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ready excuse me hold on Shark Boy yeah yeah yeah that was wild that sounds like something you've been saving for like a year just for me dude today we're playing minigames but not just any mate money games these are fun minigames showing I think we should just jump into it you know I'm not talking let's stop standing in this and honestly that's like we're in the beginning of a horror map it's kind of let's just start this mini game number one red and blue in this mini game you have to reach the other side oh I think okay so I think maybe the red blocks will disappear and it says click here to start the mini game okay okay you ready yeah I guess is it starting Oh flip Oh what okay okay I see I see I see oh no oh my gosh okay I get it I got it I get it I get it I get it wait where's the next one after this oh my god I want to go dude so difficult I don't know where to go out today hold on okay stay back Oh teleports me back okay look I stand here and then I jump okay okay okay okay okay what the heck and then you jump there you go oh my gosh where's the next one I don't remember is the most difficult minecraft minigame I was late okay sorry the problem is I found out the problem whenever you die I die as well so yes I both die oh my gosh oh I think we should go okay go one at a time all right okay go ahead I got this hey come on Nathan you got this I gotta Falls I gotta focus focus diddly Doukas okay there we go now it's my turn I don't even know where the blue one is on it's to the top this is an extremely difficult minigame yes especially for our first 100 this you're halfway there I don't know where the next color is oh oh my gosh I got this shark I got this game well I'm gonna die Oh shark okay I'm not doing it again what here's something Oh Oh Minnie game number two okay so maybe you can take on this next minigame what is this in this minigame you have to explore an ancient sea temple you must complete both paths where there's two different paths okay so shark you go right I go left okay okay all right let's go let's go oh dude it's really dark okay yeah this is fun oh my gosh what the heck is this where I know this was in an ocean monument going I'm in a giant like lava temple thing dude I can't even see where I'm going where I go now Oh shark there's two different ways to go again really oh geez okay hopefully one is a day I mean I'm in a mate I'm in a maze right now you're an amazing okay wait I found a button was that done a button did I win okay I press the buttons didn't do anything I'm trying to figure out how to get around this place it's literally pitch-black where I'm at and I can't see anything right now yeah it is pretty it is pretty dark over here there okay okay oh my good okay I'm gonna try this different way anything I've got the two buttons right now that's about it find any buttons I just there's just a bunch of ladders and maybe Lucy what the heck I hear saliva no oh wait yeah I ran through lava okay you ran through lava I swear like an underwater fish tank almost I just had to swim through it okay maybe I have to be fast maybe I have to be quick you have completed one a few paths start here and the other one and finish ok did you fly that side right I don't even know how to finish ok there's ok hold on I know oh wait there's buttons on this side too oh my gosh I just ran to the same side why I'm so confused right now I'm so confused path Koki oh did you beat it for a door in this mini game you will have to get to the other side of his corridor alive be careful this could kill you yeah alright okay come on was about to disappear it's okay we got ya so we have to make it through both alive or one of us has to make it there alive because whenever you die oh my gosh dude ready okay you ready okay try please do die okay okay we're good here okay and ready we're good we're good oh my gosh oh my gosh okay wait as I landed on it that's a bunch of baloney wait you're still live in a way for you yeah I didn't oh my gosh you didn't die oh my god speed run it back oh okay okay alright what a flip dude okay we got to take it slow deep we got it we grow I got shot with an arrow no I got no no I died I got shot with an arrow and it flew me into the laser he said and that's so Opie okay walk it here alright alright alright I didn't make the first one I wasn't paying attention okay there we go oh wow did you die I think I may have oh my gosh you need to take a timeout you need to take you need to take a timeout alright yeah make it make it all the way to the parkour and then let me try my best to do the parkour it only gets more difficult after the parkour - so that's that's fun oh I didn't go there go okay alright strike I'm gonna try the parkour okay if you touch that glass I believe Todd shreddy that glass let it go I didn't I think I got a really slow on that okay I know right back hmm ready go I literally I literally jumped when it was almost oh my gosh are you exactly have to do for that one dude that one is going to be difficult okay I can get through this part pretty fast now oh my gosh you guys if you die if you die right here Chuck you stay there you stay there shark shark shark I swear I didn't I hang on shark just let me try this okay let me just try to do this thing is difficult I'm not gonna lie is it difficult like no maze we got here there we go Oh flip Oh Oh flip just just go sharks you go without me try your best good luck buddy good luck are you ready I'm gonna do it with you all oh my gosh oh my gosh yeah I made it I made it we're good you know what shark I think it's fair we've done this level quite a bit I think I think we should set spawn points let's just do it let's just do spawn points that that will be good yeah I'm gonna set a spawn point right there okay I set my spawn point right here so if I ever if I ever die Chuck shark look you have to jump when it touches the side over here when it look when it lands right here you jump oh you'll get it you'll get it don't worry though oh are you serious are you flippin serious right now good luck buddy this part is impossible I'm gonna go on the other side no way I'm not gonna go on the other side this is a bunch of baloney is my mouth a lot bigger than I thought because all these things are pushing me off how do you know how do you know which ones are gonna look down look down there's only like three or four then there's this the long hallway with a button I think we beat it I think we beat it if we actually just pull my gosh no way or maybe or maybe we're just in a dark room dark room forever eight do we have this is our prize is this the prize you ready move maybe we got to find another button oh my gosh there's nothing in here there you were in a dark room I'm in Asuma Tory bad or soo mad you gotta be almost dead you gotta be almost dead you know there we go okay shark what do you see on the other side what do you see on the other side oh my