Escape the Backrooms LEVEL 94 is The SCARIEST

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hello everyone [Music] and welcome back to escape the back rooms today we join our adventurers on an Epic Journey a question if you will to escape this totally Maze of head-less proportions today we will find out if they are going to survive the treacherous demons that lie ahead or if we will surely escape the back rooms welcome this video on the internet I am Muchachos you're ready to continue uh the back rooms what that guy said mucho Mahalo what's stitch said Mahana licky some [ __ ] I don't know Ohana means family family means everybody gets left behind and no one gives about them there's a chair vending machine what and there's a table vending machine oh my God wait wait if I push the button do I get a table I don't know how they fit those in there cheers what do you mean hey hold on I gotta take a look [Laughter] I'll push the button do you see any chance Kevin don't push the button don't push it push it push it push it because all right listen I think with my special big brain powers that was gifted to me by Mr Oppenheimer himself the maker of the nuclear bomb that we have to count these items and then put them no wait wait wait wait wait wait wait are you wait you see oh yo Kevin is smart again yeah oh so there's one two three four five yeah you have to count the items nine books oh wait wait wait wait nine books put nine in that but not in here yeah then put two waters how many chairs four four five chairs five chairs two three four five chairs she has five chairs all right and then tables a table is a one two three three three tables and bottles of waffles we've got um Kevin doesn't disappoint dude he might be a big bonehead but was it huh what was what a door opening I heard someone not I I know I heard someone pounded on the door who was pounding on the door whoa look at this clock that's what they mean when they say time flies Oh I thought narrator was the one that usually does that [ __ ] dude someone got an eviction notice oh [ __ ] wait what is it what happened I ain't nothing sadder than out fishing I found cameras I found cameras uh we found a button I think this is where we're supposed to go there's a button with cameras reset the camera where's the cameras at oh no oh where's this door go oh wait wait wait wait wait wait do the cameras see you what happened wait wait wait look the cameras are looking around wait what oh [ __ ] okay so what's the I don't understand what the cameras are for oh and here in here in here in here oh look oh I think I get it do you huh yes all right you have to go back and reset the cameras and not get caught by the cameras and get all the way over here oh oh oh wait is that why we have the uh the crowbars no we can go through the vents yep yeah wait can you just cut through there no because this is an exit that's connected by the cameras I'm right behind you guys in the vent where does that lead to oh do all three does everybody need to go back it [ __ ] what did that say you're an idiot ICS what do you whatever stupid dumbass computer screen I'm following you guys Gabby where are you I'm just gonna stay behind cause like realistically only one person needs to do that so you're scared is that what you're saying babies wow you know be really funny is if this leads back to the uh reset thing oh it does all right well it's perfect so now we just gotta we just gotta hit the reset button and then not get caught by the cameras all right camera is a reset ready go go go go go go there's one right there can I just [ __ ] out of it no no no no don't get caught by the camera I didn't catch me I mean I saw you but it does it's gonna be in here are we still good Gabby I see it it's in the corner it's on this corner over here so go around it this way like this aha oh it's there hold on a second just give it a second it's turning I think Gabby is it is it watching us uh I don't see anything okay okay go boys go go go go go go this way this way go go go go over here boys over here we're this way potato oh the one on the left get in here get in here get in here wait this door's open now this door's open look at this [Music] it's greater sunbursts bug spray baby let's go [Music] hi welcome to the clam Hotel how can I help you yes could I get uh one clown with a side of horses Motel not clown we offer special services here I mean the girls are tight but they smell like clams kind of thing if you're brave enough you can shuck them but that's that's on you do you have any have any variety I got I've got salmon but it's uh it's more uh you're gonna have to row for it you know what I mean [Music] oh these have elevator buttons boys oh I think you gotta push them in order then in order of what well well if you push you does it turn green oh wait wait wait from youngest to oldest oh oh okay so first she's lit up and then this guy over here yeah and then the really old [ __ ] over there okay and I'm gonna hit the real old [ __ ] bam yes wow wow okay oh look butterflies they're gonna kill you I love the butterflies hi little buddies you're so cute oh a little bus now right now you got some bugs on you watch out no [Music] life my little friends I what have you done we were gonna be like the Krusty Krab episode I was gonna put this mouth jelly on the Krabby Patty and it was gonna be the best sandwich ever but you you struck them down in their Prime you had the nerve the call the audacity to say no you will not live today I I don't know if I can talk to you right now [Music] for five minutes eighty for five minutes I don't want to hear a goddamn beep out of you calm down dog it's just mods man is that Cracker still crying about the damn insects I want to get out of here ah yeah he's still crying about it let's go leave him alone let him cry let's go boys a few moments later narrator look come here narrator come here hurry look in here look okay let me let me see look narrator oh [ __ ] look we got some more well some [ __ ] let's go okay now he's gonna make a song about mugs oh my God [Music] [Music] [Music] oh my God wait a minute okay now