ESO Beginner DPS Guide (Greymoor) - Tips | Beginner Sets | How to Improve DPS

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hey what's up everyone Adam here with probably got this and today I'm gonna show you how you can improve as a DPS class in the Elder Scrolls online by telling you tips strategies and covering all the basics you need to know about the dps role and how it works in eso we also go over some beginner sets as well so you can know what to look out for when you reach the end game of eso and as you level through your playthrough in eso [Music] before we get started I want to mention if you want to watch me play live a stream on slash probably got this every Monday Tuesday and Thursday at 9:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time you can also join our discord and our second guild the Necker Papas the links to the twitch and the discord are in the description as well you can follow me on Twitter and Instagram where you can save to date as well for my content that is in the description as well so a released animation cancelling guide last Friday so I thought that of my first three beginner roll guides I would go over the DPS one first since animation cancelling is important for DPS and since it is fresh on your mind that video is linked in the description and at the top of screen if you haven't checked that out yet you can definitely do that make sure to go over and see what that's about so again we are going to go over what DPS is an ESO what the role entails and responsibilities the strategies and tips with the class itself this includes setting up your bar basics knowing what content you're in taking taking synergies and knowing execute and things of that sort and beginner sets for DPS the time stamps will be available in the description as well all my beginner roll guides will be set up similarly to this when I get to the tank and the healer as well first up is what is DPS in eso well this may seem very simple to some of you but for those of you that don't know DPS is the damage dealer of the game and an ESO there are two types of damage dealers there are magic of focused ones and stamina focused ones magic of focus ones will put all the attribute points typically in magicka and stamina ones will put them all in a stamina like my character here I have 64 points in two stamina doing damage is done by using skill abilities and light attacking and heavy attacking more on that later as we get into why light and heavy attacks are important but in dungeons you typically run to DPS one healer and one tank in trials a rage you run eight DPS two healers and two tanks typically damage dealers or DPS and ESO are very crucial to the endgame because if you do not do enough damage you will not clear certain activities but DPS and ESO have a myriad of responsibilities that also apply that are not just doing damage and I want to go into those now so what the role entails and your responsibilities the fur in most crucial thing a DPS must do is stay alive or don't die again if you are a dead DPS you aren't doing any sort of damage whatsoever so how can you lower the chances of dying well another responsibility that plays onto that is not running into the fight first this is the tanks job to initiate and if you want to check out my beginner dungeon guide I go over all that as well it is in the description if you have seen that video this part is sort of a refresher course for you another responsibility is to make sure you don't taunt the bosses which means to draw their aggro so don't put a skill that specifically says this will top the enemy or don't do a heavy attack with an ice staff because this will taunt the enemy as well in my tank role guide coming out soon I will go into taunts in detail a lot more so stay tuned for that next responsibility is interrupting certain mechanics in group content or by yourself aka being aware this is what it looks like when an enemy is doing something that is interrupts Abul bash that enemy or use an interrupt skill like it's like the morph of foreshock and venom arrow which is in the bow line if you are a stamina character this is something that dps will have to do in certain in-game dungeons or trials because the tanker healer will be busy doing other important things also you will always have more DPS than healers and tanks so you can usually have one DPS handle these mechanics next thing is as the DPS make sure you are reviving players this is crucial and a lesson that a lot of people do not understand or know but in hard content as a DPS it is your job to revive for the most part because remember unless you are in a wipe mechanic on a boss where you need to be damaging or you're going to wipe the whole team your damage can always be put on hold for a few seconds but healing and tanking can't because if it is it is usually wipe City for your team next mechanic is part of being aware and not standing in death circles be aware guys do not stand in an AoE that's sitting there and gives you a notification like oh this a is gonna go off just don't face tank those things move out of the AO ease that is one way to really piss off your healers so make sure you do not do that next responsibility is try to stay still as much as you can I know that sometimes you have to move around obviously but some fights you really can stay still this is a bad habit that I have sometimes and I have gotten a lot better at it but this is really crucial in a lot of trials because what that does is it allows your healer to heal the group more effectively but because they can target the group easier if you aren't yoloing and circles around the boss believe me this happens a lot I've seen people circle the boss and a lot of times that can really frustrate your healer please do not be a merry-go-round unless you have to because again if you stand still and you're in a trial the healer will be able to hit most of your group with everything they need to hit you with it's just it's really hard for a healer sometimes did when everyone is spread out the last thing is mastering your rotation again I have animation cancelling video that shows you tips on this but as a DPS you need to try to master this it is harder