Control your TV using M5Cardputer - Universal Remote Control.

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hello in my recent videos I showed you M5 card computer and you wanted to know where this can be used in real life so here is example for you yes in this video I will show you how to control your TV using this interesting ESP 32 device but let's turn it off first welcome to my living room here is my Samsung TV and here is original remote control for my TV which don't work anymore because my daughter tried to eat it this power button is not working so I buy this Universal infrared original remote control is a Bluetooth but it was too expensive so I buy this original which is quite ugly and here is another problem problem is that with this remote control I can control on only my TV I don't know how is in rest of the world but here in Croatia we have these devices this little box and with uh my inter internet service provider ISP is also selling me channels my provider is tcom and I need another remote control to change channels and so basically right now I'm using three remote controls but with with this device I can control everything using only this for example right now I'm controlling TV Samsung but if I if I want to change channels I can uh press FN and I'm I'm now I'm in D com so I can change channels with for example F or I can write number of Channel directly here using numbers or if I want to control TV I will go to Samsung I can go to home and I can choose for example YouTube and that's it in this video I will share you this code and I will show you how to do this uh this code will not work for you yes it will work for you only if you have same setup so if you have Samsung TV you will you will be able to control your TV using this but probably you will need to decode your uh infrared signals from your remote control and we are back in my basement so M5 card computer or card computer I had lots of fun using this board in past few days feature I love the most is huge battery inside so this device can give you hours and hours of runtime in this video I showed you my simple sketch for um controlling TV and of of course here is infrared transmitter on pin 44 which is uh I don't use infrared a lot but here is good example how this device can be useful so you using this method you can control any device which choose infrared and as I said I will share your this code but it will work only if you have same setup if you don't have same setup you will need to decode your remote control signals using this this is infrared receiver it can be found very cheaply all all over the Internet and there are also boards with builtin we builtin infrared receiver I will go through the code a bit so you can see so you can better understand what is happening uh we are using infrared remote Library very standard Library we will use same library to decode our signals and code is not huge and for each button here is defined what is what is happening if tcom is selected it will send row date data R decod data which are stored here I stored each button here in this header file and if I'm not controlling the com I'm controlling Samsung it will send Samsung protocol codes which are in this hexadecimal format so very simple and rest of code is used to draw this user interface this draw function is also not huge to decode your infrared uh signals from your remote control you will need a hookup infrared receiver of course to any development board you can use Arduino Uno I will probably put some link of some good tutorial which can help you and you will need this Library infra red remote ESP 8266 and here you can find in examples you can find infrared receiver dump I'm using version two but I think for this example version three and version one will also work and now in serial monitor when I uh press key on Samsung remote it will recognize that protocol is Samsung and code for that button is here so in my in my code we can recognize that Sam has these type of codes and if I and if if I press button on my let's call it tcom remote control it will not recognize protocol but here is a row data so only thing you need to is to copy this and replace this line with some line here so the coding infrared signals are is very easy there is no encryption and everything is open so you can be real hacker you can hack hack your own TV or you can hack your I don't know Neighbors TV or TV on your work I will not give you more ideas and that's it for today I hope that you like this U I made this sketch and this design just to show what is press and and it looks better with this if your first time here I hope you like this video please uh don't forget to subscribe please leave a comment and if you want to support my work you can buy me coffee link is in description same as always have a nice day well please tell me do you want to make something like this will this can this be useful to you for example um I will try to in school where I work I have in uh in every classroom I have different projector projector so I will try to make one button for each so I can turn turn it all using only this device because remote control in classroom is always missing or batteries are dead or kids are stealing batteries on purpose thank you for your time and have a nice day goodbye
Channel: Volos Projects
Views: 22,557
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Id: ql7MtSdK-cM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 26sec (686 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 15 2023
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