Eric Koston Can Do a Kickflip | EP 107 | Hawk vs Wolf

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hey do you have a skatepark sink in your house wait what yeah that's your house yeah you got that bowl made in your bathroom yeah that is so cool when you brush your teeth I had this guy it took it took a long time to get it built but um what's that do you fingerboard while you're brushing your teeth it just got installed are you gonna finger I have not even turned the water on yet yes you're gonna going to you gotta Jump The Gap right it's bigger oh wow that's pretty cool where do I get one of those I think you can call the guy it'll take a while you can call him his info [Applause] welcome here we go and I'm not Tony Hawk [Music] what would you get if you were like if you were gonna get some skate park element for a foreign that's like a dream as a kid too right I would have the animal chin hat but by house and live in it the animal's in-house like the animal chin the ramps as a house it is you can live underneath it that was a bad idea you know I regret that re weirdly like the first thought when you said that yeah and probably would is uh um pipeline oh wow yeah just because it wasn't like even not accessible to me when I live near it growing up because you actually go I went once and it wasn't yeah sincere by the way we're starting we're starting and I'm I'm here see that it's so weird for me because when I think about the generations of skaters I think about you as Beyond any skate parks like that yeah but you actually went up and it skated yeah wow you're old I'm old I remember the first time I'm just vibrating you know the first time I met you you were at a you were at a boat ramp because that's where I was mm-hmm and as we it was like this guy's uh like someone was like this kid's like the new the new guy I mean he's like super awesome and I'm like cool man that's that's cool and he was being nice to us and I remember thinking that's a good do you mean like if you're the coolest New Street dude out there and you're going to talk to a vert guy oh I like you give us give us a little bit he was being nice to me but I was I I think I think he padded up yes yeah oh yeah of course I would have that's what I was gonna say I so first time I saw your Escape was Lake Owen skate cam well I would like 90 90 91. okay and we're just skating ramp I don't know him at all he drops in and he does over the spine he goes back to the tail grab to nose and then 180 over the spine yeah like it was nothing yeah because he did that like nothing and I was like this dude is the best minion episode I've ever seen like it just in that moment I was like oh my God I didn't finish my story when we were done skating we took our pads off he did a ollie 540 on the like not not above but he was just like doing kick turns and then he did an ollie 540 and I was like yeah wait that's I mean you you I could tell like he can't do eight foot heirs but I'm like yeah no right but if you could have that power the ollie 540 was there for him to have because he did it halfway up and it made and it looked like I was like wait you can I didn't even know that that it could be done and you did it real easy too I remember where I was like you bastard you were uh I mean but when you're like oh and you were there posted up all summer all summer yeah because Eddie Eddie o'gara was him and Ken Park they were like both kind of the head counselors kind of running the Escape program there because it was Woodward and so you were a special guest I know Eddie just brought me there to be a um uh uh just as a counselor to work with the kids all summer okay so it was kind that was my really that was my first job in skateboarding and you got paid for it I did get paid I wasn't much but it was still I got money and then I had to tell the kids to go to which is weird because I was telling kids that were my age yes to go to sleep at you know the curfew and whatnot and yeah they would talk [ __ ] to me and rightly so because like who's this 16 year old telling them what to do because I had that sort of had to manage that responsibility as well as like help him and then wake up the next day and like teach him how to do tricks so so maybe by the end of the week if I helped him with some tricks maybe I earned some respect yeah yeah and they would go to bed on time no they wouldn't no and I didn't care did you say Kim let's be honest like I was like you guys gotta go you know yes you hung out with Ken Park yeah yeah one thing about Ken Park and Eddie Alger were they were responsible adults yes you know exactly Eddie like I drove out there with Eddie and his family okay and stayed the whole summer and it was like I'm gonna stay at the skate camp all summer and I'm gonna do this and when you're that young it's like that's great like did you do hand plants with Ken Park because he did a lot of those I didn't uh I was yeah or inverts yeah yeah Street plants no I don't think I don't think the little ones I can't I I can do them like on mini ramps really basically like kick turn on your arm it's a lost art yeah but but they you know what they all want to they do that is true they do always that is true yeah on your hand everyone's like so impressed yeah there's a couple people I talked to Reese I was in um uh Virginia Beach this last weekend with Reese Nelson and she was talking about she wants to remember it so she's super scared and I was like yeah you're super scared of the numerous but you're doing Ollie 540s no slots over the over the channel but okay because it's a different animal I know entirely but there's people there's a couple girls too I don't forgot her name but there's a girl that does a mean eggplant I forgot her name but it's like legit and she does it every time and I'm like dude that one's like better things are yeah it's scary that's a scary one yeah I've like tried to feel like a hang-up factor in a new generation they either learn one or the other and they go with that one yeah yeah same with like a frontside invert yeah it's a the commitment to come in on that is like yes it's it's still terrifying yeah I always feel terrifying I always I did them where you I couldn't do the cavalero one I did the Jank one where you come in on your arm yeah so I see on one side of your arm I never did yeah I was like yeah all right I'm not doing that I would did it because I was like there you go I could say I did a fronted invert but don't film it yeah yeah I don't want to see it I can tell what it looks like I just want my my mind to think did I do a handstand and go front side and you yes but yeah no it happened yeah it was bad [Laughter] can't have them all you know mm-hmm so we should probably talk about Street skating more because would you do it all what do you talk about yeah I do want to say I wanna I wanna put this out there first and foremost in in that you were the first to be yelling people do the kickflip and I feel like now people have thrown that on to me somehow I I'm so glad that you're dying oh you're glad yes oh you're welcome then I was gonna apologize