ESCAPING THE SINKING LUSITANIA! - Real-Time Lusitania Sinking Gameplay

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dad peers to be oh oh okay I think it was a little too close to the torpedo strike oh geez okay I thought I saw something coming I want to keep up with the latest Komodo gaming videos be sure to subscribe and click that Bell hello YouTube komodo gaming here bring you guys the sinking of the Lusitania now this is a brand new experience that I actually found through another youtuber called spam Emal's which I think I'm saying that right it's actually a really cool youtuber does a lot of ship videos actually a sub Damac Uppal months ago but yeah if you want to check him out I definitely suggest doing that and this is a free experience I'll provide a link down in the description but it actually models the whole ship you can kind of walk around it does a real-time sinking and it kind of explains it has a really good documentary which I can't show because of copyright reasons but it has a really good documentary explaining how the ship went down now the ship went down on May the 7th 1915 it was actually synced by a torpedo from a German u-boat the German u-boat I think believed that there was some sort of war supplies on the ship which I think there was ammunition on the ship if I'm not mistaken but the ship went down fast it went down and I think under 20 minutes so this experience is actually to go through those events and you will actually experience the sinking of the ship now beforehand we're actually going to do a little bit of exploration which there is an option for that but yeah we're going to walk around and check this thing out and then we will go through the sinking process alright this thing is absolutely gorgeous like I said links to both spam and moles and link to this little demo are provided down below but yeah this thing is magnificent is actually really really huge I'm excited to go kind of check out what we can I know there's certain areas that aren't available like I can't go into every I think interior of the ship like all the doors but man it's actually quite impressive what's been done here like the model the graphics it's actually gorgeous so we're gonna make our way look around the ship a little bit and then we will go to the full experience now I'm not gonna do the full 20 minutes we'll kind of do some of the highlights and we'll we'll see how it is I'm actually really curious I watched a little bit of spam in moles video but I didn't want to spoil too much of it so we'll have to see here look at water alright so here we are on the side of the ship I swear that I've sank the ship in storm works like I think we have and Wow hello this thing is so impressive how big it is so you've got your lifeboats here I know quite a few people perished I think it was right around 2000 people aboard I believe right around I think 1,200 1,100 perished I'm kind of curious how this is gonna work I don't believe there's actually NPCs or anything aboard so you're just gonna experience the ship sinking but I'm kind of curious if the lifeboats are gonna deploy or what's gonna happen there all right oh is that the horn oh jeez man I love this this is actually really really awesome so here is the wheelhouse I don't think we can actually interact with the controls or anything we just kind of look at them we can go inside of here man that's cool alright you can also explore the ship at night if you want to I think that would be a pretty neat option let's go up here I've kind of curious how many decks there are like you've got this top deck I know there's a deck below us like can we see down in there yeah you see a little bit inside the ship I don't think you can see inside this one yeah like I said no interior but it's really just the exterior and there's certain areas where it does seem like you can go inside now I don't know where this thing was struck at so when we do the experience I don't know if we're just allowed to just walk around and then eventually something's gonna happen and I guess it's gonna go down I'm really curious as to what this is gonna be like all right so we're heading up to the bow here you can see where the anchors are coming down those huge chains that is cool alright so there's a lot more areas I could probably go over I think it'd probably be better to go over it as the event is unfolding so I think we're ready to start it up like you said if you want to check this out definitely do it because there is a pretty cool documentary that plays ahead of this and gives you all the information about this event alright here we are we're ready for the events to unfold we are actually moving now I don't know where this torpedo is gonna come from I'm actually kind of curious about that but if you guys are enjoying stuff like this on the channel maybe something a little bit different let me know down in that comment section below and maybe hit that thumbs up button alright looking around a lot of cabins aboard I think we're on the bottom deck that we're allowed to go to here so I need to I'll probably actually want to be up by the lifeboats I'm curious about that look in question is did the torpedo just come out of nowhere sir did they actually see the u-boat surface that I don't know