Eric Thomas - BEAST MODE ACTIVATED (Eric Thomas Motivation)

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[Music] this is the problem some of us have left our employment and we've come into this industry and we've brought with us a nine to five mindset it's important you're doing what entrepreneurs do but you're doing it with a nine to five mindset and what a nine to five means is that I'm gonna put forth effort during this time and this time when you are a true hunter when you are a true hunter you don't go by time you go by the gazelle I'll say it again when you are a true hunter you don't hug from eight to three why because the Gazelle may not be open from eight to three you hunt until you get a gazelle and you don't stop until you get one and then you get another and then you get another and you get another and so somebody says each II you number five on some list as a top motivational speaker in the world you're number ten in certain lists how do you feel I said I feel terrible your words not haven't felt before say why because at first I wasn't going after the number one guy not I'm on the list yeah I didn't know before I some people say mom my grandmother how could your grandmother live in the projects and the time my grandmother lived in the projects in Detroit how could your grandmother live in the projects interested but she's having a great time so what you mean she's having a great time that she not flown and seeking the world that's why she's not she's in trouble with where she is economically because that's where she's been her whole life though the challenge is the person who's been rich and they're broke that's a challenge the challenge if you don't know you don't know what that life is like you don't pray for something that you know you've never tasted you never had before so for me I was okay when we were just doing videos but now now right so what happens guys if you don't know this that a liar has a different type of appetite so the more when the lion like a shark takes blood is dangerous so you don't get to the point listen to me a nine to five percent they make a sale and they're excited when you get to my level and you get one thing each I get to Mexico then I get to the next level these trying to get to the next level a true hunter odds okay you miss what I just said a true hunters goal is not the prize a true hunters go it's too hot that's what they live for they live to hunt they don't just live to catch it it's the whole process your problem is you just want to check yeah not a true honor we just want to say it you don't get excited about the process here's the important part because they're gonna give you some information and that's important they're gonna give some great information right they're gonna equip you they're gonna give you tools I like it Glenn next level he's like the aired Thomas way he's like you can get my slides right and that's huge right there's some place that you go you cannot get the slides right why because people feel like if you get the slides what anybody can answer if you get the slides you can be me right you can do what I'm doing you're gonna take something from you know but it's like you're gonna have it so here's a challenge everybody's gonna get the same information everybody's gonna get the same path everybody's gonna get the same speakers everybody's gonna get the exact same thing everybody's gonna have access to the exact same thing the problem is everybody wants to be a beast and - it's time to do what real bees do everybody gets excited ET the guru story but nobody wants to get up at three o'clock like for real you walk out of here pumped up fired up you'll get some new information you're ready everybody wants to be a beast and trans time to do what bees do and what you have to understand is everybody that you're gonna hear from Eric Thomas my mother got pregnant with me at 17 years old high school dropout ate out of trash cans lived in abandoned building slepping cars multi-million company that's changing the world I didn't say America the world why because not only do I want to be a beast if you follow my 24 hours I do a beast dude you can't you can't just say you want it you can't watch the video and say I wanted as bad as I want to breathe it's cute just say it but when it's Showtime when the Sun comes up when the Sun comes up you've got all the books you've got all the tapes you've got all the access now it's time to hunt and what separates you from everybody else is that when it's time to hunt you ray the hunt so you can get all the information what's gonna separate you is when it's beast time when his point is war time you got to get up and make it happen you got to get up so this morning up yep yeah I don't know how it happened but one something this morning we got we got an emotion yeah different country yup still got two still got two exercise in still got the workout in yep still walked as a team for about an hour something is going up everything you up a different country nothing set you up still swimming pool you up did the whole night yup still met this morning yeah did the holding I still made all the phone calls stair answered all the tweets yup 60 and I will ride nothing changes I'm here and I could say jet lag I come up with a whole bunch excuses I had a call yesterday it was nine o'clock in the morning back at the stage every week I'm off I made the adjustment I went to bed and I went to bed I'm sorry help me CJ because