The Girls in the Yarn Café Podcast

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[Music] so [Music] hello hi everyone guess what we're back we are back we are super back i bet you guys thought we'd quit again huh it's been like five weeks i'm busy who are you my name is tristan i'm christy i'm the dire behind dragon hoard yarn and i'm the dyer behind yarn cafe creations she's my mom i'm she's my daughter and she's my daughter and she's my daughter yeah and yeah welcome back you guys we're coming to you from payson utah right now it is getting blisteringly hot and it's getting dark i'm okay with that i'm teasing it's gonna get colder and it means it's almost fall i know it's basically halloween right now right pretty much halloween and christmas is almost here too happy new year guys hey no i am ready for fall i am ready for autumn i'm ready for my boots i just got two more pairs of them and i you did yeah the same ones i got uh uh going back last year so i have the red ones um that i recently got because i got the teal ones there yes and then i got green ones and you get green ones too well the teal it's called teal but i thought you got green green too no i would love green green ones but i got red ones and brown ones and black ones wow they're set i'm actually saving money i'm spending a little bit more on good products right and i'm not buying a ton of crappy ones which i'm prone to do when i see a cute pair of boots online those are nice ones though oh yeah and they're like hiking boots and stuff and i bought them for comic-con actually the black ones um because i know i can walk around all day in them and not hurt right that makes a difference oh it makes such a difference speaking of shoes what have you been up to my shoes well i bought some shoes um no i've just been dying your own like crazy uh i have my six halloween advents our advent yeah we've been getting ready to die advent well i've been dying i've been dying advice i have one more adventure i know i'm always dying minis and every time my husband eric who like preps the yarn for me every day um he just looks over at me he's like please no i'm like i'm so sorry more more minis um but i i love making minis i like making sock sets so i love making sock sets but so i've been uh i've dyed up five of the halloween advent so far one more to die up which is um haunting a fairyland um i have a couple of those left and a couple wait did i write that down uh haunting a fairyland i did yeah so yeah i have my grandma efficient so grim fairy tales one perfectly halloweeny haunting the fairyland uh and which which is which so i have a a couple i think only like one of a couple of these left and shopping is just 13-day advents oh um that's a great idea yeah and quicker to make but also more affordable for people yeah some of them come with a full skein of yarn some of them come with stitch markers some come with both some come with just 13 days of minis um so there's there's kind of a wide range um and i did it like that instead of like 31 days because straight up 31 days it's like 250 to 280 straight up and i just did all mine like that though i just kept doing the way i've been doing them i just did yeah but i didn't i was wasn't even thinking about doing half sizes well it's like it's also like you have to stay within a theme for 31 colors and with doing smaller ones you can be inspired and be like okay yeah that's all the inspiration i have instead up inside me for that one theme that's right i understand it gives you a little bit more variance like i uh at a harder time last year i did a dark crystal halloween advent and i just i'm like i have no idea what other colors there are in the world um but i got through it and i was able to that's true and some themes are like that but i'll tell you one thing that's not like that that there's like endless possibilities my little pony oh my god mom i did not know there's that many ponies well and what's cool about color combinations right well what's cool about my little pony is there's the official my little ponies but then there's all these fandom websites that do like make up their own but they're all named and so i gain inspiration from those two i love that i just got done doing art i think july july yeah wait so we just finished uh people just finished opening their july of magic the my little pony advent and i'm working on the autumn one which those are sold out but i bought them again yeah i'm sending those out in like a week i think uh if all goes well in one week they'll be out the door but i have one coming up for you have several for october i have one for october okay but yours is a big one thank you thank you i started on that's what i mean that's what i've been doing since we podcasted last like um each week i've been dying up another advent just during my normal die week it's crazy but uh no it's been great and it's been fun to play with color because then it gets me prepped for autumn and it gets me prepped for like different collections and i just get inspired to do other things with like some of the color palettes i use so that's mainly what i've been doing um i had a show that's right that's right oh wait real quick though what have you been doing it's all about nothing nothing just been here you're just dying asking yourself well since we're talking about advents we just i just want to let everybody know that we you're sold out of our harry potter yes our year six we only have we only have like 15 more in your shop yes whatever's left in my shop is what we have and you get to choose your own house it comes with 24 minis all of those are the same for all the houses but then you get to choose your house and then your main 100 gram skin is going to be in your it'll be inspired by your house colors but those are inspired by your house i'll tell you we sell out every year no questions i'm actually surprised we still have some i i know well this year things a little bit different oh yeah for people yeah but we will sell out we will sell out um anyway so if you want to get that we're on a year six and then i'm listening to book five right now i've been work making my way back through and next week i start uh dying for that advent as well as uh haunting a fairyland but yeah so as soon as i get to book six i'm gonna start uh dying for that i'm super excited because like going through a book five i'm like oh i remember this colorway i remember this color um for all the different themes coming up like i'm uh with uh delores umbridge and harry's uh detention yeah and stuff right now i'm just like i really liked my dolores color well i mean just over the years i keep i'll see pictures every once in a while of what we've done in the past people post pictures you're uh you're uh try wizard tour no no you're um uh quidditch world cup color last year no that was two years ago yeah for those of you that might be newer here we've been doing this this is our sixth year we committed to people that we would do all seven but at least yeah at least at least seven books yeah and we're on book six this year so thanks to all of you that have been with us for since we came here there's a couple of you that have been here since the beginning so thank you oh my goodness oh my god i can't believe no i'm just i'm just excited because i keep remembering oh my god this is in book six oh my god this is in book six and i cannot wait i know it's exciting so but yeah i just wanted to put that in there just in case people were wondering if you're thinking about getting one you probably should get get it now because we will sell out i've had people ask me if we're ever going to bring back any of the other advents and i'm like i didn't even think about that i really thought we wrote those down i mean yeah the last few years i did because i there have been some inventory issues we're like we have to die up another advent because we miss countless cow dead um that happens sometimes yeah it happens almost every year yeah so but uh and i yeah i mean i don't know okay um anyway i'm like i guess i could die um so anyway that's kind of what's going on with our advance but yeah that's mainly what i've been focused on but you had that really awesome uh trunk show yeah and i learned how to say the name of the shop pedophores metaphors yeah which is a french cake now i'm gonna get the wrong yeah they're just like little mini cakes basically like bite size they're so cute i bought them out because they actually sell those there oh my god oh yeah there's like a little uh not a cafe but they have um it's like a little yeah just like it's like a little cafe but there's no tables to sit at or anything it's just like here's our awesome baked goods but they do throw fairy themed tea parties what did someone say tea party and fairy themes and fairy tales don't forget so i i actually plan on doing something possibly in october probably in november as i say out of town in october and like finishing up the advent and stuff and it's like probably in november um i would love to do a fairy thing tea party just like so fun knitting friends in the area and it's required that you have to dress like a fairy or come to my house beforehand so i can dress you as a fairy because i have plenty of stuff um but yeah so it was a great show thank you guys thank you everyone that came out it was it was really overwhelming actually uh how many people came out it was a good show like it was so much fun for a newer store it's only been there about a year yeah it's been about a year a year and a half and lehigh utah yeah if you guys are in the area it's a really good shop like i mean i i know that everyone has their favorite yarn shops and the yarn shops they won't go to or the yarn shops that they've never been to or like casually i don't know right but i feel like pedophores and pearls is actually going to just be my yarn shop well and it's so true because each yarn store it has its own vibe and culture and and the kind of yarn that they carry some carry more commercials some carry more you know hand dyed they have a really good balance yeah they got a good mix yeah did you know rebecca was here last week i saw that on i saw that on my message from like why why didn't you come why didn't you spend the entire week with us seriously but she didn't make it down there but she did go to the other one up north crap i forgot the bountiful yeah it's a manifold and i don't remember the name of it either why are you putting me on no idea you guys i'm awful sorry am i but there's another one bountiful but she did go to that one and i've met the shop owner and she's very sweet too yeah yeah they were at our show cannot believe i cannot think of that but anyways it was a great show um and yeah i want to go back and i know you'll be announcing your show i'll be doing really good show in november oh my gosh let's do the fairy tea party that weekend and we can make it like an event that was like the hottest day of the year i swear it was so hot then october the day that you did yours i got heat exhaustion seriously it was so hot like just from standing at the end of the show down we we brought everything down in like one trip and they were just standing by my car in about two minutes i started getting heat exhaustion and after i went home i slept for about 48 hours but we did go to ihop on the way home yeah and i eat food and that was so funny like a baby i liked it now we used to do that all the time after anything after any event any show or anything um when we go out of town we go to outback i went back last night i made um not made but i chose outback for eric's parents to take me out for my birthday you did they did not appreciate it as much as they should have as much as you did well it's not for everybody but we went last night before we went and got my new kitten oh my god that's right we got a new kitten and you're still naming her we haven't named her yet she's black on white like murphy white with black spots and she's three and a half months old and i didn't know this but vaughn my fiance has never had a kitten he's only gotten cats and this one was from a rescue place and uh so cute so cute and so sociable she's very sociable like yeah you look good you look at murphy he's just like i'll figure out if i like you or not if i like you i will grace you with my presence she's more sociable than murphy was but murphy was six months when we got him from a family with like 12 kids two just two maybe it felt like 12 but i swear you're like it was chaotic there's kids everywhere just two kids but felt like 12 murphy yeah probably felt like that to a cat maybe but she's so cute she is super cute and yeah she looks like a mini me for murphy oh my goodness oh my god minnie i want to be i want to name her minnie i want you guys i don't know we haven't been excited yet she's so sweet i mean i'll get over it even if you name her something else i'm sure he'll be fine with it if i named her that but you know we want to go through the whole list and see if there's a full name minerva