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Closed Captions were added by Moxi Media. Beijing Dasong Ruge Films presents. In association with Tai Time Media, Dingxin Shixian Media. Executive Producers: Li Bao, Li Yunshu, Zheng Xingwei. Produced by: Li Chunhai, Qiu Wanting, Zhu Huimin, Li Qiangshu, etc. Starring: Yao Lu, Liao Weiwei. Starring: Ge Tian, Shu Yaxin. Guest Appearance: Lai Xi, Yang Neng, Song Jiateng. Director of Photography: Gong Xiaolong, Sound Production Supervisor: Ding Yeheng, Visual Effects Supervisor: Li Li. Dad, I was almost jolted to vomit. Are you sure we are on the right way? Yes. Oh my god! Is this journey to the Goddess College, or Journey to The West? How about taking a nap? with this. Production Designer: Li Bao, Stylist: Xiao Hua, Music by: Liu Ye. Co-Director: Zhang Jiankang. Screenplay and Directed by: Li Kelong. Hey My girl. Wake up, wake up... We arrived. Here we are. This is our dean Glad to see you, Ms. Dean We're here for registering Welcome Say "Hello" Hello Hi Where are you going to smear it on? Smear what? The snot on your fingers There is no snot on my fingers No snot? Then what does this action mean? I... This action is not pleasant not polite and not sanitary Get rid of it OK Please wait a moment How should I pay the tuition Through WeChat So fashionable! Let's go I will miss you Babe, I will miss you, too Work hard! My sweetheart From today on your life will be changed The whole world will witness it Hope you like it Cameras? OK Editors? OK Sound effect? OK Cast? OK All departments, attention! Start the countdown Action Goddess College is where a "psycho" can be turned into a goddess "Goddess College" is also an unprecedented reality show From the dean and professors to the students all people are played by professional actors The only one who doesn't act and is kept in the dark is our heroine Over 500 cameras have been hidden in all the corners of the college With these omnipresent cameras how our heroine becomes a goddess from a loser will be fully presented in this show Everything, other than her sleeping will be live-streamed Now, let's get to know our heroine 19-year-old Moon smokes and drinks, very intractable Expelled from school for involving in brawls Let's wait and see how "Goddess College" can change a rebellious girl into an elegant goddess What the hell is it? When we watch a reality show, we're bored of fake emotions and cool pyrotechnics "Goddess College" itself is fake but Moon the girl is genuine She doesn't have any prepared script or any outline so the show is sure to be a masterpiece and it's 100% true A female can have a plain face can come from a humble family can be very ordinary but cannot be uncultured Goddess College helps you to be cultured and beautify your soul Goddess College creates goddesses The super reality show of Goddess College is sponsored by Flying Bird Cellphone Awesome! Ms. Dean, how are you? So many want to be goddesses Our college has six classes each with 30 188888 yuan per person You have made such a great fortune! This is your room Beautiful! How many people are living with me? You live with yourself Incredible! Much better than my shitty school Eight people dwell in one dorm I didn't even have any privacy Switch Medium shot Phone Submit your phone laptop and iPad These devices will be kept by me Then how can I use the internet? Just don't let you use the internet What if I wanna write something? Use this Fuck it. Is it from the last century? Say dirty words say goodbye to your dinner Why?! It's the discipline It's bullshit Say goodbye to tomorrow's breakfast Give it to me It's my classmate's message I just text her back, can't I? Allow her Allow You can reply it Holy cow! You even wanna watch all this? Moon, what's happening? Where're you now? I'm in Hogwarts Voldemort is standing behind me I'm gonna learn dark arts When I come back, I first kill our school head Over I'm in Hogwarts Voldemort is standing behind me I'm gonna learn dark arts When I come back, I first kill our school head Over Oh, shit Lying to us so naturally Moon, you're on TV The country is watching you Get prepared I'll take you to meet the classmates and teachers Without a backup phone How can I make a place in the society? What's up? Submit your backup phone How do you know that? Without knowing you have a backup phone How can I make a place in the society? Without knowing you have a backup phone How can I make a place in the society? Even my breasts were scared What a funny show Weirdly unique Everybody allow me to introduce you your new classmate-- Miss Moon Yu Hello, everyone Nice to meet you These four are the professors of our college who are called The Beatles S What's their relationship with The Beatles? They're the updated version Cool With so handsome appearances They deserve such a title Are they here to please the eye? I teach how to make up I teach how to dress I teach how to speak I teach how to behave Great! Nobody teaches geometry and algebra! Now Let's get to know your classmates Welcome No way! They are already so elegant, so goddess-like