Golden Sun by Plexa - RPG Limit Break 2022

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foreign it looks like you are ready for our golden sun run by plexa a dear friend of mine uh it's going to be an awesome run they've been working really hard on it and it's going to be so cool to watch all the text and stress that there is in this game so make sure to stay for this run and yeah plexa go ahead take it away didn't see that run go check it out um but we gotta get this run underway um I'm joined by relay with me amazing Runner of this game as well say hi relay so we'll just do the compulsory reset at the start of the game uh this game this category is basically an RNG minimum category um and resetting the game here just kind of ensures we're playing on a Level Playing Field uh we had some donations for some names for some people so look around if you don't mind giving me the names of the various uh characters [Music] thank you sure so we have for Isaac we've got Robin Robin his Japanese name for those of you wondering what the reference is what we get for Garrett so for Garrett was go we've got ocean [Music] and Ivan uh that's going to be Ivan with a t laughs I like that this one won good thinking all right and for Mia for Mia is going to be Ako a different she would like this fantastic awesome so we must get into the run so we'll just do a quick countdown and then we're into it so three two one go welcome to Golden Sun for the Game Boy Advance believe it or not this game was made in what 2001 related to season two I have to get exactly um 2001 it was the release in Japan and 2002 was in the western um hemisphere um yeah TLA also 2002 in Japan and 2003 in between the West so yeah sorry oh yeah I was gonna say TLA being the sequel of this game um basically this game got too big and uh Camelot the developer of This Magnificent game uh split the game over two coverage cartridges basically and kind of has like a part one and a part two where it's really cool um something they did with The Shining Force Series a little bit as well and another uh RPG for the SNES and whatnot very cool um I have one more thing from you on the ground I need the menu color what's the menu color yes so the menu color is going to be red pink sorry I go it's not going to be blue why okay this is fine I'll deal with it you'll see why in a moment so this is the red pink wait I don't want that I want this yeah all right we're gonna endure this menu color for the for the rest of the Run yeah we don't really like a pink or red because it will make telling how much HP and PP you have left really hard but it will be fine it will be fine yeah there's not a heck of a lot that goes on in the start of this game um there's a lot of a lot of cut scenes a lot of lore a lot of plot Exposition uh and not a lot of technical combat either uh this game really picks up once it gets out of the intro but that's in about 40 minutes time give or take until then we're basically just going to run from everything and hope that we get away um The Run chance is basically 50 50 at this point in the game and it's going to progressively go down as we get weaker but for all intents and purposes at this point it's 50 on the first try 70 on the next trade ninety percent on the try after that and then it's guaranteed after that so that first flea is always guaranteed and we're going to get three more encounters and we're gonna run away from all of them hopefully um yeah so that's good already so the perfect RNG would be if we get three first draft leads on all of these encounters um already got one fail that's fine yeah with with three encounters where you can potentially fail running away it's very likely that at least one of them fails so it's not unusual we can't we at this point in the Run we can kind of predict how enemies will react a little bit like we'll know what actions they use if depending on what's happened before once we get deeper into the Run we'll lose absolutely any possibility of doing this but since there's four scripted encounters uh five scripted encounters actually uh we kind of know what will happen um but other than that there's really not much to talk about in the early game uh we can set up maybe the the plot of these games relay maybe that's a good idea uh yeah sure so if you're wondering what's currently happening this is the prologue of the game so this is happening three years before the actual main story um and there's currently a terrible storm happening and we are currently in the town of vale which is at the foot of the Mount Olive and at the top of the Mount Olivet there's a big boulder called Mount Ellis Boulder which is currently threatening to fall down and Crush everyone in its way so all the towns people are trying to evacue to the plaza of the village [Music] and we saw here um at the house of Jenna and her family her brother Felix is in the water hanging on to the wooden post um and he's about to drown so we're trying to get help so no one really knows what's going on at this point in the game um it will transpire that some people are raiding a place called Soul sanctum which is the first dungeon of this game which we'll see in like 10 minutes time they're trying to unlock the secrets deep within and they've mistakenly not solved the puzzle correctly and triggered this giant cataclysmic storm which is threatening to wipe out this little town of vale yeah now that we've got Jenna we're going to run back to uh Jenna's parents and hopefully since we've brought an adult with us that the adults will be able to help the situation and uh you know help Felix because Felix is up there at the moment just hanging on for dear life so we've made it back just in time by the looks of things and Felix is going to be okay everything is all right everybody man's here thanks for coming possibly go wrong from this scenario oh no what is happening this wasn't going according to script yeah this has never happened before never happened before this is a first oh no the ball is falling and coincidentally yeah and right onto Felix and China's parents and Isaac's father and they'll die this is a really happy video game we swear uh so now with with everybody crushed by the giant boulder and swept out to sea we do the only logical thing which is run away um in Garrett or ocean will come running after us that's a cool reference to a scene we'll never see uh we'll talk about that in a while now this is satorosa minari we don't know who they are at the moment but they are the people who are leading the raid into Soul Sanctum and they have just managed to escape the well the events that have just unfolded and we have overheard their conversation which they are not super keen on and so they do what any responsible villain will do and knock us out because uh we overheard them um some people say this fight's winnable it's absolutely not winnable now there is no Universe in which this is winnable no matter what happens they are much much too strong we die and that ends the prologue and we fast forward three years later into the future where we will find out uh what has become of those unveiled and so Begins the intro which is the second part of this this introductory sequence so the rest of this is going to take 35 minutes it'll give or take and there's the genuinely a lot of cutscenes um way too many cutscenes that any game should have game developers if you are watching this please um cutscene skip buttons or godsend please please please include them in your games um but this game um doesn't have them admittedly this game is 21 years old now so it does get a little bit of a pass uh problem is every text box has to be cleared manually so we're going to be meshing quite a lot through the rest of this run I've got this on my hand because uh I've been doing this for like 10 years at this point and that takes it that takes a toll on you so friends legalize turbo make it make it good so that we don't endure a long long-standing wrist injuries and whatnot so a little safety PSA coming your way from Golden Sun [Music] now you might wonder why why on Earth people would run a game that has a 40-minute introduction um sounds kind of tedious and it is yes um but this game pays off really picks up this game really picks up the moment you leave Vale and it's kind of a roller coaster from the start to the end once that happens so that that investment into the early game really pays off as you get into the late game yeah we will talk all about that later when it happens okay [Music] but look around how are you doing over there oh yeah I absolutely love running this game on uh and those 40 minutes of cutting it was the best thing ever especially having to reset right away right at the start of the game um but we have a few days you did the intro skip category though so you got the fun times [Music] so we have a few donations here uh we've got twenty dollars from Anonymous thank you very much and we've got also a donation from PT of 30 dollars saying winter tourney and with that incentive to win the color suit incentive is half three met so we'll have to see you beat that closer instead of dying like usual [Music] that'll be fun as long as we don't go to sleep [Music] now the the final boss of the Colossal Gauntlet has a slip bomb which makes us go to sleep provided we don't go to sleep everything is fine um but we'll cross that bridge when we get there in about two hours two and a half hours time so anyway the the violinians are still reconciling with the aftermath of the events three years ago and uh Dora Isaac's mother is saying to Isaac oh are you still thinking about three years ago and Isaac's like yeah kinda makes me sad Isaac doesn't say a word but we just infer that he is saying these things but Jenna and Garrett have come by to take us away to Old Man Creighton who will teach us all about the ways of synergy or I'm going to call it Synergy throughout because I pronounce it incorrectly but Synergy is kind of the magic and the life force of this this game and uh what that that allows us to cast magic basically that's what our PP stands for that's what our magic is all about there are four kinds of synergy aligned to the varying elements earth wind fire water Garrett and Jenna are both fire adepts or adepts being a person who can use Fire magic basically Isaac is an earth addict who will be using Earth Magic because that's the classic trope um but yeah we we're still young in our careers we don't really know much so we've got to go get lessons on how to use Magic [Music] foreign who was a scholar who came to Vale a time ago to study Alchemy so the how the elements interact and how Synergy Works basically and these three characters are his students hello Garrett isn't a particularly bright fellow as you can see he's just put his foot through the roof twice after we fixed it so thank you Garrett for that we really appreciate it Garrett truly is the worst um yeah even games he's not the greatest yeah we we just use Garrett because we have to basically yeah we often joke in the community that Garrett's best uh best aspect about him is that he has a backpack as in he can hold items which any character can do but um the point here is that Garrett is supposed to be your tanking character uh the character that's supposed to take the most hits so he's gets the the best defense stat growth of all the characters but defense is like not a good tanking stat they're really the only good tanking set is HP or your hit points and uh I think Isaac and Garrett have basically the same growth in that so Garrett can't even tank well he just he just kind of exists oh no we can also we can also make him useful by giving him particular gin but that will come out later since the tourism minalia back there are going around asking Creighton about uh Soul sanctum because they have decided to come back after all this time and decided to well try and break in again uh craden doesn't know how to break in but they have got him thinking about Soul sanctum and they think oh maybe maybe we should go to pay a visit so instead of teaching us how to use magic krayden is going to take us on a class trip to Soul sanctum which is strictly forbidden according to the veil teachings yeah to ensure no one goes up there they have very strict security measurements in place [Music] so what we're trying to do like the reason why my menu opened there and I did nothing is because I'm trying to hit like a various particular kind of location there are certain ways in which you can trigger cutscenes that save time and slight fractions of of away either it's because I'm minimizing movement or minimizing animations or something and interacting from creating from this particular location or as close to it as possible will minimize the amount of distance that Isaac has to travel before talking to craden which saves a little bit of time yeah and we do it because there's nothing else to do intro precisely there's literally nothing else we can be doing to go fast at this point in time so why not so kraton has a some Mistral bags especially prepared for this uh kind of occasion and he has got a hunch that we're going to find something in Seoul sanctum but we don't know for sure and of course we do otherwise there wouldn't be a game yes so now we're on our way to Mount Olive and you will see the cunning we have to use to go past this guard [Music] so much cunning um miraculous anyway now that we're in Soul sanctum uh we can talk a little bit more about Fleet mechanics uh in this game fleeing is faster on average emphasis on average uh it really makes for some interesting moments when you don't run away from things but we will try and run away from as many things as we possibly can now there are two interesting mechanics there's a text first and caught by surprise to attack this first is kind of like your back attack kind of thing so it gives us priority and whenever you have a tax first you are guaranteed to be able to run away so we want to see as much of that as possible caught by surprise is the opposite that's when an enemy surprises you and they get to basically do a round of actions right now that's just the pain um but by the end of the game that could be run ending so hopefully we get those all out of our system earlier on and we don't have to worry about it I'm getting kind of miserable RNG here but that's okay so the way the game calculates your flea odds is that it takes your party's level average subtracts the enemy's level average multiplies it by five percent and then adds it to 50 percent um so every level that you are lower uh you lose five percent basically a chance to flee every time you fail to flee you get 20 extra chance to flee So eventually you will always be able to flee but emphasis on eventually you'll probably be dead before the the eventuality kicks in by the end of the game we actually have negative chance to flee because enemies have too much level relative to ours so we'll have to fight things so at varying moments in the game we'll be taking encounter strategically to take levels and experience as well as it just might be faster in that situation to take an encounter but there will certainly be places where we try and run away from things and that pretty much sums up the strategy right up until what is it a billabin cave which is a good hour and six minutes into the Run we'll more or less run away from everything yeah so right now the first two rooms all enemies were level one so we had a 50 50 chance to run um we didn't get away from any of them on the first try which is quite unlucky um in the Next Room there will be a new enemy the Slime which is level two so our fragrance is actually slightly lower if we encounter them yeah it's a 45 chance to run away from the slimes although with my luck I'm virtually guaranteed to fail the first time um I I'm gonna go out and just I'm just gonna say it I'm gonna own this and then I have the worst intros in the entire Community shout outs to everybody else in the community who consistently gets 17 3x's and I can like barely get 17 5x half the time um because I have terrible energy that's okay it really doesn't lose that much time and on the grand scheme of the run it's kind of inconsequential but it's still annoying oh we got away let's go ah we got an immediate encounter again maybe that's a good idea to talk about encounter rate and how the step counter works really uh yeah sure so um basically every time the game has a RNG card right so it's a general RNG which determines um when you're going to get an encounter and there are like 40 000 different I'm not truly exactly but 128 000. 128 okay so basically every time you start to walk there you will get an encounter rate that will determine when you are going to get the next encounter and it is normally distributed so most of the time it's average but you can also get very bad or very good so we couldn't get an encounter for after just two or three steps or you could get an encounter after 30 steps um this is what you had saw happen earlier you got a very bad rate and we got an encounter right away after fleeing from one of them so this is going to become really important later on we've actually gotten through the first dungeon uh there are no more encounters we just have to get through a bunch of cutscenes and I will employ my good friend to the turbo machine to get through the worst of them but the way encounter it works is that it kind of persists through a dungeon but will reset if you change dungeons so we will leverage this fact in a few places to try and Skip encounters here and there and reset our hour encounter right here and there so oh yeah in particular every time you accident enter a dungeon your step counter gets reset so when you run for an extended period months of time and you have the chance to enter a dungeon or a town that is usually a good idea too increase the chances of an encounter skip maybe we'll explain all of that in a while as well because let's be real people who are watching this on four shout out to the people who are watching this uh after the fact you're the true heroes um they're going to skip right past this place and they're not going to hear their shout out so that's okay we accept this we know nobody likes this part of the game anyway it's great if you want to increase your chest reading oh yeah like we do all kinds of things to keep ourselves entertained during this part of the game um in the English version of this game which is this version we often play bullet chess because bullet chess is quite good if you play the German version you can actually play Blitz chess because there's so much more text than the German version that you can probably get in a game of Blitz pretty nice game or two at Blitz actually anyway this is the puzzle that source and minati failed if you drop the statue down or if you don't drop the statue down before moving the statue into place everything starts to blow up and get chaotic um so intuitively the player goes upstairs and tries to solve the puzzle this puzzle here for the first time and inadvertently sets off the Trap that would have destroyed everything but since Creighton was left behind he will go oh no Isaac reset the puzzles you're going to destroy everyone and then you'll figure out you gotta go to the Roomba on the other side and solve that Puzzle first but implying that satorus and minadi never left anybody behind um and you know set off the set off the Trap so we are getting past the the big trap so to speak and we're going to make it to the heart of Mount LF yeah so there's a few tricks you can do here too have a little bit of a challenge during intro you can actually push that deals with statues from a little bit diagonally to save a bunch of frames and also as you can see when Plex is doing a jump you can actually do jumps from pretty much the center of the tile uh yeah like off center of the tile so you do a half tile jump basically which also saves a little bit of frames and as I said earlier this is pretty much the only thing we can do to save time here so try to go for it and we fulfill it we lose a few seconds and are set you feel sad and look like a look like an idiot because you can't jump properly and it looks dumb all right we have done something funny we have opened a portal and we will go through the portal because what else deals do you do when you open a portal you go right through it and now I disconnect this great controller and move over to this terrible controller which actually has a turbo button so I will use it for Turbo save your hands friends save your hands it's very important so I think this track right now is probably one of the most famous tracks in all of golden sun in fact the Golden Sun Series in general is known for its outstanding audio landscape it is one of the like best soundtracks of any game on the GBA and before and like if you go and get your copy of Pokemon Ruby or Sapphire or your Mega Man Battle Network or whatever whatever else right you listen to the sound of those games it doesn't come close to the audio quality of Golden Sun like it's not even close like the songs may be fine compositionally but like the the Timbre and the the depth of volume that they were able to get in this game is actually unreal for a Game Boy Advance game this game is 20 years old actual Wizardry going on here so I actually did a little bit digging on this at some point and uh found out why this was the case and Camelot who had the publisher of this game they rewrote their own sound engine just for Golden Sun and I guess Mario Tennis but we don't talk about that um and in doing so they were able to create this incredible sounding game what pair of games really um which is amazing it most other games never never went to that level of effort and would just use the default inbuilt sound system in the GBA but Camelot took it one step further and the world is so much richer for it I saw people jamming out to this tune just in the breaks because Golden Sun music has been playing all through the the breaks here at upper glby and yeah it's incredible what they were able to do absolutely incredible motoi sakuraba hats off to you he did The Dark Souls games he did the tales of games like just absolute Legend absolute Legend we will probably not shut up about the music throughout this game because it's just wall-to-wall bangers like you can legitimately pick any five random songs in this game presented as your top five songs from Golden Sun and I'd look at it and go yeah probably I can see why you'd think that like it's just such consistency and quality of sound throughout the whole games it's truly a novel all right yeah um so Creighton will give the referral bags that he collected from his house earlier to Isaac and telling him to jump over to the