Err…So You’re SURE Trump Wasn’t RIGHT About Russia Collusion??!

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Nov 13 2021 🗫︎ replies
few weeks ago we made a video on the russia gate scandal citing glenn greenwald's article revealing that some of the people that were saying trump was colluding with the russians were proven to be illegitimate you know what we got a lot of flack for that a lot of mainstream media outfits says russell brands advocating for trump he's a trump lover i've always been clear with you about my feelings with trump i'm not a fan but what i do like is truth open discussion honest debate respecting people's right to hear things authentically and truthfully since we made that video there's been even more revelations let's see how the accusations of me being a trump supporter look in the light of these new accusations hello there you four million four hundred 000 children of the revolution let's have a little look at the russia gate story and how it's developing i have a personal interest in this now because when i reported on it last time admittedly under the somewhat provocative title trump was right uh that we got all sorts of heat and feedback that really surprised me because i've always thought that there was room for open discussion honesty and clarity but i was misquoted misdirected taken out of context i must say i was astonished by the conduct of the mainstream media breaking points did a video about it jimmy dore did a video about it there was some lovely support but i was very very surprised by it let's have a look at how that story has developed since then writing in the new york times which i believe is uh basically a right-wing fascist organization an analyst who was a key contributor to democratic funded opposition research into possible links between donald trump and russia was arrested on thursday and charged with lying to the fbi about his sources the analyst igor danchenko was a primary researcher for claims that went into the so-called steele dossier a compendium of rumors and unproven assertions suggesting that mr trump and his 2016 campaign were compromised by and conspiring with russian intelligence officials to help him defeat hillary clinton what offended me was the idea the assertion that you would require collusion in order to overcome hillary clinton she wasn't a popular candidate she wasn't offering anything new the democratic party is trying to avoid accepting the responsibility for being a party that doesn't reach its supposed constituency of ordinary working people by blaming russia the inability to accept that the reason that they're not elected is because they're not electable because they're not offering people something they want you know like i've always said you should consider the conditions that lead to trump trump and post-trump what is that whole phenomena obviously people had an appetite for something new some sort of change and the fact that ordinary working people were willing to vote for a billionaire who was a candidate for the republican party shows just how little they think of the democratic party and that's what the focus should be on not like oh donald trump and evil whatever you think of donald trump but what can we do to make this party meaningful in a 39-page indictment obtained by the special counsel john h durham a grand jury accused mr danchenko of five counts of making false statements to the fbi about his sources for certain claims in the dossier i don't claim to be a political expert we're just using reliable sources from across the political spectrum to construct meta narratives that you might be interested in wherever you are on the political spectrum as i've always said to you i don't exist within this rubric i've been disillusioned long ago and i believe in new solutions real changes and if you want to know more about them i can talk to you about them on my mailing list and in more depth in other sources here i'm giving a kind of an overview this is from intelligencer since buzzfeed published stills reports in 2017 many of the dossier's key claims have failed to materialize or have shown to be false but this week it may have been dealt a death blow when the operative used by steele to gather material for the dossier was indicted would you not look at this information with the understanding of for example biden's recent u-turn on selling arms to saudi arabia just one campaign promise that's turned out to be untrue like how could you go there must be some reason there must be some reason that people would vote for donald trump well they're obviously crazy and idiots and obviously the russians must be involved could it be that uh there's no point in voting for anybody really because no one ever does anything and the stuff they say they're going to do is all lies no no it can't be that it must be the russians well in the washington post the dangchenko indictment doubles as a critique of several media outlets that covered steele's reports in 2016 after its publication by buzzfeed in january 2017. as discussed in this series cnn msnbc mother jones and the mcclatchy newspaper chain and various pundits showered credibility upon the dossier without corroboration that's another thing that's not good practice is it to shower praise on a dossier because it happens to support what you believe anyway we're just like a little team doing this and like we check stuff out and found other topics to cover when a forceful debunking arrived in december 2019 via a report from justice department inspector general michael horowitz the indictment provides further insight into why the fbi had