why do they come here?! Because they are wearing makeup Girls Remove makeup That's a huge difference! What do you think? Are they still goddesses? So we can see how important makeup is to women how important a beautiful face is to women Born to be ugly? Doesn't matter Once you master the art of makeup you can be a goddess, too Come on Touch up Stop keeping scaring people Professor Makeup seems a little extreme Yes, makeup is important but can clothes be belittled? As the saying goes the tailor makes the man fine feathers make the birds A beautiful flower without green leaves is just an ugly plant Now Let's look above Girls, get changed OK Let's see What do you think? Are they still goddesses? They're psychos Change your clothes back Stop looking like psychos What are you laughing at? I laugh because you two still have a shallow understanding of the word "goddess" She who can make up and can dress well can become a goddess? No. That's just a flower vase Yes, a vase. A true goddess is not only beautiful outside but beautiful inside and can speak appropriately Is she beautiful? Yeah Speak Fuck off! Go to hell! Is she still a goddess? No You're right She is a hooligan Professor Speak made a good point But can makeup, beautiful clothes and proper speaking make a goddess? I don't think so Please see over there Is she still a goddess? So A goddess needs to be fully perfect from head to toe from the inside to the outside from character to bearing from body to soul Do you have confidence? No Do you have confidence? No Do you have confidence? No You're very direct Help her find confidence Confidence comes from clothes Please put on your uniform Uniform? Dress like them? Yes Can I refuse to put it on? You can The tuition will not be refunded What do you mean? Each uniform costs 3888 yuan included in the tuition So expensive You do have a good head for business Anything else included in the tuition? Please give all of them to me now This is Korea CK Goddess Makeup Case Two moisturizing masks are for free worth of 3888 These are Japanese Goddess-level textbooks for teaching polite speaking worth of 3888 including two DVDs which are of high definition and are uncoded Thisese are Hollywood Goddess-becoming tools including a plastizer a breath freshener a nasal hair remover and an anti-stinky fart underwear worth of 3888 What is that underwear? Isn't a stinky fart very awkward and impolite in the public? But wearing this underwear you don't have to worry about this Even if a stinky fart becomes fragrant you still make a noise That's also awkward About how to fart quietly we will discuss it in later lessons thoroughly Yu, you're really easy to be fooled Two months' training costs 188,888 several thousand per day My god You should bargain with them, anyway asking for 40% off These things are of no use nothing in common with my style How can I wear such things? Since we've paid the money I have to wear this anyway Otherwise Zombie Dean may trouble me Ad Yes This show is sponsord by Flying Bird Phone Say dirty words say goodbye to your dinner I say dirty words, so what? Look at your deadly face a plastic zombie face How can you be a goddess by finding a silly billionare and building a goddess college? And don't let me have dinner Kneel down Watch your language when talking to me Hi Where is the dining room? How are you? Could you tell me how I can get to the dining room? Speak Director these two are non-professional actresses The one who has lines is Mei, the girl over there Mei go Do you have listening problems? I'm asking you Where's the dining room? Moon You wanna go to the dining room? I'm heading there, too Why not go together? What's their problem? No wonder they are sent by their parents to this place Even more impolite than me Thanks You're welcome Let's go Why do you know my name? Because the dean just introduced you We are in the same class? Yeah Why didn't I see you? I... was sitting in the last row Let's go Go See? You see? Almost gets ruined From tomorrow on All the cast must be professional and good at impromptu performance non-professionals should be the same Such cases are not allowed to happen again Pros, 5000 per day Non-pros, 50 per day 100 times much over the budget What should be spent needs to be spent Reality show is the same as films To be real requires a lot of money By the way You study filming You're clearer about this point than me OK You're the leader, you decide Dining room, ready Switch Overhead shot Hey Why is it so quiet here? Is talking while eating not allowed here? Talking while eating is neither healthy nor nice Be quiet when eating Be quiet when sleeping How shitty his saying is Be quiet when eating, be quiet when sleeping What if I talk when dreaming Are you crazy? Why did you do that? You cannot mock our sages Does that bother you? The college stipulates we supervise each other If I say such dirty things you can also slap me You... My god Am I in a prison? What? Sorry You can't have dinner tonight Why? How do you know I'm Moon? My name's Sun I'm the descendant of the Sun You got the wrong person Is