Rey de los Luchadores | Pelicula de Accion de Artes Marciales | Completa en Español HD

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Closed Captions were added by Moxi Media. Beijing Fei Li Niao Media presents. In association with Beijing Ziwei Xingyu Media. Fong Sai Yuk - For The Winner. Executive Producers: Liu Peng, Jia Bingqi, Hu Juan. Produced by: Zhong Conghai. Don't run, stop it. Produced by: Yang Gaung, Zhao Weijie, Li Yongxiang. Fang Shiyu. Get down. No. You... If you want to beat me, You should give me a reason. The class hasn't been finished. You want to leave. Time is up. Screenplay by: Shi Qiang. Hurry. Boxing is going to be ended. Hurry up, time to go. Sorry, Master. Hand. Time to go. You... You... You... Martial Arts Director: Liu Junxiang. Starring: Wu Yijia, He Jianing. Boxing. Shi Yu, wait. Starring: Zhou Xiaofei, Tong Rui, Yao Jianming, David Williams (US). Shi Yu. Shi Yu. Starring: Xu Zhe, Chen Jiajun, Chen Guoyi, Liu Fengshuo. Special Starring: Yi Long. Father. Are you ok? Directed by: Yang Xiaobo. Fine. You rubbish. Carry Magistrate back home. Fighting. Come on. What's that? A foreigner is boxing. Several people got hurt. What are you going to do? Leave me alone. I don't care about the others. But you're mine. Be reserved. What's going on? Boxing. You win. I give you 100. You fail. Take care of yourself. Any challenger? Master of Wu Long is here. Who's that? Wu Long? I've never heard about it. Me neither. Who? I don't know. Me neither. He looks stronger. Everyone. I have retired for a long time. I shouldn't have been involved in. Today I come to Guang Zhou. I am going to propagate my Wu Long Fists. While there is a boxing contest which insults us in this city. I can't stay away. I am glad to teach this foreigner a lesson. Good. Very good. I never fight with nobody. Name. Yang. How dare you, such a foreigner, challenge Chinese people here? Don't waste my time. Damn. I am not ready. Give me a second. You'll learn from me. Shit. Anybody? Who is that? Shi Yu. He'll be kicked. I am Fang Shiyu. Fight. Come on. Come on. Shi Yu. Come on, Shi Yu. Fight. Shi Yu. Hit back. Come on. Come on. Good. Come on. Good. Good. He is my son. Go away. Let me kick his ass. Mother. Fight. Mother. Come on. Mother. Fight. Mother. Come on. Mother. Fight. Mother. Come on. Mother. Come on. Mother. Come on. Mother. Fighting. Mother. My Lord. What are you doing? What should a woman do? He insults Shi Yu and me. Ask him to apologize. Go home. The Lord. Go, go, go. I will be back here half a month later. If no one can challenge me, it means you're losers. Your country is a loser. Look at you. Show some manners. Who teach you that? Get your ass up. Fang. Li, leave me alone. I must teach him a lesson. Fang. I bring you some good tea. Let's talk when we have tea. Why? Let's go. Don't be angry. Are you ok? Give me a hand. Thank you. My pleasure. Mother. Master Hu. Master Hu. Master Hu. Master Hu. Open the door. Coming. Coming. Hurry. I'll break in. Coming. Master. It's you. Why do you come here? I come here to say sorry. Just with your mouth? This is only what I have. I bring you this. Look. Naughty. Tell me. What about your boxing? Today. When I was going to show him my skillful Thousand-hand Bodhisattva move. Guess what? What? My father went there. I guess. You must fail the boxing. But your father won you. I didn't fail. We didn't start. Well. You couldn't win him. Hard to say. I've never seen his moves. Really? Yes. Oh. I need a pen. Master. Show me. Ok. He clenched his fists and with small steps. What's this? You. Put it down. Put it down. What's this? Give me. Master. Give it to me. Fine. Just a root. Why are you so nervous? Master Hu. What's inside? Ginseng. It doesn't look like one. Go on, go on. Master, my father just beat me. My ass is hurt. You call yourself Iron Man. Your father beat you. It doesn't matter. Go on. Yes, yes, yes. That's right. Good. Bite. Bite. Bite. Bite. Come on. Yeah. I quit. Don't go. Come on. Shi Yu. Ping. Glad to see you. Come on. Let's catch crickets. Ok. It's better than being a troublemaker. Finally he finds it. Father. Is the Ganoderma Lucidum that good? His father died at the age of 86. His grandfather lived even longer. It is good to drink the soaked water. It's even better to make it into a pill. The birthday of the Emperor is a good chance for both of us to get promotions. Congratulations. Father. Weather is dry. Be care of using fire. Shi Yu. We can't get into the east wall. Yeah. There is another place we haven't been to. Where? We went there before. Where? You're such a fool. How can I know? Come back. Master Hu. Master. Ganoderma Lucidum. It's mine. Shi Yu. Shi Yu. The