but now but now you're welcome no because at least it's somebody else getting it like when you're going through the airport or if I'm out surfing everywhere yeah yeah wait when you're out surfing someone will yell do a kickflip uh yeah yeah that's inappropriate that's like yelling to me when I'm on a skateboard it's a challenge I don't know it depends how you take it what kind of a surfer are you uh a shitty one yeah but what's your obviously but what's your uh you know like what's your style are you like like uh you carve it up are you trying to get in the Green Room you stay pretty stock or are you trying to get Tech I wanna I wanna do it all you want to carve it up I want it I'm down to get tricky because I don't you want to get airborne I want to fly you just hard yeah but you can go down the line yeah yeah and I wanna and getting barreled is yeah I feel like that's the one would you class would you count it if you went to the the man-made ones that help you get in like Kelly Slater's one where like looks like they you can if you can run the line then you can get in a barrel probably yeah but even those are tough like I went I was just been there I was just in Waco like a few weeks ago yeah we won uh I've got no there I got smoked that one's hard that's a hard takeoff what is the takeoff's hard and if you your rail catches you're getting flipped and you're getting flipped rough shallow concrete yes it's like I blasted my elbow open I think well he's going when it's warm we went we had to wear full suit so that was protection that actually yeah but I've been there we had to wear were you wearing trunks yeah and I got I got chewed up looking good yeah just scrape just it's like it's gritty concrete underneath there that wasn't good enough to take it in that Barrel wave like that thing comes out he's like it's just you know you gotta you gotta stand up quick you gotta stand yeah basically not even standing up you're throwing the board to the bottom of the yeah you know just you're throwing it to the flat trying to get on it and go shoot through it but if it you catch once it's it you're getting flipped and it's like oh my God this isn't sand and you got like taking it to the tailbone smash my elbow then you're getting dragged then then the white washes you're ready and I couldn't get up on it but almost right you're behind it yeah but when you get ahead of it it's so you're saying if I had a short window uh yeah it's too well I'm not saying you couldn't do it I'm saying you would have taken a few hits no I'm that's no I'm I'm saying I can't do it I'm saying if I I could have got hurt and I didn't know yes because my main thing was man it is cold no it's all I was thinking well that's good you didn't know you know what at like it's really good that you didn't know because yeah I don't like this story I'm just gonna get out of mine kind of thing yeah all your dumb luck yeah that's you're using all your dumb luck bowling on that wave and going away no I've been dragged and yeah your brat your back scraped up what like you skating Street yes but you're in water yeah yeah you're like I've been dragged on the bottom backwards ah you know what I mean he's getting a raspberry on your lower back and you're like I got scraped on the wall paddling back out [Laughter] [Laughter] what led you into skating um my older brother same older brother him and his friends he was older they were all cool this is like 80 85 86 time skating with you were probably making bank you were the you were the man and I was like this is sick I want to do that what they're doing I was watching them across the street from my house one time I was like they were Street skating yeah they're Street skating it's like a little set of stairs and they were just doing like but I mean mid 80s you know what I mean bonelesses and stuff yeah like axle stalls on curbs and yeah even little things all in just alling I was like what what is all that you know it's like I want to do that I asked him and he's like let me get it um they like cobbled a board together of like all used stuff from his friends it was just mismatched everything and you were in uh like Riverside San Bernardino San Bernardino yeah I remember uh going on a few Street missions with you and Steve Berra when we started birdhouse yeah you were you were taking us to all your old spots yeah that's a lot of like the first birdhouse video is like all the places you took us to yeah a lot of that stuff around I mean I mean I remember you starting it being right there just like because that's when I was yeah he was he was right there like we started birdhouse this dude was like you and bear were hanging out a lot yeah of course well let's see Steve was living with you yeah you had Riley yeah yeah it was brand new yep um it was brand new dude yeah the end of 93. yeah crazy it was it was a good times I mean I filmed you know I filmed a lot of that video I know probably not all of it but like probably a good portion of my street part from feasters you shot you know enough yeah he goes hard in the paint on the streets huh oh dude right this is not where I let this conversation would go this is my favorite conversation so one time like we're big do you remember Big Bear curb the the grocery store yes in the valley Oceanside and you're trying to like knows one side the curb no beautifully so you were losing your mind he was having a full-blown Street skater meltdown yeah and not getting couldn't nose inside the curb yeah I can't imagine that I could have ever knows what occur no you could that you ended up doing web Park you remember uh yeah but I but that's because I can drop off of yeah something High I can't no you out well it had an end but you had to ollie from the side of it to get into it I remember I I just remember you were shooting it I don't think maybe I was and I think I stopped because I was like dude Tony's just having a full Street like we all had her Steve did for sure he was great at it having a full just scream attack yeah I did Focus your board you know what I mean that was back in that day and also we're like learning all these crazy New Tricks these are like brand new to street fighting that were tough right to us because we've never done this yep um and me and Steve are like dude Tony Hawk's having a [ __ ] full stroke full Street meltdown yeah and we're whispering to each other we're like kind of giggling but we're like don't laugh yeah dude I think probably I'm walking home but I feel like if you guys laughed that would break me out of it like oh my God I think we might have gotten to that point but I was like whoa he's he's actually focused I mean I was scared I was a little kid yeah he makes people uncomfortable when he gets angry dude oh my God old turkey may be great on sandwiches but there's a better way to break your bad habits we're not talking about some weird 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you come yeah like that's not gonna do that or time passes and you you have yourself regret and you know you like bummed out everybody's session you usually come