ESP32 Client-Server Wi-Fi Communication Between Two Boards (ESP8266 Compatible)

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in this video we'll learn out setup an HTTP communication between two SB 32 words to exchange data via Wi-Fi without the need to connect them to the internet so you don't need a router basically you'll learn out send data from one bar to the other using HTTP requests this project can be very useful if you need to set up a wireless communication between two words or more and you don't have a router nearby the code used in this tutorial is also fully compatible with ESP D 266 ports you can find links to all the coding parts required in the links below this video to compile the code for this project you need to install all these libraries in your arduino IV here's the quick overview of this project you have to prepare two ESP boards a server ESP number one and the client ESP number two the server is set as an access point and it's connect to a BM e 280 sensor it retrieves sensor readings when you make an HTTP GET request in the slash temperature / humidity or / pressure URLs the client is set as a Wi-Fi station and connects to the server access point then it can request sensor readings on these URL paths let's prepare ESP number one the server wire the BMA tweety sensor to your board follow this schematic for the ESP 32 or this one for the esp8266 board a police go to your board for testing I recommend leaving the default SSID and password otherwise the code for the other ESP should match these credentials now prepare ESP number to the client connect and all I display to your world if you are using the ESP 32 follow this schematic or use this one for the esp8266 copy the code provided and uploaded your board this board connects to ESP number 1 via Wi-Fi as mentioned earlier we do set up you don't need a router because yes B number 1 is acting as a router and your ESP number 2 just connects and requests the latest sensor readings having both boards fairly close and powered you'll see that the SB number 2 is receiving new temperature humidity and pressure readings every 5 seconds from the ESP number 1 you can modify this project to exchange readings from any other sensor we have guides for many other sensors that you can find in our blog that's it for now for the complete project details visit our blog by clicking the first link in the video description thanks for watching and make sure you subscribe to my youtube channel to catch my next ESP project
Channel: Rui Santos
Views: 238,251
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rui santos, ESP32 Client-Server Wi-Fi Communication Between Two Boards, ESP32 to ESP32 communication wifi, ESP32 to ESP32 Wi-Fi HTTP GET requests, ESP32 talk to another ESP32 Wi-Fi wireless communication, ESP32 Access Point Server Client Station communication, ESP8266 Client-Server Wi-Fi Communication Between Two Boards, ESP8266 to ESP8266 communication wifi, ESP8266 to ESP8266 Wi-Fi HTTP GET requests, ESP8266 Access Point Server Client Station communication
Id: 2z7Ow4PjJRc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 6sec (186 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 09 2020
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