Teton Valley Trout | Ultimate Idaho Fly Fishing

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welcome to teton valley lodge in the  heart of yellowstone teton territory   in eastern idaho we are up  for an unbelievable adventure   exploring all the rivers that this lodge  has access to we're looking at brown trout   hybrids and of course the world famous cutthroat  trout this region is known for we're going up and   down all over the place in search of giants  this is coming up next on the new fly fisher oh that's a nice size fish i will catch these all day that is  what you're in for on this episode the new fly fisher is supported by yellowstone  teton territory visit idaho orvis fly fishing adipose boat works scientific anglers trout unlimited weathertech canada welcome to the teton river in the heart  of yellowstone teton territory the teton   river is a tributary of the legendary henry's  fork of the snake river spanning 64 miles it   winds its way through the teton valley and is the  lifeblood for agriculture recreation and of course   incredible fly fishing on the banks of the teton  river is teton valley lodge a fly fisher's dream   destination with access to multiple fisheries  including the henry's fork south fork of the   snake and the teton river itself teton valley  lodge has you covered for a lifetime of adventure   on the water in eastern idaho you can float walk  and wade and even repel into some of the finest   trout fishing in the west with expert guides  to assist in every step of the way teton valley   lodge has it dialed in for any angler looking  for world class fly fishing our guide across   yellowstone teton territory on this adventure  is chris scott a veteran at teton valley lodge   to my right is chris scott to my left is the world  famous teton river chris has been guiding here for   more than 20 years chris what's the plan for the  day well mark uh this is a pretty special deal   to what we're doing today we're head hunting for  big trout on flat water situation where we're   gonna see them feed sneak in there lay a fly in  there watch them take it it's pretty awesome stuff   if you've never had hunted in idaho you're really  missing out let's go and not only is this style   of fishing special the technique and the boat  used to fish out of is entirely unique as well   yeah these boats are really special they're from  michigan originally and the guys that's pioneered   this stuff are the guys that originally started  the lodge and uh we're just carrying on that   tradition it's a pretty special deal because we  can get in there really sneaky and slick and quiet   and get right on these big spooky  fish without them knowing we're here so am i making long casts yeah we're making pretty  long casts the surface is really glassy and they   can see us just as well as we can see them that's  why we fish sitting down um basically as you're   looking down the river sitting here the point  where you can no longer see under the surface   well is about how far we're gonna need to cast  to them okay right because if you can see the   bottom well then they can see you coming at  them and we're fishing straight down to them   so we've got that bigger parachute dry fly on  there that's gonna land on the surface really   softly so that means we can set it a lot closer to  the fish without spooking them if that makes sense   as we're casting on an individual fish we'll lay  it in there trying to anticipate which way he's   going if the flight comes by him and he obviously  didn't see it or refuse it or eat it then you   will want to strip it back up so it comes back up  around him for some reason that doesn't spook him   if you pull it off the water and just try and cast  that'll spook him but if you strip it back up next   to him along the film in the surface before your  recast so you get the flies on our back to our   side of them that usually doesn't spook them and  you can just reset and make another presentation   on them gotcha oh just leave it standby remember  to let them eat it give him a second leave   it leave it leave it take him yeah man is that  ever fun are you kidding me keep your rod tip up   good job he looked at it and then turned around  and came back on it again two feet of water man   two feet of water you're right they do try to  get down in the grass don't they you got him he took the emerger yeah a nice cut bow cool   just lift him right out there got him  oh he's a pure cut throat here one nice there we go ate my new emerger yeah put  him down under the water tell me when and you're good out to you  and talk good job mark you did a great job i see a lot of water moving around  there's fish moving all around in here   there you go good cast nice perfect and let's let  that go i'm going to follow it down with the boat   i lost it oh i got it i got you if you  lose your fly you can always lift it to   just straighten it back out so it skates just a  little and then you can see where it is you know nicely done nice work nice casting yep  right in line great shot it's gonna be cool stand by take them yeah oh we came off that  was a good fish we're still good you know what my problem was there i didn't  lift the rod tip didn't take the slack out   