Epic Rant! How To Make A Living In Music 2018 Edition!

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[Music] I'm planing new intro music [Music] it's all coconut water what's up everybody [Music] like pigeons [Music] a from Atlanta to India to the Ukraine but where yet where everybody's from here New Hampshire Brazil that is there we go [Music] Syria Philly Argentina Italy avoid Facebook groups there you go they are talking about you and Facebook today Dylan Pakistan no there's a dissent a good my so fast her to tell Germany it's late in Germany man Seattle Taiwan it's morning Dylan check your emails bills not good about that Pakistan New Mexico Poland Mississippi Chicago Dublin Arkansas boy with magic years so I was uh so Dylan came up in a conversation day you didn't hear about this Dylan somebody was trashing me over on Facebook today in a in a Facebook forum somebody that doesn't watch my channel actually and they said that I'm taking advantage of you somehow that I'm a YouTube channel even though I started my youtube channel with about 300 subscribers after you had your viral videos but whatever okay so Dylan wants to tell you something here go ahead my youtube channel I do gaming videos it's Inferno tender so please subscribe inferno tender is Dylan's YouTube channel as some of you know about that some of you subscribe but Dylan's got some great gaming videos on there there's a few of Lennon I heard her name is what's her name again chicken wings oh 490 is Lennon's handle and your dear handle isn't for an attender right yeah is that what it is under the game when it when you when it has the thing on there the text is that what it says yeah and for an attender okay there you go no not in front of tinder inferno tender yeah yeah so anyways but Dylan is don'ts a star of his channel and it's pretty uh if you get any of you are into gaming Dylan says none of your people that watch your channel are into gaming is anybody into gaming here I don't I think that that's not true actually someone please tell guilt Dylan that you're into gaming big look at this big gamer oh hey Brady yeah Dylan's cousin who's in Downes videos with them all the time is uh these are all gamers I told you that don't why are you Wow see I'm surprised so there you go more and abused I mean of course people are into music that are here but I I'm trying to tell Dylan that people are into gaming I mean I'm not a game or anything but there's tons of people that are into gaming so there you go minecraft look at that what do you tell me what your videos are about tell them the different games that you play Dylan [Music] I try to play a variety games on roblox so people were saying that on this Facebook thing they were talking about about how I built my channel around Dylan or something like that some baloney like that when Dylan's rarely on my window see you can tell that the the kids because they write in all caps so anyways I you know I joined twitch this week to I mentioned that in one of my one of my lives my live stream on my rig be out of live chat my other youtube channel channel and I couldn't figure out how to work but that's apparently a big gaming thing is anybody on Twitch here I asked people the other night but anybody used twitch for gaming stuff so my other youtube channel has called rick be out alive Dylan's is called inferno tender okay it's kind of like chicken tender okay so there you go so so that's all Dylan that's that you told a bunch of people about it some of you Alex uses twitch for music production to tour is great can you send me that Alex message me on that send me email of that yeah Brady you have a questions there's somebody has a question thanks Dylan what's your favorite bird Dylan you know we had a hawk on the honored death oh my favorite chicken obviously there we go okay I read on you can go now okay that was good right it was easy yeah please subscribe thanks guys all right includes dirt okay so there you go so Dylan how does Dylan find time for gaming and music okay Brady he's coming back upstairs so I know it's it's crazy how a barbecue chicken a Brady Brady's my nephew he and Dylan play games together they're on they're on the videos together so there we go this is great I know it's it's I could use some chicken wings right now I that's my nickname for Lennon my daughter's chicken wings so that's hence the chicken wings oh four nine eight okay so let me tell you about this beef today here before we get into our topic because there's there's people still talking about on Facebook here it's some it's some orchestration thing and there's obviously people that watch the that that watch YouTube here that are on it but some some guy was he says this is the comment what's what's your take I'm Rick be out on his videos I've seen a few of them and some of his content seems interesting but there's something about it that leaves me feeling slimy like I need a shower not in a good way is this stuff worth checking out this guy Travis freshener his name is so if you want to go to his it's a it's a it's a site called orchestration online although I have a feeling they're gonna take it down here because there's been a lot of slimy I don't know and then the guy said oh that I used to build my channel or something like that wait hold on some of your stuff is clickbait okay there you go that's what I think of that done hey like that I know there's always gonna be haters there's always gonna be that's the thing it's like um in order to be successful there there's also always a polarization that that goes along with it so people complain that I talked at the beginning of my live streams like this and people don't understand that you actually need to use that you have to to actually talk to people on your live streams that's the purpose of it videos are for video live stream is actually communicate with people and answer questions so the whole thing about clickbait clickbait is actually things that don't if you make a video and you don't that you promise something and you don't deliver so it's called orchestration online as the as the site it's a Facebook page okay and this guy Travis was and I only know it because because I don't ever get my facebook notifications so somebody said hey check this out somebody's somebody's talking trash about you and the guy that runs the site Thomas is a really good guy and and but he obviously has some some some people that are like somebody says that you have to sit through an hour of tangential rambling this woman Courtney her girl Courtney Ann McNally and she agrees with the slimy feeling I guess I'm not giving away enough free content for them or something I don't get paid for these videos I do get paid I mean a miniscule amount of money it's a matter of fact so I just got a YouTube thing here this is from my publishing company so I wanted to tell you because we're talking about careers in music and making money so I'm gonna give you some real numbers here okay this is this is they're thinking that I don't know why I have no idea so this is from my publishing company here man I think I need my glasses this is super small this is unbelievable okay so ad-supported service gross revenue this is on this is really unbelievable [Music] this must be unadjusted plays I have no idea what the subscription service grocery revenue this must be YouTube's gross revenue for this stuff I'm published through through Sony actually okay so let's see here okay so here we go this is with my publishing company so you can kind of get an idea of what so YouTube goes through or Google sends out a thing that talks about their their gross revenue from other subscription services and it's not billions but it says their gross revenue is 14 million dollars this is in but this is just one quarter okay this is not me this is gross revenue from only ten point five percent of net service revenue okay but now I'm getting into this stuff there's all these it's really