Setting up Firebase for Flutter (Connecting Android, iOS, and Web) Flutter Firebase 2023 [#1]

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hello and welcome to this amazing flutter Firebase series and this comprehensive series we will cover every single concept that you need to know about the flutter and Firebase throughout this series we will cover a wide range of Firebase features providing you with all the knowledge you need to create robust scalable and real-time applications from setting up Firebase in your flutter project to implementing authentication managing data with Cloud file store storing and retrieving files with cloud storage running serverless back-end code with Cloud functions and gaining insight into user Behavior with analytics and performance monitoring we will leave no stone unturned if you are a beginner or an experienced flutter developer this series is designed to cater to all skills levels so if you're ready to level up your flutter app development and harness to the full potential of Firebase you are in the right place but before we jump into the specifics make sure to hit the Subscribe button and ring the notification Bell so that you don't miss any of the exciting content coming your way trust me you won't want to miss any of it so grab your favorite coding setup buckle up and get ready for an incredible journey into the world of flutter and Firebase without further Ado let's get started with this extraordinary flutter Firebase series now that we have covered everything let's begin with the first video in this series Firebase setup for flutter in this video we will walk you through the process of setting up Firebase in your flutter project ensuring seamless integration across Android iOS and even web so let's not waste another second and start the Firebase setup process open your IDE and create a new flutter project I've already created one and here's nothing to do just open your browser and go to the Firebase console here create a new Firebase project I will name it flutter Firebase click on the continue and if you are working with real time application so you can just enable it and click on continue as it is a dummy project so I'm just gonna disable it click on the create project so it will take a few seconds our project is ready click on the continue and there it is our Firebase project is successfully created first of all we will link our iOS application with the flutter project click on the iOS icon and here it requires Apple bundle ID so from where we will get this apple bundle ID open your IDE and here in the iOS directory open the runner.x code project and in this file the project pbx.project you will see this product bundle identifier just copy it from here and paste it in the Apple bundle ID now if you want to name your iOS application provide a nickname and also if you want to provide App Store IDE these both fields are optional so I'm just gonna leave it like this and click on the register app now the next step is to download the Google services info.plist click on it and download it after downloading it go to the directory and copy it from here and paste it right here in the runner directory click OK and that's it this file contains all the data that you need to work with Firebase for the iOS so go to the Firebase again and click on next here's nothing to do just click on the next and click on next continue to console that's it our iOS application is successfully linked to the Firebase project now to add the Android click on the add app and click on the Android icon here we go again now same as iOS it requires Android package name so let's go to the IDE and grab this Android package name open the Android directory and in the app level build.gradle you will find this application ID there it is copy this ID and paste it right here if you want to provide the nickname and sha it's optional so I'm just going to leave it like that click on the register app and same as iOS download this Google services.json and copy it from here and paste it right in the app directory click OK this file contains all the data to work with ever Firebase Android application here it contains our package name client ID and all the other stuff and now go to the Firebase click on next now to access the Google services.json we need to apply these plugins into our build.gradle of project level and app level build.gradle so simply we have to copy this and go to the project level build.gradle simply paste it right here just remove the apply false also this code and the IDE replace the IDE with the cloud spot there it is now that's it go to the fibrous console again and copy this ID and we have to paste it in the app level build.gradle just go to the IDE and app level build.gradle scroll up here and paste it right here replace the ID with apply plugin and that's it go to the Firebase console and click on the next continue to console now that our IOS and Android applications are linked correctly to the Firebase now let's add the web also click on the web and let's try to add the nickname for a web my web and if you want to check this Firebase hosting for this application so you can also check this so I'm gonna leave it like this click on the register app now the next step is to add these all parameters to our main character now we will initialize our Firebase app in the main. and for that we need the package Firebase core let's copy it go to the IDE open the pubspec.eml and in the dependencies pass the Firebase score and click on the pub get that's it we get all the dependencies go to the main.dart and here we will initialize our Firebase which is flutterbinding dot ensure initialize as we are initializing Firebase so it will be future and we will make it sang and here we will avoid Firebase dot initialize app click on the Firebase and import the Firebase library for the semicolon and that's it now for the web we will check if K is web and the body we will avoid Firebase dot initialize app and in the option we will write Firebase option now as you can see here it requires the API key app ID message sender ID and project ID we will copy these IDs from the Firebase console so go to your Firebase console copy it from here and paste it right here now the app ID will copy this app ID and paste it in the app ID Now message sender ID copy it from here past it right here and lastly project ID and that's it our web is also done go to the Firebase console and click continue to console now congratulations your Android iOS and webs are success fully connected to the Firebase that's it for today's video on Firebase setup for flutter we have covered the essential steps to connect Firebase with Android iOS and web in the upcoming videos we will explore each Firebase feature in details enabling you to build powerful and scalable applications so make sure to subscribe to our Channel and hit the notification Bell to stay updated thank you for watching if you have any questions or suggestions feel free to leave them in the comments below connect with us on social media channels for more flutter and Firebase tutorials see you in the next video
Channel: CodingxTalk
Views: 24,967
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flutter firebase, flutter firebase auth, flutter firebase crud, flutter firebase setup, flutter firebase project, flutter firebase analytics, flutter firebase setup 2023, flutter firebase setup android, flutter firebase web setup, how to setup firebase database in flutter, connect flutter with firebase, flutter firebase setup for android, firebase setup for flutter web, setup firebase for flutter, how to setup firebase in flutter ios, flutter tutorial firebase setup, android, ios
Id: YVB94s21jD8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 59sec (479 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 05 2023
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