EPIC ONIGIRI TASTE TEST 2 (Japan Family Mart Store Haul)

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God I miss these, hate to buy snacks in my city after buying them in Japan. An onigiri or two is just the perfect small hunger snack.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Aiklund πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 11 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

We refer to these as mystery triangles, since we can't read the packaging, it's a mystery every time! My Japanese friends were amused by this.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/sesssa πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 11 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies
today we are trying out 20 onigiri no no no no no no no no no hey everybody welcome back to another epic onigiri food review I cannot believe that we're trying out 20 today the last time we tried this we did it from 7-eleven today this time we got the onigiri from we're family mod so we have so much more to cover this time than the last so let's get started the first one is a crispy type of onigiri yes we have four of these today and these are the ones where the loading is separated from the rice so that the no tea retains its crispness so I'm gonna start off with the most traditional one which is Deb ooh man okay so this is the first one so let's open it the way you open it as always first you pull down number one tab you pull it down and make sure you take it completely off from the back now this is a trick to getting the naughty not to rip apart once you do that take out the both ends cool and the notice should attach to the rice just like this without the nodi ripping apart oh look at that okay so immediately it looks a bit different from the 70 level one but it looks good nonetheless right so here you go back to your half I'm giving you the big one because we got a lot I don't think we can eat all this today I don't agree now immediately I notice it looks different from the 7-eleven one Oh documents well mush it's good it's good not when you get it the sour plum is sour um the rice is good quality rice the nori is crispy and right now in my head I'm comparing it to the ones that we ate from 7-eleven this um miramanee um very moderate pace very easy to eat even the nori is different I'm so far I like the 7-eleven one just a little bit better than it ever last is special that's true that's true okay anyway let's move on hi this is the sea chicken or aka to now my mayonnaise let's open it up and this is what it looks like on the inside okay this one looks like there's a lot more feeling than that women I know maybe it just looks that way oh so much feeding Wow yeah a lot of feeling in this one it's like my mouth this was my favorite the reed evans that's in a my always my favorite hmm-hmm-hmm it does taste different from the 7-eleven one this one tastes more like a tuna sandwich type of filling then I the one with a dashi flavor is not bad at all but there right now I'm hungry and this is only our second unnie giddy so I'm saying that right now like I said this one is more like the tuna salad and the American tuna salad sandwich filling press the 7-eleven one is more Japanese the next one is kombu from Hokkaido kind of kombu and this is seasoned with some Japanese sauce we didn't eat kombu in 7-eleven no we did it we did it maybe are you sure no I don't remember hmm let us know guys check out the 7-eleven one let us know we did kombu I can't remember at all we have 14 2018 yeah okay so let's open this one up ah okay so I'm gonna open it up and it's always gonna show you guys the inside and this is what it looks like that looks delicious hi though there's a lot of hanwen here I like cougar meat too I like so guilty um good mmm this is awesome oh yeah mmm I gave you the big piece hmm this is amazing hmm good point of it it's a little sweet cuz there's some sugar here some sesame seed in here put the toasted sesame seed flavor hmm oh this emojis yeah this one is my favorite so far this is been my favorite we're good the tuna mayonnaise is my second favorite the last one of twist P type of when you can get it this is negitoro negitoro doodle negitoro what is negitoro negitoro Negi means of welsh onion or green onions and total is thought it's the fatty part of the tuna and down this one is 128 yen so I think it's a little more than the ones that we had before and this one also has wasabi show you inside it looks like this inside okay that definitely looks like Nicky toto mmm mmm hmm what sabe Minami immediately I know mmm mmm hmm nice girl ah nice kick the table is very creaming and it's already marinating in a little bit of soy sauce so you don't need to put any more soy sauce in here and the wasabi is really the key to this one yeah okay so the next elections that we have are these these come with a nori already wrapped around rice so the nori is no longer crispy so we have six of these so first I'm going to try out is yaki shock at the stem in grilled salmon this one is a hundred twenty and that's including Jack so 112 yen is there anything special about this one so Toshi domestic rice domestic rice Oh isn't everything domestic when I slice right are they using like Moshiach or the most a good soul very good song very good like a Japanese style Japanese soul Oh diesel I see all right okay let's try this out I think 7-eleven had a little more salmon in the middle mmm good I'm so sorry T right so in turn right but just enough so how many Matt onigiri had very subtle taste hmm I agree I agree with you I need the 70 level one we have stronger flavors normal River good or bad I think that's up to you but on this salmon is a winner definitely a winner hmm main tank Oh minor this is 112 yen so same price as the the first one we had the salmon and it looks like this on the inside Wow this one we mean amazing my sister's favorite beautiful