Erwan and Nico Try Rice Farming in Leyte Philippines

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[Music] [Applause] Filipino cuisine and rice go hand-in-hand wherever you find yourself in the country you are bound to be surrounded by rice farms yet most of us don't really understand how it's planted harvested and eventually marketed you would think that a country that relies heavily on this crop would be self-sufficient however nowadays more and more of that rice being sold locally comes from neighboring nations so let's take a deeper look into rice farming in the Philippines [Applause] [Music] / first episode Nico and I are off to visit the Wade the lease site by renew cheer ice is produced by the farmers of the renew cheap partnership program and then process in the ultra high-tech geniag ventures processing complex in Alan Alan late day so we are currently on our way to send the fake benefit for feeding in your town in yeah it's not my time I promise you're probably yes I'll go home yes I'm going home I'm going buddy all right so we're gonna try for the first time the ones that there go right is harvesting I have actually harvested rice before in the north of the Philippines but I did it feel like 10 minutes and I think it was a very different type of harvesting I don't know we're gonna do today we're gonna try to do it for like 30 minutes let's see how much we actually get are we competing you if you want so why are the measurements how do you know who wins they're gonna count every single rice I harvest so we're gonna start with manual and then we're gonna figure out I couldn't drive the tractors okay okay you've never done this to you alright nope finally I never done it so expectations make a nice also I'd never done it [Music] [Applause] you choose whoever you think is gonna teach you the fastest and I'll do the same thing okay okay okay that one issue I I've done like a bit of water and I wanted to beat so in the middle of the farm I can appeal I'm gonna pee in the no no nothing here but you see you need that tool it's a cup knife can I can I ask her to check hello morning can eat right yeah let me teach me first teach me how to harvest yes got one like that and then put here or keep it okay doesn't matter doesn't matter how long if you look at what she harvested this is probably like two cups of rice to three cups this is the goal okay this much hey can I borrow these are they mahir mahir I'm caught I'll put it here in your pile okay I am the farmer actually can you stop telling people that you live no that's the thing I am the former reality star no yeah I'm Aaron at least and that's you know from from farmer to artista husband asawa but them you know energy I am a farmer we have land we have a lot of land we work our own land but it's more make a nice it's a different way of living you know they don't use any gloves huh I cut myself like me twice already really because he's know how to manage next I cook for a living what are you talking about oh yeah you're right I think the important thing is you don't leave any food behind you take all the polite how many days would be it takes them to finish it's uncanny Joe one day so what happens into the socks you said then he becomes organic matter so that is right again so you have to replant it yeah becomes organic matters yes fertilizes the soil then you replant all right so everybody Master East Oaks its nitrogen for the photo so I'm not sweating because I'm a farmer so I think I'm more used to everyone being a city boy it's not that you see Serena from my he's out of his comfort zone do you not watch any of my videos that's my pile ah I've been fighting in your eyes first no not this time so remove half of it put in my fire projectile tell me the minimum you're the boss we are our employees I think I won maybe get them not long be dinner know what's Molina's cuz you stand you all over the place my dad's are all in one direction yeah organization was on the point here with harvesting so it's like how you organize is not a point boss boss who's magma Collins quit I think that one was a for a competitor pretty tough but I was all the time knowing that I was ahead yeah just showing that my farmer Buckland still alive and I'm the real farmer and his days let me explain to you what traditional rice farming looks like after harvesting that's what we just it with air one the next step is the threshing done by that machine down there basically what you do is you remove the straw from the palette and you have the wet palette so after threshing it's basically quite it's basically put on the ground like that and it's sun-dried for a couple of days greens and the father gets wet again the Simon Larkin paramedic alamou mana procedure epistemic annealing Acoma cap anemia of no color oh nana here upon our code l2 burning along a phenom 30 purified but what mm dementia who urine the boba Ramu little imagine Pokemon gotta be wily unwieldy so what's the problem you may ask the headlines today are filled with alarming statements about rice farming in the Philippines ever since the rice liberalisation law was implemented a US Department of Agriculture reports stated that we are the largest importer of rice beating out even China the rice hara fication act simply put lifts import restrictions on rice as long as they are tax 35 to 40% upon arrival but even with this tax the imported rice still ends up cheaper this just goes to show that our local rice systems are not efficient enough making locally harvested and processed rice too expensive so for food security purposes and to become self-sufficient we need our local rice farming and processes to be more productive and efficient that goes all the way from properly educating farmers on how to farm more efficiently to the government providing subsidies and support to those who need it hopefully this can come from the revenue generated from the rice tariffs all the way to private companies that need to invest in manufacturing processes there needs to be a 360 approach I think rice is more than more than a crop it involves so much culture involved the government involves so many parties that are that make the rice probably the most important crop in the Philippines today and and of course the objective of the Philippines always was to be self-sufficient self sustainable when it comes to rice but we still imported some so ideally but the depart is with the natural resources graph in the Philippines we could be self-sufficient we are talking about rice but I believe that this should apply to all our other crops and agricultural products so that farmers can make more and the nation can also become more food secure issues here is that the pie was harvested a couple of days ago and it rained last night so it's it's a couple of days it touches the ground and that's how you develop black spots and really bad quality rights the issue there is the threshing machine isn't always available so the ideal method would be harvested