WIFI module ESP8266 - AT commands & sending Data to WebBrowser

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hello in this video I will demonstrate the Wi-Fi module esp8266 this esp8266 Wi-Fi module is now one of the leading platforms for Internet of Things this module is very cheap and easy to work with ESP modules are available in wide range USB 1 to e SP 12 the number of GPIO pins vary according to the module in this video I am using a s b01 module this is preloaded with the film wear and set at 9600 baud this two by four connectors or not breadboard friendly this cannot be fixed on the breadboard so I'm making use of jumper wires one USB to TTL adapter is used to communicate with the PC this is the connection details between ESP and the USB to TTL board this first pin is the ground lower-left pin is VCC which should be connected to 3.3 volt care should be taken that VCC is connected to 3.3 only as 5 volt will damage the module this is the TX pin of ESP module which is connected to our X of USB to TTL board the lower-right pin is the RX pin that is connected to our our TX of USB to TTL volt this CH PD is the chip enable pin which should be pulled high directly to 3.3 volt next is the or step in which is reset and this is pulled height to 3.3 volt through a resistor 3 key 3 resistor generally this 2 GPIO pins GBO 0 & 2 or left floating to upgrade firmware GPIO 0 must be grounded connect the USB to TTL both the PC and then open the device manager node on the comp autoloader here it is come 41 we make use of terminal software putty to communicate with the ESP module open pudding click on cereal and then enter the comport here it is 41 and bore rate as 9600 for better appearance I am just changing the font size to 14 click on open initially you get a garbage data and then the vendor address followed by the firmware version and finally you get ready after this the module is ready to accept 80 commands if you don't get any data just connect the rst pin to ground for a moment for a reset now typing ad the module will respond with okay ad + g mr will return the finger version to know the baud rate type in 8t + c io board followed by a question mark the module says it works on 9600 baud rate to know the mode type in 80 + CW mode the default is mode 3 actually there are three modes mode one is station mode where ESP is working as a client mode two is for access point mode AP mode where ESP is a host and three is for dwell mode default is three for internet access to PC I am using an empty S Wi-Fi dongle now we shall see how to connect ESP to this dongle through Wi-Fi type in ad + CW leap2 list all surrounding access points the module will search for the surrounding APIs and list the access points now we have two access points surrounding to this ESP one is the M blaze which is mine MTS and the protection level is also displayed 3 is possible protected PSK password protected and zero means it is not protected so M glazes the AP we want to connect with for this we use the command dat + CW j a B 30 + CW j AP you can select this ap and right click to copy and paste now you have to provide the SSID password the ESP module will take a while and then connect with the AP this is confirmed with okay now the ESP module will remember this yippee even if the power is switched off it will try to connect to the same Wi-Fi network after the power is on till you issue the command dat + CW qap it will remember the AP now let us start a server on port 80 0 to initiate a server the module must be said to multiple connections this is done by a t + c AP MUX you have to use capitals ad plus CA B MUX equal 1 this will set the module to multiple connections unless you do this you cannot start a server now start the server at port HTTP port 8 0 80 plus CA P server equals 1 comma 8 0 now where stars are has been started at HTTP port 8 0 to get the station IP address type in 80 plus CA fsor you get two IP addresses one is AP AP access point IP another one is sta IP as the CW mode is in 3 you get to IPS the station IP is of interest know down this IP address here it is 192 0.1 sixty-eight point 1 point 3 now open your web browser to send data from ESP to web browser you have to type in this station IP address into the web browser 192 point 168 Oh point one point three followed by a colon and then the port number eight zero now the web browser is sending a get request on channel 0 the 0 after IP d is the channel and this is the get request you see the host IP address and then the name of the browser to send data from ESP module you have to use the command ad + CH be send you have to use the channel number here it is zero and then the number of characters to be sent let us say 30 now the ESP module will return with the greater than symbol and waits for you to type 30 characters now you get send okay but still the browser is waiting for the channel to be closed you use the command 80 plus CA P close equal to zero that is you're closing the channel zero now the channel is closed and you get the 30 characters on the browser you can close the server using the command 80 plus CA P server equal to zero and then you must restart this is the way to close the server now let us check two-way communication over LAN local area network for this open another booty terminal open another Poteet aminal now we will start the server again in the comm 41 where ESB is connected 80 + e AP MUX should be 1 to start the server your server is started at HTTP port h0 80 plus CA fsor will return the station IP this is the address you have to feed in the second terminal now go to the second term put a terminal select raw and then feed in the IP address 192 point 168 0.1 0.3 and then the port number is 8 0 where we have started a server click on open now here it says it is connected through channel 0 you type in some characters that will be received in the first terminal to send a data from the comm 41 ESP modem stripe in 80 plus CA piece n / channel 0 say 20 characters now you get the dead of in the other chair other booty window this is the two-way communication instead of opening a booty you can also open a telnet application on a mobile and then communicate with the ESP module thank you for watching
Channel: Saravanan AL
Views: 344,167
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: WIFI module, ESP8266
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 36sec (756 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 04 2015
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