Belleza Universitaria 1 La Chica Tonta | Pelicula Romantica de Amor | Completa en Español HD

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Closed Captions were added by Moxi Media. What a beautiful morning. Sorry. This isn't me. This is me. Dad, what are you doing! Gonna be late. My name is Meili Ai 19 years old. Today is going to be the best day in my life. Queue up My shoes. Shoes. My shoes are on the bus. Five bucks Five bucks for a ride, please. Everyone Good morning. This is my dream guy. Hearing his voice every day is my happiest thing. A joy beyond one hand. Stingy! So handsome! Wow, so handsome! Handsome? It's obviously He wins at the upper part while I win at the lower part. Come on Can you just stop eating that much? So pretty. Lengnan Let's go. Take a look. You must be looking for the art school. This way. Take it. Stop. Thank you. How far is it? Don't tell me it's not here. May I know where the toilet is? That way. Mate Who is this? So ugly. Who are you? Let me help you. So sorry. Go away. Mate! Watch your step. Hey, dad. I've arrived. Don't worry. Did I just get into the lady's room? It has no water! Pervert. Sorry. It's you. Sorry about that. Do you think it's worth going on? Anyone inside? Register. I mean, principal I think we need to think about this carefully. This matters to the future of domestic paleontology. Hello, professor. Are you the only freshman this year? You finally came. Professor, nice to meet you. You're the only girl since we opened this department. And you look so pretty. Sorry, professor. I'm not. I just came to look for someone. That's me. Is Haoran Yu here? He is in the faculty research room. Thank you. Which department are you from? Hello, professor. I'm really glad to learn paleontology from you. My name is Meili Ai. Let go of me. This is the leaellynasaura. The leaellynasaura living in the Cretaceous time about 112 million years ago. This is the freshman register form. The procedure is to find your class advisor first. Then Got it. I haven't finished yet. Sorry. Why still this place? Right. I'm also your class advisor. Why you didn't tell me earlier! Then go to find your department head. Got it. After the department head... I still haven't finished yet. Sorry, department head. Does our department only have one office? Yes. My name is Xingren Wang Head of the Paleontology Department Also the class advisor and tutor. Stop. Just one question. Am I the only student in our department? No. You're the only girl. There several more senior male students. Senior male students? Hi, mom. Haoran Stop being obsessed with those stones. You know what? Anne is back. I‘ll arrange a time for you. Our family business all depends on you. Mom, I can take care of my own stuff. You don't need to worry about me. Haoran Haoran Haoran Haoran Is that the complete structure of Hesperosaurus? It is. He is a senior. Did I just see you at the toilet? I'm Meili Ai, nice to mee you. Mate You made this or found it? He is top in this major. You should learn from him. Really? I'll definitely learn from you. How long it has disappeared? Mate Haoran, take her away. Sorry, professor. I didn't mean it. So sorry. I'm leaving now. Sorry. Mate I have the mighty bond to put them together. Why walking so fast? Pretty face doesn't mean anything. Bone hair clips are really eye-catching. Are you really that handsome? Why they are taking photos of you behind? Just watching you. Let me do this. Sorry, my bad. Who are you? Don't you know knocking the door first? Haoran What? How do you know I'm here? Thanks, mate. Why you didn't answer my calls? It is because of you that I chose to return from New York. It's not necessary. How could it be not necessary? Your mom specially told me to take good care of you. Can you jus tell me what I did wrong? Why you always treat me like this? You're nice. But it has nothing to do with me. Don't you feel this is very unfair to me? Sorry. Take seats here, ladies. How about trying my love porridge? Who are you? Why should I tell you? What do you want to eat? Thank you. What are you doing? What do you think? Stay there. Looks nice right? Here you are, pretty. Try it. The best love porridge in our school. What are you doing? Who are you? Wait. Do you know who we are? Do you know what we've done? Let me. You deserve it. Let me. Are you alright? Thanks. Mate How are you doing? Let me introduce you two. This is Haoran Yu. He is my boyfriend. What are you looking at? The pretty couple has nothing to do with you. Wait. Why yo tripped me? Explain! Make a way. Why tripped me? That was too over! Hey there. There is a welcome masquerade tonight. Remember to wear the most special costume. I have a lot. That would