EPIC CRABBING End of the Season

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welcome back to Outdoor Chef life I'm taku and on the last video we caught some black cod which is delicious in 300 plus feet of water and up in Northern California crabbing is still open just barely and we dropped some crab pots I didn't show any of that yet so in this video I'm going to show you how that went it was incredible some of the best grabbing I've ever experienced anyways this video is sponsored by Boucher Viva more on that later I'm looking forward to some crab indeed oh a lot of crab tons of crap all right we dropped a couple of traps out and we got two more to go just four traps should be plenty here we go hopefully I think I slaked this rope enough should be all right should get down there traps are in now it's time to go fishing we were out fishing for about three hours and we came back to the traps and this is what we found all right now we're back at the crab booties The Crab Trap so we're gonna see if we got some crabs it's only been a few hours but who knows crabbing regulations vary depending on location even if you're in California in this area in the northern northern California area that is open until July 31st otherwise check your regulations all right lips are into some weight salt water in my eyes my lips are on sorry guys my lips are on fire because I didn't realize my lips are burning we got a little wet on the on the ride back in all right let's go let's go crab how's it feeling now not that heavy not that heavy we'll see I got 25. no nothing oh the net the the bait bag the bait bag is out of the uh trap no way dude right here it just floated up and uh came out all rebated and then you go to the next one second part let's see what we got oh yeah yeah nice there's definitely some Keepers in there crabs for dinner too oh look at that big boy yeah man I mean that was a quick soak though yeah absolutely full yeah we've done like an hour crazy yeah these are not Keepers this is a keeper right here come on out they made everything huh there we go keeper for sure here we go come on let go buddy yeah just grab yeah like talk to it back to the Lakes oh yeah one two three four five six seven let go this is a this one's on the back all right got it here we go come on big crab this is heavy is it yeah nice yeah this is heavy dude I have the Scotty up at the house I just haven't been sold it right now you just want us to work for it work for the food baby it's fighting we gotta I'm just letting the kind of the swell bring it up and as we drop yeah pick it up oh yeah you're good oh that's solid oh my god dude holy I fell baby I told you that was oh my gosh dude that is the most full freaking crab trap holy crap that's crazy dude that's so many crab yeah I mean there's a lot of smaller ones a lot of smaller ones but damn oh see I wasn't I wasn't over exaggerating man I was fighting wow wow there's a big one right here yeah there's two masks yeah I can't even open the door look at this guy massive oh he's missing a claw yeah it's okay foreign nice and hard too nice hard shell that's how you do it this is a keeper I told you my problem is less if I get my arm in there more than the throw back throw it back feisty grow back holy God that's so many it's a lot of crab in one pot in three hours uh usually it's more like half around here crazy huge right now that's cute let's go let's measure where's the measure crab gauge ooh this is like on the 25 this is on the edge so I'm just gonna throw it back oh that's on the edge you want to measure that one that's smaller oh yeah it's just under oh this one's on the edge it's amazing actually I don't know it's kind of confused nevermind oh that was a big one uh that's it on the edge this one this is a close one as well oh this guy's crawling out coming out of the hole that one's big it was a good one oh shoot dirty almost yeah sabotage you got a little chicken left too nice all right come on buddy you're gonna go back trust me let me let you live oh that's a big one big one holy yeah big one big one oh big one by soft shell dude yeah oh no really soft we should put them back yeah it's really soft huge though that'll keep I think yeah let's keep yeah small this one's questionable this one looks like the keeper it's small oh this is a keeper six Keepers in that pot so it's not too bad it's not too bad though we're using the guts yep I love the fish to rebate our crab traps all right this is our fourth one now Yep this is the last it's heavy making it look heavy yeah you're struggling oh no oh there's some big ones in there yeah there's a lot of a lot of big ones in there oh I'm getting a leg crimp why does that look like you were struggling I thought we had nothing in there it's so strong it's so strong Tom and I'm gonna like cramp it wow look at that guy look at him dude there's a lot of big ones in there there's a lot of big ones all right that's a big boy all right this guy's big that's a good one yeah oh shoot that guy is bad that's okay look at this guy oh those buns are clean look at those This Guy's super hard it's a big one too not as big as the others but that's a good one yeah that's a Hardy so this is what I was talking about this is what it's usually like yeah at every drop yeah it's crazy all the time yeah two hours so that's nuts dude that is nuts stop fighting stop that's a big one leg though all right let's keep them ah so these are like on the cusp uh that's another that's that's a little short oh it's a big boy big boy oh that feels heavy as big boy that's the heaviest one oh yeah that's a good one uh this one is good it's right at six yeah I'm guessing yeah let's keep I can throw