weather is dry. Be care of using fire. Someone's been killed. Someone's been killed. Anybody. Someone's been killed. Anybody. Master. Someone's been killed. Anybody here. Master. Master. Master Hu. Your Honor. Master Hu was killed last night. I saw the killer was in black suit. Please investigate the case. I am sorry about Master Hu's death. However. About who killed Master Hu, I have another idea. Witness. Your Honor. It's Fang Shiyu. Last night, I saw him ran out of Hu's house with bloody hands. He shouted at him. It seemed he was regret. What are you talking about? Fang Shiyu. You killed your master. I haven't got the order to catch you. You came here by your own. Guards. Put him into prison. Yes, sir. Your Honor. It's bullshit. I didn't kill him. Let me go. Your Honor. Move. Let me go. Madam. I can't let you go. That bastard. He set my son up. My families are not cowards. Make my way. Stop. What are you going to do? My Lord. The government set our son up. I can't stand this. Can force solve it? Well. You make trouble to the government. It helps little to save him. But it harms our son. You stay away from this. Brother Li and I will come up with ideas. Sure. Fighting. WTF. Well. Where are the others? You're late. Last night. Fang Shiyu has escaped from prison. In fact. I just want to detain him to appease the public. Or there are rumors everywhere. While. He escaped. I couldn't but to do the routine. Your Honor. Gentlemen. Please go home. Fang Shiyu. Escaped from the prison. Magistrate's order: He is on the wanted list. If anyone shielded him. He will be accused with the same sin. Shi Yu. Shi Yu. Is anyone following you? No. Come in. Our fathers are going to save you. Why did you escape? You're on the wanted list. Should I stay? Four men were going to kill me last night. Are you ok? Are you hurt? I am fine. How could they hurt me? You're just a troublemaker. Look at you. You're Bounty Hunters' favorite. How about We leave here together? No. The killer hasn't been found. I can't leave. He must pay with blood. I must find him. I have to avenge. What are you going to do? I should find out the cause of death first. I go with you. Forget it. You can't... Since I am on the wanted list. The safer the less people with me. Go home first. I must marry you after this. Your Honor. God of Thief. Yes, you are. Thank you. Where is my money? Your Honor. It's not enough. You want a higher price. Sorry. Several of my men were wounded in prison last night. I think I should earn some money for them. You hadn't finished your job. Your Honor. Let's cancel the trade. I know you want to give it to the Emperor as a birthday gift. It must be precious. There are some other officials want to get it, aren't they? Good. Money can solve our divergence. I like it. Leopard. Go back. Anything else? Nothing. I just want to challenge you, God of Thief. Get out of here, young man. You shouldn't do this. Who is there? Defend. Who are you? You asshole. Get out. Sir. Good moves. Give it to me. What? Well. Give me. Leopard. Father. Are you hurt? Who is that man? From his moves. It should be Fang Shiyu. Fang Shiyu. Search him in the city. He would have nowhere to go. My Lord. My Lord. Stop. What are you doing? Fang Shiyu killed master Hu. He escaped. I am in charge of searching him. It's my home. You can't search it. You. Just a businesswoman. I am not afraid. Search. Stop. My Lord. They break into our house to search for our son. Show some manners. Officer. I am sorry about this. Please forgive her. Fang Shiyu killed people and escaped. I have to find him out. If you stop me. All your families will be taken away. Sir. Do you have a search warrant? Your son is a killer. I don't need that. It is not clear about the case. Sir, please don't make that conclusion so fast. You can search my house. While if you can't find out anything. You have to give me an explanation. Hahaha. I just do my duty. Why should I do that? I trust my son. He mustn't kill his master. You come to search my house without any paper work. People will scorn me. If you don't do that. As the President of the chamber of Guangzhou Commerce I must ask people to sign on my letter to the Emperor. I am sure there is an explanation. How dare you. Sir. You can have a try. You. Captain. Magistrate told us not to do it too much. Wait and see. Goodbye. See you. Dear. I admire you too much. Are you hurt? We need to follow the law. Yes. Force can not solve everything. Show some manners. Remember? Well. My Dear. Clean it. Hurry. Sir. Is it the medicine to cure internal injury? No, it isn't. Sir. Fuck off. Sir. How about this? Sir. Sir. Please. Take away. Sir. Get out of my way. Take