gosh Nathan what did you did you teleport somewhere nice yep yep I can I just have what 209 what did what no not oh nine yeah yeah Oh what is this I don't know Oh Marty day just the parkour what is this really easy yeah I don't know it doesn't seem that difficult it's like so much what is some really easy Parker okay yeah it kind of is it's like yeah I know alright cuz like this is like it's like a nice little Joyride for a second yeah Oh flip the teleport all the way down or didn't oh my gosh yes we do we're liking some sort of volcano right now sorry no way I'm pretty sure but parkouring down a volcano is the weirdest volcano I've ever seen in my life yeah but certainly this is that one have a race easiest level I'm gonna have a race already died Nathan oh well catching up behind you you see if you won't just want to slow down like you know no and we are your and Renly neighbor no no okay I'm good I'm glad are you serious do i Bristo I want to start are you kidding me yeah you want to start the race sure let's do it if you if you die I get in first place we're starting the race oh my gosh oh my gosh are you kidding me frog does not work out yeah dude I'm not used to this I see it and I'm like oh it's so pretty I want to swim in you know what oh you die never but you overthink them well yeah it's cuz like the map creator really has a brain when he made this because he's like you know what I'm gonna make this super easy but I'm gonna make it extremely long because the players that play this they're gonna get really confident they're gonna think it's easy and then they're gonna end up dying so many times just like that just like that's how everyone's gonna die just like that Nathan you're making a good trail for me here huh oh my gosh I almost died there I'm not gonna realize Trail yeah you get nervous this is the farthest I've made it so far I'm my gosh so much man saying I'm holding I'm really stressed out right now dive I put that there you actually know I'm kidding yeah it was there actually a barrier block I swear there's the barrier block dude there's no way I could have missed that oh my gosh check I made it I made a yay minigame number five archery oh no nice check boy you have not seen my skills you have not seen mine man back in the day all right let's do this easy 1 1 2 3 4 got that or I think I got that one I don't know if I got that one come on I got it hey I got it did you get this back one yeah is there any more oh truck there's another one oh my gosh how are we supposed to hit that look it's all the way in the back everything maybe we missed this one over here this one has not has not been pressed dot here we go there we got it got it got it got that's everything there we go three actually we use an elevator oh my gosh Oh shucks this is the fanciest minigame I've ever seen in my life where are we going this is a long elevator house every day sure okay what is this I'm nervous Oh number four we've hit the buttons on them okay yeah they point up right whoa wait oh no no no no shock we're not doing this again we're not doing this yeah no there's a variant one right here no no we're not doing this again okay uh we're in a scary room again sorry I think we broke the mini-game again well last time it teleported us to the next minigame so let's try to get there you know what I can make this easy you ready yeah wait what wait did it actually I didn't upward to the right one teleport anywhere either oh wait we're away what whoa in this minigame you have to complete something I call them micro games which are basically small chambers with a single or multiple challenges or that starts a mini game and preceded okay what do we do with this is so easy watch this ready one two three four good night wow what is this over here oh all we gotta get the water okay where does have to end up that's the real question there's like a set right here there's an observer block right here okay so all of these have to be open okay so we need to hear shark flick the levers okay so all we need to yeah oh wait wait we're good we're good we're good oh wait wait wait undo the one you just did yeah we're good look it should flow no all the way around look yeah oh hey yeah oh my gosh there's two there's tubes if it works okay okay okay one oh wait okay this is turned off oh wait then it activates that one actually that one what if we boys alright wait don't touch this one don't touch this one this one's good and the last two ones are good okay so where's this one dude oh wait but it lifts this one up how does this one control two different Pistons okay put it yeah but look there's a piston up here now where there's bucks right here yeah okay hold up how wait wait okay hold up I know we can do here okay this is I got you there's that now this one should lead to this one it'll go right to that that one now we need to make sure that I think they have to get to both yeah they have to get to both hey the water reaches this side so we're good on this side ready but the other side no wait look there's a piston here blocking it Oh is there okay and then there's two other Pistons there's two other Pistons right here are you breaking the door yeah yeah you work on breaking the door I'm gonna try to figure this out this doesn't make any sense okay yeah we're going to the next okay yep this is giving me way too much of a Hey I'm not doing Matt what is this my favorite level what is happening to you Sharky okay yeah you're running you're running extremely fast what do you mean if you run it yeah yeah just not moving stop moving it I'm not moving I'm not moving hang on hang on I gotta I gotta see this with with night vision oh my gosh sorry Nathan stop moving boy in his final form he's moving extremely fast Charlotte keep crouching crabs really fast I don't think you can see it I think it's just me but I think this video nunchuck boys broken the map life's great so much for watching but shark I think you're gonna be stuck running for the rest of your life yeah you're gonna turn into something else you're not gonna be a shark anymore come on yeah no I'm gonna be human shark thank you so much for watching I will see you tomorrow in a brand new video [Music] [Music]
Channel: UnspeakableGaming
Views: 2,122,665
Rating: 4.9143739 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, unspeakablegaming, unspeakable, mini game, mod, gaming, game, custom, map, crazy, spotlight, showcase, challenge, roleplay, modded, mods, games, maps, secret, redstone, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, tutorial, traps, trolling, glitch, funny, moments, craziest, prank, pranks, no cursing, no swearing, creations, facts, minigame, how to, house, parody, troll, adventure, comedy, video, unspeakablegaming minecraft, troll smp
Id: 2HPZsiEMfl0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 19sec (1159 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2019
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