3,000 and you have a lot of health so you end up having to use multiple cookies to heal to full health yeah and her attacks are really really fast so it's very easy to drop one so now that we're done being bored we go back and um yeah they left like we were looking for The Prince and they're just gone yep so now we need to go track them down and stop them before they do something that they'll regret well thankfully someone just somehow knows where they're going and why yep I don't know how they plot convenience yeah I don't know how they deduce it and we decided to just take a shortcut through everything looks the same land we need to get some plot points in broke Castle first and we're going to end up getting a key that again gets us to the next area everything looks the same land and I am not joking sliest yeah you'll see it's so bad so we have a $5 donation from visce the legend that says oh no ARA Temple puns it's a slippery slope downhill from here oh my no problem though I can chill with that I approve of all of this no you don't yes I do I love puns please oh my God please definitely hang p this aren't you yes oh it's nice we can get ourselves entertained it's why we're all here just having fun playing video games for a great cause so it's pretty late right now and with the twitch delays going on it's getting even later now have some more cut scenes that we're skipping a room that we're walking out of this is um uh Ser serenades room yep so pretty much just like showing up here and trying to look for the prince princess us and we're like where are they oh they're gone they're going to kill themselves basically pretty much yeah they're basically just going to their own deaths because the count is obviously evil fig they figur the evil person will stop being evil when they just give we just want to talk to them it'll be fine yeah that's not a good idea yeah so here's a convenient teleport area and we have to talk to an NPC that's right next to a save point I didn't talk to the save point we're good really bad interactions here and you can't walk around that Upper Floor either to talk to him it's all blocked off so you just kind of have to deal with this thing also that the area or the name of this next area is called Takota ruins and that menu says go to Takota ruins which I always find funny dude what is that war does it just go backwards done left I wasn't paying enough why am I doing that why are you doing this I don't know you have to do this for the the encounters here I just accidentally like changed her equipment or her uh gear I know why you're changing your armor you're getting one anyways yeah see are switching around some things on fetto here giving her the weapon that we just got uh the power ring and switching her first dark special because it's a lot stronger it's basically the dark version of snow claw um because there's a couple encounters that we have to get into here and they have ridiculously high defense so with this she barely does enough damage her normal attacks but that allows her special attack to do a ton of damage to kill them yep like also actually straight up do zero damage to these guys yeah these guys are really tanky we also have more antiques this is the last time we have to deal with antiques though so yeah this is also the last time YOLO actually be doing damage yep from now on faletto is going to be our main Powerhouse and she's only going to get better as the Run goes onto completion so at this point the story line just starts goinging stupid or stupider so this area is meant to be a huge like puzzle of teleporters and things between all these areas that look the same fortunately we know exactly where to go so it's not going to be an issue most of the correct ways to go just involves running from one end to the other doesn't get too fancy although it's very easy to get lost cuz like I said before everything looks the exact same so here's an enemy they try to force on you they stick him right in front of a portal and you can just run right under him so we're going to run away and just not deal with Himes a little bit of time thankfully I accidentally found his in a race on on uh w day yeah a couple days ago we like just figured out you can run into this guy so we used to fight him but and it doesn't screw up the rest of R it all because we don't really care what experience yeah enemies don't give really any experience at all that's worth caring about every single boss fight if you've noticed has given us multiple levels so enemy experience is pretty negligible yeah it's quite silly at the beginning cuz you start getting like four levels at a time the 360 version that doesn't end up putting you too far underleveled the PS3 version stuff gives you about 40% of the experience that you get on this version so so it's pretty bad in that regard that's a lot of the reason that that game is a lot harder but I don't remember are we on 21 and 23 uh I think we'll just say 22 cuz that's in between I honestly don't remember at this point it's been a while since the last one so probably 20 I remember the last number said I said was 20 oh it's too late right now numbers are hard everything is hard okay these fish actually still can chase you even though they're pretty lazy but oh yeah just Fish Out of Water all never mind they're floating to begin with and they're totally music related like those stone golems you're fighting yeah I feel like this game would have been cooler if you fought like giant evil violins or something but oh man he's not that crazy he may be dying but he's not that crazy uh I might just have to okay he's crazy enough to dream of a really anime storyline but well maybe next limit break we can fight jealous base mother three seems like a solid plan though how still does a ton of damage even though Turner attack do nothing dude you forgot to swap yeah I did I should have just done both uh yeah this is fine whatever yeah I need to I don't know how this happened Hest how Sala swapped I honestly don't know no I must have accidentally swapped them or something cuz you usually don't have to do anything cuz I switched them correctly on root lurker so I actually don't know uh no you're not supposed to switch on yeah you switched one with two and two with three so no wa you switched incorrectly somewhere else though I I it was fine for root lurker so it must have gone somewhere after that might have been Rondo you switched cuz I I remember you like switched like you're not supposed to switch there aren't you we'll fix it now yeah pretty sure it was run away you switch when you weren't supposed to which is like weird for me yeah cuz I remember commenting on that like no you're supposed to do that like I don't remember at all yeah I I don't know I don't know we have a $10 donation from Melrose that says hey Oro Chad send to nothing but bread puns and I demand an apology I'm not going to apologize for anything bread puns dude bread gang was way be at beginning of the Run sorry red gang I mean red gang yeah pretty much you you always lose time there except for that one time I got a sub seven and I'll never see that ever again don't jump here jumping here's a trap okay that's 21 or 22 what you say that's 22 dude what I said the last one was 22 so 