really these are incredibly confusing charts here but then you get into the thing where it talks about songs so these are songs I wrote with bands years ago that that all different kinds of bands all different kinds of music there's things from the the band shine down or the shine down that I worked with or I wrote some songs on their first record and their third record to Carolina by Parmalee that was the number one song - I wrote with Martin Johnson who was in boys like girls I wrote a song on their last record I wrote a song with cheese Oh I mean just hundreds of bands if I'm a lot of songs I mean this just keeps going page after page after page of saw these are all different songs there's a there's 17 pages of songs let me find one though that's of note so I mean these things all pay differently each song pays differently for example the the song I wrote with Martin from anybody ever hear of boys like girls they were a they were a band that Martin Johnson is had some huge number-one hits as a writer he's a great writer and a great guy so I wrote a song with them called the first time okay so it looks like we get paid from YouTube we got paid purse are royalty per the amount that was paid my percentage was 0.006 nine cents per spin okay and I made oh brother is it possible is it did I make less than a penny on it it's it's unbelievable no no no okay it's it's here a bunch of times yeah III made what eleven cents there let me get into some of these other bigger songs here I mean it's really infinitesimal the amount of money it [Music] just nothing I mean nothing really really nothing Martin Johnson I mean it's a joke this is like millions of this is millions of plays of between all the between all these different bands and the amount of money I got paid was I'll tell you here total money it was five dollars and seven cents for millions of plays of probably you know forty songs five dollars and seven cents there you go there's your career in the music business I mean it's literally millions of plays I mean if you look at this channel here I get you know on a good month I get a couple million plays of my videos now this is a publishing company so it's a it's a so I'm making they're making a percentage or I'm making a percentage because I don't have a I have a 50/50 deal with my publishing company but but that's that gives you some perspective and I've said it before that when I had the number one song at radio that had 600,000 spins in one quarter I had thirty seven million views digital views including YouTube in one quarter and I earned three hundred and twenty five dollars that was part of a five-way split so if you do what's 325 times five anybody 325 times five because it was split five ways but that was the the royalty and I think the YouTube split on that song at the time was 0.001 to five cents a spin okay sixteen hundred twenty-five dollars that was divided between five people now the publishing on that is divided the are the money that the song makes is about a million dollars from the radio airplay from about six hundred spins that six hundred thousands every number-one song makes about a million dollars that every top five song on pop radio makes about a million dollars each now they can go way more than a million dollars if you write a song like happy Pharrell okay and because that was a believe that was a single writer and that was a huge hit that was on pop radio for a while um that was probably worth about six million seven million dollars the song I wrote scald Carolina it was a two week number one million seller a millions sales is worth about about a million dollars so platinum selling singles worth about a million dollars but it's divided up so it's divided up by however many writers there are okay so you have your two different things so your the physical sales even if it's digital are called mechanicals did I write Carolina in my mind I wish I wrote Carolina in my mind that would be a that would be worth a lot more money especially when it was written but so the the sales so let's see here does it's a million things so this is the plaque here okay so this says a million copies of Carolina is on Stoney Creek records and you guys see that I don't know if you can see it but there you go so Spotify there's 37 million views million plays I'm not a millionaire no not even close that's a joke you know the money after everybody takes their cut and everything is miniscule I mean it was really joke so the band typically you know anytime the song is is a KO rate it depends on who it is - if you're if you're hey this is years ago that I had the song so it's four years ago now my but my studio is so big I know right I bought my house fifteen years ago what streaming income gives you the most income honestly it's it's it's so minuscule that that it doesn't really matter where's the money I'll tell you you know where the money is the money is in gaming videos people that people that get you know a million and a half two million views a day Casey nice tat or dantdm who's a gamer people that do gaming and they do things on Twitch that do you know some people that do poker videos that these things are those are things that pay the gaming videos though I'll tell you exactly how much particular people make but it's it's really astounding people that get millions of views you know there's people that get millions of views a day that those are the people that make incredible amounts of money so I'm gonna look up this guy dantdm this is what Dylan hopes to be is have a channel like this this guy's guys sixteen million views and Dylan watches all of his videos so he's got sixteen point seven million subscribers dantdm he's done 2600 uploads this isn't PewDiePie because PewDiePie I don't know if he's able to monetize all his videos dantdm can definitely monetize his videos and okay so dan TV I'm average is five seven million views a day that's twenty eight thousand dollars a day okay so there you go now people can make money if you're a musician and you're I'll tell you is okay let's say that it's Justin Bieber I'll tell you how much he makes just on YouTube Justin Bieber okay so he averages let's see here he has a hundred and twenty three uploads okay so you did dantdm has sixteen million subscribers dantdm is a gamer has and Justin Bieber has 123 uploads versus 2600 and Justin Bieber has twice as many subscribers thirty two thousand dollars he he's one of the top musicians on YouTube okay so he averages this is interesting so he averages five point six million views a day so dantdm averages seven million views a day so justin bieber does not make as much with his thirty two million subscribers as dantdm does he makes twenty two thousand a day versus twenty eight thousand a day but they average in the last thirty days Justin Bieber's has 170 million I'll tell you about the film scoring part of this in a second the people that write for VIP music for video games who keeps saying this pickle Rick okay blocked if you don't like it Daniel then stop saying that it's annoying there you go how's that so he's making 600 about 700 grand a month Justin Bieber is that's pretty good that's just from YouTube though now you got to see these guys that are the gamers are making that Justin's YouTube royalties would be split exactly so right off the top he's got there's money going to the label okay he's got 20 percent off the top for his management for scooter his manager of scooters making 20 percent off the top so and then you talk about the money from radio airplay this is miniscule the YouTube money so there's money from YouTube there's money from that's just from YouTube then you get the money from all the other streaming platforms Spotify Pandora Apple music all these things have all these things as managers from Atlanta actually so all of these things are generating money okay so in addition to terrestrial radio airplay so [Music] so it would be probably I'd say digital plays