Eric Thomas - Change The Way You See Yourself (Eric Thomas Motivation)

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[Music] Bob Proctor is one of the guys anybody you're familiar with the book the secret he's one of the master teachers and I had an opportunity for him to be my mentor and it was funny I never forget we were talking you know he said to me son I was do you charge it's about a year ago $10,000 I was excited I come from poverty Glen I've come from a working-class I can do 20 gigs a month my mother never never made some thousand at one time I'm excited he said two thousand dollars I said yeah he said what else what else do you do I said well I've got the book the secrets your successes how you sell a book oh I was asking to be a mentor not insult these know your little book you still selling books I said still it's still I'm sorry I'm from Detroit high school dropout no money nobody on my block is an author nobody in my family is an author when you say steal help yeah what do you mean my steal we made over a million dollars the first year what do you mean steal he says Eric nobody really makes good money off of books but Chicken Soup for the Soul he said you give this away and you turn it into an ascension program I said a who you said an ascension from TGIM thing you're doing that's what people there's a group out there they want to learn how you did it from top to bottom you need a program University online he's good mm biology one of the best in the world mm he said do me a favor let's start at least at 20 I saw him six months later he's there how's the 20 thing coming I said it's going great sir he's the what do you mean is going great I told him 20 and everybody's doing it he said that's a problem Lions are wired differently I said what do you mean it's a problem you told me to say 20 I said 20 not to give me 20 I guess it's a trick he said no I'm just a guess it's a problem say a number that they're gonna say no to negotiate so tell them 100 to see where it falls so I bet you won't be anywhere close to 20 what am I telling you he said you think I could kill whose mama had him at 17 years old that's how you think you're not wired to be moving quality what you need to think is not how you see the world but what you need to see is how the world see you and the world doesn't see you as a 10,000 year the world sees you as much bigger and when you can see yourself as the world sees you and now how you see yourself is when you're gonna go to another level let me tell you something you got it walk out of here the way you see yourself is the problem it's always a result of a commitment to excellence intelligent planning and focused effort [Music] you're not going to be the best you're not going to catch the best if you're not intentional and deliberate and there are those of you and you're in your space and whatever you're trying to do you don't even represent the best in your space and you still not giving out the 20 you trying to catch the guy and trying to guess the female that's the best and you're waking up and giving me something percent you're giving me 80% but yet you have these dreams that you're gonna be the best ha you're still watching TV somebody say Eric have you not seen in America everybody have you not seen scandal you must watch scandal it's the best sitcom earth have you not seen scandal I said it's a scandal I'm not watching it so scandal I'm not watching this come on into the clock at night and in the bed I gotta wake up make my stand will become a reality stand away I can't watch this so I'll go home and said scandal was great but I did scandal over my time on my way to Australia I didn't do scandal when I'm trying to catch Jim Rohn I didn't do scandal what I'm trying to learn from John Maxwell or from my friend Les Brown I'm not I'm not watchin Stanley so you gotta do me a huge favor and I'm asked me to protect when you leave today I want you to look at some things that you're doing the 30 percent now what the 20 percent or the 10 percent and I'm gonna need you to let it go just brought seen a lot and I just was like yo I don't want that no more and so what are the things that stop men from being successful and I saw it females was one you know I'm saying I'm like yo it's just seen like and still unhappy like brother my father had multiple kids by multiple women you know I got a sister I found out you know when I was older I had that's only a few months younger than me you know I'm saying she might be nine months like I was just like yo bro I'm not disrespecting my family everybody got to go today whatever like yo I don't want that life no more like I don't want to lose so I start looking at power egos a lot of dudes fail because of the ego you know they they they can't be tattoo man they can't serve nobody else you know and their money you know I'm saying I just saw this people would just get money like I grew up in Motown so these young dudes will come great musicians and end up smoking crack or cocaine and just losing their mind you look at Marvin Gaye you know al Al Green you know the light to hear Sam Cooke like some of the most talented people Michael Jackson even Whitney Houston and I just started