minerva from harry potter yeah of course i love that i love that so much yep and we're nerdy that way well vaughn hasn't no he's not careless yeah with eric he's just like not everything is about harry potter has to do with harry potter i'm like but there's ties everywhere and you cannot deny it so yeah there's just another tie that we're preemptively putting there i guess she should be minerva i like it i think it's cute but so i got a cat okay you got a cat yeah so we'll see how that how that adventure goes yeah and then other than that you've been dying yarn and prepping for a woolen folk which we will be vending at in new york in rhinebeck new york and that's going to be on like the isn't it like the 13th or 14th i think it's the 14th it's the friday before uh the new york sheep yes yes and that's the cutest venue and i know we talked about it last week but i just wanted to run last week i can't believe it's been that long oh my god i'm blown by it's been my fault because i'm like can we do it next week well and i think i was fine with it because i we're just so busy yeah and especially prepping for our favorite season so yeah well and vaughn got really sick for like a week and a half uh when we were supposed to do it oh really the first time yeah i think that's what it was it might have been the week before that it wasn't it wasn't covered or anything he had like a stomach uh like he was very nauseated but it lasted his the weakness lasted for like two weeks i mean and we we have a farm so yeah you don't really get doing irrigation and you know taking care of cows and stuff it was really i had to help a lot and i don't mind doing that i know how to do it all i just i don't know how to do irrigation so he still did that yeah i mean i know how to turn it on and off he's showing me where this the you know the valve and stuff is but he he's an engineer kind of guy and he made these really cool sprinkler heads or bottom but then he made the piping and put the pipes all in and all that stuff but anyway i don't know how to do all that so yeah and i wanted to do it this week because next week on monday lulu gets her nose job and so getting a nose job for her sinuses yeah yeah because she's a french bulldog we wanted to originally get all of her surgeries done at first like during one thing like we did with odin but when we first took her they're like oh she's not gonna need the nasal surgery at all i'm like okay great and didn't realize that that was a uh vet tech on the actual vet suggesting her not to get it oh and so that's different yeah so when we took her in for a little pause or that she continues to get and now we have like topical stuff for it for next time so it's like yes um when we took her in this last time she's like oh i always will suggest it for french bulldogs especially her though i'm like because yeah the anesthesia that they used to put them under it's not full anesthesia it's a it's a mix and that's why we actually went with this fat originally because they specialized in flat nosed dogs oh that's that's good that's really good yeah so it's like i'm a little less worried but lulu is turning up to be the one with all of the medical stuff so i just don't want her to suffer at all when she's under but yeah so next week is a recovery spoil lulu that's good you'll need to be yeah there can we talk about something off script for a second menopause is real [Music] i'm feeling fleshy so if you see me turning flushed as we're talking you want me to blow on you seriously it's like you need a fan in here oh but i'm learning i thought i knew kind of what menopause what you go through with it sorry if this is too tmi but insomnia is a big thing oh i think i'm going through metabolism well i've never really had menopause in my life i've never heard you're gonna say insomnia i'm like i always i mean not menopause insomnia yeah i've never gone through insomnia i get insomnia i've never i mean when i'm anxious though wait every once in a while but like not like this mine will last for about a month or two yeah i've never i've never really had it four hours of sleep at night i'm actually going through it right now so yeah it's in hot flashes and then why you why you can't sleep like i've always been a cold-blooded i don't know if it's cold-blooded i always get cold not lately i enjoy being in the cold well i do absorb all that freezing i did i i mean i do too now but and i like the cold but i like to have covers on me now i'm like turning the air down to like 65 and throwing all the covers off and just being like i was laying around i've never been well this is at night while i'm sleeping i've never been like that so anyway i just thought you might want to know that menopause is real and it's it's not a made-up thing i don't think it's i mean some people go through like depression and some people go through real big time mood swings and anger and bitchiness all around i haven't i haven't gone through that i'd rather you just not sleep mom seriously i've maybe if i like worked a job and i was around other people a lot and i might get emotional more but i feel pretty much the same i'm just i just have hot flashes okay that's all does it do you have a fan in your room no well i have a ceiling fan but i don't use that i i honestly like with my insomnia it's usually when i get too hot or i'm anxious but that the one the actual like just breathe even if it's more with that breeze going across you that'll help a ton the air conditioning helps i just haven't seen like active air flow on my phone doesn't like it on so i'm just listening as i can't i can't can't do that so make make excuses not everybody yourself not like everybody likes that so but moving on yeah so that's what we're going through right now and doing so let's talk about um what we've made or what we're making what we're making because i think you need to share what you're making with everyone because oh yeah because we just found out some exciting news i mean it's exciting either way yeah there's so many more patterns my my daughter do you think she won't care she telling everybody what she's having yeah okay i don't remember if she's not like anybody yeah she was if it was a secret and she's like no i'm telling everyone okay well she's not telling the name my youngest daughter who got married last year is uh pregnant and she's due in january and she we just found out she's having a little girl so i'll have a grand i have a grandson right now he's almost eight oh so you don't need anything from me you'll have both of them covered i do so i'm having a grand a granddaughter now we're getting a little girl so of course i started looking at baby patterns that's instantly what i did and i'm like i found the cutest it's it's called grannies i think it's granny's romper yeah granny's rompers by jackie platt and there's it's like a onesie basically oh amazon's here thank you amazon's here um it's a onesie and then she has a separate pattern called granny's cardigan or yeah granny's cardigan that goes over the top so i had so i had to finish that row um i'm doing magic loop which i would normally not do on something like this do you want a six star no i have them i just didn't want to get up and grab it so i'll change over when we're done okay um but it's it's gonna be this is the bottom it's you're knitting from the bottom up so this is gonna have i put there's little buttonholes on the front right here this is in the color ballerina and it's going to button up like right here look at that oh my god i know do they make them in adult sizes right i'm just saying those would be some really cute shorts and this is like lounging around the house i'm using so that's ballerina color and then i'm going to make the granny's cardigan in in this clove color so it coordinates really well and i'm making i already picked out like four or five sets of colors that i want to make little rompers on little cardigans dk this is sports it's in sport yeah and it's knit on well you start with a 2.75 millimeter uh which is a size 2 needle us size 2 and then you switch to a three a size or a size two and a half which is three millimeter i don't have that size so i just kept going on the two point seven five i don't think it's going to be that big of a difference and i'm just making the three to six months i doubt the baby is going to complain she's going to be like um how come the the the ribbing is the same size as the onesie my diaper is showing you didn't really accommodate my diaper well this she i don't know this designer i i mean because i don't make baby stuff yeah so she has a bunch of little they call them soakers like the diaper covers too so i'm gonna make a bunch of those in different colors but i'm making the three to six month um she lives in arizona so the cardigans i'm trying to decide if i want to make a bunch of cardigans or not that's just i'm just laughing because it's like you just told me um earlier before we started like no one designs anything for arizona no one designed nothing but understood whether it's like year-round it's hot it's like well the onesie will be good i mean yeah it is merino but you know they're air conditioned all the time oh yeah and so it does get a little cool in these ac places for babies but the cardigan it i i mean i'm going to make them anyway i think yeah i just know that she probably won't be able to wear it all the time yeah you know who cares i'm going to make it anyway i don't care and then i'm going to make some of the baby soakers just a little diaper covers those she can wear all the time and i'll make in different sizes you know i'll make i'll make the little sizes to start with and then i'll make a couple in like the size probably six to nine month so that she can have them and then after that she's on her own yeah no she can after that she's gonna have to learn how to knit um which marshall is turning to crochet again because she's like i want to be domestic and i want to make baby blankets she's making baby blankets which is really awesome i'm just gonna send her a yarn so what are you making um well recently and uh i know last time i was talking about my uh pattern that i'm designing for a book one of them that i was struggling a lot with i finally got past that part and i was right and i did it right yay um and then i had to find a tech editor and find found one last night that's hard that's a hard thing if you're a designing person especially if you have a mental block of like oh my tech editor knows me and all of my like yeah issues and she knows how to fix them but she's not doing it anymore for you know she yeah she really narrowed down her clientele list so just totally more time with her family which is great cool but it caused a lot of anxiety in me with my like because of my own issues not because of her um and so i finally found one last night and so i'm like okay i'm almost done with that sweater and then i have one more to design and knit by two weeks past 20 the 22nd of august because i got an extension good that's good though that's just flexible that way yeah so i got uh that one to do and then i'm diving into baby stuff but in the meantime every so often i'm working on my kappa tank which i decided i so many people like supporting me of like um oh do both do the long sleeve and do a tank top or just do the long sleeve we don't care about the tank top um and so because you guys have support i'm probably gonna do both that's a good idea yeah yeah i mean never ask for opinions like that why would i ever do that i mean seriously actually i don't think i did well that's cool make the hard decisions and so when i did pull it all the way back um i am going to make it uh longer um i think and i'm going to make it just a regular is it beads yeah i have a beat i know i showed this last week but i don't care i love them i love them so much so cute i love beads we have so many beads i'm buying more beads when we go i'm like i'm using them validation right here i'm not i haven't used them i've only used them on one tank your tank that i made but when you do decide to knit another one you'll have a stash to pull them from well i've used that for beads i actually made some stitch markers just the little hoops with a little bead on it that you glue on that is great i didn't do it very well because the bead keeps slipping so i've got to find the right glue just to use the super glue i use i need to i think i use this crafters but it doesn't work well i'm using super glue for for jewelry making but i uh i'm i didn't want to put too much on so i didn't put enough onto thank you i'm gonna make it a little bit drop shoulder and i'm going to make it um probably three quarter inch sleeves i like straight quarter or like i guess maybe like bracelet length or whatnot yeah i just yeah i i don't know i i always point pull this slice up yeah um so i'm gonna do that and so bottom up and then i'm also going to do probably release it next year the tank top version i'm just going to work on the sweater-ish shirt version first um i think