ESL - Indigenous People of Canada (First Nations, Inuit and Métis)

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hello everyone this is mr p on today's lesson we're going to take a look at the indigenous peoples of canada so a brief look at the indigenous peoples of canada so we have a question who were the first people to live in canada europeans or the indigenous peoples well if you said the indigenous peoples you're right it was the indigenous peoples indigenous peoples are those whose ancestors were the original inhabitants of canada the first people of canada they are divided in three groups first nations inuit and metis the first nations is made up of many smaller groups such as the iriqua algonquin mcmak etc so let's take a look at the first nations first there are over 634 recognized first nations governments or bands they live south of the arctic coast each nation has its own culture customs beliefs traditions and world views many first nations believe everything is connected first nations have their own creation beliefs for people are an indigenous people they are the majority of whom inhabit the northern regions of canada an inmate person is known as an inuk there are eight main inuit ethnic groups they were hunters and gatherers who moved seasonally from one camp to another inaka adults harvest country food which includes seal whale duck caribou fish and berries the methi this group was formed after the europeans arrived the term is used to describe communities of mixed european and indigenous descents across canada the first metis communities emerged during the great lakes fur trade in the 18th century the blending of european and indigenous traditions has created a unique and rich metis culture adopting indigenous bedding practices and popular european floral designs their methi created an art form all their own the methi could speak various indigenous languages and were often literate in french or english so where do they live in canada well the majority lives in the north 25 percent in yukon 50 in northwest territories and 85 percent in nunavut the rest as scattered among provinces the indigenous peoples speak different languages and this is a map more or less showing the most spoken language which is algonquin the indigenous peoples dwellings so we have the tp for the first nations the long house also for the first nations and the igloo for the inuit food so we have marine life like crab seal whale fish etc meat like caribou buffalo duck snake turtle etc vegetables we have corn squash potato nuts etc clothing so we have more bonnets we have magazines we have all types of um fur coats first nations clothing was made from caribou skin or beaver fur in which would wear caribou skin clothing and seal skin boots spirituality the elders pass down meaningful stories to younger generations through oral storytelling the dreamcatcher is a symbol of unity and is hung for protection transportation so we have snowshoes canoes kayaks top again etc so now let's take a look at a brief history of canada jar cartier he was a french explorer who came to canada in 1534 there are three main reasons for his exploration first to find an alternate route to china second to bring back gold silk and other ridges and third to claim the land for the green of france his exploration of the saint lawrence river allowed france to lay claim to lands that would become canada he made three trips to the new world during his first trip he explored parts of newfoundland the southern shore of the labrador peninsula on north shore coastlines on the gulf of san lorenz cartier's first two encounters with the aboriginal peoples in canada which most likely the mcmac were brief some trading occurred his third encounter took place on the shores of gas bay bay with the party of saint lawrence irrequience where and on july the 24th he planted a cross to claim the land for france and this is the map of the first voyage you can see the red line is his voyage through the gulf of saint lawrence on his second voyage he explored most of the saint lawrence river as you can see from the red line the meeting of two cultures what do you think happened when the europeans and the first nations met was it positive or negative so let's pause the video and give your reasons now that you have paused the video and have your answers let's look at my answers then the positive outcomes well they learned of new foods salt and bread the europeans introduced them to woolen cloth they were also given or traded iron weapons by the europeans which they became increasingly dependent on what about the negative outcomes well this is another story the europeans introduced them to alcohol which had a tremendous effect on them they brought diseases like smallpox influenza and missiles which killed thousands the french tried to impose christianity on them indigenous peoples versus europeans the indigenous peoples they had the land and felt okay to share it they wanted goods money and government assistance that europeans could offer europeans well they really wanted to settle the land in canada they realized that the indigenous peoples would always be a threat without signing an official trading so what did they do they signed a treaty so the indigenous peoples or the indigenous rights as the first people to live in canada indigenous peoples hold rights to canadian land but once the european settlers arrived in canada the indigenous peoples were pushed to the side the government needed land in canada to give to european settlers so they asked the indigenous peoples to give it up and sign a treaty the government promised the indigenous peoples to get fair payment for the land so what can we do to help improve the quality of life and fulfill the rights of indigenous peoples well one way we can help is to learn more about their cultures their way of life and to understand their needs in this manner we can determine the best methods of helping them well i hope you enjoyed the lesson if you have any questions about indigenous peoples you can post them under this video so if you haven't subscribed to my channel i suggest you do if you like the lesson hit on the like button please and if you want you can share the lesson until next time bye bye
Channel: Englishing
Views: 57,970
Rating: 4.6407509 out of 5
Keywords: ESL English, ESL grammar, English Grammar, English Teacher, ESL Teacher, EFL Teacher, EFL language, English Language, ESL Toronto Canada, ESLCO Teacher, English grammar lessons, English for foreign students, Lingua inglese roma, indigenous people, First Nations, metis canada, inuit canada, indigenous people of canada, lesson on the indigenous people of canada
Id: zamhKF0i8d8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 18 2020
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