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what's up guys today I'm playing security Tower Defense and they just came out with the brand new hacked crate Andy did you see that they added the new upgraded Titan computer man he's the third Cosmic in the whole game wait are you serious right now they added a cosmic unit Hold Up Wait I have to actually check this in W it is a cosmic unit yeah his hats are absolutely insane oh and the hacker Titan speaker man Mythic is kind of crazy too wait let me check this Mythic out and wao yeah he is insane he goes up to 7,000 DPS and he has a special ability called cleave he holds up to 50% of Target Health as damage to a single enemy wait that sounds crazy and on the brand new cosmic unit there's defense network spawns and additional attack drones on all units okay guys I'm going to be honest I need all of these brand new units they look crazy and I think what I'm going to have to do is spend some of these brand new hacker gems to get them I bet I'm going to get the upgraded Titan computerman before you oh oh my gosh wait on the first crate I just got hacker D and speaker man Mythic are you kidding me right now no you can't be serious that's so cool no I am dead serious I just got the Mythic first try that is insane and I also pulled hacked laptop man and the legendary hacker TV woman that means the only unit I haven't pulled yet is the brand new cosmic unit oh my gosh I need it but it's only a 0.41% chance yeah those house are really staged against you are you sure you're going to pull it Andy 100% I'm going to keep opening these crates until I pull all of the brand new units I want them so bad and then once I pulled the brand new units we're going to go to this brand new hacked City mode over here and we're going to play that and try to beat the entire game mode um hold on Andy I am so going to pull all the units before you do there is no way you're going to pull the cosmic before me lla I am literally going to open these for so long until I pulled it I want it so bad any wait oh my gosh I pulled the Mythic again again okay guys I'm going to be honest the Mythic is flying out of these crates right now everybody comment down below W because that's actually so good of the game wait a moment um Andy could you trade me your second Mythic uh what the heck lla you were literally just talking trash to me and now you want me to trade you my Mythic and what the he I pulled another one yeah you have three of them so you can like give me one these mythics are flying out of the crate right now you guys this is insane wait that's only 1.36% chance and you are so lucky I know my luck is actually on fire right now but to really complete it all I need to pull the brand new cosmic unit and what the heck I pulled two more okay guys this crate is absolutely Juiced right now I'm telling you open this crate cuz it's insane wait how did you get five mythics I haven't even got one I don't know I just keep pulling them I pulled two in the same crate that's actually insane oh you guys I almost forgot they also came up with a brand new battle pass if I just open up the event pass right here check it out there's brand new 50 tiers and you can get the Titan computer woman Godly and oh my gosh the stats on this unit are ridiculous it goes up to 50,000 DPS wait a moment 50,000 DPS that's actually absurd yeah it actually is and it has a special ability called Low orbital ion cannon fire is a beam from space that creates an explosion dealing large radius Splash damage and does 10 times current damage to anything caught in Rage that is insanely overpowered I want to use that unit so bad I'm going to get her before you yeah guys and there's a hacker tight in cameraman and these guys all have their own special abilities guys I'll tell you right now I'm going to get every single one of the brand new cosmic Godly and Mythic units and I'm going to go use them in HEX city after this so keep on watching until the end if you want to see me use all of the brand new units well Andy you have to get Super Lucky to pull them all yeah I seriously do have to hit like insane odds to get the cosmic unit but I'm telling you I will sit here and open this until I pulled the cosmic unit I want it so bad okay come on bro what am I getting I been epic epic so many epics and legendaries but no cosmics yet this is not good well you just have to keep on opening the crates Andy it's okay oh trust me I literally spam opening this right now guys subscribe if you want me to keep opening this crate until I pull the brand new cosmic to show you guys how it works yeah you have to keep opening the crates bro trust me I'm spam opening this thing right now I've pulled the Mythic a bunch of times but I I just really want that Cosmic unit come on it's another bad pack okay it's whatever I'm going to keep opening it you guys and one of these times I'm going to have to get it there's no way I'll go without getting it this entire time okay guys I have spent so much time opening those crates and I have to show you something check this out I pulled the brand new upgraded Titan computerman Cosmic unit and it's right here look at this thing this unit is absolutely broken bro let's go but you guys that is not the only unit I got I have the Tian computerman woman Godly right here and this