be great. What are you doing? Looking for ghosts? Welcome party, welcome party. Does this one look good? Good, good. You look pretty in anything. Welcome party. Saw nothing. You've come. Fatty The best part has started. Stop playing Bilin. Em... Bi...Bilin is a sexy app. Why I can't use it? I've suppressed for many days. Why can't I just play for a while? So cute. Dear all students, welcome to the freshman party sponsored by Icarlus. I'm the sweet host tonight Miss Ice Cream. Hello, everyone. We three are all senior. Loser Trio Cute guy, which department are you from? Do you have girlfriend? Cheers! Who is this? Didn't she say the most unique costume? So funny. Must be the Miss Ice Cream. You're dead. I need to leave now. There is a dinosaur girl. Sorry, make a way please. Thanks, make a way. Who is this? Halloween huh? Dinosaur girl. Look! Everyone Thanks to our queen Anne. She offered this great tonight. Thank you. Now please welcome our queen Anne to start the party with a dance. Make some noise. Make more noise! Don't touch me. Don't touch me. Don't be shy. Thank you. Thank you for coming tonight. Today is very special. I would like to give this first debut to the most special and shining one tonight. Come here. Dinosaur, dinosaur! You can do this! Dinosaur, dinosaur, dinosaur! Your junior student is so creative. At least funnier than some others. I would like to perform the first dance actually But I didn't bring my partner. So better be next time. Thanks. I can be your partner. Let's dance, dinosaur girl. Come on, just a dance. Come on. Don't leave. Everyone, look at her. She is so cute and special today. Does anyone want to be her partner tonight to perform the first dance? Anyone? We made the deal. You can only be my partner tonight. Who says there is no partnerr? Just get off. Don't leave. Meili! Meili! Meili! Meili, listen to me. What do you want? I didn't mean it. Meili Listen to me. Let go of me. What do you want? You think it's not embarrassing enough? No. I just wanted to do you a favor. What were you thinking? My genes are poor enough. Wearing this today really embarrassed me. And you even look like this just as embarrassing as me. No. I was planning to play Ultraman with you. What were you thinking indeed! And you were even like posing "yeah". I was planning... Hello, everyone. I'm your old friend, Yixuan Lin. We might be frustrated by many things every day but what can you do about it? You choose to retreat or fight it hard? Every time when I feel depressed I only have Yixuan's voice with me. When he could show up before me in person? Yixuan Is this a dream? Try to feel a little bit. Even if this is a dream just keep me in this dream forever. Everyone's life is real and perfect. So true. Though I don't understand what he is talking about I still feel so happy just looking at him like this. Don't go. May I have a dance with you? He invites me to dance. Sorry. I feel so happy! I wanna cry. I'm so happy. My god. This class is so exciting. How could you fall asleep? Suppose you've known a lot already. Then tell me what is the secular bird? Secular bird... Isn't the secular bird a tale? Haoran You tell her. Secular bird is also called phoenix. It's a legendary bird. From its appearance It can be categorized as fire bird. Bennu from the Egyptian mythology spread it to Greece. About every 500 years It collects all kinds of scented leaves and branches and piles them up to burn itself. In the remaining ashes occurs the new-born bird. Good. Very good. What is legend? Legend is ignorant ones' definition of the unknown. Legend you just look like a legend. I hope you all can devote your passion and time to our paleontology studies. Our country needs you. Jizbon. Don't you know this is school? This What's wrong with a normal adult carrying this? This is quite normal. Sick pervert. I can explain. This is quite normal, right? The school beauty contest of this year How has each department prepared? The quota of our Acting Department went exceeded again this year. The rehearsal rooms are really not enough. Our Music Department is even more dramatic. The rehearsal lines are as long as a river. Right. Mr. Wang has places. We can't waste resources. Right, Mr. Wang. I heard your department finally got a girl this year. Hahahaha. Paleontology is such high-level department. We're not interested in such an event. Mr. Wang What do you think? No! Our department will take part in the contest and we're going to take the champion. Welcome to apply for the school beauty contest. Sorry. Take a look. Welcome to apply for the contest. Yixuan Lin Spokesperson Yixuan! Meili Ai This beauty contest has nothing to do with you, right? Dinosaur