Escaping Wax Prison Using Only A Candle

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oh it's working oh i don't want to put the flame out come on come on come on come on come on stick it's not sticking it worked let's go my friend trent trapped me inside this wax prison and i'll have to escape using only this candle that's gonna melt the whole thing i mean actually okay once it creates a cave i'm gonna need a bigger flame but it's working so far look at this i think you need a bigger flame i know jeremy thanks trent has all the candles and i'll have one hour to defeat his challenges to build my fire big enough to melt my way out and i'm here to help let's go teammate eric i'ma speed this up so here we go look at this you just let's go kendall wax burns uh and just so you know we are prepared in case anything happens wait wait wait you're not allowed to use that all right that seems fair i don't need it see that i'm already onto the blue wax i don't need help i'll just leave this candle here i'm good to go also you don't need my help no i actually do this is very thick please maybe go to a challenge all right let's go do that to upgrade dustin's flame build your candle tall enough to light the paper before trent go relax let's go eric i think i'm gonna burn my hand here so risk you're gonna have to take trent why is trent glowing like that good thing i practiced candle making when i was younger oh my god i'm using his strat i mean i'm good at copying copying is a good form of flattery i don't know how i got jacked go to the gym and just copy me a little bit more of this melt it down make sure it all combines oh yeah oh yeah let's go eric i got like half a birthday candle left i i need i really need you to win this please the marinara technique because you're a meatball you think i'm a meatball no no no no no no no no no don't stop is not falling down today no it's not but we're losing a lot of wax here okay looks like you're losing apparently i don't have a great teammate that supports what am i supposed to do support me go go go go go go go prison i'm just saying look at that who's winning now start slowly waiting now you got this apologize i i said i'm sorry okay thank you it's doing amazing see this slit but look i'm how much candle i have left with enough time i think i could get through with a birthday candle or many birthday candles but eric i think he's fine yeah i think you can lose this challenge huh he's confident hey hey no no you know what though i think that's cheating says who me 100 cheating wait and see if not cheating [Music] this is like the nub on a pencil you know when you like you save a little bit of pencil that's like that what is that limp noodle oh no eric i'm running out of candle please mold it all together that that's hot i was only using the wood to build it straight now i'm going to move it over right to the paper very careful you okay there trent everything's fine [Music] jeremy ready come on come on come on come on come on come on and there it it burns let's go eric ready no no wait wait wait i want trent to hand deliver it yeah give me that candle buddy what if you broke it you broke it nicely next time i want you to give me them i don't want the flame to go up oh yeah yeah yeah just stay there okay it's not gonna stay there i'm gonna make a hole big enough so that i can set the candles in the hole so it's just like a like a room full of candles look at this trail see that jeremy you got any other better techniques here that i should be using maybe blow on it that makes no sense can you see the blue i can see the blue okay all right just making sure you can see the blue because i worked hard on it i'm gonna use similar technique i'm gonna melt all the wax here stick the candle to the wax same thing bigger candle oh anything is possible if you have enough time which i don't so two candles oh jerry jeremy i got two i don't know how secure it is but double the flame double the burn this went from like peaceful like watching a candle to like staring into the eyes of the flame [Music] how long you been staring at that is it not working it's not quick enough bigger flame coming right up chop through the blocks to lower the rope to the flame first to burn the rope wins [Music] one down big axe there you go here we go thank you he's on the last block oh my god all right here we go what big axe never letting dustin out of the prison he's gonna be in there for the rest of his life so much for me being friends eric we're better friends oh it's on it let's go it's burning it's burning come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on good workout elise i did yeah no eric lost but i don't actually need help look at this i'm on the green and let's see i'm building a wall here off the wall looks like it's time for the bloodline challenge wait no no i want to save that so that i when i actually need it uh look at his wall i think he needs it all right that's kind of fair this next challenge sponsored by bloodline let's go you'll have one minute to destroy all the enemies to unlock a major upgrade let's go eric start your own bloodline and compete with your enemies go help them wow jeremy i got this you got more i got more you're right bloodline is an exciting rpg mobile card game with a traditional fantasy background you play the role of the new champion who dreams of being king conquer the