it's just going to be super cute i like watercolor tanks and is it merino is it fingering it's fingering away it's 7525 um merino and nylon uh super brush marina and nylon and um yeah awesome it's in the moss dragon color which is still to this day seriously one of my favorite colors i've ever done has it been around for a while uh it's been around since last podcast oh okay i think it's been around for like two months but it's still one of my favorites green i know it's like a just like a it's like a green caramel it's so exciting i know oh i cannot wait to i'm probably gonna wear this uh to rhyme back this might be one of my rhymeback sweaters which we are okay i am i i am oh i am [Music] i'm ready for some rhinebeck i'm ready for sweater weather i'm ready to start playing around with ideas for my rhymeback sweater um i'm going to be having kits in the shop this next week i started taking photos and stuff of like uh autumn quartz sweater pre-orders uh salem sweater pre-orders sanderson sweater pre-orders so people can make them for their run books yeah we got guys we can only have like eight weeks left nine weeks stop it please oh i know because we still have to prep um but yeah we only have a little bit longer and i'm always like why did i pick up this this design job of doing this when i should have been designing a rhinebeck sweater and so i'm going to tell the person don't don't send me these submission ideas ever again please stop there if they're during this time frame no um not really because i love it seriously it's all nerdy stuff and i'm here for it but um yeah i'm ready to cast on my brown big sweater so i have to finish those too baby stuff i have anything well i think that i've i've made a few sweaters this year and i think i'm going to use them all as my rhymeback sweater because i didn't wear them last year and they're so cute like the ones i showed on the last you know the the yeah by theo coleman i have the thea coleman one two of them by dia coleman and i have one from isabelle kramer so i have three that i've already made oh nice and well you have to be getting involved with like autumn colors four we'll talk about in a minute but yeah yeah you have to like be getting excited and like putting colors together and be like yeah i need to do this i need to i would love to i need a color word oh yeah oh you're like you're like like a chunky cable well i want like a dk yeah like chunky well my right your your sweater that i made last year for rhinebeck and then that i finished and took apart which i'm going to finish that too for reinvent okay it's it's like on the agenda in your grapefruit color and i love it it's actually not it's like it's in my pink petunia color i think you're a liar no it's in that color right there pink petunia grapefruits that one i made it in pink petunia [Music] it's brighter more pinky i know okay yeah yeah i've been imagining your grapefruit it's a totally different color no remember it's like super bright i couldn't even take a picture of it it was so bright oh my gosh taking rhinebeck photos when you're wearing that thing it's gonna be so much fun it's gonna be awesome you just feel like you can't see my face i'm just bright yeah um but i did i did well and we'll talk about my finished object in a minute but between finished object and i had to do another project for somebody that commissioned me cause there's nothing project that i can't i won't say anything about can you not promote it not till it they're close until they've you know opened them because it was you're withholding a lot of information yeah i can't react okay so what i did is i cast on just a sock you've been in a striking mood too so this is in progress because i finished one i have to i've started the other one who's the one is that this is by freckled whimsy who i really love i know there's so many great dyers out there um and i do have i do have striped socks or striped yarn from like desert vista die works and um uh do you have pneumatic yarns fiber nymph dye works oh yeah fiber i don't think i have any nomadic exterior no i do have um one a newer one to me and i don't remember the name north northwoods fiber northwood fibers yep yes because i have another order from her coming soon so this is just uh her autumn pre-orders oh really three pre-orders oh she's just a great diary she's a good color but i'm part of it i'm i'm i have lots of yarn from freckled whimsy and this one is just vanilla i don't usually do just do vanilla but i had also had to go to a couple appointments i'm like i just need to bring something simple to work on i was working on a sweater and i'm like i'm not going to bring that it's just too much to bring to these appointments so i just cast on a sock i finished this in literally like two days so easy and this is my favorite height there's one such a different height this is perfect for me if it's too low it slips down if it's too high it slips down unless you're wearing boots unless you're wearing those like well yes yes but i mean just like i don't wear shoes at home i wear like slippers and i wear like boots everywhere even well you leave your house to go i know i leave my house every day i do yarn at my house in my studio so i don't remember the color name of this because i got this was one of the first ones i got from her and i got it like three or four years ago one of my favorite colorways that i ever got from her i think she's released it again this year is i think it's called peppermint mocha it's her christmas color it's got like pinks and like a light aqua and a brown and it's a christmas color and i made a favorite i made a pair of socks of those and i let it's one of my favorites i made them tall like really long socks so and my favorite yarn of hers i don't know if she still sells it i think she does um is the tencel yeah i love the tinsel it's good for socks it really is it's it doesn't pill um and it's it snugs to your foot it doesn't get over especially if like you get hot and your feet sweat at all like mine don't but i know a lot of people do and it doesn't like stretch out of shape for some reason i don't know that's the sparkle no it's a merino tencel yeah that's the it's like a bamboo fiber i think yeah that's the thing that always threw me off of like getting the tencel because i'm like oh it's like tinsel it's not tinsel it's t-e-n-c-e-l yeah but just like that that um oh my gosh get off get off that okay it's like that mental like block you have you know it's like oh tinsel i don't really want sparkle yarn it's like no no it's just an extra like stabili stability like nylon would be like it just helps reinforce it yeah well and i i that's what i made i got peppermint mocha out of a couple years ago and so it's my favorite pair of socks i've ever knit because it it just stays they just stay snug and i do have other fibers from her but that one's my favorite so if i ever get that i always order the tencel because i love it so that's what i'm doing i wish i knew the name of that one i just don't remember yeah but she may not have it's a couple years old couple years yeah yeah she's got a lot of the same ones but she does she does come out with new ones um but i love it i just love stripy socks i love striped yarn i'm the same way with like having my specific favorite base though because um i've actually been knitting on socks which is a little weird for me funny that we both have been knitting on time it's been um vanilla oh that's what i did yeah self striping yarn and you made longer i always do long i either do all along like all the way up to my the top of my calf yes or i do this length i've done shorties i like those two but i really this one's my favorite i love it and it's quick it's a quick knit these are um those look like a halloween color but they're not no it's called interstellar and it's by pneumatic yarns and i also have my favorite base um which is her sturdy sock it does 75 25 and it just it's plush when you're knitting it it just like it's dense and it's a 70 not not the not the top maybe this part that's a 75 25 and it just creates a really good dense fabric and then for the toes the heels toes and cuffs i used um a blue from someone somewhere oh my god from who meg no it's east bear fluffy oh nitpicks nitpicks and it's the nitpick stroll stroll thank you i don't know the colorway don't don't don't put me on the spot i got i gave you all the other answers so proud of you that was great so nitpick stroll in their sparkle so stroll sparkle let me see sorry i don't have my glasses on come here i like it it matches really well yeah i know it ended up it goes really wrong yeah um but these are my movie knitting so when we go out to the theater because you still go to the theater yeah are you kidding have you been to the one in provo by my or orem by my house it has the luxury seats so there's less people in each theater i don't think i've been to the movie in fact i like recline yeah and the feet go up and oh i like i can order food beforehand and they'll bring it to your seat that's it's not like they have something like that that have been there for quite a while they don't they don't bring it to you but you can bring it in that's awesome i like that that's a selling point exactly exactly i'm like i won't go to the other theaters i'm like i'm only going to this one it's kind of like grocery delivery that's the best thing to ever happen to i mean there's something there's some movies that you have to see in the theaters yeah i just have spider-man and i've heard top gun have you seen top coat i haven't seen that yet but i really want i've heard that one is really good even if you're not like a tom cruise fan or if you're not particularly into those kind of movies i've heard it's really who doesn't like top gun though well a lot of people haven't seen the first top gun because it was so long ago okay i wish that on video i don't even know if you were born when the first one came out i think it came out in 91 actually okay i i thought it was before that but no yeah i think it was 91. yeah a lot of really good blockbusters came out in 1991 and i hear you don't have to have seen the first one to enjoy the second one but you're gonna get a lot of references if you watch the first one because i already saw some of the the little nods and i'm like okay so have you seen the first one oh yeah i watched it uh growing up at dad's house on vhs that's so funny yeah it's so old that one that movie and one of the other favorites of mine from back then was from the 80s an officer and a gentleman with richard gere you know i've actually never seen that one oh my god i've not seen i don't know why i like that one so much it's just a love story and it's just that i like it there's passion in it you know i'm a sucker i'm a sucker for that i do like it wait no i'm thinking about richard gere what did you say was yeah richard gere oh yeah a woman he was in pretty woman well he was in everything oh he was in chicago oh my god he was in chicago where he's saying dude he's so good and i'm not gonna have a singer but i mean he's no no no he did pretty yeah he held his own he's okay okay i'm proud of him for singing because i i wouldn't i don't know that i would want to sing in a movie he's a little yeah voice that in my best friend's wedding with her and still magnolias with julia roberts one of the best movies i have not seen that i know i know i know that is the ultimate chick flick too but it's sassy it's like a sassy movie a sassy girl movie but i love stories in it i mean i it's a dolly parton's in it oh my god sally fields is in it and daryl anna and i mean there's just so many great women strong strong women in it still hanging on okay i need to watch that yes but i do yeah anyway moving on more yarn yeah so uh well uh yeah this and i don't know if oh i did did you make two of them oh oh get off get off get off i'm almost done with the second one so this is um i think two and a half years i'm working on it during the theater [Music] and so yeah i need to i have myself i have something like that that are just almost done i'm sorry i'm just like did you have anything else that's all of the things in progress okay then i have this other one from nomadic yarns as well and is that halloween um i actually think it was harry potter but she doesn't have it let me see like three years old it's like orange and black and tan and and burgundy burgundy oh that's a great combo i really like it it looks halloweeny it does um and so i did the self striping but i did this fun cable motif on the front i liked it i always i usually do add stuff into myself yeah it's just it's just a little fun and honestly i think self striping yarn with cable is so fun i i think any pattern yeah with any pattern but like if i were to do a lace pattern on cell striping i think it would lose it a lot like you wouldn't be able to see it as much but when you have like a cable pattern i think it's or even slip stitches sometimes you can kind of get away with it i did i've slip stitch pattern on