girl, what do you want? I just want this poster. I'm not interested in that stupid contest. Don't! Bye. What is paleontology? Paleontology is life science a science cross-over with geoscience. It is the greatest in the human history... Sorry, professor. You like him? Did he inspire you? He is always my inspiration. Then please take the duty of saving our department. The principal wants to dismiss our department. The beauty contest this time is our last chance. School beauty contest? Yes. Me? Yes. Impossible. This is a chance the only chance. They can take away everything. But they can't take away our freedom. For freedom. Freedom. Is Yixuan Lin one of the judges? Dear god. The champion could spend a month with him. Is this the place for application? I also want to apply. How to... This is the notice with my number on it. Is this the application form? You have pen? Yes. Why are you here? Dream and reality are not the same thing. It would be a nightmare. Dinosaur girl Can you return to the Jurassic? You don't belong to the 21st century. Don't you know I'm coming to save the world? Read the notice. What? Get in the line. Fatty End of the line. Is it necessary? Let me walk you back. Haoran, I also don't have an umbrella. You help her then. Just a small rain. Wait. What about me? Haoran! Thank you for this. No big deal. You're so nice. Let me buy you some stinky tofu when you have time. If that's not enough I can add one more pancake for you. I'm going back. Bye. Thanks mate, thanks Haoran. Mimi What are you doing? You're also using Bilin. Looking for hot guys huh. Give it back. So many cute guys. Right. There so many pretty girls in our department. But Meili Ai still wants to compete. Do you think she can pass the first round? You don't know? Every department only has one quota. She is the only girl in their department. So she is the only one eligible. Relax. She won't go far. Yeah, definitely. Dad, you got hurt again? It's fine. Take this egg. Gently please. Why the annoyed face? I applied for the school beauty contest. You? Don't joke me. I'm the only girl in our department. Don't worry. I can train you. Let me teach you. Sing. "Though I'm just a sheep" "Grass definitely smells better" "Sky must look even more blue" "Chasing the sun every day" Read. I just knew you betrayed me. Good? Do. Fight. What is this? Bumblebee. China School Beauty Contest Hello everyone. I'm Xiaoshou Qi. It's a great honor to host China School Beauty Contest. This is the first audition in Yide College. Please welcome the first beauty Huahua Liao. What? I haven't finished yet. Bastard. Let go of me. Professor The next beauty is our pop queen Miss Anne. Please welcome the dinosaur girl. Let me take some pills. So stupid. For our national paleontology studies please. Please show some support as colleagues. I really don't appreciate this. I passed! Thank you, judges. Thank you. Scientists proposed hypotheses of dinosaur extinction's causes. There are several hypothese. One of them is is climate change. And another is animal competition. Even dinosaur has competition. It's her. Meili Ai Look she looks so ugly. How did you pass the audition? Why? She looks so ugly. You all even she can pass the audition. Why I can't? How could you be the school beauty with this ugly face? Meili, heard you passed the first round. Congratulations, haha. Nice work, Meili. Really brought credit to our department. Good. This is for you. Shame on you. Meili Can you also take me to the contest? Meili Ai There is going to be a hell training for you. Hell training? I believe in you. Alright. Thanks. Hello, girls. Morning, teacher. You are all chosen from each department. you're going to take some training since today. I'm glad to be your temperament tutor. I'm Mona Lisa. Alright. Next let's start our training. To be a graceful woman you need to start with your temperament. Need to learn to polish your temperament for yourself. We should create our own personality with it. To bring out our charm. Who are you? Meili Ai Superman. Are you here to save the world? Not really. I'm here to save our paleontology department. Our department only has me now. Enough. Alright. Let's start the training from a basic model pose standing against wall. As the name tells You need to stand as still as being against the wall. We need to relax the shoulder and the two arms just hang and swing naturally. Pinch your thighs. Look straightforward. I'm the prettiest the prettiest woman. Confidence makes the prettiest woman. Get out! Why didn't you get into the pool? Girls just feel not good for few days in a month, Why didn't you? Same here. Haoran, get down for some fun. Here. Girls Now it's going to be the real