good shot though sorry man you did everything  else after that missed fish chris has some much   needed advice for fishing drakes and an emergent  so as far as your casting stroke and getting the   flies to turn over where we want them to uh think  about your the last part of your forward cast as   flicking paint off a paintbrush or water off your  hand or something that last little power stroke   forward will generate a lot more line speed and  it'll get the the loop a lot tighter and once you   mess around with that for a few casts you'll  get it to where when you snap it down forward   it turns over and then sits right down we  want to try and avoid an open loop where the   flies hang out up in the air for a while then  the breeze can carry them off track you know   casting looks good though otherwise cool yeah let  that ride looks good good and straight that's good it's a giant trout that's a big one where are you going there buddy where you going  it was coming at you stand by here we go take them oh yeah let it go again i don't know what happened   he he went for the dropper  he went for the merger oh you see these little clear spots on the bottom  where you can see clear gravel those are some of   the only spots through here that fish can sit in  one spot and feed so when i can find one that's in   a spot like that i can pretty much guarantee that  when our flies get there he's still going to be   there you know which helps us out a lot otherwise  they're moving around a lot and you really got   to get a cast that's close to him in order to  get him to eat otherwise your fly will just go   through there and and they just happen to be off  to one side or the other eating something else   it's nothing you're doing wrong it's just a rhythm  thing so this is a really interesting fishery here   whereby each of these fish has his  own attitude and his own personality   and so as we go from one feeder to the next hunt  hunting them we get to watch each individual and   decide what they're doing how they're working  if they're happy or sad or agitated or otherwise   and then make adjustments accordingly it's  pretty fun every every minute's different   every fish is different it changes hourly and  we get to change with it it's pretty fun stuff in a little further i think we fly got him got  him ate the emerger yeah that's the benefit man of   fishing these cutthroat with the double  fly rig awesome is uh you know you got two   you're covering the water column even though that  our dropper is only three inches below the dry   they come up and eat it and uh it's super fun  in this clear water you can watch him feed it's ideal that was a great take way to  let him eat it yeah you do have to pause that's bigger than i thought it was chris  nice one okay here we go nice fish but we   did a great job on waiting to let him to meet  at that time got a good cast down river to   him got to watch him come to get it awesome  great job here you go buddy cool great next that's a good fish that's a happy fish nice nice ooh might have been a hair close to him  that time let's just let it go and see see how his   his mannerism and body language changed right as  the flies landed yeah he moved a lot more water   take him strip strip strip that's  a big fish man we watched this fish   from yards up beauty feeding and getting happy  beauty and i thought i screwed up the cast   by putting the fly too close to this oh my gosh  what a gorgeous cutthroat look at that thing   trophy cutthroat on the teton river look at that that's a big fish man you go big wild cutthroat great job mark well you  made some improvements to your cast and got the   flies turned over perfectly i'll tell you we laid  it in a little too close to him there at first   and he spooked for a second i thought he wasn't  going to come and grab it but you did a good   job to leave it there and let him come and  take it great job and that was just day one teton valley lodge is a full-service  lodge located just outside of driggs idaho   the lodge doesn't leave any amenity left  behind delicious meals private cabins   full dining room and fly shop ensure you're all  set and ready for your fly fishing adventure   chris i absolutely love the teton river um  it fished so well yesterday but today we're   doing a different program aren't we yeah yeah  today i got a different idea today we're gonna   start here and finish over on the south fork  so we'll get to fish some of these features   down here as the hatches build and let it get  better over on the other side so by the time we   get there it should be phenomenal i'm excited  about this so one of the things i love about   fishing in yellowstone teton territory is the  variety of fisheries that you can do and you   know a short drive short shuttle yeah and you  can't get into it big time why not but before   we get started chris explains his philosophy on  the basics of mending i'd like to talk a little   bit about mending i get a lot of questions  about this like i guide seven days a week and   so i get to do a lot of training with people  i thought i'd share a couple points with you   first of all the first the first mend in a  drift is the most important one in my opinion   the longer