I'm waiting for an explosion I'm actually kind of afraid I don't know where to be for this I'm actually gonna go up a deck here and we'll kind of get a feel for this they're gonna actually see land over there yeah this thing was not that far off the coast when it was sank I think that's why so many people did actually survive uh looking off the side what is what side are we looking for here oh boy this is kind of a eerie feeling alright so from what I've read this thing actually was hitting the starboard bow so it's gonna be up here towards the front wherever it gets hit do we really want to position ourself in this area I'm kind of curious okay I'm looking off the side don't see anything yet how far can we go up here before the deck ends is the question ah look in okay see the shadows off the boat I must say I'm actually really really impressed by the way this looks this is a very very cool little demo here okay we're gonna kind of set I think in this area and we'll just be on the lookout I don't know like I said if the u-boat actually surfaced any or if it was even visible or if it might have just been all of a sudden shock of that torpedo hitting the side of this thing wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute okay so I'm seeing it is that it's dream of wait a minute uh-oh Dada Dada peers to be oh oh okay I think it was a little too close to the torpedo strike oh geez okay I thought I saw something coming uh wait which way do we go here all right she has been struck by the torpedo we need to back off I saw some life boats get blown off there I know I was just sitting there looking out the water oh it's about this team oh no no no no no no no okay let's get up to the next deck and see if we can get towards the lifeboats oh jeez I just heard another explosion above us yeah I was sitting there and I started to notice something in the water and that's exactly what that was that was Corvino geez it did not take this thing long to start listing at all okay let's just get up to one of the top decks that way we have access to the lifeboats and let's go see the damage that was a pretty nasty hit okay can I get up this ladder hmm okay let's go up to the next deck and here we go oh man yep she's smoking she's listing really bad too okay so how do I get to okay we go through here let's get to the next deck this is pretty cool alright let's go down over here can we see some of the damage okay I don't want to walk too close to the edge I think we could fall off this thing oh yeah I see lifeboats being thrown around the stacks are all smoking the front three are the fourth one appears to be okay hon let's go back through here yeah there was two explosions as the initial torpedo hit and I don't know what the secondary explosion was let's go over here oh man yeah I hit through here that's where I saw those lifeboats falling off okay yeah she's leaning really bad let's go up here I don't know where I mean I'm sure she's taking on water all below deck here I don't know where we want to be to be able to experience this haunts go up here I think there's a chance we can actually get on the lifeboats here hon let's just sit still she yeah she's slowly list and I think she's actually going down a little bit on the front here yeah okay let's go up to the wheelhouse here ooh oh I can hardly make it up this now I don't wanna get stuck let's go and get down here can I go to the next deck let's go around to the front here alright so question is are they deploying lifeboats so they deploy it on this side let's see lifeboats appear to be up right now alright let's just get back over here to this side that was pretty intense like it was just that anticipation because I had no clue when that was that going to actually happen it just took it awhile then it was all the sudden was like hey there's something in the water and boom oh man that was pretty cool I almost want to go down to one of the lower decks to see where this thing's taking on water I think it starts to sink more towards the front and then eventually just goes completely down it is not going to take it long here we're about I want to say two maybe three minutes after torpedo strike so realistically if this thing is in real time it probably has any orders between 15 17 minutes I want to say it's more towards the 18 minute area how long it took the Seine to go down alright so we want to be on the lookout for lifeboats going down but I actually want to try to go below deck real quick and I see if we can see is this thing is taking on water that water line is getting close here alright let's see we can go through there to get to the other side and debating like I want to get towards the front of the boat but I think you have to hop over like a ladder or something so it's maybe set on this side as it starts to go forward yeah we are really not that far off the coast at all so I wonder how quick the rescue effort was as soon as they noticed that this thing was going down at a distress call went out I'm really kind of curious about that alright let's go ahead let's try to head towards the front of the boat here alright this is about where we started can we go any further for no this is about where you're gonna be oh it's pretty bad they look at the windows and you see mostly