he's probably making I'd be guessing at this but it's so massive that you know a few million dollars a year probably probably about five I'd say probably five he's probably pocketing about five million dollars a year from digital digital plays something like that okay if your songs in a in a soundtrack okay so there's a there's a definite if you do me let's talk about music for games because I did it a chat with Brian Schmidt that might some of you might have seen I did a a sounding off and it's just called music for video games so Brian was telling me that they give blanket licenses you know we talk about these things my videos get taken down things like anytime I I've used anything on Universal Music Group well the gaming companies that make like Mojang which is Microsoft that makes minecraft gives blanket licenses for these youtubers the big ones dantdm stampy ballistic squib allistic squid this guy Dennis these huge gamers get blanket licenses you know once they have over a million subscribers so they'll have a blanket license so so Microsoft will give them a blanket license that will cover their usage in any circumstance including people that write scores for it so yes so these are lit so people talk about BMI and ASCAP these are the people that are paying you on these things okay so they're paying you unless you're if you're a gamer though you're getting paid from YouTube directly so Google pays you it's a direct deposit through Adsense the youtubers unless they're part of a multi-channel neck network for example anybody watch Vsauce here because Vsauce is a multi-channel network that has vsauce vsauce two three and four so those things are those guys are probably getting money from Vsauce Michael is probably making a larger percentage obviously of them and he started the multi-channel network and he employs about 10 people or so so that's big money you know that's millions of dollars because he's got millions of subscribers and gets you know he's got you know he's got a few billion views but it's not even close to you know what Justin Bieber has gotten and frankly Justin Bieber for example his high point in on YouTube and five 12:01 in 2015 12 so dis December of 2015 Justin Bieber's plate YouTube plays were enormous Liebig he had eight almost yet 866 million views in just December of 2015 so roughly two years ago so YouTube is really you know doing well by him he got 1.5 million subscribers in one month there I know it's insane amount of money and I would say so his channel because anybody can advertise on it he probably makes a lot of money from that not everybody you know PewDiePie when they changed the the things where things get get on monetized for example a lot of my videos get on monetized lately almost every video I've done every livestream I do get Sun monetized depending on what the title is and you know even after it has 20,000 views it gets sun monetized now this is their new algorithm so they they look at things they look at your tags they look at if your thumbnail matches I don't know how they do that but then you request a review of it and somebody actually reviews it in person and not a computer I mean not an algorithm and then they well they've always reinstated my videos for monetizing except for the ones that get taken down the Keith Jarrett ones demon demon night eyes Dino I like that but Casey nice that had a video about about his videos getting demon and ice he had a video get D monetized that had a million 1.8 million views and that's that is really unbelievable so 1.8 million views is probably worth about with his because he gets paid more because of his channel is probably worth I'll tell you here what Casey because this is this will be a pretty good guess here what he gets paid so you guys know Casey he makes great videos I mean I don't know I don't know how many of you watches watches I type the name totally wrong here Casey let's see here so he has 8.2 million subscribers he's got almost 2 billion views Casey CAS okay come on you guys are joke and you know he is he gets he's averaging 1.8 million views a day which is worth about 7,500 bucks that's probably pretty that's pretty that's probably pretty accurate so 7,500 bucks a day from 1.8 million views so when when he gets a video demonetised you know 7,500 bucks that's that's a lot of money that's a tremendous amount of money that's just YouTube I mean he's you know he has this app that he sold for 25 million dollars to to Apple or to Apple to CNN I mean his app or his it's this company that he sold and I think he's he's selling subscribers essentially it's kind of when you have people that have a lot of traffic to their to their web sites for example can or people that like Jimmy Kimmel does his own advertising he actually subcontracts out and makes way more money through YouTube by putting up his own ads he doesn't have to rely on YouTube and I don't think that he's got as big a YouTube following as Casey nice that does he just doesn't okay so so you go and you look at you have to look at the people's content and if it's if it's something that you know people deem sighs Jake Paul for example because of his he has a lot of offensive comment a lot of offensive or what what they what what people that are advertisers look at is if you have offensive content ten if it's something that is is worth advertising on I mean you think about who's gonna advertise on Jake Paul's channel I don't know if you people know who Jake Paul is if you've ever seen them you can't think of what companies are doing okay so James asked why do videos get demonetised know they get D monetized because they have an algorithm okay Jimmy Kimmel has ten million subscribers thank you for that they get demonetised because an algorithm tells them just based on your title your tags things like that that it's something that that they don't want people don't want to advertise to now when I make if I make a an education video that's let's say I do film scoring blah blah blah it says in the title well to them it's something that's probably that it's obviously music education related and then you get your typical people that spend money that you see in front of my ads if somebody you know if who are all the people that get played in front of my videos master class the guy with the with the beard guy with the bouncing ball and and you know anything that anytime you get those ads that are the [Music] that are the the skippable ads is what they call them the 5-second ads the beard guy you know the beard guy so those are those people that advertise on here have a set budget and they bid out to they spend money on adsense to have these videos playing in front of ads now they want their ads to be played in front of videos that are music related okay so this so they're going to do things that actually have a script of title that's music-related and that our that are going to be it can tell by based on what types of the same algorithm that tells what types of people to suggest your videos to I mean I guarantee you just about everybody watching this is has had my channel suggested to them how many people here found my channel I'll just ask it here we'll take it we'll take a we'll take a and I will answer that question Alex that's a great question about about what is the best way to make money in the music business now how many people were suggested my channel raise his hand much your chin might you heard it from a friend okay found after watching Warren I know that people came on board Adam Neely recommended my channel you were suggested but but there's a thing that is on the sidebar that you get recommended by YouTube yes yes Russia Ellis II can't remember raise his hand was referred don't remember how you got here just popped up and it's based on what you look at what types of videos so Dylan gets suggested gaming videos in his sidebar on his channel or when he's when he's looking at videos those are the things that gets sent and