23 all right so here's another one we have to fight come you like aange and she's going to come down on these Rock things like a mountain range I don't think that's going to work too well that'll be fine gra so we're just going to skip her turn Gravity Hurts are you catch so well yeah Arrow still do a ton of damage to these things may it's time to UPG no dude I like how our bow is just standing there too yeah doesn't your bow do that I don't know man I never owned one it's a magical dream B it's pretty awesome design though not going to lie yeah yeah actually do any of the character's weapons like actually change models depending on what they're equipped with NOP dang even with the alternate costumes for po grto and beat on the PS3 version they don't change their weapons at all to my recollection I would imagine at least poas would change right I I honestly don't remember cuz we never use her yeah that would involve using her and you don't get the costumes on the PS3 version until super late into the game by which point you don't have any reason to use paa there actually is a section on the PS3 version that they added um that is a short uh section of paa solo Oh is great God that sounds awful she her dark special really early in the PS3 version though and it's actually really good so still sounds awful I mean even in casual play through I'm pretty sure a lot of people noticed that poco's quickly um uh quickly um became useless I mean even if she has really good heals it's just you don't even if only them that much even if her only what job was healing Viola gets heal Arrow very fast yeah there's an uh AOE heal that not AOE but like yeah it just heals your entire party no matter where they are and it's really really good it's like there's no point using a PO anymore at that point CU V is just straight up better dude we're out of here think yep and that's toota ruins probably one of the longest areas of not really doing much in the entire game do a cello tree very subtle reference there all right so we get here and his old lady tells po you're going to get here you're going to get bad fortune you're going to hang on the tree and you're going to leave that's actually straight up what she says I'm so glad I have you here for the plot cuz I don't remember like any of these cut scenes I don't know why I remember these cut scen and now we have this screen that really doesn't need to be here there's nothing on it dude you got to look at that mount rock it has its own title and everything you got look at Mount Rock in the background I can't even see it from here I can't move the camera the camera pan upwards it pans down you're getting closer there it is so there's this random Merchant up here and he's going to warn us of this area this get this starts getting to Jazz's background um so way back Jazz was still rebelling when Jazz started the Rebellion him and his army actually got stuck on this rock here on his mountain and they basically sacrificed their entire lives just so he can escape because he's the leader and this is the merchant from back then so they remember each other and this guy actually sells really good stuff so we're going to be buying some weapons and some more uh healing items from him so yeah they're just remembering really bad times cuz um his entire Army kind of died for him oh yay good healing items for once so we basically just got the upgrade versions of uh the clovers and the cookies and weapons and armor yeah and some new weapons and armor which we'll be putting on in a little bit have one more area to go through until the next boss upgrade Lite suck yeah these upgraded versions of ler knits are really aggressive they turn around really crazy if you get into encounters with them like they just do a ton of damage they're really fast they're just really crazy off honest there's a pretty common currence it's pretty common them with the rest of the games that random enemies on map are just awful mhm like a lot of enemies at this point are just stronger than the bosses [Music] are so yeah here um he goes to a nice text cing that we can't skip of uh Jazz telling everybody about the back story of where everybody died so it actually gets kind of dark here actually this whole story overall is pretty dark yeah it definitely gets really dark towards the end but this is supposed to like parallel to chapon's life where um I believe he leads Austria right when you got giant Rebellion or yeah I think so yeah um so like he I believe that's the whole tie end this chapter as well yeah it's basically shapon the rebellion in Austria or Hungary I can't remember which one it was but uh whatever his home country is cuz um he basically left it young age and never came back oh yeah but this is a this this whole game is a nice um uh nice celebration nice celebration of Shan's life and death all right and I hope you guys like wind physics yeah there's a random gimmick on this screen that they decided to add wind physics and this side of it pushes you along faster and I got trolled well it's always going to push you towards the bottom right yeah and the other side pushes you away so and enemies aren't affected by the wind physics at all so here you can kind of slip by a lot of the enemies unfortunately he's not run but on the other side it's really awful mhm so like if you just don't do anything you'll slowly get you'll slowly walk backward here it's going to it's going to fight me and the enemies just don't care oh okay that's fine they have really small little ranges that they can run through so oh okay okay cool yeah interesting thing with enemies in this game too is if they see you and you move outside of their like range yep if you move outside of their range it kind of resets their AI manually and a lot of times that will cause them to just turn around and walk the other way so you can kind of just force enemies out of your way if they are facing you yeah it's the only thing you can do to get rid of annoying enemies besides killing them dude that guy just forgot what he was doing dude this is sketchy right here okay we're good okay we're good so now we've got the next boss who is another one of the hardest bosses in the game well he's not too bad he's not too bad though at this point he's definitely up there he's also really aggressive has a lot of like really large chains that can just kill you if you miss a block a really annoying voice yeah he has a pretty great diabolical laugh you're not going to miss it yeah so here a viola no longer does damage so we're just going to give her pure defensive uh equipment at this point she's pretty much good for Hawkeye and that's about it well she calls a tank a bit [Music] yeah dude guys it takes so many points I don't want to put yeah but you can replace four cookies that you're not going to use I guess that's true no that's a bad IDE DEA all right so um here we meet up with Crescendo and uh sarade serenade and um wal just appears here with the army of dragon here's the villain that we've been talking about the entire game and you've never seen no we've seen him bit oh we've seen like his hand when I've skipped Cuts scenes pretty much nothing can stop me his laugh is just as bad in Japanese it's pretty great it's just as bad Japanese he also