Escapee | Full Movie | Horror Thriller | Dominic Purcell | Christine Evangelista

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[Music] for e for for [Music] all units officer in pursuit of a suspect runed in a killing of a young girl earlier today be advised suspect could be armed and dangerous [Music] good J go go here he's getting away get pick anything up they got sit than put your hands in the air get down on the ground get on the ground all units the suspect have been CAU [Music] okay we're about to begin now in regards to the patience it's not always what you see but what you don't see that is most revealing what the hell does that mean sh listen I can't believe I let you talk me to take you this stupid class now some of you'll find that with certain patients all the dots are connected okay look uh we still have some people missing so let's wait a few minutes then we'll go upstairs Abby can I speak to you a moment sure um I just want you to know that if you want you can be excused from the observation trip today I understand how this could be traumatic with your father having been a patient here you don't have to give me special privileges Professor I knew what I was doing when I took this class I appreciate that my father killed himself when I was 9 years old I've been waiting a long time to do this okay well maybe it'll help you move on find closure huh maybe I think you'll do well in this field Abby patience will be drawn to you than okay looks like everyone's here to late let's go on up wait just what I've always wanted to do take your F Tri to the network it's better than sitting in class fine we agree on something so what about the tailgate party oh I can't what do you mean you can't I have to cram for finals you can cram tomorrow I promised Abby promised her what that I would study with her come on we have to focus oh I'll give you something to focus on okay everyone gather around for all you that showed up today oh this is Fred are you sir officer Ramos he's going to be showing us around he's got some name tags he's going to pass out write your name on the tag and stick it somewhere where we can actually see it no anybody need a pen she's doing that could hear you God now for all of you that actually showed up today remember this is worth 10 extra credit points on your final grade now if everyone's ready let's go inside okay I just had a visual of them and I'm completely grossed out that is so trouble it's so gross what just Stu now I want us to be aware how patients are diagnosed who's being treated for what and how the different Wards separate them through here we got a Cod orange transporting right now right now okay everyone listen up we have a code orange a highrisk patient is coming through right now everyone turn and face the wall right now everybody turn around and face the wall now it's mandatory that you do not make eye contact until we tell you that it's all clear don't make eye contact stop girls no talking please [Music] [Music] you're mine you're mine you're beautiful him back to his stay here with him freak myself out Abby are you okay yeah I think so did he hurt you no no I'm fine you sure yeah listen you don't have to finish the tour if you don't want no I'm fine really I'm fine okay in the future I'd appreciate if the dangerous patience were kept clear when my student tours are in session okay okay everyone follow me give you a call and check on you later okay is everyone okay [Music] [Music] go go go your ass in there milk and cookies please I know you're very funny no you are all right man I'll get right on it see you soon oh detective Jensen yeah officer what's the rush oh sorry I'm late my shift starts in a few minutes can I buy you another one you don't have time you're right um I'll take one tomorrow though let me guess double nonfat latte almost triple grande deal tomorrow 3 p.m. make that 2:30 2:30 right [Music] [Music] [Music] hey Abby hey what's up you look a little spun my psychology class went on a field trip to Parker hospital today e creepy had it go one of the patients attacked me you're kidding I mean it was my fault I didn't listen to the professor we weren't supposed to look at the Patients aby's breaking rules what is this world coming to was he hot Lynn ridiculous just wondering hey Renee hey so is Abby really going to stay home and study tonight yes she said well yeah I mean that's okay uh my ship is over at 7 so you know I can come by and pick her up all right great um wait can you hang on a second sure hey I got to call you back okay all right bye hey what's the matter with you yeah this is Jad I need medical assistance and D Cel over over did you know that chat was working at Parker hospital now eh cute but not there yet still a fan of his hand hand three times a day here how do you know that let's just say I have my sources I know a girl who dated him and she found magazines under his bed and the pages were stuck together and it wasn't glue TMI okay whatever I'm just saying you need to date someone older like a man Jason was older he was 26 hello he had hair in his ears I still don't understand how you dated him he was sweet yeah sweet and Woolly what happened to him anyway you remember we broke up because he was being