that you? Shit Spread the message so quickly It's me, so what? It's you, then you can't have dinner Sorry What I have is lunch You can't do this Why don't let me have dinner It's corporal punishment It's abuse Don't consider yourself somebody even if you have a green hat I will make complaints Anyone has a phone? Lend me for a while I can lend one to you Where do you want to report it? I can do you a favor But I signed the contract with your father Our college provides special education for the students If you don't obey the rules you can quit OK, I quit Yes, you can but you won't get your money back Why?! Because of this contract Shit This college is set up for me only You even take my contract with you Do you consider quitting now? Am I crazy? You don't give my money back! What are you doing now? People can quench their thirst by thinking of plums I can hold back my hunger by looking at food Isn't it against the law? I'm full Remember two things First The college has its rules Only by obeying the rules can you change into a new person What about the other thing? I'm not a prostitute and haven't taken any plastic surgery Can any artificial face be as natural as my beautiful face? What is she murmuring? Her voice is too low to hear clearly Replay What's up? Submit your backup phone Look at your deadly face A plastic zombie face I'm not a material girl and haven't taken any plastic surgery How did she know what I was saying in my room? She is monitoring me? Try harder Moon, try harder Try harder The camera is right in the bulb Yes yes So strange Without cameras listening devices why does she know everything I do? Unless she has super power otherwise it doesn't make sense Shit I have to get things clear Moon may go to Dean's dorm All get ready Switch No.85 Camera Dean, attention Yes, Director You have to make Moon believe you have super power Director How can I make it? You tell me How can I pretend I have super power? You think for yourself Who lets you add lines You have only yourself to blame You get yourself troubles How can you blame it on me, Director? She said my face is artificial Come on I am an actress so my face is important to me Once she says so All people of the country will misunderstand me How can I continue my career? Even so, you can't add lines at your will As a reality show actress you can't be influenced easily by your emotions You have to follow the script and proceed the plots Understand? No Understand? Yes All get ready Use the emergency plan Put the 32nd scene of the 10th day ahead of schedule Gods All Gods Bless my college with prosperity Get a little tired Have an apple Moon What are you doing there I can't fall asleep so I come out for a walk Can't fall asleep? You can lie on your bed and count sheep You go out of your room and peep at me eat apples How impolite! Sorry, I'm sorry Subtitle OK (It is a magic trick, please don't do it without professional guidance) My god No wonder I felt she was not normal She should be a witch! Witches do exist in this world God Too thrilling I'm dead I definitely can't sleep tonight Can counting sheep work? Bullshit Let me try 1 dog 2 dogs 3 dogs 4 dogs 5 dogs 6 dogs 7 dogs 8 dogs 9 dogs 10 dogs 11 dogs 12 dogs 13 dogs 14 dogs 15 dogs 16 dogs 17 dogs 18 dogs 19 dogs 20 dogs 21dogs 22 dogs 23 dogs 24 dogs 25 dogs 26 dogs 27 dogs 1500 dogs 1501 dogs 1502 dogs 1503 dogs 1504 dogs 1505 dogs 1506 dogs 1510 dogs 1511 dogs 1512 dogs 1513 dogs 1514 dogs 1515 dogs Director Yu Do we stop wating until Moon counts to 10,000 dogs Keep waiting Watching such a boring live the audience would break the TV Check the audience reactions OK The current rating is 25% reaching the summit And the number of audience is growing Weibo and WeChat reactions also reach the summit Users of online videos and applications are very active The audience tends toward a lower age lower age lower intelligence, too Normal poeple really can't figure out what's the point of watching dog counting You are normal? Who are you talking to, Jin Jin? Who is not normal? I'm talking to you Director Yu replaced you with his ability Why are you always so sarcastic Now our show gets popular and you get envious, right? You... So what? Don't think I'm not clear The failure of our last show was due to your collusion with the journalists You destroyed such a good program In my eyes, you just wanna try to bring Director Yu down Crap! You spit blood at me Enough What sound is it? Moon fell asleep snore like blowing wistles Be serious Epilogue End credits Cameras, lights, ready No.1, whole view No.18 Close shot of Moon Standby All staff thank you for hard work Ready to finish work Go to bed When wearing cheongsam we have to remember one thing: head up, chest out When making moves abdomen has to be flat S curve, clear? Curve curve, OK? Girls we are going to learn is to draw eyebrows and color lips Eyebrows are very important to you A little bit higher Beautiful Let me check yours Everyone The super reality show of Goddess College entered top 5 of the ratings of all channels at 12:15 Congratulations Thank you, Director Wu Thank