my freckled whimsy christmas advent scheme from last year i did a pattern on my woolen and nosh advent set too but i'm not done with it i've got it that was a great yarn how was it that was it target or recording i love it that one's a good base too but um so yeah i'm working on this one but this one's less of a movie theater because it has cables that's so funny i have attempted it in the theater that's very autumnal yeah yeah so i'm just so pretty year round oh and this is my bag by uh beautiful sister who are also going to be this is some of their bucket bags i love it i love it i got this indian tingle last year i got one too during rhymeback and they're going to be at woolen folk this year with us you guys okay last year woolen folk probably had what 15 to 20 vendors yeah maybe it was around 20 i think i counted the vendors uh the other day and so far i don't know if they're going to keep adding but they have like 51 yeah it's gonna be so they keep adding because we got our names in their very last minute yeah and and not that they were like running out of space or anything they're having a podcaster porch is what they're calling it because you like go up these steps to like an area where they had live live music did they have food i know they had drink well they had a bar yeah they had a bar oh but they have food vendors there and shelley ken her booth was up there on the platform i bet she loved well she didn't love that it was nice and loud yeah it was a nice area but i think like guys this again this is gonna end up being its own festival i swear this is this is gonna be its own event which sucks because indian tangle is on the same day and then i know that floxy is doing a roller skating party which is what they're calling it but it's still like a they're actually roller skating well they're roller skating but they're having vendors there too and stuff so it's like it's all on the same day and it's like one folk alone would be honestly its own little show oh and it runs from like 11 to 7 or something so it's kind of right in the middle i'm trying to hit all of them we always do though yeah we always we just try to hit that uh yeah try to hit them all i think they're all on the same side of the bridge at least so i don't think i know indian tangle does time slots you buy tickets for a time slot right yeah i don't think we'll focus i don't think we'll in focus i think it's just open open season you just go which i like i don't think that makes sense to do it like i get it um but when it's an outside venue which indian tangled was last year and no one's really monitoring it but you know what it was uh it just makes it nothing more chaotic it would have been if they'd have done just open season it would it was really busy and we had a time slot it would have been super busy remember how busy it was in the buildings i mean it's a busy venue um i don't know i don't know i just know that first year we went it was really really busy it was awful the very first year they had it no that wasn't the first year they had it that was the second year second year first year we went but it wasn't as too small of a venue but the second year wasn't bad but they did they do the time slots the second year when they did it at the bigger place last year they changed it to a different place i loved it was like it was more outdoorsy and there was a breeze i felt bad for the benders though because there was sun shining yeah there was sunshine on some of them yeah but i think i think the woolen folk is going to be awesome they seem like really good people to work with um and the vendors are wonderful a lot of our friends that we know so they're getting a wider array of like talent um with like different crafts and stuff it's just super exciting i'm excited i think it's gonna be a fantastic show but yeah it's gonna honestly it's gonna turn into its own i think i think it will i think it's gonna become a really see it from two years from now it's gonna end up being two days i think so i guarantee i bet next by next year you think so i think so well they have 51 booths already i mean it's gonna be well and i think it would be smart because then people could go to it one day and then indian tangled the next day or you know but i understand because not everyone's gonna take a whole week off but i guess i swear in about ten years you guys it's just gonna be a week-long yarn festival and i think they keep adding things every year and i wish that i wish that um they still had stitches up uh that was a lot of fun but i don't think they're doing that yes how dare you well it's been a while since since i've had to speak the words well needless up put on by legacy fiber art some of our friends and we love them and chelsea has two kids now and sue is doing a lot of like stitching so needle needle work tonight actually it'll work that's awesome she's so good at it right by down her little repertoire i think she has a podcast with someone she does and it's called i knew the name of it and now i can't think of it how dare you i know how dare you but we love sue it's not neenah i don't know chelsea don't remember i never come out though because i actually watch it like a lot um when i'm getting ready in the morning odin loves it oh good that's what everyone loves them that's what matters yeah yeah he'll sit at my feet while i'm getting ready in the bathroom he'll just be like oh yeah i love these ladies let's do this yeah he knows their name their voices oh my god but they stitch the most beautiful things in the world you know stitching is really i don't i want to be proficient at but is it cross stitch or is it embroidery or both it's cross stitch cross stitch i know that they i love other like everything free form all that stuff but oh my gosh the intricacies like i'm like looking at things online and buying like beginner things i'm like i am so good at this hand-dyed flosses oh my god there's like 80 colors in some of these things i'm like oh more than that oh my gosh i mean there's more than that in the commercial height and the thing that really sucks is if i were to make something beautiful you could and hand it down to someone it's probably going to get like sent to goodwill at some point yeah not everybody appreciates is a good cross stitch but it i don't even care i think it's the cross stitch is one of those definitely one of those process things you while you're doing it and then seeing your completed project is so rewarding yeah because they take a long time yeah especially the big ones i used to make little ones i did one on a sweatshirt for my niece when brittany was born i made her a little one with something on the front yeah didn't even make me one but it's it's really fun it's just the same age as brittany why didn't i get that you're not the same age she's younger uh and i uh but my eyes are so bad now yeah i don't think i could do it effectively without like a magnifying glass attached around my head like i'd have to wear like a little halo thing that had the little like the hottest stitchers i think so too yeah they put you on the cover of their magazine yeah i'd make decorative headbands for it and stuff no i wouldn't i wouldn't do that but i already have a giant ass magnifying glass i use when i'm doing my my stitch markers that i'm making it makes like a handy dandy necklace oh my gosh it i have a neckline i need a necklamp for it i took my neck lamp to ireland with me because it was a long flight here's the funny thing all those jealous looking at you with your neckline i did a lot of traveling during that time because i was traveling for my job and then traveling for yarn that was the year that we like left and did trips like seven times that year i think i did ten that year because i had work once i did time that year too because i did trunk shows you did that's right and i when i went to ireland i thought i'm going to get a neck lamp for the the plane ride because i don't sleep on planes very well so i'm like i'm going to be awake when everybody else is sleeping this is a great idea so i get my lamp out my neck lamp out of my bag when i'm on the plane we're all seated you know we get a little meal we do a little bit of chatting people start turning their lights off start you know just settling in and start going to sleep and i'm like i have a neck lamp i get that out put it around my neck i push the button and it's like floodless the whole cabin lights up and i'm just like ah grabbing them what is she going how is this gonna work and i'm like maybe i'll just do the little light up here like you're supposed to ching ching because it's it's not like that right it's not very bright the one that's above you but it goes right down on you so nobody else is bugged by it neck lamps on the other hand you're wearing a snake around your neck and it's like bendy so i had it like pointed down but they're crossing and so it was like it was cool it was all over i'm like okay i can't i can't do this you broke everyone up seriously especially the person right next to you robin my sister no she she went to sleep um no so i turned that off but that's okay i i did use it in when we were in the hotel room when my sister actually wasn't really hotels it was more like little hostels um bed and breakfast type things um yeah so i would use it there and i would use it at home when vaughn would go to sleep if i was still knitting then i would sometimes just turn one of the sides on very neck lamps are the best i really oh i've been planning on getting one i'm not they're they're really great i've only been planning on getting one they're really great and also the other well just because i don't have overhead lighting in my house well right that's true you have your stella lamp i have myself i have a couple of them actually but and lighting for us to have bad eyes for those of you that have bad eyes lighting is super important it i mean yeah it really is especially i have cataracts and so lighting that's one of the things that that's how a lot of times you know you even have cataracts is because everything seems darker but the other cool thing i got and i use it sometimes when i'm knitting now if i'm sitting here at this table in my office i have that mag that magnifying lamp thing yeah it's a circle light with a magnifier i don't necessarily use the magnifier but just the lighting you should be super careful with those though with a magnifier yeah in case the sunshine's on it i can you know you can burn ants and stuff that almost happened to one of i know i had it out there i had it out there and the sun was shining in and it was going on to my wooden table and i'm like i would probably take a lot to do that but someone uh that we know was like oh my god i smell burning and i can't figure out what the burning is and then like days later she found out it was because her lamp or her magnifying glass was by a window and it was slowly like burning her carpet sizzling the carpet not her carpet it was it was like a blanket or something i could see that i could see that but on that out there on that thick table it probably wouldn't it might i mean it wouldn't burn the table down right but if i had papers or something on it it could anyway lighting is great anyway moving on yeah well that's all i'm working on yeah i have to take some things apart but we'll tell talk about that like every time we podcast now i'm just like make a mistake another thing oh yeah it's great it's super great i've done i i i think i did that last time when i was working on this one i did it with this i'm like i don't like it i'm taking it apart and with those other ones i'm just like i don't like it and i did it wrong do you want to know what it is what is it um well cause we're on the next section i think yeah we are we're going we're going in order yeah so finish objects finish stuff you want to go first yeah go for it yeah show me i was so excited about this idea you guys i was so excited my twitter was my twisted t-shirts the brilliant idea i had about these cute little did it turn out good i put them on and i feel like i'm wearing bloomers i was gonna say did it spread it out make it ruffle because oh it's so cute a little bit longer than i meant to those are called gauchos for those of you from the 80s um i wore those in high schools those gauchos made a comeback that was made i don't remember them making a comeback you look like you're wearing a dress but in reality i'm walking and now i have pants on yeah yeah no that that was like faux shorts oh my god but we didn't have them as shorts it was only ever caprice it wasn't even pantsuits only because wait did you guys have the kind that were shorts in the back with a skirt in the front like a panel hell no it looked well that was a good way to get away with wearing like a short skirt but the back was just shorts we had squirts but you didn't see the back yeah it looked like a skirt all the way around no this one was shorts in the back and then it came around like a wrap around skirt in the front a skirt panel so it