has a pet dragon yeah he that looks like a turkey he flies around on [Music] it so we're going to get rid of the Dragon first cuz it's just a pain in the ass it's a lot weaker yep we're also going to use it to quit Shadow silhouette on faletto nice his AI broke kind of wish I had gotten Salsa's turn first though but that's fine oh he's not dead I probably shouldn't have hawy there honestly but yeah yeah and there's nothing I could have done about that dude she wow thankfully like uh Walt is actually one of the nicer enemies hilariously enough uh that's fine she should still live oh wow no you're too slow dude nice to I am too slow thankfully we have a nice item G honey cookies he's he's nice and it will sometimes just wait for you if you don't guard God he's being crazy right now all right you got to toss the some Lin BS [Music] yep okay nice there all right now we're ready to kick some butt [Music] dude you're in a shadow wow yep so the I actually made a slight change to this route uh where you like used to not get dark roach and actually the current record still doesn't get it um that's fine but basically the Strat for this fight to kill him in one turn involves standing in his tiny Shadow that's not fine that's whatever I'll just heal up and make sure I'm fine he has a tiny little Shadow you can stand in to get your dark combo dude you get counter that oh yeah I could there's a counter attack mechanic in this game that we're never going to use for the most part cuz it's really random and unpredictable and not worth it for the most part yeah basically the last party level I got gives you a Counterattack where if you give the option to Counterattack during a guard you don't always get it um you can press the a button instead of the B button with slightly tighter timing and it will nullify the attack that you just took and give you a free half turn with whoever did the Counterattack so you get a turn that lasts two seconds and it honestly just kind of wastes time because you don't get enough time to do anything so we're basically going to be ignoring counterattacks for this entire run well immediately ends the turn allows you to just run away though which is nice that'll be useful in uh the next area um so here we got party level five um first thing it does it it completely eliminates tactical time so your turn starts immediately you have no time to think yep you also go down to 3 seconds action time so um you get go pretty fast make up for that though yeah your uh all your party moves at 50% increased speed so you can get around a lot quicker yeah and on top of that they increase your item slots to 40 so um we can equip pretty much anything you want yep at this point we just kind of have a license to not care oh and you can also use a three Harmony change instead of two now yep which is mostly mostly mostly uh we ignore him dude nice getting a little trigger happy here all right so we're on the final chapter here and um you can tell they ran out of creativity at this point so we're basically in some weird underworld where everyone who died to Minal powder doesn't can't really die they just turn to a whisp and techically dead but they don't have a body or anything so they just wand around here like if you talk to one of them they like hey you're not dead what are you doing here and now we have more goats because we didn't get enough of them before I know this place flighted with them and actually coming up here are the two text boxes that I mentioned early on in the run that you can't skip with the B button for whatever reason but that's while talking to this wisp here uh there's basically this giant barrier in front of us that leads to the last area of the game and we don't know how to get rid of it so this little wisp is explaining that it's impossible and blah blah blah blah blah um we need to go to xylophone Tower to get rid of it but it's impossible so we can't do it so we're going to go back and do it all right I should probably try to explain a story line all this but um so the goal for Walt this whole time has been trying to collect a glowing of go gos which are like these Forest wists which is what he sent fug to do to find cuz apparently if you mix them with floral with uh mineral powder mineral powder it like increases their effective by like 10 times as much so um he finally managed to get one and um when you beat him his assistant drinks it and turns into the giant monster and rips a portal rips a portal to here so yeah so that's why we're [Music] here dude doing some menuing for the next boss right here yeah actually uh we get so many item slots it's generally not worth it to put to fill it up because you just spend more time emptying it out yeah cuz it's preferred that I have the Lion's mans that I used to buff uh fetto at the top of the menu and I have no like option of ordering them how I want want so I have to if I want them at the top of the list I need to unequip everything first yeah so the the fewer things I have to unequip the better but I want to also have enough things that I feel safe enough to do the fight yeah all right so welcome to Zone Towers I hope you guys like piano puzzles and piano staircase there's three sections of this dungeon and each section is locked off by one of these xylophone puzzles it's basically Simon says so this little statue thing is going to play a piece of um shopon piece called nocturn and we basically just have to play it back and it's always the same song it never chooses another Shon song to play so it's the same every time yep so um uh xylophone staircase it's going to get it's going to get beautiful yeah these xylophone staircases have some pretty fun properties as you'll see soon oh man that the music just restarts but uh enjoy random notes so yeah coming up here soon are an enemy called black Golds and they're the main reason I pick up that extra 5% speed item uh basically they'll have a really random chance to let you run away right away or they'll get a turn first and you can Counterattack them and run away right away because of the way encounter mechanics or away Mechanics Work you only have to be running for the entire duration of a turn so if it's a Counterattack turn you only have to be running away for the that shorter turn uh so we either want to run away right away or get a Counterattack right away and that extra 5% speed just helps us outp spe it a little bit more of the time yeah the their hit box cover yeah their hit box covers the entire stairs but thankfully um we get reduce hit boxes when we escape so uh they also have this really annoying thing that they can do at the end of their turn that just wastes a bunch of time I actually never seen that before yeah it's really stupid it's not attached to any of their attacks they'll just sometimes end their turn by doing that all right so right and AC cross oh look at that more Scorpions on tails and more narwhal dragons that oh boy want to get me okay except he's pink now I like these ones a little bit better yeah yeah this game ends up having a lot of recolored enemies I guess a lot of RPGs do that but I feel like this game is particularly guilty everything in this iname area is pretty much Rec enemy that's not the boss yeah starting with the boss of this area