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today I am going to show you how you can take almost any countertop and create your own custom high gloss marble finish [Music] so I've already done the first couple of steps on these countertops and sealed one of them and I'm about to seal this countertop behind me but I wanted to walk out through the steps that I took to change this from the brown style stone that it was before to this marble finish that it is now here's everything that you will need to complete this look I started off with a primer and I use these Ensor bullseye one-two-three primer for all surfaces it has a dry time of 30 minutes which is also when you can go ahead and apply your second coat for the paint I use the Benjamin Moore premium interior paint this isn't an eggshell finish although the finish doesn't make too much of a difference since we are applying a high-gloss topcoat my top coat is the fama wood glaze coat it is the crystal clear high-gloss finish this is the one gallon box and for my kitchen so far I've used a box and a half so this would be my third box and I think three blobs would be just enough to finish this kitchen for the painting I have my paint roller and my roller covers and these are the two roller covers I have the foam mini rollers and the the high density NIT rollers I also like to use these plastic drop cloths they're super inexpensive and if you get some painters tape you can just go ahead and tape them along the bottom of the cabinets you'll want to have some sort of thicker paintbrush in order to do the veining which I will show y'all in a second a blow dryer to blow out bubbles and these are bucket liners and I use these to mix the top coat because it is very hard to clean out and I just wanna be able to throw these away when I am done alright so the first step is to tape off your counter tops you want to line your counter tops with drop cloth that way you can protect the cabinets and the floors underneath because the top coat that we use is meant to drip off the sides of the counter top and if it gets on your floor it is very hard to get up you also want to put a row of tape up against your backsplash so that you don't get any paint or topcoat on there as well and also around any appliances that you have cover your ovens dishwasher put some tape around your sink and cover it because you don't want to get any topcoat or paint in that as well the second step is to stand all your countertops so depending on the countertops you have the sanding might not actually scuff up the surface but it is guaranteed to get rid of all the dirt so the countertops that we had was obviously way stronger than any sandpaper but it made sure that it was extra clean and there was no debris left on it for when we applied that the primer once you sand you want to wipe off the countertop really well make sure there's no dust dirt anything left over and then you want to start priming for priming and painting a roller isn't required but I definitely highly recommend it it guarantees a smooth finish and no brush strokes you can either use a foam cover or a nap cover either of them will provide a very smooth finish so I applied about two coats of my primer because I wanted a white and gray marble my primer is white and my paint was also white so I didn't need to use as much paint but I applied two coats of my primer and then started on painting I use Benjamin Moore's premium interior paint I know they sell that I've been doing more stores and at Ace Hardware although any paint will do since the topcoat that we're using is really resilient there are odds of the paint chipping off are very little so any if you could get if you have white paint white interior paint you can go ahead and use that otherwise a I'd say depending on the size of your kitchen you can either at a quart or a gallon so once you have your two coats of primer and your two coats of paint on there you want to let those dry really well for a couple of hours and then you will go on to your marbling some tips are when you're planning out the veining on your countertops is to one look on the internet and try to pull up pictures of marble countertops you like so you have an idea of what type of veining you want to do also for the most part when it comes to normal countertops the veining typically flows in one direction so for this room I wanted to come from the front corner of the room to the back so on each of the countertop pieces even though it's not all directly diagonal vanes typically all come from one from the same area another way to make the countertops look more realistic is to extend the veining over the countertops so if you have it going this way across and then you get to the edge just extend it down a little bit that way it looks like one cohesive piece of stone and it'll be a lot harder for them to know that you really painted it because from first glance these look just like marble countertops and I am no artist so I can do it you can do it I promise super easy super fun so I already painted these countertops but I did it before we installed the sink so I will also show you all how to fix up some mistakes in the paint if you happen to use the counter house before you have a time to seal them when we were installing the sink we had to you know put it on the counter move it around so some of the paint got scratched up and I just wanna show y'all how I fix that so I have some sandpaper right here on a little sanding block and I just want to sand the edges down so when I put more paint on top of it it blends smoothly and then here is the paint I used and the goal here is to not get it on the veining so I'm just trying to fix the white spots so for the marbling you will need some crafts paint this is one of the 95 cent bottles they sell at Home Depot so it's not anything special I got three different shades of gray because I didn't know which one I wanted and I settled with slate gray so I used slate gray to do the veining on here and I will show y'all how to do that so the main the main trick to this is keeping your paint wet and using a loose hand so I am gonna work on extending this line right here since I just painted over it I kind of want to add another vein to this so I am going to dip my brush in the paint and then with a loose hand and a rolling motion just drag it along and I want it to connect with this one so I'm not going to do too long of a line at once that we doesn't dry but I'll take this spray it with my water and then using the paintbrush I'm going to feather this out and then I like to keep wiping off this brush just so the water is not all the way on it and you can dab up some of the water and some of the paint and then once you like how it looks you need to let it dry I like to dial up some of the excess paint but yes this is how you do the veining once the veining is on comes the exciting part which is applying the topcoat so for this specific topcoat you need a one to one ratio of Part A and Part B so this measuring cup has been sacrificed for the cause I like using it because I can tell exactly how much I'm putting in here so for this side I'm doing three cups of each and then I'll be pouring it into the bucket and mixing it and it says to mix it for six or seven minutes so you mix it for six seven minutes then pour it in the next bucket and then mix it again let's get started additionally you'll want either a blowtorch or I use this mini hairdryer and this will help get the bubbles out after about 20 minutes remove the plastic tarp and the tape from your counter because if you wait too long when you try to remove it it might pull up some of the top coat also make sure to check under the edge of the counters for drips and you can scrub those off with your putty knife or if they are already set in you can sand them down with some sandpaper the top coat is definitely the longest step it needs three days to cure but yeah very easy process [Music] [Music] I've been trying to make my wallet fold all the cash is in my dreams big pay underneath my money tree big sale daddy's brothers wait on me for Gabe you tell me why you can't wait I know time is money watch my face don't sort change me now I ain't got nothing to say but just hit me up see you like this [Music] that's why we got so many problems it's all getting so strange [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] time is money watch my face don't change me okay so all of the top coat is on the table now I'm going to take this little blow dryer and hop all the bubbles [Music] that is it for today's video if you like the result please give this video a thumbs up and subscribe down below for more content just like this also hit that Bell icon so you will be notified every time I upload a new video and if you try this DIY out for yourself please tag me on instagram at rachel white life so I can see it and share with everyone I hope you'll have a great day bye
Channel: The Rachel Thomas Life
Views: 200,156
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: WHITE MARBLE PAINTED COUNTERTOPS | EPOXY TOPCOAT | EASY AFFORDABLE DIY (without using a kit), White Marble Painted Countertops, marble countertops, diy marble, kitchen makeover, epoxy countertops, painting countertops, how to paint countertops, kitchen decor on a budget, diy marble countertop, interior design, do it yourself, epoxy counters, giani countertop paint, giani granite, epoxy countertop diy, home improvement, faux marble, diy marble countertops contact paper
Id: dEHWC74qq-I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 3sec (843 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 26 2020
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