ESCAPE the Room in Rocket League is INSANE!

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[Music] all right welcome everybody to escape the room in rocket league i'm very excited to show you guys this map created by ekras pathat which directly translates to mashed potato he's spent months on this thing so i'm really excited to give it a first try uh definitely check out his youtube channel if you want to i'll put in the link in the description um but yeah this will be the first time we ever jump into this i've got danny with me if you want to say hello hello hello and uh i've made this uh possible to play in free play here if we go into underpass and we should jump in and see uh see what happens so far it's interesting what the heck all right read me whoa welcome to this rocket labs escape game welcome to the rocket labs this is the place where balls are made prepared and stored you are new here so the rocket labs employees might have prepared as a surprise for you observe explore and use your brain to get the at the end of this adventure in this mod you won't be challenged on your mechanics take your time and get through it basically stay open minded each game player has one more than one purpose you might not have to clean a room the first time okay mod is designed for a soul experience so yeah so we're doing it solo but danny's here to uh to help me out if we get stuck in specific situations i didn't want to look at too much of the spoiler but i'm pretty excited man do you want to join me we could if you want it i'm just worried about the issues you already got it loaded up we'll we'll go with it we'll go with this press scoreboard to interact if you're a new recruit just enter the code 50 50 to open the door also we have a thing so we can't be here but we left a note on the office desk okay all right so it's so interact with uh like this and it said 50 50. dude wait oh it's so cool this is sick so how do you enter oh d-pad holy this is insane oh my god dude wow there's different rooms the storage here i don't can we get through this or it's completely blocked off right now wow dude this isn't this is incredible balls required for headquarters oh my danny that's so sick it was incredible all right ability room all right so here's the ability room so it says insert batteries to unlock ability so we need to grab like a batteries or something somewhere what dude this is this is like this is this is next level this is lab one does it say here door's broken sorry maybe there's another way to enter through the through the painting oh rule number one by the way that's funny office yeah so there's a note on the office desk yeah okay so let's see this if anyone finds my coins please return them i really wanted to play today whoa okay this is part of a puzzle here this is insane man dude this is wild i know okay i'm looking on the back there's nothing here final fantasy interesting cory wait it said i can correct wait wait all right final fantasy okay um just like the games they play i guess yeah is this a group of people like lewis or louis probably louie of the witcher and grand theft auto okay so there's not really anything there there's the note the note between the computers oh on the middle okay hi leth as a new recruit we have a request for you bring a ball to the headquarters simple as that we've got a prize awaiting for you help getting started we had something in a locker that might be useful don't worry with jonathan corey oh my god you do your best can you can you say that [Music] dude this is insane what wait letters cyberpunk 27 maybe it's the 2077 for the combo maybe i died let's go find out let's go find the lockers i guess insert five coins for snake it's probably snake too wait give me that wait dude this isn't even rocket league anymore i know it's literally i'm i'm free it's freaking out carl sageman slaps the roof of update this bad boy can fit as many so many features in it we're all going free to play yeah by the way if you didn't know rocket league is free to play so come on come on in we just had a million players today which is insane that's insane dude there's like 450 000 on it like 9 a.m i know like it's crazy okay all right there's all the eggplant all the uh april fool's pranks here that's so cool so it looks like this one's the one it has to be 2077 right it's gotta be oh hmm is there anything behind them on the back of the computers um behind the lockers uh i don't know let's go check it out they said they left a clue oh my god bruh okay all right we got a coin good good call on the behind the computers yep all right we left a clue fallout four yep four uh final fantasy was it seven perhaps seven so it's four seven five this is a bunch of numbers so i'm not sure oh wait which are three right yeah so three three five uh seven what was the last one four four three five seven four okay what dude what okay let me try i don't know like how would the order be yeah how would we determine the order oh the names of the the list jonathan corey jonathan corey edwini and i who is i yeah that's that's that's it right so okay so who's jonathan that's not jonathan jonathan so five is first is the cory next jonathan corey so evgowini it's probably saying that's so wrong wait it's not veronica it's this i think it's louis but is it two then idea i guess so jonathan corey so it was uh we were close it was just not it's not four at the end i think three five seven and then two bruh what is happening i don't know who i is did i miss something wait is it does it is the letter signed in like the very first room we could find out who i oh true true no that's not it no no okay who is it though that's the question is it either veronica okay so jonathan jonathan so it's four five five yeah five gta five seven sit here for a while maybe you have to sit there yeah so jonathan corey evaguini or i don't know how to say his name but follow four okay three and five five seven wait it wasn't three at