elemental stars and collect him because he wants to study them oh yeah Elemental Stars we should explain those so basically we have found our way into the heart of Mount alif where the elements of stars are what are the elemental Stars they are raw distilled essence of synergy or synergy um these were taken from the elemental lighthouses a long time ago and in doing so Alchemy or Synergy was sealed away from the world and it's kind of stopped the proliferation of magic so this is like raw and adulterated essence of magic right here and creden being a scholar and a an intellectual type wants to get these things for his own purposes um it sounds really nefarious but it's just really just a scholar and he wants to study them so it's truly innocent we swear Yeah so basically a long time ago Alchemy was ruling all over the place and people used it for Warfare all these bad things so the ancient ones decided that it would be better to seal Alchemy away to bring peace to the world of wayward [Music] um yeah and so Alchemy is now sealed away in Mount Olive and if someone were to take these Elemental stars and reignite the lighthouses then Alchemy would be Unleashed all over the world again which is obviously a bad thing because people would go to war again so yeah we want to make sure this never happens well we don't know that yet but yes really are spoiling the next two minutes of this game for you so now we've got the Jupiter star um or the star representing the power of wind our party's going to get crashed since the tourism Minato you're going to turn up and a new person called Alex we had Jenna in our party earlier you might wonder why we never bothered to name her it's because she was about to get abducted um oh no this is awful but it's fine we pl we get to use her in the second game and she's fantastic MVP of that game for sure or one of the MVPs so Creighton and Jenna are going to get abducted so Taurus and minati are going to steal all the elemental stars and they're going to go on a crusade to reignite the lighthouses and a really strange mystery character is just showing up wearing a very evil looking mask I wonder who this could be really I don't know at the mask it obscures everything it's impossible to tell so yeah I don't know how much further ahead I should spoil but it will be revealed in a second anyway so this is actually Felix Jenna's brother who was thought to be lost in the storm three years ago oh my plot twist door down the river and the tourism found him and picked him up and he traveled with them for the last three years yeah so the the big big scary plot twist here is that the boulder did not kill Felix Felix is actually alive and his uh ceterosa minari I kind of used him as a bargaining chip to convince Jenna that uh what hurt him yeah they want her to then basically if if they have blocked yeah so um they are trying to get the elemental stars from Isaac currently and this is basically their life insurance that they will not hurt them because Felix would never let them harm Jenna yeah this would be lied earlier when we said the boulder kills Felix how bad could not have seen that coming from a mile away in fact if you um do not go fast in this game and take the slow way around and explore the town of vale you will actually if you go to the inn and the Upper Floor Of The Inn you can talk to the masked man who is Felix and he will say I have no business with you gone and it's like oh I wonder who this guy is he's a little bit creepy um it turns out it's Felix it's pretty neat like Kevin wants attention to detail is kind of insane um oh yeah absolutely all over the place just the kind of things they do to build this amazing world uh there's a little details that like really just they stick out and they matter and they it the game is so much richer for it um Bowie who's who also did some runs at RPG he loves to point out all of these things and I'll try and do that justice but um yeah Camelot are really masterful at uh add their attention to detail as they build these amazing worlds it's pretty cool pretty cool stuff I think that's one of the reasons golden Sun's endured for such a long time like even to this day the subreddit is like ridiculously active with people just posting content we haven't had a game in 11 years by the way 12 years by the way I don't know it's been a long time right people are doing it still doing OCR it's like super cool like these games have such an enduring quality to them because graphically they're incredible uh narratively they're incredible musically they're incredible the world is incredible um so just we have shout outs to the the Golden Sun community and for keeping these games alive it's it's really quite something we'll give them some props near the end because again people are just going to skip right past this intro so we'll make sure to give them some props before we finish this but we'll finish this run out and now there's a flying Boulder in the sky because reasons now this is basically the god of wayad uh this is the Wise One um no one knows anything about the Wise One except that he exists and is powerful there are lots of theories about the wise one but no one really knows um my interpretation is that he is the custodian of way out he was given the agency authority responsibility I don't know pick one of those words he was given that task to protect the world once Alchemy was sealed away and that he would be around to judge whether or not Alchemy could be safely returned to the world and in some sense he is the grand architect of this of this game and the next game um so I I'm not going to go into too many more spoilers on that but just know that he is kind of sitting up the plot of all of these games and it's kind of like this god-like figure um although one thing is he does ask you to go on the mission to save the world and if you say no and leave the end I'll leave the sanctum sorry uh the game ends and the world ends so congrats you lose people do runs a bad ending from time to time into a pretty awful category because it's pretty much just this uh into saying no and and that's it it's it's a really unfulfilling category I would have to agree on that even if you do it blind if you do it blind it's even worse because it takes longer yeah you've done a blind haven't you oh yeah so anyway after we collected the master um we don't talk about that all right water's gone okay let's go yeah and while alif which turns out to be a volcano is about to erupt um and we're stuck in this Elemental starts from currently yeah so the important thing that's happened is um as this thing is exploiting Alex citoris minadi have all decided that uh they don't want to be here anymore and they they're going to take the three stars they have with them and we're gonna have one star so we've got a little bit of Leverage that Master will become relevant in the next game but for this game it remains in our inventory taking up a slot that we can't do anything with which is very useful um it's not useful at all not even in 80 which does uh arbitrary code things using the the menu and stuff using the inventories and stuff it's just kind of a placeholder very cool item so we're still going in this intro and we're not even half like this is probably around um I don't know what what the timer is at right now but this is about 10 minutes left yeah it was like the halfway point of like a big long Gauntlet of cutscenes because we're briefly going to gain control after this we're going to cast Retreat we're gonna run down we're gonna head left then it down again and then we're back into cutscenes yeah so you might be wondering plexa mentioned earlier that Le Grand are a host for this game he ran the no intro category for Golden Sun so why don't we do no intro and that is because um this category is no save and quit which means we never turn off the console or do a soft reset ever except for Marathon purposes and safety purposes this is to prevent RNG manipulation so we just play the game as it's pretty much and whatever the game throws at us we will have to deal with um and the other big category that exists in Golden Sun speedrunning is with save and quit which enables you to do RNG manipulation and in that category you can skip the entire um Soul sanctum interior section pretty much so you would know anyway which seat you're on once you leave the town so the care the community decided that okay you can start with a basic save file from right after the start we'll add 39 minutes to the timer and you can play without the intro and it made things a lot more convenient yeah we even got rid of that after a while because um it just got too silly so it's just we start from from after Vale whenever it's manipulation so yeah that was the brief amount of gameplay that we had to do and then we're right back into cutscenes turbo friends turbo it saves lives or hands same thing let's see yeah intro basically just acts at a big RNG randomizer so we don't know what will end up ending up with after we leave the town yeah that's what Riley just said is correct that's the whole reason like people always ask me why don't you just skip the intro why don't you just start off the veil and it's like yeah we could but then the first 15 20 minutes of this game would become manipulated and the whole point of this category was to create a category which plays through Golden Sun the way that you would have played through Golden Sun but really fast with a bunch of cool glitches and tricks yeah but nothing nothing substantial no major glitches basically yeah it's in a mega glitches category but it still resembles the essence of Golden Sun that's the whole point um we we basically allow or ban glitches in this category depending on how far it takes us away from traditional gameplay so there was a a really powerful glitch that we could do with without having to save and critical death storage and uh it trivialized the game because you could skip every boss and everyone just unanimously decided that this is a terrible thing it ruins the category it ruins the Integrity of the category we're gonna ban it but then there's another skip that was found very similar called uh double poison procking basically which allows us to skip a certain part later on in this game and that was deemed legal because it it's a boss skip it was something that people didn't like doing anyway and the category was otherwise unharmed so it is basically your skill oh yeah skip 10-15 minutes of cutscenes replace it with gameplay so we decided it would be healthy yeah so it's this category kind of exists a little bit arbitrary in that sense because we do kind of pick and choose what we think is good and bad um but I I like where this run is it's a good it's a good solid run it looks like Golden Sun it plays like Golden Sun we go really fast it looks really impressive and we don't have to do like arbitrary code or some heinous death storage setup or something so it's it's it's pretty cool this is one of the reasons why this has became the most popular category um it used to be that everybody ran minute because we were all like we're going to go really fast so way back in the day it was like me Bal nocturnal Legrand Grand we were all going hard at this oh and fritzy gotta remember frizzy we were all going super hard at this game and just doing ridiculous manipulations to go as fast as we can and then that eventually died out a bit like three four years ago this game came back with vengeance with the Advent of no saving quit which kind of returned us back to the roots of the this game and gave it a much more traditional kind of playthrough experience which was really cool [Music] but it runs were horrible by the way you make one mistake you lose five minutes it was I I distinctly remember a race between Legrand and Bob nocturno or I think it was an Esa or something and um ball did something wrong I don't know what he did wrong but he didn't get a rainbow kill on the killer 8 which is a boss later on again rainbow kills give you extra experience by the way it's not important to the story the point is he got off scripted he didn't realize it and then because he was off script everything kind of got destroyed much later on in the game because he was getting Level ups at the wrong time and ruining his RNG he still managed to finish but that was that's the kind of thing we used to deal with a minute now with no saving quit we don't have to worry about the details so much we do have to worry about our good friend RNG which is uh you know RNG is our best friend we love RNG RNG makes things exciting it makes with some really tense moments we're going to have a lot of tense moments in this run well I hope we don't but we probably will the odds are on our sides they have a really some some tense moments somewhere and uh it should make a good good experience for everyone hopefully yeah keeps the game fresh and makes it so on the strategies we use are more tailored towards safety and getting through the run while still being relatively fast this is where our good meme comes back and fleeing is faster on average because sometimes it does not seem that way Yeah so basically fleeing if you flee it's always the fastest thing but then you always then you sometimes you just leave fail to leave three times in a row one it's twice as long as if you would have just finished the fight it feels bad but on average it just makes sense to run away yep do math friends if you like I I've done a lot of math study in my life uh the most math I've ever used is in speedrunning in particular statistics and probability uh I I it is unreal how useful that stuff is when it comes to routing games and figuring out how to go fast the concepts like expected values normal normal distributions uh standard deviations all of the stuff becomes incredibly helpful to knowing how to go fast so stay in school study probability if you if you sent me this clip to me like 15 years ago I would be like who the hell is this guy who is what is he on about because I hated stats but it genuinely has become incredibly useful I did some calculations the other day for um the octopus uh guys and uh it's just basic probability but it's so so powerful and useful [Music] math is your friend not your enemy but look we've got about a minute left of this intro uh look around anything you want to say before we get into things sure uh so yeah Arrangement it was real for the name I kind of wish I could go back to it but nowadays the category is so different and there is so many well things that make the urugu Run not so interesting but yeah we've got no seven quiz it's great um was going to have a few donations as well here we've got girls nature uh giving ten dollars saying nice event guys we also have ten dollars from RPP uh of ten dollars again saying I spent so much time on this series as a kid ladies on the emulator gave up then both the cards for GB and beat it again such a unique experience connecting the two games good luck flexor give me that cool desk mod and so yeah just as a reminder thank you there is a prize going on for this game which is a golden sun desk mat for 10 minimum donation um and it's going to go until the Lord of the Rings The Fellowship of the Ring uh we also have a live DND 5e game uh for five dollar minimum donation which is more related to the next game which is dungeon and dragon the school the tabletop RPG and a lot of the Rings shadow box for 15 so if you want to get uh to have a chance to win those prices make sure to donate sure this run and up to Lord of the Rings [Music] so the game has started and guess what the game gives us more cutscenes um welcome to Golden Sun everybody yeah so this is Flint gen tutorial okay yeah this is Flint um he's a Venus Genie so Jenny's got released from the Mount of alif um after the events that you just saw unfolded and jinza Elemental spirits that you can collect and they will give you bonus stats and really powerful abilities um we cannot skip this tutorial unfortunately we can in the next game because it's a different gym but that's beside the point so the way gym work are when you get them you can basically equip them to your character and it will give them bonus stats and depending on the combination of elements you will also gain different classes which change your change your step modifiers so you'll get bonus agility or bonus attack all that stuff and you can also use them in battle to do certain attacks Like Flint for example is a physical attack with bonus Earth damage all the chain are different and once you use them in battle they become standby which means you will lose the bonus stats you get from them but they go into a state where you can summon them um so with one Venus genie on standby we can summon Venus which is a Earth Elemental attack which does not depend on our level how much damage it does it depends it just does its base amount of damage based on how much hpe and then the enemy has and once we collect margin we can actually pull them together and do more powerful summons so when you collect two Earth Chinese um you can do a tier two Earth summon and so on and this will become really important for later in the game because um we are going to be very weak very under leveled for pretty much the whole run and the way we deal with this is that we kill things with summons before they can harm us okay game so yeah usually you can get an encounter skip here um it's totally up to RNG whether you get it or not um yeah so I'm going to swap my controller over now there's a brief pause off this cutscenes and then we'll go back to mashing legalize turbo safe hands save a life [Music] so this is Hamed he's a merchant from the town of Cali which is to the south of this bridge which got destroyed because of the eruption of Mount Olive and he doesn't want to stay in this Village we're sitting in front of right now because these Synergy stones are raining from the skies and she wants to get somewhere safe and because he cannot return to the town of Calais he will go to the north um to Lumpa which is a town of an evil ruler who will use him as Ransom to collect money from the town of Cali we will never see him again in this category at least yeah he's dead as far as we're concerned nah the old lady got in the way all right so now we're going to get our third actual character Ivan we're gonna pick up this nut first that nut's gonna be very useful later on this is Ivan over here he is an edit of wind or a Jupiter Adept as we like to call him so we have an earth Adept a fire add up and a wind adapt if you guess we're going to get a water add up in the near future you would be correct um but the water addict is not for some time and but Ivan joins our party he has more of a traditional spellcaster type unit uh he has very powerful magic and that is going to carry us until we can get powerful summons that Raleigh was just talking about the gym system in this game I'll probably talk quite a lot about it because it's actually incredible it adds so much in depth and enjoyment to this game it actually makes this game it takes it from an a normal kind of jrpg experience to an exceptional jrpg experience because you feel like you have a lot of agency over of your classes and stuff it's like a job system on steroids that's really cool I I really like the Gen system I wish more games experimented with something like this but we're coming up on our first boss fight um the bandits now you want to tell us a little bit about the bandits really uh yes so the bandits are they use the events of this eruption to steal a bunch of stuff and hide it in the Inn we will fight them in a second here um and they are annoying because they have items called herbs um which are just a basic healing item and they have four of them um and whenever they use them that's one of them right there yeah if you couldn't tell by the unique spread um so yeah every time they use a herb they add at least one turn to the fight which is annoying so we don't want to see any of them if possible would have killed me if not mentioning this earlier but there was a guy standing below the ladder and a girl who was running around near the her at the mint I just picked up uh the mint is a stat boosting item that we'll use later on um we'll see what happens to them after the sequence of events meanwhile I have to catch the thieves let's try and do it hey we did it nice yeah so we surround them here Ivan as a Jupiter that has the ability to mind read so he's reading the mind of the Bandit here to confirm that they indeed stole the things from the town and where to find them yeah one of the things that was stolen was Ivan's Shaman's Rod which is his weapon so he's a bit sad that his thing got stolen so that's why he's on a personal crusade to get it back a girl who was running around off to the left here she's no longer there she is now here look at her she's looking around she doesn't know what's going on she shakes her head if you talk to her she says the guy who was standing here is no longer here what happened to him well here he is he's tied up in the roof Camelot attention to detail ladies and gentlemen guys gals non-binary Pals basically yeah a very cool way to to progress to order to allow the quest progression to unfold naturally like make sense that the other guy is gone now that he got tied up and you cannot go here before you talk to the bandits and catch them all right so the bandits come in they're ambushing us they're saying oh no we've been found out will you let us go please we're gonna say yes we'll let you go and then they're going to attack us anyway and now in a second you will see um one of the main reasons why we love this game so much it's because of the menuing um we have a technique called menu gliding which allows us to go really fast in menus um there's two possible things we'll see in a second here so after you press the direction if you press start or select right after it it will double your input or it will triple input if you do both of them so that's a thing that allows us to go really fast amazing we'll see it in a second here did you blink you might have missed it [Music] so there's some fun lore behind menu gliding actually um Legrand he was on the mic right now the host um he used to run this game he was really good at this game and his menu was insane and I was incredibly jealous of this and I could not keep up with him like for the life of me I could not do the inputs on the Wii U controller I just could not for the life of me do it and then one day I figured out that if you press the direction and press a non-input button like select your start that it doubled my input and I was like oh this is great and then I developed this whole technique around menu gliding purely puts the ground and was