realizing like yo if you don't deal with your demons they ain't going nowhere they not gonna stay in the closet so I was like yo you got to discipline yourself I start looking at mother Teresa Conde and I was like yo bro Gandhi would go fast from sex and he was married he were fast from talking you know I just start watching these great people's like all these people fast and not about fast and like that's not the piece but they were very disciplined people and they would not allow their exterior world to dominate or destroy their internal world I just like you I want to get to a place where I can control me my family members have grown I lost two uncle cirrhosis of the liver brilliant man but just drinking drinking drinking and I was like yo I do not want to my father was a substance abuser for years I was like yo I don't want a life where something else is controlling me you know like brew and I left home and said I don't want to be controlled no more like I meant that like I don't know nothing to control me but me and so I got to put myself under extreme discipline to make sure I'm free so when people see me you get up at 3:00 you don't drink you don't smoke I'm not doing that because I think I'm better no BIOS I think you can go to hell because you had a drink I just want I want to control I want freedom and for me disciplining myself means more freedom and the less I you discipline yourself people who I told my son the other dads like your son I don't not want you to have fun I've just seen a history of people who just have fun Christmas Thanksgiving Halloween know there are the people learns that night every night there are the people who end up in a 20s having a great deal of fun but in a 40s and 50s they working for somebody and I'm not saying nothing wrong with cleaning toilets but they doing something I want to do for the rest of day life and they can't retire because they played so much you know so for me I just look at Venus and Serena Michael Jackson when he used to like five and sixes dancing all night I just think the more man disciplined himself the greater you don't mean it's gonna happen but the greater the probability that he has it's this sense of freedom and I will say it is one thing I enjoy is that now where I am this don't mean I'm when you're 20 or 30 or 40 I never knew I would be Who I am but I'm grateful that I discipline myself the way I did because some of the issues I could have as one of the top motivational speakers in the world I don't have those issues and let me tell you something I'm around more temptation now than I have ever been in my life and we're not just talking about women we talk about opportunities we talk about how are we talking about bro I got a car and I'm gonna say names because I know you know how you are but I got a call this week from two or three people that top in the industries and it's just like you're the people I coach and the people I so I'm grateful that I'm disciplined because I could see if I wasn't disciplined with it with the exposure that I had around the world who I could I could get myself in a lot of trouble right now if I wasn't is this something let me ask you this so is it something now that is just routine the discipline or do you still have to have it in there just for the man every day yeah I got to wake up in the morning I am NOT past still being a man like I just wanna make that clear feel me like I'm not robot where I get up every day and now I've gotten to a point where women are not attracted to me we're certain personality I'm not I'm not there bro I'm not there where I see chicken and don't want to eat fried chicken I'm not there I still like the wait chicken taste I'm not I don't have a vegan heart I don't have vegan mind saying yeah I just know that my wife got MS and I want to help her out but I don't I don't see chicken and go that's disgusting they're killing them some chicken was murdered we should not kill chicken I'm not on that I'm on my wife shouldn't be eating fried food and she don't eat rotisserie chicken you know so no I have to get up every day and it's a battle every single day to do right so if you see ET cut somebody out on the street level you know that I'm human and I had a bad but I figured if I get up at 3 o'clock in the morning and get through this routine the probability of me not going off is greater but it don't mean I'm not going to have a bad day it just means if I follow my routine you
Channel: HESMotivation
Views: 2,732,637
Rating: 4.8869219 out of 5
Keywords: motivation, motivational, life, success, inspiration, work, grind, inspirational, speech, business, motivational speech, motivational video, morning motivation, eric thomas motivation, eric thomas, eric thomas speech, best of eric thomas, best motivational speech, best motivational video ever, eric thomas success, motivation for success, inspirational video, motivation 2018, inspire, discipline, discipline motivation, eric thomas advice, success advice, never give up, life motivation
Id: 0epx7MSdL1g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 28sec (628 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 18 2018
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