the line sets on the surface the more  the surface tension holds the fly line and makes   it hard to get it up off the water and half  or more than half of the mend in my opinion is   lifting the line up getting the line up off the  water so when you see me and my friends fishing   through on a day off if we had one it would look  something like this so i'd make a cast first   man would be up high and over to the side getting  the line up off the water after that initial mend   my secondary and third mens are going to look  more like this a simple lift and set now i have   extra slack i can either strip that up or leave  it to let my flies drift a little further again   cast big man as as the line comes down and  begins to belly out i'm going to lift it   and set it i'm going to leave  that slack to let it keep drifting   and as it bellies out again i'm just going  to do it again up and down really subtle   eat totally gosh he must have just sipped  that little dropper down there huh sipped it yeah if that was on the surface it had been a sip  come here a little sipper a little cuddy sure sips   a lot let me get my hand wet we care about our  wild fish here and trying to be gentle to them   so we really we've really been working on  the puzzle today and you know we floated   about a mile we've caught a ton of little  fish but you switched to something big with   a dropper underneath and and that's the  first you know good fish of the day yeah so there you go they're super tight to the bank you  think they'd be out in this faster   stuff but i guess because the sun's so  high you know they need that protection   yeah and with that last fish you know we  saw that bird attack makes sense right yep another little cuddy this guy's not doesn't have  any wounds on him though thanks bud move over here take him yeah that's good that was good  persistence pays off right yep persistence   it's a patience game never give up never give up  just change flies again it doesn't work change   flies again it doesn't work change flies but the  cool thing is chris is i said to you this morning   that you're one of the more confident guides that  i that i've fished with and it shows right there i   mean you know that there's fish here yeah and you  know that they're going to eat it's just figuring   out what the puzzle is and yeah it may take some  time but you know what once you get it there you   go lights out and this is well worth every every  single cast nice one it's a beautiful fish too come on up here bud nice good stuff thank you nice little hybrid nice fish there we go so patience does pay off  persistence pays friends nice fish   great take too yeah awesome way to  wait and let them eat it thank you   well i saw that guy coming for a few  seconds and i was afraid to say anything   got him got him that's a good one oh yeah  that was cool that's the fun part about   fishing cutthroat on these small streams is  its target practice you know this little guy   oh this rainbow it's a little hybrid yeah hybrid  yep this little guy flashed up here in the shallow   one quick cast to him boom eight boat ramp fish gotta love it come on back here buddy so this will be the last fish on the teton river  and then we're gonna head up and fish the south   fork of the snake yeah this would be great for  the evening come here buddy nice little hybrid   ate the dry took it hard that was fun to watch  man that was great job yeah if you want to come   out here and do some target practice on fish like  this you know in these quarters and these intimate   settings like this i would suggest doing a  little practice at home before you come out   well something something i tell my guys to  do for practice when they're back home for   the winter is a drill where you set up two  different cans or hula hoops or whatever you   got in the in the backyard take your five or  six weight with no fly on it just the leader   and then do one object that's shorter at a  comfortable distance for you and then a second   object that's off to the side and back a little  further like outside of your comfort range and   then practice casting to the first thing and then  picking up and without touching the grass again   let line out to you to your far enough away to set  it on the farther target and then pick it up and   without letting it touch the ground shorten  back up and come back to the shorter target   and go back and forth like that and i guarantee  you the next time you come fishing with your guide   you'll step in the boat and you  will impress him 100 try that oh that's a big fish man i called  that one you did call it that was cool   that is a good one and typical cutthroat eats slow  come up but it's funny hanging in the shade right   yeah big bright bluebird sunny day this guy  doesn't even know he's hooked yet there he goes   all right nice one you work hard for it it pays  dividends how do you like that nice fish good one   17 18 incher yeah sweet sweet any fish you can  get on a hopper is amazing i'll let this guy go wow what a fish what an experience hoppers  in yellowstone teton territory it does not   get any better than that you put your work  in and you get paid versatility is a virtue   with chris scott and he's not