Episode 7 | Reckless Driving | Spelljammer: Redline

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[Music] [Music] I'm selfish do you understand I'm desperate to hold your head I'm losing myself again trying to reach you losing myself again don't want to lose you I don't want to let you know that I don't want to let you go I don't want to let you know that I don't want to let you go I promise I got it under control I promise I got it under control I don't want to let you know that I don't want to let you go making a fool of myself watching you slip away I can't help myself to hold up losing myself again trying to reach you losing myself for again don't want to lose you I don't want to let you know that I don't want to let you go I don't want to let you know that I don't want to let you go I promise I got it under control I promise I got it under control I don't want to let you know that I don't want to let you [Music] go [Music] [Music] h [Music] [Music] I'm selfish do you understand I'm desperate to hold your head I'm losing myself again trying to reach you losing myself again don't want to lose you I don't want to let you know that I don't want to let you go I don't want to let you know that I don't want to let you go I promise I got it under control I promise I got it under control I don't want to let you know that I don't want to let you go making a fool of myself watching you slip away I can't help myself to hold on losing myself again trying to reach you losing myself again don't want to lose you I don't want to let you know that I don't want to let you go I don't want to let you know that I don't want to let you go I promise I got it under control I promise I got it under control I don't want to let you know that I don't want to let you [Music] go [Music] up [Music] to up [Music] [Music] to hello hello I was going to flip you off I was like it's the first he us hello hello spell J uh the last day I spell sver don't don't frown we'll be back and we we get a little break for the new year as we Implement some maybe some new stuff someone in the CH but first we have a we have some announcements to go it's weird Deja Vu yeah go uh thank you so much dri assassin for the what I said during while we were muted was the 2000 $ but I meant to say $200 um and then Craig went uh200 we're going out to nice dinner that was fun but thank you dri assassin that is extremely generous um and uh we really appreciate you when we were about to go fake live I saw it and I was like look at the donations and we all went like this what uh so holy [ __ ] god thank you um D assassin uh dri assassin put just wanted to get this Dono in before I run my own game love y'all hope everyone is having has had a great game New Year chat have a wonderful New Year's cheers with a heart best we have the best community good oh my goodness but you level up if if you're playing or running you level up exactly yeah ultimate power G yeah yeah level up right now and then come back and because because because we're live go hey Craig uh my wants to do it and I'll tell him when to meet up and I'll fist SP him or her yeah or level n level n that's what I heard we're level nine now you said we got to level up you you did not give me $200 to level you just gave me $200 to level up he's going to level up and if his [ __ ] DM or GM wants to do it I'm GNA fist fight him I also want to shout out you yall need I also want to shout out uh this do you have that do do you have the name of the person who made these dice so Spencer got me these really cool dice for uh for Christmas and they're so cool and I found out I'm going to show them to everybody right now hang on uh combat cam we should have a dice cam um if I don't know if you can see them but they have like skulls on them uh whoop that one fell we get this here check it's just really funny to not see it CU there um they have like skulls on them they're the coolest things ever um I love them and uh they were made by uh misto dice but it's misto dice um and they have a lot of really cool dice on their Etsy shop right is it Etsy on their Etsy shop and we found out that like this was the first thing anybody had bought from them and I was like oh [ __ ] so go check out me Fisto dice who made basically my Cayman dice which are the coolest [ __ ] things SKS in them and they're so awesome not in Focus you know what showing off these goddamn dice do it do it do it do it yeah yeah do the little thing do the little thing do the we're hanging out for a little bit anyway take my sweaty chair Jacob can you switch to the combat one again hey Craig okay oh [ __ ] [ __ ] come on no you said $1 they two people on the DM camera we turn that off whoa guys look at these won't give us a level but obviously not at all but like oh my God they're so cool they're so cool yeah seriously anyways if you have some coolas stuff made some stuff that didn't fit on that scene to it I got Christmas stuff yeah you got bag of worms Oh I did was like I was like someone give you a bag of worms yeah it was you real quick oh it's my oops you want to drag yourself again glad you guys they're very cool so I was just like you were like they they had sent you a really long message being like thank you and I was like for supporting I was like and it's me go check them out they're so cool anyways yeah dice are [ __ ] awesome I love them so much they're so fitting for the character and they're so godamn cool anyways that's all I had oh yeah I have two things uh one's just same thing it's patch notes there's a time in our games where I Implement stuff and change things uh I have none for our table but I did add a new thing uh in the doc uh always the time to plug our Discord in the link description there's a link to our Discord and then we have our set games spoilers or not and then we have some links in there that lead to different docs that we update and everybody in there is very funny and nice and awesome they are very good the doc for the patch do is called rules of the Le yes yes uh that one just I just talked about a new thing called Extreme Focus which is just like an ability you get to use once per campaign it's an option uh last thing I want to do because it is the last game of spell sber and of the year uh I did some I did some time uh and I did some cool little Delvin and math I heard about this it's a little nuts I wanted to do a thing just to cuz sure it's cool to hear the year is ended and look at it but it's a little different to have like numbers and to hear like what we've done can sound like a little like I don't know it's a lot of work for us and and you guys always here so it's cool to see how much you guys have seen so I'm just going to read some of these cool little stats off um so starting off real easy right for spell Jammer which we started this year yeah uh today's seven episodes not count today's hours we don't have it but it's 26 hours 26 hours of this game already a whole day that's a whole day of SP already a whole day of spell J that started so cool that started on November 11th Tyler finished a not the entire campaign but Tyler did Eight Episodes which was 32 hours a day and a half this year and they they came back with those episodes in uh February 3rd and finished uh on the back I'll tell you what games we finished and started the year the amount of Ava we've done this year isn't isn't as much as how much spell Jammer we more it's a little bit more sorry meant to the opposite the so all the spell Jammer we've played this year isn't the same amount as who crazy I crazy sets about AB I did not expect either um Jack with Ebron had 10 episodes tot to 46 hours that's two days wow two days of content more importantly two days that Jack is DMD dm'd two days 46 hours that's a lot of a lot of time uh col did 18 episodes I threw in one because technically we have one wit light that's last year last year last year but Episode Two started in January yeah so I'm GNA give I'm give them all of them um that was 74 hours three days of witch light whoa three days of witch light and you can already see of the three games being the tail end of ABA my beginning game and 's smaller section already adding up a ton of hours that is insane Yeah Colton's first game on the channel three days this is the Arcane arcade wrapped yeah I even realiz this is so cool podcast this year released 38 Episodes toing 45 hours that's two days two days we broke 100 episodes yeah so from this year we started at 80 and finished at 118 so if you were to watch all of what we've done from right now of all of Ava and the podcast and I I think that too oh God it's nuts all right uh Zelda the first one which you started how we have two in this year uh Mia is in the hot seat for 28 episodes totaling 30 hours a day and a half of content oh my God that started uh I'm EP that started yeah really that started June 27th that's crazy yeah it took six months uh Jack who just started ge's mask uh has five episodes toing to 10 hours and that started November 30th we've done a lot during we we are cooking cooking Jesus uh crazy crazy time for even our other stuff oh sorry about that Jacob not it's not me it's not me this time Jacob just to your part too uh St Haven 17 episodes 77.5 hours w three days three days that started in April seventh yeah Fallout ended in this in this in this year had 18 episodes of a total to 76.5 hours of three days of content as well oh my God wait everything that we played a Fallout this year was the same as witch light yeah which is about 17 episodes versus 18 episodes about the same we have we have a schedule try and keep it so just those two you dm'd Grand to of six days nearly a week are you e yeah yeah um what what can I say I'm addicted to the Grind totaling two 149 plus uploads to the to the channel wow wait sorry say it again 149 plus uploads that I only counted the stream games that we had that were doing it and Zelda stuff I did not count like one shots that we do there other things we do so 149 plus just the numbers I just listed total to 417 hours wow for partial sections of our games and an entire witch life oh my God totaling to 17 plus days I feel like this is we don't have a life yeah I was like we just admitting to everyone I'm going to slam each one of you right now I have total hours played yes Emma all over you have 26 plus hours wow yipp you have a whole day of you played uh going next person uh which is going to be second lowest is going to be myself at 1565 second we're only going up 156 for me that's less than a week yeah like just a little bit less than week straight of content produced and this is only counting D&D games that's not counting like uh ge match anything like that this is just the D&D games uh next going to Jacob had 178 hours of D and D played wow as player I did not double up on DM of course what is it if you that you uh all the number two number two um second highest being Grace at 181.50 nice a ton of hours play a ton of hours committed to to our to to this to entertaining you guys to being here uh you beat Grace I I have a feeling that this isn't actually kind of the games I missed though well either way whatever Mia comes out at 254 254 okay by the way the way I want to say there's like three games as of recently three games of STS Haven from or I think a total of five that you haven't been a part of so I guess if we did remove that it's like five from each so it's like 5 10 if I have those notes I that so even then it's still 2 200 yeah a ton of content you've been in part of it's not about putting on blast it's about of look how much work you put in cuz you know when we get back to Grace Grace is in three games right now it's crazy next year she's going to be slammed the same way it's the devotion you show to your community okay this is us Spencer you got a whole other Spencer coming in heavyweight champion 332 hours played of DMZ oh my God coming over to over 14 days you're right committed committed to the bit for everyone every one of us oh my God aaran thank you for the $99.99 oh last game last donation of the year apprciate so much all this hard work we do all the hours you put in are for you guys we appreciate the hell out of it and it's so nice to have a moment to kind of reflect on it and also see you guys appreciate it so much and love us really though okay but how many hours has Emma listened to oh I have that too oh yeah don't worry about it I got it all I got it all uh Jacob in total this year which is strange considering how many games you're not dming yet right so if we talk about last year be holding ball game 154 hours 6 days dming wow total wow total wow and that's not no sleeping no no sleeping days you Cofe like I'm a little EP I was like give Craig an Americano a Red Bull and an oll and then you were like I'd explode I'm like that it's kind of funny that what makes you explode is like uh the default that's where I got to be it blow me up uh a ton of hours Jacob tons Jes Christ tons oh my God are my hours the same as Spencer yeah yeah probably more or less proba yeah because you two are the same in the same play I just want to make sure no no no for sure for sure competitive with your work competitive competive I see the wife that you put in all your games you know I'm going to my gameer can't be in it so I can beat you if you're here she's here if she's here you're here you can a ton of time nearly one week Jacob nearly one week yeah um okay now the last steps I have on the last I saw some more stuff I figured out what games we started this year year mhm and then games we ended this year I'm going start with an easy well-rounded one witl as I said we did have one episode last December but the next episode number two of 18 started in January uh 7th actually the first episode being in December like 30 something um ending on November 18th being a whole year of wit life Wow col ran for a year that's so cool Fallout ended October 28th started in July 3rd of 21 it ran for 2 years and 3 months oh my god really 2 years month we started that in 2021 2021 wait which which game Fallout fallout Fallout ended you started started that means I've been working two and a half years for you that your first day was Fallout yes yeah well there it is whoa uh ice onale the firstep ended in March that was March 31st started June 26 21 lasting a year and nine months crazy I can't believe it's been gone that long wait which one is this which this is ice oh my God ended in March started in June 26 21 damn lasting a year or N9 months that one also started in 21 I saw that the other day I don't know why I was like going through random videos and I saw that I was just like they started in 2021 we do I didn't like that I went I was like I look at episode two of which L I was like we all look different we all this is the craziest one I did not think about Ava oh gosh ended May 26 started February I it was my birthday February 28th of 2020 we started that on your birthday crazy lasting 3 years and 3 months wow wow crazy wow a ton of time multiple houses no there was like that of course the big there was a six-month Hiatus but still technically the longest that we ever had on the channel look you tell me what game you Hiatus and then come back for six months a at that many D&D games exactly it's Brave uh St Haven started April 7th hasn't ended gone on for nine months sheesh that's a baby yeah uh Eon started July 21st been still going on for 5 months spell Jam started November 11th for one month and still you were racking up the hours my guy it's funny that Eon started that long ago and we've almost caught up to it cuz everyone's on 10 and spell G is now on seven so cool we've been running uh yeah we started four games and ended four even it's crazy to think that last this year even Fall's AR even in I tried to look even fall didn't have to even fall ended December 9th of 22 it was end this year and that was the epilog too the the the final game was before that it was in like November that's crazy crazy um grand total of eight sets were built yep eight whole sets eight sets eight sets um the last thing I I have to do because of how much work like that's all the work that you guys see you guys help support um and there's a lot of work you don't see m i having only access to my own time sheets last year worked over 359 hours so if I worked that Emma worked it plus nearly 900 hours of Labor to build sets to hang out not counting artists or Travis aoy Who Do Stuff a ton of [ __ ] people make this [ __ ] possible next month there's some cool [ __ ] happening and there's more people working on it excited very sounds crazy so thank you guys so much thank you I need that for your taxes yeah yeah enough it's enough yeah I got it I got it crazy oh my God thank you for putting that together that is so Co to think about all that like cuz I don't think we've ever we've never done that we've occasionally gone back and been like hey guys do you know that this campaign was this long but like we've never put it together at the honestly these are all estimations even I didn't count minutes or anything else there's probably a way to go into like a playlist and find out the total run time it's probably higher than what I've counted I a lot so just to low ball is nuts crazy God that's crazy and thank you guys cuz literally everything you do today by donating hang out watching the patreon supporters every [ __ ] month this you guys make this happen all all those hours that two weeks two straight weeks if you don't sleep of of content is here 1 plus days 17 plus days of content last year not kind year before the year before that crazy it kind of justifies me not having what's the Fast Watch could watch all not for nothing if you put it on two time speed and watched it all straight it would take one week at least a month I was going to say it's going be longer than that at least 19 I hear people who do it all the time it is whack how how sometimes I'll go back to play and I'll like just there will be like an extra thousand views because people go through and binge it and I'm like what the hell like the last episode of ice windale has 8,000 views none of our other campaigns have that level of like retention where that many people are going through and watching it it's [ __ ] crazy so thank you guys I appreciate let me take the time for it I thought it was a really cool little [ __ ] thing it's so cool thank you so much all the cool stuff we did we no no we got another donation during that time did we really yes yes we did what happened aeran oh I shuted it up oh you did yeah I didan donated $99.99 and the tank is currently at 31494 of met of 100 you guys are always so generous and thank you guys so much I got nothing else other than play the game that we've always played all the hours we've committed let's put some more in let's do this the intro four more hours on top of that 14 days where's the intro I'm going more hours add there [Music] [Music] I saw myself in the mirror I saw your face in a TI smile things walk in the dark man things talking about my heart when I'm gone my soul resides so th life I'll you at the red lineing space that lies between let go everyone burs out except for me me me light just [Music] stand along run [Music] [Music] along L started singing welcome back I'm gonna change some stuff up real fast and set our scene and I'm gon to introdu you know how to you know how to drive right no absolutely but I can do it I'll figure it out welcome back I'm going to do a quick recap and we'll jump into it last game we get we started with a combat you guys being a sale by one of the three honor guard of the blood Lord Santiago being Thatcher a Siege type of his U militant group you guys you're able to dispatch him with some almost casualties being Runa Jennifer and Cayman were both all three knocked unconscious yeah um you guys were able oh were you you also were CU also failed you failed okay a lot of table okay let me do this actually you two stayed up yeah my golden children I think Amar went down too no didn't they are the golden children yeah my my my [ __ ] braided boy right here um what about me no health Lost yeah I'm a punk I get in the dirt yeah yeah um and then you guys uh got some information from Rico and decided that it was maybe best to separate and finish off the other two Honor Guard having the final piece pieces of a larger puzzle that Thatcher seemed to have the first piece of these key cards or Resident Evil taet type things you'd put into a lab that Santiago has underneath his Manor you guys separated in a perfect split being Jennifer and everyone else yeah uh and Jennifer you went to go tackle Reaver a skeleton of a man um you're able to kind of persuade him to go off with you in a place to handle him but not before you were confronted by some old Vis of Santiago some person sitting up top of Throne kind of delirious and it was later revealed not to be him Weaver taking the Quee from this doppelganger that you are Jennifer took you into a room and was conflict on how to end your life without with remaining his own uh being loyal to Santiago and was not given a path forward as you cleaved him in twine you then began to strut into his Manor up to his room finding him puppeteering Rico who was down on the city streets with your allies he gave you a choice the fight him there or to continue whatever charade he's playing now you and on it and all of the city of Carina and his last Honor Guard ExAlta the players on the stage you return to your group after they have seen uh R thank you I keep want to say R uh I will never say his name again after this recap I'll be free uh him fall apart and you got realized that there has been some kind of trap in set luckily enough Jennifer is able to get out stealing some of uh one of a magic item that he has and you guys met back up at the orphanage that Santiago has made his origin story some conversations were had amongst the party I think they were good some of embarrassment some of rallying and I think in that moment W gun to start back up and that's would like to interject or jump in I think i' like to start off with you Jif with that okay um where are you right now in this space after just finishing your conversation with f um I think she'd be by herself Stu or like sitting with the group but like just for sure for sure yeah then we'll put you in a good spot people kind of wounded somewhat healed over from from from short rests um you kind of sit for a moment maybe you you do storm off but then come back and sit and everyone's just slowly kind of or very quietly talking among themselves as you kind of compose yourself MH imagine she's just she's just watching everyone okay she kind of wants to see what everyone is doing first and how they're feeling sure uh who would like to go first give Jennifer a weed we in the sh no we're not we're in the orph like you freaking freak empty or yes yeah nobody in here just hanging out we went here after Jennifer had thing we're short resting and then I yelled at Finn and then Finn yelled at me and then I went yeah I I give you give me your little hand and I I give a little Pat and then okay back to Mara is like upset um just sitting there like just kidding just like yeah you're like I think um Cayman is on the ceiling hell yeah that's it hell yeah so but he's like he's not snug he's like heug scary probably sitting with Finn adding stuff into her spell book okay gn's probably nearby but he's draped over Rena just kind of giv her a little polish yeah I I think we spoke out last time that after being brought back she's a little reluctant to leave her side more than that if anything she accepts it and times we are able to sit she definitely sits in a way that there's contact she sits like next to on big dogs forget oh yeah cannot in your lap it is like that it it days ago that she was this big now she's your size yeah and she's just in his lap like if anything yeah he's like she's like holding you cre like a baby it's this might be dumb but is there anything in this room like anything that we haven't explored yet well I mean there's a lot of stuff as I said before the or frage itself is largely a guys one that Santiago was taken over and repurposed to be his origin story for people that are not from Carina envoys and diplomats from other worlds that he takes and uh you can see the residuals of that being like Ballroom tables that have been put up nice curtains glasses silverwares different rooms that are decorated but definitely left in misuse or rather um unuse there's a lot of stuff to investigate here I think a lot to glean if you're trying to like investigate something for a purpose but I think largely a lot of it's mundane stuff unless you're trying to get like a sense of the man no I think Jenifer has