EPIC TOUR of PHNOM PENH CENTRAL MARKET (I got arrested) 👈 clickbait

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I can't let that go to way I need breakfast yet either y I think I just follow Sunny around eat his leftovers yeah have to pay for breakfast my lunch I'm just going to follow you around eat your leftovers so what is the name and title of this video I mean that's the same thing What's the title of this video so a lot of you guys that watched my first behind the scenes video commented that you felt like Sunny came off as a bit of a jerk and I wanted to address that when I look back at the video I can completely understand why you guys felt that way the first thing you guys noticed is that Sunny didn't really introduced himself uh when I met up with his crew he just got in his van and we took off to the first location all right so this is the first location salad and once we arrived at the market when he stepped out of the van that was really the first time I came face to face with sunny and uh quite frankly it was a little intimidating but even then he didn't really acknowledge me he just kind of joked about his name being Brian and then later on as the crew started getting prepped to film I was recording behind the scenes footage and then he asked me or he told me that I should chill out on the recording because we're going to be together for a week and I'd have plenty of opportunities to film and I think that's where a lot of the issues come from because there's a lot of context missing you see he did introduce himself he just introduced himself a little later we had a little chat and of course I wasn't filming because well he asked me not to film as I mentioned in the previous video I did get permission from the show producer and as part of my compensation I wanted to be able to make a vlog to promote myself being on this show and I honestly was a little bit taken aback when he told me to chill out on the shooting but I understood so to me it wasn't really that big of a deal so the next thing that sort of made Sunny look like a jerk is when he came up to me and told me that during downtime I should try and learn about the process of whatever it is what whatever we're shooting if I don't know about it ask and try and learn as much as possible because he wanted me to sound intelligent sound like a local expert when he's interviewing me and I took that as constructive criticism I don't know why everybody thinks that was such a bad thing uh he was trying to help me if anything and at one point we had a lot of downtime and he actually took some time out to chat with me and talk business talk YouTube stuff analytics and even told me how much the whole production here cost and I'm going to tell you what Sunny spent a ton of money to do this to make this series in Cambodia and um there were points where uh he did get upset at uh the fixers for something they missed or some miscommunications and uh he's definitely a strickler for getting the perfect shot but after hearing about how much money he spent on it I understand why he wants to make sure that everything is exactly the way he wants it to be because he spent a [ __ ] ton of money to produce this series and on top of that it's not just him holding a camera filming it's literally a whole team of people there was like I kind of like eight or nine people including myself uh that are reliant on Sunny being the leader and uh quite frankly you can't really be a leader and have people respect you if you aren't somewhat uh of a hard ass especially in intense situations very chaotic situations like we had filming this we were against the clock the entire time we were on a very strict schedule and everything needs to run smoothly and efficiently and sunny is he's really good at taking command of a situation and unfortunately being Mr Nice Guy you know people won't listen to you you might have to raise your voice a bit anyway I hope that clears things up a bit maybe you still think he's a jerk anyway way but I just wanted to add a little context to my first video but we are on day seven now we're skipping all the way to day seven because this was one of the first videos he released and by now I've already shot with him for almost a week and he actually gave me permission to film as much as I want uh during the last couple days so here I am running around just kind of goofing around cuz I'm actually not in this video uh so I didn't feel the pressure uh that I did the first couple days but hope you guys enjoy this I'll pop in every so often to add a little bit of context hey aren't you that guy that eats weird [ __ ] I swear I heard you in here I was Tellis I was sending Vibes to you how you doing good good you didn't say goodbye yesterday you just left no you left you recently I was in Chile and I was showing you a squid that had a big beak this is the muscle that powers the beak it kind of looks like a mushroom cheers he's having a squid mouth the actual mouth of the squid and then uh looks like um snails that they took out the shell like a CH stalker who's this guy your biggest fan terrifying cheers it's