we're going to basically just have a bunch of refights uh with just recolored enemies or recolored old bosses oh at least they we need everything as well [Music] yeah oh man I hope you you guys got that and I've actually had a couple runs where I accidentally am standing on the wrong key cuz basically how you do this is you stand on the key and press the a button and it's just not registered as on the correct key and if that happens you have to listen to it again and it's so slow it's really slow cuz if you saw how slow it was the first time I played it plays exactly as slow as the second time and the third time and all three areas of this place are more or less the same aesthetically they're just slightly rearranged oh man these staircase it's actually not random it goes in a set order so if you keep going up and down it play it keep going back and [Music] forth these enemies are actually fairly aggressive as far as endgame enemies go it's definitely pretty easy to get in encounters with them all right so now I have more black Golds I'll befly polite when I we're pretty bad luck here no counterattacks even give me a Counterattack here please nope wow these guys are jerks dude what is this camera he's doing it off screen dude save the frames no leg oh man trying to spare me from having to look at it that is amazing I actually never seen that one before also these guys are annoying cuz they like to hug the inside wall as well yeah it's really easy to get caught on the yeah and they're decep they're deceptively fast the map oh man dude salsa a solo HP cuz she's under level cuz she died to fug yeah that's fine it's fine it's so hilarious you need to get out of the way holy crap crap okay we're good can't say the last time I've had enemies here be this problematic what am I doing I need I don't know this area is confusing too it's really easy to get mixed up here and think you're on a different section than you are and go the different like way for the next floor yeah so we got two more black gos going on then the actual boss after this next puzzle yep and that'll be our first reskinned old bosses you actually fight two at once a reskin of ogre champ and a reskin of trick-or treat well ogre champ is still just as easy and trick or- treat is just annoying you kill both of them in one combo ideally ideally in the correct order too oh this one to make it harder and that they don't actually show you the old notes yep and this puzzle only adds or this section only adds three new notes which conveniently says GBA so like oh that's easy to remember yeah I believe specifically these notes are nocturn and eat major but I could be mistaken how finicky are the hit boxes on the xylophone very very it's very easy to just have the G get confused they're so small too and it's really hard to tell where you're actually standing yeah it luckily hasn't happened either but in combat it's also really finicky as to how the game decides whether you're standing in light or Shadow certain characters have different like I guess things they base off where they're standing so like Alig Gro since his left foot is forward most of the time it a lot of times determines off of his left foot so on ogre champ for instance it's really easy to accidentally get Phantom wave instead of sun slash luckily that hasn't happened actually it was pretty great earlier uh in practice uh I was uh doing bread gang and um beat was completely in Shadow and for some reason it was light so I was complaining and standing there and then like a few seconds later it just changes the darkness without moving at all yeah the game gets really confused sometimes going there's also a lot of times where you'll deal lethal damage to an enemy and the game just doesn't register that the enemy is dead so the enem turn will start and then it'll just die it just explodes it's really weird there's a lot of weird stuff in this game that just happens for no reason yeah it's amusing though when it does you need to go okay oh God all right okay you should just went for it I probably should have so here's black goat number one or four come getting good luck now and number five and then one last little maze type section and then the boss okay nice we're dude she going to pound us she's just going to pound all the bad luck out of into the ground only if you get only if you don't get serious dude I'm very serious so is this enemy apparently should I call you charlee sure why not all right shlee all right so we got one last menu before we actually do the next B boss fight here see we're going to take the speed items off why am I doing this now I have to redo all of this again that's nothing clo Clover nice never mind he heart Glover just bought yep all right so um this is ogre K King Wicked shrub we're going to be trying to kill Wicked shrub first because Wicked shrub can res ogre King and that's really bad it's really dumb the strats we use used to kill ogre King first and it was just awful just banking on Wicked shrub not to revive him she does like him so she's going to found him just cuz she don't like him this is really weird that's actually really nice it's right next to you it's actually going to be bad you don't want these guys next to each other if you end up doing the harmony chain to kill them uh and they're they get simultaneously hit by the harmony chain it kind of splits the damage in a way and causes you to not kill them in a dude you got an echo glitch with that that's great that actually well it doesn't really matter I'm a Hawkeye the Hawkeye will do more damage dude I like how or King blocked that yeah that was Echo glitch right there which we had mentioned earlier so it Bas this actually pretty good they're separating B just registered that he didn't use any Echo for no reason you know he did clearly hit yep this is going to be a bit finicky as far as I also didn't use [Music] this oh go I thought that was over Fett's head what are you doing yeah the game sometimes just like to use uh that tag you or you're not holding the button so he's going to miss one more psycho and uh you better get sa over there yeah that's actually fine oh man he's staying like as bad and now mushroom party is upgraded to mushroom brawl oh man next one mushroom for you that party got a little bit out of out of hand so it's the next attack mushroom for uh Wii U I am not standing in the shade yeah like I said he's in light right now so you got to watch out it's actually pretty bad he's going to stay there dander Cloud wow give me a with salsa please or you just I yeah this is a weird fight but it's going to work fine yeah I generally just have salsa on F just gting up one on the wick sh while be to distract SE King so it's kind of weird when you send a Sala away anyway he's dead I probably could stand to relook at this fight again but probably got a shadow off that [Music] chain it's kind of not used to it don't yeah because of the way Hawkeye works we need to apply Shadow silhouette first so I kind of just have to waste Viola's turns wow nice hit box yeah doesn't really matter too much all right so now we can just build the 32 echos and kill this guy sadly only build up to 15 EOS now but after this boss fight she's going to be able to build up to 22 it's ridiculous and