looked from the front like you were wearing a short skirt but you had shorts on anyway show me what let me just let's see yeah that was like my junior and senior year of high school that's what i wore to dance hideous i'm sorry and i've seen people now wearing comfy i know i've seen people wear them now i don't remember wearing gauchos and they weren't really supposed to look like a skirt they were just like wide legged because everything was wide legged yeah these ones were like they were made of like a nylon stretch fabric but they were like super breezy so it's like extra fabric and stuff and when you're sitting there it looks like a long skirt but then you walk oh they were so comfy they were so comfy they were the gauchos were the they were in my high school too because we had this did you guys call them gauchos i don't remember that i raised you and i don't remember that okay let's see we have three pairs here [Music] and i did them wrong lengths on the legs let me see you can't even tell why well i put them on actually you can't really tell and you could block it with the book on under one foot you'd be fine actually my hips are off anyways not that much but it's the wrong legs so we'll just make it look longer one side let me see again i'm sure they're going together anyways they're so cute tristan and it's not like you can just take it out easily because it's got the it's got these i know they're so cute though oh my god i love it and did you put the detail on the side i did i added the detail inside but honestly like i made them a little bit too tall and then so where they're writing up my hiney yeah they're writing up my ass and then they're like flowing out from there and they're just like whoosh and then you have extra details on the side and it's like okay i didn't need all this i didn't need the details on this side and the bottom it looks so bad and so i'm actually gonna grandma i'm just like i it's gonna be hard to get there's a lot it's gonna be hard to rip back especially the way that i do bubbles well and the are you gonna rip out the bead part oh my god i don't have to rip out any bobbles you don't on the side no because i don't know because i'm further down oh my god so you're gonna this is gonna be hard to rip out because i'm just gonna put a bowl underneath it and like rip there and just hope that everything falls down then vacuum do you have any more of this yarn left oh yeah yeah i got a little bit didn't just cut this section off no okay i see people do that and it's like i've done that actually on a couple things where i'm like i'm not it's i can do that with no hair yeah if you're not holding mohair devil you almost have to sometimes holy crap oh no i've frozen a sweater before and then did it and it was so much easier so you can put your sweater if you have to take mohair back at all you can put it in the freezer for like a couple hours because it makes the fibers kind of release well yeah and yeah that makes sense i like work up a sweat trying to take those out sometimes now i had to take apart uh i'm an entire sanderson sweater for um my photos because i needed it longer and then it started pooling in the middle so i had to like take it almost all the way out and that was like a four hour thing it was great yeah but i would have just like gone at it with a knife at one point if it had not been frozen if you just were to cut one cup this isn't going to be bad and then two no no i can put a lifeline in there and do that but i thought you meant just like cut it off and throw it away i'm like no no no no you could still just i mean you'd have to cut it in once this isn't gonna be bad though yeah because there's a couple different ways that you can add beads on to your knitting and with this one it's part of the stitch like so i basically grabbed the uh put the put the beads on a fleegal needle yes i did i grab the stitch and then pull that through so when i'm doing it i can just be like unravel and rubble it's tedious but it's so worth it oh god i love it i love i love beading lighting is fun so i'm going to take it back and literally like start the the shorts part because i started it and then the waistband too you can really see well this is the top down isn't it top down yeah so you can't really do anything with the top i'm just going to have like super high waisted blinds you can fold it over and sew it in place and make it like uh you know what i mean oh it already is isn't it mm-hmm does it say you could get electricity with dog hair all over them just wear suspenders with it you know guys knit my own cute little tank top and some suspenders that would be so cute yeah um i think i'll be okay but that was the other thing oh yeah um that was the other thing because they're so high like they end up like falling down a little bit and so i have saggy saggy bum it's like so it doesn't just cover i don't know are those soakers did you make a difference but um so yeah if i just take out the bottom portion of each leg and make it shorter it's not going to look as bad because if i still made like longer shorts it'd be like i think those were falling okay they look gigantic i'm just gonna say it because you made them so tall i know and i i think it's cute they look like one thing i could do since i can't take the top out i actually could take each pant or short leg out and pull it back to like here and then start the crotch earlier and then the waist would be perfect because it kind of goes in if i did it by like an inch shorter i think actually actually if that's what i'm going to do you could totally do that because i kept thinking i'm like um are you going to redo the beading part well i always think i'm like my ass will not fit into that and so that's why i made it a little bit longer in the the body part of it um i'm not gonna do the lace again i'm just going to do ribbing i think it's gonna be super cute though is that what the pattern has is ribbing yeah it just has ripping i actually thought i was doing the back like everything to pattern except for everything that i changed you know what it would still be cute though like this was supposed to be ribbing too i was gonna say if you did this on the bottom the legs i think it would be comfortable oh my god because then they would just they wouldn't be like to your left or under yeah i think that would be really cute try that and that would be easier those would still look like bloomers but they'd be comfy i don't think so i don't think so i think they would if you made them short and they just would have like an under cuff and so they come around your legs like this is your leg this is them i feel like they didn't write they were writing less because they'd be like here's my thought i feel i feel i'm gonna have i'm doing fill statement here i feel like with ribbing there's the potential for them to look like diaper covers oh yeah because they would cling and make it look like you're wearing like little girl ruffle butt pants i think that fold under would be i did want my i mean i've seen them on the designer brianna lupina right oh yeah by uh brianna [Music] the ribbon looked fine on them when i saw i didn't think they were ripping yeah like i straight up i'm like i know it must not be a lot of ribbing it must be no it was a lot well i wonder if she stays the same needle size or something so they don't go in i feel like that would just make them i'm just i have no idea well i'm like i'm like looking at the top and stuff and her her photos like she wrote me i i posted a photo of them and she's like oh i like how you didn't do the ripping on the top i'm like i wasn't supposed to i was supposed to do ribbing on the top alaska made them too and i think she did something slightly different one i think she oh she made a different different pattern they're really cute they're super cute on her and alaska has the perky butt i know a little dancer a little little tush uh she looks really cute in hers too i don't think i could such a good color i could wear them i don't think why aren't you talking about my perky little butt you have a butt too i haven't seen them on you i've only i've seen hers on her and her body don't look at me in these because they do not look perky i would be i would look horrendous i think i don't think i could wear those i don't have the body shape i'll do a lace for you i'm 50 almost 52 years old i'm not gonna wear those you look great i probably would look like i'm wearing a diaper cover i'll still make you a pair but i wouldn't i think it would those that i think that i think i'm gonna do that pants would be way comfy with the folded under bottom not ribbed because then they'd be like a yoga pants flowy like gauchoy bottoms well like you know the like no like this is why i actually do this on a lot of my um sock patterns it's because this actually holds um tension and makes it stretch back better than ribbing it's thicker so it actually cinches yeah that means you do it like this totally makes sense and so when you're talking about doing it for the pant legs i'm like oh well that you pull it in i wouldn't do decrease i wouldn't do as many decrease as i probably want them to be straight because then they'd be like wide leg but not wide but you know yoga about i'm like i can make them like the i dream of genie pants you totally could you could bring the cuff in you just goes don't do as many just keep it a straight leg and then bring it in and make a band around the bottom like joggers that's i have joggers like that you got me some again i remember yeah from i think from amazon but yeah that was a long-winded explanation of i'm i am so happy you showed those that's so i made so many mistakes everything check out brianna's she has pants brianna's uh i'm sorry brianna if it's brianna or brianna she'll switch it up every single time she's a smart girl she's psychology i think she has a phd now well like are you serious yeah yeah girl brianna but she's got some cute like joggers and shorts and stuff a lot of desserts yeah brianna she uh okay i'll stop um she uh she makes it in the pattern where you can literally like do it for your show you want it not just your size but your shape for your body which i love it's very customizable i'm assuming without knowing that it's across all of her bottoms patterns but she has quite a few bottoms on there does she which makes sense because she flashed her bottom to us at rhineberg did she oh she did she was wearing one uh she's wearing a body suit i'm like i want to see that that was a cute pattern too the bodies do by uh knit diaries well you could do a body suit like this kind that's why when i was looking at that i'm like i've knit a crotch before you know and and honestly you could do this but what i would do this is what i would do okay i would make a bodysuit up into the waist and then at the waist you go to bigger needles and you increase and so it looks like when you're wearing pants you're you have a tucked in shirt but i want to use like almost like a lace or [Music] a surrey to make it a blousey that's really really um what showing your age no wasn't that like something very popular in the 80s now if you're wearing like a straight skirt like business suit you want you want your shirt tucked in you don't get sure yeah i guess that is popular now again too yes i think molly of a homespun house i think she has a lot of those well hers is casual that's a casual oh you want fancy i'm like business like if you're wearing like a business type you want to see my boss my business onesie do you have it with you no i'm kidding oh i'm like what are you talking about potential clients feel like you want to see me but not like a if you're wearing like a business and also the pool but like if you're wearing like a jacket like an over making fun of you that actually business jacket i get what you're saying i'm totally banana republic here come on well that would be really cute actually okay never mind i love it you don't i do you just made fun of it for like 15 minutes just kidding honestly it's because i made the the hair calls it a onesie i made the onesie for me and he to this day is not let me live that down i thought it was adorable super cute yeah anyway okay well i have a finished object i want to hear about it okay i remember on our last podcast i had started this sweater that i'm wearing called the the beaufort or beaufort beaufort five cardigan and i'm like yeah i'll be done with that for sure i will for sure be done with it at our next podcast hey it took me much longer but technically it is it is this podcast but we are like three weeks late two weeks late of our podcast well in like two weeks it took me longer a couple reasons number one i did um the body i didn't have any problems or do anything you know but the sleeves i did make a sleeve and then i took it back out but that didn't really take that long um but why did you take it back out i am i didn't want to do my sleeves i changed it up just slightly twice i thought it would be really cool to continue this this pattern