concluded that the dossier was mostly a jumble of claims that were inaccurate unconfirmed or already publicly reported sourcing for the dossier was threadbare in the most charitable of depictions the wall street journal on friday published a story noting that the indictment contradicted the newspaper's original reporting we will continue to follow the danchenko case closely and report updates as they develop a journal spokesperson said in a statement we asked the journal if he intended to add an editor's note correction retraction to the january 2017 story a spokesperson declined to elaborate i think the reason people are disillusioned with mainstream media and increasingly coming to media sources such as this one and many other comparable or vastly different independent media sources is because we've come to accept that mainstream media has so many collaborative relationships with big business high finance government agency existing narratives that the idea of objectivity other than notable rare and very um noble exceptions is anathema you're not going to get objectivity from there like as this example demonstrates they didn't corroborate or check the dossier in the first place now the dossier has been proven to be wishful thinking rather than fruitful fact abc news issued this statement we are reviewing this in light of new developments that's it [Laughter] oh you're climbing up now news organizations may face a mismatch as they place their reporting alongside the indictment where the indictment relies on emails interviews and other powerful investigative tools the wall street journal's initial 2017 scoop cited a single anonymous source news outlets now face a steep journalistic challenge that of returning to their sources in an effort to back up the original claims if that effort doesn't produce enough evidence to surmount the allegations in the indictment there's only one option retract the stories allowing one version of events to sit awkwardly alongside another and leaving it to the reader to decide won't cut it except increasingly i mean you tell me you know more than i do do you trust mainstream media does any of this surprise you i know in the comments loads of you say get with it russell we knew this stuff 20 years ago 30 years ago well yeah i'm sure you did how do you feel then about this ongoing investigation what do you think it points to do you think there are any political candidates or political parties existing within the current paradigm that could meaningfully change this situation that have the will to for example end lobbying and trading among members of congress have new assemblies made up of ordinary people decentralized power where possible all sorts of things that are worthy of discussion and examination surely again from the intelligencer it's hard to imagine a turn of events with more dire consequences than the new indictment for steel the dossier and fusion gps the investigative firm run by two ex-wall street journal reporters that hired the ex-spy on behalf of hillary clinton's campaign and promoted his reports to the media the charges against danchenko may also force a reckoning that some journalists who embraced the dossier had hoped to avoid an examination of their reporting about it and their ties to operatives for hire doesn't it as well point to the fact that the hillary campaign had to be engaged with dirty tricks and smears doesn't it show you that even a figure like me a pretty small fish in a big pond suffers from condemnation and smears and attacks just attempting to report an unbiased opinion it also points to the fact that hillary clinton and the democrat party seemingly pursue power just for the sake of it just in order to augment and fortify existing financial relationships just to carry on with their own interest not really to change the lives of ordinary people i think this points to a much bigger problem a kind of stifled and entrenched corruption that's hard to even fathom relationships between media big business and political parties that prevents any real change ever happening that there is no reason for hope or optimism from any of these figures that they're never going to offer you any change because change is not what they're contemplating what they're contemplating is further fortifying and um what do i want to say so locking in their existing power bases don't it seem ridiculous to you that that campaign was primarily focused on smearing their opponent instead of just saying well look we're going to try and create a better america the reason they can't say that is because they don't mean to do that they don't plan to do that and even in the case of some of the campaign pledges made by biden already they're falling apart and proving not to be true so they have to resort to narrative explosions and slurs and vivid ideas the russians there's proof it's all happening because you can't say look don't worry about that crazy like forget that lot we are gonna make america better for you if you're an american person you're living an ordinary life you're wearing less than fifty thousand dollars a year we're gonna make your life better in this in this series of ways isn't that what a political party should be and instead of actually doing that they'd rather just point the finger and blame people well you like trump you're racist all of this kind of stuff just comes out instead of actually getting on with the business of creating a better and fairer system reuters and cnn wrote in september a lawyer for hillary clinton's 2016 campaign was indicted on charges of lying to the fbi in a 2016 meeting where he shared