to master rotation than it is to master healing and tanking it's harder to learn tanking and healing but once you figure it out you really can do it you seriously can but DPS is very hard to master and hit those high DPS numbers try your best to learn it and keep practicing and getting better this will benefit you in every way for harder content now we're going to talk about the strategies and tips with the DPS class itself this is going to cover a lot of topics here but I think beginner dps players need to know this let's talk about the basics first though you'll have one skill bar first unlocked as you see right here but when you hit 15 you will unlock a second bar you will also get five skills on all of these bars and you will get an ultimate on each bar most skills in the game aren't instant cast skills so if you see right here brawler is an instant cast there are some channeled skills that you'll need to just pay attention to what those are so right here wrecking blow is a channel skill technically it's point eight seconds cast time it's not as long as some channeled abilities but it's technically not an instant cast skill the other form of combat for DPS is light attacking and heavy attacking this system in eso is very important you can't or don't auto attack in this game you have to specifically click so if I want to go attack this I have to click click click click and then heavy attack click click I cannot just auto-attack in this game these are very important to doing damage in eso that's why I made an animation cancelling guide to show you how to do these effectively but basically light attacks can do a lot of damage overall so light attacking is also a way that you can restore your ultimate heavy attacks when doing them will restore resources to the corresponding weapon so staffs will return Magica and melee weapons and bows will return stamina learning how to weave these and utilize heavy attacks can help you sustain more effectively and efficiently and it can increase overall damage output sustain if you're running is basically how long you can sustain your resource pool before it runs out so if you are Magica and you run out of Magica you won't do as much damage so keeping that resource pool high is important to overall damage output for DPS so on the topic of sustain we are going to go into a bunch of different things that can help you sustain longer and help you increase DPS these can also be coined not only to help sustain but to just help you be more effective as a DPS so first let's talk about setting up your bar effectively so you know where your abilities are so I'll go over this a little bit in my animation cancelling guide but what this means is make sure you salt your abilities where you feel most comfortable having them if you follow a build online the theory crafter may have their bar set up one way and that way is the way that works for them make sure to experiment and see if you can find a bar set up to your liking for example if I go into my bar here on my stamina sorcerer okay I have my bound armaments ability set up on my mouse button for on my mouse and I have it on this bar as well on that the reason I have it there is so it's just in my mind and it's muscle memory I don't usually use the second ability on bound arm it's but I do that because it's right next to my bar switch I go over that again in my animation cancelling guide but I have it set up on mouse button for just because it's an easy click and I don't have to move my hands to click some of the number buttons then I put my bow ability on the one because that's usually where I put a lot of my abilities for the most part or I put it where it's very easily accessible for my hand to reach up and click the button and then I put my other AoE or damage over time the hurricane on five because I just have to keep that one up at all times and five is where I usually put like fire breath or noxious breath and so I put it on five and sometimes I do put poison injection on my mouse button four but for this build I like it on three I put brawler on three because it is a damage over time just like poison injection is and I put one of my spammable skills which we will go over here in a second wrecking blow in for my execution on one and I put this heal or like buff basically on five kind of like my hurricane so they all correspond to one another and it helps me and it builds muscle memory that's what I mean by setting up effects we find the way it works for you and set it up to your benefit again if you want my mouse or if you're looking for a mouse good gaming mouse I have my kit linked in the description you can look at all the equipment I use the mouse I have is something I highly recommend so definitely check that out in the description next is knowing when to use what skills what I mean by that are some skills are only great to use if you target say less than a 50% health or even a 25% health enemy those are called execute for your skills knowing what skills you should be using in your rotation may actually help your rotation because it adds one less skill you need to activate each time around so for instance if you look at this reverse slice skill it says spin around and strike an enemy down dealing 3835 physical damage deals up to 300% more damage to enemies with less than 50% so I never use this or I try not to ever use this when enemies or a boss is not under 50% okay instead I'll use wrecking blow okay and I'll talk about that here in a second so with reverse slice again I do not need to be using this in my rotation until I hit 50% health so use execute when it's time to use them not any other times the next thing is a spammable skill versus a damage over time skill know which skills are spammable and use them accordingly again on this character this ability right here wrecking blow is a spammable okay this is a spammable until I get to 50% health and then my execute becomes my spammable what a spammable means is is you're going to spam the ability you're going to keep using it over and over and over without using a different ability that's what a spammable is but let's talk about damage over time damage over time effects are like aerobridge poison injection