ChatGPT with Arduino and ESP32 | C++ and MicroPython coding

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First also because CIG uses...

NeverBeenDoneBefore AlienCrytech

AI is software that mimics and generates human behaviours think planning, generating ideas, using location awareness, and understanding speech and visuals.

Crober Tech uses lies , promises, and visions and $5.000.000 mansions backed by Mocap dreams of Hollywood glory....

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 6 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/AverageJoeBlack1 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 29 2023 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

AI will intantly know the "game" is mostly garbage and has a lot of dated looking assets, keep <5% of it and start over

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/O_Geeky_One ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 29 2023 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

A game programmed but ai?

Never been done before

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/mypostisbad ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 30 2023 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
today in the workshop we'll be programming an Arduino and dsp32 using chat GPT the amazing AI chat bot that's taking the World by storm you'll see how we can use chat GPT to write code in both C plus plus and micro Python and how we can use it to correct coding errors we'll even use it to build a digital temperature and humidity meter we're talking up some code today so welcome to the workshop [Music] [Applause] well hello and welcome to the workshop and today we are going to be creating some code however we aren't going to write the code ourselves for that we're going to enlist the power of the amazing new AI chat bot chat GPT now I'm sure you've already heard about chat GPT it's only been out for about two months but it's literally taking the World by storm and it's both amazing and scaring people with its human-like abilities and responses it's already been a disrupter in fields such as education and Publishing but it's also capable of writing code and that of course is what we're going to do with it today we're going to take an Arduino Uno and then esp32 board and we're going to have cat clip writer's code in both C plus plus and micro python now I should point out that this product has only been out for eight weeks now and it is rapidly evolving there already is a chat DPT Pro in the works and that'll probably be coming out in the next few weeks they may change a few things with it as well so keep that in mind when you watch the video so let's get started by learning a bit more about chat GPT cat GPT your generative pre-trained Transformer is an AI chat bot that mimics many human abilities it's constructed with openai's gpt3 family of language models the version the chat kptpt is built around is GPT 3.5 open AI is an organization that is dedicated to the advancement of artificial intelligence it had several founding members including Sam Altman who is its current CEO Sam Altman is the former president of Technology accelerator y combinator Elon Musk who needs no introduction Reed Hoffman who is the co-founder of LinkedIn Jessica Livingston who's a founding partner of Y combinator and Peter Thiel who is the co-founder of PayPal along with Elon Musk and was also one of Facebook's First Investors in 2018 Elon Musk left open AI citing a potential conflict between its work and the work that Tesla does on its autopilot he still continued to fund it though open AI was originally set up as a non-profit with open patents it then transitioned to a capped profit model setting a cap of 100 times the initial investment in 2019 open AI partnered with Microsoft and changed its patents to commercial licenses Microsoft has already invested 1 billion US dollars in open Ai and has signaled that it will be investing another 10 billion in chat key PT Microsoft intends to integrate chat GPT with its Microsoft Office and Bing search engine products cattle PT is not the first product that open AI is released they also released Dolly 2 an artificial intelligence art generator cat TPT was released on November 30th 2022 and it became immensely popular one measurement of a product's popularity is the time it takes to get the 1 million users for streaming video service Netflix that took three and a half years for social network Facebook that took only 10 months streaming music service Spotify achieved 1 million users in only five months Instagram got to 1 million users in two and a half months and chat CPT achieved 1 million users in five days now on the surface chat GPT is pretty simple there is a prompt where you ask the bot a question or make a statement to it and then there's the Bots response but under the surface chat GPT is an auto regressive language model that uses deep learning to produce human-like speech in order to understand its operation you need to understand a few important Concepts language models or programs that can understand and generate human speech language models predict which word will most likely come next in a sentence language models are used to help computers understand and communicate with humans machine learning is a way for computers to learn and improve by using data with machine learning a computer is fed examples and it determines rules and patterns from them there are many types of machine learning including supervised unsupervised and reinforcement supervised machine learning has labeled data or known data with a desired known output unsupervised machine learning uses unlabeled data and has an