on the sleeve but then i looked at it and i thought no i really don't like that so i took it out and then i started to sleep again and took it out again for some reason well did you want to and then then i decided yeah i was doing it just plain like the pattern said and i'm like it needs something yeah i i want something i mean it's beautiful without it isabel cramer is the designer and she's an amazing designer oh yeah she just had a birthday sale and i walked away with like oh i every time patterns um you're like i'm kind of like the og lines of hers and i already have all that she did you know that actually she is the reason that i i wanted to start learning how to knit no what design um yeah it's such an old pattern was it on pinterest it was on pinterest she hasn't and it was one of her like really grungy looking ones and there's a striped sweater i remember that the pound there and it's like three four stripes right here and the rest is just plain yeah and yeah yeah because when you look up knitting patterns like even like on pinterest on pinterest but years back i know like ten they were all hers yep they were pretty much all hers and so that was the reason one of the reasons she's been designing a long time and she's younger than me so what's up with that yeah she's been designing a while but i love isabelle i wish her the best right now she just had a surgery and i hope she's doing well yeah um but this is a this okay so it's a sport weight i did the second size which was for i believe a 44 or a 45 inch bust um and when they say that that's not your bra size some some people might think was it for a 44 inch buster was it 44 inches finished measurement finish bust measurement okay yes that's what i meant so with your positive ease the largest part of your bust and it's not there's no buttons or anything on it i love the you would you make the ribbing as you're making the sweater and you're going back and forth so you don't add this after which is really cool does that make sense well yeah i'm just i'm just trying to figure out what you say with the the finished bust if you measure from here around to here it's 45 inches finished bust measurement okay okay okay so you want like if you were like a 36 or something you'd want to knit that size so it was slightly oversized kind of thing um because there's a positive ease recommended in the pattern is that right well that's including the it's 45 you just measure so if you're if you wear like a size 36 and it's like what eight or nine inches of positive ease okay that's what i would say i'm like so if you're a 44 inch bust you wouldn't necessarily knit this no this is i made i made the 44 inch bust because i have large busts busties um yeah and i wanted i didn't want it to be form-fitting yeah i didn't stretch it a lot when i blocked it because it'll stretch a lot this way but where there's no buttons and the bottom is not like a super tight ribbing um i didn't want to be bat wings yeah i mean so i can still block the cardigan harder to stay on anyways if your shoulder ends up going way down here because those cardigans are really hard so this one i mean the way that she did this uh afterwards so you do pick up around the edge and do an i-cord edging oh and that's where you're like i've been doing the i-cord edge for five years five days yeah i was on sleeve island for a long time and the sleeves so the sleeves i did add a little bit of a detail so i don't know if you can see it i um the pattern that's on the sweater is like it almost looks like a fish scale doesn't it kind of yeah i would call it my mermaid sweater at least i'll see if i can stand up yeah it's like a mermaid look see if i can stand up wearing a tight spot we cinched ourselves in here pretty good i do so i wore this nice black shirt so you could get the full effect in my jogging pants and my cool stripy yogas so there's the back um and i didn't really uh do a gay swatch i do live dangerously um i i do a lot of the time do a gauge touch i usually with isabelle's i know what her gate i know how her cage works yeah cause i i tested it for her and i made caitlyn so many yeah so many sweaters so um and i have a good feel about if i look at the yardage of the yarn she used and i can match it up with the yardage of my yarn you know um and but i just need to stretch it i think a little bit more it i mean it measures perfectly yeah but i may if if you like it a little bit oversized measure your bust oh you know the biggest part of your bust and so like i made the size that matched i think it's like two inches different i didn't do that you know what i mean so it's not it's not form-fitting but maybe if i should have made the size three i always worry with that though because i am i do have a big bust and if you go too much larger with it but then it's everywhere else yeah and i didn't want it to be like too big up here or you know too wide right here um oh and then the sleeves the sleeves i didn't do all the decreases so and i kind of decreased more right here yeah i added some decreases on the ribbing in the first row of ribbing um just because that's how i like my sleeves i'll give it a little proof it gives it just a slight slight i like a slouchy sleeve because i do and i think i made it slightly tighter it's cute and literally it's getting in your food right i didn't want genie sleeves yeah yeah but i love the design of it i showed you guys on the last podcast how she made the the short rows and how yeah she started this i love that thea coleman does some cool things that we do and maybe everybody knows this but i've only made i've made a few sweaters but most of them have been the same kind of construction yeah because a lot of them are from the same designer so i've been trying to branch out and find different types of sweaters and different designers um but i really haven't i think i've only used i think all my sweaters are from like five people you're one of them i i i'm one of them so proud to have been on that list it actually it's probably more than five i think i made like andrew mowry and caitlyn hunter isabelle kramer theo coleman tristan molina tristan molina in that list of those cool people and then uh our friend that did the the color block cardigan that we met at rhinebeck oh yeah what what's hers i don't remember she's like i designed that i know i'm like what i don't even remember i'm the drama the palette sweater oh my gosh that was one of my first sweaters that was my first sweater yeah that i didn't throw into a corner so i've got a branch out oh i've made a petite knit sweater oh yeah yeah you got a couple yeah so i don't have i haven't made a ton of sweaters uh but i loved this one uh you need to add bad wolf girl studios onto that i haven't made this i haven't made one for her she's got some cute she does a lot of color work i'm not i don't do a lot of color work so strange have you noticed that i get i get that but um i like it but it's one of those that it's a lot of concentration i was gonna say it's it keeps my brain occupied and i my knitting people wonder how we get our knitting done with all the dyeing we do i do mine at the kitchen table well i sit at the bar and every morning we have breakfast together vaughn and i and i we sit there for about an hour just kind of watching the news checking our emails and i'll knit while we're having coffee and then at nighttime when we're eating dinner and then before bed but not very long before bed i get like an hour in at the end of the night every night that's it yeah right now anyway and then when you have something on the weekends like the weekend see i don't i don't take my weekends off so i don't have like a big chunks of time on the weekends i force myself to because you need you need that recovery time that brain i think especially where i'm doing like 16 hours a day i think working home is different though because as soon as i'm done working i am home yeah you know so i get done i try to get done working early yeah i used to work a lot later yeah i work until about midnight yeah i work 14 ish well i was telling you that last i was telling you a few weeks ago that i started going to bed earlier well when i'm not done working until midnight well i just i've never been in early to bed i'm not early by midnight that's still pretty late for a lot of people but that's really for you it is we were we would stay until three in the morning that's what we're doing right now yeah and i we're breaking the cycle though but breaking the cycle or breaking the cycle are you trying to go to bed earlier then yeah we are and we're just forcing ourselves to wake up earlier which has been horrible because i hate really it's hard when you're first doing it but we get up between okay this is gonna you're gonna scramble your brains monday's is irrigation days we get up at 5 45 every monday but then other days it's between seven and eight everything that's pretty good every day that's what we've been honestly like we've been getting up at 8 8 30 but i'm still up till like 3am i just don't sleep that's the thing is that's the problem um you need sleep but yeah i have one more finished object oh show me oh wait no i i do yeah i have this one yeah i was gonna talk about my sanderson sweater but i'll talk about that next time okay um but i'm wearing my my favorite adventure sweater that's awesome i wanted to bring it up because i know that people have been purchasing advents and have been getting ready for like advent season and stuff and i wanted to design an advent sweater and um yeah this is a fingering white sweater it utilizes 25 minis individual colors and then um a main color held throughout the entire pattern and i wanted to do it like my intention and the reason why it's taking me so long to design one uh an advent pattern is because i don't wanna knit another shawl i'm sorry i'm not gonna do it and there's so many advent shells out there anyways there are a lot i wouldn't really be contributing that much but if you're putting so much money into an advent calendar which they are pricey if you're putting that much time and energy into an advent and people are like saying oh well you can use the the minis for heel stones and cuffs you can use it for stripe here and there or they're the the shawls or there's cowls and stuff it's like i kind of want to use all the colors in one thing yeah instead of just like splicing it here and there it's like no this is like my harry potter advent sweater this is my accord thorns and roses advent so i could i've done those in the past but um so i wanted something where you could basically utilize all the moneys you get and whoever's pattern i looked at all of the the basic yarn bases that everyone gets yardage wise across all of the the wholesaler accounts that we all get our bases from it's usually two different like two to three different types right and i wanted to make it so regardless of what size you knit which goes through i think either a 72 or 74 inch bust regardless of the size you will not need more than one mini skein per stripe that's awesome that was because that's the biggest thing 20 grams they're anywhere from what seventy i think this is 90 yards yeah it's yeah it's like 70 to 90 yards and i think the most i'm wearing my jogging shorts um i think the most you will ever use in any one of these is 13 grams instead of 20 so that's perfect though yeah so it's cozy it's super cozy it's just it's just stripes it's not faded nothing like that it's just stripes the one thing well it's throughout the body you hold the main color through the majority of it and then you do one by one every other row um knit in one color and then any other color and then you do a stripe of the main color and then so on and so forth and you switch it up so it ends up being like a seed stitch pattern and you do that for like 10 rows or so and i don't mind telling you because this pattern is super like it's easy but written it's like 17 pages long because of all the sizes all the increases decreases all that stuff yeah it looks complicated when you print out all the paper but it's not it's super easy um and then on the sleeves you do it inverse and so you're holding all the minis oh yeah for the main color and then you're doing the seed stitch with the real main color yeah that's cool how you've reversed them well you want to utilize most of your minions and be like oh yeah i used all the colors but i only used two grams of this one color because really it was just the sleeves and then you have like all that left over and it's like well yeah it's in there but so i wanted you to be able to use more of it i think the most you use on the sleeves is like seven grams so are the sleeves different different mini colors than the bodies yeah so it's like i think it's like 15 throughout the body and then the rest is on the sleeves that's awesome and yeah i i released this a while like after january right now yeah like right after advent season i released it um i'll be that's fine because a lot of people are still there with no no