Epoxy marble color test on craft board - Life With Queenii

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hey guys so i wanted to come back and do a video for you but before i want you guys to check out my cooking channel i do have other youtube channels and check out my latest video link in description alright so we're going to start off with a craft board you can get this at the dollar store at wally world and i'm using this board to actually test out the colors that i will be using on my kitchen counter tops okay so the craft board was five dollars i'm pretty sure you could get it for cheaper this is not a board that i'm using to like cook on and do heavy duty things i'm just using this board to test out the colors of the spray paint that i bought to see what the undertones are okay [Music] all right so again this is just a test board all right i know some people like to skip videos and then ask questions in the comments section without watching the entire video so again this is a test just to test to see the undertones of the spray paints i'm using a dark colored gray and a light colored gray because my kitchen backsplash the gray that creates the marble design on it is more of a cool tone gray and if you should go into a hardware store or somewhere where they have tile just get different types of tile like that are all marbled same you know typical white with the gray veins put it all together they all have different undertones you can get marble designs with cool undertones and marble designs with warm undertones mines are cool so that's why i'm doing this test today to see what the undertones are of the spray paint and if this is the color that i am going to use to do my kitchen countertops this is not a video to show you guys how i'm doing my kitchen countertops that video will be coming very soon after i've decided how i feel about the spray paint okay so once you get your epoxy ready you're gonna mix it equal parts half and half follow the instructions on whatever brand epoxy you choose to buy the brand that i have i'll put down below in the description box it is an affiliate link i am not affiliated with the company it's just the epoxy that i use for my kids bathroom i really like it it's holding up really really well so that's why it's there okay once you have your equal parts of epoxy together um parts a and b mix it and then add in just a tiny bit of paint i am using my alkyd bear paint white and just a couple drops about a teaspoon's worth okay and that should give you enough um tint to your epoxy to cover your pre-painted and primed surfaces or pre-primed pre-pop pre-primed and painted surfaces but because this is just a test board i didn't prime it i just painted it okay all right so i'm gonna pour this on there and try my best to spread it out as equal as i can i actually just decided to do this at 10 o'clock at the at night i was doing laundry and i was you know came upstairs i walked into the kitchen i said you know what let me just test out these spray paints because christmas is right around the corner and my gift to myself this year is to finish my kitchen so hopefully i can finish my kitchen by christmas okay all right i'm asking the universe to give me the strength especially now with four children and a newborn well three children and a newborn equals four children all right so i'm just using my pain stick to spread this out evenly and again this is a test okay this is not a video showing you a technique on how to do your kitchen countertops i'm i'm not telling you to do do what i'm doing right now to do your kitchen countertops you can use designs i do yes you can um use the mix yes okay but um there will be different things that i will be doing once i do my kitchen countertops so if you can have a little bit of patience for me i will be more than happy to show you guys the whole process once i have decided how i feel about this gray um the two gray spray paints that i bought okay so i bought the light gray and i bought the slate gray color the flooring i'm doing in my kitchen as well is a slate gray color so i want to make sure things match there's no you know weird looking grays like one warm tone grain and one cool tone gray it just looks mismatched and just not good in my opinion and it will bother me so that's why we're doing the test okay so once you have your first i guess pour on there it's almost like a acrylic pour i know a lot of you guys like acrylic pour videos almost like that almost just don't get this on yourself and as you guys could see you can see the craft paper i'm doing this on my countertop i um taped craft paper onto my countertop to keep it from going onto my countertop so make sure you prep before you do this and if you ever try to do any epoxy technique you see on youtube make sure you always do a practice piece okay practice first before you do it because if you do and you mess up there's a lot of work you know to do to redo it again okay oh i also bought a heat gun oh my gosh you guys this thing is the best it gets very very hot i'm using it on low heat and it gets all the little tiny tiny bubbles even though i never had an issue with my blow dryer but this heat gun gets it done very very quickly so i'll have a link down below for the heat gun as well all right you guys so this is the slate gray spray paint and this is the regular gray spray paint um so again we're just checking for the undertones i don't really care for this piece practice piece to be like super perfect especially on the edges um i'm just looking more at the color and how it will behave and react and spread out and blend out with my designs okay the brush i'm using is just a regular cheap dollar store brush i do plan on buying a different brush for when i actually do my kitchen so again if you guys could have some patience and weight everything you'll need to buy and all the supplies and the setup and prep you will need to do will be in that video okay i do have to do my kitchen lights before because um i will have to stand on top of my countertop so i don't want to do my countertop and then have to stand on it okay all right so as you guys can see i'm just blending out the first gray shade you know once you get blending and you start moving around the colors you know the the colors kind