ERROR 2003 (HY000): Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061) solved

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hello everyone in this video i'll be  showing you how to solve the error   2003 can't connect to mysql server and  localhost so i'm getting this error when   i type mysql in my command prompt and if when  i type this particular command that is mysql   hyphen u username and hyphen p which is a password  and if i just enter the password over here   i'm still getting the same error over here so  i'll be showing you how to solve this okay so   the first thing what you will do is you need to  go to environmental variables okay so just go to   start and type for environmental variables and  you will be getting this option edit the system   environment variables just open it okay and go  to environmental variables and go to path just   click on edit and here you need to have this  particular path okay c program files mysql   mysql server 8.0 bin so this is the default path  where your mysql has been installed in your system   so if you aren't having this particular path  what you are doing is you need to go to your   local disk c program files and you're going to  mysql and server and bin so this is the path   over here you're just going to copy and just going  to edit environmental variables just select path   edit new paste it and click ok so i've already  added so i'm not doing it so once you're done just   click ok everywhere okay just click ok all these  places so once you're done with this path okay the   next thing what you do is you need to go to your  services okay so i think this is the solution okay   right that path is like i guess it's like you  are i think you would have already done it okay   so just go to services and search for mysql okay  so it will be sorted in the alphabetical order so   search for m you'll be having two mysqls and you  need to go for with mysql 80 which is of type   manual okay just leave the automatic type just  select this manual one and just start the service so now as you can see here my service has  been started so if i now go to the same   command prompt and if i type mysql hit enter  so this time i'm not getting this one error   this localhost this this is this error i'm getting  is because i have given the wrong command okay so   it needs to be this one so just copy this paste  it hit enter and if i enter the password and   enter and as you can see here i am having my  mysql prompt over here and i can just type any command over here so my databases are visible  so i hope you would have solved your error   and mine is a programming channel i  have done many other videos in sql   query questions interview questions  as well as programming videos in c   c plus plus java as well as 3d animation  in blender so do check the videos of my   channel subscribe and support me it  helps me a lot and thanks for watching
Channel: United Top Tech
Views: 57,366
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ERROR 2003 (HY000): Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)
Id: 9haB3XP3FME
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 54sec (174 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 25 2022
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