Is Rock Music Dead?

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no music I'm trying any no music intro because I was trying to find the right rock music but I can't really play anything here on YouTube I actually my assistant GL is here working with a band rock band and I was just talking to them and they're uh they're very like a Ghent band or they're a heavy rock band they're like prog rock the progressive metal band and we're just talking about this exact topic hey everybody invite your friends sup sup Canada where's everybody from so anyways [Music] greetings greetings greetings so I was asking them the questions that I always ask people that are from out of town that come in do you have a local radio station that plays rock music and the answer is usually no that there's a classic rock station this is in the south these guys are from I think Alabama and then I asked what are your friends listen to this band said country and EDM music and I'm always asking why and these are always interesting questions actually no then I asked him do you know any band that's ever gotten a record deal and they said no now this never used to be the case back in the late 90s early 2000s I had I've had 25 bands that I've heard that I produce that have gotten record deals over the course of my career it's about the same amount of bands have gotten signed as as the amount of years that I've produced but I don't think I've had a band get signed since 2006 so greetings everybody anyways so so there's no rock stations that play that play music there are no bands that gets signed so there's really no template for anything and because of that they there's not there's not this groundswell of people since there's no guitar music on the radio there's no kids wanting to learn guitar parts or guitar riffs or anything like that so the guitar teachers are stuck teaching classic rock or they teach them grunge things like that that are the last things that used to have riffs in them or actually had guitars in them so it's amazing that these guys said that their friends listen to country music and ETM music now what could be more different even though you hear some EDM and country songs now and if you listen to the top if you listen to the top of the charts you'll hear some EDM music oh by the way my book is on sale for the live stream here I have a coupon code here that I just generated you guys know I don't always do it but let's see here I go walk in here I think I just wrote it down here hold on let me let me put it on here yeah so it's uh al four to six is the coupon code that's good for 24 hours also my modes of the major scale course 25% off for one day MT for two one is the code I'll plug in in here you guys can see me okay so so I was in the control room here he's working and it's interesting so I just got an axe effect for those of you that are rock musicians and my assistant can had brought his Kemper in so we have the Kemper and the X effects on top of one another and and I've got all these amps over here birdie-birdie man just said that clickbait title he's the man wait click this is the this is actually something that I that I act that I talk about all the time so I have many amps over here these are some of my amps so I have a bunch of real amplifiers that I've used and I've got other ones on the other side but since they're doing a session I can't go in there and I tried out the ax effects and it sounds great I mean it really does I've talked to a lot of bands a lot of pro guys like Synyster Gates from Avenged Sevenfold when they were opening I went to see them open for Metallica Metallica's plan XFX why because they don't want to lug around amps I mean that's you know that's really the that's what people are doing now they're all playing these profile amps modeling amps or whatever they're called hold on I look really weird here with this light movie back a little bit so these things are really they're built really well and they're really reliable so the question is what do I do with these things back here do I need all these amps is rock dead is rock ever gonna make a comeback now I don't think so I don't think it's going to ever come back in the same way that it was now people on here that are into you know progressive metal and the this you know the gent bands or you wanna call I call prog metal I mean this has been going on since Meshuga it's been going on since the 90s this particular style of metal has been going on for years but that's really a small niche market if you think about this realistically and I don't want to do this based on album sales but it's it's on what are the what is the music that is huge worldwide and most of the music that's huge worldwide right now is EDM music country music is not big worldwide with country music that's big here EDM and pop music hip hop music these are things that are build world that are big worldwide there is no really any rock movement that is big worldwide I went to see beardyman just said hold on hold on hold on he says if you strike rock down it will come back stronger I hope that that's true I do hope that that's true I love rock there that's how much I love rock people are people I would always come in my studio and they would say you have all hundred-watt heads why is that I said because I love rock music it's like you can't play rock music on a I mean I have an AC 30 I've got some small combos and everything but it's like you gotta play rock you got to play through four 12s and you gotta play through hundred-watt