transferred to a bigger city yeah well that's what he told you life are you going to study or harass me all night harass first study later should be fun are you hungry I can eat great all macaroni and cheese please I knew that was a setup go get it I'm going get on iters to get out your umbrellas should be ofile dos willing us what's wrong with him at first he was yelling about his stomach and he coughed up blood and he's been like this for the last few minutes all right go switch with Ray in the lobby tell him to get up here quick because he moves slow all right keep your radio on call the doctor go got it tee what what are you doing that's so disgusting I'm sorry I guess I'm off my game it's okay I'll pretend to like it from a long line of bad cooks my grandma was the worst she couldn't make toast your grandma left you this house that makes up for it it's a little worse for wear but beats living in a dorm with dorks right but living in the dorm doesn't make you a dork I used to live in the dorms yeah like you know the only thing that sucks about this place is that it's so close to The Nut House not all the patients at Parker mental hospital are crazy they're just misunderstood uh no they're crazy I mean they're freaking psychos my dad wasn't what my dad was a patient at Parker for 3 years he wasn't crazy Abby I didn't mean it like that I was kidding I sorry I had no idea it's [Music] fine hey Harmon talk to me man who's that it's Carter Carter don't look right hello Carter hello Lynn hi Abby hey you left your paper on the sidewalk supposed to get quite the storm this even thanks sorry to bother you oh it's all right we were just studying you can interrupt that anytime is everything okay everything is fine dispatch receive a call from Miss Anderson great what's wrong with our nosy neighbor now she didn't mean that in a bad way yeah I did what's wrong she mentioned she saw someone standing in your living room window a little while ago our window here that's really creepy I'm sure it's nothing to worry about she probably thinks it's the same person that was uh looking into her place the other night why would anyone want to stare at her just stop I feel sorry for her no she's just doing this for attention is there anything that we could do no no that's what I'm here for she just expressing concern you ladies being here all alone good want to stay for dinner I'm sure Carter has things to do actually I'm on duty so maybe some other time well Abby here loves to cook well look forward to it take a rain check you ladies have a good evening now this is 17 code clear that hurt yeah good maybe that'll remind you to never do that again do what you're so [Music] embarrassing strange what one of my books is missing hey [Music] hey I hate wet clothes G I hate studying Rene the window is open so I'm starving try eating amazing how it works so you cooked Abby did it is awful you should have some it sounds tempting right by the way that was so scary today are you okay oh yeah I'm fine G that guy totally creeped me out you're lucky he didn't hurt you yeah seriously that's what I said he just needs some help you guys should be more compassionate okay yeah totally oh my God you just missed Carter ooh the cute cop yeah my God guess what he told us miss and as a peeper shut up it's not funny that's one hard up peeper what she's lonely who would do that ever who would want to watch her do that you Len listen any are you going to study with us tonight uh no I am going to go to the tail gang party you guys want to come I wish you know who was asking me about you today no sh Chad [Music] [Applause] really yeah there's a lot of blood in his mouth Parker Hospital you bi since someone over all right I'll tell them hey this is chat they're sending someone over right now over for look [Music] [Music] is it really 7:00 microwave never lies great the shirt I want to wear is still on washer God I hate the Thunder it gets me every single time you might want to hurry I might not have a dryer for much longer want you come with me I'll go with you it's got a flashlight good idea have fun [Music] that's it yes important Abby AB have you hold on hold on what it's me I know it's you okay well I'm going to leave here in a few minutes to pick you up are you ready no I need like an hour an hour yeah all the beer is going to be gone is that all you can think about beer no well trust me when you see me tonight beer will be the last thing on your mind bye bye scared us any day you guys are taking forever it's getting really bad out there that we should get back inside well wait I guess I guess I'll just dry it with my blow dryer okay whoa okay so who found him Hospital Tech she was working in the graveyard shf no one touched anything did they come on now detective how long you know me I'll take that as a note we got another victim though male found him near the front guard booth apparently he was strangled with a towel the hell hey buddy you okay for oh God I left the storage room window open the rain I'll close it I need a break anyway thank you what do you think I think you better be wearing your best dundies oh always that's my girl ow ow so what's up stuff is so boring are you coming jeez are you sure the tailgate party is still happening