to terms like hey guys I'm sorry I like oh yeah I did sometimes yeah you finally like cool down okay sure I'm sure that session for me had deeper meaning it was like there's no time you are not cut out for this type of skating this is the only type of skating that's happening yeah that's a very good point because that was a really interesting it's change in your life oh yeah oh like like the stuff that he has on video that he's doing because I can I obviously he's a more talented skateboarder than I am so on ver he's better than me but I'm pretty good and then when we skate street I'm like dude for how good you are you know what I mean yeah your street skills are similar to mine where it's like this is my brain is like Are you seriously doing it like that you know what I mean like because I'm aware of constant and how he does things and how they should be done yeah and I do stuff on boat where it looks good and then I go on the street we had so many things [Music] like any trick that I do on there I go what someone will be like yeah Allison I'm like Rick actually probably no because it's it's dogs I'll take what I can get yeah yeah that's what we do we take what we can get but you have like I've done a few tricks you have video Parts where you did like handrails dude like not just the board side you did like stuff on handrails that like if you have vert legs people don't understand yes if you're a dude and you're doing a front a lip slide on a hand I'd say I I do have a funny story is uh we we're still asking for pal I went up to uh NorCal and skated with Wade Spire yeah videos and and I we were talking about I was talking about before we got there how we have this we call it vertosis vert legs where everything you do you feel like you're you're coming into a ramp yes and I did a lip slide on a curb and Wade goes don't look like you were just coming into a vert ramp and I was like I'm yes yeah that's not intentional it's just how it is I'm sorry but yes no even coming I know that that feeling of like yeah you did a full vert session in it like later that day you go Street skating because now I gotta like shift Springs and spring yeah and it's it's hard it's a weird yeah I got no spring I don't know if it's possible can we end that conversation now like the not I mean the the I'm gonna keep asking me okay you're okay I was trying to say I was trying to give you a compliment yeah I feel like when I jump if it's possible I actually get lower foreign I feel like my hand drops lower than it was before I took off we had a blast shooting those trick tips videos that was really cool that was that was fun for me that was a while ago right that was a yeah that was like yeah because I mean 2001 maybe yeah probably 2001 maybe two I don't somewhere around there but I mean imagine teaching flip tricks flat ground yeah not with him yeah nah I'm just like yeah listen to what he said yeah that's better and then watch how not to do it you're watching my feet yeah yeah don't do that I participated he could help out there but it was yeah that was fun that was fun it was and it was that video like it's crazy how much that a lot of people that are you know Pro and then maybe not even Pro now you know but did come up through and like that was one of my first videos like yeah you and and Tony like your trick tips video yeah I hear it a lot and they learned a lot from yeah it's like it's pretty cool to see that like that because that was there were many tools like that out there you know when it was like yeah and we okay around we were pretty serious about trying to teach how to do it exactly um I remember both neither you or I could do hard flips no that was bad and I had to do it switch but we had to yeah we had to teach hard flips yeah wait and you both couldn't do it yeah I'm terrified oh I made one I did it switch he did I can do a better switch Yeah it's easier to me and I just have this weird and it's still to this day I still struggle with hard flips wow occasionally do it but it's like there's something I can never get this block yeah I could never over that's gonna be one of the only things though right for you now there's probably some other things let's not talk about it oh no seriously though but that one's a real that's it's real because that's not that hard I mean I guess to do it or make it look good might be different but it seems like it's not the most difficult of Street of flat ground tricks but one of the better flat ground guys saying that that one just not just me a lot of people like that's fine for them so does that mean if you play skate against constant pressure Flip Your Face Off no I will do that to them yeah he could pressure flip hard flip I mean sorry yeah sorry yeah and people know that and they will go go at me with that one oh interesting but you got the pressure up in your back pocket that's one thing about that era yeah it's like riding a bike I forgot you never yeah you never lose that it's a it's a technique and it's funny if you're you're somebody more current you never lived through that or experienced that or yeah I was trying to teach that to one of our it's the same with hand plants it's a weird thing that it's like they can't because they're they're Auto they automatically they're always snapping yeah it's the opposite you're actually squeezing your board into the ground yeah and that's emotion that a lot of people aren't used to you're actually trying to pop and kick or something in some direction and this is actually all it is is applying pressure with the ball of your foot right and it's actually so easy and the more you tighten your trucks the easier those trucks get hey I was trying to I was trying to teach it to unlock all that one of our kids the other day and they just couldn't kept like burial flipping or something probably yeah just snapping and going it's just do front shove it's like that's it and I just like no look look I hear it here is one foot yeah one foot and I push it forward and then they're just like squeeze it a little bar of soap off the ground you know so and that's it you just squirt it out it is it's a little squeeze and squirt well it's in all of them and then you can learn once I learn the one and also our board shapes were football and narrow tails and they were actually made it easier made it easier yeah yeah and you got a razor tail from doing it too too much wow I didn't do that you missed you were skating you missed that window no I did a couple oh you did oh yeah oh my only friends in Australia were Street skaters so I went Street skating every night and the the trade was they'd hang out at the vert ramp when I skated by myself and one of them filmed gregsy yeah right could you do the one could you do the yeah grigsy was for some odd reason a huge fan of my vertical skateboarding in an era where everybody probably needed it yeah and he was just like like they we did we had a skateboard team and I was the work guy you're such a good archive yeah but he was such a good filmer and because he was so excited about it it was because nobody's scared of it in Australia