happy with the way  the river's fishing today so we decide to make a   move and head up to the south fork of the snake  just below palisades dam in search of big fish   we're right below the dam on the south fork of the  snake river and this is a big fish section of the   snake now the reason why it's such a big fish  section is because well this is where they live   and the reason why we know that this is where  they live is because chris is telling me   that as things pass through the turbines of the  dam whether they be scuds or shrimp or little   bait fish they get chewed up all those fish hang  out in this section because they're picking off   all the stuff so we're fishing with giant flies  as our as our dry fly and then nymphs and uh   mayfly um nymphs underneath so we're hunting  for a big brown big cutthroat and big hybrids   yep get him get him get on him i got him careful with them until you see him  he might take off my real big one   check and look down at your line put a  little less pressure on him a little a   little bit less pressure there you go i'm  going to pull in here to the bank he should   he should work himself back up the bank pull him  hard to the right hard into the bank there you go   still haven't seen this thing yet give me a  good fish man i'm an anchor right here buddy   can i anchor right here oh he took that he took  the nymph on the uh on the mend i guess it was   brown he hasn't jumped either that's the other  thing no it's a rainbow nice rainbow good one nice good job nice stab nice work pretty  stuff man look at the size of that   what a great last thing of the day last last few  hours of the day sun's getting a little lower huh   you gotta feel like that you gotta work  at that you gotta work put in some work   good fish yeah put in a little work  you never know what will happen   might just be a big beautiful cut bow like  that fishing in yellowstone teton territory   you're allowed to fish with three flies today  we've got a terrestrial and two nymph droppers   now there's a trick to fishing three flies  that you have to be careful of because you   will get tangled you need to open your loop so in  order to open your loop you need to come over top   of it's almost like a lob you need to lob those  flies over so that your loop isn't squishy   isn't tight and you're not going to tangle on  yourself it's going to save you a lot of time   to catch more fish yeah so looking down you  see the shelf showing up here in the middle   so we're going to fish it off the right of  us i'll start slowing us down we'll just   set up a drift over there to the right  of us yeah somewhere out in there   take them just like that nice to the dry that's  right that's fantastic that is absolutely amazing good fish too man i hope we got all that  yep so now once he's in the net okay you can   hold on to him i got him so what we're doing is  we're actually gonna move over so we don't blow   over all this water um and then we're gonna let  this fish go and we're able to keep fishing that   fly just popped right out that's awesome good  that's actually right here is pretty damn good   all right so we pulled over the side so we  can look at this fish safely and to get and   to get a fish of this quality on a surface  fly unbeatable unbeatable yeah just perfect i'll tell you the greatest thing  about what we have out here is we have   incredible water and a variety of water you  could fish you can come and fish here for   the next 20 years and not fish everything we have  to offer and uh if you come out and fish with us   we want you to catch fish i tell you our  guides chris like chris you fish with   chris he wants you to catch fish more than you  want to catch fish i can almost guarantee it   and that's how the guys look at it and you come  out you'll be part of our family you're gonna   fish amazing water every day a different place  every day and you're gonna have a lot of fun the next day we decide to hit the south fork  of the snake river and float a double section   totaling about 14 miles of river the south fork of  the snake is a wonderfully diverse river with many   opportunities to explore the main river and the  ever-changing braids as side channels with water   levels regulated by upstream dams the river is  constantly changing and never fishes the same so   we're down here on the south fork of the snake  on the lower end uh there's mutant stone flies   hatching right now in the in the at night and  early in the morning so fish are used to seeing   that so there's a really deep drop-off over here  that i want to i want to sink something down into   so i'm going to do something right now that you  might not have seen or be aware of i'm going to   take a dry fly an old generic hazel like a  sofa pillow and i'm going to sink it behind   a generic rubber leg so to do that i'm going  to tie this rubber leg on here to some 3x or   even 2x because they're pretty feisty right now  you can get away with it they're not leader shy   and then another piece of 2x to this dry fly  but first i'm going to chop this dry fly down to   barely anything that's going to help it sink it's  going to look more like a struggling swamped adult   also these flies don't have a wing on them  