that I think she's she would just start looking just start looking for anything that could be useful to her for either for Santiago or just a mathine in general okay but if if there's not anything else that's right no I I think that's a good point I think probably the best thing I can give you would be something like this I said it before if you wanted to travel anywhere from the locations I've given you kind of on a rough map I've drawn for you there's no need for that you have underground tunnels to do that now where you get a little spotties is up top right being up on the ground on the level floor I think there's probably a map that's been put up somewhere of you know Carina from a past that doesn't exist anymore and how Santiago has improved the city and there's probably a map of that for sure that gives you districts and how things are R ran and um where things of node are going to be I think you can find that and then to some degree if you wanted to like stealth or like survey the city I'd give you some kind of advantage for that when we got into it okay you could find that thing yeah sounds sounds good she's looking at actually it's a good point um give me a Lu check look luck oh it's just a D20 plus four three three oh yeah plus three S I saw initiative it was like plus 25 plus 18 okay to count there's a part of this map and maybe less or so maybe it's not two maps one were before and one over maybe there is the older map with one like lithographed over so it's like kind of like waxer where it's see-through M and there's a part of it as you kind of stare at it for a moment and you catch your reflection and then almost as us the viewer can see like your eyes zeroing on something and then our Visions return back to the map and you're looking through the wax paper and you see a part of town that still lines up with the current Town one of a similar spiders cash where your agents or people of your organization would have hit him and it seems like some structures haven't changed but this one seems to be left alone for the time being Quinn has probably now moved on to like braiding part of amar's hair seeing how much he can get without her stopping him she probably doesn't pay him any [Laughter] mind next sure whatever hair you have thank you can you do like the braids on on the side no you can't I see you're just not that talented no I'm definitely more oh perfect easy then goes back to so offended that you asked someone else to bre there well you're brooding yeah yeah never mind I'm mad at you whole party like it's fine even like the Scouts of San when do you think we go what are they doing sir they had an argument about hair and now they're they're brooding again sir like damn we could throw in three bombs of hairspray they'd be defeated in 10 minutes improve sometimes you got to get a little crunchy yeah like a little too crunchy no put a humidifier then we'll be SC how they defeat us don't look at me gone it's the most Cy thing ever but like it is that's how you defeat this group if you if you you could you could beat us up you can kill our friends whatever but if you if you if you [ __ ] up our style shave Finn's head in the night amarar yeah Amar has to wear a Amar has to wear um hospital gown um GW uh gwyn's hair is one color Jennifer only has paper bag it's we'd rather die honestly rather die I would not come out of the room even if this ship was torn aide sorry guys I'm going down out one day come out one day with your hood on and we're all like don't look at it's our own fault we just make fun of him the whole time that he just can't fight you can't fight he the corner his yeah he lost his like abilities all in his hair can I Redline my hair back yeah like beautiful oh [ __ ] sir we got to stop wasting money on our wedgies to rep to repair the troops wedging them all they do are red line fix their hair mud no oh [ __ ] we am like I'm really bad at not acting on anything are we do you plan anything I thought we were going to meet with the um the was it the House of the Rising Sun or oh the I love that song the cartel perhaps do we have a way to do that I think she's in the other room gloring out a map yeah she I think she we have to go kill ExAlta map I'm just like not it thr hurt not it that's F's face where' you find that he's like this that where did you find that wake up oh my gosh oh that's so funny Jennifer are you ready to leave yeah no you don't sound very confident Emma's not ready um yeah she walks into the room quietly she didn't say anything um are we going to kill ExAlta yeah that's our only choice right now okay everyone go down go Cayman goes they even translate he drips a bunch of like acid on the ground yeah zero translation that was just just a noise it sounded the same to you it's it's a posh guy doing it it's like the texp it's like like right right C oh God yeah John Madden John mad okay can I help you with anything elseid there's a place that um we might need to stop by uh sometime no no before after whatever but and she'll take you over to the map and show you be like look look at these ones are still here didn't say like that but do you know a way to get there safely underground or yeah the tunnels will take us there what I can make people really quiet for like an hour do you like wrap Us in cotton or something I think Finn needs that c look he can make me quiet but I still won't shut up you try you you wrap Us in what cotton yeah okay what did you think I said M shouldn't say it I shouldn't I should I should okay I I it's why I asked I didn't think you said it but I was like I don't think think Mia said come I see I'm going to double check of course [Music] of like no stop not you we're not going to get paid for this no Craig's like 14 straight days and we got paid for actually actually though I'm sorry I keep getting off topic here but uh I have requested review and 90% of the time they they they're fine except oh for this for any of our episodes there's there is two witch light episodes that have been request reviewed and they went no but it's the only ones well we must have said some or me it it was probably me sheath and then second it was both both are me finally enough the Goblins are fine that that one got flagged I requested a VI and they're like that's okay yeah so it's okay like it's R an e for everyone yeah yeah R an e come on everyone can enjoy that who doesn't like Buck everyone could enjoy it a good time say that they will um they should yeah he'll explain pass without of trace and be like we could have used that for the manner but and then turns away oh are you she's like did I need it you're mad too see no Cayman goes like this he goes better Insurance um last point of business he's like um what are we doing with the head you know what I want to do with it put it on the room bus no later we could put him on the second room bus what are we doing with him now don't eat him just take him with us is that your hand what if he's that's the head no I thought you had the head in your mouth no I was like no I did not I came and just did that he what do we do with it that's what we do no one else wants to deal with it I can but if someone else froz at you oh yeah we're playing monkey in the middle you want to try and catch him yeah yeah of course oh no you get you'll get a plus both both opposing dexteria checks God damn it please saves sure drops no checks I'm sorry check of course have oh a baby boy well I the tip and I'm just no actually I think he just goes I go to do it and I trip anime of you spit that out spit it out you spit him out there allit like the face is probably a little melted oh no yeah the kind of stone anyway it's like he's a little deform now oh well oh no he never his nose yeah e I'm not gets no head [Laughter] how no n okay this going turn around um so explain this to me one one last time I'm sorry for the viewers he he's not like a person no oh no yeah no I gave he kind of had an introduction more of a sensient item yeah he like okayy what's up don't don't you have to you got Shak him like an magic you have to kiss him though yeah CH his whole thing right I mean yeah yeah I I think that was I think it was a miscommunication but it's fun I think it's funny that you yeah yeah maybe that's just all what we thought we're just like got out wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what was supposed to happen I what I'm interpreting you can tell me if I'm wrong what I think happened here was that some of us thought that the head was like alive and talking it's Stone and we thought that you had to kiss a real live guy whose head was his have to kiss he Stone head I he he he so he said it in a way that was describing his only interaction that he's ever had with the with the 90 third master of chisel was his girlfriend we to do that too oh and we're like Dam we have to he describing the interaction he's had to attune with before Oh so I could just like yeah you just go know yeah cuz honestly the way I see you guys using is like this like a lantern the man shoots [ __ ] Flames from his head so like yeah how did that happen we all were like we I cannot first of all about style at the beginning of this game we were really literally arguing about who's going tuned to it based on the fact you had to kiss it you never had to but that was the deciding I will say I did say that's how it had to happen yes that's how it had to happen but again I think from miscommunication doeses not have to be that way I think it's better that we just all assume that but that is how it we don't know any better kiss you have to kiss him he's like he's like no you don't no you don't no you don't be quiet have to do [Laughter] this now that we don't have to kiss him does anyone else want him before I no I'd say that you have to guess him have to guess me K head no I'm joking I'm joking you have you want to we tell me we get three tokens though no you going to use one of those you're going to get two for sure but one's his yeah we kill this [ __ ] [ __ ] you got 314 in that tank right you you five tokens okay he he kisses him no yeah for sure you kiss or like a cheek kiss no on the lips on the mou yeah yeah watches you do that he goes that's probably not the weirdest does the same thing um you say not the weirdest not the weirdest yeah head sorry I knocked off I knocked the dog the dog off the car oddly enough that's going to happen again good the dog is going to be on the car only passionate kiss is the name of the extreme Focus you telling me I didn't have to kiss this man no yeah did you write that after you were like have to read the flavor text it's he has to kiss someone else that's fair that's well he have to that person's gone too not the point how how much of this am I turning into tokens two two cuz it's three right so now well we have four I want to know who was dating him we have four we 400 we got another one we have four we started today with four T and then we had a total of 300 300 today so we have so we have 300 yep so they're getting two so they're going to six and I'm going to one you're my boyfriend no yep yes so we have six and you have one yes CU I'm going to burn one in a second when we get sometimes he does that's true was it just like were they really dedicated to yes that was his his thing that he was talking about like no what was she really dedicated to him or was she just like you're my boyfriend at home I miss conversation I think yeah I think she's talking about whether Eve was also dedicated to I was more concerned like was she just like your my boyfriend now and she was like you're only a head and you're my boyfriend she had the body part no so oh he is a Duan how how I described how that worked last time not in D and D lore or anything else this is the one I've played with just in our home games dulahan are fake creatures that have a kingdom and they're normal humanoids and then when they find a calling come of age it depends on the type of people you find right of course like there anyone else's culture um they devote themselves to something there's a lot of ways to do that um you can devote yourself to a King and they rip their own heads off and the produc of the king the king crushes their skull and donating their like my devotion to is in in entirety like I'm blind deaf nothing all I want going to see through you or let the one you met the envoy and Al um and Helio who is our new uh he gave it to his wife or to Eve so when they found each other they did whatever they're doing and then he removed his head in Devotion to her I see I see it I yeah that makes more sense he wasn't just ahead and she was like oh I like you they had both and then in the fs when the girl Eve who you met only had the body cuz Santiago stole the head from her yes and till she entrusted you to get it back and they both faded you you're married now congrats yeah a boyfriend confetti yeah it's fine so let me get a ring on oh wait I already have it that's his ring oh wow you really are married yeah so what's plan should we have a a wedding I think we just witnessed the wedding I know I got a wedding dress you have a wedding dress in your like you've never seen someone kiss someone don't I mean no I I don't have like this never been a NE why do you carry a wedding dress if you just in case you don't know when you're going to need it okay every good Arsenal a wedding are we G to go Killa or wedding dress question mark okay so how how are we doing this are we going into the city with sew is that what I heard the tunel yeah the tunnels the tunnels are we going to your safe house thing first or do you just want to go kill this lady the the safe house you you'll have to get back you the tun will lead into the city but you'll have to be on the city level to get into the area you need to be in um so I guess pass the trace after you leave the tunnels for for the safe house but you could just you can go straight to the the Mansion on the east side if you wanted to do that through the tunnels that's up to you um is it the same as like what we let's go to let's go to the safe house safe house then ex okay then I will need pass that Trace if we were trying to be stealthy once you leave the tunnels yes okay let's do real fast let's describe it let's get rolls and then I'll describe up to that scene and we'll do what we right yeah pass Without a Trace is a concentration for up to an hour it's on anybody you can see within 30 ft which is everybody here um and it's a plus 10 to stealth checks and you can't be tracked except by Mac plus 10 yes that's C [Music] mhm oh no W you're R okay what a Rolls 32 [ __ ] 32 love that nice 15 we both rolled 19 that's crazy uh natural 20 for 37 okay wait am I adding both yes I just Ste yeah 33 oh 33 I thought I was Wonder okay well I I I will not roll for anyone else but I guess you Mar what' you get 15 what are you doing rolling a one okay um got the high heels on she is wearing my heels okay you guys like the whole time we're like was like the wall it's also dark in here so I think she's leading in the dark and it's like okay I got to worry about the boy but I also got to worry about the boy yep GW someone leading he's like 10 ft out he keeps looking back and he's like oh noer is another 20 ft out and she's like Ming you're losing her around corners you're like wait yeah Finn's only able to get through CU he's like oh St here feel like he's like following step here okay okay Amara did you take your scientific notations and theories on our stealth Mission again all the vials and suff um why you don't write your spells in yeah she's she's flipping through her spell book it's like and she's writing it's like ASMR super loud she she puts her nails on it for some it's verbal and and also schematic that's not my fault um she pull up the honeycomb oh [ __ ] The Cask get's a little quirky uh uh sorry I forgot Runa she has like a oh yes pleas the dragon's more stealthy than you you know you can you can ride on her roll the one guys come on the one you want a natural one yeah red line you're like a stressed out mom Every Time Finn takes a step you're like he just got married he can't die like stop yeah C's too stealing he's trying to kill people on the way you know what stop stop and looking you like hey hey why you come over here come over here come over here K's like this way hello where are the other drugs going okay you guys are send into the tunnels the ones I say described before and you're comforted Again by the fact that the path you walk has not been done so and hundreds of years creatures find their homes here cobwebs and um full-on spiderwebs are here and you're able to surface into the city of Carmin this is the first time I've described Carmin but I feel like I may have um through not describing it probably earlier there may be some confusion the city of caram is highly technologically advanced I'm not talking like I mean there spell Jammers so those [ __ ] spaceships right of course right um but there's cars to some degree right we see lights um it's probably more akin to like a um system through lamps that don't have that have like Everlasting flames and there magic entwined with everything this is a direct marriage to some degree um from our two people here that see you can see what Santiago through is Millennia of power and what power he does when able to rely on Ivy has come in to form here once you submerge through the tunnels out of a back alley similar to the one on the first planet we were on almost hidden by like an optical illusion you step out into an Alleyway and move out onto the street there's not Asphalt in the same way but there are etched tiles almost imagine like um like clay etched in and there are cars that drive that um going be parked in certain areas there aren't many of them the city itself is large but not necessarily like Metropolitan in that way uh people do walk the streets and all of them in some way are a mixture of damp higher vampires or creatures of the night right so it wouldn't be uncommon to see things like a derel like nautiloid there's probably a IL walking around or hovering whatever it is but those creatures that are necessarily if you look at um like large Luigi and the the fun Rock of brawl this is almost the exact mirror of that plane anyone who is not allowed in that space comes here you see zerus uh Empire heavy armored gauntleted foes walking heavily down their street you see um Ivy scientists walking around um I I imagine Ivy scientists look almost like netw watch from cyberp Punk they're kind of like black clad uh sunglassed they're definitely like here because someone's in a room killing someone else and they're just guarding the street they are not is this underground uh you have just stepped onto the street okay so we went under back up yes because to to to get into the safe house you have to come up from the like they're directly connected to it got it so this is like a city in mathine this ma is the planet the city is Carmina this is car got it it yeah that's I yes this is the City I've noted it before because we've never really been in it in the same way we are now but imagine in some way barovia mixed with a modern city right that's cool impacted by strad and essentially umbrella right like imagine what that [ __ ] love child comes out to I love that I was like umbrella yeah and then I understand now just for a brief moment did not you able to find the space you're in the H H indeed huh um the space you find this safe house not hidden like the last is a kind of a theater not like a movie theater more like a live play theater that has been kept in a way that you might go to like a small City and they keep like a piece of history but almost photographed in the same way right the building to the left of it and to the right are towering three four story buildings modern this theater is almost like a time capsule put onto a street and you can as a memory that shoots through your brain of the first time you spotting um Santiago down into a crowd as you were scoping him out to assassinate him the first time uh fin the same thing this is a place that you're familiar with not as you are familiar with this location but you're not necessarily a stranger to grungy type areas or popup bands this is a venue that you've been I've seen a thousand times there a bunch of shady dealings that have always gone on similar thing so Santiago didn't misplace the spot he intentionally preserved it all I can imagine is the house in up kind of yeah kind of yeah kind of kind of kind of kind of for sure well not wor this place is trapped well oh well is there a roof yeah of course there chimney uh no is it like an old timey looking house no but but it is like like an old like New York house has like those those large windows that would be pushed up so yeah you could probably get into the roof brick uh I'd say partially I'd say say I said the large Foundation is but most of it would be made of wood after that yeah I think I would I would want to like get on like probably like like everybody else walks up and he like lands on the side of it going over one of those windows sort of upside down and just like pulls it open if you can oh for sure yeah you easily enough uh you yeah we'll do you first are you guys all entering at some point okay I'll do this real fast uh just my description right um Amar you're you're you're the last to enter right and um there's a there's a reason you linger as you open the door and let people in um from like you guys were like filing out from my Alleyway to go into the door that same um Starling follows suit and runs in with you and you kind of turn and as you close the door you can see across the street like a mathine guards with the stereotypical uh Santiago hound and the dogs looking directly at you you close the door and you're inside okay what you see is you kind of scurry in come through Rafters different um larger like wooden beams parts that people wouldn't see as part of the play there's maybe lights in here type of like uh um pulley and systems weighted bags that you were able to kind of scurry up into and there's some people down into the stage um but the stage itself has been you know how like a gym floor is taped or drawn to have sections and like quadrants to it very similar okay to how this is like laid um paneled uh like wooden paneled flooring that like like slats into itself and there are people here um some have not picked up on the fact that people have entered their door yet uh a majority of them are all women and there seems to be a kind of like a like as if an audition was happening there's a woman hidden into the crowd has this large kind of like blanket on beautiful blonde hair these like vibrant almost like augmented eyes that glow blue and none of them seem to realize that you're present yet okay so she like she stands out yes yes he does yeah cuz she she's like sitting at like like a tiny makeshift desk looking up at the stage with these women that are doing something performing in some kind of way are they doing like a rehearsal or is it a performance I was gonna say is there like a full crowd or is it no no just just like four or five actors and then um the woman watching uh if you linger long enough for them to like enter into the space I won't like break and no we all give you guys a moment yeah no I don't think I do anything no when when you um view it there seems to be some kind of like rehearsal going on there's no music like if there's a piano it's covered um there's no real sound but it does seem to be like they're running like one scene is like they make a street people play extras and they one seems to be the main character and practices bumping into the other okay and then holding a conversation and then there's a fight scene to some degree but you can tell that just from like the level of which they're throwing people down it's a little bit more than just practice choreography okay you guys can hear the same sound as this woman is pulled over another shoulder and slammed into the wood as you guys kind of Meet the like section where you would buy tickets and then the actual theater no one is here no one has been here for a long time and you're able to see through some of like um like glass doors that are there that maybe frosted over or dusted over this same encounter and you guys are made of the same wear the same thing you did with the camera what really weird thing going on with the camera there's like a line right here that goes up it looks like like the mirror dimension in Doctor Strange you were moving your hand and I was like what the [ __ ] I was going like this maybe it might just be me butuh see anything yeah there's nothing there's nothing on your side then it's probably then it's probably just my side