heads now I find out that everybody's using that they're using the ax effects so I'm sure I'm trying one out right now and I I dig it it sounds great I love real amplifiers too I tried to do I tried to do in my live stream the other day and I didn't even know how to use the thing and I and I I I put this I put up the ax effects and I tried and I couldn't figure out how to use it but apparently that you have to hook it up to a computer and then it's easier to adjust the and it it's easier to adjust okay so beardyman just said rock must die so it can be reborn well bands like Nickelback did a pretty good job of killing rock music all mass movements of music begin with the original bands okay so they start with bands like for example when 80s metal was going on it you know it started with bands you know we can talk about bands like ac/dc or you know banza started in the late 70s that became 80s metal bands ac/dc was not a needs met aband the bands like Def Leppard has started in the late 70s it would be to become these massive monoliths in in the 80s so the kind of the hair metal movement happened throughout the 80s and then you had Guns and Roses come out and I just saw van Halen go across here now van Halen was a crossover because van Halen started the first record came out in 78 so that was a crossover band that bridged the two eras they were never really a hair metal band in that way they were never the same as as the eighties bands and even the early eighties bands were not the same as the the middle to late eighties bands because you started getting copy of a copy of a copy and you get those bands that you know the was that cherry pie band those kind of bands like that that we're all just you know all just minoo third generation DC Lister's D Lister's boys and things like that that were you know just copies of copies there were a and our guys going out there looking for these bands Warren thank you that we're looking for bands that sounded like other bands and they would just be it's just like a Xerox the more you copy it you know those of you that remember Xerox machines the more you copy it the more faded it gets and the less you can read it so and I wouldn't put Cinderella somebody said Warren and Cinderella Cinderella was more of a Blues based band so I don't want it I wouldn't throw a Cinderella in this in the same I wouldn't throw them in the same category Boston and journey are not Boston and journey were definitely 70s Bay now journey had their biggest record escape in 1981 okay that was probably their pinnacle of their career was that record but they were up they were a seventies band and Boston was a seventies man even though Boston had big hits in the 80s their biggest record is the first record 1976 okay so then you get to grunge okay so so you had these transition bands in the late 80s that were Guns N'Roses and you even had bands like Jane's Addiction that were the first bands that were a kind of alternative bands and you had the Red Hot Chili Peppers but you had the Red Hot Chili Peppers there was a weird thing that happened and then you had REM in the very right around 1990 there was this change no Soundgarden and Nirvana and bands like that Mother Love Bone were all going on in the late 80s grunge was was happening then but it was still underground it was big and Seattle but it was underground so the grunge movement exploded with nevermind and then you had Pearl Jam you know got to be as big as Nirvana with the first record which was really the first record was was pretty much written off in in the because it was put out in 91 and even into 92 was not big then all the sudden it blew up and it became massively big Ellison chains then Soundgarden really had the last big record of grunge in the 90s with Superunknown even though did they did down on the upside which is a phenomenal record the last big record of theirs that had that was really the pinnacle of the grunge movement was super unknown you had bands that were transition bands because you had bands that were like Radiohead that were transitioned in other other areas and you had bands like Oasis that were these transitional figures that that were this whole Britpop movement that happened from around 94 now Radiohead was a little bit earlier but these bands started to develop in the mid-90s and then you've had like bands like bush now these were the second-tier bands Bush was the copy of Nirvana Bush was the you know with it was the record labels trying to find bands that sounded like that so Rack is a game radio had completed the game discussed points okay your beer demands awesome I love this so anyways in the mid-90s though you started having bands like Hootie and the Blowfish like Dave Matthews you had bands like live those of you that remember live you had silverchair you had no doubt so these were these transitional bands and then you had the Foo Fighters which started in 95 okay a lot of the bands didn't make it over the hump to 2000 in 97 this is when the new metal movement so rock was still massively big worldwide huge hugely big worldwide Soundgarden Nirvana Pearl Jam Allison chains they were as big in South America as they were in Japan as they were in Europe these were worldwide massively big bands then in 97 you had Creed you had limp Biskit coming out this was the the the beginnings of new metal and of the bands that started to become successful again because there was a lull there was really a lull and I know this because I was in a band at the time and we were my band was more a