Error: Dependency requires Latest SDK Version | Upgrade Flutter | Downgrade Flutter

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hi guys if you using Dey which required SDK latest version as you see I use Google mapc which requires SDK latest version is 3.10 so you can remove this error by going into the terminal and write flutter upgrade after this it will take some time and it will download the latest version as you see I already downloaded it it takes some time and it will upgrade to the latest version which is 3.1 3.1 uh 3.1 3.9 and the do version at 3.1.5 it will upgrade to the latest version and if you want to degrad it so you can write flutter downgrade and version which you want to downgrade it it will downgrade to the to the to the to the previous version if you write toal downgrade and version which you want to downgrade it it will downgrade to that version thanks for watching
Views: 1,614
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Keywords: requires sdk version =2.19.6 3.0.0 version, the current dart sdk version is 2.19.3., version solving failed. pub get failed, how to solve flutter, flutter upgrade, flutter update, pub get flutter, flutter dart version, flutter error, how to flutter, flutter version, flutter error version, flutter, pwh services
Id: _9RweDRwsRA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 28sec (88 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 29 2023
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