anymore it made it fun for me to skate because I didn't have a guy to skate with but I kind of did because he'd just be like oh dude what about if you do this like that and I was like yeah I never even thought of that but he so amped that I was like yeah man like I'll do it and then yeah and he would get to see that you got me to do all the new stuff like heel flips and yeah like kickflip back so disaster that was all dude what if you just try that pretty sick and I'm like this I can't do that he's like just try it on uh what the uh aluminum aluminum camera I skated that they changed it it's another thing now yeah I'm sure it's gone the things huh yeah yeah on one of the tours there we did a demo at the at the park there and then yeah so how is that for you back then where obviously vert was not the thing but you're on the trip everyone's skating whatever and you jump on the motorhome this is how it was right yeah which is how it was and it's like oh sick this there's a ramp here like I'll just mess around a little bit right you know I want to like that was like taking Willie on tour yeah well it was down okay I'll put my pads on yeah whatever yeah because it's kind of a thing you know if you wanna but we like I said grew up in that I grew up skating everything I grew up in San Bernardino right I had everything we I had the backyard ramp helped my friend build a meeting ramp with a spine wrap and then a hip like all with stolen wood from you know these construction sites construction sites um had tons of ditches tons of pools obviously yeah salbamala land you know like wait you skated with selba no actually not really not till like maybe way later malva was a Mickey album was the first pro actually I ever seen did you see Baldy uh yes yeah you have like that was all near yeah enough within a 20 minute radius of driving oh gee but I there was tons of terrain there if you think about it but also that's the time you just you skated everything you weren't like a street skater you were a I wanted to learn how to skateboard yeah I wanted to learn how to skate mini ramps I wanted Backyard Pools ditches jump ramps quarter pipes whatever it's funny I feel like that's a little bit more like that these days like if people can ride everything yeah you know there's guys out there now that I'm like who the hell is that and yeah he's doing vertrex and then he goes over the to Street stuff and doesn't look like a skate park generation I think yeah but not all of them have that too it's like no yeah not all of them like I like yuto right it's unreal like watching him drop it on for a round he's like especially now different ramps now it's not the it's not the 10 and a half foot ramp you know where it was a lot easier to skate but I mean right it probably sucked locking up because you slammed straight to Flat pretty much yeah like your ramp now is like I would get on that thing I probably couldn't make it to the coping on two walls without being sucking wind and no no you'd be all right you're from that generation but there are definitely dude it's hard though it would feel weird they're so big your speed up is like it'll be scary for a day yes because it would take me like a month to really it's a whole day for sure but then once you get used to it you're like oh wow that was a good idea it's actually easier easier and there's more fun there's more transition the whole thing's slower yeah so you get more time but like you do go faster you do I've seen him just drop in on a ramp like that now a current size for a ramp and just blast a few setup errors nice crossbone lean air and then with the 540 padless he's like chest to stomach High out like he's not it's not low right yeah it's and it's like how did you pick up that skill yeah where did you get that right it's a that's a special skill set to me I'm like you should like yeah he had to go film a whole verb part right he had to go outside of his comfort zone to go learn that because all the other stuff was available to him yeah like for you your generation it was it was mostly transition stuff that's what you had yeah that's it and Street skating wasn't really evolved or yeah it was evolving and I did it right but it was still evolving too I wanted to do those things but I wanted to do that thing and that all those things I want to do it all did you think it was weird when you had friends that were just good at they like when it came to transition all of a sudden they couldn't ride yeah did you ever find that odd because I know that for a while they were oh like almost everybody at one point was like if it's a bank I'll pop off it but if you're using transition I'd rather you didn't yeah but you had that in your pocket but did you ever find it weird that you're you're uh colleague so so to speak were because I like uh the donger who looked like a vert guy when he was in the air and stuff yeah couldn't he was like I hate transition yeah I'm like do you mean it helps you fly into the air it's like it does like a bank he'd fly twice as high and I'm like that makes no sense to me yeah because he had such a crazy Ollie Too yeah he just has pop power his core everything he's got is like but not like on a mini ramp no way you can't even cross it yeah I mean it's also probably where where you grew up what was accessible was there a time there where you didn't ride transition because you were so busy on the streets yeah for sure like most of my career right I mean maybe yeah I I would still want to or if it's around I would do it but I wasn't going out and pursuing it right but if it was near me and I was like oh sick this like cool mini ramp or this skate park has this cool Bowl that's not too gnarly is it like that now like when you get on there you're like my transition legs are yeah I wish I had kept them up for sure yeah sometimes you especially the bigger it gets smaller it is it's like it's fine yeah it's still there the bigger it gets I'm like damn I wish I didn't you know lose this and because you lose that confidence yeah yeah that's like half the battle you're like yeah you're scared I'm just straight up scared you know and I'm like if I did it a little more I get more comfortable and I have to be more confident then it won't be scary yeah and then it becomes way more enjoyable too because I feel like I took a huge gap of not skating and then I came back and started skating and the ramp scared me like I was like I remember having a you know made a little bit of fear obviously but not like I do now you know like I'm on the way back in I'm like I'm like hmm what was the first um what's the first thing you remember the spark not just starting skating but something you saw in skating you were like oh I want to get to that point or like this video or I would think it was it was Mark Gonzalez yeah and what did I want to get to I don't I just because that I think the first Thrasher I saw like you know was had his interview in it and um and It's oddly enough to use board that my brother cobbled together was Mark Gonzalez and he kind of kind of he kind of schooled me on who he was