BoardGameGeek Top 10 vs 10 - Co-op Games

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[Music] [Applause] there everybody my name is Mike I am Nick and we got we are here to do a another edition of the BoardGameGeek top 10 versus 10 where the three of us this time have combined our brain cases to come up with a top 10 list of cooperative games yes we're games at least have a co-op mode that we quite like yes and we're gonna pair that with the the BoardGameGeek the the the list of the people we'll call it yes the top 10 cooperative games as they are ranked on BoardGameGeek we're going to see do we have any overlap do we agree with with their list do we even agree with our list yeah so these are the the top 10 ranked games that our cooperative games on board game geek and so you can do that by the way by going by search you can search by category or mechanic and then search by ranking and it'll give you the top 10 ranked games of any mechanic or category that's available on BoardGameGeek which is pretty cool absolutely we have stuff here like we said so that means our lists are going to be way more legitimate because staff you've played a ton of games and so like you're gonna be here too you're gonna need to bring us the knowledge now and like show us the way as we go through so Steph will be with us and from now on out and we are super super pumped into the the trio of greatness the three musketeers can I be Steve Martin yeah yes I'll be me nose is definitely more I think our baggage so with that the three amigos I think are ready so I think we should get into the top 10 vs 10 co-op games get hyped so they number-10 a cooperative game as ranked by you you the users of BoardGameGeek is mechs vs. minions indeed alright so what do you think about this game we have this oh yeah they love this game it's a cooperative programming game where you are mechs and you have a big board it's also scenario-based yeah and you're essentially each person has a board that they can essentially put movement and attacks and turns in a sequence and then you play out that program but it's a cooperative game unlike something like Robo rally where you're trying to like bump into each other this one you're generally trying to like stay out of each other's way of course each other and eight each other campaign so you're working through different levels and so I think that's pretty cool I've only made it to like level three I keep dying so say my ice we're really bad at this game it's just a lot of work to even the top shelf and like I'm too short I can't reach I can't even get to it yeah but it's a cool game I mean I definitely want to keep playing and it's got the production out the wazoo because Riot Games not that it was a league of Legends money I got money so there's like just put everything into it it's fine and it can still somehow be affordable yeah alright so that is your top does your not not your top ten that's a hole that's it is all it just keeps repeating like I'm done with this list okay yeah so that's your number ten let's move on to our number ten let's do it figures that's all you needs that's all you need to know is that this next game is super super cute and it's actually kind of next verse minions in adjacent and our top ten is quirky circuits which is actually a pretty darn new game which is probably why it's as high on the list or assessed low on the list um as it is this also is a programming game a cooperative programming game and there's four different kinds of robots and the robots all are doing certain things one are cleaning up dust bunnies one is like kind of pick up and deliver one is like trying to dig up bones and then one is a shishah the problem is when you're putting in the program no one can talk to each other right so you have to then try to just like kind of like the mind you have to just get into his mind brain trying being like you eat each other you're gonna turn left and then I'm gonna go forward and then Mike's gonna turn us around messed up because you might not have any cards that can do these things that Nick is picturing for me to do and he can't communicate that anyway yes and unlike mechs burst millions were each executing different programs we are putting a one program together joint program between everybody so like that whole idea just makes it really and everyone has to contribute at least one car to the program right it is skyrocketing up the ranks for us even the fact it's very very new we have played it so so much and Steph you have not played this one right I think you're gonna dig the hole want to say something you're like you know we promise completely in beep-boop beep-boop beep-boop and we leave their property boots the entire time ed Utley yelling beep it does not make it easier now if anything it makes it worse and it's so much fun right yeah and it's super cute so that is our number 10 quirky circus I think let's move into number nine with bgg so number nine from you the folks of BoardGameGeek is Kingdom death : monster the monster pose Kickstarter to end all Kickstarter's the yeah the humongous game crusher make all the money it looks like too much for me you don't have $1,200 we look the Kickstarter we're like ah get overwhelmed like you said stuff like it's just so much yeah like I just get like recoil back like I can't I don't I can't even imagine the rule book it's probably forever long and I just like sleep yeah we just need all the it maybe he'll teach us at BG Carter so there you go we'll sit down and he'll be like let me teach you some kids see you know and just you'll give us a good talking-to oh by the way that is your number nine the three things I know about it that's got its got kingdoms in it it's got death and it's got monsters and Kingdom death monsters got the : it's got a : okay it's got a : in it and