Epic Snake River Hopper Fishing

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take him you knew he was there  awesome mark good job nice job mark sometimes all you can do is shake your head in  awe i think this is one of those times welcome   to this episode of the new fly fisher coming  to you from yellowstone teton territory and   the lodge at palisades creek we are on the make  for giant brown trout cutthroat and hybrid trout   in the south fork of the snake river this big fish  adventure starts right now on the new fly fisher oh that's a nice size fish i will catch these all day that is  what you're in for on this episode the new fly fixture is supported by visit idaho  yellowstone teton territory orvis fly fishing adipose boatworks scientific anglers trout unlimited weathertech canada welcome to the lodge at palisades creek in  the small village of irwin in eastern idaho   the lodge is in yellowstone teton territory and is  located just off highway 26 on a sprawling 22-acre   property it's perfectly situated with ample  waterfront access to the world famous south fork   of the snake river we're here late season for the  unreal terrestrial fishing the snake is known for   throwing hoppers and mutant stone flies for  big fish looking to prepare themselves for   the winter season it's mid-september and while  most anglers have put their rods away in pursuit   of game on terra firma we've arrived to experience  fishing big flies to big brown trout rainbow trout cut bows and cutthroat trip up first we're with lodge  manager and long time guide with the snake   justin hayes what separates maybe the  lodge from other places and other lodges   here on the south fork is our  ability to fish for cutthroat trout rainbow trout are in all 50 states now  i think except florida so all 49 states   brown trout are pretty common they've been planted  in many of the states but only here in the greater   yellowstone ecosystem do we have cut throat trout  and yellowstone cut through a child of the species   we have in the south fork of the snake river  and this is probably the strongest hold of that   species of cutthroat trout in the lower 48 states  so that's one thing that makes us a little special   the south fork of the snake river is considered  a blue ribbon tail water with its origins from   palisades dam the lodge at palisades creek has  access to five sections of the river totaling   55 miles of fishable water boasting as many as 4  000 fish per mile the fishing seasons on the south   fork of the snake span from ice out through  till frieza with prolific hatches throughout   the year fishing from a drift boat or doing  walk-in wait are possible for most any angler the river braids out the further away from  palisades dam you go offering some of idaho's   most cherished adventure style exploration  angling taking side cuts and channels off   the main stem of the south fork of the snake is a  great way to explore and target unpressured fish   the river flows are constantly fluctuating in turn  affecting the hydraulics and physical dynamics   of the river allowing the river to be constantly  changing with new braids and channels to explore   often weekly for those looking to check  idaho state fish off your bucket list   the south fork of the snake is an excellent choice  as the river supports the largest native cutthroat   fishery outside of yellowstone national park as  the angler in the front of the boat you really   have to pay attention to what's going on along  the bank so justin is advising me that as we're   floating down the river to number one look for the  current and hit this inside seam of the current   mend it to bring it out just a little bit so  it runs in right down the chute number two is   it's the old adage it's a fly fishing cliche  foam is home you've gotta look and keep your   eyeballs where the foam is and put that  bug in the foam the foam is the channel   where all the food is running  get a little skitter on this ant   make it look like a a mutant stone fly skittering  across put it in those high percentage areas and   it's going to increase your chances of coming  tight with one of these big brown trout or cuddies   i made a bad cast back there and i actually  bounced this fly off a log and it happens all   the time when whether it's a log or a rock or  what have you now in the dynamics of a flycast   you have to realize that as that fly is traveling  through the air the eye of the hook is leading the   charge so if you think about it the first thing  that comes in contact with that hard structure is   the knot of your tippet now it's very very smart  to check your tippet after you do bounce it off   check your knot to make sure that that knot  hasn't been compromised because you know what's   going to happen right you're going to hook a 30  inch brown trout and you're not going to fail   now with these nymphs do you want me to move this  bug at all or let it i think i think when you cast   and then mend right after the fly hits the water  if you can give it a little twitch on that mend   that helps okay and then we want to kind of  dead drift it so we're not dragging those   nymphs giving them time to sink and marinate down  the water column a little bit okay there we go   okay all right okay so we made a switch we made a  switch we've been fishing this dry fly all morning   and uh hadn't risen anything so justin said you  know what let's pull over put on a couple of   nymphs put so we're now fishing a three rig system  a little bit