them all back and just throw it by them nearly they're nearly there I love these all right uh we need more fish wow one two three four five six seven eight een fourteen Keepers in that one wow they ate all the meat three bones paid everything nothing it's okay that's what I call a success in just a few hours with only four pots that is incredible at the end of the season too Wild Man wild and we threw a bunch back as well it's a good thing our sponsor for today is bouj RV this is the Aspen 40 which is a refrigerator and freezer combo built for RVs Vans and over Landing whether you're going out for the weekend or you live full time in your van the bourge RV Aspen 40 will keep your food and drinks cold what's cool about the Aspen 40 is that it has dual compartment system so you can control the temperature on both individually if you want one freezer and one refrigerator you can do that if you want both freezers you can do that as well or if you want two refrigerators to keep maximum beers cold you can also do that and it's got the ice drive system with one button actually you hold these two buttons here and it turns on Ice drive mode and it only takes 30 minutes to get to negative 0.4 degrees Fahrenheit or negative 18 Celsius whilst the second compartment runs as a fridge at 32 degrees Fahrenheit also a built-in special ice cream container maintained at 10 degrees Fahrenheit the regular system allows any combination of freezer Refrigeration whether you want the entire thing to be a freezer or just as fridge or both you can also utilize their 220 watt hour power bank to stay cold for six to eight hours plug into your car cigarette plug or even with an outlet it's got safe cooling even on bumpy roads it has four holes on both sides so you can keep it strapped down and have no worries which makes it perfect for Overland built in with interior light I love that it's also a freezer because now I can freeze these crabs before taking them home and when we're ready to hit the road I can pop them in my Aspen 40 keep it nice and Frozen so it doesn't thaw out you know be good for the long run thank you to boost RV for sponsoring this video now let's make some crab all right we got a ton of Dungeness crab and I haven't had black pepper crab in a while and we've got a lot of people with us it's never had it so I'm gonna make black pepper crab with Dungeness crab foreign let's prepare the crab I use his own his own leg take off the apron boom and split them in half take the carapace off he's done and you fold them in and just break off take the gills off both sides take a space off we'll try to keep this in here this delicious goodness and I'll quarter him so just split them in half there you go that's how we're going to clean them brand new walk from hex clad These are nice so this is sponsored by hexclap but yeah I'm gonna start using these from now on they're a hybrid of non-stick and stainless steel pans they're supposed to be able to use metal utensils on them unlike a regular traditional non-stick with the Teflon coating so this should be really cool to use test it out start with a little bit of oil red onion coin is you can also use shallots as well garlic [Music] so I will split that out a little bit about some black pepper toss a ton of that in black pepper is going to be the main ingredient here so we're really just put in half the jar and we'll put in a half stick of butter okay I'm also gonna add in a bit of Korean chili flakes just give it a traditional spiciness as well oyster sauce a little bit of mirin [Music] a little soy sauce I'll just get it a little bit more poison sauce in there just for more sweetness add some water [Music] and bring that to a boil then we'll add the crabs in I have also have some gochujang so we'll add that into a little bit more flavor and more spice and then we'll add our crabs in that's one crab one and a half crabs we're gonna have the carapace as well all that buttery goodness right in there so let me turn this down cover with oh yeah this smells so good like a mix of mix of Korean black pepper crab I'm gonna do a second batch so I can watch [Applause] all right the crabs should be done now pull it off and we're gonna thicken the sauce with a little cornstarch foreign guys ready for this so saucy top it with some green onion and I'm gonna go in with a little katsu Mushi as well flakes oh too much wind there you go it's done Korean flavored black pepper crab it's gonna be a tasty one Tom sous vide some steaks as well when he ended up soothing this octopus too that he caught a while back so we have a little surf and turf dinner tonight to enjoy we've already had some delicious steamed crab just while we were chilling hanging out and now we get to enjoy this black pepper crab uh you can put some sauce on it though oh Chicago what did we talk about so good that is really good white girl all right put a little salt you're talking pleasure yeah so good and uh Tom how's the crowd oh how is it how's the crab that's fantastic dude it's so good okay that piece [Music] it was really good I think it's back they're both good boys but it adds another element a little bit more spicy we're gonna enjoy this delicious food from now looking forward to more Adventures here in California some new ones as well hopefully some tuna this year thanks for watching see you guys in the next one foreign [Music]
Channel: Outdoor Chef Life
Views: 152,051
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Crabbing in california, dugeness crab
Id: k4GSJTk6RzI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 56sec (1196 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 23 2023
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