you just look like you're going like like that that's why I'm so cool um just so I'm not crazy look right there there uhhuh oh what the [ __ ] that weird that's weird super weird that's cool though all right I'm so sorry um I feel like um Gwyn would hear people and he is like in the rafters maybe even alongside came in just watching kind of enthralled okay um so he's definitely kind of disappeared from them you probably even like left Rena with Jennifer um and is is watching cool you you're able to get in that space uh un unannounced um Finn there's a painful amount of recognition here and when you kind of get a moment to watch these players on stage you recognize when a human muscle begins to move and a machine takes over as part of the process and you see this woman take this actor of a man over her shoulder and throw her in in into the ground and you can tell from just the motion there's a part where she's doing it and then her machine is insisting her to do this oo it's not visually seen but some dermal imation is nothing that's shy to you right you all can see Cayman at this point Cayman is kind of screwed up into a spot he's not really doing much he's just kind of watching and waiting I don't think we're going to have a lot of time in this space me just go talk to them go ahead I think Jennifer would walk really slowly down like the aisle and like just again her heels clicking okay and yeah doesn't say anything until someone looks at her okay um you open the door to to to head out Starling seems to like like go up to the door and like almost like asking permission to follow her and he kind of scurries out um you make your presence in the people practicing this is not necessarily a foreign thing to you either they don't break character even on stage even when a stranger has entered whatever they're doing until whatever Master tells them to stop they will continue doing it so they do these false throws um these things that you remember being taught to find a mark to talk them a certain way to uh inflect your voice some way and then to take them back into a spot and how to effectively remove them from the scenario these women are a lot stronger than you at this point and they seem a little younger um but the techniques are the same and the woman that you seem to walk up on the woman sitting this this this this stage Master does not seem to necess interact with you until you come into to her peripherals and she just kind of watches you until I assume you like get into like one to one with her mhm I think yeah Jennifer would watch the show until somebody it's like she's making her it's a power move she's like I'm in here and what are you going to do about it oh I see I see okay give me a intimidation check I'm in here what are you going to do about it a what check an intimidation check or I or or I'll take performance either don't want is I got a gun I don't care girls got to die I got a gun that's good okay um you get some of the girls on stage to break character and they turn and they're a little like you can see them like flash white um one of them kind of backs up almost stumbles over the actor who's still doing there and thens most of attention and you can tell that like because of the way they're lit they can't see like past a certain range because of the spotlight that's on them until they get like close and you see a couple do this and then they get kind of like like like like a Visage of disgust on it and then the stage hand or the St met goes distractions I didn't think the blood Lord was stup to such a level to and she kind of looks go huh no that is new though I've not seen one look so real I guess ladies you can stop when the those who haven't like one or two they're like at this point like Frozen no longer even interacting seem to take a break and they all kind of huddle in a place definitely in a way to like protect each other um and the woman kind of sits and kind of just spins to you and goes well I have to say you are definitely Santiago's best interpretation of her I can spot talent and I can see it m I worked really hard on this mhm what do you'd like um we do our job just mostly wanted to see this place it's still here yes it is still here kept it well preserved I can see the blood Lord allows it what does he want right now nothing I just came to see the show just wanted to revisit an old place you can see her size you up mhm and she has tumblers turning huh you know how do you feel about on audition I could have a spot it's been a long time since I've done anything like this but maybe we could we could try okay go up okay Ben comes in yeah and sits next down next to the stage manager oh okay yeah youu um does anyone else follow suit at all I'm I stand the Raptors I'm comfortable here okay so so you're staying suit you're falling um and you're uh sit next to her and I think probably he's I think he's trying to see if like how she is connected if she is to like the the control element interesting okay okay uh give me an inside check um you go up I would like a uh I would like a performance check from you okay I eight and I was like why is it so different that's good that's good that's good okay um and what' you roll not good roll a five and then I rolled it to get a fun little eight eight okay okay um I'm do this uh I think with this order real fast Amar yes excuse me fast as I do something I just want to change music go fast okay I think that's what I want I that this what I want I'm sorry I have so many [ __ ] things in my thing now it's hard me to find anything I want um you follow um the cat and it's hard to tell from the lights or the um the I should say the stage lights I'm trying to find find the right word may may Runway lights you know how like in a theater there's like lights that go on the floor these different refractions of light that pierce his clearone body seem to like become like a disco in some way that projects the different lights that break off through using his body as a prism to create this weird like rainbowed Road you're following and he turns this corner and you kind of follow after him and you can see him now get into like that cat stance like stalking something which is bizarre considering how bright he's become and he begins to kind of move closer and closer to something and you can tell Maybe not immediately but as you get closer and and maybe using him to direct your eyes in the corner he's pinned something something and as he kind of like gets that kind of like haunch defensive stance these two matching sets of green eyes seem to open from the Shadow and another matching cat seems to come out of it and they get both like this really defensive stance what what would you like to do there's two of you this the the friends you were telling me about would have been taken he says yes this this is the leader this is Ean they used to serve these ladies I think he's spying on them now the cat seems to kind of like for Santiago yes she kind of motions up to Cayman in the rafters um as in to get cayman's attention who are you talking to draw talking to a cat starling's attention to Cayman like oh to be like is this a resource that you want do you want something to kill this this cat um he looks and goes yes I think it should be taken care of Evan's known to to multiply if we don't handle it fast I would like to Red Line now whoa um the cat we have several things happen at once um you look up to Cayman and Cay looks back and he has the same kind of like two sets of green eyes yeah and then above him like stars several sets of green eyes show I'm up there too you're not safe and are you also with with him oh yeah as you guys are there you hear these like tiny little and you turn came in and there's a cat right next to you kind of perch just like a regular cat kind of described um Starling Starling yeah Starling is kind of like a larger head kind of larged ears wide like impossibly wide green eyes with this kind of smaller body and they're all crystallin where he is more made of white crystal all is Evan's made of like obsidian so it's dark so he falls and you can see even the space around you kind of just get a little darker okay and then and you turn and another one descends and then you feel another one to S on your shoulder um one tries to jump onto you and then Runa grabs it and then another one like seems to like come out from like underneath your legs and is there as well I think he uses his tail and like flicks the one off of it okay for sure give give give me a tack roll uh you're aware of this you see we'll say 12 of them 18 quickly make them make their presence known and begin to kind of walk along the rafters 18 oh yeah for sure give me the answer uh what would you like to do in this moment I think at the the Starling saying that it needs to be dealt with she's just going to shoot Evan okay yeah go ahead give me a TI to Evan is the dog is the the cat black cat oh got it there's two cats yes there are two got confused with the the Santiago Hound valid um GW would probably just be trying to avoid by dodging okay for sure I don't think heon knows what's going on I don't think he's trying to damage it I think he's just trying to be like knock it off no yeah okay a different Ro okay um yeah you you get it and you see it like kind of like gets like toppled like a cat kind of Falls like through a like from a height and then gets like caught like a wire and it just does this you able to spin it and it get and it gets its legs around part of like a beam and it slips and Falls just a little bit I mean it lands but then see kind of like St off but only to get up to like another beam to try and get back up to you okay all right um 16 okay give me damage I think seeing this too then would kind of be looking down at Amara yeah once I know amar's fired that gun things change good yeah I think GW would do the same n nine c is this this this this is this is radiant right yes yeah you're like I like everyone oh boy oh boy we're gonna be kind of the theer M today in this new space um can I get out of red line just for people's sake um yeah yeah yeah uh I will I will tell you guys where inititive you guys jump in uh you and you oh okay uh while we have people roll though have you roll for initiative mhm um sitting next to the stage Master she's impossibly still you don't get to read on her other than she she demands and has absolute control there a person has their hands on the reins it's her does it remind me of mangle yeah in the same way yeah of someone who who is entirely augmented in some way and doesn't seem to be um like Motionless In a Strange way mangle it's a person okay secr secrets you got Secrets uh let's do my first people real fast uh no this game 25 to 20 uh 25 25 20 okay can I have amar's card oh yeah so right here you go go so hard uh Amara that's crazy Jacob said that it's finin it looks like fin it yeah yeah that's valid it says your [ __ ] is Bonkers and it's Shadow the Hedgehog it's top text bottom text is Bonkers it's very good uh you say you're 20 so next let me get my fin thing out real fast like this music for fighting cats that crazy come on it says it's a tweet says her I B he thinking about other women him the twin cowers and it's cats as the twin as Towers pretty crazy funny I think it's funny I laugh really hard when I saw 20 to 15 15 anyone higher than that uh nope I got 11 I got 13 that's also silly yeah better not laughing aivan with yeah I am just safe today I'm just safe today I'm just safe yeah I know uh I think cayman's next what did you get 13 13 okay what you came in 11 11 that's I lied next I'm titling this game kitty left do it also D oh it says spread your cheeks and it's a guy holding silverware ready to eat like groceries oh um Che you said you had 11 yep I'm 11 so shut 11 that's nuts it's gach but a back shot with the mirror that's nuts oh we were so close I'm free I'm free Free I'm free you should you should let yourself feel Joy you should laugh feel Joy not today the true the true trying that you have to do to try not to laugh is uh feel Joy and not laughing yeah it's like I feel powerful okay so I'm going to do this uh my first one's going to be Ean this this is eban oh no cat and then this is going to be uh the other duplicates of eban and then initiative 20 which I think is actually fin here will be my uh my yeah my my black cat's clo I put all the memes in the in the Discord look at them uh guys we're going to die from some [ __ ] okay I die for some um you die for [ __ ] what you said you guys will uh will get get your turn but I need to do this first um you yeah that sets everyone off in the room y you shoot into Ean your the weapon only does radiant right yes the bullet goes into him and it's absorbed and through all the duplicates both fly out oh no okay no gun no gun no gun um so I would like Dex 200 bullets are in the room in the wonder what Amar is doing you you you're both cats and in slow motion like bullets leave their bodies and slam into you so I I Dex from everyone you have disc and you have disc because of you guys uh SE not not not not initiated can I see this happen yeah I've thanks yes thanks I forgot that I have advantage on stuff like this yes Primal inal Primal Primal danger I roll low and then flipped it to roll the same thing oh I got lower when I flipped it's terrible so I'm just okay 18 safe give me a second what else can I do am I not save oh sorry no fail 13 fail yeah I failed okay fail shut what did you do 11 nine nine everyone takes nine you see you take half stage huh what was the safe deck safe what was to oh 16 I'm sorry 16 yeah cuz then actually oh yes yes Runa too please please please please I want to draw that so bad damage those [ __ ] are buckers I had to approve that okay uh with that though as Ione uh did you take five I take five damage okay everyone who's failed will take half the damage that Mar dealt which is 10 nine to 10 so five and everyone who failed will take the full nine okay um because you round up I do round up uh with that though let's start with am Mar you're back up okay you fire and see this explosion of lights above you like oh [ __ ] the women from above the wom on stage flee into like a smaller like like almost fail linked position protecting one another the woman um that is like sitting the stage Master kind of looks at you and se's like the shock is you're like shot and goes okay and she just tries she tries in a say situation but it is's turn like this lady she like gra and she's like she like oh this yeah both of you fail and she was like I see see inter try out Firebolt see see what What's Happening Here stage like that that is most accurate thing ever people get shot be like [ __ ] what this supposed be a tech rehearsal no stopping uh AC 14 actually uh okay and uh we're doing fire yeah let me do this real fast for Ean do you oh no that's fine that is that is a track I want um there's a chicken in this one yeah there's no chicken in this one I don't think oh wait maybe it's not it's this one I lied that's one I wanted um this one he he ean's a little cocky after the first one and you kind of come up on and then shoot him these blazes like shoot over his face and you hear him go and then he's trying he tries to Scurry away but it's not it's not his turn so uh it is actually Finn's turn unless you have anything else you like to do you do you deal a good amount of damage to him what I assume this person is either Undead or construct uh do you I guess I I think you can assume whatever you want no I mean I can but like after the assessment when I when I assume a spell that doesn't work on an ettor Coss not work on agage Master yeah yeah they're they're they're they contract to some degree it's very interesting I'm so sorry this is really funny someone in the chat was like hello what happened and they were like welcome it's bad here and they just said oh perect no it gets better oh did I miss much no not really we and bullet hell again and then they put okay good yes s my guys yes I think Amar is going to yell out and tell everyone not to use radiant damage couldn't to begin with oh good I'm I think I'm going to use U armor back theist that's what I'm going to do okay that's cool and then uh bonus action um hex plates curse on her okay stage Master secret boss yeah at first it's just a bunch of little kitty cat stats and then it's okay um I'm just assuming she's gonna get involved I assume I assume you stand yeah I think he he got shot and then was like I think he he's going to be like I wish that this could have ended differently I guess maybe okay not lethal you know not lethal um yeah you get up the same kind of like like icy kind of armor kind of forms over your body and then you kind of like stand to like meet her she does not seem to stand to meet you but of you hex her so I guess that's what we're doing um it is her turn [Music] um tell me she's that's fine she's going you just get a attitude for finn1 um how you know she's friendly yeah disapprove okay she she's should to stand up what kind of is it a hex isn't like I have you have a increased damage or do I have a specific like hex to my attacks oh no it's it's the hexl one curse it's the curse okay good um I think she's going to uh kill you stand up yeah she's probably about a little taller than you yeah and she seems to take off her her her clothing and she has like a full like from neck down like entirely robotic whoa body jack out and she's going to try and attack you do some attacks I have I have why not that's a that's a bad Miss that's not you should not play that that should not be allowed oh it's try to play music I was like no that's I don't have that I don't have rights to that now I become kitty yeah destroyer of Cayman feline furiosity okay uh that one though is an 18 uh plus seven so that's that's much higher than whatever you give me with shield and my third one though is going to be the same thing it's a four plus so I I don't I don't I don't get nothing for that I do attack though uh I would like a con save Rest In Pieces no fine oh but I do take armor Vos damage though you do which is how much 10 10 well maybe might be mightbe be 15 now I it's casting yeah uh saves uh conve dirty 20 that's good yeah um she's able to like come up to and she kind of raises her arms up and like Pistons from a car it's like super big slam you're able to like you're able to dodge the first the second one gets you in the ribs and you can feel like that shock W through your body and you like when your the air is knocked you go and the only and only because of that the like the blowback is the only reason she misses her second one like her fist goes like up into the air and you're pushed back onto your your um back step but you're fine you're not uh staggered roundout two oh stagger is terrible don't do that uh I'm sorry and is it 15 damage for yeah as it connects it kind of blows back onto her and you can see her like like servos and like the joints on her kind of freeze over and she's able to like break out like her har like spins like 360 and breaks the ice okay so she's so co co uh eban how much damage do I take oh [ __ ] I'm sorry none it's cool it's yeah no it's cool yeah I just want to know how n points armor is still up nine points n points um armor of coent Ean is going to kind of scurry and try and hide get back here you [ __ ] cat what is my eyes today I'm rolling bad too what what what's your people P Mar my PP is 14 you see him you see his fat little ass yeah he's trying to s in and you see like his hind legs he's caught he's caught she like in like a little like Rat Hole or something no like he he he beines under the chairs and gets like caught get the things that the cats do too when they get stuck and they go in and then they stop and they turn around they just look like can they see anything um but he's going to um his eyes seem to close and reopen and then eyes become a different color R what color kill that [ __ ] uh hang on I have to do this real fast the seventh the nth the the one you can't see it you're com to it the seventh the seventh color uh that in my notes it's blue don't you know the seventh color come on uh okay that goes to thing it is what yeah cat it's a horror story because it's to it's a creature that is a color Beyond human comprehension oh yeah so like the six so so like the the six colors we see is one that's beyond our own conf we've never seen before it's kind of the vibe came yeah I know it it it's likeor okay C's actually only season like green Jenifer on Dick guys he color blind no how many there's bunch of cat yeah he's a p allerg he's color blind perfect Soldier they had to breed that out of him um there's probably not enough room for him to pull out his bow so he's he has his swords out and he probably trying to get these little cats okay yeah follow me please um yeah it feels a little bit like that he's like oh I don't know what I'm doing here um I'm more of range very much so uh one's a 12 and then one's a 15 uh the 12 will hit they both pull yes whoa I'm assuming these are for his sake probably different cats I think you can attack again okay oh you you have two hits uh Jennifer would you take your turn you're on stage um I will say of the 12 cats uh let's say hang on there's 12 so I'm going to put eight up in the rafters and four down with you down here so as you look up um and you see Gwen and Runa fighting these like these like little nests of cats their eyes this green until eans becomes blue and then like a swath all their eyes become blue too that's not oh that's crazy and then like four seem to kind of like like Scurry from behind the stage curtains and like surround you uh one attack was uh four damage and then the other attack was five damage that's good though that's good that's good four five n 94 Master uh you're able to um grab and attack two of them or the same one with two attacks and it nearly hurts it like you're able to get the the knife in and it backs up a little bit and you're able to swing your arm back down on it and you can feel like part of the blade chisel off and break off like a leg from from the creature it's all made of like crystalline so it seems to kind of like limp a little bit it's almost down entirely okay I think he was seeing two of like oh these are like little little uh goons you know not not sturdy and then they're sturdier than he expects yeah I'll say only by a little bit you barely missed dropping this one he's just like yikes okay uh Jennifer you're up and then all my goons go the goons all my little my little kitty cat guys um what type of damage did uh do like just now or or when the bullets happened the bullets up yeah don't use your sun blade please yeah let's not yeah let's not use that um you're you're sword fighting two of them and then they have swords oh no they have two hands um lightsabers all come out like lights like the goddamn NZ goul like oh my God what's happening right now you look over at C and he's just like three of them like Mara or Jer don't don't give them lightsabers one walks in like this like oh no starts running like this what's inex driver yes 25 HS I'm using my whip now okay do I get anything sneak attack um un I got to make sure I look at everything first before like unfortunately not no no within seven seven damage that's that's good that's good that's good that's that's that's nearly a blooded for it yeah you kind of come over and you're able to like like one comes up on you fast you're able to whip crack it and you can see the force of the whip come up and slam it back up up onto the floor and part of its belly is like cracked all up around it almost up to its back and it's able to kind of like roll over and kind of jump back up at you uh actually we'll say we'll say this happens because it's their turn next um you whip cck the back the other one and the other one's back up and then this horrible like dissonant like wine they all go and their mouths open and they all look at you and these tiny little Firebolts go so I'm sorry that's exactly what you did fire yeah that's what I thought sound the sound that they made we're a bullet hell if I found out Ivy made these [ __ ] cats no taking them apart fting spk okay [ __ ] you what is a fireball damage for me least 210 I'm it's 1 d10 but do do uh oh my God that's a lot let me roll let me roll oh [ __ ] that is a lot I shouldn't have rolled uh for 17 uh the four cats you you whip one and its mouth opens and then the shot goes wide but the other three get behind you and slam you right in the back you take 17 points of fire damage from yours and then so I think you can you can have that because because of uncan wait no do melee uncanny do yeah I was like no it's cutting uh more like uncan Dodge came I hit you with two two