figuring out like what to write with that and stuff um but i don't weave in ends so they're just kind of like i i may not have woven in all the ends on this sweater too okay you're gonna have to cut that out i just showed my bra who cares i showed mine on the last one okay yeah whatever um but yeah so i just tie them off like this and tuck them in that's you know what that's a good thing it's the same with like my sleeves and stuff i'm just like okay i'm gonna pile a bunch of them together i'm just gonna tie it off and they're good to go um because i don't weave an end anyways until after the sweater is blocked so hey just because if they move around i don't want to pinch or anything you know i've been driving mine as i go and it makes when you're finishing the sweater it makes it like a a joyous happy surprise well you know i can like like all mine are tucked in except for once whatever my last sleeve was he was like asking you i'm just gonna put it on um but yeah so it's it's great it's honestly once you get the idea of like how to do it like okay this is easy but i try to like really lay it out um and one of my testers um of uh her name's jessica jess from totally rad jess yarn company um she did one where she actually i think she either used seven colors or nine colors but they were rainbow nine and she held a bear yarn throughout the whole thing yeah and then she just used rainbow colors and the main thing you want to concentrate on is that your main color needs to contrast with everything like with all the other colors yeah but all the other colors can be as close or as far apart as you want because you're still going to see them yeah because they don't touch they construct contrast with the main color yeah so as long as you have that like it doesn't matter what minis you throw in it um you'll be able to see them and yeah so it just works really well so it's it's one of my my greatest accomplishments to this day it's awesome and i'm never going to design anything for advents again i'm done i mean well not a sweater what would i do what would i do a shawl why would i ever do a shawl i think shawls are just really cool to knit because you don't have to fit them to anything it's just one pattern you don't have to do sizing instead of being like oh yeah let me show you what i'm wearing here's a charlotte be like look what i'm wearing i like them i have two shawls that i love so i yeah but they're bigger shawls and they're great they're not fingering weight they're big squishies yeah one of them is right didn't you do a burrito no it's fisherman but you did a brioche one too you have a big brioche shell that's beautiful but you used to yes i wore it in scotland yeah that's right well so should we move on to uh we'll finish up with just showing some cool things about thank you that's so much show and tell so if you don't want to see all the stuff that we're excited about like in our shops and stuff like it's cool don't let this enable you but we have so much to show like we said like autumn's coming up so we're just getting super inspired and like halloween i'm probably not good yeah that's fine that bit um go first you have i think you have more things to show okay well i came up with um the first bit i know there's gonna be so much more but of my autumn collection so we got cinnamon sticks i don't remember i don't remember the color of half these um but this is the mini set i have in the shop right now how many are there in it eight and this is the first one that i'm doing i know this one's like apricot i like that that's a good thing um and one of them looks like yams like sweet potatoes oh no that's with the minis this one is apothecary oh um and then this one is dark roast i can't see what color that is brown i like it this one is really awesome thank you oh that's my autumn heartstrings oh look at that you guys it's got like orange in it with the black yeah oh that's awesome that's my bottom heart strings i've been it's amazing deep diving into autumn stuff right now yeah it's gorgeous let me just to showcase all these real quick and we can go ahead and just go through so this one is apothecary i've been really stuck into the sagey tealy dusty greens right now and this is just i love it i don't wear a lot of greens but it seems to be one that i'm good at dying which is weird and i i wanted to like well this is um that's so pretty thank you it's actually inspired after um i can never say his name no i can't what's it from it's from the hobbit and it is the elf king of the um woodland realm um our friend tanya sent me a picture of the like a fan art of him she's like this needs to be a colorway a colorway i'm like okay and you're like accepted it really does like i am super proud of this right now so wandering woods which hands down is my favorite autumn color so far and it's just like a touch of autumn yeah it's got like that it's not an awkward it's like a sagey blue though it's more it's apothecary than green i like it so i kind of made it to go with that as well um and i wanted something that could also go with one of my colorways from two years ago that i love which is agatha which more people have been actually knitting with recently from their stash and i'm like okay i need to show people this color again because i like that one that's the one that was drawn to last time i think yeah so it's just a good color is that the one did you show that last time not last time here but it was a very similar-ish one okay yeah and then this one i decided is ghost lace ghost lace i have one called ghost face oh my god i'm copying you again because it's a scary person from a scary movie yeah let me see it up close i like that like a dusty dusty plums so it's a good like middle ground one um this one is dark roast like a coffee yeah as coffee or it does not have coffee it's after coffee and stuff but it's lots of browns but it has like i put orange in it and so how it uh works with like the blacks and the browns that are in here it just kind of like it turns into like a dark melony dark melony color like yeah like it's like you have to like look at it you're like oh my god it's that's what i'm getting toasted cantaloupe or pumpkin is there such a thing as toasted cantaloupe you guys check on that for us to figure it out see if you like it meanwhile meanwhile um this one is cinestyx uh that's a big scheme i love this one that's a good color that is just a fun color that is a good color yeah and it's all of the the reds and oranges which i love um this one is i love red dragon have i not told you reds and oranges are like my soul i'm like hey by the way do my eyes look really blue in this sweater yeah they really do do they they really remember we talked about that my eyes were gonna look like i'm like your mom your eyes are kind of do they they really do that's a plus they look so good if you have blue eyes this color will make your eyes pop i was thinking a lot about fades recently too oh yeah that's a good fade that's a perfect oh my god that's so this middle one is october dragon which is going to be part of my uh that's another butternut color like a butternut like a squashy i'm loving these colors together um and i'm going to be doing comfort fake party kits soon and i think this is probably going to be possibly one um and then recently i've been really getting into stranger things because don't tell me what happens and i'm not going to tell you what happens um and these colorways don't give anything away they're more of like my ones a song that's in it and then the other one is just kind of like a cheeky like that sucks kind of thing overall of the whole series um and so this one is running up that hill i showed the the colorway last time but that's awesome i made clothes thank you um so i made sock sets with it and these are in the shop now and actually i sold i've done uh three different releases of this now sold out every time sold out every time so these are back in the shop i'm probably gonna be dying up more next week but i know i am going to be bringing these to woolen folk and then the next one i actually just barely got pictures of today and put on the website this one is called hopper in hell yeah i don't know what happened rotten luck or whatever but you saw it up to the point where i'm talking about i did yeah so i i really pretty though together there's like gray under it honestly it's a gray undertone and it looks like um muddled like a lot of muddied and stuff well that's how a lot of your yarn looks i know oh i know so it's it's really in line it's great but i love this this great undertone with it but i had to put a purple and an orangish one with it so really pretty i honestly was going to call it the upside down but i think i have a different idea for the upside down now so yeah this one's in the shop and that's all you have to have an upside down colorway i know you just have to it's like in every single season i had a snow the snowball oh that was good i had a lot of those because you love stranger things too i do but you got really into it that was the first fandom i ever think i saw you jumping i i just thought it was first the first season i just loved and i think it just because it's so easy it took me back when i was a kid they did it really well like they they really did that it was such a nostalgic feeling watching that because a lot of that stuff i knew exactly what it was i think you'd like the the recent season well i mean they stick with that whole kind of like oh yeah i'm sure i would love it but i'm just gonna go through mine really quick i have two new sock sets um that i think i've decided i'm just gonna bring to new york really well i'm gonna see how much time i have but they're autumn sock sets i do have other sock sets though they sound like oh no these aren't yellow oh yeah this one's like these we have so much yarn these do not have names yet i love that but this colorway and there's berry going through the the main scheme that's why i did a kind of a berry color i'm really always in awe of how you make autumn so bright like you're right i am a bright i do like bright thank you i do like to put brights together and then this one i do love reds so this color will be oh at woolen folk too it's almost like flannel my red i had to make it a little bit of a brighter i wanted it to contrast really well it does i like that i just love to have a good contrast so this has some red running throughout it but i do have other sock sets in the shop so if you want sock sets that are autumnal these are full schemes but this i have this skin which is spiked gingerbread coffee and it has a warm ginger mini and those are in the shop right now and then i have a cinnamon pumpkin latte with a spicy citrus uh mini i have a couple other sock sets in there too but so this is actually a mini i have full skeins of that too and then i just wanted to point out these have been in the shop but i've got my line of halloween colors which are pretty non-treated some of them are non-traditional yeah so so this one's called after dark and it's got like a black and navy blue base it doesn't look navy blue but there's blues in it i love it and then this one is a light navy it's called haunted house with some pops of yellow oh like the the windows with it shiny uh-huh yep and i'm probably gonna make some sock sets out of these too so you can find those this is orb weaver which is a spider that was black and orange and this one's my favorite i don't know why i love this one it's called fairy cat and it's a gray base with some pops of greens and blacks in it and gray uh this one is i believe this one's goblin i always get my two greens mixed up this one's goblin which is green so it has little pops of orange golds in it um and then the other green is i think this one's creature this one's brighter i think it's crazy it's got some orange and purples in it i really like that one thank you uh phantom which is a just a lavender base with pops of purples and lavenders scarecrow this is more autumnal this is i love this one i like that one it's subtle such a good neutral yeah it's a subtle neutral and this one is a full moon because it's yellow i like yellows too i do too it's hard to dye up a good yellow though i think this one's gonna have a green mini oh yeah okay yeah transylvania because red has red uh and this one's wicked purple with pops of black and green and gray jack-o'-lantern of course orange and black and this one is nightmare which is kind of like a brilliant bluish it's kind of a purpley blue but it's blue that pops of bright pink in it though it'll have a bright pink mini and then howl which is another i love i love this one too it's got pops of orange and pops of purple and some bright yellow some yellows in it i really like that it's really autumnal so those are my halloween ones and there's 14 in that set and i do have them in two different mini sets here so i've got the rainbow which is these are halloween colors but i put them in a rainbow set which i think rainbows are fun i think that too and