away. Sir. Sir. It's all what I have. Sir. Sir. Please don't. There is no medicine to cure internal injury in my store. Selling internal injury medicine is banned in the city. If anyone sell it to Fang Shiyu. He will be accused. Yes, sir. I would never sell it to Fang Shiyu. Goodbye, sir. Fang Shiyu. Killed master Hu. Escaped from prison. He is wanted. Reward for any report. My Lord. The medicine is banned. Shi Yu must get hurt. You're right. You go to find out my son. Hurry. Yes, my Lord. Let's go. He looks familiar. I saw him before. Really? Yes. It's him. Who is that? He is the foreign boxer. Yes. Why is he here? Wen. Wen. Wen. Granny. Does Wen come back? No. He went to find Fang Shiyu. Wen. What happened? What's wrong with Shi Yu? Fang Shiyu. You're such a liar. You dare not to fight against me. The best man in Guang Zhou dares not to challenge me. Your country is full of cowards. Liar. Fang Shiyu. Make my way. Who is shouting? Sir. It's a foreigner. He challenges everyone in the city. Arrogant. Leave it alone. Yes, sir. Make way. Magistrate is coming. Coward. Coward. You like fighting. What about this time? I don't fail. You didn't see. He was kicked by me. When I was young, My mother bathed me with potion. Look at me. I am Iron Man. Shut up. You're going to kill your husband. You. Don't tell anyone I am here. Include my mother. Okay. Madam. Have you found my son? No. What about you? No. Ping. Do you? No. My son was lost in the prison. I need to ask the officers. Aunt. Don't do that. Calm down. Stop. I've told you. As a woman, do not solve problem by force. Show some manners. I haven't heard from my son for days. I... Enough. You're his mother. I believe he will be fine. My Lord. My Lord. There are two beggars outside. They don't come for food. They know something about your son. Really? Yes. Bring them in. Yes. Mr. Fang. Nice to meet you. You have information? Madam. I'm sorry. I don't have any information about your son. But I know the truth of master Hu's death. Tell me. This young man knows about the details. Hurry. Tell Mr. Fang. My Lord. I saw a man in black suit that night. My precious. My precious. My precious. My precious. My precious. My precious. My... My precious. Master Hu. That's the truth. I was afraid. So. I didn't go to save master Hu. Get up. It's not your fault. You should have come to the court. When he recognized Fang Shiyu was involved into the case, He came to tell me everything. You've helped us a lot in these years Mr. Fang. How could we stay behind? Thank you very much. There is only one witness. I am afraid it is hard to overturn. We need to find out some other witness and evidence. Zhou Chengwen. He is his best friend. He must know something. I'll ask him. Cheng Wen. Zhou Chengwen. Ping, is that you? Granny. It's me. Where is Wen? Zhou Chengwen. Get out. Easy. That night Did you go out with Shi Yu? Why didn't you testify to him? The government set him up. Even he is rich and powerful. Me, just a poor guy. What can I do? Shi Yu is your brother. He is in trouble now. You do nothing but stay at home. How can you call yourself a man? How can you face your friends in the future? You're just a coward. Yes, you are. Law-ruled society. Law-ruled society. Justice exists. Justice exists. Eliminate grievances. Eliminate grievances. We need fairness and justice. We need fairness and justice. Law-ruled society. Law-ruled society. Justice exists. Justice exists. Eliminate grievances. Eliminate grievances. Your Honor. There are two witnesses. It is very clear for what happened that night. Fang Shiyu is not the killer. He is wronged. Please release him without any accusation. Release Fang Shiyu. Release Fang Shiyu. Release Fang Shiyu. Release Fang Shiyu. Release Fang Shiyu. Your Honor. The public is angry. What about... Release Fang Shiyu. Release Fang Shiyu. Quiet. Since there are witnesses for his innocence. I decide to release Fang Shiyu. and apologize for his family. Since you're not guilty. Well. You can go home. Oh. Thanks, Your Honor. Great. Thank you. Thank you, Your Honor. Shi Yu. Shi Yu. It's ok. You're free. You're innocent. Father. Fang Shiyu goes back home. Good. Go on your plan. Do it secretly. Find some other killers. Yes. Finish it as soon as possible. His Majesty will celebrate birthday next month. Do not interrupt our plan because of Fang Shiyu. Yes. The weather is dry. Be care of using fire. The weather is dry. Be care of using fire. Shi Yu. How is that? Are there more guards? Shall we go? I must get in even it is the hell. Sure. I am with you. Shi Yu. I didn't go to the court to testify to you. I am sorry. I know you're worried about your granny. I didn't ask for it. I feel so