unit looks crazy and I can also throw on both of the brand new mythics and we're going to go play the Hacked game mode with all of the new units here we go I have hacker Titan speaker and hacker Titan cameraman Mythic check out my units right now you guys it's all of the brand new hacker units these guys are crazy okay Isabelle and lilet do you want to go play hacked City with me yeah come on Andy we've been waiting for you forever yeah are all your units equipped oh yeah I have all of the brand new units equipped everybody step out and let's play right now okay guys we just loaded into the brand new hacked City and yo this map looks crazy I think we're at like a rooftop right now yeah it looks like a cyber City this is so cool yeah where did the units even come out from I can't even tell right now I guess we'll find out like right now I'm looking everywhere where are the toilet helipad oh God they are coming from the helipad super oh my gosh of the new units cost so much money I think I know what to do I'm going to do SL give and give myself $110,000 so I can spawn one of the new units and you guys this is the upgraded Titan computerman Cosmic unit and this unit looks so sick what the heck I mean look at all the graphics behind it bro they did a really good job on this unit yeah look at the holographic computer screens he's so cool yeah and his attack is sick and yo he's only going to get even cooler the more I upgrade him yeah his stats are crazy his starting DPS is 3,000 yeah that is pretty good I can't lie but and I have $6,000 so I know exactly what I could do I can spawn the brand new hacker Titan speaker Mythic right here wow he has an ax look he's just swinging on these nerd toilets no way his swinging effects look so cool yeah they do look really cool bro look at that oh my gosh that is sick and I have the other Mythic unit right here but wo it's really weird to place this guy with the way this map is shaped I think I'll Place him right here check him out this is hacker Titan cameraman oh I'm so excited to see what attacks he has yeah he is really good and the only unit I haven't placed down yet is the brand new Titan computer woman Godly unit but she is $110,000 you guys that is actually crazy wait she costs a lot you guys these toilets are getting through I didn't even realize oh place no un it I am I am I'm placing more mythics down right over here let me place a Mythic down here and bro it's so awkward to place these units down cuz the map is crazy bro look look the exit goes all the way down here on the side of the world oh I didn't even realize that this map is huge this map is so awesome they did a really good job on it anyway hold up bro I don't feel like saving up all my cash I'm going to be honest I think what I'm going to do is I'm just going to do slash give and I'm going to give myself another $88,000 and what that'll let me do is spot in the brand new TV woman Godly let me Place her down right there and boom yo she looks sick what the heck oh look at her lasers yeah and her range is ginormous Bro Look at that range you guys yeah that covers like the entire map yeah and her attack is awesome she's shooting like laser bolts out what the heck wait if you look closely at her face she looks angry wait are you serious right now oh yeah she is not messing around that's what I'm talking about none of these stupid toilets will ever get by me because I have the most goated units in the game she just zaed all of them at once no look she's zapping them from across the map okay guys I'm going to be honest I think the new Godly unit might be better than the cosmic unit but hold up we haven't even finished upgrading them and we haven't seen their special abilities yet yeah I really want to see what their special abilities are oh I have a really good idea what if we just use these commands up here and I do slash level just like that and that should give him level 10 oh wait did he get it wa look a special ability the heck wait what the heck does these orbs above all of the units look I think he's like supercharging all of our units right now wait that was crazy what in the world I have no idea that actually was pretty crazy I can't lie and I kind of want to see Titan computerman special ability so I think I'm going to go ahead and use it right now too uh wait why are these toilets even moving from the spawn hacker TV man is just torching them bro what the heck yeah hacker TV man is actually really cool that attack is doing is super sick they did a really good job on the animations on this update oh oh do you like this guy I pulled uh wait what did you pull I what is this I pulled a hacked laptop man what the heck yo he is so tiny down there bro I can't lie and I still want to see the Titan computer woman Godly special ability bro I need these units to get closer but she just insteps them even when they do get close okay guys our brand new units are so overpowered I cannot lie yeah we're actually instakilling them Yeah we actually are this is crazy we are only on Wave 16 though so I almost guarantee these waves are going to get a lot tougher okay wait I think I'm going to try your special ability down low let me just press that and wao what the heck my goodness oh my gosh okay that is so fire bro I got flug across the map yeah I think when I pressed it