Don't Break The Wrong 100 Layers Wall

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all right today we have nine 100 layers walls and the first person to break through any three wins but be careful what you choose the weak walls come with weak weapons and the strong walls come with strong weapons why'd you choose a spoon i didn't jeremy they played rock paper scissors and i just got stuck with this one but look it's not bad ah what else did you get boxing gloves i'm getting through first oh that's thick i need to make a whole first suggestion you're not allowed to be here is he allowed to be here i'm having flashbacks when i broke out of prison with a spoon this is way easier talk to me if you got any tactics maybe use the other side of the throne oh it's not bad actually yo why is this the thickest drywall on the planet there's multiple layers that's why i really hope it's not 100 is it 100 i don't know i didn't make it ah it's not ready yet just know that if i get through first i'm choosing the next wall but that's the rule for everyone so i don't know why i said that that's fine stop now hey track yeah what's your strategy don't get close okay okay okay he's got the shears oh it's supposed to be strong wall strong weapon i have the strong wall he has the stronger that doesn't himself i don't even know but it's working i have to take up things with the crew trent hey it's time it's eric time oh it looks like we got duct tape does nothing but you also got the butter knife the thing is you would think i would just stab it use the mallet get deeper a little bit more more not enough not that's too much wow did i get another one no want to borrow my spoon yeah no no no no i didn't really need the knife anyways it's okay just leave them there it is we're back it's back to spoon time that means you have to stop that's how that works drop your utensils back to the spoon baby i need some acknowledgement that this is the hardest wall i don't know if it's the hardest part the weapon just sucks then look at how thick this drywall this isn't known like house like break it drywall it's multiple layers you see dustin yeah i'm not really about how strong the wall is exaggerated how strong the person hitting the wall is is this exciting to watch jeremy not really action ah whoever designed this put some thought into making me miserable i actually designed it that's not cool okay i liked it better when we were on a team oh new strat oh nice oh yeah i think trent in the lead uh i'm always in the lead oh this cuts pretty well try to cut the wood you owe me 10.95 this is yours yeah i'm sorry how many weapons have you destroyed yo don't lose the butter knife this time at this time once you get that little hole the hammer will just do the rest just like that i repaired his drywall that looks a lot better it's a heart is it it is hard jeremy yeah make your prediction who's going to win i think eric's going to win actually yeah why would i see you i'm going through drywall that's hard it might be the wrist yeah that's my technique and then you break it the peel and scratch that's exactly it yeah oh that's deep i'm through but that's also time ow i was gonna say sorry but well i wouldn't mean that what that oh he's getting oh first my shears now my shovel that's 24.95 you owe me that's two for two on weapon breaks you're literally gonna have to do the rest of it with your hands oh my gosh guys he's going through you did which wall i don't like these weapons for this wall strong wall strong weapon strong wall also a strong weapon he's choosing the wood and that's time [Music] there we go that'll save me some time that does nothing trend i'm not going to help him which wall did you take i took the wood wall i'll take that wall nope that's gorilla tape that is thick with five seats stick it in and then just swirl it you know yeah make that hole bigger i like my holes big how big do you like them jeremy big enough so you can fit inside make a circle of holes i'm getting through way behind i know i know i don't even get a choice anymore do i get a choice here i don't get a choice there do you want me to tell you what you get no i don't want no i don't know it's bad here we go oh my gosh even though your last place you were most destructive thank you as you can see here you have a very soft piece of concrete it's concrete very soft what did you get wood it's a stronger wall but i got stronger weapons and i'm a stronger person don't hey you're not supposed to put the camera oh how about that an arrow that says weak it must be you it's you it's you it's definitely is somebody getting tired i never get tired yeah well maybe you should take a break because your time's up look at that i like how you're usually not right eric always gets a tape like tape tape concrete that's yeah just see the difference see the thing is if you were just a little bit stronger you would have made it here before you would have got the tape [Music] this tape is very taping that's not even an adjective [Music] this is literally impossible for a regular man can i have extra time no you can't have extra time what if i go up to the frame ow i'm running out of whole gym i just i'd rather be the tape wall at last time thank god i was literally waiting for you to call time now fry it open don't break it don't break it though don't break i never break what [Music] yeah physics oh it's coming down yo it's like a truck oh yeah more stabbing more jabbing let's get it you give me your technique right and twist jump and twist what would you do jeremy what would i do i just keep hitting just keep hitting just keep hitting just keep [Music] [Applause] four minutes on the he clock need four minutes so if he gets through for four or four minutes he can still continue exactly not a bad card it's a pretty good card for him is actually a pretty good weapon you know what trent's fatal flies tell me he always needs the big hole that's true you hit the top you hit the bottom the top and the bottom up oh see oh yeah i'm gonna try to go through you gotta take down the bills [Music] i honestly would have rather the weapon upgrade i think oh yeah he's actually doing it hey eric that's it what are these i thought you had experience with these walls yeah but i didn't have these weapons jeremy i think you just stabbed and twist seven twist that's why i told eric um i'm gonna not do that oh yeah maybe you should have switched walls to trent no because he's on the easiest wall he's struggling but it's the weakest weapons oh you're through i'm done that's it that's it that's it that's it that's it what do you mean stop pushing it but i'm through your body he's actually pretty smart he's using it for padding and he's through all right pick your wall well my dad was a lumberjack he taught me how to chop wood when i was just three years old if i can just put the back of it all off in one shot hi why are you throwing rocks at me why are you in my way i'm moving this so you don't fall on it when you come when you climb good guy trent okay there you go lexan i haven't got to choose a single wall yet joke's on you guys though the pickaxe is real great against lexan whoa no this is the thick kind the frame like absorbs it [Music] where did we get these logs [Music] it's true [Music] yo not bad [Music] half man [Music] [Music] is it becoming more and more obvious that i got the bad wall and the bad weapons no no no you just those bad that's not yeah look at that see eric's been working out what have you been doing what did he grow a maul come on he's been lifting give me the let's go ahead throw a rock at it that does nothing what are your weapons [Music] oh my god a little bigger you might get through [Music] got one the brain broke no it's just a trampoline i know what you're gonna do cut to top left and be failing why are we still here just to suffer oh i thought that was a crack it is a crack oh it's not look the whole thing that's right no you didn't win i only high five winners trent went before eric that means eric is behind on time it took trent 35 seconds eric you have 35 seconds to catch up for trent wins i'm not sure about this though let's go ahead you can do it i believe in you oh click one of these two videos to see us compete in another competition and uh yeah he wins again remember we love you guys she activate that big mac
Channel: JustDustin
Views: 3,344,184
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: D2R9ZunutOg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 48sec (828 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 19 2022
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