information about the trump organization and russia in august 2020 fbi agent kevin klein smith was convicted on a felony false statement charge arising from the internal review of the special counsel's russia investigation so at this point three people have been arrested in relation to those allegations and again i don't claim to be an expert but i feel like the relationship between donald trump and the fbi when he was president was not a great relationship so i don't know why they would now be like come on we've got to prove that these charges were untrue and again just to touch on why this affected me personally because they didn't really talk about it at the time because i didn't really know what to do whether it was the best thing to ignore it check out some of the stuff that was written this was from the rap russell brand fancy has officially lost his mind after the latest right wing conspiracy videos it's described as a right-wing conspiracy to point out that people have been arrested for collusion in what seems like a false charge that there was collusion between the donald trump campaign and russia that's not a right-wing conspiracy i'm not a right-wing person if you want to increase the tide of who is an enemy then like who's going to be left who's going to be left if people are going oh well that weren't true then you know it's extraordinary to me people should want open communication unbiased reporting where possible an acknowledgement that all of us have sort of got our own limitations and prejudices that we're unsure of and uncertain of but there's a kind of good faith attitude of let's try and do this together rather than let's make enemies of one another and the reason they can't do that is because they are bound by so many financial ties so many ideological ties that there is no objectivity there can be no objectivity and i would also suggest that they're very concerned about their diminishing market and diminishing credibility but they are contributing to that with their own practices russell brand an actor typically known for his more liberal political opinions is starting to lean heavily into right-wing conspiracies on his youtube channel leaving fans flummoxed and upset it's not a right-wing conspiracy theory to say that i'm not a right-wing person for me the right and the left are the same thing i don't see myself as involved in that i'm interested in freedom the empowerment of ordinary people the empowerment of all communities people to live be able to live their lives and be whoever they are i don't see any political party advocate for that i know some of you say the republicans do and that donald trump did but i would argue that they have the same kind of relationships with big business that democrats do i'm no more aligned to the republicans than democrats for me i'm interested in different ideas some of them with a historical underpinning some of them with an anthropological underpinning but mostly i'm interested in real meaningful change for you i would welcome russell brown to the q anon cult but let's be honest he's been embodying their extremist mentality for years says amy vanderpool creator of the shiro newsletter well actually um i do believe that there is a lot of collusion between big business and the government as demonstrated here i do believe there are a lot of fake media narratives that are spun i do believe that the lobbying profession has got out of control i do believe that ordinary people do not have a big enough voice enough control over their own lives and political process if that's the right wing conspiracy that i'm a right-wing conspiracy theorist i don't think those kind of labels and those kind of smears are very helpful if what you are truly interested in is investigating and presenting and sharing the truth with people and having an open conversation i wouldn't describe my views as right-wing or left-wing i'm interested in changing the world so ordinary people have access to the power that affects and controls their life i'm interested in investigating new theories new ideas new systems and if you want to come on that journey with me you are very welcome to because you are all welcome beyond any possible label that you could ever give yourself or anyone else could give you but that's just what i think what do you think let me know your views in the comments are you worried about the mainstream media if you enjoyed this video have a look at this one cheeky though it may be and the cause of all this chaos in the first place and if you want to learn a little bit more about well-being and spirituality check this out you'll learn something valuable from it and please sign up to my mailing list as well so i can communicate with you directly tell you what i'm reading thinking and what i'm into then we can communicate with each other directly stay free
Channel: Russell Brand
Views: 978,913
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Russell Brand, Brand Russell, Russell Brand video, Russell Brand news, Russell Brand politics, News, Brand, politics, Russell, USA, UK, Russel, Russel Brand, Donald Trump, President, Hillary Clinton, Russiagate, Glenn Greenwald, Democrats, Russia, FBI, Igor Danchenko, Russian Intelligence Officals, John H. Durham, media, mainstream media, CNN, MSNBC, Mother Jones, McClatchy newspaper, General Michael Horowitz, ABC News Lawyer, Kevin Clinesmiths, Right Wing, Left Wing, Russia Collusion
Id: RCcKXz1P3vU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 4sec (844 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 12 2021
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