hits or two two no two hits and then I'm going to try and hit Gwen it just says with an attack uh that's again only two so we do this real fast just has to be an attack roll okay but it it'sit one attack roll and you half the damage uh C you only take take five fire damage i r very poorly uh G though you take 13 is this fire yes so it'll be oh I'm sorry it'll be 6038 wait seven seven so because three of them attack me I have one of them yes but one of them was much higher okay uh one of them was so I should Dodge that one yes so it'll be um yeah just need know toal it'll be third 13 in total 13 yeah 13 12 um and Brun is actually completely immune oh so oh that's good Dage maybe that's why maybe that's why the the other two Miss they look over at her and just go and then she goes uh K you're up okay you have four surrounding you at different distances because you have flight feel free to attack whoever me you like um go to Mar and come back to me okay Mar that's okay no of course I just got to do something real quick no feel free Mar you're up you you you see Evan's fad ass underneath a goddamn chair trying to get away kick it uh yeah she's gon yeah if I kick it I do no damage oh hard being straight it's hard we laughed at about that again later where amar's uh when she hits with the butt of the weapon she goes this little Bop on the head how's he looking how's he doing good good yeah good I mean you do see like the cracks that you're able to deal to them have seemed to grow mhm from like the damage that his like minions are being dealt but that's about it TR Force damage see what happens forc yeah magic Missile oh yeah Ryan his rum give me damage what else see what this guy we to uh eight yeah yeah eight eight we're going to die I didn't that's a good amount of damage I love that that's the most stereotypical cat noise our cats don't make that noise whenever they fight they go they just scream yeah you're able to blast them and and you can see like the point you able to dislodge him from the space he's trying to get in but almost like the first hits him it dislodges him he rolls over it hits him again he like tumble as like just slam into he's trying to like do that cat run he's not moving but he's trying to get up and then I think she's going to follow him if he's starting to run no of course of course yeah you you you're on them okay I'm surrounded by cats you are um do I see what amar's doing yeah yeah you look down amar's like shooting one that's much darker and harder to see that's like running through like the the aisles of chairs can I get an Insight check off of this do I think that cuz I've been in other combats with am Mara before do I think that like it's more important to go for that or uh maybe she would have signaled me already kind of thing I yeah I think you guys could just talk about that if you want dog whistle yeah more like I don't want to communicate with you but I want to know like like are are would you have been like that one or are you just like no you're fine um keep doing what you're doing that makes sense you you that's kind of what starts combat yeah I I think she you can tell that she is worried about this one specifically but she isn't she hasn't calling out to you yet then then then he's going to stay where he is um and I'm going to hit all these uh cats that around how many do I got four four four in in determinate distances if you do move to I will say there's like three within melee and one that's further out the one youve like popped off and it's coming back up so you could leave to attack that fourth one but you're going to take top two from the other three um okay so let's do so we got three next to me right yes um okay let's uh I'm going to I'm going to melee attack that one uh one of the ones that are in front of me with a with a claw attack okay um that is a 10 okay uh uh that one misses unfortunately that's okay I will I will go for that one again with extra attack uh 22 that one definitely okay that is a shield no uh that is six damage okay six uh no okay it's still there so got two other blood in some way okay shattered yeah that's a good one shatter that'd be good so there's another one flew off yeah the one the one you tail whipped and it kind of flung down oh yeah to fight yeah no that's okay I I will attack that one again tail attack with bonus action for sure uh that's 10 he he's he's never I don't really think's ever really fought a bunch of small things before I I I I I think this makes a lot of sense he doesn't really know what to do he's like he's kind of like try to bat him and swing and he doesn't he doesn't know how much force or power to use so he keeps like circling around himself he's like ah ah makes a lot of sense that's my turn Okay meanwhile passive Trace failed fure up oops Yeah concentration Finn feel free to take your turn Okay um then I'm next with eban and uh my stage master I think he's going to Quirk a smile and he's going to take two steps back so he's going to um provoke opportunity all right hell yeah yeah she grabs you you're like you cocky son of a [ __ ] yeah um if yeah you can't do that and she swings and you you just barely get out of the punch and she's pissed off she's pissed um it's funny so from here there's there's a cat that's running down right yeah here and um me see yeah you you you see eban being chased through the aisles with Mara you see the four that are a sailing um Jennifer on stage the four in the rafters with Cayman and then the four uh attacking Runa and Gwen sorry I I have a I have a I have I have a beat that I should have read beforeand I think camman is also like hissing back at them like he goes in a circle and they're like and he does the same [ __ ] he's like he get just translated just to him yelling that's good I don't remember how many sorcery points I have to do this um I think he he is just going to elich blast while I read my my feet later sure um I'm going to elich blast her once and that cat once okay um is it Force damage still Yes okay yeah uh but it will also slow them okay we're g to die to for damage um so go ahead and give me tax uh for her it's ac7 for eban's ac14 if you're shooting eban and not like some random goon eban um that's going to hit it's 13 plus s for sure for sure for sure and then that's a natural 20 against her that's good that's good um so and where's your third bow going I only have two I get third at 11 I understand I I had to look I was like Roger Roger Rog Roger going oh perfect yeah you don't remember that passionate I I do remember that passion now that you've said it two levels every single time we level up it's cuz I gave Craig this dollar dollar good nine points for that cat and it's slowed by 10 ft which also makes it you know combo or whatever and then that that's actually important for it to be slowed oh also intoxicated oh it's ac10 now drink some alcohol day had a shot meanwhile 10 plus my other up on two legs and it's like take me home I'm finished I'm finished I'm feeling good though yep you're like what the [ __ ] is happening to cat this is weird he's under age yeah I'm still going to punch it but it's weird 13 points for makes me feel weird cat ear he's he's an adult he can drink 14 yeah pick him up like I pick up coffee cake and hold him like a baby you've had too much okay petting them these cting them I know no I know I know it's all right all right Force Blast yeah you're able to you kind of slam into her and that quick like move you back and then get it and she punches into it and that's where the beam gets into like her chest pisses her off but she's kind of impressed by it's a pretty good amount of damage good good um and then eban's able to like Scurry out and you see him do like that that slide around and look back you and then you takes that [ __ ] Bol right to the head and kind spins him around on the ground uh it does kind of make him look like a little dizzy but he's seems fine um how much damage did you deal him nine nine okay uh it is his turn his eyes are going to switch colors again to like an Indigo to color now um and then he's going to I think try and attack Finn because he's close now hey okay I he's GNA try and attack Finn so uh let me describe the area so understand what's happening um in the corner was where Amar found him he ran up into the seats and came this way yeah the same was here and you're here so you backed up now he's in the same aisle so he's coming up to you to attack you love that so making sure we understand where everyone's at he has two attacks yeah uh that's terrible that one's better though so I have a 19 and lower than that that would hit still but so I can shield and not you could shield for both take either yeah I'm going to Shield okay yeah you do so uh AC's 21 you shield and these cat uh his his claws kind of come out and he jumps up and these he only has these tiny like little like shards of glass but he swipes down and these like uh magical energy seem to follow behind his hand and they crash against the shield and but does no damage to you it's almost like like neon light coming out from both sides of that's cool H yeah uh GW you're up well why not you got this three attacks one for they're they're all like 17 good good give me damage give me damage damage one is lesser so you should attack the one with whatever is lower and the other two can go on some other ones yes uh Jennifer you're up you got four cats on you one's more hurt than the other um there are six damage 10 damage okay the first one's done um and I'm on there used to be too oh there's so many dice now M I want to Triple back flip and then wedge you all of the I'm just like we're in Red Line right me I mean Christ you have enough tokens I want to kick Anda one is fire and I can't take CR Greg said that earlier and I laugh how much was that again which one cuz there was one that was just like literally six damage that's like the lowest that he's he's done that one so 10 um and then seven okay uh the first one uh the first one finish off this the first one you attacked and left mortal the second 10 finishes off another and the other one was seven mhm that one keeps one alive so you have two left uh did Runa crit no there was no crits it was just very high it was then then then it's you and Runa kind of in tag team you're able to kind of like slash it one was able to grab it and then kind of crush it underneath her her large I don't know what to call it a m a paw yeah what if she hasn't she crushes into like a dust that kind of RS down onto uh Jennifer and then you're able to finish off another as a jumps at you um leaving Jennifer there what' you like to do I want to KI them off the stage okay go ahead um what is that an unarmed strike um I think you could I think you could make yourself a presence and then try and force them off so once don't you give me like a persuasion or a performance check and we'll see kind of a way to like fear them away which one they're both plus eight then I think which one you like what feels good to you I'm going to flip me coin flip me coinin oh yeah flip me coin I'm 17 17 uh that does hit oh no I'm sorry that that's that's a DC I have to roll sorry I thought we were done with i' rolled a 10 before well I rolled a two we played a quo one shot last night and since I were dying because we played with MADD and sa and mdy killed a Cobalt in like one turn and she went and she was like she stabbed him and she went dang I shanked him we were dying dang I sh uh we'll say that uh what what what do you do to like scoot them to scare them off um it's always yes handes get on get okay yeah for sure uh you you're able to do so you get all of them but one uh the other three that like kind of like cowardly shot you in the back you turn and kind of like hiss at them and they just kind of scurry off the stage and move on and Scatter in into like the seats they'll probably attack from other positions and other people but you did you were able to push them off you nice um but the other one's still [ __ ] out of here this is my stage uh so you still have one more you have a bonus AC do anything um I'm I'm going to scratch it with my claws okay give me an attack roll with your bonus action you just don't add your thing to it right your modifier yeah damage not I got natural 20 so that's cool yeah go ahead and give me your your thing it's what do you got it's a strength check Dex check for unhanded unarmed oh unarm strike no it's just just strength yep yeah one plus strength modifier so it's two well you you hearding it enough so it works out I'm sorry so what exactly do you do to it I scratch it with my nails CLW that's cool okay so um then what happens is maybe maybe it's almost like this you turn to the others and you do that and they kind of like think for a second and the other one gra like like jumps at you and then you claw out of the air and like your nails go through it and then just kind of turns into dust onto you and then like oh and now they turn around and [ __ ] off that's crazy yeah you you you drop one yipp uh doing a lot of hissing and kissing in this um with that you're done you want to move it all anywhere else because you have a ton of movement if you want to use it no okay then you're you're back on stage everyone's going to go stage that goes to them I continue my uh Amar as you're running through the aisles the three that she's kind of veered off kind of seem to poke their heads over the things and then their eyes light up and these same little bolts seem to light up the the people around you uh same thing with the people on top too so I'm going to have one on Runa uh that'll be uh four damage of force to Runo that'll be the same thing to you four damage uh you're going to get two Amar which is again another three so four and then this one's two so you'll get um six oh yeah six points of force damage uh Finn will get one but Shield will negate it entirely so one goes find goes and scatters uh C's going to get four as well that'll be I don't need Shield I have hit points six uh yeah six for that one six for two uh 10 and then that's a four plus five so 15 points of force damage together all four attacks let's go uh and the one that you dealt with is gone so we have to worry about I continue my routine uh yeah uh Cayman you're up what do you want to do Cayman is so much more unbelievably strong than terara at level eight that it is just really funny to me uh crazy I still have three cats around me I have like four now right you have four four yeah um okay I feel like I had something I wanted to do here but I don't think I know what it is anymore so are there are there are there more or they're just a set amount like they coming out of the walls all right just making sure there was only 12 of which now there are nine and they're doing Force damage now yes okay um now yes but they've been they did fire damage stage I see there's not a whole lot I can do in this scenario Cayman is is not built for fighting a bunch of little cats they're like cing so I think I am going to uh I'm just going to keep attacking the guys around me uh I'm going to I'm going to Reckless all of these um and you know what I'm going I'm going to use one of my mutagens I'm going to use my bonus action for that let's I'm going to do the mud well not blood maledict the the mutagen craft and I'm going to do potency my strength score increases by three so now I've got a 23 strength I Didn't Do It TR did I no no your turn no no you're good all all do f f after this uh that is well that's a that's a 28 versus now cuz see a 20 anyway that one does hit that 17 on the dice that a natural 20 that one's a one okay should have never ever said yes you missed me uh 28 and 21 to hit okay and then like if I kill one I'm just going to attack another nearby one um okay so God oh my things I got to roll here um that is uh that is 11 damage yeah the first clog crushes the one you already attacked uh and then tail attack is 11 as well yeah that one hits yeah the same one that's you knocked on the first time jumps up and you're able to whip crack it with your tail and it just shatters and it's all the way through yeah he's gone perfect that's that's it okay um I forgot our stage Master's turn yeah so I I did roll um we'll say the first one uh as you're distracted between these two uh joint attacks are able to block with the shield the other two seem to penetrate around um to like the sides of you are able to protect he probably like hits the first time and then like shatters it almost oh that's cool I like that I like that um he going to take 15 points of damage for sure for sure you take 15 me uh it's going to points of damage on the first M and does that break armor yes okay I I was have to give you another one or not I don't know if I the special the first time yeah uh and the next one's going to be while it's infin more that's um what what what did it tell you eight eight this one's uh 16 points of budgeting sound good I'm fine 30 15 night I have okay um that's so Weir the damages are like oh cuz they're all armor bathus I was like they all 15 oh I was like wow that's like a really crazy role to to get I was like the math almost perfectly and I was like oh that's armor back at this there okay Omar you're up me you no matter what you do it'll hurt us I know sorry I'm sorry do whatever does works best okay do whatever hurts us least oh I will say though uh after she takes that first that last burst of cold damage you could tell like part of like her arms and Serv to like freeze up and she's starting to like show wear and tear she's nearly bloody just from attacking you so funny if if any of my attacks are just going to hit them I'm going to start shooting this [ __ ] cat yeah yeah go go go oh my God I roll another natural one um I get my coin back um the other one is a 15 yeah so 15 okay uh yes that H oh god um um that's uh 13 damage can we do some maest that's sorry that's wrong that is that is uh 15 damage okay uh I think the same result he is pushed from Mortal or not mortal uh bloody to wounded so he's like 25% yeah you able to kind of slam right into his back and you can see like the the hunches he has are like blown apart the pieces of crystal um and that is it for you would you like to move anywhere um I'm just going to keep following him I'm not going to get up into his space because I help dis but okay sounds good yeah uh Finn it is your turn bit blood down yeah uh and then he's going a twin spell uh mind Spike that's cool the and then also um andar Amar yeah Amar I am wow I R ass I had advantage on one it's so sweet that fail both I'll fa I'll fail just for you that's just too sweet that's a little toxic yeah red flags uh 14 point psych bage to which one colored from to both oh it's total it's one okay yeah um okay unless you want me to sear no no that's totally fine no uh I just need to do this is it better no okay um what happens is uh what does that look like what what does it look like um I think he probably um he probably like like I said he spits and there's blood that comes down and he's like do a little grin and then like going to snap in her face and like point the cat and like there's a there's a line almost of this green energy that goes that's kind of fun you're all oh that's so oh that's cool maybe his the the eyes on his jacket flare that's cool you know U red rad yeah that's cool yeah you you you do that and draw that line and you see this like wave of like psychic energy flow through to both of them and there's like that resonant like a string trying to maintain it she's she's able to take the damage but then like a like a a wine glass given resonance the catch shatters oh that's so cool yeah everyone's gone sorry guys oh God okay that's perfect was like did the other cats die uh no but hang on but one of them from Pops what actually for S sake of brevity yes cuz anyone that's dealt damage dies there's only one or two left but I'm not have fight one or two cats it's all right so yeah so so so you do that and as as he explodes that same resonance seems to catch from the other cats in the room and then they also and explode and comes like the shards of like um yeah exactly kind kind like light bulbs like over uh overheated or shot out they just kind of blow up in an area around he's intoxicated too 28 oh no no that that's why he died okay I was like no yeah I I I did that that's why he got killed when you get intoxicated are you like drunk or are you like they're po like poison it's it's more like it's more there's there's a term for it I have I think it's called find the term it's essentially like frenzy whoa that's cool I think it's called I have to find the word for it it's um Beck canalia which is essentially a phrase of like frenzied in Emotion so it's more like they can't they have no ability to be self like self-preserving yeah wow they would tear people apart next sty you know that's a great way to say it yeah kind of a cyber cyle in some wayal meaning of panic though with that though um I think with I think that was a very cool display of what you were doing so I'm gonna do something real fast okay no not not bad in your favor dare You' be cool that yeah yeah I'll teach you to [ __ ] be cool on my my game you [ __ ] yeah you son of a b I'm the only one that gets to be cool okay that's um that that's a cats on us I think that's cool huh okay uh you're able to like cause this resonance in the entire area some of the glass even came in that you um came through the windows crack and almost lose the the space in the frame and fall um the people who are on stage cower and the woman who you're fighting um Falls to like a knee as you're surrounded and rain down in these glass shards we we're done out of combat she she will surrender I want to actually triple back over to her pie that's all right okay yeah you you you back flip over to her you you back up the stage land and kind of walk up and Finn's yeah presented the foe that he's defeated are you she kind of are you unconscious are you no okay no no no the woman the woman nearly is she's falling and can see like these small circuits and server's like misfiring her body and like these small Sparks are doing like her arms like twitch in way she can't control but she's like knelt down at you I think he's going to get down on her level and he's look at her in the face and he's going to say so are you also a pepet or are you the pepet master in this scenario huh that's interesting give me a Precision roll that is interesting an interesting thing to question uh colel shift oh oo rewind wind wind that's better I appreciate you I remember that night I just remember that's one of my favorite songs okay I know it's good it's good it's good uh no no uh abilities uh no skills yeah persuasion um plus seven uh that is only a 12 okay can you remind what you just asked oh he he asked her are you um are you also a puppet or the puppet master of this scenario H that's interesting um she says depends on the play depends on the stage I think if you uh haven't realized that you can cut your own strs yet you're still the puppet in all scenarios I I don't I don't think she has a t to that I I I think it resonates with her and she just kind of sits with it and she he doesn't stand up and then uh Jennifer you youp FP over yeah I'm just kid um you as as the woman like like like bows her head down and like thought of what finish kind of presented her with you're going to see that the black cat tattoo on her neck signifying like people of your of your previous organization I don't want to go up to this lady and go but I want to like get a sniff off sure I think that's easy enough to do I'm more or less trying to think if I recognize anything her ha recogniz um she's not she's a construct she's not no more con I think first Jennifer would kind of take a look at her and see if she knows who she is or if she like she recognizes anything and she's going to investigate her sure do what you have 32 that's good that's good okay uh speak of dead what you after my guy is she um a recreation of Jennifer [ __ ] that's also super interesting she is now he enough of her hairspray I mean honestly that God that's so [ __ ] interesting man really cuz I thought that that's what was going on here God that's I think yeah we'll say a pale attempt yes okay but yeah that that's a really cool Vier Vibe okay are there memories of Jennifer in there or is it more just like a pale recreation no definitely a whole other person okay definitely the term actor is a great way okay great so I'm putting a putting a performance on for sure awesome um and then before you move on uh thank you sha 49 for the $50 I had the last two weeks off from my six-month-old niece and brother fam that normally lives out near you guys they