anyway they're mutants so i'm going to cut   this just about all the way off  uh trim the hackles way down   and uh put it on behind this this rubber like  i'm going to show you how to do that right now   so i'm going to take i'm going to take most of  this wing all the way off the way i like to do   that to keep it looking really buggy as i try  and leave a couple little hairs on each side   and cut out this whole center so i'm going to  take my hemostats that have a cutting edge on them   right here i'm going to take it right down the  middle of the dry fly i'm gonna chop most of that   wing off just like this and i'm gonna take the  bottom hackle off and try and separate it a little   so now it's got some legs on the sides no hackle  down the bottom at all and very little down the   top and so as you see i've left i've left a couple  little strands of hair coming off the sides that   just makes it look really buggy to me so i've tied  this big rubber leg nymph on 2x pretty heavy stuff   and above the junction knot with the leader on the  tape off the tapered section i have a split shot   right here this is a pretty pretty good size split  shot heavy lead so i'm off the back of the nymph   i've got another piece of 2x material here so now  i'm going to tie this dry fly on behind this nymph   and i want it to flutter around a lot in the  current so i'm going to do a loop knot to this and with this knot you know the knot's tied right  when the tag comes off the main line at like 45   degrees or so like that so i know that that that's  a good knot strong it's real strong and that's   2x fluorocarbon so we'll be able to slap this  thing around bounce it off the rocks and trees   and whatever we got to do and it should stay put  so now we're going to be able to fish these flies   in deep fast water fish are hung up right below  the drop-offs in here in this kind of situation   where they don't have to work too hard to get  food the food comes by them fast and they can   just roll up and grab what they want as it  goes by so we need to get it down to them   so with this rig right here the lead and these  two flies we're going to be able to do that   i'm fishing a drop off here from  from a rocky flat and it's important   when you approach the drop not to just go  charging in and go right to start fishing the   obvious structure you want to work your way out  so what i'm doing is i'm throwing these nymphs out   on a tight line and working my way to the  drop because just like steelhead fishing   these fish could literally be at your feet so you  don't want to overpass water that could hold fish   work your way out eliminate the water that's  in front of you as you get to the drop there   he is big brownie big brown big one let him run  buddy atta boy ah nice yeah well that is a huge so cover water oh my gosh i don't know what to  say man he's still in charge large and in charge   just keep walking down the shelf got him got  him sweet what a fish man nice fish what a fish   what a technique what do you eat the drown  or the uh the rubber legs the rubber legs how do y'all like that there you go huh huh  absolutely fantastic what a fish what a fisher   big old fins dude pretty a little out of postcard  yeah yeah got teeth on him too yeah he does big   mouth brownie yes what a beauty thank you sir  what a great technique right on tons of fun when you approach a situation like this  usually the most aggressive biggest fish   is going to be the first one to charge the fly and  eat it so it's really important that your first   cast or two is on point and your mens are good  and your tension's right so you can hook them so   you can't be too casual about the first two casts  it's really important focus get a good drift watch   your indicator because like you saw that was  his first cast and that's in this spot and i'm   really happy that he was ready to go great job  let's do that again there you go good cast yeah   there he is there he is we got it that's a big  we got him strip trip let him run man let him run wow i love my office great job man great job that  was awesome let me go grab the net yeah great   whoa so these fish are just sitting  right off this ledge and uh man oh man   anybody ever tells me that indicator fishing's  dull i got something to tell you it's not   not at all i'm curious to see what  eight we ate the brown terrestrial   nice he ate that sunken dry for me yep  that's a good fish right there i'm happy   with that one i'm gonna surf him over to  you well you see him jump right after you   hooked him he tore all over this place he  did well that was great king of the pool nice grab good job chris great job you pretty  work man you're doing everything i ask you sweet   and it's paying dividends so the orange on  this brown trout is absolutely remarkable   look how orange that is pink hues big  old adipose fin fantastic fantastic fish we're down on the south fork today it's getting  into autumn and we have a rare treat today uh   on the rock right here in front of me are little  nymphal shucks of a certain kind of stone fly   that hatches only at this time of year down here  you can see there's a big gravel bar behind me   there's a lot of big gravel bars out here on this  