oh well if it's not I guess we'll have to find another way to entertain ourselves I'm sure you will MH [Music] Renee wait is that Abby yes come on my gosh Abby the door slamed shut behind me and I couldn't open it it's just spinning around on the storage room side so frustrating I mean it was working fine yesterday just it stripped it needs to be changed and my grandma never fixed anything let's just prop it open for now and we'll have mac Fix It Mac I'll be sure not to be around he bugs me everybody bugs out everybody so three bodies including the one in the suspect cell yep who chap gains is here oh I figured yeah well I'll give you to some space holl if you need anything oh you know I will how many victims three and it looks like this suspect took this one's clothes so we have a suspect mhm yep only missing patient Harmon Jackson we found one of the guards lying in his cell one guy did all of this nobody else is missing fits his profile what did he do killed his ex-girlfriend why is he in a mental hospital drove his ex-girlfriend to the woods hung her up by her ankles and skinned her like a squirrel a hunter mhm pleaded Insanity your dad was a hunter wasn't it yep he was I used to hunt with him when I was a little girl you think you can get in in this guy's head oh I'm already there okay it's yours if you drive me back to the station oh you so have a deal terrific looks like another storm it should pass through by tomorrow I check the radar oh um you know the suspect attacked a girl here earlier today I I wouldn't dwell on it I mean we got to catch this guy first right right promise you'll go out next week I will go out next week I just a study good Kyle's here don't stay out too late okay Mom text me jeez it's like the gapo don't wait up we're just jealous I'll see you guys later wait does he have a brother bye no I'm serious give him my number bye so he grew up south of here one sibling half brother same mother first husband left mother and two sons were all abused by the second husband she eventually disappeared Sons went to foster homes any photos just this one who's this Harmon's ex-girlfriend officer Ramos said she looks a lot like the girl that was attacked at the hospital earlier today you know anything about her University student maybe I could go talk to her no it's a waste of time we need more history on this guy let's find out where his mother is first yeah well there's not anything else in this file on the mother or the brother I can dig a Little Deeper see if I can find out anything else good you know things were pretty quiet around here before all this I prefer quiet I understand put an alert out to dispatch but don't let any this leak out to the Press we don't want to tip this guy off yes sir hey Mac my favorite handyman it's Lynn Peterson I need you our door handle is stripped and I was just wondering if you can come over here and fix it call me [Music] bye you are so full of it hey whatever it takes watch it watch your step what is going on where are we you'll see you in a second okay what what about the tailgate party who wants to hang out with a bunch of drunk amateurs look this will be fun okay okay look this is insane how far are you taking me just a bit more look just close your eyes Okay close my eyes yeah okay it's not that much further I'm nervous it'll be it'll be fine all right wait right here right here yeah okay open your eyes hello what do you think I can't believe this when did you do this when I was waiting for you to get ready this is so much better than the tailgate party yeah mhm you want a beer yes Chief gains did they catch him uh no we have at least a dozen officers out there looking for him but it's not enough he can't be far I want a deputy assigned to every neighborhood in the area until he's found I want every officer doing double shifts until this thing is over okay you got it you didn't give them any details did you no uh only detective hars I told everyone else he was a dangerous villain possibly armed good I can't have this guy killing any more people on my watch we won't let that happen sir anything else we covered everything then why are you still standing here I'll keep you posted did you hear that was so loud hello what time is it it's after 11: said M call you back no he flaked we should go to bed what about Renee don't expect to see her anytime soon Sellar is still working though amazing that the storm didn't knock it down oh it's Mac I am so good hey Mac is Maria oh hi Maria did um yeah that was me why did you need something yeah no I just needed him to help me fix something and did he call you no I didn't hear from him okay can you let me know if he calls yeah I I'll let you know if I do um okay bye oh my God Mac is so busted he left his phone at home I had no idea that he was married I feel so used we need a new handyman Jensen hi couldn't wait till tomorrow I'm sorry again enjoy Carter wait wait what was that don't worry about it no seriously I think there's someone outside Renee there's nobody out here trust me okay wait hey can you please go check it out and if I'm wrong I owe you big time all right all right have I told you lately how hot I think you are just don't move until I get back well hurry up Rene chill okay oh wait