throwback 70s band it was hard to find people that were producers or engineering I didn't produce her engineer back then I just started producing a little bit but there weren't the people out there that you could go to that you could say oh this guy is a great rock guy because I mean there were the guys that produces like Dave jerden that did that did Alison chains records there was you know I'm trying to think who did a Rick Parashar that temple of the dog and the first Pearl Jam record there was Michael Bain horn that did Superunknown that produced that there wasn't necessarily somebody just said what about The Melvins love The Melvins Love Rage Against the Machine so rage once again so rage started out in the early 90s as well first record was produced by Garth Richardson great record Andy Wallace mixed it phenomenal record second record evil empire Brendan O'Brien phenomenal record very different sounding Andy Wallace mixed that - these are really but they weren't grunge records they were not grunge records just like you couldn't say that Audioslave was a grunge was a grunge record was a grunge band they weren't so corn was not a grunge band but corn was big in the nineties huge massively big in the 90s so there was all this kind of transition into new metal that happened from the late from the mid 90s into the early 2000s but during this mid 90s period this was a really weird time because don't forget there was Lilith Fair that happened and you had the explosion of people like Sarah McLachlan and and a lot of female bands a bit filter was a band that was big because their first record I think Shortbus came out in 94 with a man nice shot was on it so these this transition period in between grunge and new metal the rock was still huge okay so you had Rage Against machine you had Foo Fighters you had all these bands Smashing Pumpkins we're putting out records still Velvet Revolver not quite yet but anyways this is also when okay Slipknot stained yeah Chevelle but these were the beginnings of the no-name man's not Slipknot not necessarily state people knew Aaron Lewis a singer for stayin but they were the beginnings of the faceless bands this is where the transition happened where rappers and rap music and hip-hop took over and the people became the rock stars okay and I see people Deftones and everything these are all and they made incredibly great band Chris some incredibly great records and I shouldn't leave out Terry date who'd made some great signing records with Soundgarden and with and did white pony with Deftones excellent excellent record and somebody keeps asking me about opeth here well we're not we're not there yet tule amazing Kings X once again King's X was more of a periphery figure and I loved King's X and Fugazi was obviously not a grunge band they were a punk band but but Kings X was a I would say a peripheral band those of you that know King's X their record I talked about this the other day Dogman is a phenomenal record great signing record and Ty Tabor who plays guitar in King's X is a great player and always sounded great that dog man you wanna hear a great signing rock record that is super phat that was a Brendan O'Brien record I believe where he produced and mixed it and it is incredible but ty Tabor is a great guitar player his rhythm parts are super tight he played on it didn't matter what gear he played on they always sounded great they're more of a they're more they're kind of they're they have prog elements and they have rock Tamas they're a rock band though they're I have you they're a heavy rock band but but they weren't they were not part of a movement really like grunge where you could put them together now you can't say that all grunge bands were the same because Nirvana and Alice in Chains were nothing alike Pearl Jam and Soundgarden were really they had some similarities but only when they played in Temple of the dog really then you had bands coming on you know System of a Down and things like that these interesting bands but the transition over that the 2000 the year 2000 was really interesting because a lot of bands did not make it over 2000 a band like live for example that was a big band in the 90s had a lot of hits they didn't make it over the 2000 mark you still had a huge movement the biggest year in the music business was in the year 2000 that was when they sold the most records ever it was a multi-billion dollar industry then you had one label Samba that had Backstreet Boys and and and Britney I think and and who's the other big boy band that just Justin Timberlake that they sold that one record that one label so I had a billion dollar profit I want to say in in in 2000 that was literally the biggest year okay somebody just said that I have a hundred and sixty likes with 750 people on here so some of you must be liking if there's that many people on here so like the video because it helps later on and he was insane thank you thank you in sync Napster happened in 99 you guys hear me talk about that all the time so but rock was still huge rocks old records Rock made money and they kept making money and record labels kept signing bands up until about the year 2005 before Mars Volta I keep seeing mars volta on there because you had what's the band mars volta that was that they were in before mars volta that had one one-armed scissor that who's the band who am I thinking of at the drive-in thank you at the drive-in Ross Robinson I think for that record great record that that that at the driving record is amazing I love that