that is number nine from B to G but let's get to our number nine back to sensible games I get to choose this one and I chose Pathfinder mommy's mask so I just recently got into Pathfinder The Adventure card game you know all of all of them not the role play yes it is the adventure card game but uh I played through the entire mummies masks and I liked it you know I really enjoyed my time so now I'm like working my way through the other ones so I just got like the corset that came out 2019 so we don't know much about this game so do you say if you're you say you're not into role-playing games so if you're not in role-playing games this game is totally exciting yeah so you'll have familiar mechanics you are you are working as a team to close these locations of bad guys and then beat the villain each round and every level you'll have probably have an encounter of a villain and if you defeat them cool you have like 30 turns to do it as a team and at the end whatever boons you've required you can kind of work your deck so next time you play you'll have new cards and so it's a deck though they're continuous it's a continuous deck builder for you if you will I like that so over something I okay things like that seems really cool to me and I know I've done like a little teensy bit of Pathfinder like role-playing way back when and I quite enjoyed it but I like that sometimes you know they've done all this work on building worlds and everything so it's like give me more stuff in that but give it in a way that's maybe speaks for our language more artists and cars and things it's totally in your language and you would be able to play this without I'm not a role-playing and I had no desire to go roleplay either so and I still love I don't know what it means oh yeah great yeah it's just just it's like nerd super nerd adjacent you know yeah just close you're gonna be you're gonna see the there's no playing land but anyway that's not number nine is pathfinder mummy's masks yes Max's let's get in number 8 from BoardGameGeek so number 8 from BoardGameGeek is pandemic legacy season 2 the sequel it's a long season one that was the original like a lot of times in movies let's equals nice quite as highly ranked but it's quite well loves yeah what's the watch iron - harder murder is you know cool but well I was going to watch that yeah I've heard you started the little snippet about what season 2 deals with and and what I've heard it sounds really cool yeah you're opening a bunch of surf shops yeah dude because everything's just water now anything Otter no no and so you're just opening a bunch of surf shops that's a very big earn from I think that's actually what you do know yeah but just want to hear it's sort of like you know it just feels very organically from the store I just like that they yeah told a big story with the first one which we've been in the middle of for like two years so like we get through it by the time we get to season 2 it's gonna be so cheap it's crazy that's the thing that's nice but a step I'm curious do you are you much of a legacy game type person because you you were just talking about path oh so you're clearly in the campaign games full legacy is that something you're interested in love that idea big what and done like you know finish that nice what's next yeah there's something satisfying about like and that's complete go away awesome legacy game and you're just like anyway that is number 8 from BoardGameGeek is pandemic legacy season 2 well our number 8 is a game called zombie sad Black Plague or most the zombie sighs but I'm set back pig is our personal face the high-water mark yeah it's not for us it fix some stuff in the original zombie side and I like the fantasy theme better anyway homicide Black Plague is a big a co-op comic it's like campaign cuz it's not like it's a scenario game here because there's a bunch of scenarios you can play through but it is kinda like what it sounds there's bunch of zombies coming through you have a bunch of heroes and you're essentially trying to take them out and do certain things so chuckling dice I have to go like open up this door and do stuff and it's just it's very very fun this is the game that the original zombie said they got us to like pandemic was our gateway into the end of the hobby yeah this is the one that really made us like really dive in this was like the big off the diving board into the deep end that introduced us into the world of Kickstarter I mean it was yeah it's got all bad all bad but we really loved we really really liked it to this day it's just it's incredibly fun it's just kind of dice rolling you got hordes and hordes of zombies you can level stuff on the lineup yeah it's just the big dudes on the map zombies coming at you killing them trying to do scenarios too big long game tons of minis level up and get cooler as you go like the more zombies you kill you get likes power you get stronger and stronger and stronger put them more and more of them start coming and it's just I mean most people are aware one of the zombie sides because there's like 60 of them now but um but they're very very good especially Black Plague we really really enjoy have you played this one staff or are you kind of into these kind of games I just had like rainbows raving you can attack the zombies with rainbows and heal them that sounds super cool yeah but this one was it's funny because zombie side holds a very special place like Nick said helped us get us in the Hobby but we have in general moved away from those types of games but like once or twice a year we like throw down and play some something aside and it's it's really fun like I'm like a zombies right now it's kind of sport that's the thing it's like we just don't buy any new version new of these kinds of big minis games and sell like bizarre sides one of the