I'm Alvin and the Chipmunks you can't just lock them away oh you gotta face the truth you know how much you know how expensive these suits are and your gas still made it through my nostrils do you understand how crazy that is you are a world-class development in the issue right now this is not okay some Flex Seal for the ass bro that's crazy all right I'm gonna need you to get it together narrator because yeah we need to uh continue to explore and you don't know if those mods are going to turn into some sort of back rooms entity and kill us I have a feeling that in this room somewhere is going to be more mods and I'm just ready to you did I'm gonna kill them no foreign please I won't let you leave to kill more moths get off my way leave the mouse alone I'm sorry narrator but I have to do what I have to do oh narrator look uh [ __ ] [ __ ] I swear to you Eduardo I made them look like a really good Starburst look it's a grape Starburst man shut up I won't take your spirit unless we could fly and soar upon the wings of my Fallen Brethren my moths will have your soul in here give me the jelly or just put the jelly in there that's all you gotta do just put the jelly there wait oh oh so we did need to make them jelly yeah see a narrator it was it was you didn't have to be such a [ __ ] about it dude I I just ate the jelly oh my God you what Eddie I I stayed to jelly oh [ __ ] wait uh uh um huh I sent my jelly down the chute what is it I got a key yay nice look we made it to the elevator yeah there we go all right um where are we all right Muchachos okay listen we had to kill moths to make bath jelly that was the easy part of the back rooms Hotel I can't believe you killed according to my Intel all right narrator that was part of the game we had to do it brother man I'm gonna need you to forgive me it's foggy I don't think he really cared about my bug spray sure sure I'm gonna need you I hated every moment of that dude he walked away he left oh you mean he just went for he went for me and then just left yeah he decided he didn't want to be racist so he didn't go for me edius this what this feels like for you every day what are you talking about I I just feel targeted [Laughter] no you're excused I get it now I'm sorry okay um listen listen man listen who's alive still oh you are uh Kevin is Kevin Kevin listen I am Kevin there's there's a letter this is you yeah are you sure ah just kidding I scared you got him you got him got him letters in these rooms I found an O I found an O as well where'd you go Kevin oh wait no no no no no no no no that's a real one [ __ ] it's okay they don't know how to open doors they don't open doors they don't open doors oh my God I thought that was Kevin I thought that was Kevin oh I found like I found a cave so we have we have okay okay oh okay we found a u I found ook oh my brother and have returned what did you yell like that bro I'll take it I'm sorry scared the [ __ ] out of me nice dude nice look just just a taunt narrator yeah that was [ __ ] up dog hey I'm hungry I need to eat something [Music] Kevin we have to go stop eating dude [Music] we're good we're good all right all right [ __ ] he's coming again oh no that is terrifying oh hey yo it wasn't you know again I think those are numbers oh [ __ ] run run in here in here in here did you die again Gabby yeah oh so the biscuit dude whoa what the [ __ ] why am I sleeping on the bed guys I'm under the under the bed how did you get under there I saw you disappear all of a sudden I clicked on the bed oh I pressed F on the bed and now I'm underneath like this is this is like a little cute little game wait can you get out yeah you can hide under the beds whoa what okay I think we have I think the uh the letters from the previous round carried over who has got who's got all of the all of the papers oh oh I figured it out look up ah no wait zero five nine three eight go Kevin I'm watching for you this is it what is it zero five nine three eight zero five nine three eight the code says look up and then where the numbers there the whole time we did it I'm alive again [ __ ] dude what the [ __ ] Gabby Gabby's back Gabby's back a thermometer what do we need a thermometer well see sometimes you can put a thermometer up someone's butt to check their temperature oh what for I don't know but that's usually what thermometers are for I tend to run medium rare [Laughter] that's a giant ass moth holy [ __ ] so he hit oh my God you biggest though just got eaten by the very things he swore to love he's been betrayed all right well everything I said about these moths it guys kill them all yeah kill them whoa mine's 140. I found a door whoa that's where they took me the run run run run oh wait that's where they took me that's where they took me can I see them feasting on narrator real quick just gonna close that door oh that's a big moth in there cow there get out of that room get out of that room get out of that room get out of there I don't think it'll catch me I don't think I don't think it'll get me if I crouch you can I think you can avoid them if you crouch yeah okay I did it [ __ ] nobody's coming for you no no oh he did get me [ __ ] no okay I'm dead you have to make it through this room bro I'm gonna make it man I don't know what you're worried about this is easy this is some gamer [ __ ] there's another door there's another door ahead there's another door ahead ahead yes behind that boiler right there there's a door right there hi yeah muchacho right yeah yeah Chico let's go wait what we did it Kevin found it oh thank God no no no no we have to go the fun way we have to go the fun way dude [Music] yeah you know what I had the thing we've already done the party room remember that [ __ ] no please please God I hear him please this is just like real life every time I get closer to my friends they keep running away oh ready ready to run Gabriella run don't look back no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no hey at least tables seem useful I can hide under them if something chases me all right we've been through here before speed run time look we have Boom by the way this actually