the beginning no five seven four two i messed it up yeah yeah yeah that's why five seven because i was still thinking of the witcher three that's why uh five seven four two two maybe it's five seven four three maybe it's veronica maybe five seven four three five seven four three that was it okay so all right we've figured it out i had the order wrong because of the the new things that's the battery dude all right let's get this nutty let's go get a new ability over here yeah and just uh drop the battery in there are you gonna get dude this is the kind of stuff i wanna make but like it would just be like because i want to pump out content right but like i can't spend this much time like it crashed like honestly this isn't incredible like this is the best thing i've ever seen in rock league you know i said a while ago that we found the best mod or best modded map it's been top-down this has been topped again here you need a camouflage it's the place the more batteries you have the more time you get okay all right we're a box now all right here we go i think this is our way of sneaking into storage now we can get we can get through lab one here because we're now a car enter code so we have to beat snake yeah you have to beat snake yeah coin i see a coin wow this is this is awesome man this is so cool okay modeling waiting for instruction what does this say over here lab two enter code what is this so it's like each ball will have a number somewhere on it so the beach ball the cube with the basketball and the the regular rocky ball so i believe those buttons here yeah these are buttons here push one yeah so we're gonna see a ball come through preparing so it's creating a ball out of that it has an eight on it that was number two so eight oh that was number four so eight is the last number it's creating a basketball one so regular ball eight and then basketball was the second last one so it's eight one backwards uh the cube is eight as well that's really tiny but yeah i couldn't even see that yeah so it's eight blank eight a one eight eight blank one eight is that a six or a nine a dude i think it's a six i think it's a six it's telling me it's a six i can go backwards here uh so you think it's six yeah this is a one and this is an eight all right it's gotta be a nine it has to be nine right unless we mess this up eight it was a nine dude it looked more like a six to me to be honest but sam there's a battery on that box yeah i was gonna say i can see it good good call good call grab that real quick all right so what does this thing say this lab three interest is closed for now use the wall path in the storage room instead dude this is insane dude this is so cool oh this is actually so cool what's this grass about is there anything huh oh i don't i don't know if this is anything here i don't i don't think so all right let's get started to push more buttons physics it's gonna bounce it up am i trying to break something or maybe maybe it's a misdirection it's probably a misdirection you're probably on you're probably right let's bring the battery back and see what we get next can we get out of here we can't so how do we how do we leave here we have to like push a box through yeah try it or do we is that ability like some something we can store's broken maybe there's another way to enter was there a way to use the power up i don't remember i don't think so no i think you just drive in there to be able to use it so i think it's probably something to do with this physics then oh no danny did you hit the ball right i hit the reset button by accident i think it said just go and go grab it again right let me let me go to make sure i didn't mean to hit that i was testing all the buttons wait uh obviously if you reset your position you will lose your abilities you get stuck somewhere you can press reset and go back and get your abilities back that's all it is okay so i have to go get them again let me just see what happens if we grab this say how to do it again no 10 seconds how are we actually supposed to get out of that room though uh i don't know did you just cheat i i might have should i go back in there and try to figure it out from inside let me do that because there's probably right yeah we're probably missing something let's read this again use the wall path in the storage room instead is this a storage room or is it like a different oh wait wait a second what the heck dude i guess this is like a little escape hatch is that it wait was that a note up there was that just lighting that might have been lighting i gotta check that real quick oh well viewers i hope you guys are enjoying the journey as we we we find what we're doing here because uh we're just kind of doing this as a first playthrough we're just gonna test it out yeah so i stopped chilling i saw a bit of light like or something like this i'm just gonna make sure we don't miss anything here because i don't wanna be lost oh it is just a lighting thing well all right we're worth checking though knowing is yeah is everything okay so knowledge we we we've gotten the lift ability right so yes so what did it say you're oh you built you grew some muscles so now let's see what we got so now we can like carry this dude what what the heck man that's sick look at it look at it move with you when you're moving too it like changes with your uh with your model it because your your car has like dynamics so so now can we grab a ball maybe is that what he's trying to say maybe you can lift the boxes to get into the storage room dude yep you totally can poof okay that's so cool let me grab this one too why not no i i pressed the reset but i pressed too hard on my analog my reset is my analog stick so i need to go grab that ability again you have to do the abilities again okay so don't click my reset button actually you know what it's just gonna unbind it yep yeah you got it you already figured it out that'll do oh my look at this dude is there a coin behind here give a