it flug me too I can't lie it was like a giant lightning strike and it went across this entire radius okay you guys this update is absolutely insane I promise you you want all of these brand new units um Andy can you trade me them after we're done with this game what what the lla you literally were talking trash to me when we first joined I'm not just going to trade you my really overpowered units but do you have to I couldn't even pull them I'm sorry lla I don't think I'm going to do that guys comment down below do you think I should trade lla any of my op units or should I just keep them because she was literally talking trash to me um comment down below that I wasn't talking trash to you and that you should drink me your units because they're all so cool what no you're literally just lying you were literally talking trash to me as I was opening the crates trying to pull all these units yeah Lyla you were being really mean to Andy and wait I just got another $10,000 if I just place this brand new Godly unit right here oh my gosh if I use her special attack here she will torch every unit that's being spawned in wait hold on and you want to wait for the right moment though oh yeah you are right I mean all these toilets are really bad right now they're just getting insta torched by my Cosmic and godly combo over here and guys I haven't even upgraded these units yet you know what it's taking so long to upgrade them what if I just went ahead and get SL give again and gave myself 50,000 bucks so I could upgrade both of them that is such a good idea okay I'm going to start with the brand new cosmic unit and his first upgrade is $10,000 and it UPS his damage from $3,000 to 5,000 let me go ahead and purchase that and what his second upgrade is 25,000 oh that is a big bag that is a big bag I cannot lie lla but I just bought it and oh my gosh is next upgrade is another $50,000 um I'm not going to lie you guys I think I'm going to slash get myself another 50 Grand so I can check out all the new abilities okay let me give myself that oh yo it is $70,000 for his final upgrade okay that is pretty expensive is so that is a lot of money all I'm going to go ahead and give myself $100,000 and now there we go oh okay okay I think I understand though look how sick he is bro he's got a ring of drone zapping enemies around him yeah that is a lot of DPS and guys he does 125,000 DPS upgraded that is so much that is a lot of DPS wait let me try special ability again and wa what look he put drones above every single unit on the field right now and they're zapping the units with the drones he's such a cool unit oh my goodness yeah I can definitely see why he's a cosmic unit cuz these abilities are absolutely absurd bro do you real how much DPS all of this stuff does right here I need him I need this unit he is super cool but wait now that I upgraded him let me start upgrading the Titan computer woman Godly here I'm going to put all my money into this and boom she's already max level with 50,000 damage and 50,000 DPS wa y that is so crazy yeah and her range is 120 and cool down is only one bro look at the range on this unit right now you guys this thing literally kills everything in its path what the heck I've never seen a range this big but wait hold up let me try your special ability guys let me just press this and W oh yo it flug me what the heck you these new units are like the coolest thing ever you guys they did such a good job everybody subscribe right now if you want to complain with me with these brand new cosmic and godly units because they are totally insane these are literally the coolest units they've ever added yeah it actually is I cannnot lie and guys I haven't even noticed but we are flying through these waves right now look we're already on Wave 25 out of 40 I think we're going to beat the entire hecked city game mode yeah that would be crazy on our first try ever yeah it seriously would and boom I can use our special again let's go oh no get me out of the Ranger I'm going to get flug get me out of here lit a meteor shower I know what the heck and look at her attacks bro that has got to be one of the coolest attacks in the game oh my cosic she's zapping everybody in my Cosmic is adding drones over everyone's head bro yo okay there's no way we lose this game I'm going to be Hest yeah all of these units are so overpowered and wait hold up you guys I've upgraded the cosmic and godly unit but wait let's also check out the Mythic units here I can upgrade the hacker Titan speaker man Mythic and let me see how much I can upgrade him and oh I got him up to his $8,000 upgrade and he also has his own special attack you guys want to check this one out oh yeah I want to see this okay hold up I'm going to activate it right now and uh what the heck is he doing he has a giant like energy oh his X is glowing but he's a melee unit and the units are so far from him okay hold up wait I actually have an idea let me go and give myself way more money I'm just going to give myself $500,000 so I can just buy everything in the game that is a ton of money Andy I know it is trust me but I'm going to spawn the heck Titan speaker right over here wait you can only place two hacker Titan speaker okay guys so apparently this unit has a limit probably cuz he is super overpowered but I could bypass