amy Nolte for example okay so I see I see somebody says Amy Nolte um so the search for Santos an old dude hates Apple I know right Pat Metheny let's see searching Pat Metheny Oh related videos okay so so that's how these things get referred to people but that really doesn't get to the point of how to make your living in the music business and Ron just asked what about signing off with Pat Metheny I talked to Pat's manager who said that he'd be interested in doing it Pat would love to do it and then I called him after I wrote to them and you haven't responded to me so you know the people that I've had on here and and honestly it's younger people it's the guys like John Petrucci that understand about social media Jordan Rudess or Steve Vai that a real impact was is a very business-savvy guy but I think he it's interesting because I'm gonna talk about this about the ECM thing now ECM is part of Universal Music Group and they just brought all of their videos are all of their music online for streaming it's on Apple music it son Spotify and it's really well done and they had an article in The New York Times about this so you so they figured out that their catalog was not making any money and they have a phenomenal catalog they're they're their catalog goes back to 1969 so they had their it starts and Keith Jarrett was pretty much on ECM he's really the the it was him and and Matheny were the two biggest money makers for for ECM records that kind of that they were the flagship artists of ECM but so they have the way they have it organized on YouTube is is great because it's 69 to 79 then 80 to 89 90 to 99 and so on and so forth it's great so those are so they're they're getting hip to this now Pat hasn't gotten hip to the fact that it's really important for his music to to be out there even the ECM music that he probably hates Pat probably hates that he takes down all the videos you know I talked about out of time I don't need to beat that horse [Music] so ECM realizes or at least Universal Music Group must have told ECM hey your catalog is not making us enough money so you need to put it out there I guarantee a Manfred Eicher he probably had in his contract that said that he has to approve these things but they probably the people that are in business affair at Universal Music Group probably went out to them and they said you know and he may not even know the people that run Universal Music Group they probably said listen your catalogs not making enough money for us you got to put it on streaming or we're gonna put it we're gonna start streaming it so so there you go that's they probably have no choice in it because they I'd love to have Tommy Emmanuel on signing off it'd be great I got it I don't know how to reach Tommy Emmanuel okay so what kind of careers actually make money in the music business well I can tell from personal experience that production is extremely difficult to make a living in now and and why is it why is it difficult because unless you're you know unless you're max Martin unless you're Pharrell unless you are you know one of the people that writes hits that and produces them you can't really make money in in production these days it's almost impossible and you can make money and I have a friend that does that does music library stuff okay but he's been doing it since 1995 and he's in some of the biggest libraries and he makes about granted he's been put he's been making tracks since the mid 90s okay that's a long time and he's getting about 20 grand every check and he gets he gets eight checks a year from ASCAP he's an escape artist and he makes about 18 to 20 grand a check now it wasn't always that way and but it's consistently his his checked so he gets they they staggered they're staggered he gets one check from from the US and he gets another check from Europe and so people that do that that are successful in music library do you guys know what music library you know he has he doesn't have thousands of tracks but he has hundreds and hundreds of of tracks but he told me and not you know he's one of my best friends in the world and I and I asked him about how far back are our songs okay music libraries okay music libraries there are people that say okay I want you to write me an entire record of songs that sound like Radiohead okay I want you to write me a whole record of songs as pieces that sound like John Williams I want you to write me a record of things that sound like and they need to sound really similar to songs they're they're they're songs that are almost the same as popular I want you to write me songs that are you know all you know dubstep blah blah blah it's copycat music essentially okay they're they're work-for-hire they have to sound really similar without infringing on the copyright okay and they're typically they're not all instrumental either it's not public domain music okay so typically music library's 50% of the publishing side will go if you're if you're in a really established if you're an established music librarian you'll get fit you'll keep 50% of your publishing on it and you will my friend gets paid $1000 a track to do this now most people don't get paid that do music libraries okay so he happens to get paid and he hates it he's hated it for years and years and years but he's almost 50 years old and that's how he has to make his living and he just lives with it this is stuff and he said he'll be watching something he'll be watching a show and all of a sudden it'll creep in his mind I know this piece and he says he has things that are from 20 years ago that he wrote that her library tracks that get used all the time still that he did on you know I'm really antiquated year when he was using you know digital performer but I'm talking stuff in the late nineties even that he was doing and then he was doing Pro Tools I mean it could really be an it's an TV shows it's in commercials it can be in anything people will have these libraries I'll tell you a great place for library music that are that that has library music is YouTube go to youtube if you're making a youtube video and you want stock music that that is royalty-free they have a youtube library I have a good friend that that's part of a company called Jingle Punks and a guy that's was a drummer in a band I work with he he left this band that was a signed band that he played drums and that I produced and he got he moved to New York and became part of a company that was a publishing company they're a jingle they were a jingle house music library same kind of thing but they also have people that are huge artists they have people that so this project I did this summer Jingle Punks was contracted to write music for a TV show that's coming out and I've never done any TV music or TV ads I've never done any film scoring anything like that so my friend Matt hired me to work on a show that was being that was developed by legendary pictures through Jingle Punks if you go to youtube if you go to the YouTube library of songs yes Dylan is running around Dylan Lennon are running around definitely and Lela Jingle Punks if you look you'll see there things on the YouTube collection of music that you can use for your YouTube videos so that's big that's big business though now they all have different requirements for exam Dylan wanted to use when you listen to if you subscribe Dylan's channel and you listen to his outgoing trailer music okay it's by somebody named I don't know I can't remember who it is but I had to buy the I had to buy the rights to this song and it was a hundred dollars I didn't pay $100 $100 for a holes four and a half minutes song I had to pay $30 for a blanket license for the song to use on YouTube okay for a 30 second clip so we had to go through and Dylan had to pick out the 30 seconds that he wanted and I paid 30 bucks for it now this is a tune that he's heard in some of the other huge youtubers that that yeah that's for Dylan's Channel it's this it's the the