different casting technique but you   know not two minutes right two minutes all of a  sudden we're hooked up nice nice rainbow all right   all right i love when they go to the middle of  the river like that me too shallow water fish okay now we're not we're literally not   a mile and a half from the lodge um and  this river's fishing really well uh the   last number of days the weather's changed and  hopefully the fishing's gonna even get better we're good we're good nice  nice fishy make that real sing   oh it's a beautiful song in the key of c for catch all right going over here  all right it's nicely done   great fish healthy all right let's talk  okay there you go nice now this is a hybrid that's a good one 17-inch fish great way to  start the day man way to go that's awesome   awesome animal cut bow yeah 17-inch fish great  way to start the day all right we're going to   let them go and carry on down the river all right  great fish man good way to start the day now i   could have bonked that fish right i'm a cat and  release guy i let them all go but here in idaho   there's a special program going on  isn't there yeah it's it's pretty unique   it's contrary to what we all have come to know  and love and learn about catch and release   the south fork of the snake river the cutthroat  trout the yellowstone cutthroat trout is the   native species right we've been stocking rainbow  and brown trout in this river for about 80 years   not in the last 20. recently the rainbow and  couple numbers are increasing and the the pure cut   numbers are decreasing right the citizens of idaho  every seven years helped the idaho fish and game   come up with their management plan and and  they've voiced their favor to the native   yellowstone cutthroat trout so as a result with  these changing numbers we're trying to control the   numbers of rainbows and hybrids cut bows so idaho  fish and game with the help of trout unlimited   orvis has a pooled funds and in the winter time  they come and shock the different holes in the   river and the rainbows and hybrids that come to  the surface they plant a small chip in their snout   that has a number on it really you can't see that  chip right we don't know if that one had it or not   right they're incentivizing us to harvest  these fish through a real live western bounty   those chips are available are worth 50 to a  thousand dollars really so i could if that   fish had a chip in it it could have been worth a  thousand bucks absolutely and you get sent a check   in the mail for a thousand dollars that's crazy  isn't that wild that is wild and that is you can   keep catch and kill as many rainbows and cut bows  as you want on this river there is no limits here   right interesting but it because cut throat or  king right they need to bring those cut back yeah   very cool program yeah and as an outfitter you  know i'm really supporting this because we believe   that number one having cutthroat trout is a  unique species in the world of trout fishing right   number two we we all know that nothing eats a dry  fly floating along a grassy bank like a cutthroat   truck i know it's it's actually romantic right  yeah it's awesome it's fantastic well that's a   cool program uh i might reconsider uh  the next hybrid i catch we can make a   nice blackened appetizer for you this evening  maybe a little lemon and butter for you nice the next day we're with lodgett palisades creek  head guide jason pruitt fishing a lower section   of the south fork of the snake the lower canyon  jason along with being a fantastic instructor   he's easy to listen to his tone and reflection  jason doesn't raise his voice get too excited   about anything if you miss a fish there's  another one he's not a uh he's not a tense   guide in in that respect jason hunts fish  like i say he takes into consideration the   angle of the sun the moon the weather the  bottom of the river structurally the features   and he can deduce where a fish should be and  knowing where it should be in his many years   he'll then get out and look and hunt  those fish down and he's really successful   so today we're down here on the the lower part of  the south fork in section three the lower canyon   and um it's uh you know the middle of september  most of the stuff we'll see this time of the year   is um you know blue wings and uh mahogany's  especially for the smaller dries so i'm gonna   rig this five weight up this orvis five weight  3d with a mohawg and a uh adult and a blue ring   blue wing crippled so i'm just going to  add some 4x to our 3x and build this up this will be our little dry riffle candy selective  fish rod the other thing we have going on   right now is uh our mutant stones and our  grasshoppers which kind of have an overlap   and so um on our big stick today i'm  going to put on a uh a golden stone up   what we call a spongebob or a circus peanut and  um and then i'll run a a dropper off of that right   just to cover 100 of the water today  both top and bottom and that will be   our our mainstay throughout the day today  we typically don't deviate too far from that this is jason pruitt he's kind of a legend  around here as the head guide at the lodge at   palisades creek jason we are at cottonwood 15  mile float what's the order of the day so the   order of the day is um you know we're we're here  in the middle of september so we're gonna see um   you know blue wings uh and mahogany's that'll  that throughout the day with little dries and then   uh the mainstay for us today will