head out for Cincy Ohio tomorrow um Happy New Year's Eve Eve and I will watch the VOD for this shout out in the morning New Years yeah hell yeah that's so cool a little little kiss to a mistleto with still around or kiss someone into the new year years are just being so sweet today feeling the love but thank you so much all right thank you I also got to spend two weeks is with my with my niece and my nephew and my brother fam oh oh yeah bu of a Feather yeah um okay what are you after what' you roll 15 okay pretty de pre de I'm sorry do you have anything else there will pretty good no that was it that's all I want to know oh you I I remember acting I'm sorry I thought she recognizes you but like how we would recognize like Marilyn Monroe right we know who she is but we also know that she's very dead mhm and not among the living anymore yeah right so like oh that's a person recreating that person yeah well I I think you can understand that she's slowly Dawning on her that that's not the case but she does look at you and you can see her do I recognize anything of her yeah yeah yeah yeah um you remember a a girl that used to live in the space uh when you were still alive um her name was Cal MH um she isn't she's a little younger than what she's now but other than what has like been done to her just recently like Finn like the ice kind of breaking into like the part of her that's still human it's pretty similar pretty similar the body is not entirely new mhm but similar okay um I also say I don't know if You' ever met her yeah yeah yeah but I mean I don't know if that's true I I think you guys were like acquaintances in the same way that if there was a weapons acquisition you needed on your job this is the woman you would come to I yeah Jennifer is going to walk over to her stand over her yeah pull out a makeup wipe from her bag it's a very cool shot she's going to be like she's going to start rubbing her arm and as she does you can see that it looks like like similar to what's what's her name cal cal yes looks very similar to Cal and she has partly a robotic arm you're a [ __ ] robot oh my God she's a [ __ ] robot she's going to be like I'm the real one you [ __ ] [ __ ] okay I don't need any kind of to hit or nothing I think that's very cool yeah you you you clock her and she kind of goes and then p in into the crow done the other girls I don't want to kill them I just want to scare them off yeah no I think that's [ __ ] cool as [ __ ] um get the [ __ ] out yeah dude I think you're able to to to Spook the the the rest of them away um if the ones haven't already ran um and you're left into the same space um in a very cool shot of you kind of dominating the the Doppel game of your own kind of image here um and I think we're just gonna [ __ ] go on break right there before like what the [ __ ] break that's so cool oh my God break right there that is so crazy Are You full robot or you just have robot arm hold on she looks at Finn before and is like watch this then does it learn from the pro oh my God oh my also enhanced you have robot limbs or you full robot um we can ask Jen for that when we get back God damn it thank you guys so much for all your donations yes guys thank you so much you guys make everything possible so much generosity just holidays we love so much of it but also our patrons yeah they here day and while I'm getting this ready and you were talking about how uh we spent a bunch of time with our family recently I have to let everybody know that one of my favorite things that happened was is that we were unwrapping gifts and Leland our my our nephew um who's almost two uh he Marcy loves opening gifts she was very happy to do it um and uh but Leland every time was would go no no every time you'd open them because he didn't he thought he was like that's bad they're supposed to stay that way he didn't know and so literally the first gift it's like his first gift we were opening it he went Maddy was opening she's like look and he goes put it back put it back and then he saw what was inside which was it was it's cars he loves cars he goes put it back oh and then they literally like that we were dying laughing but he was he was like put it back perfect example of miscommunication for real please don't oh oh but then the next gift you'd be like no as hell you're realizing she had to she should have explained what Christmas was about well she had to spend all of December telling him don't touch it don't touch do it now I'm doing the wrong thing yeah anyways give big shout out to our patrons support us over pat.com arcan arcade you guys make that whole [ __ ] two weeks of straight content happen so U big shout out to Tar amazing roleplay enjoyer one two Tempo boots and cats and boots and cats and boots and cats and boots and cats and boots and Cat Riley's busy dying in balers Gate 3 honor mode four on a for a gold dice yeah really me too I want it so bad making more fanfiction instead of going to therapy sounds good to me wow it's just like me for real uh House of Cards 87 architect Jennifer don't forget your pocket sand have it that's right they gave you pocket sand last time when they donated yeah that's right you have pocket sand s got a consultation for bottom surgery OMG they're going to surgically turn me into a bottom well that's cool yeah that's cool it's strange that you weren about before though uh in in the name of the B that's in and the Holy G uh what if we kissed under the dark star with Emojis they have emojis now oh my God those emojis on the patreons literate M Captain dad bought an ankle deep in potty Shack kicking corn that's fine that's fine I think Nexus how much vat could a vat child vat if a vat vat child could vat vat uh J to buyer plastic crack destroyer of his wallet cyber Rock s Alex fan of spiders is having a time playing Baler gate Joe SC it's Gwen trans chumba listener of The vods Watcher of podcast Britney Anderson Leon Kennedy's milkers # just Blood Hunter things 1,000 notes 1,000 screams mortal strings cut short verberate her soul in in indignation decimation a red line through Black Ships okay okay okay go just cooking in the patreon name good good godamn good Anakin good all right we out here cooking in the patreon uh Dave the grant Joshua cordal Lego builder 899 in a Santiago Voice song of creation destruction why don't you sing yourself some bit that was my best Recreation mil said D nuts Kate another great year of funny patreon names my support to y'all from I'm a [ __ ] JK I M A and the next word is h o a r e but they put JK it's lario arena the forever DM tax collector late data late blooming Froot Loop winter Stella ml wolf riddle Dragon Lady RB of the drive-through protect trans homies the booty of blavin sick Jesus [ __ ] Christ j I77 this message is for the future me I as I'm currently very behind on all episodes to remind me to hurry up and catch up so I can't it cuts off Rory Sinclair shista s the owl Sandman treeman got frozen mid wild shape Austin stole why do they call it Cayman when they ofen the cold blood of out hot eat the guard uh Red Beard one sack one Lo death wolf Majestic wh corn next XP next XP to level three vid Chad DM meets sorcerer uh soyer small town I care the pinky life life Pinky the pure osum Bob said I made his name long make the cast read for no reason his own Amusement so reptilian D just watch the one shot Olivia she's been missed yeah the diabetes mystical combat big HW skap the goat Augusta ate a king counts of Love lace Thorin I resolved not to make any more dad jokes for the rest of the year starting today oh you one day one day one day it's been 20 Cycles the time Loop continues only one option left destruction authorization code Damu omega3 destruct oh no that's very cool Argus Fallen Alice Lily botom Sher and Sean saw a video of an alligator chasing a laser pointer and thought of Cayman oh I said it yeah uh Bon but Happy New Year W happy New Year bar k Zach or unise Duncan York Zack has no funny meme name this time just hoping everyone's doing well going into the new year thank you so much fancy arthus Red Storm maybe a twill Pratt possibly lated CR PR uh pimp the hood mom love Pap joy and Josh Travis uh thank you guys for supporting us throughout this entire year there are some of you who have been here for literally years yes which is [ __ ] crazy so um I hope you all know that some days like today I wake up and I don't have a song stuck in my head I have sections of the patreon stuck in my head M and papa Joy always stuck in my head I always I always have this morning I was going small town I care the pinky life py I was doing that [ __ ] waking up I was like why is this in my head yeah get out of my head all right we're going to [Music] break [Music] I'm selfish do you understand I'm desperate to hold your head losing myself again trying to reach you losing myself again don't want to lose you I don't want to let you know that I don't want to let you go I don't want to let you know that I don't want to let you go I promise I got it under control I promise I got it under control I don't want to let you know that I don't want to let you go making a fool of myself watching you slip away I can't help myself to hold on losing myself again trying to reach you losing myself again don't want to lose you I don't want to let you know that I don't want to let you go I don't want to let you know that I don't want to let you go I promise I got it under control I promise I got it under control I don't want to let you know that I don't want to let [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm selfish do you understand I'm just to hold you I'm losing myself again trying to reach you losing myself again don't want to lose you I don't want to let you know that I don't want to let you go I don't want to let you know that I don't want to let you go I promise I got it under control I promise I got it under control I don't want to let you know that I don't want to let you go making a fool of myself watching you slip away I can't help myself to hold on losing myself again trying to reach you losing myself forget don't want to lose you I don't want to let you know that I don't want to let you go I don't want to let you know that I don't want to let you go I promise I got it under control I promise I got it under control I don't want to let you know that I don't want to let you [Music] go [Music] [Music] up [Music] [Music] I'm so is do you understand I'm desperate to hold your head I'm losing myself again trying to reach you losing myself again don't want to lose you I don't want to let you know that I don't want to let you go I don't want to let you know that I don't want to let you go I promise I got it under control I promise I got it under control I don't want to let you know that I don't want to let you go making a fool of myself watching you slip away I can't help myself to hold hold up losing myself again trying to reach you losing myself again don't want to lose you I don't want to let you know that I don't want to let you go I don't want to let you know that I don't want to let you go I promise I got it under control I promise I got it under control I don't want to let you know that I don't want to let you go [Music] up [Music] [Laughter] [Music] up [Music] [Music] I [Music] I'm selfish do you understand I'm desperate to hold your hand I'm losing myself again trying to reach you losing myself again don't want to lose you I don't want to let you know that I don't want to let you go I don't want to let you know that I don't want to let let you go I promise I got it under control I promise I got it under control I don't want to let you know that I don't want to let you go making a fool of myself watching you slip away I can't help myself to hold on losing myself again trying to reach you losing myself again don't want to lose you I don't want to let you know that I don't want to let you go I don't want to let you know that I don't want to let you go I promise I got it under control I promise I got it under control I don't want to let you know that I don't want to let you [Music] [Laughter] [Music] go [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm selfish do you understand I'm desperate to hold hey there hit him with an ad hey there hit him with an ad right now no no stop stop stop no no no no we had such a wonderful generous person just donate we did we did yes we did sh 49 thank you for the another $50 oh my goodness thank you we're so close toi um yeah so close we're at 400 which by the way if you don't know we have a little thing going on right now which is if you guys I I think last time we said like if it was like 500 in one stream you would blow up the ship and then we were like you know what if you hit 500 again we'll we'll uh 13th will do everybody's makeup which is fun so um going to have yeah it's probably going to happen it's probably because we hit 400 now everybody's excited about it so I can't even I can't believe it it's not I his go are supposed to be like ah maybe we maybe maybe maybe itd be pretty weo yeah oh but anyways uh sh 49 did say uh now that I have watched the Arcane arcade recap for the year I would like to say that I have watched all of Ava Fallout ice windale witch light stxs Haven Eon and spell Jammer oh my God Mike gu thank you so much wow that's you guys get me through my week and I love you all thank you very much I haven't even watched all of those man we guys I don't want to be me at all join the club and having the no life I guess we'll put we'll you're the reason I can have new life thank you thank you that's so sweet that's so much content like join the club well we appreciate you watching all the wonderful content we pour our hearts into Jesus Christ thank you so much that's crazy it's very very sweet what you do of 10 okay did you 10 let's [ __ ] do this before what are you going to do before someone gasifies me you m yifi Midstream yeah I have the wig on I Trixie the [ __ ] is that one I'm a ho that's we'll also have drag names whenever we come all the drag name time should I said before yeah Maximus rub is mine Maximus rub I think that was your stripper name but oh well yeah we'll cook a little bit we'll we'll cook we'll cook okay you guys came back after just I want say ambushed because you guys kind of ambushed them um as Starling found uh one of the uh Rogue agents hidden observing and watching this selection of actors and players which would seem to be perfectly molded into a false Vis of Jennifer you guys were able to defeat not only eban but also their stage master and in some way claiming back maybe a part of yourself in some way um I'm going leave you in the same space the other actors have fled the stage this is as you said entirely your stage what to do yeah the woman's still unconscious there but she'll be unconscious until we're done with the scene and then she'll cease to exist like every other in PC I'm alive until I'm not don't stop looking at me don't don't no you sure don't want to know you Rock give me a rock give me a rock your voice bro you don't exist anymore like that frog in that box and I he was never alive so he never died sh frog yep schinger amphibian shinger NPCs yeah um I feel like Gwen with the impulse control of nothing is like having taken Jen's arm it is like oh [ __ ] yeah how I missed that [ __ ] recap yeah your [ __ ] arms were you know my life was a Teenage Robot here like yeah uh and he's going to kind of like wiggle it you know like that and he's like is the rest you like you know not all of it but are we looking at like 10% 20% how much of it is like actual like you know what makes human what makes a really rude conversation run was like yeah Gwen over his head C cayman's nostrils are this big and he's like and then he does that where he backs up yeah yeah he backs up and he does that thing that cats do where they go he erates it and then he's just he's just investigating all of you just to find out cuz he's also curious but he he can't handle himself either um you don't have to answer if it's rude I guess still hold in the hand no I mean I mean I'm I'm not even exactly sure every single part but my arm for sure and I know I I know my ribs for sure and I know okay okay my leg what I what I'm getting at and she from what I'm understanding and I think part of my my head so pieces have been replaced okay we're not GNA like take off your head and be like this is the only part of Jen head no please don't please don't take off my head this this is Jennifer's head Cayman goes and like a coin goes not like enough to hurt you but enough to be like find out like where it is like and you're just like um yeah it's like mostly this this whole that's what her left side and then like like goes down feel his tongue head like pulls his head off he and he flies he flies up to the rafters again I apologize and he's up there going he's got hairspray in his mouth yeah like a dog with peanut butter he's up there like he does got so he can recognize it in the future I see like a baby that again that one no never hair I think as also as Jennifer is describing kind of the bits and pieces of her that are not human anymore like been replaced he probably would be mapping it to the dreams that he had to witness with her and going and there's just This Dawning like Stark realization and he's going to drop that her hand and just kind of like do a little Pat and then kind of not just say sulk but just feel bad for having done that but also just kind of like it's been rough it was rude wasn't it how much of you are human too you just can't ask people that question I'm not human there is a a a z% there there's a moment that Finn that I I would like to impose in some way that similar to how um how you can see on your friend's face Gwen make that connection about Jennifer there a similar realization of how you're tied together in some ways and how even though not visible there's a lot of things you guys have in common and part of this not only seeing this woman crumpled in the ground but also Jennifer and all of her body augmentation um that you've seen it before and it's familiar in some way and maybe this was where when you were both called into the Fells why you may have been chosen to understand that like same percent of her right I think what Finn is also doing right now is he is going over like every interactions he he's had with Jennifer the last 30 years yeah and he's looking for that same like minute hesitation of a body not responding like the the body being taken over by Machine sure and seeing if he can place that on her or if she seems to be like free of it no it is entirely different um and maybe to some degree in places maybe well I don't I want to say that because to some degree I think you could see all parts of you flexible and and particular your in your disguises um you know this is actually probably perfect for you considering your origin yeah to recognize shoty work does not take much of a master right but to recognize time and quality of a product can take time and more importantly it can take years to form um and dedication the person who has made this woman who made cal uh not NE a bad person but not necessarily one who cared right manufactured right I think to when I when we talk about any of the people we see in mathin who have this ability because of their blood Lord it is manufactured and there's a start difference in what I think Jennifer has and that's fabrication a person did not it's not create a medium large size they made her whole whoever did that was intimately aware of who she was before and what they were replaced there's a difference there in quality for sure that you can recognize the pieces were created like to her specifications yes seems yeah entirely that's so that's so cool that's for you my guy that that was all you you you did this and I was just like it's my turn yes um I think she's gonna or fin is going to get down um again next down to cow level yeah and I think he's going to turn her face back and forth and he's going to look up at Jennifer and say so not the same person but do you know who created them um does uh that's that's a good question I don't I I'm going to say it's up to you on this one no I think she would recognize the technology and you know all of that and be like I've seen this before obviously but this the no not specifically I don't I I don't I don't even know who gave me my parts that's fair you're not conscious for it no this uh I assumed happened sometime when I was dead I see I I woke back up and well not really woke back up but you know um powered on and I had new parts when you um I guess first became conscious with us was that the first time you woke up I mean yeah it felt like I had been awake the entire time since basically since I was put in my grave but yeah but there was a a a large difference between that and who went in and who came out yeah and the the feeling of being awake and alive I think Finn's going to do two things I think the first thing he's going to do is he's going to look um on cal cal yeah um at least for him I think there's usually like a I mean there's a signature piece usually like or even like even a barcode or something sometimes of like where the piece came from or or Corporation so I think he's going to look for that maker Mark yeah okay see if he can find one uh yeah to some degree I think you do and I think it's if we do this whole like song and dance with like rolls and stuff um I don't think we need to do that I think it's easily to tell that the parts they're getting and the Mastery that is making this is all Santiago is doing this is all in house okay well that he made this this thing for this woman you doubt that s's never never been that close to anyone to do that but he probably did manufacture all the pieces himself I I think he's more looking to see if there's a corporation behind pieces yeah let's take down the corpor I mean I mean to some degree he's not mathine is not a mineral Rich place right as you can imagine MH so sure he's using his influence of like Espionage and infiltration probably an exchange for someone who does which would be I Ivy it has Ivy logo but you know mathine handiwork oh yeah oh for sure for sure Ma's cruelty yeah for sure for sure have I seen this before um his hate and his malice is this why I was dead no no no no no no no I think you've seen parts of this I think this is probably the most you've seen someone get transformed without like cuz I think from when we get into the logic of it right at some point we could get into at what part of you do you then cease to exist right and what part of you requires magic to return and there's different like fail saves for that right because we have like things like regeneration we have full on Resurrection a ton of different things that even with just an ear you can bring back a lot right all right I think it's um depending on the person and I think it is not rare and you've seen it but I think it's more of a stylistic choice right than anything because we mean we live we live in a world with war forger thing so transferring a soul is even sometimes easier than fully augmenting everything in your body right because magic doesn't like an that Jennifer thesis what so like a ship of thesis yeah I I think it's no this is not new to you but I think if you you in the context that you would have seen it in Ivy never to this extent it's like someone gets their arm loed off it's replaced the next day exactly exactly it's never [ __ ] the whole thing right because to some degree I would imagine Corporation logic goes just get a cleric will pay him 500 gold and they'll be back to noral yeah MH not give them [ __ ] working organ even the coochie whoa I probably friend's probably going to stop at that point he's going to look at me and be like yeah M what I guess what what state do they even have in this I don't know mathine has to be giving them something they don't work for free Andor mine's working with zexus their buddies so there got to be something there is there anything that well anything in specific that they really wanted not that I can think of I've been dead for a while yeah I can yes this director wants something Santiago is probably getting it for probably hasn't who had your body Jenifer what you had your body you died I don't know I was in the ground when like when when oh where did you die in Santiago's Prison Room basically yeah in his man and the spider jail says yeah he kep me spider jail dang it that's why I wanted it so bad Revenge I put it back in there be like see how you like it break your arm yeah yeah Starling he's still here I forgot about that cat oh yeah he he can't bounce he goes yeah yes I'm still here I land on top of him oh hey we need this we need