training. I want you to catwalk along the pool. Who wants to be the first? I will. Good. Perfect. Nothing special at all. Dear Meili Ai Why not you have a try? Easy enough. Stop. Where are your shoes? Are these not shoes? Dear Meili Ai I mean high heels. Ms Mona Lisa I have backup high heels. I can bring them to Meili Ai. Anne, thank you. Mimi, bring the high heels I gave you yesterday. Hurry. Thank you. These are my shoes. Lucky you. Thank you. Meili Ai Meili Ai Wake up! Give me your hand. This way. Come on. Grab my hand. My man. I knew you would come to save me. Are you going to kiss me? Is this real? She has waked up. What's going on? Finally waked up. Why is it you? Are you alright? Where are you going? Principal Our department wouldn't have passed without you. So what should we do in the final? Nothing can we do. The judges are all changed. You're also not one of them now. My god. Why they changed you? It concerns the future of national paleontology studies. Dear god. How could he do this? I can buy him a dinner if he wants. This is the place. Hello, sir. May I help you? Can I see that piece? Sure. This way. Look at that man. What? So weird. He looks pretty familiar. Don't you think we saw him somewhere? Isn't he dinosaur's dad? The Ultraman, right? Why it turns out like this every time? I thought I earned the seat. So annoying. What should I do then? It's terrible just thinking of those bitches. You're so ugly. How did you pass it? Meili wouldn't have passed without you. Just be yourself. It's not that easy. Professor! Professor! I also want to be the school beauty! Professor Please help me! Professor! I also want to be the school beauty! Professor, professor. Professor! Dear Meili. Professor, I need to talk to you. I'm going to quite the contest. What did you say? You quit? What about our department? What about our paleontology studies? Did you eat something wrong? Welcome to "Hear Your Heart" I'm your friend, Yixuan Lin. Are you going through some confusion? Did you think about giving up before frustration? Failure is not the worst but losing your courage to face it is. There is no always win or lose. What matters the most is how you face it. It's you. Sit. You're so nice. Every time like this You just show up. Do you know I actually I really really like you. I know I'm not pretty at all. My skin is so dark and looks so rough. Unlike Princess Anne. She is so elegant so beautiful. I think I'm not cute at all. Even my name, Meili Ai has decided that my life is just a big joke. Meili You need to learn to conquer yourself. I know. Let's go. Why? I'm afraid of height. Alright. Turn this side. It's ok. Don't look. We shall never look down. Just look up, alright? Three, two, one. Wow, so many stars. So beautiful. Is there any shooting star? Principal Principal, is it real that our department is removed? This is the board's decision. I can do nothing. I even bought you a dinner. I appreciated what you all achieved before. But in recent years you really... Really no way out here? Unless you... Let go of me. This is our last research. When they come back our department will be removed. I have a treasure map for many years. You should follow the exact directions to find it. Be careful! Professor We can do this. Don't worry. I also want to join, professor. What are you doing? Now you came back huh? You don't care about our department at all, right? You can join. But this is very hard. Can you really hold on to it? Yes. Time to go. Let's go. Hey there. Where are you heading? To the west. Pretty tough for the elder. Very nice. We're the same. Really? May I take a ride together? Sure. Thank you so much. You're welcome. Please do me a favor. OK. Let me carry this. Xiaoshou , how could you be like this! The world outside is so amazing. We need friends. Did you forget why we're here? Come. Get in the car. Alright, friends. Here we go. Put this on. The wind is so wild. Why you have to sit so close with me? Move over there a little bit. Try some. Come back! You can't drink, right? Said we can't drink. Need to move on tomorrow. Our wine tastes really good. Try some. Here. How does it taste? How is it? Cute guy, try some wine here. Let me. Tough girl. Try some. Meili Ai! Just little kids. How dare you drive around like this? Alright, let's go now. Go. Wake up! Xiaoshou, Xiaopang, Gaoleng, wake up! Car is gone. Camel is gone. Look! Girl is gone. Don't worry. The map is still here. Who needs this? My girl. I want food. Fatty Hat. I want my girl back. Fatty, look. My bag is still here. We still have some food. Let's go. Be careful, Xiaopang. Be careful, Xiaopang. Xiaopang! Fatty! What's going on with you? Facial mask. Why you took off your costume? You