be throwing um  golden stones um mutants and which will imitate   a grasshopper as well so we get the best of both  worlds and then just for a little something extra   we're gonna throw a dropper underneath that i'm  gonna throw uh today we have a mahogany nymph   underneath um so that we're at least covering 100  percent of of of the column in the fishery today   and um it will make adjustments accordingly  the fish always tell me what i need to do   but that's that's what i initially started out  with awesome well i cannot ever complain about   throwing dry flies all day long and uh we're  gonna light it up yeah so we're gonna you know   most of our day today's gonna be pounding banks  i love to row i love to pound banks that's what's   so great about the south fork um the other thing  that affords us in a boat and floating 15 miles   is we get to pick and choose certain gravel bars  or riffles and flats and i love the technical part   of fly fishing so i will hunt very skinny water  looking for some big sippers if it presents itself   to us today i'm going to take full advantage of it  with you mark awesome let's go sounds good perfect one of the things that i've found fishing tight  banks and fishing grasshoppers or chernobyl ants   or any terrestrial for that matter is you want to  keep your flies in the water as much as possible   and recasting is something that you often have  to do as as things get drifted out but here's a   little tip so that you can leave your flies in the  water and not have to pull them out pull off some   line jerk back and throw your line to the bank and  what happens there is the line actually goes past   the fly and allows the fl fly to swing into the  bank so you don't actually have to pull the fly   out of the water in in choice water uh where those  fish may be i i try to teach it as much as i can   to get people to understand that amend is like  jump roping imagine a jump rope and we all jump   roped so when you mend you're jump roping so jump  the rope upstream now when you want it to stay   in that fishy zone once the cast is there rather  than just trying to mend the first four or five   feet out of the end of the rod mend that line  towards the bug push the line towards the bug   then it keeps it in that key zone then the other  way other way yep perfect come on right there   that's the bottom end of the tran oh nice stick  man holy cow that's outstanding wow what a fish   just a tiniest of little sips huh i mean to remove  that much line off of the water like you did   good fish oh that was excellent barbless  hook it's okay that's all right we got the   best part of it yep you can see up right  on the confluence very good right there let her marinate there he is well done   now jason yes sir we're catching fish  yep but you're disappointed as you say   that we're catching what you call pickles which  are smaller fish yes what does that tell you um   that's happening with the bigger fish in  the system so they're they're either full   um there's not a sense of urgency to eat and um  a big part of it too i don't believe we're on   a big moon cycle but we've had no really big  water drops or changes in our in our flows and   we've been sitting on a high pressure for  the for quite a while the last couple days   that has a tendency this time of the year  to put some of these bigger fish down   it really does and we see this every season um  um right around this time of the year so this is   normal for us this is what which allows these  little guys to start to move in and eat in spots   where we would typically catch bigger fish it  doesn't mean that they're not here no no no we   know they're here because we've we've caught them  all summer long it's been outstanding it's just   there's a little bit of a changing of the guard  right now and it happens for about a week or two   the thing that will change it is a change in the  barometer um or water flow is what will change it   oh there you go very good nice fish that was  outstanding buddy good fish you were saying   you wanted to switch i did but i don't anymore  uh just to see if they're they weren't eating   dries nice cut finally get a cut though  to eat a big dry yeah that's a good fish well done buddy good job all right  let's take a look at this guy   here's the trick instead of having  to bend over to wet your hands   well very good see i learned something today there  you go right i told you good 17 inch cut throat   nice dry absolutely perfect well done buddy there  we go beautiful fish man awesome stuff oh we're   catching fish there's no doubt about it yeah so  i mean that's to me that's a that's a that's a   positive there was a little bit there when i  first started this morning where i suspected   to catch a couple fish and did not and was like  okay this is not what i heard from the guys all right oh brown trout nope cuddy little  cut through come here dude so on tough days   don't let your confidence beat  you up chances are you are doing   things properly you're doing everything right  it's just the fish just aren't there so mark what   happens is you know a lot of times i don't let my  anglers um i don't want them to beat themself up   um if they've missed a few fish or they've  made really good cast and nothing's happening   um just for the fact is is when the river  doesn't want to fish and it gets into this lull   which happens about this time  right in the middle of september   where we haven't had an increase or decrease in in  the river typically would