you Suppose you are an elegant goddess and when you open your mouth people smell these two things What smell? Where does the smell come from? Her It's not my foot smell You can take a sniff Professor, don't! Professor My feet don't stink To the Romans Goddess Juno is solemn and serious ...the other hand is holding a pomegranate symbolizing productivity Excellent news Goddess College entered top 3 of the ratings of all channels at 12:15 Director Yu, we're glad to have you Your show of "Goddess College" is popular across the country but some moralists sharply criticized this show For example you spent so much money to make this show but what is its social value? Because it's said you rented the world's largest studio which costs 1 million yuan per day Right Many people want to know the reason why modern people prefer reality shows? Desire to seek novelty People like peeping at others' real emotions from the dark I think Yes But many reality shows are not very genuine Seems that people in those shows are actors and their dialogue is a script For example, your previous show became a scandal and then was ended Yes So we are inspired to make the show "Goddess College" Moon doesn't know anything about all this I can promise The show is genuine and 100% true But speaking of Moon I believe like me, many of the audience have the same doubt The heroine of Goddess College, Moon is your daughter, right? Yes biological? Yes You present everything of your daughter in front of other people Isn't that an infringement on her privacy? If this cost can help her be a star I think she will understand me No, that's your opinion Maybe it's against her will I don't wan to be a star, for example That is because you haven't experienced the superiority of being a star They can easily have the wealth that common people cannot obtain for their whole life They enjoy the fame and status that aren't proportionate to their work They're the lucky dogs of the world So they want to make use of their resources to make their children stars, too That is why there are so many reality shows where stars participate with their children and other similar shows But not all people have the potential to become stars, right? What do you think of our times? I think, it's a times when platforms create stars For example Here is a monkey If you make it appear on the screen everyday and before long it will become a star Moon, I love you Moon, we love you Moon, I love you Moon, we love you Moon Moon, I love you Moon Yu is so cunning He makes the show merely to make his daughter a star It was you who suggested Head Zhang choosing Moon as the heroine at the meeting Without your stiring up why would I say like that? Wait a minute Why would I suggest that? Why? At that time Yu Li got a call and knew Moon beated her teacher Acting That's what Yu is always good at You did a good job when you destroyed his show last time You need to deal with this show, too Ruin Goddess College What do you mean? Yu and I were competing for the position of Vice Station Head last time This time Station Head Didn't Head Zhang just become the head? Gets promoted again? Crap He was investigated because of taking bribes of over 100 million yuan One has to be upright honest not deceitful and scheming or he will be dead Got it? Yes By the way You must quickly come up with a plan of how to destroy "Goddess College" If it continues to be so popular Yu will get the position Clear Girls Today we are going to correct several moves that goddesses cannot do First leg shaking which indicates cockiness Look at our teaching assistant Leg shaking and foot shaking are very impolite especially in public places and when you're having a conversation It must be corrected Wait I disagree Leg shaking is not an illness and why should it be corrected? The habit of shaking legs is good for health which can boost blood circulation of our lower part keep and enhance the nergy of muscles and joints Miss Moon what we are learning is etiquette knowledge of physiology and medicine is not we focus on OK Second lip smacking Look at our TA What does she look like A pig A pig Good answer Try to close your mouth as much as possible chew and swallow slowly Wait I disagree Sit down Third Snoring Look at our TA Wake up Wipe your drool Snoring is very unpleasant A goddess absolutely cannot snore especially cannot snore like blowing whistles I agree Snoring is an illness which needs treatment But is there anyone who snores like this except the Rising Antivirus lion? Yes Who? You You How's about the rating? Internet platforms, another 0.5 percent point drop How about channel rating? still no change? 