coin please wait i don't have the ability i picked these up i don't have the ability anymore uh try grabbing it again did it like get rid of it the second i walked that room maybe maybe that's all you needed it for what else i go through here with the box i come out as a box um should i give you sound by the way yeah yeah okay one sec all right we're back can you hear the game now yep all right sweet there we go i feel bad now that you're sitting there without audio for the whole time no no that's okay um what are these these just look like energy cells or something i know there's anything in them maybe they're just this is like all just it's all ruse man yeah what was that thing over there this thing enter code we haven't found a code yet and there's a big like puzzle on the back wall so i guess we'll go down there for you that's this is looking real crazy yeah this is insane like this is the kind of stuff i want to create in the future like stuff like this like giant like look around rooms or like like similar to the hide and seek i saw a coin i saw a coin it's hiding so i think we have a place we have to find all five i think to get snakes yeah anything here what what what is this like piggies oh you gotta put the boxes in there i think all storage this is where the ball is seven two i see a two i see a three seven two three one way one nine wait there's too many numbers go go up the thing yeah i'm gonna go up this see if it's incredible all right anything in the boxes there is a ball okay whatever i mean it's important though i don't know come on get out of there get it get it drop dessert whoa it exploded this is insane dude holy sh this is actually so crazy this is oh my is there anything in this one there is another another bomb another one blow it up that's sick all right now i'm down here though that is awesome all right back up we go there's too many numbers i don't know what to do maybe they'll give me a hint up here okay another bomb blow it up yeah they're in here no okay across this we go dude wow this is fun you get to like climb this whole thing yeah this is actually amazing all right up we go oh no i almost failed professional rocket league player by the way okay do you think there's a secret back here probably not it seems it seems a little too oh they make you do it just in case you haven't seen one that's kind of cool oh look at all those bombs oh my god you know what we have to do well of course here we go oh my gosh knock them all off gonna cause lag oh my god break the game [Laughter] it's chaos dessert why is this one having so much trouble getting down there all right here we go okay so i'm really afraid to fall this would be a lot of progress lost you know what i mean yeah what's gonna be up here that's the question like why why what are we doing up here okay there's that across there it's gotta be something with that wall there's a door over there so it's looking like we can maybe we're gonna unlock like the piggies or something that we can like toss in there dude there's also a wall i i know what is up here i there has to be a coin like why is there an open opening there you know what i mean there's probably a coin across those drums let me let me like wait we got a piece of the page ooh wait is that all we went all the way up here for that i think so we have to go back and and oh it's gonna give us the order of the numbers you think yeah because it looked like a pillar right like the room so i think it's going to tell you like a and b and c ah i was thinking that went with the other page yeah on that board it does yeah but i think that describes which numbers to use you know what i mean like it probably okay okay it probably tells us which ones to put in look at this here see this shape yeah maybe you have to make that on that wall over there dude are you stuck i can't jump [Laughter] and i and i unbound the reset of course of course let me make it something i don't use uh right bumper um we have that new sheet that we can use uh on this the office right i think again we have the new sheet here this one yeah yeah see this is like that's where the stairs are and then it's like that's the computer and then the room is like so yep okay we got it got in our memory abcd yeah yeah i got it sure yeah this is a yeah then b should be right here it should be on maybe yeah but that's on the other pillar so maybe it's just like where it is like i thought it was pointing right here because a and you know what i mean yeah so maybe it's just seven so it's two seven wait is it on the in the inside of the one that you're oh maybe it's this maybe it's this no no it was up one so let's see like this second set of legs two seven one two let's try that yeah i think wait was a the very bottom one no that's where two is that two seven one two are we trying that uh i think that's what you said yeah okay oh flip way too far two seven one two yeah that was it okay so it was just like not exactly uh what it was okay so it says interactive area to shift that to the left and shift that one up i'm not sure if it's just like showing what happens wait use chat inputs to fix the wall path chat inputs like oh shoot i'm using the d-pad whoa we have to create this what the heck i don't know what i'm doing though so like right did that down does that oh so you go up and down so if i want to go there it is did i just do it yeah you got it okay i got it okay let's go i was like looking at the thing i wasn't really sure how i was like changing them but i moved it all right so we open up the door wait do you drive up this i think yeah yeah yeah yeah you have to go on the path like it's not grippy here you know what i mean you have to actually grab on yeah this is grippy and i just has like uh dude that's so cool yeah that's really sick so they use different materials for the different parts wow that is incredible all right so now we're in this room this looks familiar that that door right here yep is there a coin in