be a decrease because of   um irrigation demand is falling um and we haven't  had anything to change with the with the barometer   these fish just get in these  laws and for us on our river here   a lot of times it can be section specific  this happens to be one of those sections   so i don't ever let anglers do that and and you  know we always try to leave on a positive note   if we can get one more you know a lot of times  they'll be like i'm okay with heading in early   um can we get one more good fish and i'm  like you know what i'll go to bat for you   let's go get that good fish save yourself  for the next day it's a whole different day   um different set of circumstances and it could  be just absolutely outstanding so um that's a big   part of uh you know what we do on a daily basis  guiding and and and sharing stuff with uh our anglers they fight that's  one thing they do yeah cuddy or hybrid it's a hybrid yeah even on tough days  these guys yup are heaps of fun yeah they make it   i mean that right there have been made it that  last little bit for me that's i'm i like that   yeah that gives me another i  get another breath i'm like okay   okay so what i'm encouraged about with this  is even though the state is trying to get rid   of hybrids and rainbows correct out of the system  it's an indication of a very very healthy river   when you're catching fish that are this big  this big this big you've got your classes   that are coming up it's very indicative of a  good system good system so it's happening with   with browns it's happening with cut bows and  it's happening with cuddy so it's fantastic good good float i like that nice job well  done buddy on the nymph again that's i   cannot believe this after what the guy  said yesterday is it a costanza fish   actually a costanza fish won't be doing that i  guarantee you they're not doing that as a trout   unless it's unless it's belly waft  casablanca will not do that to us feels heavy man rainbow outstanding just after lunch had a bite to eat well done buddy   we get ourselves a nice fish decent great  colors on it nice big big black back dark back   great fish beautiful fish so you put in your time  you soak some nymphs right battle through the day   yeah it's not a battle it's just watch yourself  the nymphs on your hand there you go you're clean   beautiful fish buddy great fish look at  that clean clean clean strong super strong   the great thing about fishing in idaho is  you can do this you can pull over and you   can uh you can get out and take a look at your  fish and you're not passing over fishable water   so that's just what we're gonna do all good  buddy yeah i'm great he's thick and he's strong   well done he fought really good  yeah all right let's let him go so mark a little little tougher day than what  we're used to seeing um but again not indicative   of uh you know of what this river is uh capable  of doing you know you you fish long enough you're   gonna have um you know a couple days that uh that  are a a little tougher than others um but this   river does have a tendency to you know produce big  fish um you know it was here just a couple weeks   ago on the lower stem that uh my uh my lead  guide or one of my guys josh hyland you know   caught the new idaho uh catch and release state  record which was a uh 32-inch cutthroat that was   15 pounds so you know that stuff does exist um you  got to put your time in um but today is definitely   not uh indicative of what this what this river  can do for sure just just a just a tough day   yeah jason you know we had a lot of fun together  today and you know what i thought we fished it   really well together we fished extremely well  together i feel um it just the river just didn't   hold up her end of the bargain yeah that's it  no i enjoyed it buddy we did everything right   we put it where it was supposed to be um i felt  we had the right selection it just would not   give it up today yeah and unfortunately that's  why they call it fishing and not catching and   that's what makes this whole deal so much fun and  we're going to come back and you know we're lucky   enough we're going to come back and do it again  tomorrow you bet it was a pleasure my friend   absolute pleasure i'll fish with you anytime  you want to go fishing man i appreciate that the lodge is located on the bank of  the south fork of the snake river   right on the idaho wyoming border in eastern  idaho we're 22 acres there's 13 guest cabins   here we accommodate up to 26 people comfortably  we're a family owned business maybe that's part   of what our guests feel when they come here  we're allowed to make our own decisions here   create the experience for our guests we're able to  communicate with them personally every day that's   what we do here we try to take people fishing  we try to make them strong drinks clean beds   and good food if you are a fly fisherman that  likes to dry fly we have premier excellent dry   fly fishing here if you want to go for a big one  and you're a streamer fisherman we have big trout   in that river remember the south fork of the snake  has rainbow cutthroat a hybrid cut bow brown tout   rocky mountain whitefish and a  really strong fighting sucker   but if you like to come out and drift fish  with us on a big western river for big trout   there are a few places like the south fork  of snake river and the lodge palace ace creek   we meet josh jablow long time guide at the lodge  of palisades creek and get ready to hit the river   all right