stretch as the water drops and exposes these rocks   these stone flies hatch these are a special  smaller golden stone fly they're actually   kind of gray in color and they're what  we call a mutant they don't have wings   so that makes for great dry fly fishing out here  because since they can't fly they just skitter   across the surface and drive trout absolutely  nuts so we're gonna have the opportunity today to   tuck a big rubber-legged dry fly into these  fast banks and these flats and all over   and twitch it and skitter it around a lot and get  these fish up to eat it we just came through the   first little stretch of bank from the put in  we've gone a few hundred yards and we've had   like a dozen fish take the dry fly already so  this is only gonna get better come on let's roll there you go that's it so they'll come at it  on the twitch then it stops and they catch it   right they see it skitter they come  start coming you stop it they eat it   but in this situation just fish it right  right there maybe a little twitches maybe   but try and give it a little drift in between  the skidders you know that's because that's when   they're gonna catch it and eat it gotcha they'll  swatted it while it's moving but they'll probably   miss it let's go in there a little closer and just  do the same things we're going deep skater it out   good i mean you're you're waiting  long enough i feel like before you go   you're doing it hard there you go cuddy nice  cutthroat there you go i think you're doing   it right mark i'd say you're doing it just fine  i'm sliding here and anchor up a little slow eat   first cut-throat of the day classic cuddy real  slow see this grass right here came right off this   grass yeah he's living in there he's tucked right  in here just like on the teton flatwater we've   got a double double dry on here because these  fish are totally zoned in on these on these uh mutant stones god they just don't quit just amazing such  a fun fun fishery when you can take fish   regularly on a day like today on dry's it  doesn't get any better than this it really   see good trick huh yeah good job nice cuddy  it's a nice fish what a fantastic animal dandy whoa i feel his head shakes  i mean i got him in the lips okay i'm gonna i'm gonna bump down i'm gonna  stay moving right i'm going to stay along this   bank i don't want to get this this log right  here in our way so i'm not going to put us   over the lumber yard when you come down here  looks like the bottom's all clear right here   man that is a giant brown trailer okay i'm going  to back up an anchor and i'm going to jump out and   run down there it's like he just rolled up in it  just then that's a big rainbow it is big cut bow   nice nice nice nice oh get out and take a look  at this guy hey look at this one this is a big   fish man look at that thing that is a special  fish that is a specimen that's what that is   so this is a hybrid cut bow you can tell that by  a couple things uh first of all they have they'll   often have a little blotch on their belly like  this big girl's got a little yellow dot right   here the other way you can tell is if if you push  on their tongue a little they'll have a little red   hot orange in there you see that  yeah all right man let's let her go   what a fish what a fish huh thrill look at that  thing all right here you go girl there we go okay oh sorry i'm gonna push you there oh there  he is good fish wow oh that's a big cut throw it   oh man look at that thing we're gonna fight  them through some pretty heavy water here   that's all right what a fish what an eat oh my god  that was awesome that was sick i'm gonna try and   we'll fight them down to the back water here  and they'll pull in there and try and get him   just keep doing what you're doing i'm  going to push towards him a little so so tight to the bank these fish are i mean  we're talking a game of inches here right you   got to put it within an inch or two of the  bank and skate it out and they just come up   and whack it what a dandy let's see where it  can right in the corner oh man what a great   fish what a fish what an eat that was awesome  that was cool in that fast bank that was awesome get out of there you got him there you go yep you  lift him lift him got him nice work   good job whoo awesome look at that  look at this guy all right here we go look what a fish and on that fast bank  watch them eat that dry fly that was just   so cool here we go flies out go awesome what  a pretty fish all right let's let him go you've got to be kidding me are  you actually kidding me right now   don't move don't move i'm  coming i'm coming i'm coming oh no way no way oh man no look at this guy i'm just  kind of sitting here watching them i   don't even want to touch them i'm just  checking them out like look at this guy   oh my god he hurts you yeah that's fine  good good i'm bleeding a little blood's good what an absolute stud brown trout look at  that thing i'm i'm completely in awe what   a fantastic fish what a special moment look at  the size of its adipose fin and he barely moved   any water when he ate it he just came up slurp  fly was gone oh my god the blue on its cheek what a thrill what an absolute thrill back to