and so I I really and then I you'd only see it through magazines I didn't see much of video of him at that point you know the only videos were you know the pal Peralta like Vision appropriate stuff Vision was like 87 88 no vision was around no but I mean the video videos yeah the vision videos are a little later right so I had to like see everything and I just this when was the first time you saw the artistic skate in person as far as like in person if you saw him in person I feel like he would just be like oh there he is what's he gonna do maybe oh no Powell oh at the power Warehouse Skate Zone yeah yep that contest yes that's that's what it is do you remember seeing him do he did um this is a deep contest yeah this is a deep cut but during the practice for that contest I was filming him and he did a ollie fast plant over the pyramid like he had his foot on the tail the edge of the tail he always left his foot behind jumped jumped up and then went over the pyramid I think I do remember that I mean I remember when he he hit the vert wall front pivot is the wall oh yeah yeah which was I mean he yeah he was just kind of all over the place just dancing around that place you know it is it's like it's like a it's like an artistic dance of like [ __ ] you know but also it's really like um but he was doing things that were like so forward so for sure you were like wait what did he hold on what did he do what was that was that back wait was that backwards you know remember like switch stuff you were like we didn't even call it switch I was like wait that was back I was opposite-footed yeah I was like right that was opposite footage the hell was that yeah what just happened and yeah you had to kind of like think about it for a while and just like analyze it and like okay so he didn't the opposite you know he was a like really one of the first dudes or the first dude goes I didn't know Glenn to do it a little bit maybe a little bit and maybe it was only like I know he did the nose still and drop him backwards but I also think he did like uh switch Axel stalls yes I think I remember seeing him do that that's what I was saying on little things maybe we're asking stuff but it was still but Mark was doing Street tricks and you're like what you couldn't even it was like really hard I remember seeing you I think it was at a Munster event he did uh front set all the way to backwards 50 50 down the down rail and it was like how is that even possible in coming off of it or getting into it yeah yeah amazing what did you what what did you try to emulate of his stuff or his style I think all of it like everything you know I feel like switch a lot for sure right was a big he was a huge influence I remember what video there's a video maybe it was a contest video Savannah Slama yeah does a switch method like off a jumper yes yes so that that's like you know early video stuff yeah right so those those skate uh those contest videos that would come out and I'd go see it down in the my local skate shop which is actually not it was a skate shop section in a place called ski and Sport and so we just talked about salt boats they played the place sold boats and they had ski equipment because I grew up in San Bernardino the mountains are up above me ski stuff and there's a little skate shop section but I remember I would go in there and watch like all the videos and just sit in the store dude but he did a switch method dude if you didn't switch method sorry method that's a stale fish and he invented the sailfish yes do you think he got the stalefish because he could already do switch methods I don't know sorry I think maybe he's still fished probably before but that's Savannah that's later on all right that could have been 86.87 yeah you know like yeah I remember 35. but like we went down this road probably a year like a year later after that I was like I want it I want to do what what gons did yeah I like learned how to switch method off a jump ramp and I felt like the coolest thing ever yeah I was like I'm doing what Mark's doing yeah so let's see what Mark's doing yeah I mean I would watch it I did it a year later it took me like and it's just fly off a ramp backwards holding onto your voice still it was awkward and uncomfortable and yeah it is but you did it because you saw him yeah and I want to be like Mark I tied to uh learned nose blondes yeah I saw him do it on a mini round I was like that is the coolest thing yes and I think I have the skill set to figure that one out I think you do everything else was like but everything else was that he was doing especially in street I was just like oh man oh there was it's just it was he was light years ahead of everybody yeah his imagination is the reason why it's like he has like he imagined so many he still does he'll text me you ever do oh man you know I mean yeah this it's like it's his brain gone's Vortex wheels are still spinning and it's like imagine like he was doing that and then he could he was that was going on his head and he's like wait I'll try that and he does and he's doing it all yeah still it's 50s still yeah still to this day I used to argue with him because I was such a vertical and I would always pick on him when back when you could someone have an argument and there was one trick that I figured out that I could do that he couldn't do so my main argument was like at least you can't you don't know how to do a body jar it was a stupid trick that no one even cares about but because he couldn't do them any and I knew he couldn't do them and I would bring it up he would always try to do why did I be like what the [ __ ] what was that and he'd be like dude what did he actually do it yeah but they were Jank yeah because he did Madonna's like better than anybody he did yeah so it was like but he was so good at vert that he could have this argument with me like no oh yeah I can and I'm like like he was Guns why are you even arguing with me I can't do anything compared you have seven million tricks I can't do but I got you on this and the only reason we get respect for Visions is because it's dangerous it's not like the greatest trick no it's great it's it's great it's very difficult it's a good feeling trick it's a good feeling but but you know what I mean yeah I think there's a lot there's a factor versus front yeah when you go lean to tail you can see it and you can kind of you can always adjust but backside you're like oh no he paid the price recently I'm only saying that that when those of us who have it we get the respect just because people know that it can go badly and a lot of people don't even want to learn it because of that yeah I get it yes yeah locking up and just diving to your shoulder yeah no I did it the other day just landed on my head got knocked out yeah at 50 Eric you got knocked out yeah I woke up on the flat and I was like did you just get knocked out on a body jaw maybe it's yeah my body Jazz now look like dances I'm terrified every time I do I do please not again if I do one I'm not gonna really sit on it I'm gonna tap that thing and just get out of there yeah