out outro music that he uses when it says subscribe he wouldn't oh I told him Dylan let's make this together and he said no I don't want your music that you do I want to use music that I hear in these other games this type of music and it's kind of you know electronic music whatever dance music the song I can't play it for you here because I don't own it Dylan owns the license to it and and you have to put I I'm not sure if this particular one but in the in the description you have to put the you have to put the for certain songs they make you they make you tag it in a way you have to put who the artist is yeah inferno tenderest Dylan's channel so if you look at his closing credits song it cost me 30 bucks for that so but as you're going through there's a guy named Otis what's his name Otis there's a guy whose music I use in my video that I used in one of my some my heart address Otis Otis hold on my library Otis Otis McDonald so I used some of Otis's music it's it's it's a free music but I think I needed to Otis McDonald he is royalty free music that you can use on YouTube now how does royalty-free music help you make money well he actually has music that's paid music as well for example there's a for some of my stock video footage I use for my channel there's a thing called pixel pics pixel p exe l that has free royalty-free still photography and royalty-free music or I'm sorry stock video footage that you can use for anything so but people put that up there in hopes that you will in hopes that you will use their paid muse paid video footage for web content for a small channel you might pay twenty dollars or 19 bucks for bigger channels I would have to pay more because I have a bigger subscriber base so I'd probably have to pay $79 for I'm talking for a 30-second clip anyways so so these are things that you have to think about when you're out there trying to make a living if you're a session musician now some of the biggest I had a demo that Brett Mason played anybody know him he's a great country guitar player phenomenal was a top session guy I had him play on a track or one of my friends that I wrote over at a Nashville song with head and played a demo on there he's an amazing guitar player guys like that used to be triple scale back in the in the 90s triple scale so scale in Nashville is for three our Union scales of a 369 bucks that you make for a three-hour session so guys there are people that there are people that work only on demo sessions in Nashville there's a guy named Dave David library air that played bass on John John Mayer's first record and toured with John Mayer and his first tours he played with John when John was living here when he and even when John got big Dave playing bass wasn't played on them for a couple years few years and so I went to a session he's a phenomenal bass player and a super great guy so I went to a session a demo session with a guy named Ashley Gourley that I got I got invited to the session by this guy Ilya to schinsky and Ilya has is a phenomenal banjo player acoustic guitar player he is wait hold on lock there we go anyways so any like that oh wait hold on okay yeah band yeah so Ilya invited me to a demo session so the demo session had I think six musicians in ice in a main room they're all their instruments were in ISO boots they were out in the main room they had a session leader and an Ilya was the producer now Ilya has played if you hear the banjo on on I'm trying to think of like jeez who were the biggest country people blonde hair what's her name that was on American Idol Carrie Underwood I was thinking about that so so he's on these things every banjo thing that you hear it's it's it's it's Ilya playing so his other job is or what he's been trying what he had been trying to break into which he's done now is into production but people typically in Nashville will start on and demo studios there's a massively big demo industry in Nashville but to get on there to be one of those people there there's a couple different levels there's guys that that play it on the demo level and then there's guys that are played on masters they're called which is you know master session people and some of them are the same people that now because a lot of the producers that have gone to Nashville are people that are like Max Martin or you know people that are in the pop world that have gone into country they bring in their own players or they or attract people that do all the music themselves one of the guys was Joey muy muy muy was the guy that that engineered all the Nickelback records okay and then he did he did what's the band Florida Georgia line I had a question here look at that Jordan how much I was like I don't know I I don't know no go back Randy stop okay Randy stop Tom mixed all Nickelback's records Randy stop joy boy was the engineer at Chad Chad Kroeger studio up in wherever it is up in Canada and Vancouver and he went down he did a demo deal a production deal with Florida Georgia line put the band together the two singers got the songs got all the top songwriters to write songs produced the record got signed to - what's his name Taylor Swift's label that's part of Universal now of course right got signed and and obviously got a huge portion of the money from this but he went to Nashville and became a huge producer and he's produced other things one of the record that he did he produced that I really liked was a Jake what was the record I'm trying to think of the record my friend Monty wrote this incredible song that should have been a number one song Jake Owens I think it is yeah Jake Owens record was let me see with a song I could turn this down I'll play it days of gold but the song is called driving all night okay so this is this is really a great great sounding record and this tune driving all night is one of my favorite country songs anyway so you should check it out it's really good production of and it's a really incredibly well written song the lyrics are unbelievable my buddy money Chris wall co-wrote this song and it's just fantastic so the chorus is unbelievable in it anyway so these these demo guys get paid about that you know probably so you figure three hundred and seventy bucks for a three hour session and David was told me that he would typically play an eighteen songs a day to do these demos it but it's an industry they literally work five days a week and they do this so if he if he works and he would typically do three three-hour sessions a day maybe four so that's so how much is that what's four times what's three times three sixty nine not even twelve hundred bucks so but there are tons of Studios like that in Nashville I'll give you I'll give you a little trivia here so Jason Aldean three years ago when before after his won his second big record he had they had three thousand submissions three thousand demos that he went that his management went through the he didn't listen to all three thousand but in between his publishing company his record label and and his and his manager and himself went through no that's good six K a week is good but it's it's Groot it's incredibly grueling no they're not we have twelve hundred bucks a day a six grand a week that's good money that's great money but but there's very few people that are doing these things okay so and it's really grueling work especially when you come in and every song is the same four chords so that's why they've in Nashville has gone to these guys that are track producers see chris lord-alge ii says he makes five grand a song but how many songs are you really mixing these days you know the budgets for chris lord-alge er are dwindling and most people the max Martin's most of people into the big songwriters now now are right all there do their own own tracks and there's no you know and maybe Serban mixes them or something people like that so really if you're a public school public music school teacher you know depending on where you teach you can