this pile of oh there's a battery hey huh uh oh i think like the interact thing is broken you know how i could like grab stuff yeah so i have to do that i have to do that off recording real quick and do all the stuff again is that that's a lot of work okay so maybe it's not broken maybe i can't maybe i have to do something to grab that battery i don't know hopefully all right so we gotta go to that physics room yeah right here i knew it i knew there was something dude i can't see anything we need the flashlight probably it's probably transformation ah give me that oh that's just the free to play give me the meme all right that was pretty quick made it back pretty fast hit that button real quick something has happened it didn't say that though oh right there it does okay yeah oh there we go now we can pick it up i'll just do this for good measure yep just in case we need to make sure there's not like a coin on the left side of that ramp too there totally was ah danny pro gamer look at you wait how do we get up there it's blocked off it looks like you go up there later and hit that button yeah then that's when wait that's when the piggies come out wait wait wait wait wait are you sure we have to like toss these in there do it kobe all right we need piggy boxes okay this might be where like the coin is oh what kind of bombs you got are they are they're different oh they're different yeah okay you have to come back and bring them in here oh my god yeah yeah there's different piles of boxes each one of these must have a pig yep there's one wow you miss pigs that's so cool it's a lot of work man i mean it did say in the workshop that like he made it to take an hour that's true don't forget i don't want to talk about it don't want to talk about it all right sir dude that's crazy we gotta go in that secret room again and leave like a certain way let me grab that that was a cow okay i was taking that one box see it was a a piggy i'm backwards wait you're a pig box i bet you you're the last i'm not i'm not a pig box there you are what that's why you need more time i met you i bet you you get yeah yeah that's so cool there was one box in here on its own it totally okay all right i'm gonna not take it all the way though i'm just gonna leave it in the main room because i want to go grab that new ability wait i can't leave here you could throw it into the hot i could do that i need to go back that way anyway but i heated it into the other room too wait did i take this one launched it yeah i'm still making sure i touched all of these yeah i just want to make sure i'm not take a brain here okay in case yep double triple checking so i gotta grab that flashlight before we go in there i'm assuming that's the next power up yeah probably it's probably like a secret hallway up here too that you don't see so i want to take that out too maybe there's another maybe there's a piggy box in this room too light your lights will automatically turn on when needed all right dude wow that's so cool all of this is so cool yeah it's just incredible i need to go back to the uh hidden box room so should i check the escape first yeah why not just in case see i knew it what was that i don't know it has names and stuff i'm still a box by the way i just realized i was running out of time like i gotta rush all right back there we go am i gonna be a box with headlights i'm prepared i already was i already was i was up there doing it wait i can lift this i can lift these should i oh no oh what wait this is morse code i don't know most code you know morse code what no i hope i didn't break the game by the way i think i might have just broken the game with that box i i hope not i didn't i just i just i just destroyed the box oh wait it's there okay we're good we're good all right so cool cool so when i walked in here today and jump power slides jump power slides ball camera scoreboard air roll boost see i don't know if i did anything let's see what's safe oh i think you need to stay on it and watch the light that was that was air roll so i have to air roll on this arrow i got the it worked short long long short power slides did i did i do it i think you did it wait the safe's open oh the final coin hey we could finally play snake we can play snake now let's go okay okay uh i gotta leave this way but we already took the box of the room right uh yeah yeah okay let's go we can finally play snake it's what i've wanted this whole time and try to start use chat inputs to play oh my god dude wow 250 points to reach high scores dude like uh like this would be really really long to make because these are individual grids like this is the kind of stuff i want to create in rocket league but i just don't have the time to do it individually like ecress this is uh this is something else man i got i got 250 points here i don't want to fail yeah don't screw it up that would be really awkward wouldn't it a little bit how responsive is it it's very responsive it's immediate which it should be because it's just like inputs on like uh oh my god that's actually pretty hard whoa we're good we're good look at these pro snake strats uh speaking of pro strats i almost screwed myself in the corner there all right i just gotta stall out until that snake's gone and we're good i'm chasing myself okay now what so i'm just gonna do 260 just just in case look at that the timing all right i'm just gonna fail all right code five five six eight okay let's go now where do we use that code five five six eight the code was in the snake room where was the snake thing it was in lab two right for lab one wasn't it like in here oh yeah that's right yeah this is definitely one of the coolest things i've done in rocket league like like i've played in rocket league yeah this is nuts this is like like i said it's like not even rocket league anymore it's just its own game yeah i know all right give us the battery bro give me that oh we can get out before it ends so now we got 40 which is we'll