Creating Arduino Web server and controlling things via WiFi - Step by Step Tutorial

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hi in this tutorial video we are going to see how to use Arduino as a webserver and control things connected to it using the interface from the webpage for demonstrating this IOT tutorial I am going to use LED as the thing to connect it with Arduino and control it through the webpage the most famous esp8266 Wi-Fi module is going to serve as a communication medium for Arduino with other things let's cut some basics very quickly local area network or land is a type of network that can be formed using devices that lie stand up for any particular area for example in a building or an office or considering a wireless network a simple wireless local area network can be formed using a router or access point and other Wi-Fi enabled devices like a mobile or a lab these three devices can connect with each of them and in turn can communicate with them within with each other that is a local area network always remember that your mobile food can serve as an access point as well which in turn can connect with other Wi-Fi enabled devices that forms another local area network as already stated Arjuna is going to servers if observer here in order to access this to observer I need to create here LAN or local area network to do that I'm going to use my mobile phone and configure it as a access point or hotspot you can use your PC as well to service a hotspot but for in order to make this project really portable I'm going to stick with my mobile so once you configure it as an access point or hotspot you can connect it with esp8266 for those who are not aware about ESP 8:06 it is a single chip Wi-Fi development and code that is capable of providing Wi-Fi connectivity to microcontroller or any and an element of course in our case it is going to be our pottery once the ESP module it's connected with access point in the mobile phone mobile is going to provide a unique IP address to identify this device as a network then I'm going to create web server in order not using the code once web server is created and all the devices are connected with each other I'm going to initiate a client request using my my my mobile browser a client the server request is similar to when you open your browser and type homepage that's how we're just going to copy so I am going to use them our IP address provided to what we know and we initiate your client request from my browser from a mobile browser once the request from client is reached Audrina is going to respond back with the web page and this web page will get displayed in mobile phone browser and it has two buttons basically these two buttons can be used to feed input back to Audrina asking them to turn on or off the LEDs connected to it [Music] you can control anything following this method but with a little tweaks in the whole now you can connect your laptop to mobile hotspot to add up some extra functionality now help your laptop place within the same network and disk use the power to your laptop to control the LEDs kinder to your rotary know this is possible since your mobile hotspot esp8266 and laptop life within the same network and that's the whole concept behind this project tutorial ESP 806 X modulo operates in three point three mode whereas Audrina operates in five words to compromise this I have built a simple breakout board which basically consists of a three point three voltage regulator which powers the on FB modules and few other address here you can see the header which is used for connecting original Rx and TX bits and apart from this there are few hitters and capacitors which is to maintain stabilized operation of 96 into modules and headers are there to connect VCC and ground pins respectively so I have given the schematic in the below link you can check it out handle it for yourself for easier connection and these bi-directional logic converters are really necessary to convert 3.3 volt from ESP to 5 volt or in oven communicating via serial communication in absence of this esp8266 or or reno cannot differentiate logic high or logic 0 so it will ultimately lead to incorrect communication now let's put this whole team together as a single unit I have finished wiring the esp8266 modules in my direction and logic controller now let's connect it to Arduino connect Rx and TX terminals of aura node to the breakout board possibly from ordinal is not sufficient to bar up in v8 o6x module so I am new to using an individual powers of mics the power of the Integra couple I had the LED indicator to the board and connect USB cable to Audrina that's it let's do some testing I've given the complete list of commands for used for esp8266 I've added the link in the video description so you can check it out upload the bare minimum code to order no once turn open the serial terminal and set the baud rate corresponding to his PA to fix and set carriage return and line feed as well once done kemal start entering your 80 commands and see their responses you can see ok response in below the commands it denotes that the command is successfully accepted by EAP module on the other hand when you entered a command incorrectly it also gives response which states here so it means that your command has declined or it is incorrect in it so that's it type in all the commands and see how they respond to I've uploaded the web server caught in my adrenal also blacked out you know into the USB port of my laptop for showing you guys how the ADA commands are sent to ESP module via serial communication now let me just pour on the ESP module and open the serial monitor in Audrey no I D ordinal starts with the reset command 80 plus rsg and wait for the module to get connected with my mobile access 20 once it gets connected Audrey no fires a sequence of 80 commands to create the server not to worry the code was built in such a way to handle any sort of errors [Music] once the server is created it is indicated by a onboard led in my order no now let's open a browser and using the IP address assigned to USB module I'm going to create a client request there you go finally we got a web page response from Audrina and it is displayed in our browser as you can see in the serial monitor here are the HTML quotes which this and by Horan off to the browser now using the buttons in my web page I can control the state of the LEDs on and it's turned on and the LEDs turned on now let's try turning it off and off LED here is a mere indication to show how this whole set project setup works you can add anything of your own like really activating relays or going for a PWM or timer or sending your customized data to FH you can do that using the same similar concept so I hope you guys have enjoyed this video please like share and comment and subscribe to our channel if you find this interesting and thanks for watching see you soon bye
Channel: Gadgetronicx
Views: 175,627
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: arduino web server, arduino IOT tutorial, Arduino web server Wifi, arduino web server tutorial, arduino web server example, IOT tutorial, IOT embedded projects, IOT Projects
Id: SsFm2YtfOPA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 48sec (528 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 13 2017
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