then these you literally get a little bit of everything yeah this is the more neutrally set i love them yeah grays blues some green so yeah that's so cute what's in my shop i really like this sweater i really like it it's really comfortable super cute i haven't been really having to mess with it because you're so blind you can't say that your eyes look gorgeous well it doesn't fall off my shoulders it's because it's not knit it's technically top down but it's structured it's a structured top down yeah yeah i love it that's the whole thing but i have some things i want to show you guys yes apparently a lot of people i've been making polymer clay stitch markers and people are like oh i thought you were wholesaling this i didn't know you were making this but i've been making these all by yourself all by my little self and um i've been having way too much fun with them which is such a good thing and i just wanted to share with you guys some of the things um because i've also been making uh some jewelry with them and i think my favorite are my braided earrings that i'm doing because i um i've always been oh i've always been very uh in love with like disney and stuff and so i made a bunch of earrings so these ones are rapunzel super shiny so these ones are rapunzel so cute i love them these ones are ariel and they're not coming through is it make is it focused there we go um these ones are bells those ones i love and those are very simple oh yeah total bell total bounce these ones are jasmine so cute thank you these ones are my favorite these ones are pocahontas these ones were uh of the disney ones these ones were the first ones i did because tanya wanted some of these oh yeah she's like will you please do pocahontas i'm like i sent her a picture of like the black braids already ready on the the paper i'm using and i'm like i'm one step ahead of you i got you um and then i have these ones which are actually they're corpse bride just that is so cute perfect for halloween but so those are the earrings okay i'm gonna quickly show you guys all the stitch markers because it's ridiculous um i've been having a hard time not making everything into a cheese board cheese boards who doesn't need a cheeseboard though oh my god well good because i got you covered i've made all of them that's awesome so this is lumber spread which is a lord of the rings reference i love that you made cheese boards that are seams i know i know i have another one that's going to be like sea witch themed and it's going to be like ursula stuff seaweed well you know when she's getting ready and she like plumps up her lips yeah yeah i'm gonna have those on the cheekboard and i'm gonna have like a little octopus tentacles coming off that's gonna be so cute i'm so excited so yeah i've been having a freaking ball with these so i have two sizes of the cheese board depending on if you like big or little so this is lumba spread this is i like big boards and i cannot lie yeah is it true you don't deny um this is second breakfast which is also lord of the rings themed hobbits so yeah the little ones obviously have less on them but uh i love them so much and right now i have these both of these ones with sock sets that come with the little marker that's such a great a great idea well that's why i want to do them because it's like always be so so fun to add them together and be cool and make my own set so this is deathday party cheeseboard so fun i love it i love it so much um and then getting ready for rhinebag i made um i made apple cider donuts i am so happy about that one i'm so excited i will bring these to ryan back as well for the wollum folks show i made apple cider donuts and then you gave me a great idea to make an alternate apple cider donut tray kind of thing because at rhinebeck they have the the caramel apple cider oh my god remember yeah they have the hog i remember is that caramel apple or just apple no it's caramel caramel apple and i like those better than the doughnuts obviously yeah yeah the donuts are good too but the lines are always really long for those and like they're so poppy beverage they're so popular oh i'm not a huge fan of that yeah yeah i'm more of a drink too um but yeah so i have a bunch of autumnal ones as well these are all in the shop i know there's some left of all of them i love those i know i didn't see those ones i love all the autumnal ones and i tried to make them all with like little ones but i didn't get to all of them so there's a bunch of them i'll just put them right here for you i like that one oh this one's my pumpkin cookies one [Music] cute strawberries and bread just a little one but the one that i think a lot of people are the stitch markers that i think a lot of people have been getting excited about have been my mickey ears i love the mickey ears i'm so happy about oh i'll show this really fast though because i've been making a lot of harry potter ones this is my hogwarts crest sweater that is really cute that's free-handed painted yeah it's really nice i can get your face out of there so i can focus yeah so yeah it's just a little sweater um but yeah my mickey ears i'm so happy that you guys are liking them um come up uh let me know other ideas you guys have i yes i am making some for the sanderson sisters oh good i will be making those don't worry it's so cute um when i have a theme i kind of go a little buckwhile a little crazy with it which is always a good thing but yeah i get super inspired and then i just go ahead and go crazy so i'm going to try to show you guys all these these are my nightmare before christmas sweaters oops whoops so we have sally zero halloweentown and oogie boogie and the one that just fell i like those with the polka dots oh they're so simple like simplistic i love them this one's the mayor and then i also did a corpse bride one i like that one i really like this one the spider just fighting is so cute i love spiders i know you do uh eric didn't believe me when i told him that he's like no i'm like no my mom actually like loves spiders i don't know what i'm crawling on they're like super cool they're just cool i just i just think they're fascinating creatures and so i did a finding nemo set so we have dory and i wonder if that was finding nemo i i saw it yeah just like a cute little nod to it so cute i did tinkerbell i'm actually going to be doing a hook and a peter pan soon to kind of go with these and you're doing did you say you're gonna do some alice yes i'm gonna do some alice i have a cheshire cat idea for one of them and a mad hatter oh yeah then i did toy story so we have buzz lightyear and woody and i want to do the whole woody's roundup so i'm going to be doing jessie bullseye and oh good the dude i don't know oh oh oh jess uh prospector yeah yeah yeah yeah so i'm going to be doing those ones as well the prospect repeat yes okay oh good job you won that disney trivia round thanks can't believe i didn't i didn't know i had that information i didn't know it was in there i'm proud of you thanks and i did wreck it ralph so we have vanellope and ralph and so much hard work oh my god they take me all day but i love them i did an ursula so you know there's going to be an ariel coming along soon did you know the voice actor for ursula just passed away no like either yesterday or the day before no and i'm like oh it's a happy accident that i can i can celebrate her celebrate her with these she's such a cool person yeah great great character oh yeah i remember going back to the theater when i was like a teenager and i worked at a theater and during the summer we would bring like disney movies because you can get the old reels and we playing during the summer for kids at like noon or something i remember that and they had one for a little mermaid and i go in there and it's during poor unfortunate souls and ursula is just like shaking her boobs and stuff in it i'm like you know what on a big screen they're bigger it's a little more effective like um and so a nod to studio ghibli we have calcifer from howl's moving castle and from my neighbor totoro we have totoro and the little dust sprites and then from uh the new star wars from mandalorian we have the child or as he is in my brain forever as baby yoda oh and the little eggs that i don't know anything about bad things happen too okay yeah okay that's it well good that's all i like them i'm so excited i'm finding ways to be more intricate with them making them smaller i've made a whole bunch of stitch markers too they're just relaxing they have oh they have to do it it really is meditative um and it's a whole different way of using your creativity yeah and so you're able to honestly come up with different ideas for yarn or designs or anything and it gives your hands a break because i mean dying is hard on your hands so let's face it in her body but yeah your hands mostly my hands more than anything in my knees i mean i have all the braces i'm basically like 10 man going to work so you think we were running a marathon i know it's like are you working out like yeah every day every day making you already but no it has been nice just working on markers for a bit because yeah i can i can specialize them for different fandoms and stuff yeah which is really minis yup i'm actually doing a stranger things stitch marker advent as well as separate that's going to be the things christmas yarn happens so it's like that's going to be so fun i'm so excited i'm i'm making you want to by the way you are i am i'm just asking you how much i want to try to miniaturize them specifically for you oh i try to make all of them as small as i can because i know that you don't like big ones i like small ones yeah you know sometimes trouble it's hard because i'm um like uh i use clay cutters which i actually started making polymer with polymer clay before i started dying yarn and they sucked well that was so long ago but there's so many more resources now to like make polymer clay if i had to just do them with my hands and stuff and not have the cheat sheets a million cutters i'd probably still be horrible because they're like little miniature cookie cutters they're little cookie cutters and they're so tiny and they're so cute and but not all of them are like under an inch somewhere like 1.5 inches and so i have to kind of like finish them to try to make them fit smaller because these these braids i would love them if they were like an inch or smaller because i still use the same backs that i do for all my stitch markers but these would be super cute stitch markers but they're just a little long yeah a little big for a stitch marker but um but they're so cute they're so cute i have a couple other ones but i'm going to be making more of them for like book things for like a court of thorns and roses in front of glass and crystals oh that'll be so nice and stuff and most of them i'm going to try to find a way to make like little elf ears be poking out oh my gosh for a load of the rings that would be perfect um speaking of disney princesses i forgot to mention that i do have a disney princess advent calendar in the shop right now you choose your own different from last year different from last year more princesses you get to choose your princess for your mates you didn't do moana last year right i did not do moana and i did not do um um um um uh merida i didn't do that i cannot believe that i didn't do merida i'm trying to figure out a way to do merida with the braids but i'm just like she's taking like so many hours just get all those curls yeah so but i think i think that's everything that i have what about you yeah i think that's it i mean it's a lot but but hey you know what watch it in pieces yeah we always take cards and pieces yeah no but we just we just go on our tangents we do but i have fun doing it i hope you guys enjoyed it i always do you enjoy it so i was just thinking like no one knows what that means um but that's like exaggeration and going on thing it's it's sign language i'm sorry but sometimes i didn't even see that part because i'm blind oh yeah but it's cool it's cool so we'll try to get back together and maybe in in three or four weeks yeah but we're getting ready we're gonna be prepping hardcore here pretty soon but we're trying really really hard to become consistent right right so so anyway um i think that's it we're so glad you guys came by thank you so much for stopping by thanks and hope hope you guys get some knitting time in and can start on all those autumn sweaters yes it's that's almost that time of year it is that time stay inside with the ac on it's fine yeah okay all right we'll see you next time bye
Channel: Yarn Café Creations: Hand Dyed Yarn
Views: 4,916
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: knitting, podcast, crochet, hand dyed yarn, dyed yarn, yarn, yarn podcast, how to knit, how to crochet, knitting pattern
Id: awe30k5BXSk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 47sec (6287 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 07 2022
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