Escape Through Africa | Full Movie | Action Adventure | Eric Roberts

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foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign because hi we can all position here head down to investigate sergeant green nightmare right you hold position up here corporal right you three come and me [Music] I need to worry of the way he's working for the Germans that's for sure this is a Mouser he's probably a scout underestimate the grassland with respects her the world got on one with the land they do not underestimate they're going cool rifles [Music] [Applause] wow [Music] off my planet [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] something I can do for you I was having a dream I was terrible and I was well as a brilliant armor I was riding a stallion where did that leave me oh you went to Tower locked away being the newspaper and there was a firefitting dragon coming for you how terrifying I wrote an insulated Dragon but you had already left my father served me I went off a drinking with a bunch of wild hyenas we're laughing with them you will love them at me actually oh that is awfully cruel of me in my hyena charms indeed because there I was left this rather large disgusting Dragon course wow you're rather than a sourceful one I'm sure you made the most of it loathsome situation well indeed I did [Music] I have to say that I prefer to be the knight in shining armor of course and I failed to be laughing at you you have been in Africa far too long now [Music] there's a dragon now [Music] you really have been fantastic about all this sound with your uncle and everything well it's a fair price winner boy and you of course well after I get my promotion move into office of Housing and boy start a family again [Music] it's been a year since she passed [Music] I have to go I'm sorry I missed that me too [Music] we are healers not soldiers we are here to heal that includes ourselves one day we'll start a family again still not ready I'm sorry [Music] let's review the facts in closing shall we private documents in the officer's Vault when missing on your watch you're lucky and I tried for treason further your accusations or British personnel's misconduct are implausible and unsubstantiated justice has been upheld now will be served tank him away after we take care of the train business we need to find our documents and account for all Personnel if you are in question yes sir like moose looking for you she better leave on the train [Music] Uncle I just want to thank you so much again for everything you've done for me your dear and compassion I'll take the compliment I'll also take this and as a compassionate and reasonable man I might ask how those traits extended towards the natives today adult Patrol went missing last night apparently he made it to the rail line train brought in so you're right we'll see he lost Patrol a few years ago I looked for hell but he thought we abandoned him did you pawns aren't privilege and I had the bonus in play I think an attack is coming you may leave on the train for boy if you feel so inclined no I choose to stay our responsibilities here and your safety is far more important than that of these natives Uncle I would challenge you to approach yeah I shoot that pest or something indeed sir come on you think you've been here a while do you try to extract civility from Savages it's an art you don't understand yeah I do not know how you tolerate that man stronger when you're here well I'll be back two weeks have to go the man that trained us picked up was taken to my infirmary that I have let you operate now as a compassionate reasonable manager said I'll ask you to exercise a lot you do understand nurse now yeah Josh find your father while I'm gone taking my Harvest of wine I'll be back in a few days and don't be a burden to Miss Anne she's very busy [Music] well you're safe now how many not many they they really took us by surprise I'm sure the others made it I'm certain they made it out it's official now Ward we just received a telegram the line's been cooked I have my man checking the line now right well if it's still alive we don't have long to get to them so heading south from the rail line won't do Yash ready a search party like Provisions half a day round trip signal red hammer yes and the soda was really medical attention you'll be safe enough yes so don't get me wrong but there were many of them and the safe bed there were Scouts the Germans and the rivers are on the Move evacuating on the train to void might be a good idea to right my uncle isn't the most accommodating host as you may have noticed but he has a kind heart he took care of my family when my father died and helped arrange for me to work here at this all around the resort Brian well looks like I need to find a new spot holiday at I'm gonna get you something [Music] [Music] foreign s are all too common it's right here is where it happened [Applause] do you see anything [Music] I didn't know you'd employed them aside I should be Crossing you Chaka I had a bone to pick with those men we're having this agreement so it seems that you have one then boss indeed and this indicates a larger German presence than just a rubber to detect your Patrol we took these from a German not pizza we started a dozen hookah soldiers the move on The Outpost and the past