ones that we kind of just kept and keep coming back to and that and that's why it still shows up on a list because they just love it just love it just fun so that is our a number eight so let's go on to be Gigi's number seven do it so number seven from BoardGameGeek is mansions of madness second edition yes yeah okay so step you've had a very strong reaction so give me your thoughts what do you like but you know only picking five is this hard right okay so what makes you dig online man chasm madness mostly the app integration which keeps it fresh every time because I played the base the first edition which is good but you need that you need somebody to be the overlord or one controlling the monsters and everything like that with the app that that's all done in there so basically you encounter and you'd say what you're doing and you are trying to every scenarios a little different but you're unveiling this mansion if you will and you will explore it and find different clues and destroy different killer type creatures and you want to escape before they get you basically you got on but every every snare is a little different you thought you might have a different like adventure mission or different things that are happening and so it's you know it's just fun so now the game for us it's kind of we'd never play events in that a second edition but now we played journeys the middle-earth and for us we're like cool now we never need to play mention about a second edition cuz right because it's so having played journeys in middle-earth one more pick on my top that we're doing today it would be journeys okay it is amazing I went out and bought the $40 mat for it that's how crazy Wow we'd always heard about mansions of madness and especially you know the second edition the app integration and the way those wanted to play it sounds super cool right so then we heard like you should plan yeah we really do need to but then we heard like during the Middle Earth is coming out and like mixed up with like our two zombies I'd Black Plague because it has a fantasy theme but we love Lord of the Rings we're like it takes this really cool system and makes it Lord of the Rings where it's like instant exactly in about yes give me that ring so I'm like cool like I never need to play anything else again yeah so yeah we need to try mansion madness out of respect for paving the way for a journey for the elders yes yes for the other for the other ones I've always heard great things what makes them matter so absolutely good pick everybody good pick all of you out there for reading at numbers I love that anyway so let's get into our number seven though do it I got code names do it now most people have heard of code names I would think what is that gates point everybody's names do it is cooperative and I played mostly two-player cuz you are one side versus another side but you could do teams as well and you you have the same map that you're working with and you're trying to clue them to get your words and they're trying to clue you to get your words but you have overlapping assassin and words and you're trying to manage everything and so it's so hard yes yes it's cruel because you only have I mean in like a standard game I think it's like nine clues right and that's total yeah and and the thing that's fun is there might be something that if I'm giving you staff a clue and you guess this word that's an assassin and we lose but for you that might be a word you need us to guess yes so the psychological aspect you're giving me a clue that points me to this word but I'm fearful of it because it's an assassin for you but it's safer I just like it messes with you in more ways than just standard code names obviously you can't play it with like 15 people like you could regular code names look Oh names do why it is just suppose you can but anyway that's our number seven is code names do it if you haven't tried it and you like something like code names give code names do it a try oh yes wonderful it's wonderful good pick staff but I think let's get into number six from BoardGameGeek so number six from you the people of BoardGameGeek is mage night the board game was based on mage night and stop in this I was kind of do my research I haven't played this it just seems very old tiny to me if I'm perfectly honest I think it's old-timey I mean I played it a while ago but it wasn't I mean I actually played it in a competitive setting so I can't speak to the cooperative's right so the same you can play different modes you play competitively cooperatively already keep up that level of aggression for several hours yeah yes it kind of seemed like to a degree I mean a game that paved way for things like mansions of madness and these types of games we had these different tiles that will kind of populate and become this variable board and then the cool thing is like as you're playing the game your character levels up and get stronger so there's kind of like a deck building aspect to it you'll be able to as you get stronger draw more cards out so it seems like a cool game and I said old timey as a joke but yeah it's it's not great but the way for games yeah it's I always wanted to play just never really had the opportunity I'm not gonna learn myself I know myself well it ain't gonna happen but that is number 6 from BoardGameGeek mage night alright our number 6 is legendary marvel marvel deck building game there's a whole bunch of different kinds of legendary now yeah but our favorite has always just been legendary Marvel which is one the one they've supported I just want to be Wolverine yeah or which version the seven that come in the gameplay is all great it's a big a co-op a deck though I guess it's Tecla semi call but I don't know anyone actually owned it that way it's just straight-up co-op and essentially you have a pool