you might need this I'll be right back thank you let me go get your imaginary bad guy I'll be waiting hurry up I am relax it's probably just some animal or something what's taking so long I'm coming Stupid Bird yeah and don't come back who are you friend of Abby what are you doing here just passing through okay freak wait aren you the I thought that um we had discussed not leaking this to the Press I didn't yeah well uh I just saw it on the news well it was it me sir I want this crazy bastard found okay look I'm doing my best you'd better because the mayor is going to be up my ass and I'm going to be on yours until you find him understood understood sir good that's good Lynn Lynn come here Carter Lynn Abby is everything okay oh it's Mrs Anderson what happened she's dead what how we're thinking it's a heart attack a heart attack she seemed to be in really good shape for her age apparently there was an attempt at intrusion by her bedroom window maybe that scared her do you think it was the same guy she saw outside of our house it's a possibility okay now I'm creeped out all right don't worry okay we've got this I'm not going to let anything happen to you two okay I we better go Abby take this what is this it's a stun gun in case anything happens oh I don't here I'll take it I learned how to use one of these in my self-defense class they work all right I'll keep you posted on any additional information I get okay thank you what's taking so long Kyle what is going on of course no service of course no service Kyle Kyle what's going on Kyle Kyle come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on please officer Carter detective Jensen what are you doing here well I live here I mean I live next door Miss Anderson's my neighbor oh I see wow sorry yeah I'm sorry too she was a wonderful lady just it's Chief I got to get yes absolutely go ahead right well thanks for the coffee of course yeah Chief where are you now the old lady's house uh right Mrs Anderson's I just got here we just found a truck burning what a truck burning at the Wells place you know where it's at yeah I know the place we'll get over here okay I I'll be over in a minute okay thanks detective we found this outside the back window thanks d can you show me where you found this God I can't believe I lost one of my books I'm such a scattered brain use mine I'm flunking anyway hello Lynn it's Carter did you get the news about the storm no about the patient that escaped from Parker Hospital what listen don't worry all right we stepped up p trols in the neighborhood until we catch this guy he's probably miles away I'd just rather be safe than sorry wait this is so bizarre Abby was attacked by a patient di Parker what she didn't say anything to me about about that well she didn't want to make a big deal out of it but this is going to freak her out all right listen don't say anything just yet okay okay I won't just keep things locked up I'll check in with you guys shortly all right thank you who's that Carter really he just wanted to make sure we knew about the storm that was nice yeah I'm going to check on Renee great um I'm going to make some tea oh my God oh my God whoa what you got these kids found it burning about an hour ago they were at a tailgate party nearby anybody inside no who it belong to Max Santos he's local you know him kind of know his wife let me guess you dated her in high school oh it in the academy try and confirm the VIN number and get what you can out of these girls and get this thing out of here I'll be back at the station got it really how how long have I known you long time never shared that information with me yes I did oh really y I don't remember it female selective memory taking over oh is that what it is that's what it is minty my dear thank you did Renee text you back not yet forget it she's probably way wrapped up in Kyle somewhere by now for got a text from Renee it says I'm close yeah close to getting some I told you those too don't waste any time you're sick no just bored and tired can we please just finish this in the morning I want to go to sleep I guess you're right we are going to bed b [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Applause] crap the circuit breaker blew again yeah I'll go oute and turn it back on you want me to go with you give me a break I just need to flip a switch don't forget the flashlight I won in it's me oh my God what are you doing I came to help you did you get it not yet here let me hold the flashlight okay that was scary I know we should go before the sky opens up again you scared me so much here is your tea oh thank you and your phone Oh Renee texted me see you soon and she left a voicemail play it she but died you yeah you absolutely oh my God they were totally in the middle of it they might have even been close to being done your mind is so in the gutter Play it Again Play it Again Play it again no why not oh look she just texted me again oh great I'm outside ooh fun come on let's go get up oh my God AB Abby help me close the door it's me Professor Davis Professor Davis we didn't know it was you yeah after hours wouldn't you say I'm sorry uh you forgot your book I thought you might need it oh I was wondering what happened to this besides I uh I just wanted