like 90s smack yep Safety First a little yeah not go high that was a movement no I'm not low risk that was a movement like the late tail yeah yeah nose tabs yeah I was on that for a little bit I can't deny it guilty yeah animals have to like like show their dominance yeah yeah it's a flex for sure flex and it was like then you look at it you're like it's in a you guys that's weak it's enough it's totally weak you're not slamming it in there you're like dude it was like and it happens late too just tap in their tail and like [Music] and I thought like I'm the king of the tale time yeah you're like Victoria has to tail smack but yeah hardly ever hit it was always late not cool but it's extra points you know I did get the respect from roon on that one so I felt like I accomplished something until the the uh the Gnar jar oh I can't do that dude that that's that's the real that gives massive respect that's the real time most respect yeah might not what I was doing was not a Nar [Music] Jared it's like I think there are three people that can do that yeah that's what I'm saying it's like I did a backside tail grab one in Australia to demo and got knocked out and then I woke up and I guess I was doing the convulsion thing and some lady had a baby and the baby was crying because I looked like I was down yeah yeah and then I woke up and I saw the baby crying so all I remember is waking up and seeing a baby crying so I went over to the baby and I was like look baby I'm okay and I calm the baby down and then I went back up and dropped it and did that trick and made it you made it yeah but then I saw the video and I was like why did you guys let me go back up the ramp I was just like 15 minutes ago I was going like that and now you're letting me back on the ramp if I was bummed that freaked out yeah oh man it's like a really gross slam wow yeah I don't want to watch that yeah well I I never really hear about you within in injuries I try not to get them the worst to endure or push through or the longest you went out uh I mean you break anything not really oh finger dislocated um a couple times uh I slammed pretty hard one time blew my you know not like almost knocked myself out but I was dizzy but luckily my head hit a bunch of like um mulch as opposed to the sidewalk I'm somehow got lucky enough to catch this corner of where mulch started and like hit whip my head back and hit that as opposed to concrete yeah but even then I was that was the first time I ever got like I got up and I was like really dizzy and felt like I was gonna vomit yep and I was like whoa It's a concussion I was like whoa I sat down yeah I was like damn I feel like my mouth that was the worst that was like a good head crack that I was like well that's a I've never felt that before um but other than that ankle sprains that were bad you know tendonitis and one knee before had to just rehab that what are you dealing with now getting older you know trying to but I haven't consistently been doing that but like kind of just work on you know like just doing training that is strengthening strengthening on certain parts of my body for that are weak weaker now from from skating that you think are still like quads hamstrings calves calves like the muscles definitely are not as like good and you I can wear those out really quickly if I'm dead sprinting are there any what about what about your actual skating tricks do you feel like anything is completely limited now or stuff that you yeah definitely definitely some and it depends on how good my body is feeling if it's but I mean if you still look you still look young and spry and you can do all the flicks so I'm just wondering if there's anything you feel like is a real scratch yeah it's just the amount of time I can do it now it's definitely I see less right and then and if I'm doing it a lot which doing a lot is good because you keep it still keeps your body's conditioned to that and keeps things consistent and the confidence is still there on certain tricks but then also I'm worn out and it's like it's tough and my 11 year old son is like into skating in the gotten really into it in the past year and a half so just being with him and out at skate parks and skating a lot yeah just just to to be with him and do that and but I was skate I'm skated like I actually skate a lot so yeah but I just can't skate for a longer long periods of time because he just you'll just wear down you know eventually it's like okay this hurts that hurts everything hurts yep um stretching takes forever warming up something you know all that stuff it takes me like 45 minutes to get good but if I take time off I can I will feel a little bit more spry so if you feel like you're better at reading your buddy like it sounds like if you don't feel 100 then there's certain things you won't try that day and and if you do feel better then you know that that day is a good day to go for it yeah exactly yeah I guess I have like I do know it pretty well like I know it's like oh yeah I keep doing that I'm gonna probably pull that hamstring so let's let's not try that anymore yeah because that's gonna go like yeah I have these deep calf tears that will come and go and those take a little while to work on appeal yeah so then I I start to feel something like oh that's gonna start to happen so now I'm gonna probably have to chill for a few days get some treatment on it or something or maybe not treat just do a little something but do you think that you're saying like you feel that happening when you're younger when you just pushed through that yeah and it wasn't happening when I was younger either right that's true that's true or yeah you could push through something well no like if you really pull a muscle even when you're younger pull something in that sense yes and you're you're pretty much done or you could try to push through but you're gonna make it worse usually right so yeah back uh so spanning video parts and and anything else what was the most I don't know not just challenging but frightening stunt trick thing you try to do what do you remember dreading geez I mean there's little things technical stuff too yeah if you're going back to it like week in after weekend at the school or something okay for a month it's like it's a month later and you're like I didn't get that and it was like the last time I was there last week it's like I spent three and a half to four hours trying it and I only got close twice and I gotta get this but I so don't want to drive back to that school I'm not fancy warm up and start trying and go through that whole process again right as opposed to like I want to go there and get it I'm going to get it today yeah I get that I don't like it and then yeah hissy fit slam the bull yeah focus it yeah just go through the every all them the mental anguish yeah exactly that that was harder than like okay I'm scared like this rail but I'm gonna I've never tried this trick but like let's let's go fast and just fly through it you know like let's just um break the fear break the ice get closer that's like a good that's like a fun process