of Heroes that you can buy from one the clothing I like what this game is it's not like your Wolverine I'm Captain America staff you're the Hulk you know it's not like we're each a different character you can just buy character cards and you're just Sencha Lee everybody sure and it's deck-building a villains are coming out in the city you're trying to attack them you're trying recruit more cards like a good deck builder does and it's just for us it's been it's by far our most played game ever yeah stuff if you played this one or are you into like kind of what it was I had a big long time in my life I'm like I hate it didn't leave an impression if I did I'm pretty sure I played it but um I should probably revisit it after you're highly praised words do I really want you with all that content and I was a lot to get it I suppose you know if we were to come play with you stuff you could just name like five of your all-time favorite heroes and the one thing I like about it is like in the comics like the Avengers team-up and the x-men team up and sometimes there's crossover but here you can put together people that you would never think would be on the same team and so that's what's fun is it kind of cherry pick your favorites see how they work together if they work together so we like doing that with different people so anyway that is our number six is legendary a marble a deck building game that we've gotten a ton of mileage out of yeah so with that let's go into the top half of the top ten I have with number five and BoardGameGeek number five from folks at BoardGameGeek I think this game's brand new it's not really brand new anymore is Arkham Horror the card game it does feel just like taking off people love this game they do yeah Steph have you played it or are you into like the living card games I'm scared just like we just talked about because there's so much content there will be so much it's not gonna stop I do want to play the base game just to see how it goes because I have a feeling I will like it so it's I'm hopeful from everything we've heard it really is the best of these games like Nick and I are semi deeply into collecting and playing the Lord of the Rings the living card game or ever we hear is the Arkham Horror kind of takes those things in like refines certain aspects of a streamlines it but we're kind of liking that like we've already invested a decent amount of money lower the rings I can't start that again like we're gonna keep going down the track that's my whole thing with this it's like something a living car game you have to be invested in the theme because you're spending a lot of money to be honest they a lot of money a lot of time also kind of stuff and honestly I do not care about Cthulhu like I don't mind it as a theme it doesn't bother me but I love crap has never been my thing so the thing is like the Arkham fourth theme does nothing for me whereas Lord of the Rings does like like you'll appreciate the fanservice given to you by a lot more the race part everything to me so wait wait Arkham Horror is this game that people love again people like it like in a plane it seemed to really enjoy it so I'm intrigued by it I think we all are but let's get into our number five I happen to pick and legacy nice as you guys been familiar with and yeah we're starting to and we actually have a plan to go through eons and legacy a buddy of ours we're trying to commit to doing more campaign stuff we're going through rise of n risk as where those people who are perpetually late to the party yes with side and then hands and legacy is naturally that so give us like tease us a little bit so that we actually get our stuff together and play it soon I've never okay okay I I got an that legacy to try it outside am i interested in the legacy games and I just fell in love with everything I had that so now I have all of it I have every piece of content for aeons in a bit like non-stop wild I thought it totally converted me that hands and like that's so funny so I'm working my way through the monsters now from the base game the base games like and that's so good cuz I played legacy it's so much better but actually the newer games like New Age and there's a bunch down like another campaign mode where they you can put all your content together and that's really really cool cuz it makes like the legacy happen again because you you're confine all your content and create your own campaign modes making a little bit harder as you go so I think that's like really cool that they they were able to come up with this new like system you have it all in place so it's if you guys like the cooperative deck builders which I know you do we do I think you'll be very excited for the legacy yeah I just like collaborate deck builders are oh they're just fun I don't know they're all powering up together so I feel the camaraderie there or something so I'm glad to hear that Aeons end legacy was so such a homerun for you that's got me super excited to like finally dive in for real and do it so that's awesome I can't wait and Alan's end legacy is our collective number five so it's going to BoardGameGeek and they're number four so number four from the people of bgg all you folks is a seventh continent not even fused with sixth or eighth continent nope which this is just our seventh one only the seventh one this is a game where you wash up on shore of some island or continent you don't know where you are how you got here you what you always have like fragments of memories my dreams kind of like these dreams and you don't you're kind of disoriented and the whole game is walking around exploring the island trying to figure out you've been cursed and you're trying to figure out what is ailing you and and and how do you basically survive and rectify this curse mm-hmm so this is a game that we've all