mark we're going to get going here we're  going to learn about what we're going to do today   and like i said earlier we're going to focus  primarily on uh dry fly great so we got one   big dry fly and uh that thing is hopefully gonna  float uh there is one peculiar thing that happens   and that sometimes they will eat this thing  sunk but for the most part we're gonna use   it as a floater okay um on that note if you ever  do see it sinking and you see a fish kind of come   out and ambush it under water and then turn we're  gonna set the hook on the turn of the fist because   it's when the fly is under the water and the fish  comes out and it eats it and turns that's when we   set them okay um it's hard to do but most of the  time we're going to be looking at this thing uh   fish coming up to eat this great um it's going  to be real important today this is probably one   of the single most important things and what we're  going to do today is that you have to wait for the   fish to eat the fly okay so the finger is the  fly most people miss the fish because the fish   is eating it and they pull right here and the fly  comes right out of their mouth right okay so what   we have to do especially on the big ones we're  going to wait for this fish to come up eat the   fly and close its mouth and go down and it's when  it goes down that we're going to set the hook so   the the difficulty is is that you've got multi  species that you're dealing with and they eat   very differently brown trout tend to eat more of  a smash rainbows tend to smash cuddies which are   you know the golden pumpkin of the river they're  going to come up really slow okay you might have   a brownie do that or a brownie suck it down  but for the most part the cuddy is going to   wallow up real slow and eat right here but if  you pull it here you're going to miss the fish   also if we set to the side we're going to miss  the fish we don't set through the smile we set   up into the roof of the mouth ready take them  it's the timing combined with the bang i miss   the biggest fish i've ever seen on this river eat  a dry fly and i swear the mouth was about yay big   and it ate so slow and so big i had to wait wait  wait and then when i set the hook i lifted slow   because in my brain i was thinking slow right  slow you have to combine the slow with the bang   and if that is going to hug the fish okay gotcha  sounds great josh has a form a style of teaching   that is easy to hear and listen he is able to look  at an angler while he's using his words and figure   out which words are working to get that angler to  do a physical action whether it's setting a hook   stopping a back cast earlier or later josh also  is a phenomenal fly tire and he's proprietary   in the way he fishes the river and his method is  proven josh fishes not where everybody else fishes   he may put on the river in a different place  than the other guides he may put on earlier   or later he may wait josh fishes hydraulics and  most of us fish banks and structure and features   you combine all those things together in  his teaching style the flies that he uses   and the places that he fishes it's a really unique  experience all right mark we're going to talk   about kind of what it's supposed to look like out  here okay we're going to put our glasses on for   safety because you never know when the fly's going  to come back at you and i've seen it go bad i tell   you what all right so we're going to start low  to the water if we start our cast high we only   have half a cast to work with okay so we're going  to start low to the water okay back pause forward   we finish at the water because if i come back here  and then i [ __ ] my wrist it's going to go up and   then it's going to fall junky and short so we want  to do is direct this fly with a splat you want the   splat we want the splat so normal fishing you  know we'll call it brad pitt river runs through   it we'll go 15 casts and nice and soft and  then when it lays in there it's nice and soft   we're not going to do that we're going to bell  we're going to smash this thing in there and   when that thing smashes the water that fish is  going to be like whoa whoa whoa what was that   you know and when it does that that's when we got  to really look at the way the fish is eating and   looking at the fly okay so we're going to hold  the line with one hand we're going to start low   i finish about 2 o'clock up above me and i smash  it down if you stop your cast short above you it's   going to go short so we follow through to the  water especially with the wind we'll have today   the shorter you stop your cast the more the wind  chooses where it goes and we want to smash it down   and be the chooser of where it goes loud and clear  yep we're going to work with proximities today   so logs and things of this nature out here  it's the tautness or the tightness to the to   the stick that we're going to be working with okay  accuracy accuracy and we're looking for one to two   casts i call them shotgun casts because if you're  doing 15 casts and measuring your line and putting   it in there by the time that you wanted you know  to do that the spot that you wanted to fish is now   a quarter mile upstream so what we're gonna do is  one to two we're gonna go back pause shoot it out   one cast is better than three casts two casts  is better than three casts but 15 casts not so   great right back pause shoot it out we might  have to do a little mini mend on it but here's   the problem we don't