to check on you yeah well what about using the phone you freaking scared us half to death I didn't have your number oh but you know where we lived yeah funny story actually I used to mow your grandmother's yard yeah right you don't remember remember me not really anyway oh uh I almost forgot I found this it's Rene's phone thanks she she actually just texted us from outside earlier I just found it on the grass listen uh evidently a patient escaped from Parker hospital I know what why didn't you tell me Well Carter asked me not to say anything we didn't want to freak you out is it the same guy yes his name is Harmon Jackson but there's no need to panic the police are looking for him he has no way of finding you just stay inside and you should be safe okay listen I'm going to get going just make sure you keep your doors locked we will thanks you okay yeah we're fine thanks [Music] glad you could make it sorry I'm late Jesus and you better be getting close cuz I'm losing sleep over this guy so these are the victims huh any luck with that handyman um pars is getting in touch with his wife I bet he is hello yeah what when right now okay all right bye what what a patient at Parker Hospital said he had some information on Harmon good I don't know we have to go see him he wants to see us all right all right cut him down all right let's go carter yeah Lynn I got your message you said you found Rene's cell phone in the front yard um Professor Davis what was he doing there he was bringing Abby her books she left at school where did you say she went tonight she was supposed to be going to a tailgate party at Wilson's Pond all right I'll swing by there and see if anybody's still there okay thank you good okay thanks bye so that was pars he just spoke to the handyman's wife is that the woman he used to date right Maria anyway she told par she hadn't heard from him all day long him meaning Matt correct and she got home and she found his cell phone yeah I keep going she checked his messages and the last call he got was from Lyn Peterson to 11 oaklan isn't that the neighborhood that you were investigating that old woman's death yeah yeah it was and Peterson left across the street two co-eds live with her and that's at the West entrance of Charles Woods right right correct huh that's interesting let's see what this patient has to say yeah hello Carter what did you find out I'm at the tailgate party no one ever saw Kyler Renee that's weird don't worry we'll keep looking just keep everything locked up for now I'll come check on you later meanwhile you two try to get some sleep okay we'll try thank you did you find her so what have you got it's cute Lynn Lynn Lyn someone's outside Lynn wake up I what should we do [Music] Carter oh my God Carter what are you doing here you scared us half to death I knocked on the front door no answer I figured you didn't hear me meet us in front all right so I checked around outside everything seems to be okay you want to come inside no that's okay I can't stay it was just so weird that Rene's phone was in the front yard I mean she's just never without her phone all right when was the last time you heard from her I got a voicemail earlier but I couldn't understand it and the last text I got from her was before Professor Davis came by all right something's not right I'm going to get a missing person's report filed and let me see about getting a car posted outside until morning does that make you feel safe it makes me feel better me too thanks do you still have my stun gun I do all right I'm going to be in my car and tell a deputy to arrives well you can wait inside if you want still on duty L meanwhile you two guys can try to get some sleep I'm going to start on that paperwork so what do we do now I got to get more cigarettes don't you think we should check it out what Harmon's visitor it could have been anybody what if he was a cop let me get this straight this new Quack se's a guy in uniform talking to another quack and you want to take him back to the police station to see photos of cops how else are we going to know if he's lying oh okay all right getting ready to travel I got to go take a leak and I'll I'll see you back in the car let's look at some cop photos right Abby Abby Abby Abby Abby wake up wake up someone's trying to break in what I know we need to go get the cop come on what's his name officer Tyler officer someone's trying to break into the house someone's trying to break into the house okay ladies all right what seems to be the problem I heard a noise outside of our window where on the other side of the house right over there all right okay listen I want you to get in my squad car lock the doors don't come out till you see it's me okay we're with you no okay there's your culprit ladies a tree oh God you must think we're crazy no I never think that thank you officer yeah watch your girls head on back inside I can take care of this everything's going to be just fine how's it going he wants a soda hello hey sorry to bother you so late it's okay it's not like we're sleeping or anything just called told me about about the tree you guys okay yeah thanks to Deputy Tyler good hey just want to let you know they found the abandoned truck near the Tail part what color was