water here oh oh ok nope that's water starting to come up on ok let's start to walk towards the back the boat here well let's keep an eye on this yeah she's definitely she started to go down now he's just gonna take it a little bit it's not like storm works you know there's some storm work ships that do literally take 20 to 30 minutes to go down but yeah we're just got to wait here in anticipation I just heard something splash what was that I was that a lifeboat that was deployed I think I know the lifeboat just fell off the deck ok you know what maybe that's where we should be and I'm assuming that's what it is hon I could see their moving lifeboats ok so they are starting to deploy them yeah I could see one moving back here halt let's get a view okay I'll see water on this deck yet I want to see what's going on up there though there's a lifeboat here in the rear I guess they're going one at a time should we jump on one of those I don't know I think we're gonna stay on the ship as long as possible let's see what was moving up here ok I'm trying to see if there oh look at that I could see more water down the end of the hall there or at the end of the deck alright can't confirm they are starting to evacuate the ship you could see the lifeboat it's slowly moving down another one just dropped there yeah those are slowly going to actually I think it's just this one slowly going down I can see water at the end of the deck here this is getting pretty bad we'll move here in a second I know we do want to get on one of the lifeboats but I want to be with the ship as it goes down that was a big splash yeah they've got to be dropping I wonder if their drop it on the other side ha let's go to this side real quick it's gonna get hard to walk on this thing here momentarily let's see do we have lifeboats being deployed over here wait are they already gone ah I can't really see them okay now I see some up there I think it did drop one of them appears to be gone yeah they're lowering on this side - what's that would you rather be on though starboard or the port side maybe the port side would be a little bit better I'm not really sure okay yeah you can see those are going down and those are moving a little bit huh let's go check this water see how quickly it's rising oh yeah you see it here it is slowly coming up okay so I think our best bet right now is to definitely run and we're probably gonna go up to the top deck with the lifeboats and we should be able to get a view of the bow and see what it looks like yeah that that's actually coming up pretty quick alright let's get to the back we need to find a stairwell I think the stairwells are primarily in the back of the ship to get up to the next deck I don't know kind of what is the purpose of that is it to keep the classes separated you would figure they'd have some extra stairwells on the sides here but there probably is a purpose for that on the ship if anybody knows they can always a comment below but let's go ahead we're gonna move up a deck here alright here we are at lifeboats we could potentially go down on one of those here in a minute I don't know are we even moving forward yeah we're still cruising forward a little bit we're not going that fast I'm not sure what the top speed was on this thing alright let's go ahead go around here see I love the yeah the boats are being lowered it seems like they're being lowered from the front I'm pretty sure where the damage is they're not lowering those boats on purpose of course you got a couple that have been moved off but there's a boat way down there that looks to be still really far up all right let's get up on here we'll get on one of these boats here in a second hopefully my character can't sink I hope I can swim because I like to see this thing go down alright let's go ahead and keep going up here to the front all right so the bow you can see it's kicking up water but it actually isn't under water yet so that's leading me to assume there's the deck that we were on down there's just a little bit lower I guess it curves up a bit oh this lean is pretty insane yeah I don't think these boats here are going down we're gonna let it set for a second no it's definitely not all right let's see check my time we are about I want to say eight to nine minutes into the sink so I'm assuming once this thing decides that it's going it's going fast because we're still quite a bit out of the water here I can hear a lot of water rushing though that's a pretty frightening noise I'm hearing stuff drop or we drop in lifeboats should I jump on him one of these uh we're not too far from the shoreline I don't think I can swim that but let's see haunts go on the side okay look at the bow again we have water yes there's water now seeping up on it oh yeah that is not good these lifeboats are pretty close to being a yeah they're not that far from the water I'm pretty sure they're gonna be deploying him here in a second let's see is this one even going down I don't know if that one's going down I think this is right where the damage is what's that rattling noise come on look over Oh that water's starting to rush okay I'm trying to think of the position we want to be in do we want to go up on the maybe we'll go up the side here oh oh that list okay yeah we're