this one he's like this is the greeting I I I kind of anticipated last time this one not this one's my friend remember he was in my room I think it's like oh thank you Cam kind of gives like a little do you know who the director is yes are they here in math on the planet yes no never never never why never why you assume because they don't trust Santiago enough are they in the the space station on surrounding a yes do you have a name yes just the director no but I I've only been permitted by my by by soj to tell you so much so I assume not their name no I yeah yeah I I can talk vaguely about them but I think I've I've been asked to leave certain parts of that for Sero to explain themselves directly if that's something you would like is sojer on the planet no no no no soj is out he kind of loes his paw there somewhere yeah you saw space c back and he took me a while to get back there getting Ean though getting eban though is going to be huge it's a large step it doesn't seem like one but Evan's kind of the head of the snake as it were here there's a lot of people that are going to um be very happy for what you've done but I think more more than anyone else is going to be so gener I could report back to her and maybe see if she would like me to see if any of my parameters have changed of course go ahead good luck on your journey kind of jumps down and walks gets his phone he's like [ __ ] what's the address this placeing oh SP guy comes down he's like for Starling yeah the little little [ __ ] twing like he's like yeah he's like he like he shows him his phone he goes and he go he goes on his G he's like he's like no I didn't pack any bags he's like he's like no I don't need any bags he's like find something like ties it down into his face Cy and get on he puts a little thing and then but goes and is it fly in the back of the guppy it says lift on the back just has the little logo yeah yeah it's twice he's ubered out of here even have his own car that's true it's under age Cam's going around whacking things with his tail because he's bored Jennifer's looking around yeah um Jennifer um not that you can't keep your secrets but is there anything anything else that we should know uh because like robotic people who have pistons for arms helpful I've been punched by them a couple of times before before this yeah yeah you just learn to brace your ribs differently if you're going to go up against him I'll just punch right through you what Cameron looks at you he's like brace your ribs yeah I don't think he's from s where are you from yeah yeah yeah what about your secrets he was isaki I wanted to say that whole C I've been sitting on this word waiting so long to be like takes Quin and say Finn's actually kylo Ren and F oh my God he's actually KY Ren you can play as much as you want I promise no of course course of course well D20 if you see if you wake up as kylo or FMA for oh yeah yeah he doesn't know youa I think from a place that uh May no longer exist yeah uh every I mean I think it's why I was asking questions earlier um the last memory I had was of a corporation trying to get the information that I had in me um to destroy either the city or that planet I don't know you didn't know the information or you didn't give it up well I don't think I gave it up but I definitely died before the the conclusion of it I thought you choked on your own comment I did yeah yeah I um like I could have probably done something more but it was kind of like a there are a lot of things I haven't done in my life things that I'm not proud of and I had a choice to do something about it and I didn't I died so no I I is also coming up behind Finn and then goes around his head and does the same lick he's looking for he's looking for metal bits yeah other than his ear that's about it is it his ear or is it on his ear no it's attached to it's an implant on his ear so his ear is is augmented does it go inside oh I don't think I can get away with it but I he's going to try to take it so God um like there's a frequency mhm that happens and um he can now speak to you okay whoa oh yeah because you can you took uh you got ear wax so you probably get like this EC static noise and you hear Finn like stop don't don't play with that he's like and he pulls his mouth off and yeah he'd be like sorry he's sorry sorry sorry I wanted that no you you really don't want it buddy I promise he's going to like rip it out of his school and it form he's kind of like he's kind of confused now as he's looking at you um same thing he did with where he's like wait do you understand what I'm saying and he kind of says that yeah I'm likeor can you a favor can you just shut down the your whole device oh did I I I have no idea but the way you picked it up got me nervous so shut off oh no ears you dropped it and you picked it up and then the B are kind of dangling I was like maybe just we we'll just reset before we have a really cool hard just reset it make sure everything's good and we'll turn back on before you pull fin yeah I love you that's so weird did you say that oh [ __ ] I didn't say I didn't say we all heard it we all heard it we heard it it's real they paid for it what I want red line you're going to kiss okay who's going to kiss whoa all right um uh and then it's sort of like to himself he's like oh can you understand me too now uh yeah little po is that okay now that is that is different qu's now looking at strangely she always does he always look um so why do you sound like he's nicer I so here's he's a good boy what is so bad C look over here he looks at you with only two eyes with only two eyes oh I was four yeah I was four what I knew it wait hang on you talk to Finn nicer I don't even know how I sound you're like slightly understanding Jennifer's like I have no [ __ ] idea what's going on sounded nicer I don't know what this I don't know what's happening I don't know I don't understand what's going on but now he can confused and I'm kind of scared okay um to you it's I think it's more like um he says uh uh I don't know if I like this uh I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm afraid but I'm also not I I think I trust Finn though at least more than I trust G that it's like I'm a why are you afraid be okay though thanks Chum what'd he say to you he said thanks I think Gwyn just hears [Laughter] okay I'm going to Rifle through your things now really though I don't know go find some fun stuff okay no like your spider cache yeah sorry sorry freaked you out Lead Me lead me to the items I demand shinies shinies connected us uh I mean if you ever want to go on shopping free yeah we can where are your cool magic items we came here for uh unfortunately you you do return um minus this this thing uh you guys can you you find a small cash um mainly pick through but most of it being things of like improved like better gear so like if you want having like you want like a a better sword you could probably find a plus one you want a better bow probably a plus one or or whatever I think it's up up to you guys to upgrade but now's the time's going to take his sword okay find I already have a something that would also upgrade like maybe a spell say for attack it's the head yeah no like like a short sword I think yeah I think the spider cach is unremarkable in the way that I mean they're still plus ones but I think it's up to you as of what you find if you want to use your thing to find a short sword you can find one one what you can find one find it you can find it this is already fil Reed I can do plus be basic Bally plus two come on think I'm a little rusty at this but but if you want to we all kind of flavored stuff so you can find like your old nunchucks that are more flavored in some way bedazzled that are a little better like hell we're out that yours has been beaten up on BL cats not even nicer one if you want plus one rhinestones yeah yeah you you you kind of whip this a little nice made of a harder latex or leather rather if I wanted all three bow and two swords I think your friends would have to probably give one up ohir what if I Happ to find my old po what if I happen to find my old poisonous lipstick that's here sure hey nice I'm with that she's like I'm looking for this I eat it I'll die the only time you've seen her that Str she's like no give it up didn't pass came uh that was just there's I think after that conversation is a point where C leaves and then he comes back to you and he says is there a way I can talk to himor as much as I enjoy all of you being able to understand what I'm saying is there a way I communicate with of course you I've never been able toate no I I understand that um I I think if anyone can teach her it would be when you don't know how to do this I think I think it's because of I think it's I don't understand what that means I think it's it's something that came to me I I didn't do it myself oh yeah I think Gwyn maybe what does Gwyn do gw's very good at killing things from a distance and also he just the way he s to is useless information oh I think he also like understands magic in a way that I don't and I think magic is what's causing you to be able to communicate with G and potentially be wellar knows magic Amar knows a lot of magic that's when like if anyone can learn it it's going to be Amar but General never speak no I don't think that's true hasn't chosen to do that yet it's spell I don't think Mar can't if am hasn't done it it's because she can't do it the think about all the stuff she does for you she loves you if she could speak to you she would it might be better this way no why what are you afraid of oh no what's that thing that's Jacob thinking oh he does not do that uh you also find 100 start cry I forgot about that gold per 100 gold falls out of the sky and C's like the [ __ ] yeah sorry that that that was also in the cash okay he said he he stops for a moment and he looks around and he says in my inability to be able to think like the rest of you um and I just want to point out this is a Jacob thing too yeah this is a thought that is being translated to you oh yeah Cayman is not this articulate yeah yeah yeah yeah so just fting that out anyways the way it translates it's um uh I I don't I I am not bound the same way the rest of you are to the gift of knowledge um I am uh uh I'm afraid of being bound ever again I'm Free by not having to have that burden um I uh uh I follow Omar not because I have to but because uh because I want to and um and the rest of you to some degree and I get to keep that choice by not having to explain myself oh I wish Jennifer could hear this so bad dude so bad you have no idea how many times you've said things and cayman's like me yeah and you like this blank expression I think he say will be like I don't think that having knowledge will con and he's like but I know that didn't make sense to you the same way but it will hold me to standards I think love holds you to stand is I can show love without needing to be able to think or speak no of course of course but you're free not because of of a lack of something you're free because chosen to be it's like he's like I don't know how to respond to this yeah he's sorry he he's going to look at him Mar and be like hey can can you learn the thing that Quinn does no I'm incapable of learning that spell that's really yeah harlo and I couldn't figure it out oh I see that's why he thinks for his eyes go wide and he says wait Finn Finn yeah please let me drink harlo used to pour drinks on the floor for me all the time I miss it please I just don't know how of what what is it what if what if you just he has tears he has ones he does no just like that wh yeah I did he's like what what if we just one more he's like thank you and if it doesn't work it NOA Nova why did you just give him he asked me to give him a drink he said that harlo used to do it all the time came he's like and uh both of you probably hear the same thing he's like what what kind of drink did you give him he's not drunk he's just like he's he just like no cigarettes I draw the line at cigarettes her no cigarettes the line that she draws is uh blurry and um I don't agree with it C I've seen you tear a man in pieces mhm she didn't draw the line swallow him whole and a cigarette's off the table and I am more scared of a Mara than I am of you that's weird that's weird I could I could I would never want to but I could beat Amara oh beat I thought said be I did too I thought there there's not a universe there is not a dimension that exists where that ever happens but of um if I'm mind controlled and that somebody takes over me and I can't control my body amar's de there might be a diens oh no that might be true Cayman um but I've just seen her reverse time reverse time no mean much when time go back normal and I do same time the M have come to bargain freedom he goes that might be true but I I um like Amara just still like me so sorry no no I understand you are in love with Amara and must side with her at all times but one day you will accept the truth that I am the better of this entire group and the strongest you are definitely the strongest but I not the smartest wow but I do not need to be and that is the smartest thing anyone could say he's wise he's wi wise yeah his wisdom's like like a 13 that's pretty good I tried to learn this just baffling I just couldn't do it that's better than Jennifer's also Amar likes you too so if you give me a cigarette nothing's going to change she's going do that thing she gets mad I think G could just hear this except it's in a it's in a much more well I should be able to have a cigarette yeah I think I should be allowed to have that it's getting lot the context going and he knows there's just enough difference just by how Finn's react he just like it's like when he was like I'm the better of the group he's like nobody's better than me yeah I could do gwin's job mhm I could beat up amarar [ __ ] [ __ ] I feel like it would be anything with Amar it'd be a lot more pleasant about of course and that's the only thing that probably it's the same thing only anything about Amar he's just like I don't I don't like this yeah so um I want cigarette I'm going to have a [ __ ] cigarette he's out back [Music] to this is fine I guess okay well want you know that he told me that you like me too so I could give him a cigarette and that you wouldn't be mad at me no I'm not going to give him cigarette he's not on the spell Jammer stunk up not inside you two stunk up the whole spell Jammer it stunk it stinks I hate it just get the I mean I I'm holding a grudge from 300 years ago why do smell oh the drug that's in the Smoke gross I have bad breath why does it stink yeah it's different yeah you're like that's a BL she's used to that smell what The your your breath smell why is it different um because the other one's like a toxic chemical I a toxic chemical there you go we problem full circle yeah you figure it out two different tox you you do the thing where you light it on fire and you slow it right yeah and you just no I just want to eat it tastes is it oh it tastes good is it because you know teenage rebellion no I think it might be slightly that too tastes good te Rebellion we'll find you other Stu Jennifer's finger goes and a little flame comes up like a lighter okay wait what other things can you do like that yeah it's a little you can turn it up I was going to say it's like a yeah like a a screwdriver under water yeah each finger is a different function yeah I'm tell I'm tell you she's she's she's a de a lot of things damn I wish I would have thought of that you can now yeah know I thought of it you're like guys watch this that's these two was like pleasure I have I have a picture for that no one one hand is my see the picture diet she's going to pull up the mem from last week oh no fingers it's so hard to find it in my phone it's the glove with [Music] the one that's ribed there's one I don't have pleasure I'm saved like like like [ __ ] Pokemon cards it's your turn on deck and then two more F two two fin in the back and these willo you I was like I know Spencer's about to make a face what's AF I laugh an old me oh oh go back bar can go back in time 12 after this B the Builder me again um are we gonna go kill a TRX not a TRX that's funny please oh we need yeah yes please TR is there too yeah you ready for ExAlta yeah I is she is she a secret we use like an hour just to chill a little a little West I got to re I was told by someone that we we wouldn't get a wrest a thunderstorm begins I'm scared I the CCH no yeah we're like ah let's take a nap of blood no no just this one just just a rain just just and you hear this the same reminiscent clap of thunder and of ass of my cheeks sanago is on top of a building and he's like yeah he's trying to bring down the mountain Santiago he's throwing it back he's on top of the tower but he's instead of dark G playing with Tik Tok you're banned you're banned uh oh [ __ ] me no you pick you pick one I'll fix it do we have like a [ __ ] a nice little rainy one oh there's there's fog nice little rainy wood or a store yeah we'll throw it back uh we'll throw it back together all right prep you ready sorry thank you you sorry I'm get text this whole time and they're just just in the chat said rotate the finger to make it ribbed for your pleasure she's like Clips her finger you know what I mean at least they're [ __ ] wow at least it's empowering I guess um yeah said so broken I'm a Broken Man uh oh you hear um hounds from outside uh oh and then kind of like a slamming at the door looks like the party came to off not one hour invite the moon to fight now okay you don't invite the can they come in no I mean oh probably oh okay he the land this is DM talking we could totally invite them in map come outside come outside red light in the house please please please please come on outside yeah it's a p pocket house I open it and it look like this uh please Stop's like got to come out sometime and's like please come out please I love to draw a new map should you a map for that [ __ ] cat fight now I'm jump for this I don't know you can just pick up the building and just go here you are yeah yeah that's fine we're outside yeah we're outside feels like a me like done it's done it's that now and I'm like I was inside a second ago now drink some rain 100% one yes M I'm like I'm like Craig just gonna be honest I'm going to do oh it's that and 10 times more I'm like oh good um okay can I have you guys you get the dog off the car you out keep it for a second we we open the doors and we're all that's very cool uh can you guys put yourselves on this one over here oh uh this this building over here two two right two right you should use that that's funny uh be in there no no no no right get thing out of here oh no the building right here that building okay I was like I'm so confused no the building to your right I'm so sorry so where where the where the lady is there you go that exactly I'm putting her in there there put all you guys there uh you can probably just hand them to me I'm going to use our wonderful qu namicon no way no thanks no way can you make these little little cow guys my hounds my little my little H hounds are these are quo things so cool they are you can you can go you can go get these and then I'm going to get up real fast the only disadvantage to these is they're kind of hard to see but I'm going to have to put them in diagonal that's fine um two head cows you actually have to fight a bunch of cows no they're they're they're the little hell hounds I mean where are they I was hoping you would notice I did they feel me oh can you put them I switched I switch close to the door uh yeah but kind of space them out no no put them down and then I will place them because I can see the confusion is she's Medi she I don't think any I think all these are tops and none of these are actually I one holding bottom sounds like a you find me one more that' be right do have a giant4 sounds like you need bottom surgery okay sound like a problem a little tall I'm going to bre is it purple yeah yeah what do that for right now no that's much taller than I wanted it to be see a bottom for that second cuz these don't come off the last time I did this oh actually this might come off there almost hit all right my friends so pixie Holo orange I'm just kidding you should yeah do it they want it so bad there's like two comments yeah you got to help me J okay cool this is the this is the height differential I want here okay we're stuck a dog take my a dog a dog a dog where the other [ __ ] guys at I'm GNA get did we did we get person we're all at the door like this we open the door the scen person is ExAlta feel free to adjust them how you like this is a this is another like a weird patchy and of course as always we have a little blood Mage I have to see okay so the can I stand Jacob yes you can stand the um to reate the green one is going to be ExAlta our um we honor guard uh the people we fought last hunt Master Okay the red ones are Siege which is the more armored one the purple one's going to be our blood Mage uh and then we have these little cool kicon fire cows which actually just going to be CS P so ExAlta perfect never mind no they don't they have two heads body looks like Pumba Pumba PBA looking ass ass clapping ass ass clapping ass down ass that's what Jennifer says when she sees Sago ass clapping you [ __ ] those work really well for hell hounds because in the adventure those are the bullwark demons and they're just demons that are summoned by a crazy wizard well well you know in the western Adventure um you essentially come out and want to go straight TR the ship so feel free to give me a roll he has a funny little thing um that's about it she she just she she just mocks Jennifer that's all who can you remember me who ExAlta is again so of the uh when you guys first arrived and you encountered Thatcher which is uh revealed to you yep to be one of the three honor guard that held keys to santi's laboratory uhhuh there were three there's Thatcher Reaver who was dispatched by Jennifer solo and the last ExAlta okay um each one having a master of their own kind of Legion so she's a hunt Master okay cool uh she just Mock and goes finally the doll comes out of her dollhouse or something there we go cuz I feel I I feel like we say the dollhouse thing and that know yeah uh I don't remember it so that was cool oh well I guess the she's like or something you know I'm going to kill you that's it the dog I guess the poly pocket stopped chewing on her own shoes I guess the Po's out of the pocket what's that Thunder what the so this one is her BL M BL blood M the green one is going to Bea and the red one is a Siege thank you um with that then let's go to inii 25 to 20 was Reaver a blood re was blood Mage as no he just got [ __ ] M 20 as well 20 okay hang on that makes sense though I'm sorry I have probably better than mine oh i r a 16 plus four so yeah yeah I roll a i r three so Gwen goes before me can I give me a quick second here may you feel some Joy this time when you look at these memes yeah feel some joy joy in your heart look at them in a your [ __ ] Bonkers oblivian yeah oblivian oh look at him in his ass his ass uh 25 oh actually let me roll for myself that's ass that's better Gort better okay uh this is ExAlta Gort oh no Prett D PRD PR uh okay and then my hounds are going to be over here okay what was that and these stupid [ __ ] do this these will be hounds these will be my my other people this is ExAlta uh okay 20 to 15 uh anyone wait what 20 to 15 15 to 10 13 13 10 10 okay well you go right here Jennifer's going to go right here it's spitting okay spread your cheek uh and refresh me for a morein 13 13 whoa who wants to go first actually doesn't matter same you want team up wants to go first you guys go at the same time and bump into each other oops oh oh sorry sorry I accidentally fell into your arms oh no save me I I hurt my ankle liit you have to carry me on your back the whole time okay uh I guess I get to iuck can go first I guess I should I should should have thought about that oh sorry I might be a little loud little bit I think my mouth is bleeding I bit my cheek really hard it really hurt uh to all of you guys are kind of inside yeah what kind of cover are we at uh I mean you're your your entirety honestly well then I guess she's got to move yeah I'm might have to move just hold [ __ ] move let me draw on your thing now on cuz a sharpshooter let me ask your thing real fast uh here's the door oh thank you there's the door hold on I'm changing our formation come on ladies now let let's get into formation that's not how it goes definitely wait no I don't know yeah there now we're all there think I'm trying to hold action