make probably starting salary 40 grand a year forty five grand there's public music school teachers I know personally that have been teaching for over thirty years that make over $100,000 a year but that's that's in places in in the Northeast that pay really well public schools that pay really well music production the songwriting is still the biggest place to make money in the music business I mean that is it's certainly not on YouTube unless you're a huge star but you make money on YouTube when you're the only people that are making really big money on YouTube or people that are getting you know a million views a day so playing gigs and bars you know this interesting one of my best friends does does gigs for a living in addition to being a music school teacher high school he's a high school band orchestra director and he he's a band leader who lives in Cape Cod or and he lives in the south of Boston near Cape Cod and you know gigs will pay anywhere between 100 and 100 and 300 dollars okay so but there you know but it's few and far between the gigs he can't really rely on that income which is why say a public school teacher because it's you know you'll do a gig steady for six months and all the sudden they'll decide they're not making enough money so okay so you're asking about people like Rob and and Jared I don't know how much they make I can tell you actually I could look at how much how many views they have let me see let's see Rob's videos he's a guitar player he's got a 1.1 million subscribers he's average is one hundred eighty nine thousand dollars a day he averages it's probably probably at the rate he's getting he's probably making about very 16 grand a month which is good money 16 grand a month he averages 5.6 million views a month so you know we looked at these you know some of these gamers or KC nice that that average is 1.8 million views a day okay so what about Illuminati right you live on 16 grand a month that's a lot of money I know I don't may I you know I make nothing I mean not nothing but not enough to do anything on YouTube I mean honestly I've been trying to so so here's my deal I'm trying to move to it's been a month now where I'm trying to make money not producing and oh yeah buy my book because that's really my only income is through selling things like that selling my book essentially and I'm trying to do I have a new course that I'm gonna release tomorrow that is really a good course it's on advanced harmonic compositional and melodic ideas so I'm getting nuts Oh Richard asked this am I getting more producing gigs I'm not taking any producing gigs anymore I did my last producing gig I finished the summer thing that I did have finished the first week in September so I'm basically relying on people Oh a discount code for today let's see I will I will here let's see I'll tell you what you buy my Beato book right now I'm gonna cut the price down 10 bucks right now I can do it well literally while I'm talking to you but this is it this is how I'm gonna rely on my my youtube channel now I'm gonna try to do this and I'm trying to do some big things there's a I have my ear training course that's coming out that I have I can't do this stuff I can't make videos on YouTube and produce and and do the things I want to do there's a digital Beato book that's 186 pages done that's gonna take months to finish so anybody that spot the Beato book I'm gonna have a to get the digital version of it which is gonna which is really updated basically you can pay what you want that's what I decided so you can buy my book now and it helps me now and then when the digital one's done whenever it's done four months from now five months from now I'm basically halfway through it we'll get the digital version for whatever you want to just pay what you want basically okay and my my PDF book right now I'm gonna discount that it's a hundred and three pages and if you it's as good as my Beato book it's it's really it's it's lessons from em it's twenty of my videos Tran scribed and it sits over a hundred pages of transcriptions and I'm gonna discount that right now because it's it's Black Friday here hold on I'm doing it right now I'm gonna put it up for okay it's up for 34 bucks right now hold on I'm gonna bring it down even more I'm gonna put it down for $29 right now 29 there we go boom let's see here so and then and then my record is on here to my Beato preludes and a twos which is the first do you get a free copy you pay what you want when when the digital version comes out of the Beato book you pay what you want if you want to you know get it for free and get it for free if you want to donate ten bucks it costs me it's costing me a lot of money to make it honestly because it's been in the works since last January and and the guy that I have doing it I'm actually bringing Michelle in to work on it too because because it's it's it's so labor intensive man it's because there's so many charts and it's just but the the thing about it once it's digital I can have it translate into other languages so you guys investing in me here on this channel I've done 370 videos I'm trying to make it work here based basically by people buying the few things that I have my record my book my PDF bundle and now I have and I have a modes of the major scale course that I'm gonna be selling I have a news my new course is is I'm gonna bundle them to I'm gonna have a big holiday bundle coming out that but this new advanced harmonic concepts course that I'm coming out with is really really detailed with how to use you know sophisticated harmonic language how to compose with it and how to improvise with it so and I will have a guitar album too but I'm playing guitar on it it's on this new new thing I play guitar and piano on it and and it's a it's based on a tune I wrote so I'm basically doing a showing all these different chord substitutions how do how to how to use these in a compositional setting you know for modern classical music for film scoring all this kind of stuff so how to put these chord progressions together and then write melodies over them so I've done these 370 videos so that course comes out tomorrow I'm thinking it's gonna be done tomorrow but it's really I think it's I think it's really good really strong I think it's one of my best things I've done and so I'm gonna put it on a big sale send a link to the books it's on my website go to Rick Beato comm and you can find my book I'm not sure when I'm gonna price the new course app but it'll be really discounted for over the weekend through Cyber Monday ok the one he says you've been watching my video theory videos recently and it's changed my pop song rating for the better well there you go perfect well if you can incorporate these kind of ideas in my new course that I have coming out into your pop songwriting I think you can actually and I've got some new concepts that I've never addressed in any videos before in this that there are really sophisticated chords that that people use you'll hear people like Allan Holdsworth use or my friend iDEN or I will use in my compositions or frankly Thomas Newman or John Williams people like that triads over bass notes things like that and a different approach to melody writing over these things so so this is kind of what this new course is going to address I've been working at it for the last five days straight so and I will be doing more courses basic composition counterpoint course I'm trying to - I want to have 30 courses and by the by the spring is my goal to have 30 courses so so I've stopped producing bands because I wanted to vote the rest of my life to this to educating people you know I've worked on a lot of projects that I really hate and I don't want to be part of the problem anymore honestly that's I'm everybody knows that I'm a hundred percent honest on here and and I am NOT going to I just don't want to make do music to make money I don't believe in that I'm not rich people think