of like I'm scared I'm getting closer wait maybe I can do this oh I I can do this okay now I figured it out now I gotta do this like that's just like that's it's funny like technical like a manual trick or something it's like hours right of the perfect of everything It's gotta be just right torture yeah and you gotta be a year but you're lucky freak like that too yeah you gotta get lucky too on top of it you gotta have a little luck I mean he's like a full professionist on that stuff so yeah but it's those things are more yeah more way more understood it is because it's just a that's the you're the mental beating you you put yourself through it's funny you say that because I remember you trying to teach me backside heel flips on the trick tips video and I was completely tortured like at the end of each day of shooting we would just go into that him trying to teach me yeah for how long well when we were shooting that for days yeah oh just trying it like until finally I kind of did it off of a bump to Flat like a bank to Flat yeah landed at 90 and then just forced it around and I'll take it that's that's how yeah that's good yep but thank you for you know getting you through that yeah you know yeah for entertainment I'm there I'm here for you guys I'm here for I'm just facilitating all that I appreciate it no that was fun it was really fun it was what's been the biggest surprise of skating's evolution in your career for you hmm dude I don't know what what is the biggest surprise I don't know what do you think what's been the biggest sea change that you've seen I mean you were skating when it was it's not cool I'm not trying to just to to blow smoke up your ass but the video game oh that that was a big success that was a big change dude that was a big change in life you remember okay we can get into all of our world we can get into this dude Eric was invited Eric was invited to be in the first game and he declined what this is true would you just oh I didn't I heard what you said what's that I was like I just didn't know what the hell was going on and I blew that well then I just did the rest of them but anyways I did but I remember that so four fast forward to that was 99. you agreed to be in it yeah I think a lot of it might have been a Teva too because the Tiba had the game early on yeah he had a modified PlayStation right I was passing him he did and the beta discs um illegally but you know yeah I need a sounding crash test dummy yeah for sure but he was a perfect guy too but I remember um you agreed to me in the second one right away yeah because I did see that and I was I why I was like scared I kind of want to know the [ __ ] is this you know why did you not know why did you not want to be in it I don't know I honestly don't I uh when you saw it when it came out where you're like oh my God you idiot yeah right yeah come on yeah okay right but even not from the impact of that but it was like oh that's what it is Jamie too though Jamie was a hold out yeah and he was same same idea like I don't know this seems like some crazy sellout thing yeah I mean there was a lot of that and me being of course Street skater yeah yeah okay and maybe a fear of like what is this and like that you saw the game and then I was like trying to learn how to play it and then when I did I was like this is it's so it was so fun right no one had had a really cool skateboard video game yet so why would you think that this was going to be the one yeah right and I guess I had definitely had those hesitations and like I don't know what will happen and then saw it and I was like this is School but I remember we were in uh San Francisco at X Games the next year and it was a few months before the second one was released and uh they had me doing you know interviewing people on the course whatever because I wasn't competing and it was interviewing you on the street course and then we were about to wrap it up and you're like make sure to get to an ox Pro Skater too I was like yes Eric Austin's in he's in he finally gets it yeah got it yeah but that was that was a big change how did it change for you like or not just skateboarding but how did it change for Eric Carson I mean just the fact that the it's just people and starting to know me outside of skateboarding yeah know who who kind of knew you know they they know I'm a video game character maybe some of those people actually started to figure out all right who is this person I don't know how much information was out there how could you tell the difference the random people at Starbucks looking at you like all funny and you're like do they recognize me you know like not because they're not skaters yeah they're not scared oh yeah and you're like they're giving you a look of like a kid yeah that is skated yeah and it's looking like you're like oh my God that's you know it's like that I have your board you know like that and you're like why is that random dude looking at me like that and then comes up to me like hey like you're in Tony Hawk Pro Skater yeah like I'm like yeah yeah he's like I play with you and you know and and then that just started happening and like you know yeah and it started to happen a lot and it's like that was that was like whoa what what this is like so everyone's playing this and whatever how did that make you feel being a hardcore skater and people that don't skate liking Eric Carson did you would did you Embrace that or were you no I mean it was cool if anybody does and like appreciates that I like of course yeah like um it's it's really cool and I do appreciate that and like but also it was awkward too it's like whoa this is really weird and but it's that's it's a lot about what what that did to the the other other people outside of skateboarding their Viewpoint is skating and they actually then then understood it yeah even though they actually couldn't do the act of it right they knew the tricks they see their body movement and they actually know it and they could probably see somebody now skating as opposed to when they some crazy ledge flip trick into a ledge trick uh now that person could go like oh that was a kickflip crook yeah you know like yeah well that's crazy yeah it is like they said that many times like it's crazy that someone could understand what that is they understood it it was reserved for such a very small population yeah and not that long ago then a bigger population understood it and so like oh this is cool yeah and it made and it brought them into our I was gonna say skateboarders too because there's a lot of people that were like not only am I going to play this game I'm gonna go out and do it yeah yeah brought him into the game or they're still like these guys are cool like even the outfits the music like all that stuff it helped everything you know help bring all that up I uh I did an interview actually um coincidentally for the barracks yesterday and uh we were talking about the game and I was like if you look at the roster of skaters that we had in the game and you look at them now they almost all of them still skate regularly and rip like it's