this night all right we need more hands how's the telegraph still dead in both directions what did the train get a boy before I went dead yes your husband has arrived safely all right it's absolutely essential we get this cylinder to void headquarters the survival of the colony depends upon it what's in the cylinder intelligence German deployment funds all along the east African front end do you mind secure the cylinder the officers bolt under 24-hour guard we'll put on the train tomorrow yes sir yeah I'll swing those rifles gentlemen it's a big release to fight you're leaving a weapon in my trust you Commando Translate if you abuse that trust in the slightest or turn tail and run you will be shot dead woman I'm watching you can see I won't hesitate to kill you should I go suspect in the slightest yes and I want you taking a rifle no please [Music] foreign [Music] and I am to be on guard duty all night I look after her for you she's happy me too come sit my father go on okay [Music] why don't you put your feet up here it has badly sometimes people with power do hash things for the wrong reasons oh my God I think it's broken yeah there's not much I can do for you bind it up and you cannot move it for at least next week I'm so sorry it's nice having someone like you here a bad man he just he likes to show his power thank you here we go keep it close to your heart okay there we go [Music] be careful foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you foreign foreign [Applause] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign let's go you're all right I'm fine all right we've got to get to some of the boy headquarters do the Hill Country and her all right let's go go go go come on [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] why'd you make me go oh I should have to see that my father isn't there anymore now I'm afraid I want to protect you I promise I'll do my best we'll make it to your mother-in-law she'll be so happy to know that you're all right won't be the same he won't I'll make the best out of it if you'll be strong for me I'll be strong for you is that a promise [Music] come on [Music] this week the enemy war party is already ahead of us and getting closer to Hawaii we're the only ones that can stop them clearly what now I'll reinforce on the train will head out from boy headquarters in three days when they haven't seen an inbound train or received a telegraph procedure we can make for the old mind and on to void three days that's optimistic I don't know Yash I think the little girl could do it in two what are you waiting for Alex be on the train head right into the ambush know your place all together let's go [Music] [Applause] thank you I would take her no thank you you will be much faster below and I could watch from up above all right chocolate you go ahead this one light they will see it what the hell is going on man no you will give us away don't doubt me pick up your rifle pick up your rifle what am I I will never see that behavior again problem not again I should imagine bottom line [Music] come on darling [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] chocolate [Music] and Harold let's move [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on let's go foreign [Music] [Music] I need some help here uncle uncle please and I need help here and he's mortally wounded stay with me stay with me stay with me look at me dog you're right okay that's it well nothing could be done there's no fault of you she needed help fine now you're gone foreign and attacked The Outpost he's yours to kill no and enough we're moving on you can't just kill him he's wounded he's helpless granting him death is a luxury at this point I'd like to take him aside taking my part see what he tells us you're having a range sense of compassion look at his leg be lucky if he doesn't die understood because you think I don't care about the private I know a dead man when I see one with a recognize a living man he's your prison and if you have any honor you let me treat him hope we'll get her out of the way with respect sir we have a shield all right a warrior is valuable and they'll attack again all right we can barter I mean it's slower but it's safer okay wrap the devil up man yes I've suffered properly for all the pain he's caught today oh come on okay [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] troop lovers are strong we should be well defended in the event of a German attack good and Captain Lockwood Lockwood sir yes permission to speak freely please Lockwood is losing control I do fear for the safety of the villagers and more importantly the troops under his command yeah they say it's continued to be a distraction yes yes are you prepared to take over take over I'm going to be relying on you can you take charge my duty says to King and Country I will do what I must very good yes we've just lost contact with the outposting with radio line with the outposts yes sir with your permission I'd like to take an expedition to The Outpost to check on the safety of those impossible procedure is we wait three days you understand that so I understand procedure but we are at War and those are my orders doctor sir my wife is at that Outpost please allow me to take a train down to check on her safety and the safety of the real wife we wait three days those are my orders t no thank