I'm rich I am not rich I'm you know yeah I do better than some people but but you know we're we're you know this this is this is a huge huge thing I'm doing as far as you know my family I've got three little kids and a wife and and I you know I've been trying somebody just asked me to as a Dylan they asked me if I do Skype lessons I don't people write to me I haven't done really I've done I did a few Skype lessons and I'm trying not to do I'm trying not to do lessons like that because this ear training course is something that the ear training course is something that is gonna live on beyond me and and that's you know that's what I want to do I want to do is I want to do something with the rest of my life that's going to make a difference so having only YouTube channels date dangerous it's YouTube's audience you know what I don't have only a YouTube channel though because I don't feel like this is the way that I communicate with people but you know there's a you know so I have a Rick be out of live channel how many of you are subscribed to my second YouTube channel Rick be out alive because I this is my longest livestream I've ever done right now by the way so I've been doing this thing where I it's a talk it's it's a it's a thing I would like to do late at night and one other reason and I actually haven't been doing as much music on it but I originally started this because I want to do with music but since I'm coming out with this course I didn't want to be I've been working at all day and I didn't want to be subjecting you guys to me editing my videos and everything and but my watch time on that and YouTube goes by watch time when they push your channels out to people a typical watch time for a channel that has a hundred thousand subscribers I know because I have a YouTube rep now and she and my youtube rep Andrea says every channel she works with the average watch time is a minute 20 my average watch time at my brick be out a live channel is 15 minutes that means the average when somebody clocks in to watch my video they watch 15 minutes of it on this channel my average watch time is almost seven minutes that's unbelievable that's it's four times or five times what a normal channel that has over a hundred thousand subscribers is so and I see your names on here I see all of you I know I every day that pops up I recognize I've got a pretty good memory and I appreciate all of you you guys are all unbelievably great and i when when Rhett my intern said if you build it they will come you know they will they will subscribe to your channel and you will build a floor following and I took a chance and I said I'm gonna make these videos and I literally got when I started my channel I got three subscribers a day a year ago June June 2nd 2016 I got three subscribers a day then I got five subscribers a day and this is 20 videos in I'm making these hour long videos and doing you know film scoring stuff all this stuff teaching all this really esoteric stuff and people complain on this this Facebook thing that oh I can't follow Rick's channel well buy my book you'll be able to follow it so and I said I'm not gonna do a channel that dumps things down for people and teaches them note-for-note solos or teaches them note-for-note composition you know I will I want this channel to be something that people that are professionals there's nothing for people that are pros out there to learn from and you know and then I started after you know I started getting 30 subscribers a than 50 then a hundred and then I started having people out there reach out to me and Dweezil Zappa was the first no that's not true and YouTube people there was Doulton who has from piano around the world when I had 2,000 subscribers he reached out to me if you guys don't know his channel he's awesome piano around the world dough todd reached out to me says i love your channel and he had whatever 40,000 subscribers at the time and i had 2,000 scriber you said your channel is going to be huge and I just know it I really love what you do and then he told me that you don't make any money from having YouTube channel and then I was like oh no and and I got to get with them and had lunch with him when I was in New York a couple weeks ago met him in person for the first time but we kept in touch just like an appeal he and I got together and and Amy and I have gotten together and I have these youtube friends here and and we're all trying to do the same thing and so when they took you know so when Dweezil reached out to me I was thinking like wait a minute can't be the two easels that but is it he sent me a message and I it was Dweezil Zappa and then he sent me an email and gave me his phone and called me and we talked and then the next day after that unrelated Steve I wrote to me and I talked to Steve all the time now that you know this is you know and then it's like you see the people that I've interviewed these are people that I've met through my channel Victor Wooten Dennis chambers you know John Petrucci Jordan Rudess Scott Anderson all these people and and and and I never started this channel I just be somebody that's worked on a bunch of crappy records I know I've worked on some great records but I've worked on way more crappy records and great records and I've been part of the problem for years fixing people's parts playing their parts because they can't play them you know writing people's songs because I can't write them and I'm out you're trying to promote you know important music or or trying to educate and give back to people and and help people like my friend I'd Nessun who's the greatest improviser that I know and putting on a concert so he can play in New York because I believe in it a thousand thousand percent and I want people to know his name and I'm gonna have Dweezil on on - I'm gonna interview - easel so you know this is this is really important this is really important I only have 268 likes right now and there's 435 people watching right now I should have way more than 400 likes right now 439 people anyways so that's it that's that's my deal it's like I'm sick of being part of the problem I said I'm not producing any bands I don't want anyone walking in here again who can't write a song who can't play their parts and putting out crappy music that that that gets out there and is successful I don't want to do that I can't do that I'm 55 years old I cannot do that anymore I told my wife when we got married almost 11 years ago I said I can't be 60 years old working in you know in the studio producing horrible bands that I don't like I can't do it I will not do it I won't do it so that's it that's the deal and I get on here and I rant sometimes and people say bad things about me and I laugh I read that my Apple comments all the time people are using guys an idiot he's an old man bla bla bla bla bla who cares right so that's it you know I love producing I love you know but but for the for the two percent of bands that I worked with her artists that I worked with that we're good it's not worth it it's not worth it because you're putting out a bunch of crap and it's me playing it half the time I got to replay all their parts because when you send something to a label it's got to be good and it's not good enough with guys that are hacks you know I mean that's just a that's just the fact and and that goes on in all types of production you know you you know it's almost it's hilarious it's just got all gone all to producer driven pop music now because the the labels are saying you know well we don't even need the bands just just give me the singers and you know and we'll hire out we'll get all people to write the songs they'll produce the stuff and we don't have to worry about these bands we know what you paying them any money these people are no good to us anyways just hire a band to go out and play live and that's what's that's how it's done nowadays I love guided by voices by the way I've never heard anyone