too good at this game so thank you look around for pushing me to be better and we found a cool technique as a result [Music] always end up like this when I when we have competition between me and plexa we just end up having to find new stuff because uh one of one of us I mean both of us is just better at something than the other so we have to find new stuff it's pretty funny that's that's pretty much how it goes I think I think that's what happened in Dark Dawn as well which is the third game in this this uh series on the DS look around's insane menuing um the Jin menus and again we're insane and so I was sitting there practicing it one day trying to get really good at it and then I accidentally created a ghost gin called moloch and that was the birth of another new glitch my media Wing didn't get any faster but we did find a cool glitch that changed the course of that speedrun forever also because lagrand is just strictly better than me when it comes to this technical execution business shout out to the ground oh come on that's too much you're also insanely good one of us beat the telethier it wasn't me go check that out the Xenoblade x-ron was insane go watch it I'm still surprised I managed to bid that guy it's it was so cool it was very cool anyway we've beaten the bandits we've got a lot of stuff back I got a uh agility level up of plus three now Isaac can either get a plus three or a plus four 75 chance to get a plus four if I get two plus fours then an upcoming gin that we will fight um there are Gins of each different element but we're gonna get a fire gin next uh not all of them will join us without uh without any drama some of them will battle us so the next one we're gonna get is going to battle us it's now going to outspeed me which means I need to do that fight a little bit differently uh to be safe but that's okay it's not a big deal we know how to handle this situation yeah so this is one of the things where RNG threw a winch into a French into our gears and we'll have to figure out how to deal with it we have plans for this um we have plans for most things but this fight at least went relatively well we only saw one herb if I remember correctly so that was that was pretty nice I think it was wonderful but it's fine it looked like one I was surprised that the ray kills that's why I put the Venus and put in that's okay [Music] it might have been a herb on one of the side guys like having the side guys is not nearly as bad as herbing the guy in the middle the guy in the middle is um he's got more HP so often the herb will just cap out and do nothing to the purple guys where it will actually get the full value on the middle guy so yeah everything went fine no complaints so far just a normal Golden Sun Run really but Ivan is um going to leave us he is worried about Hammett who was the person who went up north to olympa who we will never see again by the way so Ivan's gonna go try to get into Lund power and save Hammett and uh we'll say goodbye to Ivan by Ivan it was nice having you on the team while it lasted [Music] and of course we'll never see him again will we [Music] and then I'm gonna go and talk to the mayor of this town and the mirror of this town is going to give us a Water of Life Water of Life is a Revival item which is really useful um revives in Golden Sun are not free um this isn't Final Fantasy you can't just uh buy a phoenix down for like 75 Gil or whatever Waters of Life are expensive they cost 3 000 gold that is a lot of gold uh they are incredibly red and hard to come by we don't have access to any Revival abilities until much later in the game like Reviving in this game is really hard we have got the Water of Life not for safety but because we want to sell it it's worth a lot of money and it's going to allow us to buy a lot of gear so we will take that through with us until the next town where we will sell it and buy a bunch of armor which we will need for the big bad block of big bad roadblock of the Run [Music] yeah so in this game when you die you just get teleported to the last town you visited to the sanctum where you can revive um in this category it usually means run over if you're going for a good time um if you're not you can still keep playing of course but it will depending on where the death occurred it can cost you anywhere between a couple seconds to multiple minutes [Music] and the next wall of life we're gonna get that we can actually use is not gonna be until about an hour after this cutscene so after like two hours into the Run [Music] way at the at least oh yeah I guess yeah so the word of life we can sell right now we can actually buy that later um and the first opportunity to do so is after the killer which is in about 40 minutes [Music] all right so this is go McCabe I I even came back to us by the way who could have seen that coming um he couldn't get into Lumpur so he's decided to join us on our Quest because he rid our minds and learned about the destruction of way art if all the lighthouses are lit which was the whole thing that the wise one was on about so Ivan's going to join our party again which is really good news for us because he's really powerful and fast Ivan actually is probably the MVP of this run um he hits he hits hard with with magic and he's really fast the really fast thing is really important because as this is a turn-based RPG going first is a huge advantage and if you go if you go first you act before enemies so if you can kill the enemies before they get a chance to act then that is fast and Ivan's going to allow us to do that pretty much throughout most of the Run um especially after we get past this first little uh roadblock the first roadblock being satoros right now I'm looking for one high experience encounter that I want to clear getting that will allow me to hit a level threshold um that will be very helpful until I see an encounter of that type I'm just going to run away from everything unless I get into a really bad situation getting one high experience encounter here will help Garrett get to level three and Isaac could get to level three which will make the forge fight which is this little dude up here um a lot easier so the cool thing about Golden Sun relative to a lot of other games is the puzzle mechanics this isn't just the jrpg where you go from point A to point B you actually need to solve puzzles to get from point A to point B a little bit like our luffia too it's not the game that's often compared to this some people think of as kind of like a cross between a Zelda and a final fantasy in that sense I really enjoyed the puzzle solving elements personally here's an encounter that works I think that's like the puzzle solving in this game was like I I really enjoyed it I think some of the pulses are really nice especially when you're solving them for the first time yeah I agree so as you saw as we entered the cave we couldn't actually get in uh at first because um the leaves were blocking the the tree stump from being from being pushed down and it also blocked the entrance to the cave um and so I've been being a trooper that he has the access to the Synergy Whirlwind which can also use in battle well will it just be a normal AOE attack but you can also use it in the over there's a puzzle solving mechanic um to clear leaves from entrances [Music] okay [Music] let me get out of here I don't want to be your friend skeleton just get up your stairs hopefully no more encounter and so yeah we're getting into the forge right now as flexible seeing earlier I think it's getting old spat now so the first time I don't think he is actually obviously not okay no no I think I misread it yeah I did misread it okay nice so if Forge was to damage Ivan on the first term here we would heal him with Isaac and everything would be fine but because I haven't stayed healthy um we can just defend which is a fast reaction and that would be Venus and another Ray and that will be the fight no drama at all so yeah so basically the point here is that we had to solve this Puzzle first before we could um get to this gin so frequently that'll be the case we'll have to solve a little puzzle before we get rewarded with a gin out gin added rickly tied to classes and in this game most of your power comes from classes like these the power you get from Level UPS is kind of insignificant when compared to the multiplies here from classes at like a tier 4 class meaning you have four gen of an element on you you get like plus 60 across the board on everything or something silly like that so yeah on top of the stats that the gym themselves gave you so one gen being set is equal until like two or three levels it's kind of crazy actually shopping really quick yeah so we sell the wall of life and the Bandit sword that we got earlier and we're gonna buy two broadswords for ice cream Garrett so they do a little bit more physical damage and we will also get a bunch more armor for everyone um plexa was mentioning earlier that arm is not a great step in this game um that is because every two points of armor reduces physical damage by one point um turns out there's not a lot of physical damage in this game anyway so most of the time armor is not very useful but the next boss fight that's coming up satoros he has two physical attacks and they hurt a lot so buying all this armor is pretty much just for the starters fight too make it more manageable and make it more safe yeah there are other benefits as well we're still gonna Flee for a little bit longer we're gonna start not fleeing in a moment we still have to play for a little while longer and now we're going to take significantly less damage from people when they attack us and that just means we have to heal this which saves time so it does it's good like yeah in another game when everything gets for 10 damage um reducing that by five damage is obviously good later on in the game when everything hits for 100 damage then reducing it to 95 does not do a lot of them anymore exactly and that was a Jupiter Gin Gin of the wind element um very cool I like Jupiter Gins they're nice they're friends the point is if you move that statue this one up here out of the way and climb down you can't actually get to the gyms you have to figure out that you've got to run around the town in order to get the Gin it's a cute little puzzle so this is a place where encounter skips become relevant so every time I entered the Overworld and or into redundant my encounter the steps towards the next encounter reset so if I get an encounter between dungeons or in this case between that location and the forest I'm about to enter if I if I get an encounter then I'm sad because I didn't skip the encounter if I make it to the dungeon then I skip an encounter so we like to count these These are encounter skips it's really relevant in this section and later on in suhalla desert which is much later on into the game um but we do feel a little bit scammed when you don't get any of the encounter skips here Colima Forest um this is the first dungeon You're intended to visit um it's basically the town of collimer has been turned into trees if you talk to the people in biliban which was the town we were just in they were like oh everybody's turned into trees everything's gone evil um and we being brave warriors go and try and sort things out so we've come to Kalima Forest to see what's going on and we get immediately mind assaulted by trit who is trying to turn us into trees but inexplicably these Blue Shields protect us from uh Tourette's influence which is the big evil tree turning everybody into trees um never mentioned a game again in the series by the way these these shields very random um so the point here is that uh Trip's usually a nice spirit but now he's turned evil because the uh Synergy stones from Mount alif have uh well they exploded one hit him in the head and now he's gone evil that's basically the the point here um usually you're intended to do this as the first dungeon oh the first dungeon of this part of the game but uh We're not gonna do that we're here to get a power up and then we're going to be on our way yeah so if you played this game before you know satoros is up to the North in email or in Mercury Lighthouse um we go here first because we need to pick up granite a powerful Venus Journey that will make the saturas fight and everything up to that point a lot more manageable and faster as well yeah Granite is another Venus gin its ability is that it provides a 50 damage reduction across the entire party for one turn really valuable really valuable leave it a boss that hits you for like a ton of damage half of a ton is half of a ton so it's it's incredibly valuable the other thing is that it gives us access to the second level of summoning for Venus um and that's going to be the ability Ramses and Ramses hits hard and hits fast both things of which we like in a speed run so that's going to allow us to start clearing encounters efficiently and will allow us to build up a little bit of experience we need to get level 6 onto Ivan for satoros anything lower than six and Ivan will not outspeed satoros which is bad so uh Ramsey is going to help us on our way to do that so we come to Kalima forest for that cutscene because it's about 20 seconds faster than taking it into town over here if you come here Ivan will mind read the tree and be like hey dudes there is a man in the tree and that'll take a long time before the other cutscene starts but by doing it in the forest we don't have to see that now we're in Kalima basement we're going to go try and get the granite a lot of people didn't know you can just walk into the back of that house by the way you have to walk into the back of the house and then run around this basement to get the Gin which again people didn't figure out you can get anywhere from like three to like eight encounters here I've had eight once it was awful it was a bad day uh before five you've had two yeah I've had two encounters and two runs in a row it's actually insane because I never I never never got moved again send some of that RNG my way I wish I could better get it back for myself uh so we also picked up an apple earlier if you saw that that's not a stat boosting item which will boost Isaac's attack um this will secure some damage ranges on certain enemies yeah there's one or two enemies where the damage range we just need a little bit more attack to avoid get hitting a damage range depending on level ups and stuff so Ivan might die here he didn't good maybe we want to talk about that a little bit so basically every time you do an attack um it has a base amount of damage and then depending on RNG you get up to three bonus damage on that attack if you get unlucky and you roll the basement every time then certain enemies will not die but because we get the apple and this is not an issue [Music] okay okay this is like a decent Overworld but like a very average basement or worse than average basement that's okay so yeah one more encounter Yeah by entering the X-Ring building here I basically skip an encounter so that's that whole resetting the step counter Mama jumbo I was talking about it's very much delayed the next encounter I get which is nice [Music] all right time to clear some enemies we actually get to do some combat yeah so we're about to enter Philippine cave and this is the first time in the run where we are going to take encounters for an extended pyramid of time and Plex will also do a gen menu here to set up for this um he's moving one Venus Genie over to um Garrett so now Isaac and Garrett both have a Venus journey and the reason for that is because um when he uses Ramses here in a second they go into recovery mode which means they cannot be summoned and they are also not set so they don't give you any bone set and you get them back after a certain amount of time after running you hear this little click sound and now they're back um if you get both Genie to one person then you would need two recoveries to get both of them back but because we split them up between two characters we only need one recovery to get both of them back and this is going to be relevant for all throughout the run to increase safety and to just enable us to use summons after every fighter day I have way too much experience now I was I was like four ghouls is probably enough but we'll take one more to be safe I'm gonna have way too much experience now this is good goals are like by Far and Away the most experienced in this region and they're the easiest to clear out in one hit which is nice so yeah we're going to try and run yeah so flexor also put Forge um switched Forge from Isaac to Ivan which puts him into the mask class which is a little bit tankier than the base Jupiter class that Ivan was on before so that will also increase safety a bit so this is where the Gin system is really incredible because like Again by moving your gin around you can optimize your setups for certain things in this case I want Ivan to be as tanky as possible so I put put them in the Mars class so he has more stats four encounters to Emil okay game it's in a mood yeah that's way below average usually we expect two encounters yeah if you get three you feel cheated when you get four it's like game so that was seven encounters on the way to Emil so we gotta look cool little um trick coming up um this is the lost cat glitch so plexus is gonna cast move on this little snowman here on about a second um but he's not gonna push it down um the way this works is that you're supposed to move it to the left so it drops down and then it body blocks you so you can enter this little cave in the eyes but um because the Snowman can only move left as soon as you cast move on it the game thinks it has been moved to the left pushed down even if it physically wasn't moved so this way we can just cancel the move animation instead of going through the hole pushing down and this saves about two seconds and it's a cool little trick it's very cool uh it's Unique to that snowman it doesn't do it anywhere else in the game we think it's because Emil was one of the first towns that they were building after Vale um or something like that this is Mia by the way or Ako she is going to join our party in a moment she is a Mercury editor a water Adept and with her joining the party we have one Adept of every element she is your kind of stereotypical cleric kind of class she's a Healer predominantly we will use her to heal but she does other things for a while at least she does join our party at a much higher level than everybody else and that is a very useful fact that we are going to use in more than one occasion so um if you paid attention plexo was predominantly healing with Isaac to drop his PPE and that is because we've got another glitch coming up soon um this is probably the most important glitch in this category um it's called The Retreat glitch so Isaac has this ability called Retreat which works basically like an escape room in Pokemon where you can escape a dungeon and go to the first screen of the of the dungeon basically um one thing we didn't talk about is that you can also hotkey Synergy to the island R button on the genie a to use it in the Overworld to save menu in basically you can also hotkey Retreat to one of those buttons and use it this way and if you attempt to use Retreat via a hotkey if you have not enough repeat to Castle the game will ask you are you sure you want to use Retreat and if you say yes it will fail because you do not have enough DP but the game will still internally think that retreat was casted successful so in the game code you are transported to the first screen of the game of the dungeon while you stay physically in the position you're currently in and because of this we can do a whole bunch of wrong wallpaping in certain places basically those are looked up relatively so it's like area one door three and Retreat glitch changes your underlying area so it might be area three door three instead of area one and so we get central over the place we like this glitch in our run because it actually makes the game more interesting and more Technical and more difficult because you're skipping sections of the game that could be giving you experience [Music] um also there's a whole bunch of retreat uh PP management going on you have to do so here because SVP is too high people house move a bunch of time to drain SVP um move canceling is the fastest way to drain PP right now apart from healing Booth canceling is the fastest way to drink BP full stop yeah casting Frost is about the same Speedo right yeah casting Frost is very fast you're quite right Okay so we're gonna set up for the next set of Dimension now we're gonna put everyone uh we're setting up for the next Gene fight basically um and also moving a bunch of items around giving Ivan a bunch of perks this is the retreat receipt glitch we're talking about um Plex is going to do a safety safe here because he's gonna run away from everything now and there's a chance he is gonna die a small chance but there is a chance so we also put the mint on Ice um on Ivan which boosts this agility to make sure he unspeeds the turrets and we put the apple on Isaac to intro the damage range on this next gen fight this is Sleek and sleet also has the ability to end this run he has an ability called cross fear which at the level we're fighting him at has a chance to kill Isaac or Garrett in one hit and there's nothing we can do about it it's about a 1 in 20 chance I think okay prison is fine [Music] yeah being safe because we might as well be safe yeah we cut this we could do this fight in one turn by casting uh Ramses with Ivan but Ivan is very squishy and he can die to way more things than everyone else so we just defend them with him one turn and calstr EMS is on the second turn and this will make sure we'll stay safe yeah Mia being a much higher level and putting her in the Jupiter class again leveraging the Gin system Jupiter classes are generally very fast because reasons wind I guess so putting her in a Jupiter class with a high level means she gets really fast and she can outspeed the Gin which basically gives us a free action on the second turn to kill it with and that allows us to defend with Ivan and be safe now he never fights to Taurus using another wrong warp so let me just worry about that for a second that's growth if it works and now we're at the top [Music] so one more gym menu we're gonna put um two Mastery on Ivan this will put them into a level two mask cards which will actually make him the tankiest character in this fight um and because he's out speeding satoros he will be our primary healer he's not gonna heal with um magic he's gonna heal with items which is why we gave him a ton of herbs earlier and uh and some nuts so the herbs heal 