played and may appear later on our list I don't want to I want to talk too much about it but I can we all agree right now that we quite like seven continent we'll come back around maybe we will see if it comes back but anyway number four from BoardGameGeek is seventh continent so let's go ahead and get over to our number four so our number four is stop thief specifically the coop notice we've kind of talked about this a little bit about like games that aren't technically coops but they have later since then come out with a co-op version of the game show a different way so I know a Steph you really like early on invasion and we really like or than invasion yes but that's technically not how the game was supposed to be played when it first came out that was exist yeah but to me and I think the three of us I'm kind of like cool let's just always play invasion this is kind of like that so stop thief is a really really great game where the competitive game is there are the there's a robbers running around the board robbing stuff from like you know the the Museum of robbing it from this story teams exactly and so you're and then everyone is trying to deduce where the robber is through sound clues this is another game it's also app driven yes and the app gives you sounds and it's tracking in the app where the thief is and I'll give you sound clues so you hear like and that means they're walking indoors and you're like okay creak so we know there on the door space or a window space so like that the problem with a competitive game is like everyone's kind of doing the deducing together but a lot of times it'll come down to we're like we know the the robber is on this space or this one we're not sure which one that's a 53% chance so if Mike then goes and tries this spot and it's wrong right then Steph knows that the killer is here and so that you can kind of go get them because Mike chose wrong on a 55 so we reap the benefits of your hard work yeah it's like and that doesn't happen all the time but it's just kind of it feels weird to all be kind of deducing together but not be on the same team so the co-op version is that without everyone's on the same team and there's a group of seven robbers running around the board and you're trying to catch all seven before they steal fifty thousand bucks if you do you win if you don't you lose that game fosters really fun discussions if you're saying okay so wait it was it was indoor door they went outside door and what do you think you're like no I think it was this and and you can work together and talk through your logic out loud and there's no like repercussions for doings yeah it's like it's really fun to play co-op that is our number four stop thief the co-op mode and so yes we wanted number three let's do it so number three Nick's very excited about because it's spirit island in the BoardGameGeek spirit island is a game that we played and quite like it just didn't make our list for I'll speak for us because I'm crowded enough it's super hard but in this game it's sort of the reverse the flip side to Settlers of Catan people come and settled in the island and the spirits of the island decide I don't want you here go away - I don't want you to build the city thank you very much and so it's you are the island and the spirits of the island fighting back reclaiming your land and it's just a super cool theme with these really fun kind of elements of deck building and powering up that is super hard and stuff have you played spirit island what are your thoughts on it I have okay okay so I'm curious like what didn't sing for you just nothing really grabbed me I guess I though experience was long the teach was long everything was just long it is long if they could cut it down to like an hour I'd be like all in right it's just for me it was a three-hour experience with four players one person who really knew the rules and taught us and he was really on it like he was a good rules teacher and it was and it should've been great and they just everybody else who played it loved it so I'm like maybe I just missed something I don't know yeah yeah I guess that's enough right if you're willing to try it again it's one of those games that I played like three times now the first time we didn't go through a whole game because like you said it's long like we just we ran out of time and I didn't know anything that was going on and then we played it like a week later and for the first like 2/3 I was just sort of like I'm thinking about when I went to other people who knew the game very well like I'm thinking maybe this are like yeah I mean that could work maybe to try this and then like two-thirds the way through I like saw the matrix I like I get it I see why all these things matter this card is important and that sign I couldn't so it took a while if you think of both of those place come on it took a long while to get to that point yeah that's one problem with spirit Island as I think it's got as a barrier injury yeah but I I I definitely want to get good at it I want to explore this there's something at least for me that's pulls me in yeah just maybe it's just the kind of story idea like these spirits in the way that they are very asymmetrical and stuff like that really all about like I don't really like that I don't particularly care for it was even okay I just I don't know so I just didn't grab me like it grabs everybody else and maybe I you know yeah I'm kind of the middle you know I was like I didn't dislike it but I was like that sounds good sure board games is you can have a board game that like clearly a lot of people out there enjoy for it to be so highly revived and it can still for some people be like no not me and that's good I honestly love that when a game is super well liked and there's someone who's just like it's not for me but they like