and brawler okay you're not gonna sit there and spam poison injection you're not because this is additional seven thousand two hundred thirty percent poison damage over ten seconds again you see here it says deals a hundred percent more damage to enemies under fingers and health so this is sort of an execute in some way and so you need to make sure you have that up when they are under fifty percent health but aerobridge is a damage over time effect and brawler is a damage over time effect you're not going to spam these abilities part of the reason is the cost of stamina net cost and plus it she's not gonna do as much damage if you spam this ability versus this this is supposed to just stay on the target and once it runs out you then use it again so all of the previous examples are what make up your rotation as a damage dealer so knowing when to activate these things and minimizing waste of resources will help you do better as a damage dealer and learn your role the next thing I want to talk about which is something that not enough beginners know about is activating synergies when they are there these are secondary effects basically from other players skills that will grant resources back to you and do some other effects based on the skill when you activate it you can only activate a synergy I believe every let twenty seconds or so so every twenty seconds is a long time if you're healers or DPS or tanks are doing their skills properly there will be tons of synergies on the ground so don't worry about taking someone else's synergy there should be another one for the next person these are things that many people will actively choose to ignore in fights but yet they will take the synergies on a trial dummy in the Guildhall taking these will increase your sustain in your DPS effectively you see right here you have mythic who is fighting the child I mean you see that green aura that popped up that is the synergy so people will take these synergies and they will do their rotations on these trial dummies and then after that they won't do that in the fight in their dungeons and that doesn't make any sense because if you do it on the dummy but you don't do it in the fight it's not giving you an accurate representation and it tremendously helps you there is no downside taking synergies there are actually sets that are good that benefit from you taking synergies next thing is make sure to have your buf food active this is food that will give you a flat buff to health stamina Magica depending on which build you're going forward magic or stamina and sometimes give recovery of resources depending on the food you have so for instance I have on this character for my buff food I eat run dubious kamorin throne which is increases stamina recovery by 315 max stamina by 2856 and max health by 30 94 for two hours sometimes I will run a blue food I think I don't have it on here now but it's like just one that increases my stamina and health by like a thousand more than that for two hours so that's something that you need to have and I get get a lot of crap in my twitch chat about that because a lot of times I like run into a dungeon on like a new character and I don't have any buff food because all my buff food is all my other characters and I don't have any for that level so it's kind of funny sometimes but definitely make sure you use your buff food you will definitely need that in in-game content both food can be bought on traders and made if you've got fifty provisioning you can make all the buff food you basically need to make next thing is something that is more important when you hit CP 160 but start practising it now when you are new use your potions I can't say that enough some people don't think potions help or they use them to restore resources don't use them to give you the bonus that they get from like spell power cure where increases like you know resources back and everything you want to use the spell power cure potion to increase your damage because that's what it's supposed to do so make sure you're using them for damage output if you have them unlike you know the crown store try restore potions and you're doing like solo content you know I understand using them for that but you want to use them to increase damage and that's what they're there for a lot of times so something I want to show you though is with the alchemy skill line you want to unlock this like I said if you watch my guide and my in the description you can you need to get medicine on use and it's when using potions resulting effects the last 30% longer this will let your potions basically have a hundred percent uptime every single time you know use if so like essence of spell power this grants major sorcery increase your spell damage by 20% for forty seven point seven seconds and it obviously has a cool-down but a lot of people only try to use this to restore magic ax but you need to be using it for the buff that it actually gives you because it also grants you major in select creatures your magic recovery by twenty percent for forty seven point six seconds that is huge in higher in PvE and I'm telling you it's definitely something that a lot of people overlook I'm and I'm also gonna say I sometimes even forget to use these because you get caught up in irritation and that's easy to forget so try to make it a habit now with some low-level potions that you have and that way when you get towards the endgame you are kind of knowing what you're doing with that the last thing I want to mention before we go into beginner dps sets are to know what content you were playing and what I mean by this is if you were playing solo you may need to switch some skills on your bar you may need to learn other play styles so if I'm a magical character like on my magic of Dragon Knight here I may need to put harness Magica on which is in a light armor skill line which gives me basically a huge shield if I'm playing solo I also may need to put other shields or heals on that can help me when I'm playing solo but if I'm in a group setting and we are doing in-game content if you have a healer in a tank that are putting up insane shields and insane healing you don't need to necessarily use harness magic ax