crazy that we had such a yeah great cast of characters I mean that was a good good crew yeah and just look like looking now you uh Bucky Alyssa Jamie Thomas um rune Kareem Kareem uh mosca Moscow everyone Andrew Andrew yeah like still killing it too it's amazing yeah so thank you thank you for thanks for having me thanks for having that one you always seem to make such a smart guy I can't believe how dumb you are by saying no the first one you got to learn from your mistakes right yeah it was Jamie Jamie was the last holdout besides you but he actually in Jamie probably had a similar fear same similar fear but he went up to and he went up and and saw for himself yeah and that's what it took where he saw the game and actually played it yeah okay I think this is fun yeah exactly because he was getting to yeah yeah early it was an honor to have you in there of course so thank you and thanks for being such an amazing Ambassador and skater all of these decades yeah like it's it's really too amazing you ain't getting done too bad thank you but still you know I'm still I'm still just on my program you're keeping it real up in the streets so it's just because I suck at bird [Laughter] do you think he could still knee slide yeah of course I thought about that that's where you went do you think you can still amazing you know I was like it's a trick they lose yeah nah you don't lose knee slides and none of you grew up in it yeah yeah I guess yeah that's true I skated with Riley yeah if I went into something big just blasted an air kicked out and I would just like Ugh yeah he's gonna do a couple of steps they all do but I mean I wouldn't fly straight to the news but like okay all right there you go all right it would be a one two of these you never did you were always a little bit of a runner to new slot yeah oh I see yeah I remember watching him skate that's a street skate yeah I was like yeah because I always thought that wait I can jump to my knees it was about like you had faster fade it wasn't a bad I was like I would do the little run thing too if my feet would do that oh my God I get it seriously makes my my spine shiver when I see people trying to run out of stuff I have to touch the toes on something and then drop to the knees I told him a story not even like a hard one he's just like a little feeler I think right dude I told him a story before you got here I bombed a hill the other day I parked and just got on my skateboard with a bag and I had little shorts and a tank top and I started going down this hill and I just didn't think about it and all of a sudden I'm going too fast to get off and I remember thinking if you have to get off skid your whole side down the road before you even contemplate running yeah like I was like if this gets bad yeah I'm going to shoulder block the pavement because if I run I might need an ambulance yeah that's our generation yeah yeah right I would go for the role nice but I had a bag a big bag it wasn't going to let me go I would ditch that thing in a heartbeat if I was I was going down like if it was I started wobbling the bag would be off notice how your story doesn't involve any injuries and mine it's just like I would go with his approach yes stunt man tumble yeah where have you been Erica my whole career I ditched the back yeah that's a good idea why did you get out of your car and put a bag on because I thought when I went down there that that it might be cold almost down there all day so I brought a bag that had all my stuff in it and it had like uh it's gonna be a long day well Eric we appreciate you stopping by yeah that was super fun we didn't get it into anything you know what I was thinking of what gigantic skatepark tour you guys remember oh yeah what are you gonna say don't do anything bad no we had fun yeah we did yeah I want to do that again yeah oh there you go ESPN I don't know find us a network yeah that's funny all right we had a rock star bus we had Trent cameraman can I not do the street demo and the bird demo this time that would no we have to do it all as poorly as we did then yeah [Music] or is great everything was good I'm coming in bubble wrap no you you gave it all in those tours too everybody everyone it was amazing so we were having it was it was a rock star bus it was trans yeah the blackjack dealer yeah a lot of money you did show them why there's least money and not paying yeah those are great times I was more fortunate than you guys because you guys were Legends and it made sense you're on the bus I was a half-assed bum that was just on the whole tour just going like yeah I'm in the demo too it just scored like the the bus it's still skateboarding there's been no more glamorous tour I that's today I was like a taste of it and I'm like I want this yeah right I want to be a rock star I think oh dude I've never been good at playing any instruments all of a sudden you were like Guns and Roses said where you play bass you would say yes right for sure you're like yeah I'll take it I'd slap that thing and then uh figure it out Frank had the B Team bus the RV yeah oh yeah for people who wouldn't leave the tour because everyone had their slots on the tour right yeah yeah so it was there for for five or seven days yeah and then some people that wouldn't leave in that time frame they would just go to the RV yeah yeah but they didn't get pretty DM they didn't even get hotel rooms half the time they still wanted to be on the tour yeah you could sleep in the bus like yeah you didn't even ride the hotel room uh true but but at some point you're off the bus yeah yeah yeah this is the crew now yeah you're losing the perks of losing your money but it was great losing your money in blackjack five hours six hour drive but oh no everyone was walking with the blackjack table yeah even if you weren't officially on the tour of course and it was your money it was I remember I remember the quote was your money's good here money's good here that was fun the back of the bus that's what was up oh yeah I wrote several songs in the back of the bus she busting those out soon no we shouldn't yes all the good times all the good scanning um for having me appreciate it appreciate it well I could describe turkeys yeah say that like And subscribe guys describe we don't say it correctly like and describe comment uh ooh comment comment we never say that yeah like subscribe comment something nice oh yes no you don't have to okay Don no just just comment for the algorithm yeah that's what I'm saying there you go yeah that's fine whatever comment yeah all right but like And subscribe And subscribe and like yeah thank you yeah okay I'm good at this foreign [Music]
Channel: Hawk vs Wolf
Views: 68,994
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tony hawk, jason ellis, stand-up comedy, comedian, tony hawk pro skater, podcast, new podcast, new episode, malka media, skateboarding, your moms house
Id: rj74mQDbO4s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 3sec (3903 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 09 2023
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