this thing over here with us is it's very mixed bag yeah but according to the books of bgg pretty darn good it seems so we'll see maybe what to investigate further yes but let's get into our number three in the meantime so this is the game that I played 250 times last year Wow please spirit island 250 times last time the mind 250 times even though it's not the longest game the world that's a lot of place Wow why so many not fast because well you are playing for 30 minutes and it's not like everybody's like it's so fast well maybe if you lose really fast we lose the first round every time every time okay so I don't know if you've heard of the dark mode have you heard of this no so if you win the regular game I've never done that you suddenly go into dark mode and dark mode is where people play facedown and then reveal at the end of the it's so hard okay so you're all putting out the same way over there always faced at all correct that's awesome and so I play this game mostly two-player but I've played with a big groups of players and so my best story is in the dark we made it to level 11 where our one card short from winning it's our house we're so it sick you know you just got to get it sequence of a dark mother Lily plays we play code mode where it's very much like the mind except for rather than not talking you talk constantly and you know my god why to communicate what your cards are using very complicated vagaries so one for instance well say it one is just like the topic will be like a trip to the grocery store and like if I'm not gonna play a wild bag dude I haven't found my keys to leave to go to the grocery store like oh this dude I'm Way far in the future the volcker equivalent of being like yeah Nick's like well I'm at milk and egg and I'm like I like bread so what was a good mom at the cashier buying gum right now you have coupons plate code mode those buzzword rules it's a fun way to shake off but it because it gives you the same thing like the mind inevitably leads to giggles leads to like stress I at some point during the game full voice yell at somebody see kind of like your internal timing is not the same as mine her like this is how we count to ten in my head you're not on my pace you're in trouble if we get to dark mode and code mode we'vewe've gonna retire again burn the game our number three let's get to number two from you the folks at BoardGameGeek so we've talked about pandemic legacy season two but number two is paying a pandemic legacy season one you see you had it in there yeah it was a lot of numbers going on so the two was the one the two is the very few eight pandemic legacy season one is number two the number two ranked twelve months in a year three 500 the Fibonacci sequence and just God pandemic legacy season one this this game I remember when it was happening so I know like blew up I mean it busted that whole genre water because there's risk legacy beforehand but like if people love that game without something to put this like I mean I've never seen it just skyrocket up the b2g rankings and it was incredible to watch I mean just uh yeah you take an already well liked co-op game pandemic like what there is out there yeah right very well-known and he's and all of a sudden to do something where as you said sup you go through a year you play 12 games minimum and I guess you have a couple cracks at each month but you're going through a year where all of a sudden you know all these diseases and outbreaks and epidemics and things have like lasting ramifications and how does the world without way too much how does the world change over a year of this like horrible stuff yeah and you're just like trying your best to survive to keep people alive you know to power up your kind of people yeah your people are kind of just getting the psychological ramifications of this you know world ending pandemics and things going on it's just seemed cool and this is when we kind of paved the way for legacy oh I would say so yeah I mean I think I think it helped open up people's eyes to like what new things you can first my card yes I'm point neo and legacy games you're like open up box number three in my What's in box number three yeah it's like an advent calendar component that I didn't know also the whole game is different I mean yeah so cool I get why that game you know did so well we're like halfway through it and I want to continue it because when we finally do it seems like legacy games for me get a little bit I get overwhelmed thinking you have to play through so many games it's like we'll just take your time yeah I don't pressure yourself in any way like make it be what it's gonna be because that discovery and stuff is so fun yeah you know and then I guess it the idea to frame your work if you did good enough yeah I mean yeah it was it was number one for a while another Ganon is now number one which may show up in a moment on Bee Gees list [Laughter] guess what it is yeah why don't I guess there's gonna be a number one do this listen anyone Z that coming anyway pandemic legacy season one is number two now still very highly ranked red box boom box Steph red box a blue box Oh red box got a gal okay I thought I was gonna be I thought everyone's with me on my side y'all are wrong please bastard anyway box first I'm using yellow he's usually blue so what's up that works out we're all happy that's the point what sad let's get into our number two indeed our number two is actually based pandemic cool I never Titan C's of what Nazis a to not fall of Rome not right there's a lot to be fair let me say pandemic we do mean pandemic with on the brink but that's not a separate game it's just an expansion for the game but like even then like I've played a lot of just base pandemic it's interesting introducing the people and it's still up there it's pandemic it's again