or like like a buff that you may have on your bar because you may be getting that buff from your other players you need to switch those flexible skills out that can for other damaging skills or other things that can benefit the group or yourself with your damage this is something you're gonna have to feel out depending on your group and how experienced you know your healers or tanks are because they may be able to help you have an uptime of certain abilities that you might not even need to put on your bar so definitely check that out when you're with a group and see if you need to do that for a harder content now let's get into the final part of the video and that's beginner sets for dps now I won't possibly cover every single set but I want to list a few that are either easy to obtain in dungeons easy to buy or craft and easy to use so for magicka DPS the beginner sets in my opinion for craftable ones are Giuliano's spell parasite and Magnus's gift Giuliano's is in Hrothgar spell parasite is in black reach and Magnus's gift is in rim inspired green shade and shadow fin so right here is Juliana so I'm gonna show you so we go to Hrothgar Juliano's is right there if we go to sky reach you'll see or not sky reach while black reach where's that right here spell parasite is in black reach and then if we go to the Magnus's gift which is in riven spire green shade so if we go to ribbon spire masses gift is right here in rim inspire if we go to green shade madison's gift is right here and then if and if we go to shadow fin max's gift is right here now bible or formal sets are spells strategist and spinners spell strategist is in pvp and spinners is obtained by farming over land things in malibu tour like bosses delves dolmens and chests and again these sets can be bought from guild traders then a beginner dungeon set for Magica is burning spell weave which quite honestly I still use because I love it you can farm city of ash 1 for this in the base game and it's pretty easy dungeon to do for monster sets for magicka DPS I would say lamb bruh sorrel ambrus or ever you say it Groth dar and ice heart or all good beginner monster homes if you want to watch my in-depth andante guide i talked in detail about monster sets and other things related to the undaunted skill line it will be in the description and and at the top of the screen but Lambros is from vet crypt of hearts 1 Groth r is from vet vaults of madness and ice heart is from vet dyer frost keep now for stamina crafted sets you can get hunting's rage and knight mothers gauge for craftable ones hunting's rage is in banker I Reapers March and the rift Knight mothers is in bank cry Reapers March and the rift so if I go to bank arrived the night mothers gaze table is right there and the hunting rage table is right there I go to Reapers marks the hunting's raid to rage table is right there and the night mothers gaze table is right there and if I go to the rift the night mothers gaze table is right there and the hunting's rage table is right there and I do want to say that my guild hall at my house has all these craftable sets as well so you don't even have to go to these zones if you are in our two guilds the obtainable sets through farming and trading for stamina is Spriggans which is in bank cry over land or Brier heart which is in Hrothgar these again can be bought on traders as well the dungeon beginner set in my opinion is automaton from dark shade caverns and I would even say Viper sting from fungal grotto one isn't too bad as well for monster sets I would say Celine's from Celine's web on vet and crag from fungal grotto one on vet even ice heart for stamina as well now real quick the traits on all this armor you want Divine's because it increases your Munda stone effects and you're immune to stone that you want if you are stamina magicka DPS for the most part is Shadowmoon to stone we have that inner guild hall I believe as well for stamina you want all medium armor and even though the monster sets for the most part for magical you want all light armor and a heavy armor on the head and medium armor on the shoulder for the most part to get certain passives for traits on your weapons as Magica you usually want nirn hone infused or precise for stamina you usually want nirn hone infused or sharpen again I will have my beginner trait video in the description as well if you want a more in-depth version of that and more explanation but that is it you all I hope that this beginner GPS role guide helped you understand this class a little better I hope that it helps you improve as a damage dealer and I hope that it makes the class more enjoyable for you it is very fun and rewarding to match your dps class but because it does take time and patience and once you do it rewards you very handily but knowing these pointers and tips I know will help you out and not feel so overwhelmed again if you want to stop by my twitch channel and watch me play live I stream on Monday Tuesday and Thursday at 9 p.m. Eastern Standard Time on slash probably got this and you can join a discord and our second guild the Necker Papa's at which link and added score will be in the description a my social media links for Instagram and Twitter are there as well make sure to LIKE subscribe share and heavy attack that Bell icon if you like this content want to stay up to date when I do more giveaways and post new videos but until next time have faith be great and I'll see you on eso
Channel: Adam Lutz
Views: 50,504
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: brahwegotthis, elderscrollsonline, guides, eso, teso, eso beginner guides, eso tutorials, ESO Beginner DPS Guide (Greymoor) - Tips | Beginner Sets | How to Improve DPS, eso dps guide, eso dps beginner guide, how to improve dps in eso, eso damage dealer guide, tips on dps builds in eso, elder scrolls online dps beginner guide, eso dps sets, eso dps rotation guide, eso beginner dps sets, eso beginner dps tutorial, best traits for dps in eso, eso dps tips, how to get good dps in eso
Id: t2v24lwODs4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 19sec (1339 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 12 2020
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