50 the nut heals 200. we'll use the nut if we need it um we hopefully don't um actually a pattern-based boss so he has objection uh here's eight actions he will cycle through where he starts in the pattern is random but oh really by the way uh this is Jenna's face I hope you like Jenna's face you're going to see it twice to the top of the lighthouse um the actors weren't loaded into the scene properly and the game is is doesn't know what to do with the portraits and doesn't clear them properly so sartorius's portraits are fine because he's on the screen but Jenna is not so we're gonna see a bit of Jenna sorry continue uh so yeah so Taurus has eight actions you will cycle through um the attacks are attack heat flash Fireball attack Fireball heat flash attack eruption and then let's start from the beginning um the most dangerous one is eruption which deals about 100 damage to the person's targeted on um which will one shot anyone in our party right now so the way we deal with this is we will cast Granite on turn one this will ensure we stay safe and after two attacks or two turns we will know exactly where he's in the pattern and we can play around everything he does after that thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] with fire and so he takes extra damage from water attacks which is why Mia is our primary damage leader in this fight so first attack on heat Flash the next attack is going to be either attack or Fireball something to look really intelligent or really dumb I'm gonna look really dumb fantastic Okay so Lexa preemptively healed with Garrett and Isaac because if this was Fireball then everyone would take damage basically everyone in the middle and this way the interest everyone stays healthy but it was a text so the next one was eruption and he defended to stay alive and now we know exactly where is in the pattern next attack is gonna be attacked um he cannot kill anyone here um next attack will be heat flash um only one person got damaged currently so he will heal it Up and Deal damage for everyone else so on this turn we can cast Granite to take less damage from Fireball which is pretty much exactly the reason why you would pick the brains if we did not have branded here then there is a very real chance that one or multiple people died [Music] all right we're flying from here probably yeah that's good also only three targets so Fireball can hit either three or four people depending on who's targeting um this is just the way AOE Works in this game and we want to see free Target because then we have to do less healing and can do more damage cycling for mercury Trinity to get back nearly which is the highest damage attack we can do right now and I think we can actually kill from this point we can yeah so because we didn't take a lot of damage Mia could cast extra prisms and this means we can now use Venus with um Ivan before the source gets an action and this will kill him and we skip an action from the tourist basically good fight really good fight yes low 119 this is pretty much um a good run very very acceptable very acceptable very runnable for top times you want 118s but hey we're at a marathon 119 is very good for a marathon satoros is like the the wall for the early game we are not going to have another wall until and after that the rest of the game is not I'm not gonna say free but like we can deal with it with the tools that we are given by that point in the run so Taurus is the only fight where we can explicitly go out of our way to do extra stuff to survive yeah so tourists actually has more HP than the next boss fight you're supposed to fight canonically if I remember correctly correct so we're gonna fight two bosses after this trip and kill the right tret is intended to be fought before ceteros he has much less HP than him he's way less of a scary fight and the killer egg which is canonically after satoros but has less HP also not nearly as scary because you have way more tools to deal with the stuff that it can throw at you also one little cool detail that um again looks back to the attention to detail the reason we were actually able to defeat the tourists is because they let them the Mercury Lighthouse which flooded the place with Mercury Synergy and because the truth is on Mars either it actually weakened him to the point where we could actually defeat him at least that's the lower explanation and I think that's really cool that is cool like it's again Mars being fire fire is weak to water makes sense right and throughout this entire Lighthouse any encounter you get in this Lighthouse Mia will recover five PP for free a four PT for free throughout the lighthouse and it's the lore is that because you're in this place of such powerful Mercury watery energy that she gets a power up and the way the game represents that power-up is through her recovering PP every turn we probably didn't see it because we were just running away from everything but it's a cool little attention to detail the same is true of every lighthouse in fact when we get to the the next Lighthouse which is Venus Lighthouse you'll see Isaac will recover for PP each turn as well but that's in some time where we've got much much game to be had before we get to Venus lighthouse and one thing I actually learned a few days ago is that um okay slight spoiler alert but the end fight is split in two phases and after the you collect after you complete the first phase Isaac and Garrett actually get the pp restored it's because of the effects it's amazing I love it [Music] so I think one more thing I'll pull out in this tutorials fight was really mentioned ages ago that we were splitting about gin across people you would have noticed that we had two Venus on Isaac and two Mercury uh sorry two eyes two Venus gens split across Isaac and Garrett and team Mercury gen split across Isaac and Garrett the reason why we did that is that it before the recovery reasons so every time I use the summon like a neraid or Ramses I'd have both those gin recover at the same time on the same turn which allows me to basically keep cycling those summons uh repeatedly I got an answer to drop that's super annoying yeah so much life in my inventory yeah much like in the Overworld um every time you summon there's a turn where no chain recover and then you recover one gen per turn and if you split them up like this it just works out that you get to use them earlier again depending on that depending on which Shin you want to use you can manipulate it basically and the way we split up our gin is like very unintuitive to the Casual player because the Casual player sticks all of the Gin of the same element on a person and is happy about life and you can absolutely play the game like that there's nothing wrong with playing a game like that um but you're basically leveraging the fact you've got these big classes to like kind of power you through everything which is completely fine it's just not fast I mean terrible Overworld aren't you um for us we're going to straight away all of those stats for the ability to access summons rapidly so we're going to distribute our gen across our party in a way that allows us to have someone's readily available and readily returning to us as frequently as possible so we're going to be incredibly fragile which is why if we get caught by surprise we will probably die but we will have enormous power so Ivan probably will be fast enough to out speed things and blow them up with his uh with whatever summon is appropriate to choose at the time it's a very cool element of the routing here I'm getting terrible RNG here classic run back so yeah yeah classic Romance so um after this tourist fight plexa moved one Mercury Genie from Garrett over to Isaac so now Isaac is in level two Mercury class and has access to avoid um avoid works like a repellent Pokemon um more or less um and the way it works in this game specifically is that if the average expected level of the enemy in a area is lower than your current average party member level you will just get no encounters or you will not accrue when counter steps and because we're a high enough level we will not get any encounters until the second room of Colima Forest this is like the only time we use a void in this game because if we had a point of the Run we are way too on the levels yeah we're casting a point here so it persists through the first room of the next dungeon um also because everyone is a level two class now everyone's tankier so running away is less scary yeah so we'll readily change up our gin set up depending on our strategy at the time anytime where we're trying to kill things which is going to be once we get out of this area and into the next area we'll start killing things again we'll be splitting our gin up across our people across everybody so we can make use of summons really efficiently then later on we'll try and be running from things and we'll rearrange our gin in ways that will give us the most amount of stats on people so again the Gen system is really fantastic like changing your abilities changing your stats it's really intricate and like it's really cool can we get more people doing it please we absolutely do how are things on your end by the way oh it's doing great I'm enjoying the run and the super fast menus that everyone has been mentioning in chat as well really really cool to look at this front so far so we've got a few donations here uh we've got 25 from zekby a long time Watcher first time donor here I'm so glad the RPG mid break is back my voice my wife's brother lost his battle to mental illness almost a year ago so I'm donating to the great cause that is Nami and he in his memory we both love Golden Sun good luck plexa and thanks everyone for the great work you do greetings from Chile and we've got a 10 donation from airplane saying Golden Sun Golden Sun Golden Sun [Music] thank you very much for those of those heartfelt donations I'm going to do a trick here in honor of Val nocturno if I can get it so what plexus trying to do here is he's a rain aligned to this tree stump here and if he presses up and a at the same frame he will be able to open this uh treasure chest we did it all right there's a reason because there's Story Time ahead uh battle nocturno again old school Golden Stone Runner he was on a mission to open that chest using that trick um like we didn't know that track was possible but he was determined to find it completely useless to the speedrun completely useless to every person who has ever run this game but he was on a man on a mission he threw himself against that for hours and eventually cracked it yay we can get the thing without solving the puzzle everybody wasn't going home and uh had a good time four or five years later um this game got broken with arbitrary code execution involving deep out of bounds manipulation and triplet which is the dungeon we're currently in and it turns out the critical thing to do all of the cool manipulation that we want to do in any percent requires Isaac's defense value to be very particular values and suddenly the fur coat which is the item I just picked up from that chest became relevant to the speedrun because it gives you a unique defense value that allows uh our 80 friends to basically do arbitrary code execution so I find it really awesome that like that that completely irrelevant glitch became completely essential to beating this game the fastest possible way shout outs to definitely not FX um he he's run that category before absolute legend of the community he has really driven that category in particular a long way and all variants of the highly manipulated categories realistically and that all comes down to getting these cool defense values so shout outs to Bal shallots to FX shout outs to Golden Sun in general cool series cool game Cool people all right another gin please don't run away oh yeah one thing we didn't mention is that uh Gene that you fight in the world over in dungeons have the ability to run away um when they do you have to reset the room to make them appear again and some Gin it's not that bad like for breeze it's the the next door is about a step a few steps from here so you lose like 10 or 15 seconds for other gym it's up to a minute so every gen has an 11 chance to flee 11. um we hope they don't try but that one of them probably will realistically yeah across all the Gin we fight um if you do the the statistics there's about a 50 chance I think that at least one of them at least once [Music] okay we're coming up at our next boss fight you want to talk about trip for me for a little bit uh yes so tread will be a free turn fight and and he has one ability in particular we don't want to see him which is sleep star um sleep Star as the name implies is the ability to put someone to sleep um it isn't particularly dangerous or anything because dread is just not a very strong boss but it has the potential to slow down the fight we don't want to see that so again I'm gonna switch our chin around a bit I'm putting one of Venus chin on Garrett on Ivan so basically we was playing in the chain all over the place again instead of having two of each element on one character um so again front opening a bunch of damage with a summon and using fever physical attack performance Mass damage threat is weak to Mars and this is also a cool thing about the Bell System at the start of the fight we actually only had one Master on standby we still are able to use Kirin but the game will tell you you do not have enough gin set um so it will fail but if we use fever in the same turn before the person that uses the summon um it will update in real time basically so Isaac used fever we now have two two months to standby and Mia is able to use Kirin the same thing happened here with Ramsay's and Flint damn we didn't get a rainbow kill so every every if you defeat an enemy with a gin that it is weak to so every every enemy has a weakness table of um elements so if you defeat an enemy with a gin then it is weak to so in this case tret being a tree is weak to fire surprise surprise um there is a chance that it flashes rainbow colors and if it flashes rainbow colors you get 30 more experience and 30 more money we don't care about the money the experience is helpful in this case uh we got unlucky and it didn't work it's not 30 by the way it's um yeah I was I was thinking about the chance for it to flash rainbow color transfer it to flash rainbow color is dependent on your elemental power of that element so Gary also a higher chance to do it because he's a fire fire edit yeah I think um if I remember correctly in this state we're in it's about an 86 chance to work um if we boosted the mass power of um Isaac by using Kirin which we did not do um we could boost it to 100 percent and we have a rewarded with more cutscenes um one of the reasons we go to Mercury lighthouse first rather than coming here and doing trip aside from having far more Firepower to clear through this dungeon a lot faster um in order to completely finish this dungeon you need to give Tripp the Hermes water the Hermes water is an item that is only accessible from Mercury Lighthouse after you've declared Mercury lighthouse so rather than doing two trips into Kalima we take one trip into Kalima and uh it works out overall faster to do it this way [Music] yeah the reason we have to complete this dungeon is because um there's a bridge connecting the two lens um that is they're separate by the river and there's a bridge and the person that is operating the bridge is one of the people from Colima was turned in the tree and now we will be a human again and he can lower the bridge for us [Music] good old plot reasons yeah funny enough we could skip this even in this category if we allowed it but that's certainly earlier it would not be a good idea for the health of the Run yeah this is the rally is referencing get storage uh get storage basically would uh if you die on the same frame that you do a screen transition provided it's uh there's some things that go that work with it I'm not going to go into details but if you align the conditions exactly you can basically walk past the loading zone and what you do is you do a very precise walk in this room and you can walk past the loading zone at the bottom of the screen and then walk around the top of the screen and walk past the bridge allowing you to skip well pretty much everything that we just did which is um yeah no threat yeah just too much we probably we would still have to go to Mercury Lighthouse to get poisoned in the first place so we would still collect Mia but yeah after that we would just leave immediately it will also not be a very fun grind because we have to get poisoned um would make the run very unfun so this is the last bit for a while we'll be trying to run away from things right thank you very unlucky second encounter tool yeah it's okay it happens to become accustomed to the bad energy when you play this game so now we're going to do an optional dungeon so this is Fusion Temple it's connected to Fusion Falls it's not strictly required to advance the story or the plot or the game but there is a gin in here um this gin is Zephyr Zephyr is useful for two reasons one it's Jupiter two it uh gives us more agility when it's used in battle which is convenient but not enough to get it on its own the real reason we get it is because it's a Jupiter Journey um and that gives us access to the tier 3 Jupiter summon which is property is the fastest ability in this game that is not a basic attack and it's AOE and it basically one shots everything so even though this is like a two two and a half minute investment it is 100 worth it to go and get property it makes the everything following this so so much faster and not only that it also makes things a lot safer yeah you can absolutely try to decent characters in here yeah that's a very scary encounter anything with a bone fighter in it is very spooky so another Retreat is coming up here um this is hidden path you're supposed to light this room up by you know inserting a dribble into the dragon statue um which would make the path visible but the path is obviously as a wage and just go over there and give some Retreat glitch to enter this room and by itself up foreign with a particular ability called stormright um he didn't choose to use storm right or run away so this is fine we're okay with this outcome [Music] all right we assuming and again with the perfect PP management so we were able to do the retreat catch here but after walking the steps over to Zephyr we have exactly enough to retreat out immediately yeah the PPE Management in this game is one of those subtle things that it's really easy to overlook as a new Runner um but over time you build up like skill and you just know how to get like little bits of pp recovery here and there to like make things work like sometimes I'll take a slightly sub-optimal uh movement path to get an extra PP recovery or something and it it just works out in really nice ways this is property it's fast it kills things we are now going to start taking encounters by the way in this point exclusively it is now fast it is not faster to flee on average because prockney is so so fast I've been out speeds every enemy here and he one shuts every enemy with brockney if he targets them on some enemies we will need an additional percentage to clear things but that's okay I didn't heal anybody that's bad of me thank you so we are putting Mir into the Mars class by making Forge set that allows Mia to also pretty much out speed everything except for these nasty bats because every so often we do need to throw in an extra ability and the extra ability in this case is going to be prison most of the time uh at her being in the Mars class mixture faster and allows her to do this her Base Class is actually really slow being a cleric or a Healer or a priest whatever you want to call it um she doesn't have a lot of speed but by changing her class around by putting her in this Pilgrim series by putting her the mouse glasses she gets enough agility to go fast which is nice I'll probably get one more encounter yeah here it is perfect and by perfect I mean there's a really inconvenient time to get that encounter because now I'm gonna have another round like a doofus for a bit sit up for this fight yeah so this is quartz uh for Venus journey and if he runs away it's very annoying because we have to run all the way back reset the room uh run back to quartz again it didn't run this is good but if he were to run away it would be at least a minute um lost yeah because you're old streaming at least one minute at least if you pick up at least one more encounter maybe two and it's just very very nasty yeah it's very slow like quartz is probably the most punishing flea in the game basically in this one at least it gets even worse in TLA [Music] oh yeah it's always Venus Trini always Venus chin shout outs to Steel um in the Lost age [Music] do we have something for some donations absolutely all right so we've got 15 from smelly Mac trolls saying is this the ocean pictures to Garrett yo smelly so we've got a hundred dollar uh donation from an animal thank you very much and we've got another 100 donation from saidita saying good luck to On the Run plexa and thanks to Legrand and really for commentating and the hosting well thank you for you donations are data and finally we've got the 10 donation from Zed saying can't tell you how much it shocked me to hear how long ago this game came out many of phone memories playing it is growing up the Gin system was so mind long at the time hope energy goes in your favor so we just picked up an item here just picked up an item here um this is the Elven shirt um it's probably the most powerful item in this game um what it does is it raises the agility from whoever wears it by 50 percent um currently we think that they could come here this will ensure she keeps out speeding things throughout the mid game later on we will equip it to Ivan to ensure he outspeeds every and every single enemy in the game throughout the rest of the Run um so we can one shot things and people safe this is actually the only item in the game you get that's out of our way um yeah it's just that powerful yeah the open [ __ ] is busted agility is a really important stat and so by giving us like 50 extra agility it's kind of good right kill the Rope time you've explained the killery uh yes Clary um so he has a couple abilities that we all want to see one of them is warcry um which stuns one of our characters and removes her action or it has a chance to uh he also has ransick which can pretty much punch oh it does look at 70 damage to one character it can one should I even bind on Garrett is not very fun because we were just about to cast flare wall on this