it's our gateway again so I was the game that got us into the Hobby and it's still to this day is just such a good co-op game and I really think such a good way to get people into the Hobby I think coops games co-op games in general tend to be a good way to get in the high we kind of like what you said earlier it's like because if you're teaching a gateway game that's competitive lot of times people don't want to ask questions because they don't want to like give away their strategy or they don't want to like you know have some kind of disadvantage because of it whereas coops everyone can just talk everyone can just just discuss and I think it's really great in pandemic it's just such a cool theme you know the world is like just getting rampage by diseases and you're trying to save the world it just has everything going for it yeah it's heist or a good gateway game and it to this day even though we're deep deep deep in the hobby obviously but it's like I still to this day I'm like ah it's still it might be my desert island game oh my goodness that's big big worries but it's like it's possible you know and and so we still love it you know and so yeah there's not much that we've talked about ended with the three times its length more or less you get it is there's this disease as you're trying to the diseases you have people with some powers it's it's all good yeah it's outstanding so anyway that is our number two there's no one higher on our list but pandemic the game that got us into games is pandemic yeah so I think it's time to get to the number one let's do it worse at time number one game cooperative ranked on BoardGameGeek what could it be so I mean it's this game no one's ever heard of I think it's pronounced gloom Haven nots glob movin movin buddy surprise yeah one surprise doctor because like you know at the time pandemic legacy season one had kind of been at one for a bit yeah and then like similarly where that one rose the ranks like gloom Haven showed up and just kick the doors down on its way to like the number one spot it wasn't stopping for nobody yeah and so this is a big campaign game I guess I mean I guess it's legacy I mean right okay hi there except but necessarily but like you are moving through this big bring up stuff stickers you're putting so there are permanent changes being made to say oh I'll say personally I would say so a big campaign game at the very least but it's cool because you have these different characters that you are playing as for a good long while but then that character might retire and then you might have access to new types of people law so it's just massive game like Nick and I I don't know if you play stuff Nick and I are playing through gloom Haven and we're early on yet and I can't fathom getting to retirement for my characters they'll each have specific things that that will make them go how I'll ever get there there's no way yeah I'm never gonna get there yeah it's like people completed blew Heyman is bonkers I played the first scenario in the second scenario and so I I'm familiar with it and I enjoyed my time I just don't know if I want to dedicate that time like you're saying it's just yeah it's a lot it is really is a lot those things that I'm honestly glad to know that it's available digitally now because it's so big and there's so many things that we're gonna be in that game for ever years like this because we don't have the time to like play multiple sessions a week necessarily well so what's good is that there's been some talk from Isaac on Twitter recently that there's gonna be an exclusive gloom Haven title that's gonna be like like a corner of gloom Haven or something and so it's a lot more manageable that sounds I don't know much about it but that sounds like something more my speed yeah yeah and I think for a lot of people you know you might be totally interested in something that's just not very reasonable for you so if they make something like that that gets more people to try it that's wonderful you know because it the systems and stuff in place and the game are really fun and I think it like it's one that should be explored by folks and maybe that'll be like a first step they go through that they like it and that's either good enough for them or they might then want to jump into the full gloom yeah so I love that they're always it seems like they they are thinking of ways to make sure that it's accessible to as many people as possible it's really cool but we have a number one and Steph's gonna take it on home for us so Steph what do we got for number one we mentioned earlier it's seven continents on the seven continent talk it's like because we're gonna get to it now the 388 goes did not forget so Steph why do you like seven continent see while I might not want to spend hours and hours and hours playing glue Haven I do kind of watch but our stuff is our swing so what for you like yeah what sings so much too about seventh continent I really like the exploration of course you kind of have to write but it's it's managing your life deck because you're working through and you're using your life to explore and hunt and do all those things but you're like I need to eat to get more cards back into my life because if you ever run out of cards then you're in doom area and if you lose you're it's just devastating it's DAW it's hurt and it's like painful hurts and and to have like that roller coaster in the game it's just it I never really felt so emotionally attached experience before I'm just like oh my god how could what I literally just felt 12 12 hours of this day playing now I dead oh my gosh yeah it hurts and yet the whole the whole thing of like I need to remember everything we did so that I can try this again and do it right you know and the cool thing that I really appreciate about the game is mechanically