don't want to be the captain? I wanna go home. Facial masks are gone. Let go of me. We are lost. Go home. I have some biscuits. Why not you... Give me that. Chick is gone. This is mine. Give me. The biscuits are mine. May I take a look? Are you sure this is the map professor gave you? It kind of looks like the map of People's Square. There should be an ancient ruins here as per the map. Get up. Time to go. Haoran, come here! I think I see the castle you said. Hurry. Is that one? Look! Finally! It's really an ancient city. I hope it's an abandoned one. Anyone here? Anyone? Hello. Any food? Right. No one here. Aye, Xiaopang. Any girl? Anyone? Xiaopang, look! That thing is moving. That's rabbit. Go catch it. Stay there. Be careful. It's called desert cottontail. Nice, Meili. You know a lot huh? How about we cook it tonight? Are you out of mind? How could you be so cruel? Give it to me. Everything is fine cute bunny. Meili, give it to me. No way. Give it to me. So annoying. Come on. It's the last thing we have. Why we can't eat it? We've eaten so much. You ate its whole family. I even didn't want it to look. Can you just pass this one? Come on. Why you insist? How could you be so cruel? Agree. Meili I'm so hungry. I haven't had anything yet. Because you're full. Here, Gaoleng. Protect it. Don't let them eat it. What is this? Looks like being carved by the ancient people. Look over there. He even thinks he can protect others. I'm going to take a look. Nice, Haoran. Found the highlight so fast. Two here. Watch out! Ghost! Be careful. Better not get inside. Quiet. No scary things right? No. Follow up. I also have a flashlight. Let me use this. Take it slow. Check ahead. Meili, watch out! So many bats. Don't move. Snakes always stay around bats. it's common sense. Where is the secular bird? The secular bird fossil? Wait for me. What is this place? I see light here. Looks like a way out. Watch out! Meili Anyone? Haoran, Look. What is that? Haoran, Meili. Don't get inside. Step back. Haoran! It's not funny. Open the door! Haoran! Can you hear? Can you hear, Xiaopang? Quiet. Xiaopang, the door must have some gears. You hear me? You heard what Haoran said about the gears? No response. Look for gears. Where is it? Found nothing. How could this door close by itself? Did we step on something? We did. Something here. Let me try. Don't. Don't. What's going on? There is a gear. Twist the other way. No. I don't want to die. Stop twisting. The door didn't move at all. I didn't ask you to protect me. You're not my boyfriend. I don't need your protection. Maybe Anne needs it. Just protect her. Help! Please protect me! It's not moving. Xiaopang, Gaoleng Something here. Look. Light over there. Looks like a way out. I heard something. Nothing happens to this stone door. It still doesn't open. Wrong place. Let's go. Look for other gears. Anyone? Be careful. Let me try. Sure. Meili Looks like someone came before us. Doesn't it look like professor? Professor What's this? The secular bird fossil. No way. We found it so easily. How to take this? Why this looks like a roasted chicken? It's the real secular bird fossil. We really found the secular bird fossil. But I still think it looks like a roasted chicken. This is... It's going to collapse. Need to leave now. Follow me. Which way? We're out! What's going on, Haoran! They're cannibals. Xiaopang Gaoleng Put me down! Put me down! Where are we? These are cannibals. They are discussing how to cook you. Stew or roast. Seriously? You tell them that I haven't dated a guy yet. Can they just pass me? I still want to see my dream guy. Why this butt-twisting guy looks like Xiaoshou? Right? Who is she? She is their queen. I have a question. Are you Anne? What? What do you want? Are you really going to cook me? Please don't. I'm still a virgin. What a waste. Let me go! You muddy bitch. Missed. What's wrong with you? These guys just follow me. No way. That's durian! Please don't waste it. Why not just enjoy it yourselves? Ah!!! Somebody help me! Go away. This one. Sorry, Mr. Strong. This is mine. So sorry. Please let me go. I'm just a student. I can give you my student card, canteen card anything. Strong man, I really don't want to die. We can talk. Let me go. Someone help me! Haoran, watch out! Please let me go, strong man. Haoran! Haoran, I didn't get away. Please help me! Let go of me. Haoran, watch out! Haoran! Haoran! Haoran! Haoran! Why you came back? Aren't you afraid of them? I can't leave you behind. Then what should we do now? Don't be afraid. I'm here. Let go of me. Why kicked me! Let go of me! Put me down! Let go of me! Let go of me! Bitch. Let go of me! You son of bitch! You son of bitch! Let go of me! Let