get  even bigger right look at him wow what a tank yeah oh equipment for this yellowstone teton valley  adventure is as follows for hopper dropper rigs   we're using a 9 foot both 5 and 6 weight  rod with matching 5 and 6 weight weight   forward floating lines leaders were 9 foot  3x taper leaders with 4x tippet for droppers   the flies we were using were hopper patterns  chernobyl ants and of course mutant stoneflies   it's our final day fishing out of teton valley  lodge and we make the decision to go to work   a short drive from the lodge finds you at a  very different stretch of the teton river or   access is a little dicey those who know me  know that i'm a sucker for adventure and   you want to talk about adventure we're about to  drop this raft thousands of feet down into this   valley we're going to fish the teton river  today it's going to be absolutely incredible chris are you actually kidding me right  now that was awesome how about that huh   yeah this is pretty special man we're down in the  canyon of the teton uh barely gets touched yeah uh   i can see why right yeah yeah it takes a little  bit to get in here but uh keeps the riffraff out   right so yeah this is awesome and we get this  place to ourselves basically we're not gonna   see any other boats today uh it's my favorite time  to come here because the river's down a lot and so   the fish are in certain spots they're not gonna be  everywhere right there's not enough water for them   to move around too much so they're going to be in  spots we'll be able to locate them easily they're   going to eat almost 100 dry flies today for us  all day long a lot of cutthroat takes you know   where they come up real slow and sip it so you've  got to wait for them to eat it i know you can ah that's a stone nice fish that's a big fish nice  one it's so rocky in here you really got to fight   him with a high rod tip try and keep him up that's  not a brown is it it's got to be a cutthroat it's   got to be it ate like a brown sure did it's a good  cutthroat again in the shallow water right yeah   really really aggressive in that shallow too a  super aggressive fish what a bite that was insane   great taste so good good hybrid nice one yeah nice  that's why you thought it was a brown right away   huh yeah yeah he just acted a little different  you know a little harder fight yep really   terrorizing the river wow king of the  river right there right there yeah   you just said two we're gonna pull a big one  out of here yeah we're gonna find another nice   one right right in here somewhere all right  there he is great fish what a dandy huh yeah that's a big cutthroat that is a big cutthroat   good one good one oh come back here buddy  i was trying to bring him in right here on   this dead water okay let's go chase him down  we're gonna go down yeah i'm chase i'm gonna   chase after him yeah we go yeah we'll just chase  him through this white water take him for a spin   we'll just take this dog for a walk and i'll  pull over on the next bank right down here we can   take care of them yeah just just go nice  and easy on them just let them stand   in the water yeah i'm just keeping it tight  looks like he wrapped up in your leader a little   that's why i put that piece of  fluorocarbon buffer after the monofilament okay yeah just rod up you don't  need to turn them into the bank   that's fine i'll jump out  and i'll throw the anchor out that's the deal you just gotta you'll  be willing to stop pull back up into   spots and fish it hard fish all  the little nooks and crannies so all right let's take a look at this absolute  stud hybrid i am so pumped for this look at   that guy what a dandy this fish that's a champion  absolutely giant for here huh what a fish gas is   underneath here yeah but he's a rainbow you know  but he's got some some cutthroat characteristics   and this is a good one for this river that's  a good one yeah that's a really nice one   i want to thank everybody at teton valley lodge  what an unbelievable experience you really need   to get here if you want to catch trophies my  name is mark melnick i hope you've enjoyed this   adventure here on the new fly fisher adventure  is out there remember all you have to do is go   and find it and what better way than to do it  with a fly rod in your hand from everybody at   the new fly fisher thanks for watching  and hopefully we'll see you in the west   the new fly fisher is supported by yellowstone  teton territory visit idaho orvis fly fishing   adipose boatworks scientific anglers trout unlimited weathertech canada you
Channel: The New Fly Fisher
Views: 190,520
Rating: 4.8605003 out of 5
Keywords: teton river, rainbow trout, fly fishing, cutthroat trout, brown trout, fly fishing for bass, fly fishing colorado, teton river fly fishing, teton river fishing, beginner fly fishing, fly casting, fly casting for beginners, how to fly fish, how to fly fish for bass, how to fly fish for trout, learn to fly fish, orvis, the new fly fisher, tom rosenbauer, trout, idaho fly fishing, teton valley
Id: IIoTWl5Uqjg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 18sec (2898 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 02 2021
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