so good it's very dented almost like an avalone and the sauce that she's put on here this oily combination of probably oil seasonings spices lemongrass all of it come together to create an amazing Seafood blend I'm going to look around mind if I have a bite of that squid yeah please I'm going to look I squid mouth huh actually the teeth the mouth oh the teeth that's a squid teeth oh but some will call it mouth but actually teeth M I like itose TT full now with the squid have soft teeth like I guess no it's a muscle that holds the beak oh wow are you a food reviewer well I don't know all the parts yeah get a closeup of wide shots down give me a hard time oh you're made a mess the post up of each food though or maybe two I think Sunny doesn't like cucumbers is that true does not but he lik that's that's a weird thing to dislike are you just filming randomly do you have a plan no I'm just filming randomly we need a plan we need a plan epic tour Central Market everything went wrong yes epic tour Central Market I got arrested I got arrested we just have to get you arrested now that's easy I think that'll be pretty easy where's your drone I already FW oh oh you're allowed to fly yeah they let us and when I landed it I put my Wrist out like this they take me away they were like nah by the way I heard you don't like cucumbers true you you eat anything and you don't like cucumbers that's right that's crazy why what I mean don't you have Foods you don't like um boiled chicken skin why the texture yeah well I had a bad experience when I was a kid I ate boiled chicken skin I threw up everywhere ever since then it makes me gag Okay bye so if you guys didn't know this he's actually filming this for his second Channel more best ever Food review show and he films it all with just one single iPhone but he still uses lights still has a mic and there's still a lot of people following him around and helping him with the production I don't this is a unique offering at this Market that you won't really find at your Whole Foods we have crickets we have water bus we have silk worm and we have giant tant it looks gnarly I touched this I think I should need to buy it we can come towards our budget but Sunny you have to eat it awesome can you put it somewhere yeah yeah I'll eat it in your pocket oh yeah good content free content free content keep moving I just stole Sun's spider this one looks a little this this one looks a little skinny you want to try some yeah take a take a leg I'll take a leg Cheers Cheers it's kind of furry crunchy yeah crunchy right scary looking it's good though it tastes pretty good I think it's better when it's fresh like fresh out of the fryer um how about fresh out of the ground fresh out of the ground maybe yeah I've never had it fresh out of the ground you have it on Main Channel yeah I know I'm so jealous I wish I was with you guys for that I want to eat [Music] the not the not the freshest tarantula ooh it's kind of bitter inside that's not my favorite let's eat the face yeah it's kind of bitter inside all right folks they have so many delicious offerings first of all you all may know durian but you've never seen durian this size take a look at the plant right here and then look up at these durian pods they are freaking massive you like Duan you like all this random footage bunch of security guards are congreg nearby here I don't know if they're just curious or if they want to try and like uh intimidate Sunny for um some team money all right folks we have come to our next meal location this place is very unique because they are serving mystery Meats on a steak oh yes this is a beef ball let's hit it with a little bit of dip and for me personally I like to go two balls at once but you do whatever suits you it's a good beef ball let try this bit a meatball I like a sauce though that spicy it's like um I think like poison sauce or something mixed with um chili sauce here's like a half a pig this gentleman just offered me some oh you meant Oh I thought like a free taste test you meant do you want to buy something taking the cleaver to it 's cubing it up throw it all in this styrofoam box I don't know what's going on I feel like I've been scammed except for I didn't spend any money he's got some roasted pork what else are you selling I definitely want some of that I got to say it does look good delicious well marinated salty and sweet take a look at that crispy crackling skin it's good but better with small bites thank you for a taste of your pig yes wait wait wait I want to try something want to try something yeah yeah oh these are really fatty look at that M oh oh that's fatty it's mostly fat good let me get this nice big fat piece Oh that's oh my God that's so good thank you so as you guys saw you had to be careful in Cambodia that guy tried to scam me by giving me free pork so I scammed him back by buying $35 worth of pork he just bought $35 worth of pork now he's going to give it away that's good it's por enjoy it all right this guy is a c Lo driver so he's on here all day wait hold on where's the a so it's basically a a bicycle you sit your big butt in