sorry. We're brothers. No matter what you do, I don't blame you. I'll kick your ass. Shi Yu. Quiet. They may find us. Quiet. It is difficult to get in. Leopard is good at fighting. What are you doing here? Be quiet. From now on, You can't leave me behind. Let's go. Go home. Easy. Bacon. Bacon. Stop. Run. Stop. Move. Shall we go tonight? Yes. Of course. It must be there. What about Ping? I... I'll deal with it. Don't worry. Cheng Wen. Shi Yu. Shiyu. Wen. Cheng Wen. Cheng Wen. Cheng Wen. Shi Yu. Teach me. So that I can fight with you. Invincible. Fang Shiyu. You're late. I was beat by three of them. If I was someone else. He must kneel down. I know what you're going to do. Mother. Let me go. I will. It's the rule. Blood for blood. You should go. I just want to tell you. You do what you want. You'll feel good. If without a brain. You're going to kill yourself. If you miss it. Who will take the revenge? For Wen and Master Hu? At this moment. You should calm down. Do you know why you always fail? Cause I know your next step. And I am waiting for you right there. I follow your step with your own purpose. Thank you, mom. I see. My son. Remember. Your father and I. All the Fang family. Will support you forever. Em. While. You must follow the rules. Understand? Yes, mother. No rule. No success. See you. Does he really understand? You missed it. Who do you send? Just a rubbish. Father. Fang Shiyu is hard to deal with. How about I do it myself? You fool. Are you going to ruin our plan just with your own pleasure? What if our plan is exposed. If His Majesty knows the gift is ill-gotten gain. Both of us will die. I am sorry, father. We must keep it in secret. Fang Shiyu is the only insider. We can't deliver the gift unless we eliminate him. If necessary, All his families... Who is there? Mr. Yang. Yes? I have an idea. You can have a contest with Fang Shiyu. And. I can make you win. What do you mean? I don't understand. The poison is colorless and tasteless. Before the contest. You can put it into his drinking water. He will be poisoned. And you will become the winner. Despicable. There is an old saying. To win by mean ways. I want to have an open and fair contest. And. I don't like mean people. Goodbye. Yang. Sorry. I am surprised. I like you. I promise. I will give you an open and fair contest. I hope so. Bye. Fang Shiyu. The 18th of this month, I'll wait for you at the stage. Mr. Fang. You have a good son. He must win the contest. Congratulations. Mr. Fang. Mr. Fang. Beat the foreigner. Shi Yu must win. We're looking forward to seeing that. OK, OK. Mr. Fang. Ask Shi Yu to try his best. OK, OK. Mr. Fang. Shi Yu must win. OK, OK, OK. Father. Let me go out. Am I your father? You want to fight on the stage. Show some manners. Stay here. Reflect on your decision. A couple of days later. You go to Hangzhou with me. We'll purchase some silk clothes. You should learn to do business. My Lord. Shut up. Look at you. You don't teach him to read. But to fight. Show some manners. Be a woman. My Lord. My Lord. Magistrate is here. Magistrate? Mr. Wang. I am wondering why you come to my home. I have some purposes. First. I come to apologize. Second. I request you to let your son join the contest. The boxing contest with the foreigner. My son is too young to beat the foreigner. You're humble. All people in this city know about Shi Yu. He is good. If he refused. No one will accept the challenge. It is about the national honor. We can't be laughed at by the foreigners. It is our people's honor. Nation's honor. So that I request you to agree that. For the people. For our nation. For His Majesty. Please. Well. How can I refuse. Good. I prepare these for Fang Shiyu. Please take it. Sir. I can't accept it. Don't say that. I bring it here just for Shi Yu. To strengthen him. Well. I have to say. Thanks. Good. Good. Leopard. Anything wrong? They both try their best. It goes well. Fight. Come on. Come on. Fight. Fang Shiyu. Come on. Good. Good. Good. Good. Good. Good. Come on. Good. Beat him. Come on. Hit back. Be careful. Come on. Steady. Hit back. Come on. Hit back. Come on. Fight. Hit back. Come on. The foreigner is too strong. Father. Let me join it. Fool. Hit. Come on, Shi Yu. Come on. Fighting. Come on. Shi Yu. Childe. Shi Yu. Shi Yu. Shi Yu. Magistrate is busy. He couldn't come. I come to mourn him. Mr. Fang. Restrain your grief. Thank you. My benefactor. How can you leave me. Shi Yu helped him before. When he heard this news. He entreated me to bring him here. That's ok. My benefactor. Enough. Time to go. Let's go. Let's go. Don't disturb him. My son. I am sorry. What are you doing? Please let him go in peace. My son. I am sorry. Well. He's