record so these bands were still doing well Linkin Park was a worldwide band okay they were big everywhere but Creed was not and bands like Nickelback were not worldwide bands they were not the same they didn't have that same the Foo Fighters world worldwide band definitely but they were a worldwide band because Dave Grohl was a rock star but the the era of the rock star began to diminish in the 2000s and it was really because of all the faceless grunge or the faceless new metal bands Chevelle I mean bands I even worked with like shinedown Brent was a is a phenomenal singer but nobody knows who any of these people are nobody knows the players in any of these bands I mean pretty much every band even a time honestly most people other than Chester and Mike in in Lincoln Park most of the people don't know the rest of the guys in Lincoln Park they don't know they'd get our player Brad they don't know any of these they don't know any of the names of the people in any of these bands puddle of mud is another band no-name they might have known the dude the Wes whatever the dude what's with the singer's name who knows like who knows and these people and in any of these bands they were just faceless bands all these bands were and because of that face that because of these faceless bands disturbed nobody really knew the guys in the band they just didn't they had huge bands but nobody knew blink-182 it's interesting because at the same time that this was going on that pop punk movement was he was happening Green Day was a huge band Green Day was a huge fan since you know since the early nineties since 94 so they were they were you know a huge huge band in the early 90s somebody said Andy Wallace mixed almost all of it he did he actually mixed almost all these bands he mixed helmet he mixed Jeff Buckley it's nirvana a mixed rage against the machine Linkin Park you name it filter actually no Ben gross mixed the filter records so Ben gross actually somebody said Alter Bridge Ben gross actually produced the first alter bridge record and mixed it a helmet was a great band that's that kind of went by the wayside Paige Hamilton was great the lead say the the guitar player in the band he was a great writer and did he was you know there was one of the first big low drop D kind of bands there anyways so I keep seeing Queens of the Stone Age - yeah I mean there's there you can you can you can say okay there's all these instances of bands that had great records but they were not dominant forces in the world they were not you know Toole was a massively big band a perfect circle they were huge bands they weren't huge tool was but a lot of these most these other bands I'm talking about these faceless fans were not world-famous they weren't chevelle was not a world famous band level of Mudd was not a world famous band none of those bands all those faceless rock bands is what ultimately led to me to the demise of rock music and then you be then you got the nickel head thing and and and the I really think the the uncool nough sub Nickelback the the from the image too and overexposure of them plus the fact that there was that people didn't really know these guys they they were they they knew that they didn't like Chad Kroeger his voice it was he was like all his vocals started on ten and had nowhere to go when he started you think about photograph you know and he starts screaming at the beginning of this and it just yeah all capital letters exactly whoever just wrote that it was on ten all the way through and and of that eventually war on people and the predictability of it war on people and rap music started emerging with I mean had been around since the early 80s but all the people in rap I noticed it being from Atlanta or living in Atlanta through this because you sir you started seeing people that I knew you know that I knew from working in studios like Little John that piece started becoming these big stars that were guys that were local guys here in Atlanta and crunk that genre of of rap music was really big 99 to 2002 or so was right here in Atlanta and you had Outkast you had a lot of bands like that yin yang twins things like that lanta was really really big they were the it was the epicenter of hip-hop and rap wasn't lanta during that time I saw you know somebody just said something about white stripes and The Strokes once again white stripes great band huge band but they weren't part of a movement neither were The Strokes they weren't they weren't part of a worldwide movement that you could label grunge was really to me the last the last worldwide rock movement and you can say oh gent is big you know or these bands you know yeah there's there's a there's a small movement of it they weren't worldwide bands I just saw somebody says Oasis I saw this hilarious thing with with Liam Gallagher talking about he was giving coffee it was going around Facebook he was getting coffee and Slipknot is was big worldwide ok Slipknot their first record came out in 99 they were a band worldwide and Linkin Park was a big bad worldwide date there were some bands that were worldwide that were from the new metal era and Slipknot is not a new metal band and I always thought that term was kind of a weird term because it didn't really fit a lot of those it didn't I didn't think it really fit a lot of those bands necessarily but the thing where you consist he had singles that were on the radio the same songs all over the world smells like teen spirit was a number one song all over the world you know fell on black