have any nymphs right now so  there's nothing to anchor the men so when you mend   it's going to try to pull out of the water and we  don't want that right so what we're going to do   is do a little mini flick man just a little uh and  it's that movement of the mend that moves the bug   so you don't mind that the bug is moving you don't  want it dead drifting yes so like uh we'll say   a lot of the time during the summer we have  nymphs on there we're looking for as long a   drift and as long as soak as we can into a spot  with nice quiet bug and zero movement on the fly   today we're going to do opposite today we're  going to smash it in there maybe put it in   your trigger finger and vibrate the end of the rod  yep we're going to jiggle this thing get it back   pause forward maybe mini mend it take a ticket  ticket ticket ticket think of the fly as a rattle   gotcha piece of cake yeah easy stuff right hey  mark i'm going to show you a little trick here   that might help us with the sets and whatnot here  in a little bit yep so we have two different types   of movements with the bugs we have a grasshopper  which kicks kicks we also have a stone fly   which skitters the key to this skidder is making  a v wake and stripping long while you're jiggling   the rod and you want to be a little tighter  to the fly than say you normally would on say   fishing say and so we're not looking for the big  like a wavelengths of line and the slackiness   because it doesn't get tight until there right  yeah so what we're going to do because some of   these fish will be quick we're going to get down  and tighter with less wavelengths of line and   a little tighter to the bug so that we have  more of a connection when that fish eats it gotcha now do you find in those back eddies  these fish will come and hit it right away   or do you generally throw a couple casts up there  in hopes that you might lure one out uh you know   what i say mark i say there's no usually normally  generally right fishing because i think every time   different one day i'll come down and they'll  be piled in this little spot or this and that   come down the next day nothing happens all  right take them that was awesome good job on cue   yeah right at the base of the structure right  we're always looking for an eat as the as the   as the current leaves the structure that's right  that is the structure is the current leaving   the structure if you know what i'm saying it's an  ambush point yes sir nice fish that is a nice fish   hybrid that was good timing everything was great good way to start the day man dry fly  there you go want to kiss him mark   okay take him good you know what i always love  it when they run to the middle of the river   oh you got a nice save mark  that's a tarpon move good job   run the big fish tend to do that don't they they  as soon as they get hooked they run in the middle   of the river i'm gonna kind of come with you  let me know what you need or i can grow away   or you tell me what you need i got them okay  that's a nice fish mark nice brown trout yup we'll get pictures of this guy for sure and  you were just saying you know subtle eat right   yep to me it looked like a tiny fish you know  what i'm saying all i saw was the beef nice   wow mark that's a long fish great fish man  look at that mark beauty i love the blues   yeah let me grab your rod for just a moment  here uh what i've been watching over the years   and everybody does it and we're all guilty of  everything that we talk about but what a lot of   people do is they'll start to get the head and  the body into it and what it does it actually   crushes your cast so what we're going to do is  pretend we're balancing a cup of water on our head   nothing will move except for my right arm okay  right there's no body punch because the body sucks   up energy from the arm this sounds like a some  sort of a proverb but we want to do quiet body   strong arm well it's funny because we've got  a 15 mile float today yeah that's a lot of   cast it is a lot of cast and you want to be as  energy efficient as possible exactly because   exactly yep it's kind of like golf right  golf is all about efficiency of muscle but yeah keeping quiet body strong arm and that'll  help get especially through the wind because a lot   of people when they get when it gets windy they'll  start to get that that bob in there with the body   and it actually makes the cast worse because of  that so and always remember mark i am perfect oh   i learned that yes i learned that when i got  in the truck with you this morning exactly   i'm in three two one twitch it leave it there um  it's still good mark take him you knew who's there   awesome on good job mark pretty cool mark  that is telling me pretty cool welcome nice job mark so we've been fishing for an  hour yeah and we've got the uh south fork slam   we do we have brownie cuddy rainbow hybrid  you know what we don't have mark smart fish   it's a white fish but there's always  a chance mark they have a small mouth   but i tell you what they will  try to eat them what nice fish one of the things that you'll get used to while  you're fishing with an excellent guide like we   are today is the direction that they are giving  you but it's not only their job to show you or   to tell you where to put the fly you need to use  your own senses to know where exactly that guide   is talking about they're not going to tell you oh  you need to go 13 and a half feet to your right   right what you're looking for is any sort  