10 minutes ago, ranked No.2 Now, No.3 What's the reason? Aesthetic fatigue Goethe once said 'A rainbow which lasts for a quarter of an hour is looked at no longer' The audience don't feel curious about how our show will transform Moon Director, come here South Channel introduced a similar show "God College" broadcast yesterday Northeast Channel also introduced "Daughter-in-law College" broadcast today You see what kind of peers they are So shameless Either following the trend or plagiarizing Soon there will be "Mother-in-law College" There is Northwest Channel will introduce "Mother-in-law College" broadcast tomorrow Comrades We have to get our audience back I've got an idea We play our ace card What ace card? Love We can learn from the films selecting a tall, handsome boy and sending him to the college to let him have a love story with Moon Then our rating can be promoted No, I disagree Love in films is false Reality shows feature in true emotions and get out of our control sometimes And Moon is still a child, anyway It's unfair to do so to her Then it's fair to live-broadcast her privacy to all people of the country? If people want to be stars they have to endure false affections Alright Maybe you're right but will the audience like it after the element of love is used? Will they? Possibly Possibly Why? There are many comments asking for a love story between Moon and Professor Behave Why is he? Because other than Moon he is the most popular There are some who would like to see the love story between Moon and Dean Perverted Why am I so popular Because I'm handsome Just kidding Dear friends how's it going? I'm Wu Heng who graduated from a film academy In "Goddess College" I play the role of Professor Behave who is cool and handsome Today Director gave me such a big task I will fulfill my mission Hitting on girls doesn't rely on a handsome face but personal charm Follow me Moon how are you? Moon Good How are you, Professor Behave? You're reading? Yes Great After only over 10 days here you changed so thoroughly and start love reading NoNoNoNoNo With no access to phones, computers and TV I can only read books OK There will be a meteor shower at two tonight Why don't we see it together? Are you all right? See the meteor shower at two instead of sleeping What? Moon Do you know? When I first saw you in class I was enchanted by you by the wildness in your eyes your lovely haircut and your cute nose Without training you're already my goddess Damn it Flirting with me? It's not good my nose will bleed Moon it's impolite You deserve it Hitting on girls? Fuck off! Now you taste Moon's fist Come in How's his injury Nose broken Bad girl How can she be so voilent? That's no problem, Director I can try again Forget about it Otherwise you'll be dead Go to home and have a good rest I'm fine I can put up with it Take him out of here Director, I really can put up with it Director Seems he isn't Moon's type But one thing he says it right Hitting on girls doesn't rely on a handsome face but personal charm Let me pick up a person for you Moon Step down to the ground Are you all right? Are you OK? Crap why don't you try a fall? Go there and have a rest Rest for a while Thanks Girls Let me introduce you Professor Very who substitutes for Professor Behave Glad to see you He's so handsome Where is Professor Behave? Hospitalized because of you Moon is in the dining room Very, listen Moon always hates those boys who fawn on her Whoever doesn't fancy her will get her interest Clear? Yes Hi, nice to meet you Hi Excuse me may I know your name? Mei Your name is as beautiful as you You are really beautiful and sexy wearing this dress Thank you Sexy? Bullshit Just because of her big boobs Pervert Damn it Nothing But I can make it Breasts are just like the water in a sponge As long as you're willing to make efforts you will have big boobs Our Moon is totally ruined by this show I think the show should change its name into "Embarrassment of Moon" You're already perfect why do you come here for study Because I don't think I'm perfect enough I hope I can be a princess as elegant as an angel If I can be so when my prince appears I can be his best match God you think too much Hi, Moon I didn't even notice you though you sit in front of me I'm so sorry I was in front of you when standing in the line You didn't see me? Really? I didn't Yeah, because just now I wasn't big What? These Does your buttom still hurt? Professor Very Can we put aside the butt thing when eating? Yeah Moon What's up? How about being friends? Do you make friends with a girl with big boobs as soon as you see her? It's not like that Do you have any misunderstanding about me? Misunderstanding? To have lust for women is OK You don't need to argue Although you have a nice look you have a vulgar inner heart, too Can you not be so mean? Even if I like big boobs does that indicate vulgarity? See? You admit that OK, I admit But biogically A man like big boobs not for his own good but for his offspring DNA will lead us to find a women who can best feed the children Almost every man fed with breastmilk will feel safe when seeing plump boobs after he grows up Because they symbolize the most carefree time of a man's life Our boobs should be so significant What do you think? Do I make sense? You're a good orator Now that you say so can you accept my invitation? What invitation? There is a meteor shower at two tonight Why don't we see it together? How romantic! Moon Go Do all men say the same when hitting on girls? I... am sincere OK See you then