ESP32 Mini TV Tutorial Build

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in this video we will be building a mini TV using an esp32 on a breadboard I will then show you how to upload the videos using ffmpeg and flashing it using Arduino let's get started just a high overview we have an esp32 A TFT screen we have a amplifier breakout board this is a Micro SD card reader and that's basically what we're going to do in this video and then maybe in another video if there's enough interest we could actually make this custom PCB board and there's some design changes I would do for the a new one but we have a speaker back here as well as a charge controller we have a battery and an on and off switch here as well as some buttons here and an LED light so let's uh jump into it so this video is inspired by this maker I don't know how to say his name but I'll leave a link below to this Instructables definitely go check that out I'll leave the links below to these main parts I bought off of Amazon but you can also find them off AliExpress and I'm sure there's a lot of other websites with them so when it comes to an esp32 I'm using just the dev kit there's lots of different ones you can use one of the most important things is just make sure you have your pin out ready to go so I'll have that up on one screen as well as I have a simple schematic I put together just so you can follow along we're not going to be using all of these i o pins because I have that for the buttons and a few other things that we're not going to use in this video but if we do a PCB we'll definitely use those so first things first let's go ahead and put on this micro SD card reader I'm going to go ahead and put my 3.3 volt to my positive here and my negative ground to my ground then we'll do our 3.3 volt and put that to our 3.3 over here on the side next we will do our miso pin right here and we will connect that to io4 which is right here and then next we will do our clock and that will go to pin 14. then Mosey pin will go to pin 15. then CS will go to pin 13. hope I notice I put this one off all right that looks good let's go ahead and do our screen next first we'll go ahead and get our VCC we'll connect that to positive and then we will ground then we'll do our scl to pin 18. SDA to pin 23. res to 33. dc2 pin 27 then we'll do our CS2 io5 okay I just noticed I had one of my pins off so make sure you're double checking as you go along so let's now put on our amplifier I'll connect a positive to my 3.3 ground to ground now we're not going to use the SD and the gain pins in this this one but next we will use the din pin into io32 now we'll put B clock into io25 last we will put our lrc into io26 that's the basic setup now I'm going to go ahead and just put a wire in here for my speaker all right that looks ready to go let's go ahead and jump on the computer to get the firmware flashed if you go to my GitHub with the link below you'll be able to see this project you can download it from there or you can download it from the instructables I'm not going to go through all of this code so if you're new to Arduino and esp32s you will have to add the esp32 right here there's a Json I can leave this in the link below you'll need to paste that Json here so then we can pull the boards then up here plug in your board you should be able to select the port that you want as well as the board for me I am running the dev module and if you see here there are lots of different boards and they really they all for the most part should all work just fine so long as you have your pins in right um and then we will go ahead and install the libraries for the first one we want the gfx Adafruit gfx let's go ahead and install this one right here by Adafruit next one we'll need is the jpeg DC Library by Larry Bank we'll need this one this will be the last Library we need which is the Arduino lib Helix you can click code let's download a zip and then once that finishes we can come up here we'll hit sketch include Library add from zip go to our downloads and go ahead and import and open that Library all right we should be good and I believe these ones come with the esp32 setup Library so we should be good there now we'll come back to this in a second we're going to go ahead and get a video uploaded to our SD card so get your micro SD card and go ahead and plug that into your computer and go to this website with this software we'll be able to convert our video and audio separately for our esp32 to read go ahead and download this based on your system I'm actually running parallels on my Mac and I'm familiar with the windows so I'm going to go ahead and use that one right now let's go ahead and open command prompt it's really important that wherever this folder is is where you run your code so in this case I'm on my desktop so I'm going to CD into my desktop and from here I will run the command let's see here right here so this is for my office version of it I'll go ahead and paste that here I'm going to change the name so this is the output name and I have one called nacho from Nacho Libre and then right here this is what file I'm picking and again it's in the same it's on my desktop as well so I can just do nacho Dot m4v and hit enter so right now what it's going to do is put together a MPEG file of just the video so now we need to do the audio separately so that's finished now so let's go over here going to copy the version for the audio and I'll paste that and I'm going to do the same thing I'm going to call it nacho here and then right here it's saying what's the source nacho Dot m4v that shouldn't should be great pretty quick okay that's finished so now we have two files we should have our audio and our MPEG so let's go ahead and upload both of these to our SD card one thing I will say about the SD card is it needs to be in FAT32 format it's a little bit of an outdated format and it can be a little hard to find because most computers will recommend xfat so I had to find some formatter it's a little janky I don't know that I totally recommend it but FAT32 2 formatter I use this one to flash my drive to be a FAT32 so now I can go ahead and drag and drop both of those files onto my SD card going back over to our code I can go ahead and change this now so this is our Ace AC which is our audio to Nacho and right here we will also change this to Nacho now we should be good to go ahead and upload that to our device and eject the micro SD back in Arduino we'll double check that our board is selected and then we'll click upload and we should be good all right there we go fun little project a couple little pointers if you have any issues be sure to check your wiring make sure that looks really good and sometimes I find that these wires actually especially when you get this many going they can actually short out fairly easy over time and quit working and also if you have a cheaper breadboard that can that can also cause some issues also if you're interested let me know and we can make a custom PCB board like this that will hold it and we can actually design it a little bit better after I made this first one I found some other things that I could improve on all right there you go hope you liked it and go ahead and hit that like button and subscribe for more projects like this [Music]
Channel: Taylor Galbraith
Views: 90,966
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: esp32, esp32tutorial, minitv, esp32minitv, esp32project, esp32 development board, jlcpcb, pcbway, arduino, ffmpeg, esp32 programming, C++, programming, software, esp32tft, esp32sd, esp32 wifi, esp32 projects, embedded systems, embedded, hardware, esp32hardware, esp32 project, esp32 mini tv, esp32 tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 42sec (582 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 19 2023
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