of structural change whether it's a seam   a log a rock a root ball and most importantly  color change color change is the in my opinion   one of the most important aspects of knowing where  to place a fly because that is the structure where   those fish are generally the darker it is the  deeper it is the lighter it is the shallower so   if you're looking for those drops look for those  color changes put the fly there and get ready   to dance with a giant idaho trout so things  have slowed down a little bit this afternoon   yeah just before like nice brown trout yeah before  lunch yeah but they generally as they switch over   we'll take a little break from the mutant  stones and things like that until they get   there i can get them until they get their uh  their afternoon chew on and this guy did he   he ate all of it i guess i got a hemo if we  need it these things have teeth yeah nice job   pretty nice 14 inch brushes yeah how  orange that's what spots are this guy go take them that was awesome hoist  them up over the trees that's cool   nice job extra credit mark  you got them over the tree yeah bring him right in here that's what makes  it fun though right oh yeah when you've got   obstacles and things like that yeah that you have  to you have to dance around and play with yeah um to make it to make it interesting i'm  gonna get him in because after road equipment for this trip to the lodge at palisades  creek in yellowstone teton territory is as follows   for our hopper rig and our hopper  dropper outfits we were wielding nine   foot five and six weight fly rods with  matching five and six weight weight   forward floating lines leaders were nine foot  three x leaders with three and four x tippet   our droppers were hung with forex tippet as well  i find it i find it great that you know so many   of these fish are almost predictable because of  where they're living they're living at the points   where the the current breaks from a stick or a  clump of grass or a root ball or what have you   and it's at that v where the bubble lines are and  that's where those fish are feeding yep exactly   they want to ambush this thing they want to have  the best ability to run from a bird see the most   amount of food and be able to expel the least  amount of energy and they also want to protect   your lair don't they oh yeah yeah like they  only have so much time to get back to the spot   where they spent so much time trying to work  to find okay so right in that zone yes exactly right in that zone yeah and then it should get  eaten right in there take him good job good fish once again right at the confluence where  everything is bubbly and slows down   it's fish mark bring him on in got him sweet spicy that was neat keep on pulling that slot machine  handle eventually get some cherries right there you go that's a nice one good job let's talk a little bit about timing  here on these hook sets all right   um each each species of trout that you have in  this river you kind of have to cater your set to   the to the to the species and the speed of the of  it yes don't you it's a major league pitch every   cat every cat every fish different every pitch  different right yeah i got a row you gotta hold   this okay can you unhook them yep this brown came  out like a house on fire and the reaction is to   really um set the hook quickly right whereas  with the cutthroat you know you actually do have   to wait for them to down it and to turn down  on that fish or on that fly so you know it's   kind of a gut it's kind of a gut thing you know  as to how to set it but it just takes practice   and it also helps if you're getting opportunities  to learn from exactly right the opportunities yeah   well josh as we're coming up to our pull out  here i got to say that today was an absolutely   fantastic day i learned so much um again fishing  with different guides all the time allows you the   opportunity for education because no matter how  long you've been doing this sport there's always   something new to learn well that about does it  for this episode of the new fly fisher thanks for   watching i want to take this opportunity to thank  justin hayes and the entire group here at the   lodge at palisades creek for their unbelievable  hospitality and awesome fishing on the south fork   of the snake river remember adventure is out  there all you need to do is go and find it and   what better way than to do it with a fly rod in  your hand from all of us at the new fly fisher   we'll see you down the road and hopefully  we'll see you in yellowstone teton territory   the new fly fixture is supported by visit  idaho teton territory orvis fly fishing adipose boat works scientific anglers  trout unlimited weathertech canada you
Channel: The New Fly Fisher
Views: 249,674
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Keywords: fly fishing idaho, dry fly fishing for brook trout, fly fishing, fly fishing for beginners trout, how to fly fish cast, huge brown trout, huge rainbow trout, lefty kreh, mad river outfitters, montana fly fishing, new fly fisher, nymph fishing, nymphing, orvis fly fishing, river fly fishing, small stream trout fishing, streamer fishing for trout in small streams, tom rosenbauer, trophy brook trout, trophy rainbow trout, trophy brown trout, wet fly fishing, brown trout, snake river
Id: _QtQRbYvUhg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 7sec (2767 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 27 2021
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