gone. Please restrain your grief. I am sorry. He is too sad to control himself. Sorry. I'll take him away. Wait. My Lord. Since he is one of Shi Yu's friends. He could stay to attend the funeral. I can't refuse his intention. Em. Please stay. You have a little misunderstanding. Now he is gone. For the bygones. Just let it go. Em. Well. I'd like to join his funeral. Remember. You must arrive before the end of this month. Anyone stops you. Kill him. Yes, sir. My son. How could you leave me... Shit. Follow me. Make way. What's going on? Don't worry. Shi Yu is alive. He is alive? What? Don't be worried. Let me tell you. You have the same idea with me. You also think he is mean. Yes. He is a mean person. Since you hate him. Could you do me a favor? Let's play. How? Easy. Hit me to death. I won't do that even you admit your failure. It's a play. Only hit me to the ground. I'll do the rest. It's a cheat. We cheat the bad man. God will forgive us. I just need an open and fair contest. Sure. After this. We can have an open and fair contest. Deal? Deal. Fang Shiyu! You cheat me. I have been cried. Seriously. You two even cheat me. It's nonsense. My Lord. I didn't mean to do that. About this. The less people know the better. And. You always think Magistrate is a good man. That's why... You don't have any evidence. Magistrate would not deal with our son. He is just a boy. My Lord. You still don't believe me. Let me show you something. Xing. Bring it here. My Lord. These are the medicines, Magistrate gave to Shi Yu. They were soaked by colorless and tasteless poison. It is not harmful to ordinary people. But to the Kungfu practicer, He will be poisoned when he starts to hold the breath. That dog. He is such a mean bastard. He was going to poison my son. I can't let it go. My Lord. I am waiting for your words. Let's kick his ass. Fang Shiyu. Long time no see. Leopard. You're so arrogant. Give that stuff to me. What if I give you. You won't let me go. You're going to die without pain. Don't waste my time. Close the door. No one can pass the door without my order. Yes, sir. Open the door. Magistrate has ordered. No one can pass the door. We'd like to break it. It's a capital crime. No one can walk through the door. It's our duty. Fuck you. My Lord. You broke your rules. Rules are for men. Not for them. Move. Stop. Shi Yu. Take the blade. Mother. Take it. Damn it. I'd like to end it between us. Where is Your father? Don't worry. He is coming. Be careful. You dog. Stop. Capture Magistrate Wang. Capture Magistrate Wang. Thank you, Governor. Take down Leopard Lei. Wait. Let my son deal with this bastard. No way. I am taking over the case. Mr. Governor. We're not officials. We have our rules. Please. He can deal with it. I am going to interrogate him. Bring Magistrate here. Good. Freeze. My Lord. Or I'll kill him. Leopard Lei. How dare you. Fang Shiyu. You're good, aren't you? You always interrupt the others. Today. I'll let all people here know, Are you a hero, or a loser? Kneel down. Do it. Shi Yu. Come here. Shi Yu. Shi Yu. Again. Hurry. Shi Yu. I am sorry. Don't. Don't do that. Shi Yu. What a dutiful son! Today. You're going to die together. Good. Kill him. Kill them all. Shut up. You dare to insult my father. Come on. Drink. Listen. Kungfu is not used to fight. The highest level is to improve your character. Em. Body can be destroyed. But not the spirit of Kungfu. Magistrate Wang abused his power and killed Master Hu, took away his treasure. Fang Shiyu is a good man. He investigates into the case. and finds out the culprit. Fang Shiyu is an honorable person. We should learn from him. Government notice. Li. Don't worry. Shi Yu has grown up. He starts to read books. and learns business from me. He won't fight against the others. My Lord. My Lord. Childe... He is fighting against someone. Well. Where? Let's go. Hurry. Madam. Well. Shi Yu. Shi Yu. Hurry up.
Channel: Moxi Movie Channel Spanish
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Keywords: peliculas, peliculas completa, peliculas en español, peliculas completas en español, peliculas china, película de youtube, películas, peliculas de accion, película de artes marciales, artes marciales, accion, Rey de los Luchadores, Fong Sai Yuk, Película Rey de los Luchadores, Peliculas Fong Sai Yuk, película de acción en español, película de artes marciales en español, películas de acción completas, películas de artes marciales completas, películas de acción de artes marciales
Id: 4lX1PwN_tL8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 49sec (4309 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 21 2023
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