have the whole transformation we can bring the box over we have a boost hey let's go you're now reaching new heights this is how you boost into that box i'm assuming we are one of the big boxes too you said where's the last one though because we only have yeah i was about to say i think we need one more we definitely need one more do you think it's on the scaffold we can reach new heights so maybe we have to reach the box somewhere wait it didn't work oh it's not broken there we go nice so we've there's three out of five right nothing happened oh so you need to get all of them first honestly i wouldn't be surprised if we did drive past it a bunch we definitely did it's in here for sure right yeah has to be gotta be now the question is there he is one this one game thank you there we go i don't like how the pig is looking at me he's giving this weird vibe man yeah what's this pro gamer strat no it didn't i didn't let go sometimes it's not responding to the scoreboard button but it's okay that'll been insane all right we can move faster let's go it just has like a very good progression to it too you know what i mean like yeah like you feel like you're solving the problem even though i don't even know what the problem is in the first place but here we go go go go push the button oh we got eated all right here we go sir what's the button going to do get out the button ceiling shut them here we go here we go oh my god the transformation here's the balls this is the end i think yes sir but i do i do need to steal and shot this button real quick yeah okay well that was that was that'd come back that'll do clip it flip it ship it oh my god this is how we get the ball i thought it i thought it i thought it was i thought it was over wait use chat inputs to move the ball why is that not a topper wait you can make the ball jump with with a this is like i'm playing like metroid as like a ball you know what i mean yeah can you just use ball cam does ball game work oh it totally does there you go hey big brain physics come on ball come with me yeah dude oh oh come back no oh that's really hard like it it the momentum shifts really weird how how does he how did he do all this i i know how you do it all it's just like i just i just don't have this i don't have the time to make this he force pushes the ball right and this is where it changes direction now in the corner i know the death spikes don't pull my ball up please i'm gonna wait till it lands flat so it jumps no so what happens oh it resets you lose i'm done you have to redo the whole thing over yeah there you go ride the bounce yeah i'm gonna ride the bouncer yes you know it already there's a spike there too come back chill chill chill chill chill it's so fat okay nice oh game thank you oh nice nice this is so complicated this is such a complicated thing just to get the wait do you see the problem here yeah gotta shift the uh the direction all right just ride the wave here goes don't bounce me out please yep there it is there it is oh nice are we good go go go go go yes so we don't want to go on this one do we wait we do want to go on this one no no no no no no no no we gotta go the other way now gotta go back around i guess you work this way yeah i could you just go in here okay nice we lost the door let's go yeah i was i was playing that the whole time i was honestly just just scaring you guys don't worry about it there you go here we go oh i used like the wall the wall to jump off there you go so it curves around and that switches sides so what is this arrow about so it's a push the force push it will go super fast here go go go go nice so this is gonna like lift me up okay okay dude look at this he's got the little thwomps on there i gotta go i gotta go gotta go i gotta go oh my god no the that middle one isn't playing oh that middle one is so mean i'm going i don't care the timing hey wait wait this is bad this is bad oh my god go go go go go go go go okay okay so this one i think that's just sit on the left here like this nice hey let's go that's so sick all right there we go and up into the headquarters so i think we returned the ball to the headquarters now wow man that was that was insane this is the whole thing i think this is the end i think it is one of the one of the coolest if not the coolest things he crashed the top you uh you exceeded our expectations everybody everybody's expect expectations i'm sure it'll be 100 this is nuts elevator take me with you straight to the top i'm the best air dribble in the world wait wait okay we're good got the ball in there we're good the door will open here comes i totally planned this toby oh no oh my gosh that was so cool that was so cool yeah look at that speedrun strike because of the reset oh my god you're a supersonic legend hey let's go i mean i kind of am so that was so fun thanks for hanging out by the way danny yeah yeah that was awesome that was the coolest thing that was that was the escape game if you want to check it out it'll be in the workshop i'll have the link in the description thanks to ecraft thanks for the thanks for making this this is incredible definitely give it a try yourself um wow that was uh psionics make this stuff more accessible yeah come on man that's this is wild this is insane i uh yeah i just have no words wow until next time guys have a good one we'll catch you guys next video
Channel: Lethamyr
Views: 1,456,619
Rating: 4.9411182 out of 5
Keywords: Rocket, League, Lethamyr, Pro, Leth, Grand, Champion, Champ, GC, RLCS, Pros, 1v1, 1s, Doubles, Squishy, Muffinz, Sunlesskhan, Fluump, Mertzy, Linkuru, Johnnyboi, amustycow, Musty, Jon, Sandman, Cizzorz, Squishymuffinz, Scrub, Killa, New, Custom, Maps, Road, To, Rank 1, Rizzo, Sizz, CBell, Free, Play, Escape, The, Room, Puzzle, Map, Timed, Best, NRG, Jstn
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 51sec (2451 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 25 2020
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