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[Applause] desensitizing paid off you see in an apocalyptic situation i feel like i have a skill set that most people don't have these days and that is i ride horses emp goes off and we can't drive cars any longer that's okay i'll just ride my horses everywhere zombies show up and we have to leave the cities well that'd be a nice endurance ride you know whether they know it or not horse owners actually have everything they need for the apocalypse i cannot tell you how many ropes i have in here i got this lead rope and this halter i got this whole other halter like if i need to go down a mountain i'm set so these things can be for protection because they actually do hurt i've hit myself with one before or fishing pole you know if you've got to catch your own food i'm sure you could make some kind of fishing pole out of this we got hoof pick the hoof pick is underestimated here but i think this is a great tool to have on you for protection you can fling it like you would an axe whoa i mean i'm not saying i want the apocalypse to happen i'm just saying if it did are we like claiming land like they did in the old days since there's not gonna be any structure like can i go claim some nice equestrian estate for myself the indoor riding arena because i would totally do that all right tuck you gotta kick up and out up and out aim for the chin up and out okay i never thought i would be teaching my horse to kick but i do think it would come in handy if things went south so that's what we're doing today come on tuck right here you see that corn tucker you can't be scared of it because that's the first place we're hiding when this all goes down you know that if zombies did come they're gonna go to the cities like new york chicago where there's a lot of people where there's a food source so that means we need to go to the areas where there's less people so i'm thinking montana because i would like to go trail riding out in those mountains so equestrians have actually learned to go without the basic necessities that you may not have during the apocalypse so like showering air conditioning heat even a bathroom that said i do need to take a bathroom break real quick okay i'll be back in five always gotta wear your helmet in the zombie apocalypse zombies love brains so you got good protection here so are these walking dead zombies that just kind of like walk around are these world war z zombies that are coming after you you know they're fast because one we can just leisurely trot out of but the world war z zombies we gotta be booking it okay i gotta know what i'm training for so even if you ride horses you can't be an equestrian in the apocalypse unless you have a horse that's good to go can fight it out and you think we'll survive so i'm gonna rate tucker here and see how i think he would do in the apocalypse number one spooky but predictable okay so he does get a little flighty but it's always predictable and i can usually always ride it so in that instance i think it would be good because if zombies are coming up on us he'll just get out of there but it's not like he's gonna dump me and leave me point two came from the plains of oklahoma or colorado or wherever he came from he's a wild pony so i do think there's a bit of a streak in him where if he had to he could fight some zombies you know he's dominant out in the field i think he'll he could take some zombies down size i mean they could definitely get me up there he's a little shorter but another good thing about him poas are known for their endurance abilities he could probably be ridden a while and go for a while without burning out that being said i do think tucker would do pretty well in the apocalypse i know some horses that wouldn't do good but tucker here would he even has these circles on him where he's taking out zombies one two three four five six seven eight eight zombies and he has two on his face nine ten and then he has a massive one on his face eleven so i think i'm good
Channel: Equine Helper
Views: 32,587
Rating: 4.9531169 out of 5
Id: R4zU6P26J_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 8sec (248 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 20 2021
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