Control ESP32 and ESP8266 GPIOs from Anywhere in the World

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in this video I'll show you how you can control your DSP 32 RESP d2 66 GPI is from anywhere in the world this can be very useful to control a relay a thermostat or any other device remotely this project is also very versatile through our cloud dashboard you can easily control more outputs without a bloody new code to your word and you can even connect multiple boards to your server in previous videos I've covered how to save sensor readings to a database display them on a table charts and gauges that can use to visualize from anywhere using your own server now I've created this new project where you can create buttons in a dashboard and assign them to award and GPIO number then you can use the toggle switches to control the ESP outputs from anywhere there are many ways of controlling outputs from anywhere and even though this is a working solution there are other methods that provided two-way communication with our devices I also recommend that you take this project and add more features to fit your own needs use eye level overview of this project you have a web page running a PHP script with some toggle buttons that allow you to control the outputs on and off when you press the buttons it updates the output state and saves it in your database you can add more buttons or delete them from your dashboard then you can have an ESP 32 RESP d2 66 or even multiple words that make an HTTP request every X number of seconds to your server finally according to the result of that HTTP GET request if the plates the ESP GPIO is accordingly for this project I recommend using Bluest as your hosting provider blue Oh Stacy panel and comes with all the features required for this project but you can use any other hosting service that offers PHP and MySQL if you don't devasting account I would appreciate if you sign up for Bluehost using my link which doesn't cost you anything extra and help support my work you can find a link below this video after signing up for the hosting account and setting up a domain name you can log into your cPanel or similar dashboard create your database username and password run an SQL query to create your tables you'll also need a couple of PHP scripts that you can download for free on my blog just open the companion blog post that has all the step-by-step instructions with screenshots are not to create a dashboard with the PHP scripts after that a plot of culture ESB 32 RESP d2 66 parts this project is compatible with any development board that has an ESB 32 re SPD 266 chip you just need to assemble a simple circuit and the plotter sketch is provided for this example we'll use an ESB 32 board with three LEDs and the nee SPD 266 with two LEDs follow this schematic for the ESP 32 and is one for the esp8266 instead of LEDs you can connect a relay module or any other device to the ESP GPIO s will program the ESP 32 and the SPD to 66 using arduino ide so make sure you have these parts installed copy this code your arduino ide you need to make some changes to make it work for you add your network credentials SSID and password type your domain name so the ESP makes the HTTP GET request your server and retrieves the correct output States finally you need to type the number that identifies your board for this demonstration this will be bard number 1 so I've typed 1 in this board ID parameter if you have another board to connect your server you should name it number two and so on in fact your bar just needs to have a unique IV that is the same as your board IV defined in the cloud dashboard once it's ready a plot a sketchy RESP then open the arduino ide serial monitor to see if your bar disconnect your server successfully now you can prepare the code for urease PD 266 just enter the SSID and password the main name and birth IV in this case it's number two open a browser and type the domain name followed by ESP - outputs dot PHP you should see this webpage with your default button the default button is called built-in LED it's assigned to board one and controls GPIO 2 if you press the button within a few seconds your board will change the GPIO to state as you can see it works as expected you can add more outputs to your project type a name set the board IV to number one and type the desired GPIO that you want to control create another button for board one then add two buttons for board to at any point in time you can use the delete button to remove buttons from your dashboard or use the form at the bottom to create more note in some devices you might need to refresh the page to see our newly created buttons or to remove the deleted buttons finally there's a section that shows the last time a board made a request and the plated its outputs since this is not a two-way communication when you press the buttons to control your outputs your board doesn't update the outputs instantly it will take a few seconds for your ESP board to make a new HTTP GET request and the plate its output states with this last request time you can see when that happened just refresh the page to see the updated values now you know that your boards were updated just a few seconds ago there are many other features that you can add your server you could merge it with our previous projects to display sensor readings feel free to add more ESP boards to run simultaneously and they find other outputs to control that's it I hope you found this project interesting for the complete step-by-step instructions click the first link in the video description thanks for watching and not forget subscribe to watch my next yes B projects
Channel: Rui Santos
Views: 105,515
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rui santos, randomnerdtutorials, random nerd tutorials, Control ESP32 and ESP8266 GPIOs from Anywhere in the World, Control ESP32 GPIOs Pins Outputs from anywhere, Control ESP8266 GPIOs Pins Outputs from anywhere, ESP32 GPIOs Pins Outputs remotely from anywhere in the world, ESP8266 GPIOs Pins Outputs remotely from anywhere in the world, ESP32 ESP8266 control remotely from anywhere relays outputs
Id: 4moPYxNYjCY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 57sec (417 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 23 2020
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