unknown output reinforcement learning learns by interaction with feedback GPT 3.5 is trained using supervised and primarily reinforcement learning deep learning is an advanced form of machine learning this technology is inspired by the structure and function of the human brain deep learning uses multiple layers of neural networks to understand data TPT 3.5 is a very powerful example of deep learning neural networks are programs that are designed to work like the human brain they're based upon the human brain with layers of interconnected nodes or neurons these nodes process data and send it to other nodes in a neural network the information can enter through several different points the information is processed and the results are assigned a weight those weighted results are combined to create a transformed output GPT 3.5 language model is an example of a neural network it was trained on vast amounts of text Data with over 175 billion different parameters this chart illustrates the sources for the data set for chat GPT well the actual operation of chat GTP is a proprietary secret open AI has released this diagram showing how the language model is trained it's broken down into three steps which we can simplify as follows the first step is collect demonstration data and train a supervised policy we can just basically say train with human examples the first step in creating GPT 3.5 was to train the model using examples of human generated text this is called supervised learning the model was given prompts and example responses and it learned how to generate text that is similar to the examples it was shown the second step is collect comparison data and trainer reward model we can simplify this by saying get feedback and learn from it The Next Step was to get feedback on the model's performance open AI collected new data from model generated responses and then asked human trainers to rank them from best to worst the feedback was used to create a new model called a reward model which helped the model understand what makes a good response the third step was optimize a policy against the reward model using the PPO reinforcement learning algorithm we can simplify this by saying use feedback to improve the model finally the GPT 3.5 model was fine-tuned using the feedback from the reward model this means that the model was given new prompts and its responses were ranked by the reward model this feedback was used to make the model perform better and this process was repeated several times before openai released the DPT 3.5 model to the public while the first step is only taken once the second two steps are repeated over and over again to improve the training of the model cat GPT has many capabilities but it also has some limitations the biggest limitation is that it has a limited knowledge of world and events after 2021 as this is when its data set was finalized remember chat TPT is not connected to the internet with flat GPT you can write letters and articles create original jokes write poetry and Musical lyrics explain complex topics create content in multiple languages and write debug and explain code which of course is what we're going to do today chat GPT is capable of working with many different programming languages including C plus plus and micro python which we'll use today so now let's explore chat GPT now there are a couple of methods that you could use to log into chat CPT you could go directly to the login screen or you could go to the openai website which is what I've done over here where they have a button that says try chat GPT now you're going to need an open AI account to use chat TPT and you can get that for free all that they're going to require is your email address once you have one you can click on the button to go in to cat GPT and we get a message up here saying they're experiencing exceptionally high demand and this is pretty standard these days now sometimes you won't go directly in you'll get a screen that says that it's too busy but I find that if you refresh that a few times you'll get in and I also find I haven't gotten that screen recently I think their capability of their service has been improved once you're in you're in a new chat interface and basically the interface is very simple there's a text box down here you type in and your results will appear above it on the side of the screen we can see some of the history of the different chats that I've already had you can clear your conversations down here you can put it into a dark mode if you would prefer a dark mode like that you can do that there's a link to the open AI Discord server another link to the updates and FAQ page and a log out button so as I said in order to use it all you do is type in the text box and then hit either enter or this little arrow key the end of the text box so let's ask it something and I asked it to tell me the history of Arduino I'll hit the little arrow and it's producing an answer now this answer is text that is generating itself it's not copying something it got off of the internet and if you asked it this question again it will give you a different answer and so it's as simple to use as that just put your query down here and get the answer at the top and so now that we've used it with text let's start using it with microcontrollers so now that we know a little bit more about how chat GPT functions let's go and start coding with it we're going to grab an Arduino Uno in a couple of Parts hook them together and have chat GPT write code for us so here's how we're going to hook everything up now for our experiments we'll require an Arduino Uno a dht-22 temperature and humidity sensor an SSD 1306 OLED display with an