next turn with him so we have to adapt our strategy now because yeah that's the front and one so we are able to speed him from now on except for Garrett because he's slow and now we put a bunch of damage from summons into him and then finish him up in the next turn hope hopefully it depends on whether this bind stays on for the next turn we may have an extra turn in our hands now that's okay yeah walk right on Isaac doesn't matter here because you already got the section off yeah we are eating an extra turn [Music] usually we try to kill with fever here again for rainbow kill reasons but because we're missing the flywheel from the second turn it's not enough to kill yet there we go a little bit of a backup strap but that's fine it happens so usually it's a three-ton fight as Riley was saying but killer rape decided to be mean so I'm gonna try and do a trick here if I can I'm not very good at it [Music] so there's this lady walking over um she's still moving while we're menuing so that is pretty much time neutral and she is carrying water to this little pot over there and when we talk there she drops it and we can use this funnel to make a little pillar and with careful positioning we can clip on top of it and that saves about five seconds it's it's like Pixel Perfect ish it's not but like it's like a pixel and a half perfect this game does use sub pixels so it I can talk about half pixels without being completely wrong um yeah it's it's annoying to get the position right but once you get the setup it kind of works okay and because we have time to kill it's not a big deal oh these Apes you want to talk about these Apes oh yeah so these apes are these also appear in Mogul Forest the last dungeon we were just in um usually they appear if you cast a force on little three stumps you saw um they're basically intended to be a minibus and these are the same Apes that appear in that dungeon which means they have a lot of HP um to the point where we would need to use two tier threesomes to clear them which would be slow so every time we see an ape we will try to run and hope they don't kill us yeah they actually they have more HP that yeah yeah so there's more HP Than The Last Enemy and their kind of line so later on we'll see these pink Apes they call the dead they had more HP than those which is just silly there's like 20 more HP it's it's 60 more HP 60 is silly yeah it's absolutely ridiculous something is not right I know what's wrong all right I know that's not right there we go so now we have a setup going on we call it pocket property um this next dungeon we will do a mixture of fighting and fleeing so every time you can clear an encounter with just prockney or with sanitary and prognee we will do that and if we see anything else like an ape then it will try to run away and the setup we have going on right now um he's set up for an Xbox fight or mini boss fight so it's not active right now but after that boss fight we will go after every fight into the June menu it's only sent by the Jupiter Genie so we have property Prime and every other gin will say set this will give us the maximum amount of survivability and tankiness while still giving us access to proxy foreign this is the frost tutorial by the way that ability that we had to use earlier to get the Gin the the Mist back in the previous Town we're getting the tutorial for that ability now which doesn't quite make sense but let's just roll with it okay there's really nothing but these little midi bosses can do to us um I guess they could crit that's a possibility but there's really nothing they can do it's it's just they can lose Time by choosing slow abilities that's basically it but there's one other thing we got to do in this next dungeon you want to talk a little bit about it really oh yeah sure so but plexo will try to do during the course of this dungeon is he will try to get poison on one of our party members um there's two reasons for that um or like there's one reason for it and we can use it on two occasions so in this game when you're poisoned and you walk in the Overworld every few steps you get a poison tick like pretty much every other RPG where the status effect exists and you take a little bit damage but also you do a little jump um and this jump actually changes your z-axis a slight amount when this happens and because of this we can actually interact with things on a higher plane and using another trick that will come up later we can clip into things and skip a huge part of the game more to that when we get there and there's two enemies in this dungeon that can poison us one of them are the some kind of the Slime line this little red guy here um and spiders so the strategy here will be whenever we see a poison encounter we will try to run away from them or if we get really desperate we will defend the punch and hopefully poison us quickly um and yeah this is one of those awkward encounters where we kind of want to kill it fast but we also want to get poisoned so flexor doesn't mix here the way he has broccoli with Garrett which gives the terrain for the one chance to poison us before we kill it off and this is kind of a trade-off between speed and getting chances to get poisoned yeah it's not great this is one of the parts of the runs um which is really dependent on RNG how good your run will be um sometimes you get poisoned right away which is good but not optimal um pretty much the best um part to get poisoned is right before we need it because obviously keeping a poison does damage every time we have to heal it off and cause it costs a few seconds every time hmm okay this is fine we want to hopefully we can get poisons in the next little block uh the thing you don't want to have do is be grinding in the last area for poison because just if you look at the encounter rate of the various enemies that can give you poison they are the least likely to show right before we need it uh so fingers crossed we get in this next little section if we don't I'll probably just run around for a while until we get it yeah so as you progress into this dungeon the probability for each encounter group to appear will be um changed slightly so we are less likely to encounter poison enemies [Music] [Music] do we have some time for one more donation yes so we've got an extra 100 donation from worm fish thanks thanks for streaming and supporting Nami well thank you for your donation armpits thank you very much for donations okay this is sub-optimal yeah this is annoying so we can still go on now and complete the dungeon before we have to heal or we have before we have to revive Garrett it will just be significantly more dangerous and we will not have access to procny more than once unless we change it right now he bit you that we're changing it yeah yeah so um if a person is dead then any gin they have on recovery mode will not recover so plexa there's a flag straight here where he puts one of the Jupiter Chinese that was on Garrett on Ivan so we can still clear things and get property back yeah now everything's gonna be really weird because I'm only gonna have like two people to defend with instead of three so there will be a fight where I uh triple defend out of instinct let's hope that doesn't happen too often we are still looking for that poison yeah we've got one more living statue fight coming up and after that we will need poison to do the trick we were talking about foreign yeah we really do want to get it in this room um there's really no better opportunity to do it than this room um we again we can get it later on but the chances to see the encounter that we need is much lower and we'll probably just run it to the wrong thing like now that's okay we can go through to the living statue uh clear the living statue and then grind for poison that's that's perfectly acceptable not ideal but it's acceptable foreign okay got it right away that's good um now we just have to get away yeah just to get out of this [Music] drench is awesome [Music] ahead of experience as well which is nice foreign no friends it's Garrett Garrett's gonna let the team down today like I said he's the tankiest character in this game but he uh he's very bad at that job but that's fine so one annoying little thing about poison is that um if it's on the first character in your party and you try to run away and you fail then it will also proc um so I suppose flexible also move from here into slot two soon to avoid that yep we also didn't talk about that um before or yeah right before the tread fight plexa moved me here into slot 2 uh into this little one this is for two reasons one of them is that Isaac and Garrett being the tankiest characters they can take more damage and whenever an enemy does an AOE attack they will naturally get hit more often so that distributes the damage a little bit better and also whenever an enemy does a single target attack there's a slight bias to the left side so whoever's on the left side will get targeted more often and whoever's on directive slightly less often it's not very significant but it's a thing that exists and Ivan being the least tanky character we want him in slot four so he doesn't get targeted so often [Music] so yeah I can use the little jump we get from the poison prop to interact with the Gin when it's on a different plane for some reason you can interact with it from like quite some distance down um so we can do that little cute trick there to get this gin very quickly funnily enough this dungeon is actually completely skippable uh there was a door earlier that we could retrieve whooped through and skipped the entire thing but there's an even bigger skip coming up which relies on the the item we get as a prize for completing this dungeon oh no this is gonna be weird that's fine um and so we actually need to finish this dungeon um to get that that reward which is going to be the lift gym that's going to allow us an even bigger skip later on yeah so there's one instance of um having to use lift in this category in this current route um we currently have no way to skip that so we have to get get the lift gem so every time we get poisoned propped it only deals like five percent of our HP I think it's not a lot this is a bit spooky that's okay so we really don't really worry too much about the damage we're taking from Poison I mean it's relevant eventually but like a little bit of Chip damage here and there is not worth worrying about the only one the only thing we don't want to see is anything targeting our poison characters um if the poison character dies then we have to grind poison again and if this happens after the dungeon then it's just very unpleasant yeah there's only one way to get poisoned after this dungeon before we need it and uh yeah we don't want to do that yeah it involves the uh Manticore boss at the end of lemakon desert which is uh quite dangerous very dangerous all right so because we didn't get Force which was the prize at the end of fusion Falls cave we had this cutscene instead where Garrett kicks the sign for whatever reason and causes an avalanche thank you Garrett the one thing is good for kicking signs yeah how are you gonna do the you know what trick of course I'm gonna try it's gonna look silly okay so well yeah so the boulder smashed a huge hole into the ground and normally there would be a boss fight coming up but we can skip it um and one of the methods to skip it is something called the infinite climb glitch so it turns out that if you hold down on the ladder for exactly 13 frames and then switch to up on the 14th frame um you just climb up the ladder immediately and you skip the loading zone and this way we can get out of bounds and do a little walk around Behind the Walls and behind the spots there's the chest with the lift gem we pick it up and we treat it we Retreat out a very cool trick the other way to do it would be to do the retreat glitch because when you do we go into Retreat mode then loading zones are also disabled and then you can just climb up the ladder while in Retreat mode and do the same thing um doing that is a little bit easier but it also is a little bit slower if you can do the infinite time page right away all right and we're basically done now we we've got the got our prize for beating the boss I think um and we're on our way and we're going to get off to what's it called llama Temple don't want to mess around with these guys so they can be a bit dangerous and they die quickly so you just bulk them and we're on our way to llama Temple and on our way to lamacan Desert which is a very memorable desert where um [Music] and we've got the more cutscenes coming up cutscenes how are things in the hall look around and we need we need something to distract us help oh I'm here for it uh we don't want to bother about what's happening in Cuts in any way there is lore but who cares uh so we've got twenty dollars from South Thor saying I had to donate drink one of my favorite franchises and for a shot at a chance to play DND with Bob he's such a wonderful person who I had the pleasure to meet even before most of you met him love you Bob it was great to hear you hosting at RPG limit break again and we've got another 15 donation from the city alter maven saying we have two games with sun in the title Golden Sun is a good series but I'm also exhausted for Warriors of the Eternal Sun rather in their appreciated Genesis gem that I'm excited to see appearing in the marathon at Dragon bites the bad RNG and yeah Warriors of the Eternal Sun is going to be the next run right after Golden Sun and it's a big shout outs to DND and a good old tabletop RPGs and regarding that there is a bit War open for the game which is uh choosing the character class you've got cleric dwarf elf fighter and halfling and currently before I refresh there was a no nothing put towards this incentive so you can still very much influence this oh wait no hell health is now leading with 15 but you can very much easily change that outcome if you donate for NAMI so go ahead and get those donations ready foreign thank you look around um lore update I guess seeing as we skipped through this so unpolitely um we've come to this this Temple and just before a desert and um yeah for some reason we have a connection to this this woman who is the master Hammer she is uh wants to teach Ivan the power of reveal to get through the next dungeon and uh she's unsure about it because she has been unsuccessful in the past um but faisy who is this girl down here saying it worked I could see it it worked for me because she also got hit in the head by some of these things most of the bad things that happened in this world is because Synergy Stones came running down on everybody in the world um so anyway now Palmer is inspired and says well maybe it can work and uh teaches it to Ivan just before she leaves this room um so then we get the power to reveal things which is very helpful um one of the few synergies remaining that we actually need to complete the game um it turns out that a hammer is eventually I've insisted but that's the law from the next game that I've just spoiled for you apologies anyway uh she is rushing off to go save uh see you or Roblox or I forget his name properly like he his name changed his between games anyway he's trapped under a boulder which we can help with by lifting the boulder off of him but we're not gonna do that because it's slow don't worry though 100 saves them 100 has to do it uh if you save the guy it unlocks a special event in the sequel uh where you get what is it the golden ring I think at some point in the game um anyway Waters of Life uh we are getting our first war of life in a very very long time from this chest over here we don't strictly speaking need it every Runner gets it because you are very likely to have somebody die so it more often than not it comes in helpful all right alarm I can't get this I'm gonna take a very particular path through this dungeon this is very awkward uh we're gonna take a very particular path through this dungeon um because we're going to do a little trick later on um look at what the slip and slide trick uh really do you want to explain slip and slide well I worry about my weird menu uh yeah sure so this area or this dungeon has these little rings of stones where if you cast reveal it will reveal Oasis which you normally use to lower your heat gauge um they also have another property um related to reveal and Retreat glitch where um if you cast reveal and to make the Oasis appear and you go into Retreat mode if you walk into the wheels um you will actually slide across the Oasis and in certain scenarios this can take you out of bounds this only works below 50 heat cage so pixel is going a very specific path through the dungeon to ensure we will have just under 50 so the trick works also training PPP with Isaac so we will be able to use Retreat mode soon [Music] yeah this isn't a very confusing moment for me um usually I have beer in the the first position and it's really throwing me off plus the red background is is not helping either but that's okay we will survive and it's fine so there's another gin here uh it's just kind of hidden in this Oasis over here all this set of stones yeah conveniently even though he's in a dungeon he will not fight us my explanation for that is that he's just too exhausted from the heat so it just doesn't bother smog being the fourth Jupiter Jimmy will give us access to the tier 4 Jupiter summon which is Thor [Music] that's muscle memory coming at you foreign [Music] it's fine so this is the trick okay cast reveal Runway around it's okay we'll Force an encounter okay so usually you're supposed to go into retreatment first um so flexor now takes another encounter to go out of retreat mode and then he can attempt the trick again yeah it's okay I was getting extra experience it's no big deal it's gonna get rid of all my heat gauge because looks because I don't want it you know come down here so check on our BP make sure I'm uh yeah I'm going to retreat mode go into a very specific um alignment which he unfortunately missed it's okay you can try there we go um this will work here so yeah we'll slip out of pounds and and now we can move on to coordinate zero zero so just the top left corner of the map um because for some reason the Manticore which is the end was of this dungeon lives on coordinate zero zero on every map of this dungeon so we just go there interact with him and we can take the boss just realized I'm gonna have to take two recoveries here that's annoying oh now this menu is all weird uh let's just oh yeah it's just you could switch from here back to spot one I guess yeah this makes way more sense actually here we go heal everyone up and then we can go into the fight oh we also switched to Ivan at this point we can delay it until later but it doesn't really matter yeah there we go spooky foreign [Music] just the extra stuff that happens it just makes it quite frustrating that's okay not the end of the world metacore is a pattern-based boss it will cycle through its eight abilities in order again we don't know where it starts but this fight is so short it doesn't actually matter yeah one of the things one of the things that the poison tricks enable us to do is collect Spritz early so before they skipped it um and because of that we now have access to Warriors which change the semantical to a two turn fight instead of a three turn fight which makes it a much much safer before that this boss used to be able to kill runs and now it's like a one percent chance if I believe in that yeah so by using Zephyr we're able to get faster than mental so we only have to deal with two attacks from the manticoff which is very convenient yeah one of the main reasons actually is just this boss and before that also crap but we don't do that anymore yeah I mean Zephyr is very useful it's it's very hard to justify skipping it which is why no one has done it yeah there are discussions or there have been discussions about skipping's effort because it's a two and a half minute detour um at best if you skip him and everything else lines up perfectly you save about 30 seconds or 45 seconds are the estimates but in this game usually nothing goes perfectly so we just get him that's fine um buying was nice that's good [Music] um yeah 100 he has a 40 chance to show up but all other gen in the Overworld with 100 chance but this guy's got 40 for whatever reason uh so it's um yeah a bit of a crap shoot whether he turns up or not we have a technique um where we'd call it by interping or stutter stepping because if you do not press in Direction on the same frame where the encounter happens then it will always be mine so we can boost our success rate by doing that people talk a lot about judgment in a moment but we're going to do a trick called crack and skip which is the biggest skip in this run yeah this is the second um opportunity where we get to use the poison which um Plexi will do a very precise movement setup here um and then we will do seven jumps over this little Gap and then poison will rock two times and it will enable us to clip just enough into the pillar so we can move it out of the way and this skips the entire boat yes this Cup's having to go across the cargo sea which is a long and arduous Adventure across the ocean culminating and fighting a giant squid um it's like 15 minutes or something to go through that whole sequence and that skipped all of it so that little detour where we actually have to just finish off completing the um Alton mines to get lift to move this Boulder out of the way is far shorter than the boat sequence and it means we miss Garrett's we miss Garrett's fantastic line about the ocean um so Garrett's has a moment where he's like oh I can't believe we finally see the ocean the guy's like it's not an ocean it's a sea he's like damn maybe one day we'll see an ocean ignoring the fact he's been traversing around the world where there's like ocean all around him so shout outs to Garrett what are we gonna say on the ground pretty much exactly the same thing actually I love it it's a little bit sad that we skipped cracking in my opinion because I think it's one of the most iconic bosses in this game um gave a lot of casual players trouble when they played through it actually also gave us a lot of troubles um skipping is Good from a speed run perspective but I still think it's a bit sad that we don't get to fight it anymore except the glitchless yeah I do miss the Kraken sometimes Kraken was not always the nicest boss but um yeah he certainly was iconic and it was a nice little break in the middle of the run where you just had to sit around and do nothing so now we're gonna get our fourth Master near this is Ember we will pretty much never use him um we just get him so we have access to