Sala being Sal good willow to 17 all right so he's dead after this [Music] yep that was interesting to say the least but it works yeah what a weird fight that was all right so he dropped a weapon called tur left arm which when he puts off aletto brings back the mechanic where when you hit enemy with a regular attack it gives you more action time and it's really Stacks up on it it's busted there's also an accessory that you can get that's a little bit too far out of the way for the speedrun but it also has that effect and it Stacks to ridiculous results you can get like really large combos in a single turn it's just gross excess at that point all right so now we got the final dungeon left at this yep which is just some more reskinned bosses and then the Final Bosses all righty guys a quick reminder this is RPG limit break uh please keep those donations coming in uh we really need to let's make that push for 35,000 by the end of this run let's also get that fight the big doll incentive in Final fantas format it's only missing $1 $38 so hurry up get those donations in guys so now that that big barrier is gone we can head through to noise Dunes which is just a giant desert that's hiding the final area and one thing that I will note right now that I haven't really brought up is I'm playing on the Xbox Live marketplace digital version of the game um if you are playing on the dis version and have the game installed on your hard drive I've tried this on multiple like models of Xbox 360s so I don't know what the reason is for it but if you have the game installed to your hard drive which really doesn't improve the loads that much there's a place that consistently crashes at like every single time you pass it coming up here like basically right as soon as you enter the final dungeon what it's really silly for the longest time I was testing uh having the game installed on your hard drive before I switched to the digital version and I would just keep getting this crash and I was like why is this happening so I just tested it a couple more times and then uninstalled the game for my hard drive and it was fine ever since and then my disc started crashing so I got the digital version and I haven't crashed since crossed my crossed my fingers boy man don't talk about that now we've had enough crashing games crashing for RPG L break history yeah unfortunately see the entrance to this area is really cool there's like this fire t tornado and this other purple tornado going on and just a lot of stuff that's crazy this whole area is just really distorted and torn and everything's just kind of going to crap yep everything's gone to [Music] poo do this and items yes not Club clovers I think I'm used to having the floral extract there now wa you uh you need to switch them oh what am I doing I don't know seven me I think [Music] yep oh yeah I need to switch back I I can guess myself way too much yeah like this late to the run is at this point like all the strategies start becoming the same so you just forget what's going on and a lot of the menus in this game are fairly simple as far as RPG go so it's really I I feel like that's it's easier to forget yeah when we get towards the end of the run like some of these things just like why do I do this again yeah it's kind of just a lot of small things yeah it's pretty easy to forget so this area is pretty much two giant towers that we have to ascend beat the two bosses at the top of each of them to make some sand flow down each side which will allow us to enter the basement and that's where the final bosses are and camera is horrible here yeah it hides enemies all the time and it's easy to accidentally get encounters if you run along the outou of Rim you actually be running off the camera yeah this area is intended to be kind of mazike but it's really symmetrical in its design both sides of the dungeon are pretty much the same and the split off for getting to the two bosses is always on the third floor yeah the uh basic rule is um you go across on the third and sixth floor and always go up yeah uh double re Tower and there was an enemy getting hidden by the camera so that's 26 he was Hing towards you man he was right off the camera that was not my fault but what kind of is your fault anyways everything's my fault dang all right so the first refight we have here should be white Jewel which is baby dragon all over again yep but he looks really really cool he's white and all his fire is blue a lot of these fights are going to end up boiling down the same way buffing up faletto and building Echo with only her because she can build so many on a single turn now and she does damage out killing the bosses in one or two turns I mean you could also use Sala for that just to build up a little bit faster a lot of bosses actually don't die to the correct combos that you're supposed to do efficiently if you end up building to 32 with other people it works out perfectly if you only build with FAL set though oh okay oh yeah these cut SCS are un skipable yep cuz why not the cut scenes after the bosses too where they explode are also unskippable actually quite right cing [Music] attack so yeah we just run forward to B was all sett s doesn't accidentally Target someone else also complely puts her in range of the enemy for sh dude nice I got to love this fire it looks so cool it's just it's just [Music] blue so yeah even if I have to run to chase down the boss I can still get a ton of hits in and it's pretty much free to get 16 Echo a turn with faletto so two turns will get us to 32 yeah I'm not going to chance getting Shadow silhouette since Viola is standing in the light are you catch on yet oh he's almost he's almost dead so yeah you don't even need to get anywh just hit him [Music] yeah that's just Overkill yeah and he's down that was perfect not bad oh yeah we're just getting a bunch of level UPS cuz why not yeah these bosses give a bunch of experience I mean now at this point we're just going to have so much HP that were Bas unkillable yeah and this is pretty much the only area in the game that you can kind of do in whatever order you want you can access all four of these bosses at any time um and there's been some messing around with doing the fights in different orders but you don't have too much leeway as far as going fast because you pretty much have to do one side and then the other and it just ends up working out better to do the right side first so now we have some like flashback cut scenes that I don't even remember what all goes on them it's basically every every every uh character is trying to convince Frederick that this is not a dream this is real life y that's basically it because he keep Frederick's Frederick's kind of starting to wise up at this point that he is where he is and he's in the situation that he's in like he knows this is a dream he's convinced but while going through the adventures he's slowly starting to like think that what if this is actually the real life yeah and he doesn't realize he's dying and oh he knows he's dying though yeah he's kind of in denial though at this point but like everybody's trying to convince him that he is not that this is real life not dream and he's slowly starting to try to believe it yep so now we're going to go back