If there is no meteor shower you'll get to taste my fist Thank you for accepting my invitation Don't say "Thank you" I don't come to see the meteor shower but to see the joke It's 1:59 If there is nothing at two You'll be dead It's impossible It's possible Do you know why my dad sent me to this college? I know a little Because you beated and crippled your classmates And do you know why you can be here Because you injured Professor Behave Good If the meteor shower doesn't appear at two you will get the same result I'm sincere 30 seconds left Countdown starts 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 Meteor shower Ready 9 It's ready 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Look! There does come a meteor shower So beautiful! I haven't seen so beautiful a meteor shower before in my life Fantastic Thank you But for you I would never have come outside at two for a meteor shower You're welcome What's that? No idea Go check What happened? A big bulb on the top of the studio fell down Light team what are you doing there Director It's two so they maybe sleepy Seems like a bulb for filming Where did it come from Maybe from the space station Two days ago I read a piece of news reading a fridge fell down to the ground of a farmer's home This is not reasonble What's the use of a filming bulb in the space station? Maybe an American blockbuster is being shot over there Yes It must be a Hollywood movie like "Star Wars" Let's go right away If it explodes we'll be dead Go Very good job Think about who picked up him Director the element of love is truly effective Our rating still maintains 29% even at such a late time The whole day rating rank also reaches to the highest since first broadcast No.2? No.1! What's in your brain? What the hell is the love story? I ask you to ruin the show not to boost it My uncle Don't be so irritated How can I not be so? These days are crucial The above is discussing who gets promoted, Yu or I Look what you've done You are helping him and you selected that Very? Do you want to find Yu a good son-in-law by the way? Uncle let me finish my words first Say If Very was a scum then Moon fell in love with him then he slept with her then he told the truth about the show to Moon and told her everything was fake prodding her into running amok do you think would Yu Li have a breakdown? Wait You suppose Very was a scum What if he is not? That man seems gentle and is handsome Then you are wrong A good-looking man can be very bad Come in How are you, sir? When did you start taking drugs? At 17 Got bad at such a young age Too naive at that time so, I was influenced by some cronies It's said you're good at playing around with women dating with seven or eight girlfriends at the same time Just fooling around They're merely booty callers It's from the leader When you complete your task there's more Thank you, leader You act well I'm preparing a new movie You'll be the leading man if you let me see a satisfactory result Thank you for your trust Thank you Good morning, Moon Good morning, Come come come It's said you dated with Professor Very Who said this? Don't go away The whole college know it Misunderstanding Misunderstanding Don't go Moon Moon Moon It's said you dated with Professor Very It's a misunderstanding Don't spread the rumor Moon Moon Moon Moon Wrong, you must be wrong What? I'm recommending you a chewing gum When you're dating fresh breath is important Dont' mention "Very"! I didn't mention Professor Very I mean very very very important Yellow Arrow Chewing Gum gives you a different smell of love What's going on? Moon, you don't seem well Are you on your period? Yeah Do you have pads? I can recommed you a good brand You wanna have a try? Excellent news! Come here Come, come, come! Another five contracts Our ad revenues have amounted to 320 million The planning team go to find placement points Wang Dafu Jewellery Li Laoji Herbal Tea Haiqin Watch Heian DDVP Mr. Wu Forget about DDVP The audience are young people Isn't it weird to place DDVP? There is an even more weird thing Changtong Tractor sponsors us with 50 million yuan They requires Moon sit on their tractor and say If farmers want to get rich they should use Changtong tractors Wu This is really not workable It has to be workable It's decided The contract has been signed Everyone Now at once brainstorm! Find the best solution! Wu Wu Alright I will deal with the DDVP thing But tractor, no! You want Moon to say the slogan so you want to ruin the show? No way? OK You pay the 50 million I go find Head Zhang to report our work Yu Li! Head Zhang has been detained and interrogated Now everything is decided by me, Vice Head of the station If you're unable to do it I can find someone else to take over it I Director Wha...what should we do? Or we can let Very teach Moon how to drive a tractor Not reasonable It's not reasonble no matter how the tractor appears in the college Or we first move the classroom to the outside Then the light department opens all 100K bulbs creating almost real daytime Moon has always been aggressive If you say "Moon, you're