i squared C output a 10K potentiometer an LED any color will work a 220 ohm dropping resistor for the LED you could actually use any value from 150 to 470 ohms and the normally open push button switch we'll Begin by connecting the 5 volt output of the Arduino to one side of the pot the Arduino ground will be connected to the other side of the pot the wiper of the potentiometer will be connected to Arduino analog input a0 we'll connect the ground connection on the SSD 1306 display to the Arduino ground and the VCC connection on the display to the Arduino 5 volt out the display's scl or clock connection will be connected to Arduino pin A5 some arduinos also have a separate connection for scl and you can use that as well it's the same Connection in a similar fashion the SDA or the data line will be connected to Arduino pin A4 or if your Arduino has one to the SDA connection next we'll connect Arduino pin 9 to one side of the dropping resistor and the other side of the dropping resistor to the anode of the LED we'll connect the cathode of the led to the arduino's ground we'll connect the VCC pin on the dht-22 to the 5 volt output of the Arduino the dht-22's ground pin will be connected to the arduino's ground the data pin on the dht-22 will be connected to Arduino input D3 we'll connect Arduino input D4 to one side of our push button switch and we'll finish off by connecting the other side of the push button switch to the ground and this completes our wiring now it's pretty traditional to start off with any new IDE by writing the hello world sketch which in the case of the Arduino Uno is the blink sketch and so we're going to do that with cat GPT even though it's technically not an IDE it is a way of writing code so I've asked it to write the code to flash the onboard LED on an Arduino Uno once per second and it's generating some code for me and it tells me that the code sets the pin connected to the onboard LED as an output then repeatedly turns the LED on for one second and off for one second in a loop which is a pretty good description of the blink sketch now when I want to use this in my IDE you'll see there's a copy code button so I'll just click on that and now the code is in my clipboard so I can move over to the Arduino IDE paste it into it load it up to an Arduino and see if this actually works to Blink the LED which I rather suspect it will and so I pasted the code the chat GPT created for us into my Arduino IDE connected an Arduino Uno up to the computer and uploaded the code to the Arduino and I'm and I'm sure you're dying to see the results and so I won't keep you waiting any longer here we go you can indeed see that on the Arduino the built-in LED is flashing on and off and so that is purely amazing of course the blink sketch itself isn't really amazing but what is amazing is that I basically just asked chat GPT an AI chat bot to create the code for this by describing what I wanted it to do to flash the light on and off once per second and it created the code now of course it's very simple code so let's move on to something a little bit more complicated and so for our next query I'm going to try to get it to do something a little bit more complicated so I told it to control the brightness of an LED attach the pin 9 on an Arduino Uno with a potentiometer connected to analog input a0 using pwm so basically told it where my i o connections are pin 9 for the LED and a0 for the plot I've also told that I want to use pwm to control the brightness so I've given it the instructions let's see what chat GPT will do and it's written the code and now it's explaining the code and so it tells me that the code setup sets up pin 9 as an output for the LED and pin a0 is an input for the potentiometer in the loop the code reads the value the potentiometer using the analog read function maps that value to a value between 0 and 255 since pwm has a resolution of 8 Bits And then uses the analog write function to set the brightness of the LED so I think that should work pretty well let's once again copy this code into the clipboard and see what it looks like on our Arduino IDE and so let's check out the operation of the code the chat GPT wrote us to control the brightness of the LED and you can see the LED over here on my breadboard and here's the pot that controls it and I think you can see it going up even though there's a black wire in the way see if I can move that for you there we go and it works very well I can control the brightness of the LED using the potentiometer and so chat GPT once again took my instructions and created some code that works perfectly now in addition to being able to write code to actually PT can also correct existing code and this is also a great feature of it so I'm going to paste the code that we used in the previous example the pwm code into chat GPT and I'm going to put an error into the code and I'll see if it can find it so I said correct the following code and I'm ready to paste my code now I could do it over here but I'd probably like to do it on a new line now if I hit enter right now I'm just going to send correct the following code to chat GPT which will probably tell me there is no code to correct but what you can do is you can hold your shift key down and hit enter so if I hold shift enter I go down another line and now I can just paste the code into here and what I'm going to do is I'm just going to change this pot pin to plot pin 1 which would force an error over here and I'll send that to chat GPT and it says right over there it's corrected the variable name from pot pin 1 to pot pin and so it's shown me the corrections after I've asked it to correct the code so this is a wonderful feature