Episode 2: The "Perfect" Murder

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[Music] well i know about this haunted house why don't we go and check it out tomorrow are you two looking for the haunted house too ah let's get out of here what's going on jack he's a liar and i wouldn't trust him as far as i could throw him the police have just been to my house they want me to come in for questioning they said that hannah and jack are missing what it's just not going to be the same without you here i'm going to miss you so much my best friend sally was going to live in spain virtually the other side of the world you'll still have jack and layla and we can talk every day i know but it won't be the same as having you here it won't be forever maybe you could come out to visit me in spain i knew there was no chance of that happening but it was a nice thought yeah you never know sally flew off to spain the following day jack layla and i went to the airport to see her off i couldn't stop the tears from flowing jack put his arm around me and gave me a hug cheer up you've still got us i smiled at him and joked that's what's worrying me oh you know you love me really the next few years flew by i started spending a lot of time with jack laila was busy helping her family most of the time so it was often just the two of us i hadn't realized before how cute jack was he was really funny too it wasn't long before i started having feelings for him it all came to a head one hot sunny afternoon in july i was at jack's house sitting in the garden when he came out of the house and threw a bucket of cold water all over me i thought you might want to cool down i squealed then jumped up and chased after him when i eventually caught him we fall in the grass laughing suddenly he stopped laughing and looked me in the eyes hannah i think i'm falling in love with you my heart jumped for joy and i could barely get my words out i feel the same way but before i go on make sure you like and subscribe and hit that notification bell if you do you might fall in love with your best friend too jack and i became serious really quickly i didn't mention it to sally when i spoke to her i don't really know why but i felt a bit guilty i suppose it was because i had always had a sneaky suspicion that sally secretly had a crush on jack but sally wasn't here she was having the time of her life in spain so why shouldn't i have some happiness too after all sally always got everything she wanted it was my turn to be a bit selfish and have something that i wanted i was so happy when i got the phone call from sally telling me that she was coming home she had been away for five years and even though i had jack i still missed my chats with my best friend i wasn't nervous about telling sally i was dating jack i was sure she would be happy for me but once she found out things began to change she started being really mean to me she made any excuse she could not to hang out with me one time the four of us had gone to the movies jack and layla went to get drinks while sally and i waited in the queue to buy the tickets sally i still can't get over how brown you are your skin looks amazing thanks yeah i guess i do look good better than being a sickly pill color like you i couldn't believe my ears sally had always been so nice to me why would she say something so nasty sally that was a bit of a mean thing to say well it's true you look so pasty i didn't speak to sally for the rest of the evening and she didn't speak to me either actually she spent most of the time chatting to jack the following week i was at jack's house when he said that he was planning on having a barbecue i'll ring sally to see if she can come said jack hi sally i'm just calling to invite you over to my house tomorrow for a barbecue i could hear sally's voice say that'd be great who else is coming oh just layla and hannah of course oh sorry uh i can't make it i just remembered i've got plans oh that's a shame sally maybe another time jack put down the phone sally's busy so it will just be the three of us i didn't say anything to jack but i felt sure that sally was lying about having plans it was only when jack had said that i was going to be there that she changed her mind i began to wonder if sally was avoiding me because of jack but surely she wouldn't be that obsessed she hadn't even spoken that much to jack before she left for spain it was a few weeks later and i was at home when i heard a knock at the door i opened the door and saw sally layla and some guy standing there they all looked scared to death i told them to come in did you go to the haunted house what happened they told me they had gone to the house and had seen blood coming out of the front door oh my god no wonder you all look so scared jack's in the lounge you go through there and i'll make you all a cup of tea i went to the kitchen i was just about to put the kettle on when i heard a commotion from the lounge when i went through to see what was happening i couldn't believe it jack was fighting with the guy that had come with sally and leila sally and i eventually managed to separate them but not before they both had inflicted some wounds on each other i told sally that i thought she ought to leave and take her friend with her jack told me all about the other guy michael his name was i figured sally would choose to hang out with someone like him but then i felt sad sally and i used to be best friends how could a guy have come between us i just begun to clean up jack's wounds when i heard a noise coming from outside what was that noise i don't know i'll go have a look be careful it's dark out there jack went outside to investigate i waited and waited for him to come back but he didn't i started to get really worried and wanted to call sally for help but seeing as we weren't getting on that great i decided not to i felt too scared to go outside on my own instead i went over to the window and looked out a face had suddenly appeared at my window making me jump out of my skin it was a woman with long hair i let out a loud scream at the same time the window smashed the pieces and the light in the room went out i couldn't see a thing in the dark