days or not fell off fell on black days but black holes Sun or you know alive or even flow or you know things like that these were worldwide number one songs in multiple comes they were number one in Italy and Japan in you know down in Brazil in the US and Germany in England everywhere they were number one records the same songs were huge now what are the reasons for this and is it ever gonna change why I mean to me it was obvious what the decline was the decline was the oh and by the way I'll say this while I've got those people on your subscribe to my channel if you don't subscribe hit the subscribe button now somebody just said MTV died MTV died long before that mm TV was a driver of music through the 80s and up into the early 90s a huge driver if it wasn't for MTV bands like Nirvana nirvana was because I remember cuz I watched MTV all the time in 1991 and I saw Nirvana and I already knew Nirvana because I had bleach in you know in the late 80s and I was into indie rock then and so I saw Nirvana take over the music business I knew from people in the in the music industry that were friends of mine that Nirvana was and I remember having this conversation with Garry Gersh that side Nirvana he signed them in to DGC to Geffen basically off of bleach which bleach it sold 46,000 records that was it but they they had they knew that the Seattle scene people knew the Seattle scene was really happening so Gary signed and he said he told me you know I talked to him he was interested in a band I produced years ago that's why he came to Atlanta and I went out with him for dinner one night talk I asked about Nirvana because he was really instrumental and not only Nirvana but Radiohead because Radiohead became really big when he was running Capitol Records I think it was Capitol that he was running at the time so radio and I were they in Capitol or virgin he was the president of the label and really put he put Radiohead on the map made them I mean they were the you know creeped was a decently decent-sized song but it wasn't until the benz came out that radio had started started to blow up but he made them a priority here in the US and that was a really big thing Capitol they were in Capitol and he was Gary cursors running Capitol after because he had so much success with with signing Nirvana he signed the posies he signed the Counting Crows he signed all these bands at DGC he signed Sonic Youth I mean it was big so grunge worldwide movement Kurt Cobain died it started to diminish then you had bands like hoody in the both Blowfish and things that take over all the transition bands the all the female artists in the mid mid 90s and then you start getting into new metal with Limp Bizkit things like that fast forward 2005 2006 2007 Red Hot Chili Peppers yes now Red Hot Chili Peppers was you know come on they were big in the 80s they were big all the way through their 90s their biggest record is probably blood sugar sex Magik Californication those were huge records but blood sugar sex Magik is a 10 million selling more than 10 million selling record so anyways mid 2000s you started you had the bands of breaking Benjamins all this kind of stuff and then then you had kind of the fall of Nickelback and really that was that pretty much for rock that was it there was there were bands I mean there were bands that like I said about the you know when people talk about Ghent you know or that style of progressive metal listen to Meshuga Meshuga was doing this in the you know in the 90s okay this type of music it was their progressive metal and and they were a deist they were a big band you know and and so that style had been around but these things are just not on the radio and there's no bands that get signed anymore that stopped happening in the mid-2000s when the record business fell off a cliff okay now things like EDM why did these things start to become big well one of the reasons is that you didn't need to go into a studio to make this to record the tracks that was a big thing about this by the way I have a my book is on sale right now I'll tell you guys in my modes of the major scale course I have a coupon code all I got people on here it's uh let's see here I'll tell you what it is I said it at the beginning of thing for most of the major scale coupon code you get 25% off mt4 two one and for my for my Beato book or my PDF $10 off is al four to six coupon code so so EDM music and I thought I've started these guys there's literally a band in the next room right now recording that's that's like a they're like a Ghent band I mean they're they're a progressive metal band so and I asked him I said why do you think these things are so big he says well they say well nobody wants to play the guitar number one because it takes time to learn and people don't want to take the time to learn how to play the guitar it's just as easy to take out your laptop and put on GarageBand and start making tunes you can make a tune to put it under on you know on a you know band camp you can put it on soundcloud you can put it on Facebook or you can put it on YouTube it's instant gratification you don't even have to know anything you just put some loops together and you sing over it now to do it at a top level you got to be really good at it I'm not going to tell you that making EDM music and doing great tracks is not is easy it is not trust me I've worked on EDM tracks I've worked with some great producers writing top line writing top line top lines are lyrics and melody that's you know and and it's not easy I'm