unable to do this" she will insist on trying it We can prod her into doing it in this way Girls I'm your teaching assistant today In this world Men and women are born to be different Many things can be done by men but may not be done by women For example men can say dirty words but women can not Men can be shirtless but women can not Men can scuffle but women can not Let's look over there Men can drive a tractor but women can not Ms TA What's your actual gender? It's severe discrimination against women I have to make this clear today Why can't women drive a tractor? Yeah Why can't women drive a tractor It's definitely bias My sweetheart I mean Tough things like tractor driving should be done by men Women aren't suitable and able to drive a tractor It's crap Can anyone of you drive it? Show me if you can I can't I can't I can! Wait and see Moon Moon Moon Don't pretend to be a hero Excuse me lend me your tractor to drive for a while Can you make it? Of course Not difficult at all Just like driving a motorbike Get out of the way Get out Get out, get out Moon, fighting! Fighting, fighting, fighting Fighting Fighting Fighting Go on Go on Go on, go on, go on Go on Go on Slow down Slow down! Cloud boms, ready Yes! If farmers want to get rich they should use Changtong tractors? Cut The show is sponsored by Flying Bird Cellphone Where did these words come from? Moon Moon Help! Help me! Help! Help me, please! Can you swim? Help! Help! Help me! Moon! Be careful! Don't move! Come to help me, please! Are you all right? Watch out Come on Be careful, Moon Professor, watch your step He's indeed handsome Very is so handsome Be together, be together! Are you foolish? It's just a show Very is acting It's all fake Right As Moon's good friends we should try to tell Moon the truth We can't see her be fooled anymore What can we do? She even can't answer our call Rack out brains Thank you for saving me today You were pretty awesome driving the tractor into the water You wanna die? dare to make fun of me No, no Damn it You saw all my awkward moments You're my demon This is how you define a demon? Then... To me, what are you? I'm your angel Once the demon appears the angel gets into trouble But actually, you gets into trouble before I appear And it is the angel who appears and save one's life Maybe the demon is obsessed with the angel's beauty and possesses angel by pretending to be a super hero Alright Then I'm the demon Bro We stayed here for a century What are we gonna do? Wait for the order As soon as Moon steps into the library we start acting What if she doesn't come here? It's so late Then we don't act and just wait Where is Moon now? dating with Very by the lake What should we do? Or we just go find her OK. Let's go Where are you going? Bro we wanna stay outside Just stay here Obey the orders of the program team Don't trouble me It's suffocating here and we just go outside for some fresh air No way We've signed the contract one is responsible for troubles he makes OK OK We'll be responsible for all problems No way! You beat me! You.... Fuck Fists are more useful By the way acquired anything here these days? Of course That is A maniac like me can never become a goddess When my mom was alive she always wished me to be a fair lady like her I tried my best but I just can't make it I'd rather be myself When I'm happy, I laugh When I'm sad, I cry When I've got something to say, I say it When I want to fart, I fart I don't behave affectedly I am the same outside and inside Even the whole world dislike me I still recognize myself a goddess Could you fart in a quiet way? can do I farted just now Now wonder I smell a terrible odor Don't laugh Moon's over there What are these people doing here? Is this anyone's arrangement? Close shot My god These two are Moon's best friends They may cause problems What to do? Go Oh no We are discovered What should we do? What should we do? Damn it Go for a broke Go Go Moon! Moon! As if someone was calling my name Have you heard it? No... What were we talking about just now? Talking about you have something to tell me Yeah Then say it I like you I like you, too I love you You can't tell such a joke I'll take it for true I wasn't telling jokes I used to be a lonely child Then I meet you Your sincerity kindness like your name, Moon shine brightly lighting the dark night and my heart So strange My first love said the same that year He also said he would be with me forever But he soon came to dislike you and was later with his goddess This always weighs heavily on your mind and explains why you decided to come here to try to change yourself Why do you know all of this? Otherwise how can I be qualified to fall in love with you I vow I will love Moon forever I will never leave her If I can't break my promise I will suffer and die Don't say such foolish things Cut Cut Cut Cut Are you deaf, Very? Can't you hear me? Cut! Come back, Very You come back! To the studio! Very, you're dead Moon! What's that? It's said that three girls got mentally ill Apart from people like me Students in this college have mental disorder Yu Isn't