go of me! Put me down! Put me down! Let go of me! Why did you save me today? There is no car going back. Funny. Why do you like paleontology? Dinosaurs. Don't you think they're very cute? How about you? You also think they're cute, right? I like the past. When I was a kid my family was very happy. Very happy. They thought they loved me. But everything they gave me was not what I wanted. But Anne can. Anne pretty likes you. Do you like her? She is good. What do you think? I also think she is good. Light skin tone rich and pretty. Studying arts. All guys' dream girl. But she is not my type. So picky. Then what is your type? Why not just share a little bit? Actually I'm pretty weird. I like messy hair dark skin dirty clothes bit dirty with freckles on the face. It would be perfect if she wears frame glasses. Shooting stars! I really like watching shooting stars. So happy seeing the shooting stars. Help! Stop! Back up! Give it to me. Back up! Let's run away. What should we do? Don't be scared. Keep running. Which way now? Just run. What should we do? That way. Look. Haoran, Meili Meili, get on. Go, go. How did you find us? We tracked Haoran's GPS. So hi-tech. This is not a dream, right? Faster. Professor, we found the secular bird fossil. Professor The legend is true. You gave us the map, right? That's just an entertainment park map. There are two hypotheses on the start of bird's fly. One is originating from trees and the other originates from lands. Look This is obviously the land one. Paleontology is the greatest science in human history. Not some ordinary people can handle. Wait. What do we eat today? You left something here. I entered the second round! Isn't it today? Today. You're late. Hurry. No. I haven't prepared anything yet. At least I should wear a skirt and put on some lipstick. I need to prepare. Why my heart beats so fast? Am I falling in love with him? Feel so shy. Suddenly feel that I'm so happy. Good day, master. Where is the girl? What happened? Are you alright? You stepped on me. I'm sorry. So you're the girl. Maybe. This scene is too good to look at. Nice to meet you, I'm Meili Ai. And I also like dinosaurs. I have dinosaur on every piece of my clothes. Stop. This is fashion. And you are animal. Take her. What's going on? Where are you taking me to? Why I'm always the one being taken away? Master Your taste has turned pretty heavy. If I didn't have Icarlus V-shape Serum and sample facial mask I really couldn't handle no matter how much you pay. Hurry. Time is up. You'll be late. Take a look. This is the girl. Didn't know I could be this pretty. You also think so? Ladies and gentlemen Welcome the second round of School Beauty Contest sponsored by VAQUA. Let's make some noise for all the girls on the stage. They're going to bring us a sexy bikini show. Welcome the last one Meili Ai! Please welcome the last girl, Meili Ai. Ai...Meili Nice to meet you. I'm Of course I know you, Yixuan Lin. I really really like you. Didn't expect that I could see you today. I listen to your channel every day. Yesterday you told a story that a college girl jumped from a building for a boy. I really like you. Can you sign for me? You often appear in my dreams. My hand. Sorry. Can you sign for me? Sure. Really! So great. I brought the notebook with me today. Look. I took down all the words you said. You're waiting for Meili Ai, right? When do you leave? Right now. The flower looks pretty. But it's quite a waste Its owner doesn't know how to appreciate. Anne You're wrong. The flower is for you. For me. Really? Thank you. You're the best. Let's go. Sure. I'm about to leave. So fast. What's going on? Sorry. Still have something to do. I'll leave first. Stop. Why did this to me? Did I do something that offended you? Haoran Yu! Tell me. How she is better than me? Why you don't like me but her? How she is better? Just tell me! You're better than her in anything. But we don't match. Haoran Haoran Please don't go. I know I did wrong. Just tell me. I can change if you don't like it. Please don't go. Sorry. Haoran Haoran Haoran Thank you so much. I want to tell you I feel so touched. Too pretentious. Hi, Haoran Yu You're so reliable. Thank you for making me look so beautiful today. I think I'm a school beauty now. Dad, I'm back. Hello? Mr. Ai the injury is not that bad, right? We were just freaked out. Who is this? Hello? I really don't know what to say. Why you are always like this? I remember when I was in the kindergarten we were watching TV and you were there pointing at the hero of that swordsman drama saying look, dad would be just like him tomorrow. Like flying on the sky. I was really thinking that you were so great. But the next day