magical land and build your kingdom battle by battle my favorite champion classes so far are doombringer fulger limestone ignis and tidestorm dude the card clan isn't in your top five ah i mean there's just so many characters and classes to choose from it's cause all the champions are designed so well for me it's the bosses the beautiful graphics and incredible storytelling for me it's the weapons yeah i thought you'd choose that and when you create your own team and upgrade your skills you can really put those weapons to some good use click the link in my description to download the game and start your own bloodline and who knows maybe we'll meet in the arena this is the upgrade that's the update let's go this is amazing i'm so excited come on i don't need anything else i got this i can go home now no no i need you i might need you what do i do here jeremy blow on it no no i'm out of matches so if this goes out i'm done back to wax welding wow that's strong okay i got lots of candles in place i don't really know what i'm gonna do but i'm gonna try to stick this one to here as well look at this river let's go hands-free now all i gotta do is encourage the flame go flame i don't know how to do it what if i just bend this they're all stuck except when it eats into it then i'm gonna push them further in okay so i'm just gonna angle them further and further and further as it gets deeper and deeper plus you know how these videos go we must have some big candles coming scrape the wax away to reveal a youtuber identify all three correctly and you win any guesses so far is that jeremy you might be right this is thick with three z's see that's the technique yeah yeah who who's it who's that who's that i'm not there yet i'm still through the first layer you're not winning this challenge no chance [Music] it was upside down but i still know who it is you're right stick on to the next here's a more dense spatula you have the exact same spatula trent look at the bend look at the bend there's no face here's another one are you serious jeremy all right there you go there we go dustin that's two dude you're wrong who's blessing that's not preston i watch anime okay got one oh okay all right yeah i got it i got it let me just clean it off nicely i know who this is [Applause] i know who mine is ryan's right hand give it to me give it to me the flame got bigger yeah flame on this is what i call a super candle here we go jeremy wait this tank's not very full so i don't know how long it's going to last maybe 5 10 minutes i don't know but i'm gonna make it worth it [Music] jeremy look yeah i'm through it's almost dead though be trenton whatever and then i'm gonna get another one maybe if i get it do i get a prize yeah we together win just be training all right put out all the candles before trent and receive your final upgrade wow come on trends harder a lot higher than looks you want to bully me all the time you're the one that bullies me all the time you go you're just here to participate oh there's one there you go oh i don't know if i i don't know oh oh yeah trench trash oh double whammy never mind i can do it come on come on come on okay oh you saw that i saw that ricochet bounce oh i came back to life [Music] we kept the time in 10 minutes and trent had two candles remaining oh my god good start good start great start ready oh oh that's one come on eric that's so easy hey i know you know what trey i talked so much trash that like i apologize you lose this challenge your buddy dust is quietly stuck in christmas i'm out [Music] hey boom all three oh and now he's collecting let's go eric you kind of have to win this otherwise i i literally have to keep using it you have to win it's not fair come on come on last one this is it and he did it that's two out of the four challenges that's actually fifty percent winning wait he expended more energy though i still have energy but at what cost it's not over i only have 10 minutes here we go let it burn oh yeah bye bye roxy jeremy what i got this right i mean i hope you got this whoa yummy let's go baby come on come on come on come on oh look at that look at that jeremy it's dripping i'm making a wax river baby oh my gosh what are you doing it's a better weapon use that wait you want the other one no no no no no no no no the other way another one what are we doing hey yay this is not a smash smash video look it's soft use the candle yeah oh my god the layers are hot wow fire watch out john i would move if i were you oh yeah there you go we're gonna soften up the balloon now we got this come on come on come on [Music] hey you can't do that flame only there's no more playing quickly we're still using the candle ah oh my god let's go no way yeah watch out wow [Music] yes all right okay i don't know if i was allowed to use that candle but i did use a candle okay i don't know if i was cheating or trying but i did escape comment down below whether i won or not i don't know maybe maybe me and trent should have a little face off if you want to see that click one of these two videos right here and remember i think it should count no no
Channel: JustDustin
Views: 4,213,674
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: R70XXzWQa4U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 27sec (867 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 03 2022
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