you sir [Music] why do boss people around excuse me why do you wash people around why do I have both people because I'm the captain there captain the captain the captain is is the man in charge what are you in charge of I'm in charge of protection would you protect we protect the people we protect you we protect and we protect anyone who needs to be protected you have all these because you're the captain because I'm the captain yes I'm glad you're my friend but thank you Jeff where is that well let's Commander's body in a hurry earlier you might want to say a few words let's chatter we're bind as it is he was not Christian what's a uh he was not Christian he worshiped nagaya well we should respect what he would have wanted indulging all the Heathen practices now Anne pray to Guru yanakyash or the red God Chaka don't on the earth with my body if I die I'm no Chief leave me to the birds in the sky should I die do not bury me The Sixth Sense God the scattering of the ashes there's no need to bury you Yash what would buzzers want with your Curry pillar carcass with all due respect sir not all of us find handsome feeling well yeah you're the one who wants to man hey foreign minimal rations we have to last one more day help my father clean the guns would you show me yeah foreign now what you have to do brother notice if you want up and down is when you shoot and you exhale so you're still this night exhale fire [Music] [Music] foreign what are you doing I saw Harold move away from guarding the Ruger look what is going on here what's he talking about I've got the Ruger right there why did you leave your post I was going to talk to him I don't think she wants to talk right now what the hell is going on shall cost the movies or leave me take watch hey let's rest cylinder are we rest now are we moving a bit Jeff you have something there's nothing as your website [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you before we were sleeping by the fire one Guardian from the left above [Music] all right you go straight over there you go around I'll go straight through right let's go [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you decoys damn we should have known what gosh [Music] that's hot [Music] I know you don't understand me but you're going to be all right [Music] I just say a mercy for all including you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] we'll go after her two big goal legendary now not later no we'll get her back all right all right look at my eyes we'll go off though they won't kill her right so come on and now uncle where are we going if we're not going after Regala nearby there's no mine it's high and dry and it'll give us a tactical foothold foreign store and just beyond boy [Music] come on [Music] [Music] so your idea of Health regardless hiding a hole in the ground an ostrich would be more heroic also just packed one hell of a kick and now so do we the blasting store rare line leftovers so you're trying to find my girl now we've got the girls soon I've been the guy's safety Chuck I get in here boss I don't want to die in the ground this is a white man's tomb I will die with the sky above me sorry for the dire conditions we're clearly it's safer in here and we can make use of all this blasting material besides there's nothing you can't fix with enough explosives Regala isn't in here don't endanger the very people that are trying to help you now memorable thing in The Honorable thing would be to keep your word and go after her she doesn't Pawn your game here what are you trying to prove that you can protect her Chuck up get in here Chuck will come to his stuff on Messiah maybe just go ahead and Scout for a bit all right keep watch outside for the time being of course come on chocolate great many caves in these Hills I don't know if I could ever stand up to him like that it's Brave the way you handle them wasn't Gregory if anything was this festering anger on my part yeah to think no it was you see you stood up and held your ground it's What leader does I'm no leader as Lockwood he's just trying to keep us safe gosh I shouldn't have talked to him like that but you were right we're gonna love Regal is not here like would he be content with a soul just leaving her well here's a bigger picture despite that he disregard your responsibility for doesn't he well yes but he feels responsibility for me so he won't risk leaving you even to go after he won't send you or any of us so so then what I always thought compassion alone would save us isn't this an act of compassion we have to do something but half a little yes I just don't know if I remember I will stand with you whatever you decide to do what does Oscar after her well you don't think you can fire but I like it I don't know sure you could but don't be offended you haven't been able to kill one yet well that's a challenge I'm willing to take and like you said before it's too late never boy my husband this is mad we shouldn't yeah yeah of course you're right okay let's just just stay here I'd be betraying my uncle he doesn't know what it's like to lose a daughter gotta get her back to her mother I'm behind you in this we won't come back without her promise [Music] quite a journey we talk today yes quite the journey I must say I respect you for understanding what it means to be a true warrior well thank you Chuck