it's incredibly simple yeah everything like you said it comes down those cards your life deck and you have to draw things out to succeed it building this thing fighting that thing going over here whatever it may be you use these cards as always those cars it's never different about your climbing if you're building all of it fighting if you're eating none of it is different you're always doing the exact same thing cool thing is that that allows you to get emotionally attached because you realize it like this is my life I'm spending my time and my energy doing these things and I just expended all this energy and just got attacked by bees why did I go over there you know or whatever it might be if you are building up your character I mean you have your items and you're using your items so you kick down and so that's also like the cards that you get from your life support is like oh my god I found my raft cool now I build it and now now I can go go across the river here okay quick position but you use it wrapped and then it goes away you're like yeah we've had those moments where we think we've got like this curse nail right we know it we know exactly where we need to go and we go and we're like we were wrong dang it what happened to square one website you can you can listen to these tracks that if you're in like section one you can listen to the section one track and it really sometimes you just find myself listening to X I like it so much I don't know that's also really yeah so you hear the footprints he's walking through or you hear like water wave crashing or the jungle sounds wherever you are it's so good that's a game that you will never run out of stuff because curses are hours and hours and hours and it's not a game you can play every night yeah yeah that's the best if you can that's ideal because it's a bear set up and take down if you have the packet all the way so you can have a dedicated space yeah if you do pack it up then you kind of get cards put back so you might be able to go back and explore that spot where you already exhausted it before so there's like that kind of hmm it just seems like they'll never be an end to the exploration doesn't seem like yeah possible that will never end it's very likely yeah oh they died but anyway that is gonna conclude our list with seven kana I think our list was pretty good guys I would say anyway it's better than the people's to come at me better than the people it's something to know guys is that you know we met over a co-op we played we met during a co-op yeah we were playing flat line which i think is just outside of our top tens like a game that I really quite enjoy it's pretty great it's so fantastic we did horribly when we played it together and it was probably Nick and ice ball probably but it was just such a cool experience and again like that's what's really cool about cooperative games is you can get to know somebody because you're talking and you are compelled and encouraged to to talk and learn and so now here we are doing this and that's how the world works it's crazy co-op games even if we don't play a ton of them which we don't we've been more competitive always gonna have a spot in my heart oh sure because they can just create really fun memories things like the mind you know it's hard to get those memories in any kind of game and co-op seems to be driven toward having those big laugh moments those big triumphant despair moment it just makes big stories no so that was our top 10 versus your top 10 of let us know down in the comments below what top 10 you want us to do next yeah we can talk a lot of any many game mechanic and things like that so top 10 I am okay with might have it okay if you can come up one with better than rolling rights we're gonna go steps choice of own rights and I think any good list I'm hot on rolling rights right now I'm ready to go but again you can go on to the Browse area of borghini you can find a different category different mechanics that you can search for which is a great way to just search for games and in there you can again search them by rank and that is how you can come up with your own top ten in terms of on bgg and so you can look through those lists and see like oh this would be interesting for them to talk about and put down the comments below absolutely and as always if you want to help affect the lists that are going to populate these future videos you can go ahead and rank your games at BoardGameGeek com well you can help shape the the top tens that appear in the future not necessarily our top ten but your top ten of the people so go ahead and do that and also thank you to everyone for submitting amazing game pictures I know Nick's a game photographer Steph you're an amazing game photographer Steph thank you so much for being here with us and that's way more legitimate oh yeah we'll see you in the next one hopefully doing rolling rice but again put your thoughts of what you want in the comments below and tell us what you think about our list indeed and until next time I've been Mike I'm Nick I'm staff and we are out of here bye everybody bye [Music]
Channel: BoardGameGeek
Views: 40,483
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GeekUsername:heccubus, board games, board game, find board games, best board games, game news, game previews, tabletop games, tabletop, top 10 board games, most popular games, most popular board games, best games, top ten board games, boardgamegeek, board game geek, top 10, hottest games, hottest board games, hottest board games 2019, top board games 2019, best board games 2019, bgg, top games 2019, Worker Placement
Id: GmAvOaB6Pz8
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Length: 48min 40sec (2920 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 18 2019
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