down to the third floor and go to the other branching path and then go fight a recolor death Crow is probably the no it's one of the easier of the refights yeah it's like ex cuz this the beginning still got to deal with this wonky hit box but it is what it is the worst refight is probably the last one yeah the last one's a re refight with bore and just like bore or the first bore he can charge everywhere and waste a bunch of time it's dumb it's not nearly as devastating here but it's still loses a lot of time especially does at the beginning yeah cuz that just screws up positioning everyone [Music] we have a $30 donation from Andy's house plant says hi Andy sorry I forgot to donate earlier but things came up if you're still here and there any inen of you left you want to put this toward please put it towards whatever you want so thank you very much for the generous donation guys please keep them coming we are so close to 35,000 yeah these Rams can be really disorienting it's a little bit faster to hold the direction of uh that you're going to be facing like as you're going through the screen transition but I always forget which way to hold and it's not very intuitive how far away are we from the uh doll fight Let me refresh one more time make sure still 138 away so oh boy I got paid today so let's do this I say if you weren't going to do it I was going to finish it off with mine so I might as well snipe 35 kill while I'm at it seems good so here we have red death Crow oh man fiery death Crow I like I like blue death Crow a little bit better personally oh he's is he do in the original fight he's like bluish purple I don't know also this fight really resembles re from Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles yeah actually it's like pretty much exact yellow so this fight always starts off with these antiques going to falsetto so we're going the first thing we're going to do with fetto is just kill them and if you hit multiple enemies I actually haven't brought this up yet uh if you hit multiple enemies with basic attacks uh you get Echoes for each one that you hit so we're going to build to 32 really easily here as if falo didn't do that easy enough on own now yeah the uh basically Echo is basically for every hit you do on any enemy in during the combo as long as you're still in the combo you're going to get Echo so if you like stop to run around you stop your combo which loses Echo uh do you have sh it you don't need it for this fight okay it's just hawkey I didn't forget to put lion mans on though oh my God Rising that should be SCE a job then yeah I just brain farted it's fine she can finish off this guy meanwhile uh this guy I don't remember what the boss name is probably for now okay you get shot anyways yeah he's going I believe if I get good rolles I can kill this boss in a single turn because that happens it's just usually faster to give her the Lions mans on Sal's turn so you usually don't end up doing [Music] this dude nice crit Max damage CR yeah unfortunately this game caps your damage at 99999 so you can only do so much yeah and that hit would have actually done Max damage anyway so actually yes turn order is rather unfortunate yeah a lot of things influence turn order um I want Hawkeye back up like if you want your characters to get turns faster you you skip their turns it actually makes you go get your next turn quicker yeah since pretty much all we need is Fett with this point we're just going to be skipping F and Salsa's turns when it should be going already it should be going around killing that anti though yep too bad I'm just not going to Shadow silhouette should damage at this point the auto attacks from both of them should kill it dude we could just shoot Arrow yeah I'm just going to Mele it okay cool oh boy he getes one last turn before he dies intake they didn't even bother ream intake it's the same attack yeah unfortunately it doesn't do like any damage even if you don't block it here so it's pry scary at this point and that's unrest yay that was perfect not bad so now we have the other side of the tower to do and then the Final Bosses maybe it's time to upgrade we have a $5 donation from Delta that says amazing run it's impressive to see this game done so quickly I was level 90 in 45 hours in and still found the nard keep up the good work donation goes to runner's Choice thank you we also have a shocking $138 donation from PX that says 35k snipe no idea that one was coming in I don't know where that came from either man I guess my phone wasn't on it [Laughter] own that's dangerous if your phone just spends money without man I better change my password now and just smash my phone but your phone knows your password that's why I smash my phone okay fair enough I get a new one anyways cuz these ones suck dang no it's old and sucks so now I got to walk all the way down and then walk to the other side so if we have any more donations plugs go for it all righty so that should have finished off the fight the big doll which it did of course uh had to refresh and make sure real quick uh as a couple other things for the Final Fantasy 4 run we do have some naming incentives we have uh naming cile at uh winning right now is Bick with $35 and meanie in all caps at $30 so it's a pretty relatively cheap snipe if you want to name a character in Final Fantasy 4 um if that's not your taste maybe you want to go for Kane uh Kane has geni weeding with 300 or with yeah $55 and Arby's is trying its best at $38.30 so I believe the next unmet incentive itself is the hero 3D hard mode in half minute hero 2 that's at $134 out of 300 so uh please continue to get those in all of your donations are greatly appreciated they're going towards a great cause thank you guys so much uh don't forget to uh share the word on social media whether that's on Twitter using the # RPG lb16 or on Facebook every little bit helps guys thank you guys so much for being with us here at this uh late hour for the Americas [Music] so also the camera is still just as bad going one way for the other yeah they try to be really cinematic here and it ends up just hiding a lot of enemies and it's pretty nasty all right so we can go downstairs right now where we're supposed to go but we don't have both Towers finished yet so there's nothing down there yet oh boy we're still at 26 right I believe so yeah sounds right we always just rewatch The V to count him back yeah I'll Trust our tired counting though our tired count we just got lost cuz we stopped counting after a while something I did forget to mention with pxs uh donation we are now officially over $35,000 for the marathon so it's really awesome guys we are I believe we are getting really close to that goal of I think 50,000 is our uh first major goal for the marathon so please keep getting those donations in guys thank you so much oh yeah it's very easy to not know which direction go here but the easiest way to remember is just take the sharp turn yep and like PX was saying before if it's not the third or sixth floor we can just go up the first thing we see pretty [Music] much actually makes it so much easier to try Traverse yep it's actually easy to remember too because the route that we do right now you go across the third floor every single time