I don't want to live we're trying to go to bed last night nine is yeah so I had to get up at 11 for the call and with all with everything I'm talking you're talking about a 14 hour difference not including a four a five hour flight to LA then a 15 16 hour flight to Melbourne listen to me very closely I still made all my appointments why because that's what these do I didn't send out an email I'm going into Australia just had fish and chips I apologize I'm tired I made all my engagement I made all my appointments I found out that I left a very important folder for his last part of the dissertation the last chapter I left it at home I made a phone call total of young lady I'll pay you extra though scanned it for me sitting to me guy here everything is there when I get back I got work to do I will not go back and go to sleep listen to me everybody wants to be a beast everybody's got Lions on they profiles everybody talks positive about themselves everybody talks like you're bees you dress like you a beast you've got the cards like a beast your image everything about you says I'm a beast that's how you present yourself when you persist I'm a beast but then when it's time to do with bees do you back up you have an excuse and I told you before innovation is rewarded they give you plaque fool they give you a reward for but execution is worshipped when you start executing listen to me I want you to Ennis's no disrespect I want you to look at your salary and you can look at your salary your salary would either say rewards or your salary will say execution no there's no disrespect when we were talking about what we were gonna do you made a certain amount when we did ninety ninety eight ninety nine percent of what we said we were gonna do we start getting phone calls and I'll get in trouble with CJ so I can't say it let me tell you some of the top entertainers some of the top companies in the world are calling us on a daily basis and we're declining and there's one company we're thinking about working with why because when people see is they like they execute now and we want to be a part of the execution so he start execution you go to a hold of the level and everybody wants to be a beast - it's time to do it real beast dude everybody wants to be a beast right finally until it's time to do what real beast do now this is why there's no excuse if I come back in three years and you're not where you want to be I didn't say where Glenn wanted you to be I didn't say where Eric wanted you to be I want you to write down before you leave today where you want to be listen to me there's no excuse because Glenn and the team are gonna tell you every single thing you need to do every single thing this is the problem they're gonna give you every single tool every single resource they're gonna make themselves available and what will separate those of you from the rest is not what they give you what's gonna separate you what - that's one separate - all right all right so CJ I would go here he'll go to the slide I gotta go here see I gotta go here I gotta go here so we left we I don't remember left Friday he left Friday so she she you know she's younger than me she's the president organization and season been paying attention not only to me but it's bothering other people and so seed is like Eric you're going out of town he just had a little baby and so CJ sends me he sends me a photo he says good photo he sent me a photo of a 14 cards if I'm not mistaken with their 14 card CJ 11 cars cuz we're gone for a leopard a smart young man 11 card and I believe there was a recent kiss on each car her sees kids thank you can't hurt she's not researching it on each one CJ good and those those 11 cards representing a card every day for his wife why he was gone for every single day he got 11 cards and he wrote something special to his wife for those 11 days right I loved it and sent me a picture ET I'm a beast I love it I love it I brilliant slip me a car et he had all of them laid out real cute he took the pic by boom Orca to me et what it do baby we out of here I'm listen to you I watched my father I've taken notes 11 cards guys what's up I don't know about the other two guys and what their response work but I pull out my camera and also took a picture of the 11 car and the five for my door and some other trick it spoon and sent it back boom this is what real bees do listen to me very closely I want you to know you should be excited all the information you gonna get all the information you have there's only one equation is missing there's only one thing you cannot purchase there's only one thing you cannot buy and that's real beat what real bees do that's something you're gonna have to do
Channel: HESMotivation
Views: 1,995,151
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivation, motivational, life, success, inspiration, work, grind, inspirational, speech, business, eric thomas, eric thomas advice, secrets to success, morning motivation, motivational video, eric thomas motivation, motivational speech, motivation 2018, best of eric thomas, eric thomas speech, best motivational speech ever, success advice, motivation for success, eric thomas 2018, inspirational video, eric thomas interview, et, inspire, eric thomas motivational speech, never give up
Id: qHe_Duf-ctI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 20sec (620 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 25 2018
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