if you've got an error in your code you might just want to pass it over the chat TPT and see if it can figure it out now one thing that you'll notice very quickly when you use chat kptpt be it for code or just for text is that the responses it gives are very human-like but just like human beings it would appear that chat kptpt is capable of learning and forgetting things now what you see on the screen is an example I ran when I first started using chat TPT I asked it to control the brightness of the built-in LED on the Arduino Uno with a potentiometer connected to analog input a0 using pwm well that's actually not really possible to do and Cat CPT wrote me the code but it changed it to pin 9 instead of pin 13 and I was wondering why it did that and down here it says the code uses pin 9 as a pwm pin you can use any other pwm pin like 3 5 6 9 10 or 11. and that's pretty interesting it already figured out that I asked it do you use pin 13 that it was impossible and so it changed it very good chat DPT however I tried to repeat that example again so I could show it to you folks and it wouldn't do it it insisted on writing pwm code for pin 13 what the course would not work so it apparently knew this a while ago but now it is forgotten that pin 13 is not pwm capable another example is the one that I just showed you for writing the dimmer for the LED we had connected to pin 9 when I first asked it to do that it gave me some code that didn't have the map statement in it and without the map function the code didn't work correctly it was trying to pass a 10-bit number out as pwm and you can only use an 8-bit number but this time when we did it it did it correctly it added in the map command so since then it has learned that it could use the map command and I never told it that but somebody else probably did so it's one thing to keep in mind is that the results you get with cat kpt are not necessarily accurate you do need to check them yourself so now that you've seen the basics of working with cat GPT I thought it would be a good idea to see how it would work in building a whole project now since I've attacked an OLED display in a temperature and humidity sensor to my Arduino you can probably guess what the project is we will indeed build a temperature and humidity meter and we'll use the push button to toggle the temperature between Celsius and Fahrenheit but what I want you to observe over here when we build the project is that we're going to do it step by step and we're going to stay within the same conversation so we can ask chat GPT to make modifications the code that is already written so let's go and put together our temperature and humidity meter now I'm going to build up my temperature and humidity meter step by step but I'm going to start just by writing code to display the output of the temperature and humidity sensor on the serial monitor so I've told it write code to display the temperature and humidity readings from a dht-22 sensor on the serial monitor DHT is connected to pin D3 of an Arduino Uno and it's getting right at it and it's even taking into an account in the loop if you get a not a number reading from the temperature humidity sensors you sometimes do with dht22 so that's pretty cool and it's telling you you need to install the DHT library and the Arduino IDE to use the above code you can do this by going to sketch include Library DHT sensor Library so it's pretty well not only written the code it's told you what library it is you need to install to use the code so let's copy this code and see if it works so here's my dht22 sensor just sensing away sensing the humidity and temperature in the workshop and if we look up at the serial monitor we can see that that humidity is about 45.7 percent and the temperature 21.9 degrees Celsius and so cat GPT was indeed capable of writing the code to address the dht-22 it told us which Library we're going to require in order to run the code and the code seems to work perfectly so now let's see if we can add the OLED to the mix okay now I'm going to add the OLED to the picture and you'll notice I'm still in the same chat as I was previously and I'm going to tell it right code to display the temperature and humidity readings from a dht-22 sensor on an SSD 1306 OLED display DHT is connected to pin D3 of an Arduino Uno SSD 1306 uses I squared C so let's give it that and our little code writing machine is back at it and notice it's include an Adafruit library for the SSD 13060 lead and the loop is very similar to the last bit of code as one might expect except now they're displaying on the OLED display and it's adding a node it says you'll need to install the Adafruit SSD 1306 and the Adafruit DFX library in the Arduino IDE to use the above code and once again it tells you how to go and install the library so really what more do you want it's written you the code and told you what you need to do to run it let's copy that to our IDE and see how it works and so here's the results of the code the chat GPT created to display the temperature and humidity on an OLED display and as you can see it does seem to work it's got the temperature at 21.6 Celsius and the humidity at a very comfortable 51.3 percent here in the workshop this morning and so cat TPT is capable of writing some relatively complex code let's go and see if we can expand it even further and so our display worked pretty nicely but it's only displaying in Celsius and I'd like to display in both Fahrenheit and Celsius and I want to use my push button to toggle between the two so instead of describing the entire circuit we're still in the same chat I'm just going to ask it to modify the previous code so I'm saying