i was trying to grope around for the light switch when i suddenly felt someone's hands go over my mouth then everything went black i opened the door and saw leila standing there layla what's the matter the police have just been to my house they want me to come in for questioning what why they said that hannah and jack are missing what wait here i'll go get michael and we can go look for them i shouted for michael to come with us we have to go to hannah's house her and jack have gone missing maybe we can help to find them what do you mean they're missing the police have just been to layla's house they said that hannah and jack have disappeared they can't find them anywhere the three of us went straight to hannah's house but when we got there the place was sealed off and the police were all over the place excuse me we're friends of hannah and jack have you found them yet no we haven't maybe you can answer some questions for us i nodded i was feeling really guilty because we had just had a fight with hannah and jack i wanted to do anything i could to help find them of course we will do anything we can to help the policemen led us over to another policeman who was taking notes these three are friends of the missing people i want you to interview them now the policeman asked the three of us a bunch of questions i'm not sure that we helped them at all but he seemed happy with what we told him thanks you've been really helpful you can go now i thought that michael would come back to my house with us but when we got to the end of the street he stopped i think i'll just go straight home now i'm sure you two would rather be alone to chat oh okay bye then yeah bye see you soon when he had gone leila turned to me i'm sure he's got something to do with this that's crazy of course he hasn't why would he want to harm them but even though i said the words i had some doubts myself michael has a motive after all he fought with jack and maybe he wanted to get both jack and hannah out of the picture so he can be with you i wasn't entirely convinced about what layla was saying but i was getting a little suspicious the following day i got a phone call from michael hi sally do you want to come over to my house and hang out butterfly started fluttering in my stomach is he asking me out on a date but then a thought crept into my head what if he was the kidnapper what if he really had made hannah and jack disappear but i really liked michael so i decided i would take a risk that sounds great i'd love to come over when i got to michael's house he looked really happy to see me hi sally come in come in any doubts that i had immediately vanished once i saw him i knew that michael was a good guy he definitely wouldn't have had anything to do with her disappearance he showed me through to the lounge and i sat down do you want to watch a movie or something sure that sounds great i'll just get you a drink i won't be a minute michael went out to the kitchen i began to look around the room there were photos of his family dotted everywhere suddenly i spotted something that made my heart sink hanging on the edge of a chair was a red bandana but not just any old bandana i would recognize that bandana anywhere it belonged to hannah why have you got hannah's bandana in your house it was you wasn't it you were the one that made hannah and jack disappear where are they tell me now no it's not me i have no idea where they are how could you accuse me of such a thing i don't believe you i know you have done something to my friends i ran out of his house as fast as i could and went straight to layla's house layla i think you might be right i think michael is the one that has done something to hannah and jack he's got hannah's bandana in his house what are we going to do we should call the police let them deal with it i was just about to pick up the phone when michael's face suddenly appeared at the window layla and i both jumped and laila let out a scream let me in please i promise i'll explain everything i looked at layla to see what she thought i don't think we should do it he might be dangerous what if he kidnaps us too come on leila he deserves a chance to tell his side of the story let's just listen to what he has to say leila finally agreed to hear him out i opened the door and told him to come inside okay you've got five minutes to explain yourself or i'm calling the police i've known hannah for a long time she often came to my house for tutoring she must have left her bandana there one time what michael had said did sound very plausible and i felt a bit foolish for jumping to conclusions i'm sorry i shouldn't have accused you like that of course i believe you i didn't know if layla believed him or not because before she had a chance to say anything the door burst open and police came pouring in they grabbed hold of michael and put handcuffs on him you're under arrest for suspicion of causing the disappearance of hannah and jack i looked at layla in shock what's going on i was so confused no it's not true i'm innocent you have to believe me you'll have plenty of time to plead your innocence once we get you down to the station the policeman took michael away and i sat down on the sofa next to layla i don't know what to believe michael sounded so convincing when he said he had nothing to do with it what do you think i don't know either but surely the police wouldn't arrest him if they didn't have enough evidence i can't believe what has happened in such a short space of time and the biggest question is where are hannah and jack we both sat there in silence deep in thought when the ringing of the doorbell brought us back to reality i went and opened the door but when i saw who was standing there my jaw dropped in shock if you want to know what happens next stay tuned to our channel for episode three what do you think is michael innocent or guilty comment your thoughts down below
Channel: Story Time Animated
Views: 317,039
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: kAUfYby_61I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 14sec (734 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 09 2021
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