pink cotton this is divine mmm fine this is super super good goodbye mmm the little spicy mmm the mayonnaise it really adds something to the man time own only meant ICO is better I thought but this is good better with the mayonnaise people Japanese decided to them many oh so it's a little different for the last one it's a hundred to yet mmm yeah because you know tunas cheaper this is them so I thought this one has soy sauce soy sauce I see which makes a Japanese I pick one loser thank you mmm different from the first tuna we have both are different from the first one you do it better you like you some better this is difficult for me I like the other one too I like this one too these are toeto totally different to the flavors the next one I'm going to choose a suji cop so you go Fujiko which are salmon eggs and I can't wait to try them because I love this one says it's brand-new so maybe it's going to be fabulous whoa beautiful yes beautiful I always like the look it's like salmon eggs it's like a claw mmm marine gauge yeah it tastes like the ocean it is a little different from yukata it really tastes like the ocean it's a bit more not quite fishy either because it has a very clean taste I'm not a big fan of surgical mmm I just realized today really and I could eyes better yeah interesting I thought it was the same thing okay the next what we have is a buoy a key tell ago we're doing grilled fish eggs mmm Alamo City seafood series so this one is 121 yen I myself I'm a huge fan of you like terrible yes yeah I can't wait to try this one out hi good oh hmm yaki taco reminds me of breakfast perfect saltiness that's a good point no dashi the saltiness of the the all the onigiri that we're trying today is really well balanced not too salty and just enough saltiness cuz sometimes onigiri there's not enough saltiness next if delicious putting gomoku chicken and the five ingredients it's like a mixed rice with different ingredients already cooked inside the rice this is a very very typical dish that we cook here in Japan this one there's a gigantic piece of chicken in the sand you know so so Toshi I'm gonna give you know the piece of chicken soup ticking you cage really can i you're so kind of oh ma Oh mmm I think this rest for is a richer than others mm-hmm very really safe delicious I love the marinated vegetables the burdock the carrots a bamboo huge delicious Guddi but a cheeky what does that mean what is curry butter gari kobata chicken chicken garlic butter soy sauce this one is 139 yen so with the tax is 150 so this is the priciest of everything we tried so far okay Wow Oh weird smell like garlic oh yeah sounds like garlic and butter well now you get the big piece I'm actually getting quite full oh oh this is good Oh butter yeah I can taste bottom me too and the taste is garlic - it says like teriyaki but Eric garlic and flavors this is pretty substantial a substantial owning eating for lunch for dinner the Nixon series if we dad nori without nori the fat one I chose what coming well okay this is very very simple looking and the price matches the ingredients because it's just seaweed this is 102 yen and this one it's very difficult to half so let's just take bites of this yeah this is a Japanese favorite yeah we lonely rice my hammer I see this Japanese favorite there's my this one is difficult to you know tear and how I thought we just take bites out of it mmm get a nice toasty flavor lots of Syrian the ceiling is seasoned nicely thickness is appropriate yes yes the rice is not so sticky licky Homme that's your favorite yeah Sachi hun is something that we usually eat during celebrations I'm its satoshis favorite this is basically sticky mochi rice with Azuki beans and mixed into the rice this one it says it's better if you microwave it for a while but we don't have time I love the young yeah here's black sesame is at the top and usually has some salt on the top as well the surface no it's a good really lot of beans in a lot of beans nice sticky texture like mochi mochi mochi I feel like this one is a little too sticky for onigiri I mean was I don't remember second hand being this sticky anything to put chocolate to match to the true stickiness and the last word from this particular series is the crab sushi now I made a mistake because I thought this was real crowd I mean this is a hundred and thirty yen so I thought okay it's not cheap to be real crab but aren't you it looks like you're proud and I just realized that no this is imitation crab with Japanese style male-male sauce mayonnaise sauce and some seasonings but let's see what how this one tastes like this is a hundred and thirty yen 140 M with tax mmm so if you write what you write I just had a bite up the rice only hmm it's really good to Commission it's just a machine sushi rice it's a little sweet a little vinegary not too vinegary go it's not bad it's not bad at all the mayonnaise the Japanese mayonnaise all really adds to the flavor this one's okay for me I mean it's not real crab so I'm a little disappointed but I guess as a hundred thirty I can monitor the ibn is too cheap for crap that is true you are right all right what's the next one Mifflin is a mushroom Oh co-op mmm what kind of mushroom is it this is my packet my like a mushroom yes but yeah okay and OCO ah this is a also sticky rice right mmm how is it hmm we're just taking it it's taking in better than the psyche huh I think this is better than secure I just taste some of the Buddha and deep fried tofu me too very very delicious we put the marinade in a really nice dashi sauce I decide to microwave it here you go tell me if it's better hot much mom too much much better much better mmm okay I think from now on if it says warming up that's exactly what we should do - you taste becomes guru yet brilliant Wow really brilliant hmm don't you think so really well not even kidding this is actually it's we shouldn't just warmed it up