it too much? None of your business! Or you take my slap, too Who permits you to kiss Moon? My task is to have a love story with Moon Is kissing not included in my task? No OK My mistake I warn you Moon is my daughter If you don't follow my directions I may lose control From now on Anyone I mean, anyone who doesn't follow my directions will be kicked out Good morning, girls. Moon, you're so beautiful today Thank you Good morning, Professor Very. This hairstyle suits you more Really? I did it myself. Sorry I'm late Doesn't matter I just got here, too This room looks very nice I haven't been here before Really? Why? It's kind of hot today I ate garlic tonight Shut up Cut Cut Cut Cut! Hot scene! Very You're dismissed You're dismissed Director He took off his earphones he can't hear what you say Who's he? What does he want? Cease the transmission Cease it, now! You don't have the right to make this order It's a severe accident which has to be reported to... Shut up! I say, cease it! Cease it Cease it right away Cease Yes Cease the transmission What's wrong? Not fun at all What's happening? Wait wait I'm gonna kill you Director Doesn't our relationship go too fast? I have to do my heavy task in a limited time so I must be quick What does that mean? Who? Very open the door, Very, open the door It sounds like my dad It's your dad Why is he here? You will know the reason immediately Son of bitch I kill you Dad, why are you here? Go away I kill you Stop! What's going on? Moon Let me tell you "Goddess College" is a reality show which is directed by your dad Yu Li Shut up! You shut up! In this college cameras are installed everywhere Your actions are being showed in front of the whole country Everything of this college is fake You think it's moonlight? Actually, lamps The dean the professors the students are all fake Everything is arranged by the program team or, your dad It's just a reality show You are also fake, right? Yes And your love? Of course, fake Because I'm an actor I was just acting Otherwise, how would I like you? Shameless of you I'm not the one who's shameless I'm merely a pawn in the game created by your dad This is not true It's just a nightmare, isn't it, dad? Babe, listen to me This is true! It's a genuine reality show The studio is upstairs in the library You can go and see with your own eyes Director Director Now your conspiracy has succeeded I swear I swear You won't leave this room alive No problem Then kill me oh yes I'm also live broadcasting How many people are watching? Over 100 thousand My follwers you get lots of exciting things to see today After hot scenes you can see how I get killed Very! You're a fucking maniac! Director Director Moon didn't you go to date with Very? Get away Moon Moon Why? Why do you fool your daughter? Tell me why! You are my unique treasure my baby how would I fool you? Then what are you doing now? Exchanging your only daughter's dignity for your dear ratings Moon Moon, listen to me I believe you will understand me When your were born I vowed I would try to give you the best life But I'll no longer be with you one day I will die After I die how about you? You are too straight neither masculine nor feminine too clear about what to love and what to hate You'll be eliminated by the society At that time, if you live a homeless and wandering life I even cannot die in peace Now how I can let you lead a happy life is to make you a star, baby Thank you so much But I would rather live like a dog than exchange my dignity for the disgusting fame You're my dad not my God Why do you dominate my life? I hate you I hate you Director What should we do? Inform all departs prepare for the ending Now! Moon Moon Moon Moon Moon Moon Moon Moon Moon Daybreak, ready Moon Moon Moon Moon Moon Moon Moon Moon She is there! Moon Moon Moon Moon Moon Moon Moon Moon Moon Moon, don't be headstrong Moon Moon Moon Moon Moon Moon Moon Moon!! Moon! Moon Cut Anything went wrong, Director? I think you'd better not turn Moon over Whether Moon died or not can keep the audience in suspense and let them look forward to Goddess College 2 What do you think, dad? I like this ending OK Be careful I'm good OK, thank you all Wrap! Come here to take photos Ready 1 2 3 Goddess College Come take one photo Thanks Thank you for your hard work my director
Channel: Moxi Movie Channel Spanish
Views: 2,099,379
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: peliculas, pelicula completa, peliculas en español, peliculas completa en español, película de youtube, película, películas, peliculas de drama, peliculas comedia, drama, comedia, Escuela de Divas, Pelicula Escuela de Divas, Pelicula Escuela de Divas Completa, películas de drama en español, películas comedia en español, películas de drama completas, películas comedia completas, películas comedia y drama, películas de drama completas en español, películas comedia completas en español
Id: LG35g09nBFw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 54sec (6294 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 11 2023
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