impression in the same day but if the machines not available you can't do that another thing that we've noticed is as the machine goes around you have all these heads that basically fall on the ground but everything that's exposed to bit further that's lost rice grains and lost pal I as well [Music] Oh see the cute little law that it's really proud and wanted to show us how she harvests but she must be in her seventy five eighteen seventies and apparently she's still harvests every day it's really cool to see that but in the same time it's very alarming to see that because then it then shows you that the farming age in the country is getting older and older and we need more people to be proud and to you know actually become farmers and and want to get into agriculture I think the average age of a farmer in the Philippines is in 55 to 58 yeah so imagine in ten days I will race and I mean good god bless er super-nice also walking around still in the fields but you know you'd wish I think the system should change to help people like her that in mechanisation will be something that would help her but is not to mechanize for them to get less income is to mechanize to for them to get more income today i will explain how mechanized farming works [Music] combine harvester what we do is we we harvest but at the same time we shredded because the shredder that we saw before is inside the machine and after that this is most storage compartment inside but after it goes to the bag directly so what we need to do is to bring the back outside it's much more efficient yes so basically what it takes maybe 12 hours manually plus another 4 to 5 hours shredding take us 3 hours with the combine harvester their sequence is clean it needs to be after in the plan when they dry there will be a how do you call apart whenever you pre cleaners and the pre cleaning all the green stuff that is not but I will be stopped before going to the dryer so from here straight to the right the Chaney Act Ventures harvesters use here to harvest the pilot produced are for the farmers in the renew Chi partnership program which will then be transformed into the lease I buy renew Chi rice in the chimney adventures processing complex [Music] in your pocket back hole here is the biggest one once we understood how rice is harvested with machines we decided to visit the Chennai rice processing center a state-of-the-art facility that is considered to be one of the best in Southeast Asia changes quality guarantee starts at the farm level they have in tirelessly working with farmers to include them in the programs where they provide them with high quality seeds fertilizers and other inputs that they will need for the planting season the machinery needed for the land preparation and planting together with the guidance to make sure their crop is optimized Kusaka nila dahil in America - Wang katewanamaker - vanaman a technician naman totoros a means a keen company and procedure param Agni mag and egg and upon Cannondale dosa totaling seguro mocha Connie Paco no Maison de Anzacs a selector non-hindi pakodi Joe Cecchini - until a new LP laser and Anil Allah Geico Sam Goodman a walnut are the nagging : Jana Sangh shadaloo an LT laser Hindi Kannada - certainly my technician Sheila in-utero Samina in the canonical late lung Top Gun Dena ranked one more once it's ready to be harvest they provide the farmers in the programs with the mechanical harvesters they stretch to rise immediately meaning that the PAL I never touches the soil once a pad is brought to the plan it is clean dry and wave it is then stir in temperature control silos ready to be meal the palais is then placed in a grain cooler meal clean this stone the husk and separated at this point the brown rice is weighted it then passes through the whitener which makes the rice white and soft after will then be sorted by color and go through a final polishing stage during this whole process everything is weighted separately to be able to accurate determine the losses if any these are then passed through the mist polisher and the rotary swifter to be able to grade the rice into pool heads large broken and small broken for an agricultural heavy country we are still to manual this is how it should be done in our program will provide the seeds to the farmer at zero interest loan we provide all the inputs like fertilizer if they need herbicides so we add the farmer to really change the weather farming and help them to improve and to increase the yield using the right inputs very good seed and very good fertilizer then from the field we have our own machines all our own combine harvester we go on our veg then we collect directly from the field to the rice processing center [Music] [Music] after being out all the way under the Sun we wanted to sit down taste the renew Chi rice and enjoy some lovingly prepared and Reggie's in alençon are these much right so maybe today decided I would change my life should I try white first like that it's a laser right so right now we're at Reggie's we've a budget with a Democrat for us and it's absolutely delicious already texturally you see a massive difference which is right after the do the dishes [Music] we did a test in the office yeah we did that attack different people and people managed to say that this was different from the regular race yeah go ahead market how do you say like you know rice we stop here like were you can you get the training and expensive lecture the Cameo is an eye-opening today's I realize how much work goes into creating this product that is considered a commodity and a staple of everyday Filipino families right and how many missions and how many machines are needed yeah my question is why what inspired you to do this in the Philippines in November 2013 when Yolanda said later so we decided me and my wife okay maybe it's time for us to change the way we're living and earning money so let's try to go there and to see what kind of sustainable business we do we came here to show the rest of the world that we can do sustainable and sustainable business is the only one that we stay on the long run because at the end if you are too opportunistic and if you want to make too much money then I want you to our program here being sustainable we are helping the farmer to increase the income to get out of poverty but we are creating also a huge positive effect on all the community [Music] thank you one for making part of one of your trips and I hope it happens very often [Music] you
Channel: FEATR
Views: 684,390
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: erwan, heussaff, thefatkidinside, rice, philippines, how rice is made, nico bolzico, rice recipes, pinoy recipes, renucci rice, rice farming, rice farming in the philippines, erwan and nico learn how rice is made
Id: duuf2JwNwgQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 38sec (1058 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 05 2019
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