hold an action and move on to GL I'll just standing in the hall before hold that um be like this everyone's like this town's only big of us what if we did um I was hoping she would go so I you guys had all the little cute stickers on your [ __ ] you're the one that gave it to us you may viciously murder any person Christmas present gas so this cover water yes that's cover oh [ __ ] I should explain the map I'm so sorry um inside is this um kind of Waterway of gray water um this is a elevated platform by 10 this is just a flat surface with you guys this is a surface that goes down 10 that goes down into kind of like a waterfall type area down here so so so that so that descends this is level this ascends these buildings are 30 ft tall and you can move into the Alleyways cool same thing there yeah is that just a car that is just a car okay there just a car straight up yeah of course Jennifer Ste the whip she's going to Triple back flip into it I'm just Kidd trip back flip she jumps he's going to 5 10 huh but I was going to say he has a climb speed of 35 so we're at 25 he could make to the top oh this goes so hard wipe that audio if you want to do it at home wipe that audio um sorry cuz I'm no would you like some issue yes please cman please go next Amar and deck after fin okay um so uh let's let's see here we got some guys uh let's go 510 you know what I'm always taking care of the ads but it's probably because I'm good at it uh 5 10 15 20 25 30 bring it down 40 all right let's go like this we're going to Scurry out right here going to fly up like 5 ft and then go here so I'm going be up like 5T right there sure uh I'm going to attack this one okay hey fa can you put on top of this oh he's 5T 5T on the little on the little pie I thought you said can you put your hand on this I was like I I super appreciate that I I was like yeah will do I will hell yeah absolute trust yeah I still have my uh my mut active that is giving my Mak my strength plus six just letting you know um that is a 16 to hit him Reckless uh 16 they are ACS 14 so that's we're good to go okay and then second attack because I have extra attack is um oh my goodness uh oh my good damn uh 18 that is okay that is going to be a claw and a tail um that claw damage is seven and that tail damage is nine um mobile I went 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 up five more feet this way um I am here and I'm looking that way I'm like so basically Cayman like snakes his way out and he looks over and he jumps off the ground uh throws his wings forward like just slices that thing on on his way over to um to uh ExAlta thank you I almost said Esmeralda actually that's kind of cool actually cuz I like that um so you come over you jump over it claw this creature Yelps loudly deal a substantial amount of damage to it um and kind of make your way to it and you can see ExAlta and The Siege kind of take present that you're seem to be the threat right now mhm and she's going to use her uh attack right now ooh so I'm going to do her attack she takes three cuz she's a hunt Master my lowest is I think that one which is going to be uh dirty 20 is my lowest uh yeah it hits okay uh you're going to be dealt dirty 20 sorry dirty2 is your lowest yeah so it goes I think goes 20 21 and then I think 24 uh yeah I think that's yeah you're good good uh the first one's going to be plus five so that's six uh uh you're raging correct yep so six um nine so 69 15 11 uh 26 points of piercing damage reduced to 13 um as she kind of calls out to The Siege and her uh rapid repeater crossbow slams all three bolts into you and you feel that same chill effect take over your body oh mothered your speed reduced by 10 and you have uh vulnerable to bludgeoning vulnerable vulnerable to bludgeoning bludgeoning okay um did I take cold damage or no that's just the no that's just a fact F take my turn now I just have a question please um a climb speed means that you can stop halfway up right sure if you're climbing something okay um cuz that would be we're at 10 15 20 25 so he'd be able to climb up 10 more feet up this building um in that before he actually climbs he's going to cast second level cure wounds on himself okay um and that means he can only cast a canri for his bonus action so that's great he'll do that next turn see yeah okay Roger that's the end of my turn uh Amar you're up put on Deck um you said you're 10 feet up yes okay I'm try that down so I know that I can't attack you unless I try and jump and try and bite you she's going to step out a little bit do 51 and then Starlight oh that's yeah you went out and in like the rain like a large kind of like keep moving J that's right like a large like lightning crack happens and the light happens and then Mar's gone and then she's staying behind oh that's so cool I'm going to shoot the Mage a whole bunch oh my Mage that's ac2 my Mage not my Mage um she's like not my Mage don't attack the Mage I think that's going to only be one to hit the Mage casts uh Mage casts bazooka yeah 21 proba be over's not going to hit it's only eight okay uh fin start think about your turn Dam tomor fast it's seven radi seven that's pretty good though still um you kind of Spawn behind her fire and the same thing that same lightning crack happens and you you can't tell the guns um firing or it's just the Thunder and those Mage is Struck from behind turning and seeing you kind of silhouetted there in the dark um we go to F and then I'm on Deck with all my hounds hounds what if what if I um just put down my amp and start playing a battle Anem okay feel good about that sure I doubt that uh I would like to decrease people's weapon dice sure uh check with that Che we can dance if we want to uh what is it DC 16 I don't know if we assigned it specific I'm going say it's Charisma I think that's perfect it sounds like Charisma it's safe to die it's a cool check actually wow I rolled under seven that entire time with all my guys they all reduced see you come out they suck kick kick your door open throw out your amp and start playing part of your natural ability of being a rocker are able to reduce people's damage or at least in the way that they were distracted by you playing yeah yeah and then a bonus action um Amara I guess actually I'll bonus action give you B inspiration Jennifer coming up the hounds are going to go biting I think yeah uh I think we I'm going to go I'm going to try and Chase Chase I'm going to chase down Gwen and get disant on my attacks to try and bite him and then one two three four let's go inside they're in the py pocket house they're eating all the clothes no oh the beautiful costumes can I I have two attacks can I eat a p pocket shoe or po pocket shoe You Can level if you have one you're like like wow what those Barb those Barbie shoes they're sharp I know they're hard uh okay you got to work hard I don't know why I rolled it this i r i mean I rolled it two I don't need to roll the other one I miss that's a four I miss again personally I liked their dress that's still an 18 and 19 you can hold it and like so you kind of come over and you're able to kind of start scaling up this like brick building and this dog starts I guess it's more a wolf tries to jump out up you and just cannot maybe have the tail and you to snack on his nose and he falls down the ground eyes kind of blood red looking up at you but dog that doesn't land uh these attacks though I'm doing very good they have pack tactics so I'm going to attack who is who who's in the dress Jin okay now I'm going to do tax advantage doesn't help it's a five and a three though that will hit uh and this one's at a mar which is base 17 five yes um this one is just that though so down Down's going to beat your Shield either way and that one will also beat your Shield this who's attacking me oh I'm so sorry no you're fine that's Finn Finn die I both my attach will still 60 or uh XC 21 okay sorry that's fine thank you for the qualification that was um but I roll terribly for my advantage rolls and I only hit H with one so all my damage is going to be reduced yeah I'm ready so you're going to take wow that's [ __ ] almost nothing that's separate four uh eight for you and then you want them separate yeah it's um uh excuse me this is nine for the first one you should uh this one's eight okay I just have to make yeah both 10 by uh that will then go to Jennifer you're up surrounded by dogs do I know if this car works you don't bite oh yeah of course my God course 15 20 25 30 35 okay I can make it I want to get in that car and GTA throw the guy out yeah I'm going to run that [ __ ] over in the perfect spot okay so you so you so you run up you're able to pull pull the door open uh with with your bonus action because you can Dash with it you can easily get get in the seat what you're in what do you want to do you going to put it in reverse andit that there is no like key but I I think I think we talked about some stuff with that what whatever you want to do you can going figure out I think first she just wants to run that [ __ ] over and then she'll yes exactly how how how do you turn it on um not you necessarily need a key I want know what it looks like you're a rogue yeah she all wires it yeah really fast using using your hand yeah her hand reaches under and it's like and then that's it okay turn on you see uh you see Jennifer kind of running into the frame like okay I I'll have someone [ __ ] help and shees a like where she she car and you see like you see her head like rumaging down you're like what she doing and then the thing goes and then the lights turn on and the blood Mage turns and she goes so so just push it back in into this divider yeah yeah she's like yeah uh I'm I'm going to do a save you do this you do this that's not good I need a little different yeah go forward uh why don't you roll me 4 d10 4 d11 nice that is so cool that is so awesome uh Cam hold on I'm take oh I'm sorry Jennifer no I have other people [ __ ] blood ma killed right now I think um not doing well uh while wait for damage can you have the red person kind of keep an orientation with that so that uh the stream can see move to cam and I'm going to try and do my that is like the worst angle 25 oh God that's a lot sorry I'm goodna 25 30 yeah you take the blood Mage and bloody them yes you back into them they turn and look at Yar and they look back and then they're like pushed into it and you hear ribs crack and they and you're able to pull out like the fender is still like in their body and pull a little bit out and you see those same black threads trying and repair the damage but they become like bloodied and red and just cannot overcome damn what's happening uh so St like [ __ ] do that again uh that is it's her turn the blood Mage I don't know what the [ __ ] I'm doing that is so crazy to me the [ __ ] we got into this combat and it's like you know we've been spell Jammer this whole time you know guns and armor that people have but the fact that Jennifer just hotwired a car and just backed into this [ __ ] lady God damn that's crazy one two three four five six I'm supp to step this way no [ __ ] get back here you she like I won't stand in front of the car again counter spell maybe oh [ __ ] no would she cat Missy St yeah yeah she goes back's like this is why or like this is why Mar is the dangerous one the cter SP I think what happens is that she turn tries tries to cast the Missy step and you like Time Warp her so it takes longer than intended and then she just can't keep the pace of it and it just falls out her mouth and she do so she just kind like she just kind slides Downes to get out of the car she's kind of pinned so on her next turn try do something um that reminded me of that that was the also dirty jaob remind me Reckless attack you only have Reckless for the creature you attack everybody has advantage on attacking like this is hor well I think this guy only has check so we're safe I think in that way let me double check let me quadruple check that but that that's how I remember it it it doesn't matter anyway cuz the the thees only attack roll against me has Advantage well unfortunately it's not attack roll the SE going to come and try and hand lock you and push you to the ground again so I need a DC strength 17 check please a strength saving thr or just a check I'm sorry a saving throw saving throw uh I love these dice they're kind of hard to read sometimes um oh man that's a oh god um oh God six so this means similar last time are you're going to have disadvantage on the check so he grabs you pulls you down to the ground gauntleted and put puts you prone and he's try and stomp on you again I need another strength check check or saving throw I'm sorry saving throw same thing um 27 okay that's good so you'll take half but because it's all bludgeoning and your children take double anyway okay so I heard children you saved it would normally be 15 you're going to take 30 points of bling right now 15 cuz I'm ring yes that was weird math that was that was really strange math you saved double but then you that really cool so just 15 crazy um you are prone um but not grappled and uh that will be his turn then we go all the way up to ExAlta ExAlta ExAlta ExAlta that [ __ ] car now it's just terrible you put it there can I can I just take myself off of course of course of course of course I am the car I am speed I'm going to I think I'm should try and Target down am Mara that's so I'm gonna go one two three four five six so she's technically some on here mhm so if you need to get to it you can get closer I'm going to try and do my three distance attacks on you 600t range it's that's terrible J okay got to be a [ __ ] to try to hit well so I roll a 16 an 18 and an 18 those those hit you want a shield I use my reaction counter counter spell counter spell you're right I I hit you but because of fins I then so D6 to d4s oh so go yeah uh that's only five points on top of um seven so 12 top of four um 17 points of piercing damage because she lands all three she does get her mace melee attack but I'm not going to do it but I do get 20 she just swings yeah she she swings anyway nothing which which does get 20 orov so I'll go one two three four sounds good um Craig yes is the uh hand loock is that a is that grappled or is is that a grapple or is it its own thing uh for your cases it's counted as a grapple for him it's not oh it's not a grapple for him no so I'm not grapple no that's what I said because technically with the movement of him hand locking you is dragging you to the ground and then he's using it already to then do that okay so it's kind of two for one combo for the specifications of one of the mutagens that I have which is mobility which gives me immunity to being grappled and restrained oh no then then no then yeah you definely hand yes that would work on Handlock so actually you can't be grappled cool I it I have to activate it but okay this might be a weird thing if we encounter a seege and happens again I think because of how it's going to work I think I'm still going to do it but I'm going give advantage on the first roll that's fine cuz that's a that's that's cool cool okay uh Gwen you're turny the up this is5 Hunter Mar 90 get her get you have your own Archer I see and then it's just a matter of trying to hit her because he has Nega five so it's a plus four to hit two shots sounds good good uh we got a 13 to hit and then a 16 hit 16 hits uh AC 14 13 barely good uh cam you're up okay think I'm going to do that I'm gonna whoa whoa Sharpshooter that is nuts that's really good yeah the honestly you missed the first one but it's almost like you bait her into the second one so you're like she's a little far out of my range if I shoot her this way she'll Dodge that way and you shoot she Dodges and then you right behind your first shots the second one it Slims right into her you just see this Vis just go all over the ground the wash start to like quickly like uh uh Wash It Away down the stairs that was a terrible amount of damage for her I was muted I did 24 damage guys a lot that's amazing very good I feel like by now his shots are craters yeah oh yeah much power huge amounts I if anything I always imagine like harpoons like they Slam in and there's just so much [ __ ] meat it's just torn away from it okay um question for you sure uh this uh this um Siege Siege Siege does um do they have are are they do they have multi attack are they doing multiple things a turn no the well technically The Siege does a a uh um the grapple and then the stomp but it's all considered one thing it's one attack yeah it's one attack so I guess I guess technically they would have multi attack but they couldn't do like for the sake of bloated Agony which is yes that would count make multi attack so then let's do that I'm not going to act I'm going to keep the mutagen that I have on me now but I'm going to use blood maledict um and uh I am going to actually um can you keep track for me let me give you a piece of scratch Reaper take two damage uh your car took um took took 30 points of damage from from the top oh here oh here actually this is funnier there go yeah nine we we'll say your car has um 158 points so so it's taking 30 okay um uh blood curse of bloated Agony um so this is uh his I I'll describe it in a second once I give you the stats but disc on strength and Dex checks good know um and then more than one attack each turn 1d8 necrotic damage I Amplified it and took three damage so it lasts for a minute but they can make a con save at the end of each their turns and the DC is only 12 so um anyways that's my bonus action action uh I am just hand locked right am I prone no you're not yes you're Pro can you take me off the Reese's Pieces yeah that that that is all you are currently cool so so stand up and then uh two attacks um this is claw going to be a reckless because I meant to do that beforehand because I uh uh 19 and then tail is uh that's 23 23 yeah um then keep going ones um 25 25 damage wow that's am of damage too that's what what you said you want to describe your oh yeah and so uh right before so he's on the ground he's getting like grabbed by this thing and then out of the back his his tail Lally like snakes upwards um and there's this um the end of it like the end of it doesn't really have anything on it but um out of it like out of the skin like comes like this like glowing sort of like uh uh a prick into it and L like like into his into his neck and his entire like his whole face like goes like red and his entire body like literally like bloats and he's like and he can barely move and then he like gets that's pretty scary he uh pulls he still grabbed by him but he he scrambles himself up and he's just like like slicing into and then when he when he slices him he bleeds much more than he should like uh so like when he slice and blood comes out it's like it's a visc oh my God that's actually so [ __ ] he pops like a pimple kind of yeah if he dies while this is active I want him to just like explode I it's really cool I I think you you back into them and you turn and you you look up in the car and like the first CL just like spatters the windshield yeah my guy needs an EP pen oh not looking good a good amount that's uh you on deck uh she's gonna open the back the back seat this side get away from that guy um and she's going to shoot uh the blood Mage twice Los we're going shopping yes that's cool uh the blood Mage is ac12 H2 um well I don't think I'm going to hit one Marvin in the face you had those dogs in you the urge to like Mad Max Fury bro this is so strong there's a car I have a guitar you want to get on it yeah I can't do that momentum kills well well yeah I know you bung you put a little bunge on he's he's up there just use just use some red line that's what yeah you can red line red line for that that's cool I will I will get on the good good good good good good I bring my amp with me the just so you know um yeah that's eight damage bonus action um Second Wind oh good good I'm not looking too hot by the way am I turning what are our tank is right now into a token do we did I forgot to do it we did like at break so oh currently six tokens there's 114 in the in the tank oh [ __ ] I forgot about that unless you use no no please let me use it and and I'm I'm going to uh blood Lord buff all these guys oh sorry guys I forgot about that please please pleas please let me do that uh so what happens let me do this first how much St you deal in the Mage eight God mes you push through um bloodied and almost into wounded um you hear the same kind of Thunder crack uh and you see them kind of like begin to Rattle um the sieg's eyes begin to bleed that's and his eyes kind of like liquefy in his eye like in in in the socket and he has this gout of flame that seems to burst from forth of his eyes the uh ExAlta does not really like it so she kind of Screams out and then her arm splits and becomes her bow and the blood Mage is just going um use some [ __ ] it's fine oh I [ __ ] it up I'm sorry the blood mage's eyes turn into fire and the um the uh sies feet break out like like wolf Claws and they're kind of Spiked All Around so cool so for um Clarity uh four bolts okay with one arm three with the other okay uh the ranged uh the Mage will now take minus damage from all range attacks as she's going to have this kind of like fire sphere spawn around her she probably won't I don't know if she's going to survive long enough to do that and then if you get damaged by The Stomp over a certain threshold your armor will be destroyed off your body oh I'm safe good thinger doesn't really wear any armor uh thank you I will thank you for my my [ __ ] little amp where where very cool the blood the Mage is [ __ ] you shoot her and her eyes do that but you think it's that that's part of your you doing it too that's the radiant um so she will do something on her turn but I have to do that get to turn first I'm so sorry I forgot rage damage an additional four damage please that's fine uh that's that's a very good amount of damage that's almost half of his health okay Amar you just a good turn you got in moved side shot her twice you like to do the cover okay I move to a Missy step to the car okay uh and then I'm going to I'm going to uh ELD blast alich blast okay that love that that I thought you just said elge blast like I her twice like blast real fast did Runa do anything no it's bonus action where is she right on the ground is she yes let's see a doggy dog World um they were both 17 the dice to hit well she was going to help Jennifer uh flank and all that but uh Jer car now I was like but I see car goodbye uh eight and then six damage um both of them are intoxicated huh and slowed godamn you just got them okay sounds good and that that's my turn I'm staying on this car apparently that's cool it's cool um hell yeah I'm going to do some some dogs we're going to die uh you know what you're not in the car right Amar have this dog do this she kind of opens the door slides in and then opens the other door and steps out steps out that's what I kind of thought that's cool that's cool as [ __ ] okay my dogs I'm going to try and give a little bite to who uh to Runa okay you know what that's a good point that's a good point to who to who oh I'm so sorry what have I done it's all good what have I done got pack tactics fin off we told her to BU 19 that's even higher 10 18 okay so 14 so um my lowest of my four attacks that hit you is is a 19 the rest are above that you're good um can I still rears one of them sure down the 20 still cuz I have to take the lowest of the two right okay yeah unfortunately that's that's just a little bit worse um I guess I'm gonna give advantage to you in case you have to death sa very nice low word d damage though that's true so three five two little nibles uh 11 that's only one so that's uh 12 4 8 12 16 28 points of d yeah are you conscious like barely I'm unconscious no how how what what was your toal why I was at 24 fine I wasn't sure it was four I know if I dropped so the door's probably still open so she probably falls back into the back oh oh that's cool I love that okay yeah yeah yeah we we shut the door yeah so it's like Umar does that she slides through slams in into this Blood and then the dogs descend upon her in the back and you see her kind of like fall unconscious and fall face first into the car the door's still open so they're going to yeah but she is technically safe you just go reverse uh without the that's that's all the dogs that are in me oh I'm going to drive away all the ac7 AC 17 well that's not going to hit either that one will you get one that's uh 10 points of slicing average okay or piercing sorry they're bites okay um R was able to grab one and put it down and then it hand