instead of going straight up when you first get there [Music] so dude if you guys find some way to get out of balance and not be stuck we appreciate here as well so we can just go across s yeah if there was some kind of out of bounds in this area you could probably just like go downstairs and Skip all of this or just yeah or if you can't do that just walk across the S floor cuz this is probably one of the most tedious sections of the game and it's right at the very end yeah it's just walking and dodging everything dude almost off screen oh man going go for it enemies are still pretty lazy at this point they'll look at you and just give up he's about to be the game we're almost off they ran out of time so they can't prog us correctly their shift's almost over our shift is on little [Music] over they also randomly put those onion enemies on these floors and they're conveniently on the third and six six floor so they're more visual cues to just know where to go so now we have reskinned killer Knight which is a little redder than the other one I guess but this one looks pretty similar right that face though he's got like a hammer for a face and he's also missing his two mountain dictors which is great yeah don't and this fight's probably the fastest of all the refights if it goes well yeah this time we can afford to put three lines M which means we one shot him I believe and this version of killer Knight turning around is actually a good thing because we don't have to move Viola as far to Hawkeye him since enemies can guard Hawkeye so you want to do it from behind them or their side he can pretty much guard everything yep dude doing it right under him impossible to miss from there I mean you kind of missed on the way up so eh we were fancily going around him it's more cinematic it's a single Arrow going up it like spreads and then it spreads on the way down N I don't know it looks fancy I like it dude his AI broke yeah these bosses kind of do no damage so I was apparently supposed to be like fire them now or something I don't know yeah look at that damage was in his shadow too dude nice and that's him taking care of yay that's a boss better yeah as I was mentioning with I think beats specials uh falsettos as well her dark ones do slightly more damage than her light ones so ideally you want to be in the dark uh I believe the light specials here are damage range so you can sometimes miss it and not kill them in a single combo so we have one more refight to go and arguably the worst of all of them but it's still not too bad kind of amazing you can miss the damage range given just how large the damage numbers in this game are yeah yeah actually like barely going over the kill I think the main issue is that you hit so many times there's just so many numbers that have a lot of variance to them so if you you have a lot of numbers that if you just get really little rolls you do almost no damage on top of that there's random crits as well we sometimes push you over it's kind of like the logic in Superstar Saga with the mush badge oh boy war is right going yeah really do that camera yeah the weird thing about those like shark Cannon enemies uh is that the little ball on their tail like actually doesn't have a hit box you can kind of just walk through it actually yeah a lot of Tays don't have hit box which is honestly a smart design choice just so you don't have weird Collision on things scorpions still exist though scorpions are God scorpions are awful see I'm going to have to do a menu for the uh before the next boss but that'll be the last menu of the game unless he uses a ton of healing items cuz something went horribly horribly wrong yeah which is not too likely to happen but you never know this is a marathon yeah scary he did Chase you after a while [Music] yeah that guy's just gazing off into the abyss he has nothing else to do I definitely get the impression that a lot of enemies here are just bored they're just waiting around for the heroes to show up and save the day is this one of the areas that the AI and the PS3 version is much more aggressive or I actually don't remember I haven't gotten to this point in the PS3 version in a long time just because of how we've been messing with routing so I honestly can't say dude there's an onion there on the fourth floor you should go across that's one of the Hidden sections yeah a lot of the what am I doing what are you doing a lot of the branching sections of this dungeon will just lead to like an empty little or a a treasure chest like a broken little thing that has a treasure chest on it trying to find the words there that were escaping [Music] me yeah like going down here we just go to a treasure chest that I don't think contains anything useful yeah I don't really remember what they have all I know is it's not useful for us so we don't really care dude the God is it's going to remain unused of the whole game dang I mean you use the floral extract that feel when you're too lucky and yeah this version of the bore is purple and looks really cool in my opinion he's poison he's finally poison yeah we just poisoned him and now he came back dude you got the first turn what is this and he's still charged un Sala too which is very bad sometimes you can still get Shadow silette to reach from here that's too far we'll try it uh what are you doing doing over into the dark you also Ste any another L man I believe no this is only two really I thought it was 3 two three it's two and then three and then three oh dang I'm bad that should wake you up [Music] oh boy charge no maybe you should just have and he's coming back nice nice maybe you should just have Yola stand in the light pointing away so he can get sh a little bit that's not a bad idea but it's too late for that now oh he go right here anyways yeah you get sh off the third chain it takes a bunch of time yeah that's fine yeah the weird thing about doing Hawkeye off of a Harmony chain uh is that you don't see the debuff but it is there it's really strange but I don't know if it is there or not it is I've tested this oh my God what a epic guard yeah I'm not going to get enough Echo it's unfortunate I thought I was around him to the point where he couldn't block but not quite stri there and that's that D nice crit on the end yeah totally necessary that kind of was I don't know might not done who knows things are looking pretty good that was probably damage cap anyway it's it's late words are hard it everything is just big numbers at this point we been waiting for how long now all right so on to the final boss is at the bottom of the tower well technically the there's an elevator at the bottom and or a portal at the bottom it's actually a staircase to teleport to the top yeah we're just going up and down and all around and we already have everything menu on that we need so we won't have to touch our menu ever again unless like unless ruin body for some reason wrecks me yeah yeah yeah so the next boss is what count waltz's assistant Legato turned into after he drank the glowing aogo infused mineral powder I don't even know why he did it it's like so dumb he gets mad and he wants to be a cool guy that going up oh where you going I don't know I'm brain farting here really bad this area can be really