mentioned guided by voices on here that's awesome that's great so you know and I'll tell you about Parmalee Parmalee is a band that I worked with that is that was together since 1999 these guys paid their dues they're amazing guys they're a great live band and they deserved every thing that they made and they divert deserved all their success and you know that's one band that debt you know there's there's some bands that I really love that I've worked with that are incredibly great human beings and and that deserve every single cent that they've made and so you know that that's I can't I can't say enough good things about that but for every one of them out there there's a hundred other freaking you know a more than a hundred I've produced over seven hundred bands seven hundred artists in the last 20 years okay so every kind of music people don't even realize the kind of kind of stuff I've done I've done the hardest gentes metal to singer-songwriter people to you know and then I've had songs mixed by every big mixer out there you talking about production you know I've had science mix by chris lord-alge a Timelord LG&E wallace jack joseph we Randy snob you name it you know and I've had a lot of great opportunities to do that but I just can't do it anymore I just can't I don't want to be 60 years old and telling my kids yeah this is what I'd done with my life this has been the greatest thing ever is doing this channel and all you people out there I love this I mean I love this you know it's play the lick is that it that's the lake right was that it I think that's the leg wait did I do the lick correctly okay good yes word I have a video coming out with Warren I interviewed Warren produce like a pro Warren is a dear friend of mine you guys are awesome all right so that's that's that's what I'm gonna say here this is my longest livestream ran ever and by my book this is I'm trying to make my living now I made the plunge my wife's freaked out you know I have three little kids there and people say oh Rick is you know blah blah blah so how much you know I when red said Rick do this and people will support you trust me they will they will support you and he was right he was right I mean this is unbelievable so so there you go buy my book by my PDF bundle Rick the Beato YouTube transcriptions I just discounted them by my record my record is awesome if I do say so myself and I just said it no I'm just kidding no I love my record I love the first song that I play at the intro of my video because I've been looking for I've been playing this iDEN tune that I love and I've been looking for something that I could play that has enough space at the beginning that kind of gets you in the mood and it's Lydian augmented and Lydian augmented is has a this intensity to it it's the brightest mode but it doesn't sound bright it has this kind of 8 - it has this kind of Irish eight to it I feel like and and anyway so I that's on my record that first piece that you heard on the intro how do you find your audience how do I find my audience I find my audience by now I find my audience are incredibly great people amazingly great people so Lydian demented is right okay so where's the record streaming that's a joke because the record is not on iTunes it's not on Spotify it's not anywhere but on my website because I'm not gonna pay Apple three bucks out of ten for them to pay me 60 days later wait is this band of force is this somebody Advanta forces get out of here I don't believe it I love bandar forces they're from they're from Charleston South Carolina I don't think they're from their original I think they're from Seattle originally that's not actually somebody from band divorces is it if it is that's awesome you guys are excellent my album is preludes natured it's my only album out do I do al pacino impressions no people always told me I look like Al Pacino or Robert Downey jr. or now Anthony Bourdain so anyways those are the three people I get any time if anyone else wants to you know my friend says Pat says I look like the north end of a southbound mule so I don't have band camp my patreon don't donate to my patreon I'm - I'm turn I'm turning my patreon off tomorrow how do you like that I'm telling you not to donate to my patreon do not donate to my patreon anyone that has a pledge in there take it away I don't want patreon money I don't believe in that company if you want to support me support me here Spotify has many benefits somebody said that many audience rather than artists you know what it's pretty you're probably right about that but my audience is here these are my people you guys are my people okay if you were Sicilian you'd really be my people just kidding I am a hundred percent Italian you guys all know that right a 3/4 Sicilian I take credit cards it's my my thing is through Shopify my website um we are a free audience there you go exactly you know you like Italian food you know I've I've eaten nothing today I had coffee about six hours ago and I've literally eaten nothing today I I went up and made my kids dinner and my wife was um she's like what are you doing down there so I'm working on this course she's like you've been working on this for days you know I've never been to Italy all my grandparents came from Italy all of them well three of them came from Sicily one came from Italy my grandpa Beato came from Italy um and I've never been there and I have to go there and I have to make some videos from there and I am proud to be Italian anyways live stream from Italy um and how awesome would that be oh man I don't speak Italian I wish I did all my grandparents spoke Italian but I watch The Godfather all the time does that count I have the Godfather Part one and Part two it's the only movies that I have on my phone by the book now it's on sale this is this is what ever day's today the what do they call Black Friday and my new my new course is going to come out hopefully tomorrow and and my ear training course I'm working with Aaron he's doing all the programming on it and Michelle is helping me out with with all the transcriptions and everything and and she's working in the Beato book along with with Christian who's have been working on the book over in Germany since the beat I just got off with him before here he's on page 186 of my Beato book which is three hundred and seven pages long okay so on the digital version of it so anyways gelato I like that that's what some of my friends used to call me know my nickname in college was hypes okay you wonder why right or the soaked people would call me because I went just soaked up everybody's ideas always um can I do a video on Pat Martino you know I talked about Pat Martine I love Pat Martino and I will do about the the minor conversion that's a great take the gun leave the cannoli Oh who said that that's a oh that is Eric you made my night because that's my favorite quote from The Godfather that is amazing okay so that's it now you know why they call me height no hypes plural okay that's it everybody you're great I'm gonna go eat love you guys bye my book by my youtube transcriptions by my new course when it comes out by my album there we go and subscribe to my Rick be out alive channel here on YouTube alright you guys Rock thank you
Channel: Rick Beato
Views: 105,025
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rick beato, Everything music, music education, music business, making money in music, record royalties, making money from streaming music, streaming music, making money from youtube, youtube videos, library music, music production, session musician, how royalities work, music publishing, tutorial, music marketing, music theory, adam neely, aimee nolte, rant, music rant, youtuber, building an audience, social media, marketing
Id: 7PUrAaMli2E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 26sec (5306 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 25 2017
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