we have a tradition in civilized world it's called handshake and when you respect a man and or you want to pass on affection you shake the hand as such take it grasp it shake it if you have no respect and my infection respect and affection that is nice now where I come from when we respect somebody I must price possession that we give is a cow nice so we could use a cow about now couldn't we yes we could use many cows many cows yes a big mess Jagger IES why did Anne refuse a gun so strongly earlier when her daughter died of smallpox he decided she'd prove her worth as him now saying see if she could say above death from others or something just heal no hurt she have another child well it's not really a bad thing could you please explain it just to prove something to herself you see it's her own personal health she'll burn in it if she loses that little girl too [Music] stay behind me behind me okay I'll protect you let's hurry have you any idea where you're going okay I think Regala called out from around here look whoa comes down from these two caverns and they must converge ahead if you think another account will be better I'll follow you all right fine skull [Music] hey we're supposed to stay quiet surprises on our side I can barely see it thank you I need you to get away okay I saw another way back then attack game might be a short cut here we go no you can't just leave me I can barely see a thing the way through is right there you'll be fine you'll be fine okay if this is every way to get recall out we should take it you'll be fine [Music] hmm oh shocker Harold there you are and it's headed off which you got she felt like she had to find Regal we have to go after her of course we do why did you let her go off and around I tried to stop her but I I couldn't find you what the hell does that have to do with anything we're just over there which way did you go I'm not sure exactly I didn't see after she had it off I didn't see the tree she had it and you didn't see us just over there what the hell did you see I'm sorry this is my fault or I I know you wouldn't let something like this hell no all right we should go after her hell yes to find my girl unfortunately we have no idea what it's all looking at here do we she may be overly optimistic and ambitious but she's not an idiot much less suicidal no of course not she wouldn't head off on her own or think she could take the rugers on by herself I don't know what to say you don't know what to say you know I I could show you where she went in it I thought you didn't see where she went no exactly look I I should have been clearer the Hills not many lots of looking and now that I think of it is some place it's just let's move then and I think one of us should stay here with the cylinder no truck I'll bring it we all go Harold now [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign foreign [Music] we don't want to alert them to our presence yet or what's the real [Music] nonsense [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's writing [Music] they're coming they're coming they're right behind me right now follow me [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] it's a shame we have to leave that at least we made it back uh I took out a few of them back in the cave really didn't manage to see that where's the cylinder Harold took it what I I don't have it I must have lost it back in the fight we're all sit in a fight okay look I'll get it back we can we can go out there I've got it don't move an inch foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] light [Music] lead us from untruth from Darkness to light from death to immortality oh foreign [Music] are you going to confront Harold oh am I going to kill him foreign I'm still not ready [Music] [Music] I promise I promise use a thousand [Music] let's start again [Music] [Applause] [Music] what are you doing this isn't a tribunal Herald we know you're working with them when you talk to plants on the officer's Vault to hand over to the Germans you pin the blame on camonte that was only your First Act of treason you then walked us straight into the cyber's Ambush and helped him bend down the Outpost and camonte was on to you you had him killed and then yes foreign waiting he is mad he speaks nonsense we used him as bait when the Germans began their border rage they send them out with false information it was essential the Germans not know about the airline openings everything not give it back he said he was up again you're right Chuck we aren't getting it back you've got a problem One Way Out um I can keep you safe come on [Music] you really expect me to wear a sack filled with explosives be mad it should I guarantee that you comply with your end of the bargain if not I shoot no way in hell the deal was me for the cylinder I make the turns you have nothing without me have it your way then hello fine fine pack if we gotta know what you're doing no you don't think they'll follow through you're gonna send me down there get near the cylinder and then trigger the sack I like the way you think but they'll follow through and so will you if you want to stay alive you set me up for a trap I don't think I'm gonna go through with it I'm not getting killed yeah you're a clever one you've got a small one here I'm Chaka all right I'll wear the sack for you to the midpoint of the ravine