confusing it is especially when it's in the morning everything still looks the [Music] same I mean not really much story to talk about at all because um you Prett much said everything yep we're just heading down now to the end I mean anything else we say would Bas be spoilers now we've already pretty much crossed that line not really claves dies yeah well you learn it like halfway to the game yeah I guess if I open the menu and you didn't see clavis there you kind of assume but he never know she could join you at any point hang on man we just got to go to the secret dungeon [Music] she's actually a really good character too casually so she's definitely worth going to the secret dungeon and getting even if you're not going to do the secret dungeon right away you don't have to complete the secret dungeon to keep her you just have to go there you get her right at the beginning I don't know how she's kind of dead well this whole area is basically the underworld I forg it is the afterlife for people who are dead but she didn't die because of mineral powder so she retains her human form yeah she gets stabbed and then she rides on the ground for 20 minutes while holding on to her body which show shows absolutely no wounds whatsoever and having lots of flashbacks I mean I guess her life would flash before her eyes so God such horrible flashbacks too take forever yeah that sc's actually like really emotional really emotional I just laugh cuz she's not dying yeah her screams are not she wasn't SC the greatest voice acting oh God so bad I mean she basically just regets falling love for her assassination Target yeah so they assassinate her instead cuz she can't assassinate the target yeah claves is essentially a double agent I don't think we mentioned that but that's why Rondo has to kill her cuz she can't trust him or her yeah Ron's kind of crazy yep just a bit dude there's rooms filling up people waking up I guess it is about that time about 420 oh God it's 420 memes dude ruined body all right so this is what Legato turned into and this is probably my favorite music piece in the entire game unfortunately we don't get to hear it that long but it's it's really good dude nice music here the world I was like it's a final boss fight what is going on here everything's going on so this boss is pretty much the standard set up uh this boss actually doesn't have an attack that it debuffs your attack stat but it's not by much so you can pretty much just ignore it also um shadow in this area is actually kind of hard to find you got this like small F light this area is really like shaped yeah this boss also has some of the worst hit boxes in the entire game if I ever get Echo glitch to happen it's on this fight yeah this is the most common place to get Echo glitched I've lost a lot of runs to this cuz like getting Echo glitch here just Wast like 35 40 seconds and it's awful yeah blood sink will actually give you a attack down even though you guard it it's dumb uh this might get a glitched oh we'll go for shadow silhouette nice nice all right I just Saed a nice attack cycle there yep so after you do the two attacks from your first character uh it's when if you keep the chain going it's random between which characters are able to do an attack and or in range to do one and since Viola uses range to everything she's always in range um so if we get Hawkeye here we basically just waste time but we got Shadow silette so it's fine so we're just going to build the 32 again and then finish him off [Music] and he did so coming up is the actual final boss which spoilers it's chopan yeah he decides that this is actually a dream it's like I'm going to kill you all just to prove it is a dream here to inappropriate reaction and actually the Final Boss music is a retooled version of one of his pieces and it's beautiful like this is another really good track yeah M Sakara did a fantastic job with this entire soundtrack and I paused on that for some reason that's the item that you need to get into the extra dungeon so you need to get all the way to this point and then not go into this portal to go there you have to back track all the way out of this dungeon he actually has like really big speech here like yeah we don't care we want basically like is just like this is my dream I'm going to take control and blah blah blah blah blah basically just take r on speech from Final Fantasy 10 and just like change it around a bit yeah that's fairly accurate actually let see how good you really are dude nice also he gets his ridiculously huge power boost for no reason it doesn't matter how much you used him in the main game he's always going to be the same strength level here also if you don't have this uh nice uh Shadow if don't have the nice shadow buff on salsa you have to rely on these clouds and his shadow yeah yeah if you don't have the dark brush on salsa it's really annoying man time for the longest attack in the game he didn't do it at the end of his turn though so it doesn't waste too much time such a fancy animation yeah if he does that attack at the end of his turn it just wastes like 5 Seconds now let's get going oops it's fine yeah this fight is not thring at all no I thought he was going to go after Sala there yeah see the only Annoying Thing about not blocking attacks here is that you can get knocked down and that Wast a little bit of time on whoever's turn it ends up being uh that early that was this is probably fine though honestly oh I a lot of damage too if anything I'll just need to hit him a couple more times which isn't the end of the world should went for the sh yeah probably wasur dude you're going shot with Hawkeye uh oh you missed all guy unfortunately dude nice dude a Counterattack and time is actually coming up but it's going to be on the final save so as soon as I finish this fight and save and it says save completed that's when time will be but he didn't guard this uh I'm going to see if I can get to 32 here probably not though she can get to 12 which is good enough for you y oh boy he's getting close all right cool yeah yeah tur left arm was broken yeah it's really good and yeah he's not dead cuz I messed up that last combo yeah 31 Echo not good 32 just a little bit more though so yeah just go for 24 I guess yeah he might just di of these Autos that's fine there glitch there yeah see yeah now he's done there it is see at the end of the save here save on hard drive [Music] dang and time all right oh my gosh that was something else yeah that was Eternal Sonata I hope you guys enjoyed it thanks for watching yeah thank you very much that was awesome uh thanks for sticking around with us for some of the technical difficulties uh coming up next we have Final Fantasy 4 any% no credits War by nerm so don't go anywhere so that was what 25 encounters 26 2 that actually still pretty good fight $260 for that was actually a pretty good uh run though honestly for the most part yeah for what it was it was pretty good I'm happy with that so this ending uh we actually can't skip it it's a hour and a half long or something like that it's really really dumb see yeah we'll pass it off to the next pass off to the next run please all right you did it we're going do a quick commercial break so don't go anywhere e e e for e St