not gonna say oh all you need is a synthesizer know these things to do really creative things there's a lot of complexity to it and there's a lot of you know when you're doing certain types of filtering you're doing all these different sonic effects there's a lot of attention to detail in EDM music and really well done getting the low-end right everything getting the kick drum heart doing anything well is difficult it is people make fun of me because I always see people on here saying you know cash me outside the what's-her-name Barbie baby or whatever Hertz song when I all my friends were outraged by this song and I go and listen to it and I'm like wow Productions really good on this I mean I wanted to hate the song and I listened to it I say I'm thinking like man vocals sound killer they've this great distortion on the vocal and I have to be honest about it you know that that it you know I can appreciate the sonic characteristics of things that I'm not even interested in the music I like the production that comes from being a producer I like sounds you know I can appreciate a great you know a great base to own I can I can appreciate a filter sweep that's done really well and it sounds hilarious to think of but you know appreciation doesn't eat equal liking that's that's actually interesting because I don't listen to it in the same way I can enjoy it where I appreciate it no I actually appreciate it more than I like it wait what was the motive what did you say their appreciation doesn't mean doesn't equal liking true that is a that is actually does actually very true I can appreciate something there's bands whose records I don't like it all but I love the sound of there's plenty of bands that I will listen to around I'll listen I'll say man that's that's a great sounding record you know there are a couple new metal records that I think sound killer but I can't stand the music you know that but the guitar sounds are so heavy you know but this but ultimately this the sounds are are terrible now somebody says something about rush here you appreciate rush but you don't listen to it I love Geddy Lee's voice absolutely love his voice I know it's an acquired taste I like rush from the seven I like the seventies rush I didn't I wasn't I didn't really listen to the eighties rush I liked farewell to Kings I liked hemispheres I liked 2112 I liked all those early records they were great that's the stuff that I grew up with so anyways once so if you think about who are the worldwide famous bands right now that can actually do incredibly well everywhere let's be honest Foo Fighters Muse can Muse do well everywhere Muse is not in the Foo Fighters League as far as sighs the National is a great indie rock band and can do five thousand tickets anywhere here in the United States but can they the Black Keys can the Black Keys do ten thousand tickets I mean you can't compare the the what Pearl Jam was doing or what Metallica was doing you know when I saw Metallica play with with Avenged Sevenfold opening Avenged Sevenfold is a massively big band worldwide but but these are isolated these are isolated bands they're not parts of movements now Coldplay Coldplay can you know I mean to me a band that's a worldwide band that's a dominant band can they play an arena in any on any continent basically that is that is kind of the that are there a new band that can play a I mean you too can play an arena on any continent but are they are they a new band are there new bands that can do it can imagine dragons play play everywhere in the world play an arena I don't know if they can actually I don't know if imagine dragons can play an arena in Brazil right now maybe they can maybe they can't can anyone answer that nope they can't are there people that are in Brazil right now there must be people in Brazil right you're watching this can imagine dragons play an arena in Brazil anybody nope okay so these are you saying nope from Brazil not okay I see a CDC of course they can play arenas you know alter bridge alter bridge doesn't play arenas in Brazil I mean I don't you know Dream Theater but these are bands that have been around forever you know these guys I mean Dream Theater has been around since the you know for 30 years can skrillex play arenas I mean we're talking about rock bands you know now you're gonna have a DM artists that are and is a mad as the magic dragons are they even a rock band I would say yes actually I would say imagine dragons is a rock band I don't dig their new record as much as their first record I don't think but the new records got some good songs on it too john mayer plays arenas but John Mayer has been around since the year 2000 John Mayer got signed put out first record in 2000 2000 2001 ok so you know anything that's pre 2005 is that you know before that before Rock started to fall off a cliff I mean that didn't really happen in 2005 it happened later it did nu-metal didn't really start dying until the you know at least 2010 or so you know Band of Horses is a great band they're there you know but once again there's no worldwide movement but really what worldwide movements are there is there's no worldwide movement of rock there isn't now you know snarky puppy is there as their worldwide group they're not a they're not a they're not a they're not a rock band though thirty Seconds to Mars I'll tell it an interesting aside I was talking about this the other day the first date I went on with my wife was with we went to see Audioslave with thirty Seconds to Mars opening back in 