that by just going right over here and doing slash limit inside of the chat and now check it out I can place as many hack Titan speaker as I want I'll just Place one down right there and boom he is slinging them yeah his attacks are so cool yeah and I just fully upgraded him to 28,000 DPS and wait now that he's at that damage wait when I start seeing these units come out I'm going to activate his special ability let's check this out I need to see this with my own eyes I'm pressing it right now and yo is glowing and he is just slicing these stupid toilets upo let's go these effects are so cool later toilets will be se you guys are getting destroyed yeah they're literally getting sliced in DIC they really are I cannot lie oh hold up wait I want to play some even more units here here's the other brand new hacker ties cameraman Mythic let me Max his upgrades and he's up to 25,000 DPS with his own unique special ability wait what does his special ability do well I don't I don't know I'm going to try it out right now here I just activated it and W oh my gosh yo did you just see that you guys he has like a giant laser that comes out of him that was insane wait I'm going to do it again on this one and boom yo that is so sick and guys I don't know if you've noticed but with all these special abilities and op units we're already on Wave 34 right now we are just flying through this game of hacked City and all of these enemies keep dying at the spawn but they can't even get out bro I mean yo this Cosmic unit special ability is crazy look at all of the extra drones it's spawning in to do damage to these stupid toilets yeah it's over for all of these toilets yeah there just a bunch of stupid toilets they'll never get through our defences any wa I almost forgot let me activate my Titan computerman Godly over here and there we go boom yep good luck you stupid toilets you're not getting through this I got flung again guys we're already at wave 36 this is actually insane I don't think I've never played an easier game in my life because these brand new units are so overpowered I know me neither you have to give me all of your units once we're done what the lla I'm not just giving you my units I earned all of these units but please I couldn't even pull any of them oh my gosh lla you are crazy but it bro these units are no pushovers man check it out this guy has almost 2 million HP right here and he just got decimated here I know 2 million HP and he's still getting insta- killed by my super overpowered units here I'm going to activate the axe man special ability right there and he's just axing them up bro slicing and dicing the Octo launcher was literally obliterated look I'm just going to keep spotting all of these units anyway I'm going to make a giant Titan computer woman Army and just keep spamming her special ability right here they're all insta killing every unit I know look at this special attack I mean how are these units supposed to get through with the special ability is so overpowered they don't even stand a chance you're right they don't we're already on Wave 39 okay that went by super quickly I cannot lie and boom I'll activate another special ability they don't stand a chance her special ability is so cool I'm spawning down so many of these new units and I am just spamming the specials yeah we've got an insane hacker Army this is a literal hacker Army everybody comment down below hacker Army because this has got to be the most over powered units they've ever added to the game and come on we're on Wave 40 right now we just need to make it a little more and Bo special ability U Guys these toilets stand no chance look they are getting destroyed uh it wait hold up you guys why are we on Wave 41 out of 40 there's more than 40 rounds um did our units hack the game yeah I think hacked city is literally hacked you guys because you could go farther than round 40 that's crazy that actually is crazy I can't lie but I guess all we could do is just keep spawning in their op abilities and spamming them here in the spaed what the heck I ran out of money that is crazy we're on Wave 42 yeah I wonder how many waves this goes up to if we're on Wave 42 out of 40 do you think it ever heads okay guys I'm going to be honest we're on way 42 out of 40 right now I think the game is literally hacked like these units so I think we might as well just leave the game I think we already beat it yeah I totally agree we definitely beat this map okay well if you guys enjoyed checking out these brand new units then like the video and subscribe thank you guys for watching peace out
Channel: AndyBlox
Views: 118,102
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: titan, evil clockman, upgraded clockman, titan clockman, roblox, tower defense, toilet tower defence, roblox toilet tower defense, skibidi toilet, roblox game, toilet tower defense, skibidi tower defense, roblox skibidi toilet tower defense, rolbox toilet tower, roblox skibidi toilet, roblox skibidi tower defense, bemmyblox, ttd, freddybolox, common to every unit, basic to godly, secret agent, secret agent skibidi tower defense, roblox tower defense
Id: 9Vx42LDuOWA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 3sec (1203 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2024
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