front and then he carts you over P he needs his energy he needs it more than I do no I should say he needs it energy so please enjoy or share with your friends all right bye when we were out in the countryside pretty much nobody knew who Sunny was he just thought he was a guy that was filming maybe like a TV show or something but here in pen at the market he had a lot of fans and everybody wanted selfies and he would stop and take a selfie and chat with every one of them right there's definitely a lot of people here Central Market that are recognizing sunny today we're going to eat something called bang the pronunciation is terrible don't spell it phonetically I don't know what I'm saying they said I should put some of the chili in there give it a little bit of heat all right let's give it a [Music] shot couple of things um watching him shoot this video for the second channel it's not completely just himself obviously he's got his whole cre with him the only thing that's different is that they're using only one camera uh but um I like the way that Sunny he he he's really good at explaining the food and also having a cameraman hold the camera while you're eating does two things first thing obvious you don't have to try and like put your camera somewhere um especially around here a lot of the places don't have much room uh for you to put a camera down and eat and secondly uh it's not just you talking to the camera so like for me I get a little bit like if I'm in a crowded or around a lot of people and um I'm by myself talking to the camera I feel a little bit shy but having a cameraman it's you can sort of like pretend like you're talking to the cameraman um it also makes you look a littleit more official so I really need to get a cameraman so anybody out there that wants to travel around and uh eat street food with me um leave a comment down below I can't pay you but you can come hang out with me see if I can get full H this is how they eat so much during their shows they don't eat everything look just ate a couple bites he just ate a couple bites that's a secret I know I have but right behind but right behind the camera guy there is a place selling shark pits giant giant dried shark pits so this part I think he cut out of all of his videos but he recorded this whole segment on shark fins and I just wanted to show it because I thought the commentary is pretty funny I look at it I'll tell you later okay so unly Shar is very expensive now what's interesting is that in some parts of the world it's become very taboo it's become kind of like the secret thing that people have to to eat in dark Corners in private restaurants here in Cambodia I don't think they got that memo the lady's like hey check out my Shark bins they're awesome they're everywhere there's so many sharks she's like there's only like three on a shark so do the math she said that in Cambodia what's this the punk it's a way more words and slightly more difficult to say why did she not make it into a sandwich so as I said earlier Sunny is a bit of a strickler when it comes to the shots he wants to see and sometimes he'll even shoot things himself and as you can see here he's filming it even with his camera guy right behind him experience here she's getting some pickled papaya with some chili on top she hands this to a certain random person on my team what what's happening she's giving the food to people on my team she doesn't make the sandwich no I mean when you go to Subway they don't just hand you some deli meat and a container of mayo and say good luck it's like a Choose Your Own Adventure with this sandwich and this last vendor I thought was interesting she was actually here or he filmed her 6 years ago when he came to Cambodia the first time so it's cool that he came back and found her and ate at her stand again here we have a little piece of History Hello nice to see you again this woman was in my video when I came to this Central Market 7 years ago when I was just a little baby Sunny with a crappy show that nobody watched that's her from the video last time I was here she was introducing me to this this is a home fruit she has there's at least 20 different things we still didn't even get to try but I'm so full I can not go on but the main question you're wondering did we spend more than $100 the answer may surprise you it's no I'll tell you what it's been such a learning experience just observing sunny in his crew and for sure I'm going to be implementing some of his techniques his way of shooting and uh the energy that he brings to his uh to his videos amazing once in A- lifetime experience for me and uh I can't wait to see the finished product anyway that's it for now guys we'll see you in the next one peace
Channel: Savi You
Views: 25,747
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: saviyou, BEFRS, cambodian steet food, $100 challenge, behind the scenes, cambodian food, phnom penh, central market
Id: nK1_rA-CwKA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 28sec (1048 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2024
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