erm... you can't say that.

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I believe it doesn't breed creativity you don't breed creativity I don't breed I'm a virgin you want to bet white slip two different roads which one do I pick Choose Your Own Adventure [Laughter] I'm gonna go with swaggies it sounds more rough you chose the [ __ ] option no I didn't yeah you did you slouched you're a [ __ ] damn no racism for me today what's your Fitz what's your least favorite thing in the world I almost got him he's on these two are wondering trust is slacking man okay how can I earn trust you gotta murder a cop I gotta murder a cop at first me and my boyfriend were having some trust issues then he killed that cop and I just knew he was the one then he killed a filthy pig for me yeah I'm not gonna read a [ __ ] book about it okay it's because you're not studious I'm probably the most studious guy here doubt all right I think you're the stupidest guy here go go go go go go editor animate Smitty getting sturdy editor I will find where you live we'd be [ __ ] up to introduce no ideas of birthdays to like your kid what no ideas yeah so like you you tell like the you tell the kid like you don't never you never tell them about birthdays basically you just don't tell him when he was born somebody ask you Dad what's my birthday you just you just you never say no idea why the [ __ ] would I know I don't know look it up this gets unreasonably mad oh your friends celebrate it well if your friends jumped off a bridge would you a birthday party you know what they do at parties drugs what other voices do you have I have uh I have I have quite a good critical one this is making me more flaccid than the time I saw my grandmother's left titty at the water park hahaha uh relaxing sniffing the sea [ __ ] big booty Judy like the judge dick as [ __ ] Duty she got that judicial booty I do 25 to life for 10 minutes with Judge Judy thank you with the gavel order [Music] is it a gamble or a gavel I don't know what it's called oh my God I don't know what it is but smack my ass with it bro it's kind of awkward How uh so I couldn't visit you how crazy uh yeah that's true yeah yeah that's pretty true you guys should talk about it oh why would you bring that up why didn't you [ __ ] go see him I didn't have any time I didn't even know he was in town what you do what's your what was your itinerary exactly oh we didn't like San Antonio for a bit I was just doing a [ __ ] under driving it was like everywhere I was doing this quote unquote road trip thing with schlank you suck at explaining yourself I really do all right sorry I couldn't see I was doing this uh quote unquote road trip you're doing Swagger goon at all when you met up in Texas oh yeah we were gooning the whole time we recruiting we ran out of goon [ __ ] to jerk to I had to bust open the Heart collection what yeah once again the black man is left out oh yeah Grizzly's mad because Swagger didn't invite him to the goonside he's so upset what what is goonie what is good Listen My Sweet Summer child Grizzy if you want to come to my goon cave you can it's open tonight goon cave yeah I've got I've got so much goon material you can be my gunette what the hell [Laughter] we can bust out the emergency goon kit if you need [Laughter] that'll last us a couple days until we can find an internet connection what's up guys welcome back to my sellout I mean second Channel today's video is sponsored by please on the open cases if you're over 18. skin Club is the best place to open CS go cases and upgrade skins it's perfectly Fair which you can see for yourself at any time and you always know exactly what your odds are unlike traditional CS go cases there's a new event every month over at skin club and this time around it's called techno Showdown just by playing on the site you earn event points which can be used to get all kinds of extra [ __ ] this month they've actually added a marketplace where you can trade in your points for skins cases and even giveaway tickets the more tickets you use to enter a giveaway the higher chances are of winning I actually earned a bunch of event points just by opening a few cases and doing some battles even though I was pretty unlucky with the cases themselves today one of my favorite things about skin Club is their upgrade feature let's say I open a case and I pull a less than desirable skin I can just try my luck again on the upgrade Tab and flip it into whatever I want you choose the odds and once you get the skin you want it's super easy to withdraw and start playing with your item yeah no no no no no I had no doubt if you want to try out skin club for yourself you could deposit with Cod crypto or by trading those CS go Skins you don't really care about from your inventory just make sure you click the link in the description for a seven percent deposit bonus that's a seven percent bonus on whatever you deposit using my link in the description down below thanks skin Club boy it's not the end of the world the longest time I didn't see a black person in my neighborhood it was like very white all right thank you for that weird nugget of information what do we say to that for the longest time I didn't see a single black here at Central South Office Park we do things differently we don't just do paperwork we work paper oh my God kill me now I'd even start this job do you need to take a trip to the HR department okay I don't know I guess you just talked to me for a little bit we see what's going on with you see what's going on in your brain how you feel about life how you feeling about work going on at home why you're sexually harassing Karen just slide that in there you can't keep pinching a bottom like that it's inappropriate now I know for a fact I do not do that so okay sure I'll just not believe the rumors I'll just not believe them you're weird you're a weird guy [Laughter] you're not good at your job and no one likes you here maybe you should just leave it gets really personal you're not even