You fell from the wire And mom also left. Actually do you know how happy I am that I can take part in this competition? Because for the first time I was noticed. Not because I'm ugly. Not because I look stupid as they said Even the air also hates me. It's because I was just standing there and they said I looked so gorgeous. But now I've realized those mean nothing to me. I just want to stay beside you. Dad Can you please stop hurting yourself? It really breaks my heart. It really breaks my heart. What do you need me for? Yixuan, I think that Meili Ai is really annoying. How about you do me a favor? So you just surrender? Ladies and gentlemen Welcome to the final of School Beauty Contest sponsored by VAQUA. Please make some noise for No.16 the sexy goddess, Anne I think this gets a 10. Meili Ai What kind of style you prefer today? I will give you a stunning style with blazing red lips and sexy curly hair. What do you think? Wait a second Can I do it myself? Thank you. You're welcome. Cheers for the sexy, hot dance brought by Anne. Now let's see judges' scores. Ten. All ten. She got the highest score so far. Will the girls behind feel lots pressure? Now please welcome our next girl from the paleontology department Meili Ai! What happened? Go away! Out! Out! Out! OK. I'll leave right away. But before I leave I have some words to say. I didn't expect that I could make it here today. And And I also know I'm not pretty at all. I shouldn't have applied for this competition. The School Beauty Comtest. What are you doing? Why are you all helping Meili Ai? Does she have something to do with you? Thanks. But I want to say I think I have got something more important than the contest. It's you. Meili, you can do this! You can do this! ♪ In that very far place ♪ I see shining light ♪ It attracts me to wave my wings ♪ I carry the dream on my back ♪ cross the mountain and the ocean ♪ Never lose my way ♪ Walked all the way forward ♪ Saw all the scenery ♪ I just feel so special ♪ I realize how to be myself ♪ There is no win or lose ♪ I just sing out loud that I can ♪ My stupid smile ♪ Also shines ♪ To lighten the world ♪ Though I give up and get lost sometimes ♪ I didn't lose my courage ♪ A brave one never loses dream ♪ Look at my stupid look ♪ I'm trying to bloom ♪ I'm full of energy "So what if I cry sometimes ♪ Everyone gets frustrated ♪ Hold your head up and tomorrow will be better ♪ Walked all the way forward ♪ Saw all the scenery ♪ I just feel so special ♪ I realize how to be myself ♪ There is no win or lose ♪ I just sing out loud that I can ♪ My stupid smile ♪ Also shines ♪ To lighten the world ♪ Though I give up and get lost sometimes ♪ I didn't lose my courage ♪ A brave one never loses dream ♪ Look at my stupid look ♪ I'm trying to bloom ♪ I'm full of energy ♪ So what if I cry sometimes ♪ Everyone gets frustrated ♪ Hold your head up and tomorrow will be better ♪ My stupid smile ♪ Also shines ♪ To lighten the world ♪ Though I give up and get lost sometimes ♪ I didn't lose my courage ♪ A brave one never loses dream ♪ Look at my stupid look ♪ I'm trying to bloom ♪ I'm full of energy ♪ So what if I cry sometimes ♪ Everyone gets frustrated ♪ Hold your head up and tomorrow will be better About the expansion of our department how have you considered? Director Wang About this... Mate, don't go. You haven't told me which department you're from You know him? I don't. I'm from paleontology department I'm Xiaoshou Qi. Please don't ignore me. You're really leaving? Will you come back? I will. Let's go. I want me to buy you the waffle? Or I buy you the stinky tofu. Great. Sorry. Hello? Is this Meili Ai? I'm Yixuan Lin. I want to tell you something. Damn. Congratulation. Thank you, teacher. No, thank you, principal. Wish your success. Thank you. Global School Beauty Contest This is so dramatic. This is not a dream, right? Anyway The most important thing is to be the real self.
Channel: Moxi Movie Channel Spanish
Views: 4,248,662
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: peliculas, pelicula completa, peliculas en español, peliculas completas en español, pelicula en linea, película de youtube, pelicula china, película, peliculas romanticas, peliculas de amor, amor, Belleza Universitaria, La Chica Tonta, Chica Tonta, Pelicula Belleza Universitaria Completa, peliculas romanticas en español, peliculas de amor en español, peliculas romanticas de Amor, peliculas romantica completas, peliculas romanticas en español completas, peliculas de amor completas
Id: eldiHWKc4HU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 57sec (6657 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 28 2023
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