barely moving anymore so it might be okay - oh it's getting hard to move might be okay to get on one of these lifeboats here there goes that one wait that means the water is really rushing right now oh oh oh okay alright time to move up move up move up move up man that is cool Oh okay come on do we want to get up I mean we could get on world's lifeboats over on that side maybe that would be bit oh geez oh geez okay this thing's going really fast now okay go go go go go go all right you know what I'm gonna hop down a lifeboat here you could wait for deployment this is insane how far it's listing okay let's make sure we get on a lifeboat that's actually moving here and hop up on that that one going down the whole ships going oh what's that noise things making some strange noises here okay let's give it another check I mean I'm a little confused as what we're supposed to do right now obviously if it was in real life I'd be on a lifeboat and get the heck out of here oh I just slid down okay she's going no no what a feet right here can I get off in the water and swim is that it is that a feature okay just hop up okay I'm going for a lifeboat now if I can make it oh I might need the waters assistance here come on water get me up here come on come on bro oh boy this is not this is not pleasant actually okay shall we ease off in the water now the ship's still definitely moving so I'm getting pinned a little bit okay come on come on I need to oh there we go almost got it no no it's so hard to move up right now shall we go for a lifeboat on the other side I'm thinking about just getting off and going on them one of the other lifeboats no we're gonna make it we're gonna get to a lifeboat here as soon as I can figure out how to navigate the water okay I got this I mean I'm hearing explosions it's not good oh there we go yes okay we're on this side of the ship what are those explosion noises Oh No think another oh okay she's going down we're gonna hop on is that boat floating yes it is alright get on this boat you don't smoke whoo we made it whoa now that that is something holy man up wait wait where my boat Gohan get on this boat wait why are the lifeboats going down did we not detach these all right you know what go cuckoo cuckoo cuckoo okay am i walking on water right now okay oh now this is a sight Wow all right there's a floating lifeboats over here that I could probably get to man this is a cool little experience all thank you you could be on any part of this boat where it goes down you imagine this a VR this would be insane all right I'll try to get to the lifeboat over here Oh Oh trying to give you guys a good view this yellow the lifeboat is being pulled under right now so looks like the only safe ones we're towards the back actually look at the other side quite a few of those made it off on it up here oh man that is insane all right I think we're safe here I'm not gonna flood this wait what okay there it goes it's a it's kind of creepy because that is real time like that is a full real-time scene that's how quick this thing went down it did not take its time at all but it was ready to go is gone up wave offer Wow it's still spitting up water we got rescue coming okay so quite a few lifeboats didn't make it off he's gone wow that was intense that was extremely awesome though that was uh is this thing turning are we going somewheres are we going to shore I'd be down to go to shore right now yeah that was a that was something that was very very impressive so like I said you can go check out the ship in just a normal explore mode where you don't have the impending doom obviously we're gonna wrap up the episode over there but definitely I suggest you guys check this out if you're any bit interested in like history and I mean just an experience like this is this is really something that's gonna wrap up this episode hopefully you guys enjoyed this this was something a little bit different but this is actually a really cool experience and I highly recommend if your PC can handle it definitely go check this out it is free down in the link in the description also go check out spam bowls very cool seeing him I don't know where you found this work I know where he found it but I know how you found it but this is a very cool so if you want to go check out his channel he's got a lot of cool ship episodes does some syncing simulator floating sandbox and of course he does stuff like this you know I want to pick yes Rob love and support on the channel you guys are absolutely amazing and we will see you guys next time look at that view that is awesome [Music]
Channel: Camodo Gaming
Views: 710,876
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sinking ship simulator, sinking lusitania, lusitania, lusitania sinking, lusitania sinking real time, lusitania sinking gameplay, simulation games, simulation games 2019, sinking sandbox, sinking ship survival, sinking ship, titanic sinking, how the lusitania sunk, and this happened, lusitania game, lusitania movie, lusitania gameplay, camodo gaming, camodo gaming sinking ship, camodo gaming sinking simulator
Id: JM7SGbcea-U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 12sec (1332 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2019
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