it red it's Kyle's truck they found it I'm sure they R the tags by now I'll have Deputy Tyler call in for a confirmation ask about Renee what about Renee did she mention anything about going camping tonight no she hates camping why some Hunters found two bodies wood you don't you you don't you don't they haven't identified the bodies yet but as soon as they do I'll let you know okay what did he say he said they found a damaged 10 outside of Charles Woods and and there were two unidentified bodies it can't be Renee and Kyle they went to the party she hates [Music] camping for looks like a Transformer blue hell of a night I and my father are one where's Deputy Tyler who's in the back taking a nap any killing cops now huh mhm I uh met your neighbor yesterday at the hospital Abby looks a lot like sarbath stay away from her you understand whatever you say officer you know they're going to find you no they won't then I'm taking kicking you in I wouldn't recommend that it wouldn't look too good on your resume resume resume the hospital psychologist he knows you might have brother you dummy you have been a naughty naughty boy great my battery's going to die ah speaking of the devil for you I think we're both Naughty Boys you so much this Dutcher I'll will kill you oh now you sound like Mommy careful now put your gun on the dashboard pull the trigger do you really want me to pull the trigger that a boy okay what we [Music] I ly wake up I've been trying for like a half hour Deputy Tyler isn't answering his phone just try again he's probably sleeping my battery is going to die use my phone it's just ringing you're probably dialing the wrong number let me let me try I'm going with you what he's right outside you can watch me the whole street has lost power it's pitch black you're not going alone okay you're right let's go ready yeah let's go where is he I don't know let's go back in the house wait you know you go in front of me I'm really creeped out I know I feel like somebody's watching us we need to get more flashlights Lyn Lyn Lyn yeah this is Jensen did you get the judge's signature on that search warrant yet no what okay thanks bye hey detective no luck with the fingerprints on the flashlight whoever dropped this they knew to be wearing gloves thanks anytime yeah pars come back I need to check something else for me please thanks when l ly ly when when Professor Davis Professor Davis Professor Davis are you there [Music] carer corer it's heavy officer Tyler officer Tyler officer t oh God having a problem te no no problem at all are you coming I wouldn't miss it for the world okay tell me what's going on with you right now nothing he just seemed like a good guy that's all if I had a nickel for every time I heard a woman say that I'd retire let's go get him Lyn Lyn ly come on stop this isn't funny when when for pleas my that's officer Fighter's car I recognize the number mhm officer Carter detective Jensen for Abby come on open the door I don't think he's going to ask to score around back okay get away from me okay that didn't sound good came from across the street it's Lynn Peterson's house let's go you want to call it in No No Time come on Abby it's me Carter what's wrong he's here he killed Lynn who the patient from Parker hospital where is he's through there okay go to my car wait for me I'll call for backup detective Jus do you live here yes he escape Me's in there he killed my best friend in the house yes is there anybody else in there oh Mr Carter you have to help him all right come with me you're going to be okay it's going to be okay don't move why you going to shoot me I told you I'm taking you back in for wait Carter didn't do anything wrong why is he wearing handcuffs you're just going to have to take him in for some questions why Carter isn't the man you think he is savy I don't understand we just found out he's the escapes brother looky lookie came back positive on our boy let's go talk to him mhm Carter how's Abby she's fine do you want to explain your fingerprints on this and what's that this is a battery from a flashlight that we found outside Mrs Anderson's house for hello there how you doing you like some donuts oh no thank you you sure I'm good they're fresh they're hot I like the little H Berry you got going on hey Jerry I got you some donuts know how you like donuts oh God nurse nurse get in there [Music] [Music] [Music] I didn't want to wake you I made you some coffee glad you're my new roomie for [Music] [Music] oh there h [Music] for
Channel: Movie Central
Views: 400,784
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Action Full Movie, Classic, Free Movies, Free movies on Youtube, Full Movie, Hollywood movies, Horror Full Movie, Movie Central, Movie Central Free Movie, Movie Central Full Movie, Movies, Rom Com Full Movie, Sci-Fi Full Movie, b-grade, bigtime, comedy, drama, films, free full movies, full, hollywood, horror, latest free movies, movie, movies, popcornflix, sci-fi, watch free movies on youtube, Dominic Purcell, Christine Evangelista, Melissa Ordway, escapee movie
Id: RcLJDU8Azj8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 14sec (5774 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 29 2023
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