of start to bleed out a bit and there's where you can see what undertones they really really have okay and i'm only using whatever from that area where i sprayed that one streak i'm just using whatever color from there and just tapping it and creating veins when it comes down to marble if you go to a hardware store if you even google marble marble all does not look exactly the same there's really really pretty marble and then there's marble which i personally think it's not cute it just got too much like too much going on or the color is not right like i've seen like a like an off-white marble don't really like that um i like the bright white with the gray veins that's just what i like personally you know it comes in so many different shades so many different varieties so you know my video that i did for my kids bathroom someone tried to argue with me about what marble looks like just do a quick google search you'll see it looks like a whole lot of different things the only time marvel looks exactly the same every single time is when it is man-made and stamped onto either tiles or um what's that countertop called um what is that countertop called it's like a a man-made stone i forgot you guys know what it's called and it's expensive too it's just as expensive as marble okay quartz quartz isn't quartz man-made yes that's what it is it's quartz countertops that you know you can get a consistent looking marble that can be very very clean the veins are very very you know uniform they still have that natural flow but they're not like all over the place you get more of a what's the minimalist type of look okay anyways so as you guys can see i'm just blending it out using whatever i got on the brush from the first um spray of spray paint with the shade gray not the slate gray just the the gray shade and i want i want the veins to have dimension that's why i'm using two different shades of gray um the light gray will be basically like my shadow of the the vein and the darker slate gray will be the deeper part because i want my countertop to kind of match my kitchen backsplash um if you guys don't know what my kitchen backsplash looks like there is a link down below for you to see how it looks and see how i put it together myself okay all right mama it's okay baby all right you guys so now i'm gonna go in with the slate gray shade which is the darker gray shade you know i went off of the caps like usually the caps are supposed to be what the spray paint looks like so that's what i went off of when i picked the colors okay the slate gray looks like more of a bluish tone cool tone gray okay and the other gray looks like another cool tone gray just just cool enough but it i felt like it still had some warmth to it so i'll see how this looks in the morning with the lights on with the lights off and then i'll decide if these are the colors i will be using on my kitchen countertops because once i do it i don't want to redo it not for a few years you know maybe something else might catch my attention and i might want to change them eventually in the future but right now no right now i just want a very clean look and i want that marble effect look on my kitchen countertops i have granite countertops you can kind of see them in the video if you look on the top right or on your left right there it kind of looks like old ground beef that nobody wants to eat like i hate my kitchen countertops even when you clean them i can't tell if they're clean because they're dark i can't tell can't tell it's like a mystery until you touch them and then sometimes they look clean and you touch them and they're all grainy or there's something on there that it's just ugh all right anyways i hope you guys are enjoying my little designs that i got going on here and can you see the reflection of my brush look at how shiny that is i just cannot wait to do my kitchen countertops you guys have no idea and this is just a practice just to see how the colors look and so far i'm really loving the color how they blend together i like that the light gray shade is more of a shadow and slight gray shade gives it more of a deeper tone more dimension you know like they work well together so i don't want to just use one color and it's just now i want to use two color colors and mix them well and create you know more of a somewhat realistic looking marble effect on my kitchen countertops and this is the thing if you do decide to do this to your countertops you can go crazy with the veins if you like or you can go very minimal and do maybe like one or two huge veins or you can just you know add a few but you can completely cover your countertop and veins if you want to that's it's totally up to you because it's your kitchen you do whatever you like you know i think i'm gonna try to have more white areas but there will be some light veining throughout and then the veins that will stand out the most will be the darker ones which will have the slate gray shade okay but let's see how this looks in the morning and then i'll decide once i've decided i'll get started on doing the kitchen lights i'm actually installing some pendant lights over my kitchen island i have one booby light i call it a booby light that's what it looks like over my kitchen island i hate it but i'm going to turn that one light into three pendant lights i got these amazing pendant lights that i have been watching for a while okay watching and they were like someone messed up and they were 16 for three of them you guys oh my gosh wait till you see it anyways look at how beautiful this turned out absolutely love it i'm gonna see how this looks in the morning and once i'm happy with it i will get everything started lights ceiling countertops and then floors i love you guys i'll see you very soon in another video for my kitchen love you bye
Channel: LifeWithQueenii
Views: 13,946
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: epoxy marble, resin art, marble epoxy, countertops, refinish, life with queenii, marble, paint marble, faux marble countertops, marble counter top, epoxy pour, stonechat countertop, epoxy
Id: fV23PMWoBE8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 5sec (845 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 04 2020
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