add a push button connected to pin D4 to the above circuit code the push button to toggle the temperature display from Celsius to Fahrenheit and it's at it it's writing some code and it's writing the code in the loop to check the status of the push button now and it is also mentioned that you're going to need to modify the code if you want to use the internal pull up or pull down resistors which is excellent because it's exactly what I wish to do and so let's say modify the above code to use the internal pull-up resistor for the push button why do it myself when chat GPT can do it for me and so you'll note that we just keep telling it to modify the current bit of code and this is how you can work a long piece of code with chat DPT by building it up bit by bit and telling it to modify certain sections if they don't suit your purpose and you can see there it's used in input pull up now for the push button and it tells you it uses the internal pull-up resistor for the push button so you don't need to add any external pull up or pull down resistors and that looks as great so let's copy that up to our Arduino IDE and see if chat GPT has built us a digital temperature and humidity meter that can change between Celsius and Fahrenheit so I've loaded the code the chat GPT created for our Advanced temperature and humidity display with a Celsius and Fahrenheit switch and so the push button should switch it between Celsius and Fahrenheit so if I push it nothing really seems to happen but if I hold it down I can switch it to Fahrenheit and if I hold it down again it'll switch back to Celsius and so it seems that I have to hold the button down for a little while and if you want to know why we can look at the code the chat GPT created for specifically will go into the loop of that code and in the loop first of all we get the humidity and the temperature from the DHT sensor and then we check to see that it's a valid number that we're getting back from the sensors and then after that we go and check for the button so this is where we check to see whether we're getting the button pressed to determine whether we need to toggle between Celsius and Fahrenheit then we write to the display and over here is our culprit we have a two second delay and this two second delay is actually a requirement of the dht-22 it isn't just in there arbitrarily the sensor needs two seconds to reset but while that delay is happening it's not doing anything it's not looking at the push button we can push the button all we want and nothing will happen and that's why if we hold it down for two seconds we will get our results our intended results it'll flip between Celsius and Fahrenheit now there are a couple of ways you could solve this you could use a timing Loop that isn't a delay you could just put that delay onto the bit that reads the Celsius and Fahrenheit values from the sensor and use that with maybe a timer interrupt or something so that you could always serve as the button if you just put the button on an interrupt you'd still have this delay in there so it wouldn't really resolve your problem but all in all chat GPT did write some good code it did indeed do what we wanted it to do it didn't do it exactly how we were hoping it would come out but it gave us the basis for some code that we can expand upon further so I'd say it still did a pretty good job so now that we've used cat GPT with the Arduino let's move over to the esp32 now for the esp32 we're going to write code in both C plus plus like we've been doing with the Arduino and in micro python because I've got an esp32 upon which I've installed the latest version of the micro python interpreter now if you don't know how to use the esp32 with micro python I have instructions for installing The Interpreter in the article of the companies video on the website so you'll want to check that out now there's no wiring diagram for our esp32 because we're going to use it to stand the loan and you could pretty well use any esp32 module that you happen to have around so let's start off in C plus plus by building a Wi-Fi Scanner with our esp32 and chat TPT so now we'll get chat GPT to write some esp32 codes so I've asked it to write the code for an esp32 Wi-Fi scanner and it gives me an example of code for an esp32 Wi-Fi scanner using the Arduino IDE okay and it says the code will scan for available Wi-Fi networks and print the SSID signal strength and encryption type of each Network found this is just a sample code you may need to modify it according to your specific requirements so let's copy that and see if it works and so here's an esp32 mounted on a solderless breadboard which itself is a bit of an Overkill because there's nothing connected to the esp32 except the USB cable so I could just have had it sitting there on the desk it would work just fine of course the real activity is here in my serial Monitor and here as you can see it's already done a scan and it's found the number of networks and it's displaying their ssids and their signal strength and it seems to be working correctly you might notice a couple of the networks seem to be repeated with different signal strengths that's because those are mesh networks and they have more than one mesh unit in the network so the Wi-Fi scanner seems to work just fine chat GPT complied and wrote the code that we asked it to write and so it seems to work just as well with an esp32 as it does with an Arduino now up until now all of the code that we've used has been C plus plus but you can use chat GPT to write just about any code language including micro Python and so I was giving it a try and here's what I gave it I gave it can you write the micro python code for