from the beginning the next two if a radiative special one is a grilled chicken and one is cold hard boiled eggs whole half boiled eggs so there's a whole egg whole egg inside that is half boiled the last one is ticket okay the chicken real chicken and grilled zucchini so the grilled ground chicken and this has non-coastal which is a cartilage inside the grilled chicken and it comes with egg yolk sauce mm-hmm reminds of yakitori has a really nice charred grilled flavor this is a really substantial one if you're hungry definitely go for this one I got the egg yolky Jason actually I liked it better with the egg yolk sauce he adds another dimensional flavor makes it a bit more creamy something really good all right the next one is the hon jakku you cannot go the one that you said is the full boil half boiled egg sorry I didn't see it how do you say it again how about the whole egg exactly and this one the rice is brown because it is a chicken sapporo Gohan so it's a marinated sauteed ground chicken and in a mix into the rice so I'm gonna open this up carefully okay I see an egg in here wow that really is a half owning the perfect half Oh dick beautiful huh boiled egg it's amazing this looks absolutely amazing the boiled egg isn't amazing the MiG is marinated I've avoided the money- a group can you tell that we are hitting our limits how many of you have we eaten so far seventeen so the next two we have here they are a bit of what is here on my hand also sticker on my hat these are yaki onigiri which are grilled rice balls yes one is the additional soy sauce the other one is missile okay so this one is enjoy flavor the package is puffed up because I just microwaved it open it like this is really hot so be careful oh my god smelling really good it's double sided deep yes it's dipped on both sides you are absolutely correct and then this is the missile one and this one is hot too and this one what is this oh there's a little film on top I have to peel it off Oh does this smell like your grandmother's yakiniku yeah does it really ah really okay so you can try to meet someone first out magic good rice bowl this one is so so for me this it tastes just like grandfather - um I'm done my grandfather's it is more crispy yes this one to my mother's one is more crispy I like to be someone better I proved a more crispy mom me too no this one should be a little more crispy we come to the last one finally this one comes in this very different fancy packaging I thought this is the most expensive but it's not but I think this is a luxurious collection it it is I think so it's a hundred eighty five yen so it's a bit pricey for a body II but this one they used it very special rights to use koshihikari which is a brand rice there it's one of the higher quality brands it's always very very delicious they even use special no tea and also special salt so I'm expecting a lot from one oh my god I get that gigantic is sad oh my god that's like a so big a so big yeah I mean okay I'm not gonna try to divide that because this one is tough I think you should just take a bite out of it make sure you get someone salmon whether that is a big piece of salmon did you get salmon little bit mmm is it good is it different from the first summit that we had I think we had like there's like a motoring u2 or something really Oh mmm it's like it is a salmon fillet Wow very thick piece of salmon really nicely salted not too salty not too salty you know just like a 7-eleven one the premium ones that cost not quite double but more than you know 50% it's about 50% more than the original one they do taste a lot better you know than the regular ones like the salmon that we had the first one I don't even remember what it tastes like it wasn't that memorable for me hmm it's just some of like just some inflate but this one is like a whole salmon and this one is amazing so people you finally have come to the anime community pick 20 rice ball 20 rice balls oh boy your eyes pop I can't believe it's like an adventure yes now um just just to be honest with you we have not eaten all the onigiri we have lots of leftover bits and pieces of Vonnegut maybe you eat tomorrow and the day after tomorrow okay well I think we're gonna make it maybe into fried rice or something yeah it's good idea right let us know what you thought about today's video which one were your favorite lettuce the comments down below if you are still interested in seeing another one Iggy video because we've done a 7/11 this one is feminine very smart every week one more know some Lawson that's another big chain that's all over Japan so if you want to see us - one more let us know while we're at the convenience store today we're looking at the dessert section they have a lot of really amazing looking desserts there's a lot of different bread at the convenience store there was like about 40 different varieties how many more CCS scary base and um the desserts look really good too so this is it it's bitter so so let us know which one you would like to see for you for our next convenience store food haul um thanks so much for watching and subscribe to our channel for more videos like this one as you can see I can no longer talk anymore and we're so full yes and I'm getting high or something or lethargic or something from all the rice we have to go - way to go take a look shall we we should I think Justin let's take a walk - anyway thanks for watching guys and take care wherever you are now we love you and see you guys my
Channel: TabiEats
Views: 179,672
Rating: 4.9669647 out of 5
Keywords: japan, family mart, convenience store, japanese convenience store, japanese food, taste test, food haul, japan vlog, tabieats, onigiri, konbini, コンビニ, γŠγ‚€γ™γ³, γŠγ«γŽγ‚Š
Id: lzxMtsFcMvo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 22sec (1342 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 11 2016
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