ESP32 Car Dashboard/Controller

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boom boom [Music] [Music] I hope you enjoyed the ride in this video I will show you my controller for homemade electric vehicles every now and then I got requests related to cars electric bikes or other vehicles so this project has been on my to-do list for a long time recently I found this thread user Petros wanted to make a nice looking gauge and budmore gave him some tips and instructions I don't know if Petros managed to make this but dear Petros hope you don't mind but this image looks great so I decided to use it for my project feel free to use my code if you need it please leave a comment if you ever find this video also thank you budmore for great work you are doing I appreciate it once again I'm using T display S3 esp32 base board with built-in TFT display plan was to make a controller for an electric vehicle it can show speed gears RPM but it can also show this coolic icons for lights for direction breaks all it's made using pure TFT SPI Library I decided not to use images or fancy fonts and this is made from simple circles rectangles arcs and lines whole code fits in single file which is of course free for download link is in description feel free to use my code for your project I always share my work and you can do me a favor and subscribe or like or share if this is really helpful to you you can support my work and buy me a coffee thanks I don't have time or money for an electric bike project but that doesn't mean I can't play that's why I designed this PCB and how I can play with my imaginary car PCB is produced by PCB way PCB way is my first sponsor and we still have a nice collaboration they are really fast and the quality of the boards is great I will share my design so you can order this board directly from their site links are in description so feel free to check them I will try to explain code later but now let's take a closer look on a PCB I decided to choose white color I love white pcbs and for the first time I use used these toggle switches I use it three position switches for gear slides so three position on middle is off and on I leaved whole nearby so I can mount them this way also but this way is also cool for brake and throttle micro limit switch is used because it looks like foot pedal and other parts are simple LEDs resistors buzzer and this push button if you want to build this you can find these parts on AliExpress or similar sites I will also give more information in the description of this video this button is used to change brightness the level of brightness is shown here and this button this built-in push button is not used so you can use it for whatever you want here I have break lights Direction Gear Up gear down throttle and that's it I will also try to explain code a little so for this project I used most of pins on the display S3 and here in code you can see input pins so these are pins for switches and push buttons and these are output output pins for signals and lights and Horn buzzer also here we have some for example position of speed needle is speed angle variable and it can be in range from 0 to 240. and here is also for RPM which can be from 0 to 9. so I have sport car or to be honest I don't know much about cars and here is draw function so like I said before everything is made from circles rectangles lines so simple drawing functions this time I added lots of comments so you can figure what part is for what so to draw gauges we have this part of code needles drawing text break lights and in a loop function here is logic if switch is pressed something will happen it is hard to me to explain whole code but I think it is not hard that I think you will figure it out you are watching my channel so you are probably smart most code is related to drawing this nice design and you don't need touch that you will need to change part in Loop if you want to use this for your own car I hope you enjoyed this video I really enjoyed making this and I hope it will be useful to you like always please tell me what you think please leave a comment please like Please Subscribe I spend lots of time with this video I and I can't win wait to upload it and I can't wait to play with my imaginary car stay safe [Music] [Music] foreign
Channel: Volos Projects
Views: 256,121
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: cBtsLxZ13hQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 39sec (519 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 08 2023
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