the tier 4 Mastermind meteor so right now you can see my kin I've split them up so that each element is kind of like one per person so that basically means I can use any tier 4 summon and on with one recovery everything will come back to me so that's going to be the strategy from here on out we're going to use tier 4 summons to blow things up as quickly as we can and if we can we're going to use judgment as often as possible so judgment being the Venus tier 4 summon it's the strongest slash fastest of the tier 4 summons well it's the strongest all the tfl summers are basically equal but it's the fastest of the tf4 summons so we won't use it frequently it saves two seconds over the next fastest which is Media which is the Mars One yeah this is one of the major sources of time save once you get good at this category is recognizing encounters how to clear them efficiently and inputting the correct summon to clear them fast so these rats are very annoying they can defend and basically survive anything that's fine yeah they're very annoying but yeah so in a nutshell whenever we can use judgment we want his judgment and if judgment does not kill then we will use whatever is the next appropriate summon Thor is the slowest summon but sometimes it's just the best thing you can do because killing something in one hit and having them not get an action is still better than doing anything else yeah we definitely want to minimize enemy actions wherever we can like we just don't have stats so we pretty much uh whip whip tissue paper in the wind basically but we will start fleeing now actually because fleeing is faster on average everyone's favorite part of the game who runs this um ultimate the cave so Alexa is now going to put um Isaac into his T3 Venus class by putting every winner string we have on him and everyone else into a level two class as well so this gives us more think ability and will enable us to run away from things we call this the Gallant Isaac Strat or like Rambo Isaac's threat because sometimes at the end of the dungeon only Isaac is Alive running away from everything this is this is this is the Gallant Isaac strap until everybody is dead except for Isaac then it's the Rambo Strat yeah yeah exactly which unfortunately happens more often than we like to admit yeah but uh before that we used to fight encounters here about fighting encounters here is quite slow because you have to use judgment uh recover Jin every time sometimes you have to use more than judgment or other summons like Warriors which are slower um eventually we figured out that if we do the setup that running away on average is faster than fighting everything and we have the level thresholds we need to clear colossal so this is fine and we also have the water flight from lamakan um if things go wrong this is one of the scariest encounters you can get in Double Dragon they have very high damage AOE attacks and double thing can almost kill someone what it would one shouldn't be a foreign everybody in the community if you if you do accept Gallant Isaac into your life you will die to double dread Hound at some point some would say I'm being irresponsible right now by running away in this dungeon um they're probably right but it's fast and we gotta go fast I spent too long trying to get the fur coat so I need to make the time up that is a gin called Squall over there we're not going to get squirrel Squall is a friend but um fortunately School takes like 40 seconds to collect and does not return on investment so we just leave school alone yeah we pretty much have all the Gin we need to finish the game already except for one um one Shin we didn't talk about earlier with plexor picked up is ground um our fifth penis Genie and we picked it up because it's just overpowered what does ground do really so ground is a priority Genie much like Granite which means that whoever uses it goes first no matter the urgency set and you can Target it on one enemy and it will take away their action for the turn which is very powerful it's extremely powerful it's silly levels are powerful [Music] um yeah it's it's insane so at this point in the game after you get forging of each element there are no more summons to be had in the last stage they expanded it to have more summons but in this game there are no more summons that we can get so pretty much at max power right now goodbye Ivan yeah Swift trick is neither one of these abilities that have a chance to proc for extra damage and I think it's a triple damage uh modifier this is very scary okay we should be fine from now we failed three times and now we've gotta wait for him I think we did like a 90 or 95 chance to flee there you can yeah you can't quad fail and it's not very pleasant yeah let's let's um we'll get back to the gym in a moment let's recall recall the flame mechanics because it's starting to become relevant um I haven't got a 30 chance to flee here just given my little versus the enemies levels uh this is a preset puzzle of the colors are preset the wheel isn't doesn't matter we know the order so every time I fail you get 20 extra to flee so it starts at 30 it's going to go to 50 then 70 then 90 and then I'm guaranteed um so anytime I quad fail it's a very very sad instance because I failed the 30 to 50 to 70 and a 90 in a row which is not very likely um yeah now we're now we're a little bit uh things are a little bit scary sweet we might might stop making a safety stable too um what I was saying about gin though was um was that we're pretty much at max power so we're only going to go out of our way for very special things at this point and it just so happens that ground is one of those very special things that's extremely powerful so we go and get ahead and get it up pick it up the other gin that we collect later on is Flash if you know Golden Sun you know flash it's a 90 damage reduction for the party on the turn when it's used um obscenely strong and we will make use of that so those are the only two gin that we got out of our way to collect after rushing to tier 4. more cutscenes coming up in a bit um we actually haven't talked about Viking to this cave um basically the ruler of Toby which is the town that we visited earlier oh this is scary okay good thing we had the safety seat because yeah this can happen that happens okay so a little bit more before we talk to Bobby but yeah Bobby the ruler of Toby he's a guy that is about 150 or even even older 150 years um the reason he got so old is because of a a tonic that he took from the muria ancient civilization that extends life and he stores this tonic in this cave so no one else can access it um turns out he has used it for so long and he's run out of it rapidly so we know he started rationing it and it just so happened that he had an instance of weakness where he could not get up and go on anymore and so he's lying on the ground being invisible because he has a cloak ball and he got us to retrieve the tonic to help him get up back up on his feet I've talked to him earlier because it gives a cutscene this is very annoying I was like literally one encounter before getting here it's literally one encounter and it was a bad encounter too like that's one of the scarier encounters like anything with a Golem in it is quite scary so oh well it happens welcome to Golden Sun so yeah Bobby being an old guy in Golden Sun this is also another running gag in the community everyone who is very old talks a lot and we have solid seven minutes of cartoons coming up right now what's is it seven um okay maybe I think the last Darby Cuts in seven minutes the last Bobby cut scene's like six and a half yeah like this one is this is definitely long there's like two cutscenes here four minutes maybe five minutes it's enough to get a bathroom break if you use too much yeah unfortunately the Wii U isn't that great at doing turbo so unless there's a convenient opportunity for me to switch controllers which well this cutscene there isn't I have to mash it out so again legalize Turbo make do your hands a favor and also Hardware Factory manufacturers make controls with turbo that's true please let me use a better controller than this one it's awful but it has the turbo button so it's good enough yeah depending on your condition coming out of alt Miller cave some there are two ways we need to return to Toby there are two ways you can return to tell but you can run back which is generally quite fast or you can death warp which means you die and get sent back with the condition I was in oh I am in actually I I think it's going to be faster than death warp so I'm going to attempt to death war yeah I think I would agree there yeah on the Run yeah it's very hard to it's very hard to time it as well because getting a good effort means you had a very bad time running back to Bobby so it's not quite clear whether running back or doing the deaf work would be faster yeah all right it's it's very hard to figure out what's usually good here usually if you get a good effort then it's very fast and it's it can pay off yeah the basically if you can get a fast guess whoop you've probably had a bad cave that's usually how it works out yeah it's a it's like it's more of a getting time back more than saving time yeah yeah yeah yeah exactly so Bobby here he knows Creighton uh trading was one of Bobby's students in fact Bobby sent Creighton to Vale many years ago to study Alchemy there on his behalf so that's how Bobby is relevant to the plot Bobby will kind of dominate the rest of the plot of this game um he is not generally seen as a villain but he does pretty villainous things so he's kidnapped in uh what a 10 year old girl a 12 year old girl I don't know how young she is and basically keeping her hostage uh to kind of blackmail a town into building a lighthouse for him to search for the draft that extends his life that sounds pretty bad uh many years he's pretty much a selfish jerk um but he will give us a quest to kind of go to Venus Lighthouse after this this bit of gameplay and uh send us on our way and give us a boat as well so morally great at best this for this guy but he's gonna make us compete in a tournament called Colosso which is what people have generously donated for um oh yeah see our abilities in action so we have to fight three Gladiators and they're progressively more difficult and while we get to cheat but we're not going to cheat because cheating is slow cheetahs don't win friends you have to um play by the rules or something like Colosso is one of those like very iconic Golden Sun moments as well I think a lot of people remember Colosso from their casualties oh yeah absolutely when I played casually I kept the safe state right before colossal just so I could replay it Okay so plexa put in 2 Chain on standby this okay this is terrible the worst thing yeah I know really bad I think at this point it would have been better to just walk back but whatever so anyway uh plexa put two gin on standby this enables him to fail summon judgment which is the fastest action he can do right now that doesn't defend uh and it also sets him up for the first fighting colossal so it saves a little bit of time there okay we got the default now it's also where we come and get ember early it's technically faster to get inval later which was that margin that we got earlier but if you do that you can't death walk back because death warping to get Emperor is very slow so on average this is faster if you if you did not visit Toby and you died you would get sent back all the way back to lamakan Temple and even if you played this game for the first time or did the speed run of this game for the first time you would lose solid 30 minutes or so it would not be fun yeah and then we would be going and sailing the seven season fighting the squid oh yeah true we never push the pillar down so we cannot do the trick again exactly [Music] I guess in in one world that is optimal I guess world record should start doing that Ollie if you're listening it might be time to go start doing that also skip all the Waters of life yep you only need Waters of life if people die people don't die if you're going fast yep okay so a little bit about colossal um as plexus said earlier we are going to fight three gladiators um to progress the plot you only need to defend uh defeat the first tool you do not have to defeat the last guy um which is what we usually do in any person because dying is faster than clearing the last fight however the head destination incentive to defeat the last two so we do not actually have any established strategies for that so that will be interesting to see as well we're also doing this at level 13 which is it's the level you learn Ragnarok um some people will actually grind Isaac to this level to beat satoros which is the guy we beat all those many hours ago hour and a half ago or whatever um so we're doing this quite under leveled so it should be very interesting uh hopefully we can give the people a good show and be beaten a bumper [Music] so we've dropped off all our party members here the game intends you to let them use a Synergy to solve puzzles that will allow you to go faster through the route but that doesn't help us because we can get through the route as quickly as we like and we'll still beat the other guy to the end and the other guy takes a fixed amount of time to reach the end objective and the fight won't start if he reaches the objective so even if we ourselves go faster he will not go faster so we are there is no point cheating basically so we're just going to politely decline our opportunity to shoot okay so the basic strategy for each fight is going to be get off a judgment and then blow them up with ragnaroks more or less the strategies are a little bit more intricate than that they are but at their basic premise it's just do big damage and hope they don't heal as art which is this Gladiator right here in Saturn which is the next Gladiator they both have two nuts nuts heal for 200 hp which is well quite a lot of HP and they they had two turns to the fight every time they're used so we don't want to see that all right I forget how to do this puzzle I don't I don't want to solve the puzzle I'll be fine yeah um so what Plex is doing here is he's collecting items that will persist throughout the fight so if he doesn't use them on the first fight he will take him into the next one and so on um and because we have to defeat navampa he will need extra nuts so he gets items we usually don't get because we don't need them um so yeah but it also costed no time because again we're just gonna sit here and wait regardless we actually didn't talk about yet is that whenever you use a summon you get an elemental boost so as you can see right now Ragnarok is doing about 87 damage um once we use judgment this would be boosted to about 100 damage because if we just get a boost to Venus power and this will be relevant later on in the game as well perfect asset fight love to see it yeah so we optimize this fight to go into the fight with just two Genies on standby so we need to use two more to get access to judgment um this is because this gives us enough HP to tank two attacks from Azad uh so we don't have to heal and the way we set up judgment is we use Flint first and then round round will take away the section so we cannot heal and then we can use judgment to finish him off it's a little bit more particular than that even um when we use the that ground we actually drop a class level oh yeah absolutely if if Hazard was able to attack Us in that turn we would die but ground just takes away action [Music] precisely so it's specifically that action order of gin that allows us to win that fight because if we did it the other way around because we did a grounded in Flint then we'd use Flint we'd lose all our stats because we'd drop a class because the Gin is no longer applying to us and then as I it deals enough damage to kill us so specifically because we can take away his turn with ground that's going to allow us to to get through that fight consistently which is really cool yeah nice little detail it's so intricate that even I forgot about it yeah it's one of those things like the old Strat here used to be just to blow them up with judgment that's incorrect what do I need to do here sick from it by doing the menu on these platforms while they're moving you don't lose time because the platforms keep moving otherwise you usually do lose time yeah so the reason for that is that rich is currently also standing on the same platform so he cannot move forward I'm going to pick up another nut so what plexus um can you stand by gin and you use a summon the way they come back is they come back and order this um you put them on standby so if you stand by them all Flynn will recover first because it's the first genie then Granite quartz and so on um by double tapping Flint so setting it and then doing putting it on standby again uh Flint is actually the last chin he put on standby so it will recover last and what this allows him to do is he can do judgment on turn one and on the second turn on the third turn rather yeah on the second turn one gene will cover and it will not be Flint it will be Granite so under the third turn he will have granted in quartz because it's actually quads anyway we will have a couple chords and create set um those are two genes that will give him Origins if I take another hit here I die so I need to be faster than him to be able to heal this off so if I defend this turn I don't die quartz comes back because me agility I can heal this off and I'll speed him so it's that because every gin comes with set bonuses attached to it just so happens that quartz gives us bonus agility which allows us to do this Strat which is really cool he's used a smoke bomb so he might start using nuts all right that's plus two turns oh yeah so um every enemy whenever they hold items they can only use them in order so Setters cannot use nuts before he has used to smoke one um oh yeah that's the worst case scenario every nut every nut adds two turns to the fight because we have two adds two ragnaroks and as you can see it has more than 100 damage now so we're at our Max class here so we're not particularly worried about this uh I might have to heal though I mean I do have to heal I think he's got two hits left so a bit of a bother I didn't mean to use Flint there but it's fine yep that's that's your worst case cartridge fight it happens the only way it could be even worse is if he defended the first judgment that's true and then you you actually just hate life because you have no no tools to use against them at all yeah it's very sad it's actually on this level it's possible to run out of pp before you kill them it has happened before running out of VP this uh this guy coming up we can run out of pp on him oh yeah so yeah you donated for this fight so this guy's got even more HP and he has a new item the Sleep bomb uh the Sleep bomb is well it has a small chance to put us to sleep I I should win this fight provided he doesn't put me to sleep if I get put to sleep at a bad moment I might die so I will have to make a safety save for this just to be just to be sure [Music] does mean I may not do my fancy climb here as well I'm gonna do another instant climb which is the trick I did in Alton um to skip a puzzle for swag um but if I can't do it then I might just have to go ahead and uh climb the wall because I do if I if I don't win this race I'm going to have a really really really sad time yeah so as you might have noticed at the end of the course there's always a weapon or a piece of armor lying on the ground and whoever gets the first gets to pick it up uh usually in this category I'm in this fight we let the bumper pick the better weapon so he can kill us faster but because we have to defeat him now um we will want to get there first and get the better weapon so yeah this trick here it doesn't actually save any time because again we have to wait for another bumper to finish the race anyway but you can do it if you're bored um fast conveyor belt also a trick depended on subpixels all the cool trick you can do all right so we are in the clear all right uh I'm gonna go for the Judgment strap I liked that one in practice [Music] so what flexible here is he's gonna use Vine wait yeah Vine has the ability to halve the agility of the enemy so it will enable us to I'll turn the bumper no matter what our class in agility is right at at that moment which is we are slower than the bumper right now and there's almost nothing we can do about it except cast mine Ah that's good that is perfect the bumper doesn't damage to your damage to us we can do judgment now boost our power and PT defend again wow he did he did actually okay defend now so we can um take less damage on this turn oh and it enables us to survive this turn basically and now we should be in the clear until the sleep number so now then the nut's gonna come back up very soon so so we'll smoke bomb defend it again oh my God he's the fit not very pleasant so recasting fine to keep us agility law so use the nut now so now they sleep on this life um if possible we want to stay on full HP so we use Ramses early instead of judgment so we get chin back and get into a higher level class wow all right there's the Sleep bomb okay we went to sleep okay fingers crossed friends it does lasts up to three turns okay we are fine yeah I think we're fine I think we're oh you're actually going to a lower class now right okay you you did it okay yeah we should be in a clear from now on unless Vine runs out which is possible [Music] what do I do um I risk it for the biscuit yeah ground judgment should kill unless he defends again yeah I was just worried that I'd ran out of agility yeah this should be fun and we did it nice bit spooky bit spooky that was a very long sleep um but all right that's fine Max duration that we made it not quite the the pop-off of uh beating a telethier super boss but it's a relief nonetheless speaking of that how are we doing on the ground we are doing really well and we've got quite a few donations here uh I guess it's going to be a good time because the right time yeah but we got since woohoo everyone loved them so we've got to donate a 20 donations from Gambit uh or 2017 sharing good morning RPG limit break excited for the upcoming DND run but needing a hill to get us through it so putting this for the cleric to be our plus and now the clerk is now ahead with twenty dollars so every other classes can catch up so that's going to be picked up by the start of the next run so we've got about an hour to donate for that incentive for that bit more next up we've got ten dollars from asmist saying watching black siren golden sun while wearing my Golden Sun shirt from the yeti another coffee are