its head kind of like extends and bites onto her hand and she just kind of pulls back Jennifer okay I what' you like to do Girly one H one okay I have questions one yeah um it's just two sorry sorry sorry I I I want to be vague but no of course um do you want to text me how much does this car mean to me oh nothing okay cool that's all um I I understand now second thing um is it this might be a lot for one turn but would it be possible okay to take off my arm okay put it on Finn's foot to like hold it down like oh that's interesting kind of like clamp them there yeah like like an anchor almost yeah and then then also take my foot off and put it on the gas and then hop out of the car um yeah yeah what what is your plan after that um to to go help Runa don't worry about it okay yeah but they're I can she's not going to be there for much longer oh yeah but we still got to kill those ones they're coming for you next okay I'm down for that 30 up I just want sure I understanding cuz I didn't want to impose disadvantage on you cuz for a rogue that's like a death sentence for for your damage I think I'm fine with that okay I think [ __ ] a okay though when you make an attack roll I'm going to take minus two off your damage okay instead of posing disadvantage okay I think this is hard ass that's fine I I just want to know what you're were doing before I was like let me ding you a little bit yeah she's going to be hopping around on one foot and I I just want you to cuz with a rogue it's kind of like it Bops the whole [ __ ] thing I don't want to do that okay I know that's very cool because we kind of talked about that so I think if anything because of how your body interacts with you MH um unless you like to describe it no go ahead please um I think it's easy enough you see her arm come around and grab onto your foot and then this pressure grow and her fingers kind of push into the thing like like pierce the hood and you see it detach and then your leg does the same thing and then your your like the top of your like the panels of your feet come around and become like clamps and then you're just able to launch it and then you're able to I I think you push where's the carard going for one back again oh it's still just still in Reverse yeah I mean [ __ ] I imagine she probably scooted it up a little bit I think that's coolit I I think I want to do this I think you do that you clamp it where where where's your Min I think you do that clamp it throw it in reverse step out out out of the car and you're going to break the divider and you're going to do this it's going to fall down fine what you did to protect them she's to get slammed down on and you're still standing here uh what push it right there he probably done this s that's cool how to drive crazy cool top me he's been the D um I guess you're you're you're at your turn would you like to go then now here I can still go do I move me yes you can still you do us your movement yeah I'm getting do some hops yeah move oh sorry amar's also in the back seat so she she she's fine just throw it back there she's just kind of like yep Che oh no oh we put the seat Bel on real quick we told her to buckle up 14 okay the door closes and you don't fall out yeah it slams and it goes okay I need four d10 damage oh you move up to the dogs uh and then I think that's that's that's a lot on your turn I think uh yeah just just no how do away how how away it's my turn mhm oh God I'm G to try and shoot the hell of that that boy me no not not not not that boy that no no leave that boy alone shoot me I'm over here again but he's so beautiful he is beautiful wait wait wait he's also deadly no oh yeah yeah for sure I'm I'm I'm going to give you a [ __ ] emol stuff uh 30 30 she dead squat she's dead squat no yeah yeah you unfortunately because the the the foot that you've adhar to the car has no chill you kill her and her body like Falls over and then it's and like her leg it's caught in the wheel and starts like dragging her down and then the divider breaks you just run over it but she still falls back oh no F essentially just visc as you land and you're technically the same height so you can step off the car onto the level watch this I was like uh okay then ExAlta is going to do her thing she's going to run over and she's going to pull her arm up and she's going to do her multiattack there is the bow string made of like senu oh yeah is it like a hamstring if anything you know I don't what it's called was the two like those two bones in your arms that kind of talking I think they do this like like there the bow arms the bows I think there's like a bone that splinters out sh outz it floats so they can become like that weird bow shap her arm is her bow it's like bending and shooting so I think I'm just going to blow the that's disg blow you out of the water I'm TR I'm try I'm going try I have SE I have seven attacks AC 16 God that's running over the guy wasn't gross for it's worth no it is okay your bones is gross Crush Not Bent uh that that's another one that's a miss again okay okay that's an actual one no no no no that's good that's also bad these are his attacks I hit you twice yeah yeah sorry you're right dang it I was like the cool bone lady didn't get to hit a that's ass sorry okay I guess I won't play still 20 points of damage 10 and 10 okay 10 and perfect perfect above you there is now like Rubble and debris falling onto your back as whatever like top roofing that you're hiding behind you take cover is just pierced through bunker busted pieces of rock and brick fall down onto the concrete surrounding Cayman and you have to like move out of the way and through seven shots this volum of attacks you get hit twice and you kind able to hide yourself behind the area but the roof is riddled sorry what were the damage for each for sake of concentration easy enough it was 10 and 10 yeah it's 5 plus 5 and then 5 plus 5 God don't don't [ __ ] up oh thank God uh I listen to you threaten them that's it other than my blood m is dead and I can attack Cayman with my guy uh so I'm going to have Cayman do that he's not wearing armor so doesn't really matter but not uh did you use your thing that gives you makes you hard to Grapple or impossible to gra okay then I just needed I just need TR Che okay 17 on both where D yeah 17 got it we're uh here no we the this is ExAlta this is the blood Mage and everyone else so the BL Mage is dead this is also the siege that's exal I just did oh got now we going to go to gwin right after this so the bloated thing makes de checks have disc I just trust you if you don't want to roll that's fine no he he he he doesn't make checks right they're only saves for him saves like there saves for me that I have to make against him got it but he'll still take the damage from doing both oh yeah that's fine which is how much oh it's a d8 I think you ride um I think what you can ride enough she's what am I sorry strength save yes 17 nothing just talking about Runa oh oh 25 then good that means the next save you have advantage on okay then um happy she'll okay all right uh he takes five necrotic damage that's good enough that's two that's 11 oh I have Advantage you do that's a that's a 25 okay you save so you'll take uh so he takes he he he's unable to pain but he still gets the stomp in okay I think that dog gets stomped too unfortunately uh this dog God my dice are hot garbage today good uh yes that dog why does that dog also get stucked because because it a 34 radius oh my God yeah the car got hit too I think the other dog the dog dies actually yeah I think that's the one was dealt damage or uh oh I was just seeing if it was in Rage 30 right two three four yeah he he also dies cuz I actually miss him the first time I was supposed to do it so he gets so so this one he survives the first one but he gets stomped to this one and he annihilates both those guys Jennifer is also inrange oh can I have yeah is to I what so was the other dog too it's 30 right well he was a one so I'm going do this real fast 16 man stomp uh which one 16 fail 17 succeed she'll take 30 you'll take 15 oha's gone ohaa she's like guys I live hey it's it's extra be Shield F really though uh no oh I was like you have like Pokemon levitate it is kind of a ground bound attack no I didn't get a chance to move and then when you said where is she I like on the ground still I'm not going to go she's actually flying you could she found a treat on the floor well it's a Helm attack uh K suceed 15 reduced a seven yep I'm sorry round up okay quen you're up cool um give me one moment just to check the siege is bloody obviously but with with with bloed it pushes him over and bloody con safe dc2 uh no it's a three oh well it's like a eight but he's bloated still it's not be good his face is yeah he makes an awful sound like he sounds like the Left 4 Dead Boomers he's like you're like oh Bo he does is just awful I went to get pills yesterday and I walked down I was like pills here and you know she said she said exactly that she was in bed she like grabbing pills grabbing pills two TS oh are they natural 20s yeah e so much damage right now this happens every time Roney gets dropped and then you want revenge you crit happen [ __ ] did you two yes Shar yes D we were both 20 I just feel kind of bad I'm don't feel bad I'm not doing well no I'm just like I feel bad because I'm like oh man who you to kill ExAlta yes get that [ __ ] God Craig leave some funny for the rest of us for the rest of us okay I got seven attacks whipped them all then I got wo combo bike twoo with natural 20 yeah so that's 28 another 28 and then plus 2 uhhuh uhhuh plus 2d6 and then plus 20 yes Sharpshooter gets double two no no no okay so just plus 10 that's good so effectively plus 20 yes yes oh Jesus Christ that free pop take it take it take it uh GW gwin what up the grenade launcher yeah pretty much yeah I why Haven you been using that what's the Hanzo thing the Hanzo Runa uh C why don't you take your Tech while we do M watch get because I assume you're going to kill the you're hit the guy in front of sh uh yeah I uh I Genji ult and I no I kind of want to kill that dog cuz it took down Amar but Jennifer you're right in front of it and I don't want to move with this guy's kind of kicking my ass um there's a lot going on he's going to kick your ass even if you move yeah he's going to stomp you oh that's true yeah patch not next week that R is getting dropped that was W me more than everyone else too what did my dog maybe even 30 tall like 15 15 radius no it say 15t or 30 ft I really I'm about this patch not to Nerf myself yeah keep keep my dogs alive they levitate the little don't touch the guards keep stomping on the do they get wedgied and then there's do keeps wedging them and throwing them into space and the sees won't stop stomping on dogs we can't keep spinning the Mana to repair them 21 27 25 I'm sorry 25 those are two hits yes AC something AC below any what you just said AC 16 I somehow got the same amount for both hits funny enough so 70 damage total 70 w oh that was full health before she took damage oh well wow you could have [ __ ] P you could have oh my gosh uh do do you have damage yet or you wait M let me hear this and then let me let me let me let me hear this comment this is the thing is Cayman just elevates slowly as we keep going so by the time it's like turn five I'm I'm super strong um CU I keep getting all my bonuses get added we strong strange the Lasser is too strange really yeah cuz because if we get to you want this guy and this person gets wed the dog will just kind of leave 44 that's just enough hell yeah it's like spot on okay so um I want you to be my first one and then you to be my last one and then in combat uh yeah he um he still like bloated and stuff so he uh uh came and like uh uh forgot about those pulls himself up and he's like in he's kind of like in the in the stance that he is like in his art like he's like really crouched um and he's sort of like waiting um and then he uses his tail to like sideswipe him onto the ground he like hits his head he uh uh puts his claw into like his body and then to the other side he literally justs him open gross covered in I'm glad I'm unconscious no you're in the car and it's just the car window the like the heavy rain fin gets cover though yeah oh yeah fin you're just like you can like see like his ribs sticking out oh gross yeah you like you make him like a flower yeah he blooms say the word bloom hor e i house or I dog said dog who did that yeah I know we talked about that yesterday like the dust doesn't even settle for what's going on here it's still just oh yeah dark and it's just two shots of light and they pierce right through her oh that's so cool and she just probably turns to dust cuz they're vampires y that's hard ass did you know that [ __ ] Star Wars thing where they they light they [ __ ] light speed in that yeah no it's black there's that one light and just oh my God it's terrifying makes that cool thing too like the blast of it like stops the rain and then the rain starts that's awesome very oh my God yeah you kill exalter entirely well into she had she was not touched you drop her to number that was very cool you need the can I have my seat back I sit down yep no just of comat tiny quig I'm still unconscious oh [ __ ] I shared initiative with you though oh yeah I I'll go down and give her my potion okay potion I'll open I'll open up the car door be like here you go I like still please drink hi we got to stop doing this C immediately his eyes are at the edge of the the window so like there's blood and then it's like and it's his two eyes and he's looking you're okay right thank and he peels himself off e but then he comes back's a Cayman imprint yeah came imprint um you guys are victorious hell yeah Yi uh another honor guard down M uh feel free to loot yes um uh yes yes everyone gets uh you get the your last thing for Santiago's lab um everyone's going to get let me R some dice real fast uh do this much real fast what our hotel Key I have to do math for that they tap now yeah oh sh guys I everyone gets 106 gold per 22 tomorrow 106 gold per uh Amar I'm going to get you a spell book yes please uh but I will get that for you next time that's fine I'll put this down right here on my notes little spell book for our blood Mage supposed to drop in that last one but I'll drop too yes no um give me a quick second okay the rain descends back onto the floor uh in this place sck with asphalt and viscera uh you guys are left in a space of a semi populated region that is now become scarce no one is here the only sounds you have are the pattering of rain and like a broken out like tail light still going on the car that's now slammed into this uh this kind of like Ravine there are left in this space what's our next destination quin's going to probably climb down by now of course and he's going to kind of look around can we can we like get some sleep or something I'd like that yes yeah cuz I have to bring back Bruna and if I do I would have enough to fight another person I'm tapped I'm so tired well we we got what we needed yeah we don't have to do anything like the second oh thank God I think Ben uh comes down like holds his hand out for you I'm H her out of the car thank you okay but we all saw how cool I was right I'm sorry I was unconscious I was cool Amar I believe you you should you should explain it to her yes in great detail I missed some of it I blinked it was very Miss I blink well I guess that's impressive if you blinked and she was dead she's Ash oh I shot so hard and so fast that they're just light I don't think I've ever seen that before came says you I only heard it that's cool you also broke a person apart so uh yeah that was why I why there's a lot that you look the sieges bones yeah oh Bross you picked it none for the birds yeah the skull like those birds and there's a vulture coming down going yeah he's like what are you doing I throw a skull at him my dead FL expe now that I got recognition yeah I need a nap long nap like a whole 8 Hour could you lead us back to the the safe house came in so sorry Cayman says you sleep a lot how much do you sleep a lot more than I need to so I sleep a lot but you sleep more I'm kind of at the whim of the group oh I mean I'm not very tired Cayman are you mad at me I'm just confused why just can't ever do enough and he's going to cast past with a trace that everybody just kind of let's go a and her's so confused she can't understand this conversation I don't understand hang on I don't understand um his one he just lost his sister again she is Immortal sure but that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt still and then two um you kind of you know rub salt in the wound think that he wasn't good enough I think he's got insecurity that way when's really you know useful member of our a party they're they're it's nothing like he's like he's like I did not hurt gwy it's like when Amara gave that cat tuna Gwen is hurt by words it's it's the same thing it's an emotion perhaps he should not speak to me then I gu my observations were were not made to judge no they were not an autistic was on that damn spectrum that damnum we know how to get rid of the oath o yeah I may have to you break it though you're like my uh my share of the food tonight shirt share my food with Gwenn tonight are you threatening me no no it it's a it's a false threat I ate a man I'll provide for myself it's interesting hearing half of a conversation I think he's just being stubborn about oh yeah I don't think he wants to admit how much he actually cares about qu got under skin can find Gwen oh no he's waiting yeah he's he's waiting at the sewer just enough so he can't hear he's probably even going like this okay we had back to our safe absolutely um you go you can long rest now push your butt nice thank you for you little hug and it's like it was very cool it was very cool um I could never do something like that man you got a lightsaber yeah that doesn't come from my like come from me what what does that mean it's a sword it has the yeah this up off the ground and you you were like sorry yes anyway no I I was enjoying the conversation um you guys I just have a question sure do we you think it's safe to rest here or is it something that we better to do like in the fs wait rest wait oh on mathine in the church or the safe house I could set up in alarm if it make you feel better I would would we might have to squeeze together a little bit but I don't think any of us would mind she set up like a space around to alarm little Circle Salt you've done this before Cayman doesn't stay in the alarm Cayman is the alarm here somebody comes walks right over toar mother beep beep no sexual sound he goes beep he like a cat actually walks back and forth across the alarm yeah think it's triggering it can't decide if he wants to be inter you you have to leave just a little bit open yeah just just a smid for him to yeah squeeze snake in um yeah he snaking Craig we never talked about this because I've not really gone over sleep in this game um but I do do imagine that Cayman doesn't sleep 8 hours sure um it could be like an elf thing where it's like six but I don't think he meditates he definitely sleeps um but I figure that he sleeps less and spends most of the time trying like just like keeping keeping his his wits about him even if he needs to sleep for like 6 hours I don't think he does I think he sleeps for a little under what he's supposed to and then the anxiety wakes him up and he's just like I think it makes more than enough sense I think it makes total sense um I think Jennifer's not not exactly the same but pretty similar she doesn't need half of her brain you sleep like Gandalf your eyes are you're just like yeah honestly it makes a lot of sense for that's why I was like get out bir bird or a feather you see me sleeping like you have an eye you have one of those eye masks yeah but underneath it taking all frightening we going put that back yeah you had one of those eye that had eyes on them and it's like like her eyes are open okay like that uh it's it's live at Tik Tok where they're like I have I I can't do nights I can't do night I can't do nights I canot playay over I don't do nights um okay you all lay down I think in the middle of the night um you hear a familiar little little and the little chinga drops off Starling and he kind of comes in and he finds a spot near you and he kind of stir you in the night just just just for a moment oh hello thanks before he does C's like yeah C finds it first and he's and he's just like go he like hello Gam he's like like he like he's like that cat thing he like it's also different from the last time wait I have picture keep talking um he comes over to you he just kind of oh can't looked him um he says I spoke with sojer she said that if you dealt with Santiago I could answer one question truthfully oh and that's where in Ton's game not been truthful up until now that was cool uhoh what now I have to think about what I want oh Spencer is a crazy Theory so I'm not going to say it not going to say it I don't have any theories no Spencer has the give [ __ ] Spencer said something to me in the car and I was like I you were like did you did you have a thing that you thought and I was like what and then you told me and I was like so um it's insane uh if it's true but we'll see yeah be crazy thank you guys so much for your crazy Don I appreciate so much thank you guys so much um prepare your eyeballs uh but guys next week uh we will not have spell dam in fact we have freaking nothing on Saturday next week all right because we're doing a little session zero for the next campaign and uh we're just we're just getting preing getting ready so some heat in that game but uh probably stck hav next week we'll see we'll see um we're probably going to play those Friday games are are a little they're a little know what's going on was this time of year or two yeah it's how it always is every year normally it's like 3 weeks we take off normally the it has never been like this where the holidays were on like the off days normally it's like it's like Thursday or it's Saturday and even if it's Thursday or Saturday or Sunday it's like we nobody can do anything um so yeah um this has been super fun um I'm going to miss doing this weekly but I think that it's going to be kind of nice your brain will go back to not being Fri oh yeah every time like every time I'm like done I'm like oh I like the inflable to minut you get you'll get to play play I'll be an active player again um you got to pump those numbers up yeah really I get some numbers up for next year what words your total like if you added DM and playing together oh mean that was that much total 26 plus yeah 26 whatever I said 150 lost my [ __ ] notes we fine fine fine still less than Mia oh yeah because because I'm not in stricks yeah that's right but it's it's just cuz you're here though yeah it's cuz you're here I mean you set so still that's that's I'm saying that's why I had different numbers for like us working CU cuz though we are not here in stricks Haven uh em and I are here andon too so I mean really if you look at hours like that you're you're you're on Spencer numbers mhm um oh I lost my [ __ ] notes I it's okay yeah not important but I'm excited it's so cool though it was important it was awesome thank you so much for all the wonderful information I go see now and that's the last stream of 2023 see you guys next year um hit him with an eye no we should we should give them all a New Year's kiss oh like the statue yeah yeah pure devotion make out with you didn't have to kiss it either no I had to there was a afterwards was no other choice guys it said I had to kiss it's just what it told me you have to do that I had to suck on his toes sorry the said I could only I sucked on his toes vigorously to he had no toes I had to go find them first you to go to quest to find his spy hero find me may use my blade but only if you suck it on my toes find all of them separated across the land my power Amar cast identifi She's like you didn't even have to do that Dam it he was lying he's just Li it's like a plus one to fishing skill or something he's worthless just go you get 10 gold from it oh [ __ ] Christ all right go suck toes in 2024 see you l
Channel: Arcane Arcade
Views: 3,537
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dnd, d&d, dungeon and dragons, 5e, game, live, play, funny, characters, players, monster, idea, inspiration, rpg, dm, how to, pre written, xp to level 3
Id: dNo13oZfe4U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 275min 3sec (16503 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 31 2023
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