tall enough to give a sermon shut the [ __ ] up hey yo boost Me Just Wanna Give a sermon on our little altar boys back trying to play man I'm trying to play come on did you not die oh my God bro I'm clutching right now could you stop [ __ ] gasoline oh my God shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up okay [Laughter] [Laughter] oh wait they survived yeah they ran away you would think the explosion on nuke would be a lot Banger due to the thing actually they're exploding the nuke in order to disarm it idiot that's idiot yo what was that dog is that the breeze was that the breeze dog damn the cast of winds got me hard Mother Nature stop white people 300 years ago be like I'm owning [Laughter] yo by the way Schlatter took her advice and I've been taking a lot of Viagra my heart's going crazy right now no way yeah it's pounding it's pounding dude I'm on I'm on 125 milligrams of it right now oh really dude I'm [ __ ] yeah hard right now you break the Bell against the side of the bathroom counter you get two and a half old man which one is that one oh nice that was stunning great job yep that was clean I mean it was all right we're all slowly dying everybody hates you nothing matters people are pretending to be your friend are they still voices are these are you guys social media is dumbing down the masses soon there will be no doctors that one's a little damn it come on you really think are you really gonna trust The Tick Tock doctor in 20 years these kids are [ __ ] we're done we will have no aged care for us but teachers told me that I had ADHD and a bit of autism and did you listen yeah then you might well would you guys like long nicknames or would you like to get even shorter nice good show me oh come on now you just got the gooch chicks random Goose check I can show you my gooch crying in shimmering splendid my good shim is in the Moonlight I wish am I right my [ __ ] what a sensation you keep [ __ ] blocking me I'm taking your head what he said I'm taking your head like killing you okay just the most dry like okay this guy's a tryhard imagine having the name not much with a zero for the o it's got one kill yeah not much is right sorry Autumn okay they're all on B they're on B1 pressure go away screaming go away I'm sensitive I am sensitive I lied I lied to you and got you killed on purpose you you're scary dog you're very scary look babe I got a beard me with my channel my girl's bush troll that is an epic name Olivia's bingleton holy [ __ ] do not like his profile holy [ __ ] I'm clicking it I'm clicking it God read the bottom paragraph in his bio yeah I'm not reading that [ __ ] dicks are so cute OMG when you hold one in your hand and it starts twitching like it's nuzzling you or when they perk up and look you like oh yeah penis [ __ ] is happy to see me instead of me I'm so glad I'm recording now how do you feel bro I feel liberated can't be liberated I didn't see nothing we're all Bloods and we're all getting rolled right now we gotta do something I am a surgeon I am a surgeon Dr Han I am I'm a surgeon he plays a pretty good uh autistic character yeah have you ever sent an interview with the actor very well spoken young man no it is not actually a surgeon despite his repeated insistence [ __ ] I'm good I'm all right you smooth that smooth your shirt I'm good the only thing I remember about Mad Max is they're like give me my mommy milkers and Chase like all over the [ __ ] statement I gotta get on that [ __ ] movie then hello no wonder Max was so mad [Music] I didn't know if I did a good job or a bad job we're just like at a dinner party like having pre-drinks and I made that joke but you'll be sitting next to me this evening people be like what [Laughter] mute people be like at this [ __ ] leftist on the other team he's wearing his mask in his steam profile all right take it easy take it easy yeah what the [ __ ] calm down conservative schlatt you make me upset and scared take off the mask [Laughter] that's such a liberal thing to say No period come on come on guys two hours I'm tired can you talk like that all the time that's amazing have you ever been pegged JC no but like I want to go to Target with my girlfriend and like ask her while I'm like sitting in the car like you gonna Peg Me Later why you talking I don't know just you know it's a good idea are you crazy there's no way pegging is actually something a guy wants to do what well I don't know okay I I didn't mean nobody's ever asked me to Peg them oh that's so sad what a virgin wait you think you've never [ __ ] a guy before Oh my god I've never tagged a guy before that's embarrassing how old are you yeah I refuse to come using anything other than my prostate I'm gonna take another drink it's just better no it actually go get it girls girls don't understand they don't have they don't have a privacy they just don't they don't understand we do have a prostate yeah you don't really no no the clitor is actually ends down to the butthole yeah the clitoris is a crazy looking device dude well now that we got all that out of the way what do you guys Star science you know why I'm with playing shoes it was pretty nice yeah all right and as you can see he was crouched behind us oh yeah he's dead he's so [ __ ] up yeah you did not put him in his head it's good oh he's in the office [ __ ] there's a shooter in the office you've been killed what language are you guys speaking right now it's Tuesday [Music]
Channel: Also Fitz
Views: 1,509,452
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cs:go, cs2, csgo, funny, moments, compilation, contagious, laughter, try, not, to, laugh, satire, comedy, schlatt, jschlatt, schlagg, raccoon, eggs, raccooneggs, tiktok, smii7y, voice, chat, fun, challenge, meme, react, reacting, counter-strike 2, counter, strike, sequal, new, best, of, fitz, 2023
Id: C5qMrmTAOmg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 4sec (1084 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 25 2023
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