bridgely mid-right morning and just as a reminder uh so this RPG limit break is proud to once again partner with the yeti to bring you eight amazing t-shirts in the hoodie now available plus bins head over to rpglb take a look at the designs pick up the ones you want and know that five dollars from average t-shirt purchase will be donated to Nami remember easy is spelled slash rpglb now we've got more times for some donations I suppose so we also have fifty dollars from Anonymous thank you very much and oh no controller issue there we go okay quite good technical difficulties yeah that's right yeah this is a cut scene we were talking about it actually takes a bit longer because if you defeat the vampire you get the lure cap this item is completely useless for us it just um increases the encounter rate when you equip it and we don't want that great for casual level ups and experience grinding and all that fun stuff um terrible for the speedrun [Music] sorry Legrand did we cut you off with my technical difficulties um we also have one more five dollar donation from Nicholas zero the giving five dollars yeah so thank you very much and um yeah so what is left on this run there is a quite a bit still right there is uh we basically this this kind of caps off the mid game and now we go into the late game there is the only time we'll be able to flee from here on out as if we get attacks first that's very good it saves up to 30 seconds depending on how awful the encounter is it's um this is where the the runner skill really comes out and goes and Ollie who has been grown in this category a lot lately will be able to point out all my inefficiencies as I deal with these encounters but you really have to know the exact precise kill for each setup and there's something like 72 different encounter combinations which each have their own optimal clear and if you don't know it you just bleed fractions of time across the whole run so it's a really cool part of the Run um but also a part of the run where um there's a high degree of variance depending on the encounters you get and how many encounters you get and whatnot it's uh sometimes we say that getting to Colosso is your platform it's it's like you you have got to this point in the runner you have this much time ahead or behind your PB at this moment that is your Runway to try and get through the rest of the game and because it's incredibly swingy you can very easily lose minutes for no reason man old people in cutscenes in Golden Sun am I right yep so what's going on right now is Bobby is basically telling the whole story about lemuria and the draft that we got earlier for him and he's now sending us on a quest to go to the lighthouse and take his boat and find the memorial for him so we can get more draft to extend his life um also turns out that the girl we were talking about earlier that he kidnapped as a ransom of sort she has actually gotten kidnapped Again by saturas and minadi and and take him to the Venus Lighthouse um that girl as you might know is Shiva um one of the characters characters you get to play as in TLA uh the last stage next game um yeah and they need her to access the the next Lighthouse so that's why they kidnapped her the Jupiter light us specifically [Music] obviously he also wants you to retrieve Sheba basically um yeah yep that's all the lore basically up to this point so so this this particular track in Golden Sun well it's a good Castle track um it's also like the theme song to to Long cutscenes so I only associate it with bad memories unfortunately plus the Palace theme the Palace theme is the same here as in lemurius that's also one that I associate with long cutscenes the second game of course um we actually do get to visit it at some point and it also has exorbitantly long cutscenes yes there are so many cool tries Golden Sun that like I cannot listen to anymore because I've been speed running it and uh unscapable God since everyone just just make you able to skip classes it just makes your life better and everyone life better [Music] okay so we will do another little shopping trip and pick up some items um those are also not strictly necessary but um they add a ton of safety so first up we will get this power bread um this is a stat boosting item that boosts um HP we will use that on Ivan to give them a little bit more tankiness but we will buy back two waters of life um one that we sold at the beginning of the run and another one and that's pretty much it and we will get another item later on [Music] and now we will go back into the song yeah I can see that we usually don't run into this problem because we don't fight navampa but yeah so now we're setting up to fight again putting one of the origin um all right it's time for focus and get RNG oh good RNG so that's an encounter skip so by entering suha uh I reset my step counter again so usually you're going to get one encounter in the Overworld there and we got zero because we made it to the town yeah that's a very rare skip to get and it's awesome when it happens now let's talk about encounter skips again seeing as we're it's now very very very relevant uh yeah sure so much like entering and exiting towns every time you clear a fight or obviously you will reset your step counter to zero and we are in suhalla desert now which have these tornadoes that are caused by these tornado lizards and whenever you enter a tornado you enter a fight by casting doubts and we have the ability to get from tornado to tornado without getting encounters if we are lucky um there's another one I think seven encounter skips are possible encounter skips that we can get in this section of the game that's the gift of it so yeah okay this is bad okay okay I couldn't I could hear your heart explain explain okay so that was one of these um caught by surprises that we were talking about earlier um enemies at this part of the game people hit just one shot of party members especially Ivan who is the most important because he's the only one that's beating everything at the moment so it could have very well happened that that menti core wrecks or whatever it's called could have killed Ivan there and it was in very very dangerous but instead we got put to sleep which is really funny oh yeah um sorry I forgot about that totally um so there's a bug in this game where if you are stunned asleep uh slept um no matter your chance to flee you will always be able to get away and that wasn't a text first very very weird bug by the way uh we only discovered this by complete accident the other like very recently yeah like a year ago or so and it doesn't happen in TLA do they fix that entirely there's just so few enemies that are going to sleep will stun you and you'd think to try and run away or something and just one day I happen to be routing and accidentally fled when I was meaning to fight and was like oh that shouldn't have worked why did it work and then we looked into it and oh lo and behold that's what's going on so that's helpful I mean like I said we'll we'll flee when it's guaranteed but if it's not guaranteed we won't being slipped or stunned does make it guaranteed uh this is awkward this is one of those awkward encounters where you have to use ground yeah so boreal's one shot's one of them but not the one you don't Target so the wheels grounded the other one so they can't kill us or do nasty things and then we finished off with another attacker chip damage into stormery because they did thank you they have high Jupiter resist for whatever reason so we could use another um summon there to clear it but that would be slow and it would also mean that we have to recover two summons before we can go into the setup again so this is Flash the last Genie we will collect in this run flash is really good really really good yeah flash is absolutely busted um and then personally I believe flash is the reason they added ginstorm and gin blossom to TLA probably like it I flashes 90 damage production to everybody in your party on one turn and it basically makes you invincible yeah but you're practically Invincible there are some exceptions to this but track for all intents and purposes you're immune to damage for one turn and that is extraordinarily powerful um we have to avoid the tornado lizard here or the what what kind of listening um this big tornado the storm lizard the final boss of this dungeon you can outrun it it's not particularly hard if your movement is good and you don't have it and you don't take five encounters so every time you open the menu um it gains a little bit of ground so yeah but usually you only get one or two encounters on the way out here so if your movement is good you should never have to take this fight the only way I run into problems is if I get two trolls like right now I am okay I almost got you encounter skip again that was unlucky yeah very unlucky so I prefer doing my gym menu because I just I I don't want the the lizard to get any flows that he needs to on me [Music] this should be media that's okay it's fine he defended anyway yeah they have a chance to defend which is annoying well that's unusual yeah I don't know how much HP it's got left but it's not a lot yeah probably single digit what's that whole weird Edge case where it's like oh he survived laborious by defending ah super strange that's okay though we don't mind a little bit of damage there's a retreat glitch coming up that doesn't save time theoretically but saves time practically because you're more likely to get an encounter skill and it also conveniently sits the pp into a good location for other stuff yeah there's a bunch of Street glitches coming up that one of them is also for an encounter Skip and the other one skips part of the dungeon so we have to drain PP at some point we might as well do it right now so this is one of those cases where you use Thor even though Thor is a slow ability because like one shot's the encounter and one shot in the encounter is generally a good outcome ah that is a very early encounter uh it's not too bad though I would have prefer to have broccoli handy but that's okay if he's ground of course I could have and they don't even damage me that's very rude oh well happens that was also a very early second encounter so I actually have a decently High chance of getting a third all right yeah that would be very bad okay so now we're drinking last bit of pp we need for retreat mode um and then once we enter the store we will skip one screen of this dungeon it just slightly as less steps than completing the dungeon the normal way um I genuinely think if I've taken the normal route there I would have got a third encounter just because the game hates me yeah absolutely okay so we got another little glitch coming up this is Retreat walking um in the western versions of the game and in this dungeon specifically if you cast reveal you do not um accumulate in counter steps so we will cast reveal throughout this dungeon um and we will never pick up an encounter that's part of the game so that saves go to 30 seconds or so yeah it's not as significant as people might think it is but it's you take every little bit you can get anything to decrease the variance in this game the variance in this game is kind of crazy [Music] yeah it's fun though lately I've been watching another stream of loser um and there's someone there was someone in the chat being like wow you're one and a half minutes ahead is there a new skip or something it's like no because it's just harder it's just the way this game goes yeah [Music] so we want to see blue path here every time you have to swap the path it takes what 14 seconds or something I forget it's like 13 seconds or so yeah it's slow but basically but the blue path is literally minutes faster than the yellow path so it's just never even conscionable to take the the yellow path here yeah um what this does is it unlocks the path to from tunnel ruins to the second part of Venus Lighthouse and there's two parts available [Music] um and the blue one is just a solid three minutes faster so we always want that this is so very unlucky oh yeah we don't really expect free failed features so plexa he's going for a little bit of a risky threat um fleeing if it works is faster here and if he had one character die he could use a water of life and it's fine but now that two characters die maybe we'll pick up another Water of Life or take the sanctum I'll just take the sanction it's like you are statistically likely to be able to flee at that point like you're almost beautifully after two and to have people die is very unusual yeah don't deal a lot of damage they have mostly single attacks so even if you fail once or twice you usually get out fine this was just one instance of the game being Moody the game was kind of [Music] but that's okay it's not a big deal we're gonna do some shopping and some detours here anyway we're gonna pick up an armor item for Ivan so he's a little bit tankier it also gives him a little bit more offensive capabilities for certain encounters I'm gonna pick up the spirit omelette yeah whoever wears it gets a bonus 10 Mercury and Venus power um what this means is that I even use this judgment that will deal just a little bit more damage to clear certain encounters Faster by using judgment instead yeah I don't even I I completely forgot on which encounters it actually helps but it does help yeah I understand it's something we not every Runner does and it has been a mostly recent thing to do so yeah this is something we're just not very familiar with yet but I'm sure that as people improve at the game it will become more relevant it's it's one of these like hyper micro optimizations that like saves that I even needs a piece of survival chances basically so you might as well take a a piece of equipment that will um potentially save time as well by speeding up certain encounters imagine it correct yeah so um not a retreated here that skips the first room of this dungeon and this will give us a chance for an encounter skip this was a very early encounter though yeah we're pretty much not going to get the encounter escape from here on out we have to get very lucky so that's okay so this is this is why this this end bit of the game is very has a high degree of variance in pretty much every dungeon there are multiple places where you can get in counter skips so see how the gate you can get two you can get one two or three encounters three is losing time two is average one is good same deal in suha Gate you can get up to seven different uh suhaila desert you can have to get up to seven different encounter skips there the average is two so if you get more than two you're having a good run if you're getting less than two you're you feel a bit cheated you can get one or two encounters here before you transition to the next dungeon you can get one or two in the next zero to two in the next dungeon it's like because there's such high frequency of potentials for getting counter skips and each encounter skip can save up to 20 30 seconds that the end of this game is so swingy um that's okay we know this we accept this as truth and we we deal with it because on the whole uh RNG tends to even out a little bit it doesn't always but it you know tends to so we've had pretty bad RNG throughout the through most of this run so hopefully the the RNG is going to even out in a way into our favor because that's how it works right if you get bad energy then you're oh the good RNG right really like yeah yeah exactly if you get a bad early game you get a good late game that's how it works yeah copium totally not Gambler fallacy here pretty much totally not how are we doing now that we've got a little bit of a cutscene time well we are doing great um we've got a 15 donation from Yale strike uh thank you with no comment thank you for your donation and uh just as a reminder for bid Wars the next game has a bit worry for uh choosing the character class and right now cleric is winning with 20 with elf at 15 and you can very much change that outcome so if you don't like clerics because Claire gaslo you're just silly right it's not really that fun or well I assume I haven't played the game so yeah you can get your donations in if you prefer to have a dwarf character go ahead and regarding the game afterward which is Legend of Mana there is a one incentive which is siding with Dana and saving her life during Starcrossed lovers uh so that's incentive is in order to be met you have to donate up to one thousand dollar and right now it's only 94.93 dollars so get this donation aim for that you really don't want to miss that oh boy um from here on out so the run is going to get incredibly stressful so um really I'm gonna lean on you a lot my friends I'll help I can carry it for this for you so yeah final rinsky Mark um this is uh okay one more Encounter of course yeah there's an instance where knowing the optimization saves time because if you know that this dies to one summon and in particular judgment you don't need to add any protective gin and you save like five seconds depending on which which protective gym you choose and that's like how you can tell someone as good at this game by just knowing how they optimize these like game encounters and how often they miss this move the more more times you miss this move the better the runner you are I think oh yeah absolutely [Music] sorry guys uh so yeah tunnel runes um another place where we can get an encounter skip actually we can get in theory too inconsequives we usually expect one on average um to his bed so yeah I guess you can get one and can't escape but it's something that happens not very often there's three people in the community I think that can claim to have gotten it um some of them multiple times I think plexa has never gotten it before I have never seen tunnel ruins skip yeah it's just it's incredibly incredibly rare and it's it saves a lot of time it's like every encounter in here on the Venus 2 you get um depending on how bad it is it can add up to 30 seconds so if you skip it it's very fast enough man it's a myth I think I got it once in uh in practice which is not that significant but it's cool I think I remember that yeah but maybe in practice like oh yeah yeah that's right that's right because there was a time where like we were trying to skip things and then um at some point we intentionally got the encounter to manipulate attacks first that's how the Run changed anyway that's a cool trick I forget who found it but it's a cool trick yeah you can cast move from the stairs and if your lines are just right then you can skip um running down um it doesn't actually save any time at all unless you're absolutely perfect with it but it's just swaggy um so yeah you might wonder even though if this dungeon is so long why is there only one encounter on average that it's because um personally areas in this game actually do not have encounter raid so for example this next room this is a designated puzzle area you do not get any Encounters in here and that's why because this dungeon consists mostly of puzzles you don't have actually accrue that much encounter rate yes it's like every second screen basically is a puzzle room and the rooms with uh our encounters are usually pretty short so yeah hopefully we don't get two encounters that would be very sad but one encounter in the middle of this dungeon is kind of Ideal because then we don't have to worry about recovering our gin in the next area oh yeah that's the way it works out yeah every time you do a screen transition your Gene recovery rate also reset so if you have a bunch of small rooms in quick succession you accrue a lot of encounter steps but they don't get any gen back um so a little bit to recovering before we exits a room just to say a little bit safer get your cat gems and your jam emote of choice ready because we're getting into Venus Lighthouse which is one of the best themes for any dungeon um yeah my favorite song of the game as well yeah this is where things get extremely technical yeah so one more Retreat glitch coming up um this skips the first puzzle and a couple of runes um yeah good encounter a single enemy you can use ground to stun it um this means it will not get an action and then we just clear it with two summons it doesn't actually die to a single summon by the way it dies to a single media but if you have the flash on granite setup which I don't run because I don't like it yeah um so the wave plexus gin are currently set up is um after every fight people stand by all gin and then it will set ground and Flash for safety reasons um and they are kind of two ways to approach this most runners use the setup where you put flash on Mia and ground on Isaac um the other one would be to use ground on Mia and Flash on Garrett instead um and so what plexus was getting it is that if you have flash on Garrett said because Flash is a martini it gives him a little bit of extra mass power and this way Peak and one shot the the fan real video but only if he has flash set so far so good so this is actually one of the encounters that would have been cleared by judgment from Ivan only because he has the spirit armlet there you go I I should have known that but I'm I have not looked at Spirit omelette nearly enough yeah it's just it's just one of those things if you have played this game for 10 years at this point and clearing encounters has been ingrained into your brain then changing stretch up is very difficult to do that and I've been very lazy with my Golden Sun lately so I haven't committed the new stuff to memory I will get there so descent Falls also do not um increase your Encompass steps these graded areas also do not that wasn't a text first this is perfect skips about 20 seconds based on this encounter yeah we take those we'll take any attacks first absolutely we do not want to see CBS safety safe yeah for exactly that reason like they're there is while there are many different possible seeds the way in which the RNG gets truncated means there's like not that many different permutations of things and one of the permutations is a tax person to call by surprise and that's what relay is referencing and that's another permutation where you get a tax first into a text first which is what we want to see yeah that that one would be really nice I'd like to see that foreign we'll make a save here I think yeah if we died in this dungeon we would get sent back to LA libero and we would have to do all of Bobby Lighthouse tunnel ruins and run up to this point of the game again oh boy okay that's that's what we call a juicer [Music] uh that way this looks really spooky but it's not yeah it's actually not that spooky um the Golem on the left is very slow so Mia and isakov out Sweden um and this Boulder Beast died too the one you Target