2005 and and I didn't know who Jared Leto was and he came up to me I was went backstage after cuz my friend was the program director at the radio station here and she invited me and my wife she and her husband and and and we met them backstage and they went and talked to thirty Seconds to Mars they were a new band I didn't know who they were and I ended up talking to the singer and he was telling me that he said yeah I went to Decatur and and uh Jordan here in Georgia he said I was I went to Mark David Chapman how is something like what's he talking about he's you know I'm researching for a role I'm gonna play Mark David Chapman I'm thinking I don't know who this guy is Mark David Chapman is the guy that shot John Lennon I shouldn't even say his name but I didn't I had no idea who jared leto was so anyway that's that's my Jared Leto's story there he was the nicest guy I'm like who is this guy anyway so um Ramstein 1992 first record I think something like that I don't think that we can really I don't think we can really put these these these bands on the same level there is no worldwide movement to do this by the way if you're in New York City I'm coming to New York I'm doing three seminars on November 7th please come whoever is in the New York area wants to drive to New York to meet me in person it's the first time I've ever taken my show on the road they're not going to be on YouTube or anything you can meet Adam Neely he's coming to one of the shows if any of you that follow him I'm doing this I'm going to do a thing with Adam the day before to that we'll do on YouTube live but I'm gonna do three seminars on that day it's on my website go to Rick be ATO calm you can see but sign up and come because it's going to be killer we can meet in person that's all of my hype that I'm gonna do on that EMU's tame impala great bands I mean there's there's great indie rock movement going on here with bands like the national war on drugs tame impala there's a lot of great bands that are huge that are actually big worldwide that are rock bands they're indie rock bands though and and but they're not big in the same way they're not like Soundgarden they're not like Alice in Chains they're not like Pearl Jam Arctic Monkeys huge band I keep seeing Deftones on here I love Deftones so I love Pantera I see Pantera in capital letters there I saw it every time though Arcade Fire another band that's a that's it's a big band worldwide no question about it but I don't think that I don't know if rock is ever going to come back and it's really kind of what the what this talk was about I can't see killswitch engage's is a big band but they're not that big you know I don't know if emo music was was part of this that you know the stuff that happened in the in the you know with My Chemical Romance and and and Fall Out Boy and all that kind of stuff I don't know if that was I think that that actually had something to do with the death of rock also I think that and I love Bullet For My Valentine once again though they were they've been around for 20 years now just about so switch foot switch foot is a not a worldwide band I wouldn't say right I mean they're not even you know and I like Switchfoot I like one one of their records was a actually one of the records I like I'm a fan of the sound of it I'm trying to think of the record - there's a great-sounding right they had one record that was really great sounding it was super fat so anyways I'm gonna throw it out there to you guys feel free to comment in here if you think that I'm wrong about this and you can point to a worldwide movement that is a rock movement I'm talkin worldwide with current bands that have songs on the radio that are hits that are all over the world and they can play arenas because every band we talked about in 1992 Pearl Jam can play arenas everywhere and so could the Chili Peppers so could nirvana so could Soundgarden so could you know Alice in Chains I mean these things were were huge Metallica these these things were you know I mean some were bigger than others but but that was it you guys are awesome hit the like button now hit the like button there's a lot of people on here that like those like should be way over 800 they should be over a thousand so my video gets out there they've been D monetizing my yes for some reason like there's like they're not you know worth putting advertising in front of or something that's a new thing that Casey nice stats even haven't he has gotten videos with two million dollars that are getting D monetized make a comment here like the videos there's a coupon code for my modes of the major scale that's that's al four to six it'll be here just for till tomorrow this time and for my Beato book or that's for the Beato book and then for my modes of the major scale MT for two one panic at the Disco's one of the Bands I forgot to mention in here you guys are awesome thanks so much talk to you later
Channel: Rick Beato
Views: 243,683
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rick Beato, Everything Music, Rock Music, Grunge, Metal, The death of Rock Music, Rock Music Sucks, EDM, Djent, Indie Rock, rock is dead, dave grohl, kanye west, discussion, rap, rock music is dead, the national, tame impala, soundgarden, tool, radiohead, foo fighters, Nickleback, EMO, Prog Metal, Dream Theater, Rap, Hip hop
Id: 1YvXAf_-Tf4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 15sec (2955 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 28 2017
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