this is different is it no it's not that sound oh hell no hell no you see that [ __ ] they look different they actually look different now oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] are you kidding me we all have to crouch everybody Crouch Kevin it's find your penny part 27 dude man I bet it's over here somewhere I just want to find your damn Penny well Kevin when we finally find your penny what are you gonna what are you gonna buy a soda oh dude that sounds like a great idea if I get more pennies I can get something cooler yeah like what like a gumball like two sodas [Laughter] [Applause] I got him all right penny is nice oh I made it oh [ __ ] all right here we go yeah you're gonna have to try you gotta get behind that I am Groot looking ass am I okay guys yes you're okay you're okay just keep going up the floor bro okay you're good oh clear okay uh this is the party room isn't it yeah I think so well this looks different oh what oh Eddie you did it what you're in the room oh your birthday which room do I go to that's the question there's two doors the one that says happy birthday Ah that's a troll room no that's a troll room fool I have a I have a bad feeling about this Muchachos okay uh what do I do do I go left or do I go right I'm going through the room that says happy birthday yes yes happy birthday oh otherwise he led the same way oh see we're fine [Laughter] everything's fine everything's gonna go in the bathroom tile the subway bathroom I don't care you work here you're good yeah yeah there you go straight around like you like you own the place hell yeah oh what is this what of um how you doing I just went down a slide all right here we go everyone grab a flashlight while you can he's blind as [ __ ] he looks different oh he just caught somebody who did he get Kevin I'm just going through everything all right okay here here's what I'm thinking everybody stay together we we do we hit the ones on the inside and then we do hit the ones on the outside the inside ones are the hardest ones oh he's after somebody over there all right all right all right all right I've got all the flat all the ones on the inside I think on this side are done I'm just taking it I'm just double checking he's coming for me I'm double checking yep there's no tapes on this side oh [ __ ] please please please go wait no no no no no no no he's staying on me he's staying on me does he not like it when I have the light on I got somebody yeah you got me bear how many tapes how many tapes I'm gonna pull the fire alarm okay do it Hit that [ __ ] run run Gabby run there's a tape right here 's right there where [ __ ] he just passed right by you seriously I didn't even see him oh [ __ ] still says 48. there's a tape right there I see another tape I think all the tapes on the outside are done okay where is he where is he I see him I see him I see him I see him I see him there's a tape right where you were at Gabby oh is he gonna the end not really it's not the end no this leads to the infinite staircase which will lead to the new content thank God we're gonna see the dreamcore houses I'm celebrating with this almond water holy [ __ ] dude run boys we're almost there we're almost to the promise the promise Neverland don't ever say those words together the promised land the promised land the place where the houses look the same and they're on top of Green Hills and blue skies oh floor 20 wait floor 94. what the [ __ ] did you wait a minute go through floor 94. floor 94 is the back rooms level that has the uh the houses in it bro where do we go though there's nowhere to go you just go down please wait what wait oh yeah yeah good drop down after 94 go straight down uh oh my God it's it's so beautiful we're here oh my God this feels so weird be inside and turn the lights off before the 10 pm curfew this gives me depression what are you talking about it gives me depression this makes me want to go here in my dreams no I've had I swear to God that I've had a fever dream like this I just who's who's going to towards the house right now that's me I just want I'm ready to retire bro I'm really tired what oh this is my dream home uh Hey guys the sun is also setting oh it is setting fast oh get inside get inside get inside no oh I'm getting inside I'm getting inside right now oh no wait I was not inside I don't have a oh I don't have a flashlight in the dark oh I can't get inside the house I'm in my house I'm inside the house I'm under the base who's in the house who has the flashlight can I come in can I come in that's something a monster would say if they're chatty eat me is happening and what's gonna come on someone's knocking someone's not oh don't oh they're in my house they're in my house they just broke in my house they knocked in and they fbi'd opened up in my house really yeah yeah yeah yeah I see a bunch of boots they're searching my house I'm under the bed I'm being quiet did you guys see my penny I haven't seen it's not in my closet they left they left my house wait wait Kevin there's a little thing there's a little rope gets the road bro gets the Rope the Rope oh hell all right guys I'm going to bed I'm not playing this fan I'm not playing this [ __ ] at 11 30 at night you can get brother ain't no way all right narrator give us another epic outro I really hope I hope I really hope that all my little moth buddies didn't die in vain not the big scary ones they can die but my little boys if this video can get at least 20 000 likes maybe I won't have to sell my soul to raid Shadow Legends please like the video everyone I still can't find my damn Penny the Quest for Kevin's Penny in The Next Episode adios
Channel: special edd
Views: 3,039,013
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scary, eddie, special edd, eddievr, horror, funny, spooky, scariest, mexican youtuber, horror videos, creepy, horror games, jumpscare, trolling, the backrooms, backrooms, gabby, narrator, part 2
Id: TN6Jv-tswps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 2sec (1742 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 22 2023
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