and the one on the side dies to Aureus so we only ground to one of you right um so it doesn't get an action and the golden dies before it has a chance to act and on the second turn we're just there stormbreak or drench or both whatever this will die um and now we only have to recover one gene as well because we finished this fight on second turn I did the Grinch because I was scared I can understand so one more item pickup this is the guy up late this is the Ultimate Weapon in this game um only Isaac can wield it if I remember correctly a Garrett can as well okay but we will put it on Isaac um it will give him extra attack and it will give him 30 extra Venus power if I remember correctly yeah ready um 30 extra units power um what this means is that if Isaac uses judgment um it will deal I think a few hundred like 100 extra damage on the first use um and this will be very relevant for the last boss fight that we are about to do is relevant and it's like right there so of course it's not it's not a detour at all it's like a couple seconds and if it speeds up the last fight by minutes some optimal puzzling going on yeah so that way we save after this as well yeah oh yeah um so the way it saves so this puzzle is he puts the last block that he has to to finish the puzzle on the very bottom so the screen Scrolls as little as possible and then we can go on our way just one of those things like oh yeah of course the camera panning over costs time of course yes one of those micro optimizations so now I'm in a panic car moment where I'm not sure if my gender correctly stand by so I'm gonna check I think they are but this happens to everyone they were sent correctly and I mucked it up go me better safe than sorry yeah another one of those instances um where you can skip the protective gin because as said earlier the Golem will not get an action so yeah you want to see these guys caught by surprise because yeah the little ball to beasts have a thing called Dynamite where they suicide and blow everybody up it's like very not cool and uh yeah people die it's it's super super bad times but overall the encounter so far I've been okay all good uh we did not have a single encounter yet what we have to use Flash to stay alive um whenever you have to use flashes the slowest because um it means the enemy will get a bunch of actions and Flash is also slow animation keep coming back [Music] okay so we are about to approach the end of the dungeon and then we will do our last gen menu and set up for the last boss fight um you want to talk a little bit about both house threats you go for it I'm gonna meditate and be in a good place of mine we call the courthouse strategy um the reason for that being that we rained down the judgment on the enemy and the way this way uh the way this works is that we are gonna set up our gin in a way that we can use judgment on one turn in in conjunction with granite and ground or protective chin um on the second turn we will heal up and use Flash and Mars and then our Venus stream will come back we can do judgment again with granite and ground protection then Mars a flash will come back and we can basically Loop it forever and this is a very high damage per turn setup that maximizes safety yeah it's courthouse is insane like it is it is very probably just the the highest DPS you can or DPT I guess you can possibly get um like even if you had access to all of your gin a lot of like unless you can just one turn something else by throwing all of your summons at it cycling judgment in this way is pretty much as strong as you can go um so pretty much every every rendition of this tourism Fusion dragon fight will use the courthouse in some way or use the basic premise of it to go fast yeah so yeah and 100 where we have estrogen we can add another summon at the beginning and at the end maybe but courthouse is still the the backbone of the of the fight so we will now put four Master Genie on Mia this will put her into level three mask class which gives her access to which on AOE healing ability um we put Flash and Grant on on Garrett and ground on Ivan so they are our protective gin carriers they will just use that over all over the place um every turn basically and Isaac will be our damage dealer so we picked up the Gaia blade to increase our adjustment damage output and also Flint which does actually matter it puts Flint from if you do not have the guy blade equipped at this level with this gear we do one damage with Flint for two damage at most um and with the guy a bit we go back to 70 damage which is quite respectable in some cases this is a two-pop fight where Satora minario phase one and they are more dangerous than phase two um oh yeah I'm gonna go full Focus mode for a sister to try and go as fast as I can and not die oh yeah um there are a lot of things that can kill me including ability Called Death Scythe or death size I guess and that one shot somebody 100 to zero regardless of whether flashes up or not um you don't want to see that that is the worst possible outcome there are a bunch of slow outcomes like potent cure which heals 300 resist which increases Elemental resist they're all terrible uh so I'm gonna focus and try and get through this as best I can I trust really will narrate the fight appropriately and then give you all the Insight when things go wrong okay I'll do my best so yeah um minari that size the most potent run killer at this point um because of this we will use ground on here every single turn where we can so every second turn you use to program her to minimize the chances of that size happening um other things that slow down the fight but are not as dangerous are resist which boost um Elemental resistance of the enemy and of course heels so as you can see from the Nadi we put the rent up so we take half damage um Mia will feel strange on the first turn for some extra chip damage um yeah haunt is also a bad ability um this is okay but it's not ideal um so haunt is a status ability that whenever the character that is haunted does any ability that does damage it has a 12.5 chance to reflect 25 of the damage you do so for example if Ivan was to use stormery right now and it deals 100 damage it would reflect 25 which is not that bad but if Isaac gets haunted and he uses judgment which deals upwards of 1000 damage on Fusion drink um he will just die if it Brooks so now on the second turn we healed up um use Flash and Mars we use Flash to stay safe um last so it comes right back on the next turn and we use another Wheels Journey with um Isaac so we can keep using judgment on this turn fine being essential as well because it slows down some tourism minari to the point where Mia and Isaac cannot speed them or Isaac cannot speed sakuras Mia cannot speed both of them so we use quads just because it's the only industry we have to prepare judgment um okay good targeting as well um one other thing that can go wrong in this fight is that if so tourist decides to Target Ivan a lot he can actually kill him through granite protection um heat flash at this point with this armor does about 100 damage to Ivan um so if he does Heat Fashion Ivan on the grand turn and then they decide to Target him on the flash turn he can absolutely die Supernova everything that's just a bunch of AOE damage doesn't Target Ivan is something we want to see hydroplasm perfect absolutely fine with that so yeah um Alexa is also targeting judgment in a way that plays a fight as efficiently as possible so Taurus has an ability called Break which removes your Elemental boost um if that happened then we would have to change our targeting a bit but because it has not happened yet he has put the first judgment into minadi the second judgment which was boosted into saturas and now he will go back to targeting the Nadi um okay that's break this is fine we have already gotten the boosted summon off so we can still clear this fight in a mostly optimal way unless something bad happens now uh okay this could have crooked and killed Isaac we got lucky there yeah um Isaac dying is generally the least scary thing because it's the most recoverable okay potent here is bad now we probably have to add another judgment to the fight but minadi will die on this turn all right next one actually I probably should actually targeting Mr Tauros is correct in this situation that's okay like that's fine Marathon safety and all that stuff so yeah if the tourist did not use protein cure there he would have about 80 or 90 HP left he would die too a little bit more because of your spirit basically you would die to Flint and Mars so we could end this fight on the Flint which means that we can enter the next fight with a fusion drink with a judgment which speeds up the fight a bit but now that he has used potent cure we need a little bit more extra damage like I think Ramses might be able to kill here um yeah so instead of going through the hole judgment thing he will just use wish with Mia to put everyone back to full health again around the tour so we cannot Act and Ramses because it's enough to kill and it's a faster animation and judgment and there we go that's the first fight nothing bad happened except for it happened yeah except for potent Cure Nothing to kill them nothing that killed us yet nothing that kills the Run yeah but you can see like potential added two turns to that fight and at any point he can decide to use it so you can just kind of see the the roller coaster of the end game that is upon us um every turn times varies so widely every turn here takes about 30 seconds or more depending on which animations they do so two turns a minute time loss that you cannot do anything about okay so we have a good setup going or like we are entering a mod on a flash turn now which means that the fight will be a little bit slower but it will also be a little bit safer um so for the first two turns the fusion drink will out speed us before we can get bind back up um haunt on Ivan is generally fine it can be scary though because he uses Mass so he can take some chip damage and also we currently have Warriors and Thor ready to be summoned and the way we want to do it is we want to use it on the second to last turn before we can kill the fusion dragon um if we did not do that then it would mess up our chain recovery and we would not be able to keep cycling judgment and stay safe so we only want to use it once we are sure we can kill the tuning drink however because Ivan is haunted if he uses four and he dies because of the own prop um we will not be able to do judgment because I've instead we cannot use ground so it's a bit scary um depending on how safe you want to be you can delay before until the four kills um I would assume that Alexa will do that because it's Marathon but if he was going for a record time then this is probably something that he would accept can happen yep you are 100 correct [Music] so there was 100 damage is spooky yeah um so the future ring has also a bunch of abilities which will happen to see um evil blessing is one of them so currently Isaac has haunted this is something we absolutely do not want because if he uses judgment in the Box he will die to it some other abilities of fusion drink has is [Music] I didn't forgot the name but it's an AOE attack that can Force oh yeah deadly guess yeah deadly gas inflicts the Venom status effect which is uh more potent poison um if that happens on multiple party members we will probably have to heal a bit more so we stay safe um you're blessing you always saw outer space is um a we attack that resembles meteor which is the highest damage attack you can do and if he targets Ivan with that on the grand turn can potentially kill it [Music] and one person is going to be a really slow fight yeah but that's okay it's fine as long as we get through it drank driver is good this is um equivalent to a team at summon pretty much um it's a very quick attack and it doesn't deal a lot of damage while we are protected so we want to see that one more attack the fusion dragon has that we don't want to see a spear blow there's a single target attack that has a chance to proc and if it does frog then it puts the character attacks to one HP [Applause] [Music] to survive it so we are getting a bunch of ideas out of space another dragon this is usually the turn you go in with like your boreas and your Thor and whatnot but we opened with cyber just to play really safe just in case outer space was used outer space deals so much damage oh yeah um even through granite it can kill Ivan so just played it Ultra cautious yeah static ass and but at this point it should not matter anymore also me as the tankiest party member at this point drain thing doesn't matter so I believe we need one more attachment and then we should be able to kill from there I don't think we can I think we need to throw in like any random thing into it okay I have not counted damage so I wouldn't know just yeah oh yeah it's just a little bit worse that's it okay should be able to get it from here yeah so using glorious Mia I'm still using Mars with Ivan just so if anything goes wrong we can still use Flash in two turns from now pretty good Fusion dragon fight though we have not seen a lot of outer space only one outer space bunch of quick attacks and those damage AOE abilities that they did put us up with this status effect but they have not mattered so far so we should be fine from here so a little bit of flexors coming up here he will use form with Mia because she will die of this turn anyway if we don't heal um so we might as well do the most damaging thing with her and because she does not use the Venus Genie we will use another cycle with Isaac good fight maybe that extra damage from turn one made up for the difference let me take those better safe than sorry exactly like the situation I was trying to avoid was having um Ivan okay because Ivan would be your normal person to use uh yeah I saw with but he also has ground and I didn't want the fusion Dragon to get an action so use ground to take away the action and then you stole it from somebody else so that's fine it works Fusion dragon's dead GG we win um whoo yes that's always feels good yeah if you want to know your time we are currently at 3 20 7 53 so that's a pretty good time for a marathon very respectful bad not bad very very respectable uh November we had to beat the vampire we died in Art Miller right before the end so yeah yeah pretty good inside those very nice well girl anything you want to say from the room before the gamings well sure first congrats on getting the kill that was very very clean and I hope you all enjoyed that fight we also have a 100 donation from Old School gamer saying long time Watcher first time donator head to the Nate during Golden Sun love this game so much I own two US copies and one JB great to see the Run Nami hi type it's cool for that thanks to everybody who donated for the the incentives the genetic during the Run donated mentioning Golden Sun really appreciate it all going to a fantastic cause and Nami you know like genuinely one of those things that uh we all could think a little bit more about and they do a great job so I really appreciate the all the work that they do and happy to be raising money for such a worthy cause um beyond that uh yeah like thank you for the to the Golden Sun Community for keeping this game alive um we've got a lot of cutscenes still to go so we'll save some of the thank yous to the end but uh yeah this community is really quite amazing and that uh it's a pleasure to be a part of it it's an honor to be a part of it foreign apologies I hope you enjoy the Xenoblade Community as much as you enjoyed the including some Community then I do but they're like a lot of communities are very nice to hang out on you know um I mean you're getting to an interesting point actually um I think every community's got their kind of technical knowledge Bastion someone who like goes into the code and figures out like the formulas and stuff and um golden Sun's got those people with tea water selling you um drifting pancake they they all do amazing work for us and they make us our games go faster but every community's got these people like Prof 9 and Battle Network Rocco and Matt and stuff and Xenoblade like it's it's kind of crazy and I'm sure your community's got this person too you know who I'm thinking of give that person a thanks we owe a lot to them they help us go fast wouldn't be as efficient without the scientists who are putting all the work they're a blessing and they don't get to be showcased too much because they're in the shadow of the runners who get to get all the celebration and stuff so big shout out to us you're the best oh yeah look at all the glory back in the lab grinding out the the formulas and stuff and sometimes you even have people coming in from out of nowhere figuring out the glitch or two which changes the whole route shutter to solidified gaming she figured out the poison related stuff that we incorporated into the road over the last year one little piece of tech here which like why are we still playing the game isn't the game over yeah but there's a speed run Tech even though it's all cutscenes talking to him saves the second that's one reason we keep it in the other thing is we've got to do some menuing which is non-trivial and the answers to these questions can save time as well PBS have been made and lost in the epilogue mind you so don't don't poo poo it without the experience you know I've pb'd by seven frames before because I just menu'd like a god in that run apparently oh yeah so we have one more thing coming up which is going to be using the black orb which the Autumn will give to us in a second on the on the ship then we will get a bunch of cutscenes and time will be on the last text box that we clear and we will mention it when it comes up yeah it's kind of not obvious to people when we split but it's okay it's not a big deal so we've got the black Crystal the black Crystal gets us the ability to power the boat because we get a boat and I know a lot of people after this were quite disappointed that we didn't get to sail on the sea and see the rest of the world but that's what there's a sequel for and in many ways TLA is uh an improvement on this game in some ways it isn't shout outs to the laggy gin menu in TLA but it's a fantastic experience uh one of the great RPGs on the The Game Boy Advance and yeah these two games together are just incredible um you've heard it from the donators you've heard it from me you've heard it from Raleigh like it's a oh yeah it's great um Golden Sun 2 is a game I have not played in my childhood I only played the first game I still think that tle is a slightly better game overall like it built it takes the foundation that this game established and builds upon it in in such great ways it's everything you want in a sequel right yeah it's just amazing and gold instance 3 is great too I'll die on this hill it is all right with like some like four text boxes left or something five six boxes I don't know I think one more yes no question oh now here we go so Ivan will say here we go and then be able stage and uh just waiting for us in the time time [Music] 343.51 very respectable run we take four American time that's amazing we take that so yeah once again shout outs to all the scientists the people working behind the scenes who make these these runs possible uh you guys deserve more time in the sun uh we couldn't do this without you uh shout outs to the Golden Sun Community you're amazing as always uh thank you rally for jumping in and doing comps today super happy to have you here and uh really appreciate you uh sharing your your knowledge and wisdom with us really appreciate that thanks for having me it's good to chat with you again man we need to catch up more [Music] anything you want to say before we go really uh yeah I would like to extend one specific shout out to one of the members from the Golden Sun community um she claims to not like this game but she as she's primarily a TLA Runner but she has wrote a guide over 69 Pages detailing everything we do in this run why we do it with pictures and descriptions and everything [Music] um if you are interested in this run there's never been a better time to do it you can hop into the Discord check out the pins check out the guide and get a run going pretty much immediately so shout out to Carrie thank you Carrie I really appreciate you taking the time to do that uh yeah she's great Carrie's great uh yeah aside from that I think that's Golden Sun thank you again for the donations and yeah hopefully next time we'll be there in person thanks for having us and that is it for Golden Sun one I hope you enjoyed uh plexa doing those insane menus and also since saying texts and how knowledgeable is about the games really give big big shout outs to Blackstar for all the work he's been putting on the Golden Sun series for about 13 years now at this point like it's it's insane how much work he's put into those games and how much is found and figured out in stretch so big shout outs to him um this is also going to be the end of my segments after this you're going to have dungeon and Dragons Warriors of the general sun and taking over my uh spot is going to be James speaker a really cool dude uh he's uh probably around somewhere uh but I hope you enjoyed having me as a host it surely was quite different compared to usual usual because you know I'm French so a little bit of a different accent here um but anyway I hope you guys are enjoying Golden Sun and I hope you guys are mostly enjoying RPG limit break keep up the good work and uh have fun keep on donating for NAMI it's such a great cause and I'll see you around um all right good morning RPG limit break I am James Picard 007 I will be taking over for Le Grand here who has been doing a fantastic hosting however real quick we do need to switch to an ahead so please stick around we will be right back with some more speed running goodness another picture foreign hello everyone this is RPG limit break 2022 is coming from you from Salt Lake City Utah we're raising money for Nami the National Alliance on Mental Illness which was formed in 1979 as a Grassroots advocacy organization by a group of parents whose children suffered with serious mental illness and Nami has maintained that Focus to this day all right we are getting ready for Dungeons and Dragons Warriors of the Eternal Sun so please stick around we'll have that ready for you soon
Channel: RPG Limit Break
Views: 21,009
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: d0uRDzx_j68
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 225min 37sec (13537 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 21 2022
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