and esp32 web server that's going to be an esp32 web server with a home page with cat GPT written in H1 text now first of all it understood the grammatical error it understood that should be n and it came back and said here's an example of a simple web server for an esp32 using micropython and as you can see it's got the text that I asked for an H1 over here and it looks like it's a viable example so what I'm going to do is plug this into the thawny IDE connect it to an esp32 Pawn which I've already installed the micro python interpreter and we'll see if we can run run this so I've taken the code the chat GPT created and I put it into the thawny IDE I've connected up an esp32 and I've got the latest version of micro python as of this filming of which is 1.19.1 and I've saved this file onto the esp32 As and any file that you save is on the esp32 will automatically run when the esp32 is rebooted so the file is running right now and so the first thing to do is to see if we have the network so let's go to my networks and select the network and there it is the chat GPT server will connect to that Network and just verify I'm connected I'm connected to it okay now let's open up a web browser let's open up Opera and go to 192.1684.1 and here we have it uh we have the chat TPT web page and it says chat GPT in H1 text exactly as we asked it to if we go back and look at the thawney IDE we can see this is the HTML that we're looking at over here and so this thing still worked just perfectly and that's pretty great because I was able just to tell Cat GPT a little bit of information and it built me a complete esp32 web server so this is definitely going to be a handy tool for your Workshop now as I said at the beginning of the video chat TPT has only been around for eight weeks as of the time I'm filming this and so this field is bound to be changing very rapidly in 2023 Microsoft's involvement with this clearly means that we're going to see a lot of commercial applications for this technology and you can't expect companies like Google and apple just to sit back and watch Microsoft have all the fun especially as AI is going to be a multi-trillion dollar industry in a few years I think this year we're going to see a lot of interesting tools based on the same technology as chat GPT and one tool that's already there is GitHub co-pilot I thought it would be interesting just to see how cat GPT Compares with GitHub Copilot GitHub co-pilot is an artificial intelligence programmer that offers coding suggestions as you write code copilot integrates with many common Ides including Visual Studio code and get brains GitHub copilot provides you with access to millions of code Snippets from GitHub copilot will work with all of the languages supported by GitHub now when comparing copilot the chat GPT one should note that chat EPT is currently free for everyone whereas copilot is only free for students teachers and owners of specific code repositories now of course there is a paid plan of chat GPT coming soon the Pro Plan for most people GitHub co-pilot will run ten dollars per month or you can pay one hundred dollars per year now in comparing the two most people find chat GPT to be better for code suggestions whereas copilot is better for actual code Snippets now of course chat GPT is a web-based application whereas copilot integrates in with your IDE so it's a lot easier to work with when you're coding now of course there are similarities between both products as both are based upon open ai's gpt3 both of them use the open AI codex the openai Codex translates natural language to code either tool would be a fine addition to your programming toolkit alright well that brings us to an end of our look at chat GPT at least for today no doubt as this product evolves we'll be looking at it or one of its derivatives in the future but in the meantime enjoy playing with cat GPT and if you want a bit more information about it you can check out the article that accompanies this video on the website there's a link right below the video to that article there's also a link to sign up to the newsletter it's not a sales letter just my way of occasionally keeping in touch with you and letting you know what's going on in the workshop and of course it's free all I need is your email address I'd love to have you as a subscriber I'd also love to talk about chat GPT with you we'll chat about chat GPT and the great place to do that is on the dronebot workshop forums where you'll find a whole bunch of like-minded individuals who can help you out with your electronic projects and maybe you can give them a hand as well and finally if you haven't please subscribe to the YouTube channel I love getting new subscribers and it's a really simple operation all you need to do is click on that red subscribe button and also click that little bell notification and as long as you've enabled notifications in your web browser you'll get notified every time that I make a new YouTube video so until we meet next time please take care of yourselves please stay safe out there and enjoy playing with cat GPT I'll see you again very soon here in the dronebot workshop goodbye for now bye [Music] thank you
Channel: DroneBot Workshop
Views: 219,641
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ChatGPT, Arduino, ESP32, artificial intelligence, programming, chat gpt programming, openai, chat gpt, chatgpt arduino, chatGPT micropython, chatgpt c++, chatgpt tutorial, how to use chatgpt, chat gpt tutorial
Id: UpwsQrc2Jls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 49sec (2449 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 29 2023
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