I'll yell up to them explain the deals of the trade all right move keep walking okay I saw you stuff the sack with sand [Music] [Music] [Music] all right foreign [Music] oh she's not going to make it correct [Music] my hand over the top quality hurry go go go [Applause] Burger King the whole message [Music] mm-hmm Harold was working for the Germans when the first film he was on was taken in prisoner he was reconditioned by them he turned and formed a vendetta against me he was always so dramatic I saw more rugers in the cave before we blew the mine didn't get them I think they have the cylinder I know I always had it [Music] let's go back well in there and they had the German attack plans they'll massacred every innocent person and boy just like they did in our own post all right you ladies will head up to the peak and we'll meet up with you [Music] no chocolate no we all go together I am Young strong I wanna push them silent fast alone doesn't matter how you approach my family contact what you have head to the eye peoples I must go just go let him go we have to keep moving at [Music] defend yourself it is only metal but it can't break but you have something far stronger then it can never be you have agreed to something that cannot be broken it will overcome any enemy [Music] what do I have you have compassion [Music] foreign thank you Uncle yes remind me a bit of your mother really yes you did oh when we were children it's your uncle Edward I believe was 12 he could swim I was five I couldn't swim and your mother was four where Rand Val there was nothing more sensitive human being on the planet and um yeah that would in the water thank you song Come On Andrew come on Andrew so I was scared but they threw me in told Edward I sank of course they rescued me I grabbed her mother and threw her and she screamed bloody murder land a splash tap the Sun away not a joke yeah yeah four years old she was so proud of you the day May Captain ah oh she couldn't stop talking about you really what did she say s you are a hero really and she said you couldn't swim you never could write about that well there's time to learn so I'll teach you of course foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] go [Music] oh I have no idea how stupid God did not look this far from down there choker it's too far no time for it both Uncle I'm sorry Anne no no here let me help you I'm getting old and swappy no I am stuck now no I'm here for you let me figure this one out we have a list together [Music] now figure something out figure something out and why don't you start by getting the cylinders right there I'm here for a while right you've got to get that child to safety and boy now dear I don't even know where I'm going Chuck was even away oh it's right up The Path he said you can't miss through every step of the way and you've been pushing ahead to get to war ever since we saw that train was ambushed fine but we're gonna hide now something out you something else and I am bleeding inside I can feel it let me die defending the troop said boy on my own terms they'll be here soon you must go jump [Music] straight more from I will miss you and go [Music] dear go [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all I want is the cylinder every one of your man damn be reasonable or she dies thank you okay [Music] how do I take this you're happy I need you to go ahead as fast as you can to avoid and when you get there give Alex all the other offices in the cylinder and they'll know what to do okay I'll be right after you I promise I know you get wood I promise and you have to run go foreign [Music] I'm sorry it's gone like this I am going to let you and regola go really I don't want to hurt you my fight's been with Lockwood in the British not you just put the sword down any photos with me as well but don't be a dispensable Pawn for that man I know about your hospital Harold first one they've left us to die Lockwood [Music] Lockwood left us to die you blamed my uncle you decided he abandoned you and don't you dare try to shave and did it with me you've come back with us to a new East Africa you you are a liar and a murderer [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well we've stopped the train from heading into an ambush and prevented a massacre will be ready and able to defend this Village so this won't happen again there she is my daughter my daughter [Music] oh my daughter my daughter I had no idea you were alive [Music] let's go [Music] thank you just got here I just heard [Music] I highly recognize you start again really yes [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: Movie Central
Views: 356,225
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Action Full Movie, Classic, Free Movies, Free movies on Youtube, Full Movie, Hollywood movies, Horror Full Movie, Movie Central, Movie Central Free Movie, Movie Central Full Movie, Movies, Rom Com Full Movie, Sci-Fi Full Movie, b-grade, bigtime, comedy, drama, films, free full movies, full, hollywood, horror, latest free movies, movie, movies, popcornflix, sci-fi, watch free movies on youtube, Eric Roberts, Linn Bjornland, Justin Gordon, Escape Through Africa movie
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 14sec (5354 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 19 2022
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